I was a Long Haired Hippy in the 70’s
as I am still a Hippy in the Mind Heart and Spirit living in my Soul
but the Hair today is Short and turning gray and that’s OK
because I am still 100% Lesdyxic everyday
for truth in Science and for Love and Peace
make Love not War was the slogan of my day and still is today
and stop doing harm to Nature
while truly believing you are doing good
just like we did with Bloodletting many moons ago
as Bloodletting was based on True Belief not science
as true believers dictate science with zero rebuttal or debate
by Scientists who are not True Believers that Climate Religion wants to Prosecute
for not Truly Believing in ~ their ~ Climate Religion
and if that is not test proven crazy then I do not know what crazy is
as test proven crazy People who failed grade school science now dictate science
…can you debunk fact tested reality with make believe ?
~ can science be dictated by make believe ?
science is: to know
and ignoring tested reality does not make it go away
and if you do not denounce ~ publicly condemn ~ test proven Fraud in science
then you are apart of the test proven fraud in science
Political Nut Cases Dictate Science
Al Gore
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
is the biggest Proven Fraud and Political Scam in all of Political History
as we have had extreme progressive variable climate change for the past 4.6 billion years
and we will continue to have Climate Change for the next 4.6 billion years
because Climate Religion can not stop Climate Change
as Climate Religion continues to do test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature
as Al Gore can Articulate zero science
and has earned zero right to scientific opinion
Al Gore is a test proven
Snake Oil Salesman
committing Proven Fraud in science for Profit
with his proven to be Fraudulent World Wide Carbon Credit Scheme
as this is ignored by Climate Religion who want to Prosecutor Scientists for non-belief
as we know in Botany science we need more not less CO2
for a heather Carbon cycle
for heather stronger plants and trees
making the oxygen we breathe
as Al Gore believes the cause of life is Toxic Pollution
as Al Gore believes ~ water vapor ~ White Steam is Pollution too
while the first atmosphere was water vapor and CO2 causing the Carbon cycle
and as Joe would say
with a little N2 too
as many other gases in small levels would have been in the atmosphere too
when this Carbon based Earth was new
as the unproven theory is: this Carbon based Earth is 4.6 billion years old
as there will always be unproven science = unproven theory
as there is educated guessing and re-guessing in science
as we learn something new every day
and apply that new knowledge to the preexisting knowledge
that will support or debunk the preexisting knowledge
as this is only one part of the scientific method ignored by Climate Religion
as they ignore ~ substitute ~ preexisting knowledge from history
with belief in debunk unproven theory
while ignoring many other variables
that further debunk their Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory
the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body
who have overwhelmingly proven they can not be trusted
as the U.N. states it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Change
while ignoring the tested knowledge that has debunk Likely
is belief not proven theory
as prediction is not science
and true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board science
does not prove we cause Climate Warming
and when you go beyond one half of one climate variable
and include all the climate variables
ignore by those who make Ouija Board Prediction of the unknown future
Humans contribute to a minuscule un-measurable degree of climate cooling
in the infinity of variable ignored by True Believers
as their predictions did not happen
as Climate Religion continues to Truly Believe and Preach they are happening
further proving it is a Political Agenda Religion
as very proven Political Media Lies continue to dictate science
To: Joe Berry
Stanford University
Thank you Joe,
once again for your email debate
and thank you for sharing with me what you know
as you do not want to learn what I know
as you told me Dry Ice is Irrelevant
as you reject cold CO2 = Dry Ice to exist in the atmosphere
crashing downward to the Poles of this carbon based Earth
off-setting hot CO2 rising
as you pick and choose science to fit your true belief
as you are a Preacher for Debunk Science
as you belittled me
because I am just an Auto Mechanic
as you believe this is all I can know in tested reality
as I can only know as much as an Auto Mechanic can know
and what I do for a living defines and limits all I can know and be
while the most advanced Technology you can own since the late 1800’s
is the car you drive as there is far more
Physics and Chemistry and Atmospheric and Computer Science
and many other Sciences in the car you drive than the class you teach
and when NASA is Stumped and needs help
they ask Auto Technicians to come and save them
and I know of two of them here in Helena Montana
My Helena High School Auto Shop Instructor Allan E. Walter
who’s students won the Chrysler Trouble Shooting contest every year
until Chrysler told Allen his students could no longer participate
because his class won the contest every year
and the other Technician is the Brother of someone I have known for many years
who has an Auto Service Center here in Helena
while I am guessing you can not Diagnose and Repair your own Car when it will not start
Einstein was just an Office Clerk
Day Dreaming
to put food on the table
while I did not pay to go to school
~ as you did ~
they paid me
and I was given a new car to drive from my place of employment to drive to school
and my lunch paid for everyday
and I have Evaluated Auto Science Education
~ Joe ~
If you are not against the proven fraud in science
then you are for the proven fraud in science
as you turn a Blind Eye to all the very proven fraud in your
Climate Religion
and if you went to the Media today and told them that you
~ Joe Berry ~
that you know there is zero scientific consensus
and that you are against all the proven Lies proven Fraud and proven Fascim
by Climate Religion
you know what they would do Joe
~ nothing ~
they would ignore you
at best they would say you Joe Berry are just another
Skeptic and Denier
who believes the Earth is Flat
and that your no different than Tobacco Company’s promoting smoking and cancer
but maybe you do truly believe and truly agree with those Political Media Nut Cases
and you can continue to help them with their Nut Case Religion
preaching and comparing
the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth to cancer
as this is proven Political Media Lunatic Nut Case Belief not science
as the real cancer to the carbon cycle
to all carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth
is: Climate Religion
thanks to the very Responsible Scientist of this Carbon based Earth
and their very very True Belief
by supporting
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
based on very flawed very incomplete science
supported by test proven lies and test proven fraud
supported by very proven Political Media Agenda Fascism
and when I told you I did not believe in your Religion
you said you could Accept that
while your Religion is hurting the carbon cycle
while your Religion should not effect or control my life
or harm the carbon cycle causing all life
as your ~ .gov ~ so called peers own and control you
for the sake of ~ test proven ~ Political Agenda
is prediction science ?
and can you reverse self-debunk prediction ?
can you debunk knowledge with make believe ?
as you must agree with Al Gore and his Fraudulent Science
as you do not disagree with his proven Lies
so you must agree with Al Gore as he Preaches to the world
Water Vapor ~ white steam ~ coming out of Smoke Stacks
~ is: Toxic Pollution
2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom
carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
causing all carbon based Life and Energy
on this Carbon based Earth
~ is ~
Toxic Pollution
~ while ~
your science does not prove we Carbon based Humans cause climate warming
of this
Carbon based Earth
as your Chalkboard science has not debunk all the variables of Nature
as you acknowledge only ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as hot CO2 Rising is off-set by frozen CO2 = Dry Ice Falling
I will assume you ~ still ~ disagree with Steve Running
who states the SUN is not a climate variable
as we ~ know ~ the
~ SUN ~
with many cycles
that continues to be warmer and brighter over time is a Climate Variable
as Steve
all but ~ one half ~ of one climate variable when predicting the unknown climate future
with his computer = Ouija Board science
as Steve is a proven Lunatic in science who refuses to debate the real science
as he believes water vapor coming out of smoke stacks is Toxic Pollution
and CO2 with zero color taste or smell causing the carbon cycle is: Toxic Pollution
as he does not disagree with this Lunatic Belief
anyone who refuses to acknowledge fact tested knowledge for
Political Agenda True Belief
is a Lunatic in science and not a real scientist
~ as prediction of the unknown future is not knowledge ~
Steve and his computer Predictions are now self-debunk Garbage
as his Ouija Board science is not fact tested reality in real science
as James Hansen and his Predictions are now self-debunk Garbage too
as Manhattan is not now underwater as predicted
as most predictions never come true and if they did we would not be here
as NASA and their public statements are different than their Data
while 49 NASA scientist disagree with NASA
while it has been very proven
NOAA is using bogus Weather measurements to support their bogus statements
with weather stations on tared roof tops next to heating and air conditioning outlets
and along busy paved highways
while turning off weather station out in the middle of nowhere
and measuring CO2 levels for the entire atmosphere next to a very active volcanoe
as these are very bogus measurements and very Fraudulent Science
~ that you do not disagree with ~
as we live with very test proven fraud by a Political Agenda Climate Religion
doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle = Nature
costing only trillions of dollars
Climate Change is Real
as you ignore what goes up must come down
as the Hot CO2 Rises
~ * ~
as heat ~ still ~ rises
the very cold -200* CO2 = Dry Ice ~ still ~ take its place
more than off-setting the Hot CO2 rising
now add another Dozen Climate Variables missing from the so called climate study
and all of climate history further debunking true belief
and Ice core samples further debunking true belief
while knowing
something the size of a sewing thread
00.004% of the atmosphere or less
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field
~ as most Physicist would agree with that ~
all further debunking the now self-debunk computer climate prediction
Ouija Board Science
prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
from a climate study
U.N. Politicians
Failed Grade School Science
who state
it is ~ “likely” ~ Humans cause climate warming
as words of belief prove nothing in real science
while some Physicist state “maybe” humans cause climate warming
while many more Physicist state we do not cause climate warming
as prediction can prove nothing in real science
as prediction is not real science
as there can be no scientific consensus in computer prediction of the unknown future
as there is zero consensus in self-debunk computer climate prediction
as more Energy and Heat is escaping the atmosphere than
~ predicted ~
while over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 scientist I know of in the USA
disagree with the U.N.
while John Kerry Preaches a scientific consensus
that is ~ very proven ~ to not exist
proving John Kerry is a Lair and Fraud in science
as he preaches Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2
and of course if plants and trees stopped absorbing CO2
all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth would End
as we need more CO2 not less CO2 for a more Healthy Carbon cycle
while all of the scientific references sent to me by Al Gores website
is: Bogus Garbage
as the Media is allowing zero scientific rebuttal by the scientific community
who have fact tested reality debunking these test proven Political Lies
by test proven Lairs and Frauds in science
as we now live with fake news on all levels
as we now live today with political media make believe dictating science
they failed grade school science
so they just Truly Believe in Garbage called science
by proven liars in science
and why do U.N. Politicians
~ Believe ~
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
is Toxic Pollution ?
again proving they failed grade school science
as proven fraud in science is dictating science
with zero rebuttal or debate
thanks to
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
~ belief is not a flaw ~
True Belief in untested political agenda doing Harm to all Nature is a flaw
as both science and belief is tested
as real science is proven not believed
as climate change is Real for billions of years for a dozen natural known reasons today
ignored by a Political Media Climate Agenda
as the True Belief climate change caused by carbon based humans
of this carbon based earth
is a test proven Political Media Religion committing test proven fraud
and is a test proven Hoax
by those who do not follow and review and analyze the Real science
as they just believe in what they are told to just believe in ~
in self-debunk computer climate prediction based on one half of one climate variable
as they are True Believers not Real Scientist
as they have failed grade school science
by ignoring and rejecting the scientific method
as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they Preach their ~ test proven ~ debunk Garbage science to the world
as they allow zero Public rebuttal
as they are proven Pathological Frauds in science
of science they do not ~ know ~ or comprehend or want to know or comprehend
as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion dictate science to the scientific community
with zero Public debate
as Political Media Climate Religion continues to Preach to the world
the Cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ is ~
Toxic Pollution
while those watching Mashes and Islands sinking are telling us the Sea level is rising
when the Sea level is Declining
as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting
increasing water vapor and CO2 levels making this Blue and Green Earth Greener
as the rate of Warming continues to slow down and not seed up as Predicted
as True Believers continue to ignore fact tested reality for True Belief
as they continue to do ~ their ~ test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle and Nature
because they do not know or comprehend the Real Science
as they refuse to know or debate fact tested reality
for the sake of their True Belief in flawed incomplete Garbage science
as climate change is real for billions of years for a dozen plus known reasons today
ignored by
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
based on True belief in self-debunk computer prediction
by those who ignored Real Science for True Belief
in a very flawed incomplete bogus study by politicians
who truly believe in a flawed incomplete hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory
True Belief in one half of one climate variable causing all climate change
while ignoring a dozen plus climate variables
Political Media Religion not Science
Ignoring knowledge for true belief is not science
that is test proven Political Religion
by those who refuse to know for the sake of ~ their ~ True belief
tested knowledge they refuse to debate
~ proving ~
Lunatic Science
by proven frauds in science
~science is skepticism ~
True Belief Dictating Science
as the scientists who base their science on their true belief
while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge
to debate the scientists who base their science on the scientific method
on proven fact tested knowledge
Joe Berry
and your group of 376 Members of
“Responsible Scientists”
ignoring test proven Political Media Lies in science
ignoring test proven Political Media Fraud in science
ignoring test proven Political Media Fascism in science
who believe in a Flawed Incomplete Climate Study
who believe in a self-debunk Hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory
who believe in self-debunk Ouija Board Prediction
who believe in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable defines
all climate science
who ignore all other known climate variables debunking their true belief
who ignore all climate history debunking their true belief
who ignore Ice core samples debunking their true belief
as they ignore fact for true belief
~ while ~
over 30,000 scientists disagree with your 376 scientists
over 9,000 of them PhD’s
just in the USA
along with 49 NASA Scientists
and Physicists all over this carbon based earth
who do not ~ believe ~ in a very proven to be Flawed Incomplete Climate Study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
the bases for a failed computer climate prediction of the unknown future
known as Ouija Board science in the scientific community
while the climate study ignored a dozen known Climate variables
while this has further debunk John Kerry and his Fraudulent consensus
as true belief is Religion not science
and the 376 Scientist will not debate the real science
in an open public debate with scientists who disagree with them
as the real scientific consensus is Humans do not cause climate warming
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
Joe Berry
do you agree with John Kerry
and his public statement
Plants and Trees can longer absorb any more CO2 ?
and do you believe as Climate Religion believes
that Scientists who disagree with Climate Religion
should be Prosecuted ?
as Climate Religion has ~ Secretly ~ attempted to do
as this proves Political Fascism in Science by Climate Religion
as your Science Friends at the Union of Concerned Scientist
along with other organizations and News Papers
state publicly
1896 Arrhenius Paper
is Scientific Proof
Humans cause climate change
and of course we both know an outdated incomplete science paper
proves only fraud by those using it as Scientific proof of anything
while NOAA and their Climate Assessment is as Bogus as the U.N. Climate Study
as this goes well with their Bogus weather measurements
from their weather stations on tared roof tops next to heating and air-conditioning outlets
as all of NASA Prediction has failed
as Prediction is not science
as you support
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
as you do not disagree with
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
Committing ~ test proven ~ Fraud and Fascism in Science
as Climate Religion ignores fact tested reality for Fraudulent Make Believe
while true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board science does not prove
Carbon based Humans cause climate warming
as it is proven we contribute to climate cooling
off-setting warming by the variable Sun
as this Global Warming Period began 18,000 years ago
with Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages all along the way
as you ignore all science reference that goes against your true belief
as you pick and choose only the science that supports your self-debunk make believe
and if you do not publicly condemn test proven Fraud and Fascism in Science
~ then you Embrace it by Ignoring it ~
as Climate Religion refuses all and any open public debate
of all real science they ignore for true belief
~ in ~
self-debunk computer climate prediction
as Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent self-debunk Garbage
continues to dictate science
to the unknowing Public
if you can not publicly debate your science it is not real
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Lunatics in Science
who believe Water vapor and CO2
the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Pollution
Do you believe what Al Gore and Climate Religion is Preaching
that water vapor ~ White Steam ~ is: Toxic Pollution ?
as the Sierra Club referrers to White Steam as Pollution
along with all political organization preaching their true belief
while ignoring all proven fact tested knowledge
as they ignore the scientific method for true belief
proving it is a Political Pathological Religion
To: Jonathan Matthews
~ of ~
Carroll Collage & Sierra Club
Helena ~ Montana
you are a proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science
as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as you Brainwash the world with your true belief
as there is zero belief in real science
why do you ignore test proven fraud for true belief
as the test proven fraud by your climate religion is meaningless to you
so proven fraud is ~ OK ~ with you
as you ignore fact tested Reality for ~ your ~ true belief
as you make believe in a political Media agenda make believe
as you Lie to the Public for your true belief
as your True Belief is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle the cause of all Nature
and the cause all carbon based life on this carbon based earth
while costing Trillions to the Poorest of the Poor
as you continue to sell and support test proven fraud in science
doing test proven harm and zero good
for the sake of ~ your ~ Political Agenda True Belief
as there is ~ zero ~ belief in real science
as there is zero tested reality in your make believe science
and this why you can not have an Intelligent Scientific Debate
because you can not debate True Belief as you ignore all fact tested Reality
as you continue to believe the cause of all life is: Toxic Pollution
As your Climate Religion allows zero Public Rebuttal or Public Debate
as this proven political Fascism in science
as real science is questioned ~ tested and debated and not True Belief
as you believe the science is settled
when settled science does not exist in real tested knowledge of the scientific method
as we learn something new everyday
so tell me Jonathan
why do you believe the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
~ is ~
Toxic Pollution ?
Nature = God
if there is a God
as I can not prove either way
~ as ~
is the Cause of all climate change
not you and me
the Air we Breathe
the Soil we grow our food in
the Oceans Fishermen feed us from
are contaminated from and by
on going
Man Made
Nuclear Testing
Nuclear Accidents
Nuclear Fallout
Nuclear Waste
God and We together can not Cure
as we spend trillions to do only further harm to Nature
as the Trillions would feed the tens of thousands who starve to death every day
and work to find the cures for the Disease we intentionally cause to Humanity
~ as ~
I am for Green
I am for the cause of ~ all ~ Green and ~ all ~ Nature on this Carbon based Earth
I am for the cause of ~ all ~ Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ as ~
the cause of all the Green and all Nature
all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ is ~
Water Vapor
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
di = 2
oxide = oxygen
The First Atmosphere of this Carbon based Earth
Water Vapor and Carbon dioxide
the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
all of the Green and all of Nature
Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ while ~
Political Media Climate Religion is Preaching to the World
Water vapor and Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the first atmosphere
the cause of all the Green and all Nature and all Carbon based Life
on this Carbon based Earth
~ is: Toxic Pollution
~ proving ~
Fraud in Science by Lunatic Science
Climate Religion
as climate change is Real for billions of years
for a dozen known reasons today ignored by Climate Religion
Do you Truly Believe in
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
based on a
Political Agenda
based on
~ test proven ~
self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory
based on
~ test proven ~
Flawed Incomplete Debunk Fraudulent Garbage Science
True Belief
one half of one climate variable
of a dozen known climate variables ignored by Climate Religion
does not define all climate science
From my on going Climate Science investigation since 2007
from thousands of hours of investigation
and 40 plus years of back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science and Testing
every work day of my life since 1976
with a Doctor Honor in 2011
The Universe is a Progressive Variable
in continuous change
Ignoring all new and all old fact tested knowledge
further debunking your True Belief
for True Belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction = Ouija Board science
is: Lunatic Religion not Science
while proving you failed grade school science
as political media climate religion continues to ignore test proven knowledge for
~ True Belief ~
in self-debunk computer prediction based on very flawed incomplete Garbage Science
as they continue to Preach the cause of all Green and all Nature and all Life
~ is: Toxic Pollution
~ climate science ~ vs ~ climate religion ~
My Questions for an open public debate with Climate Religion
likely ~ maybe ~ what if
do not count as answers
~ 1 ~
why did Montana have California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years ?
~ 2 ~
why do we have Ice core samples
showing us Ice ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today ?
~ 3 ~
why has the sea level risen 350 feet over the last 26,000 years ?
~ 4 ~
why was the sea level 60 feet higher 135,000 years ago ?
~ 5 ~
why was the sea level 100 feet higher 14 million years ago ?
~ 6 ~
why are there Sea Shells 8000 feet above sea level today ?
~ 7 ~
why does Climate Religion continue to tell the world
Carbon based Humans are responsible for the Acidification of the Oceans
when there are over a thousand plus intermittent Volcanoes below Sea level
pumping CO2 into the Oceans causing the Carbon cycle above and below Sea level
while Acidifying the Oceans for Billions of years ?
~ 8 ~
why does Climate Religion believe
only one half of only one climate variable of a dozen plus ignored climate variables
defines all climate Science
~ 9 ~
why do 49 NASA Scientist and over 9000 PhD’s
of over 30,000 scientist that I know of in the USA disagree with your Climate Religion ?
~ 10 ~
why does Climate Religion continue to tell the world
there is a Scientific consensus when it has been very proven there is not ?
~ 11 ~
why does Climate Religion continue to believe in
self-debunk Computer Climate Prediction = Ouija Board science ?
~ 12 ~
why does Climate Religion refuse to acknowledge all other known Climate Variables ?
~ 13 ~
why is Climate Religion telling the world water vapor = white steam is toxic Pollution
~ 14 ~
why is Climate Religion telling the world
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
with zero color taste or smell
with water vapor causing the first atmosphere
causing the carbon cycle
causing all carbon based Life
on this Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Pollution
~ 15 ~
how does something the size of a sewing thread
trap heat in something the size of a football field ?
~ 16 ~
why does Climate Religion refuse to debate the ~ Real ~ Science ?
~ 17 ~
why do Intelligent Logical Carbon based Humans
who are 20% carbon made from CO2
with Commonsense
think and know
Climate Religion is a bunch of Crazy Lunatics
who failed grade school science
doing Harm to the Carbon cycle and Nature
by pumping CO2 into the ground
as this is
lowering oxygen levels in the air
turning underground water into Acid
while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air
to be Healthy and Strong
making the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe
while costing us Trillions of Dollars to do this intentional Harm to Nature ?
Climate Religion by a Political Media Agenda
rejecting the scientific method for True Belief in self debunk Ouija Board science
supported by test proven Lies and test proven Fraud
as they continue to do harm to Nature
~ why ?
does Climate Religion continue to ignore tested knowledge
for Political Media Make Believe in
~ test proven ~
Garbage Science
as Political Media Agenda continues to dictate science
as they allow zero public rebuttal by the scientific community
beyond the few Lunatics in science who have been debunk
and can not admit their hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory
was proven wrong
or debate the science that has debunk their True Belief
and who agree with
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
~ test proven ~
Lunatic Science
Over 90% of the CO2 going into the air
is from the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
while most of the CO2 not caused by the Hot Liquid core
is caused by Lungs = Nature
as all the Lungs on this Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars
When we can end political media fascism dictating science
Humanity will then learn and grow forward with tested knowledge
making this carbon based earth healthier
as Political Media Religion continues to dictate science with zero rebuttal or debate
as real science is ~ Questioned ~ Tested and Debated
and not True Belief in ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Political Agenda
Long and Short Term
~ Climate and Weather Variables ~
ignored by
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
and this is why their Chalkboard science based only on one half of one climate variable
to make a computer prediction of the unknown future did not work in real nature
Heat still rises as Cold air still take its place
as the increased levels of very cold -200* CO2 = Dry Ice
is continuously crashing toward the poles of this Carbon based Earth
cooling the air on the way down
10 times faster and 20 times longer
than the increased levels of frozen -200* Water Vapor
as this more than off-set the warming factor of Hot CO2 rising
while far more heat and energy is escaping the atmosphere than was predicted
and as evaporated Water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase
making this Green Planet Greener
as the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speeding up as predicted
while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting
causing the Sea level to decline and not rise as predicted
while Climate Religion is telling us the Sea level is rising when it is not
as evaporated Water vapor and CO2
is the by product of climate warming by the variable Sun
not the cause of climate warming
as the warming occurs first
then Water vapor and CO2 levels rise
off-setting warming
while making this Blue and Green Carbon based Earth Greener
as the Earth is not in a Greenhouse that can trap gases
while all gases caused by a Greenhouse are greenhouse gases
as Nitrogen and Oxygen are the by-product of a Greenhouse
and are together 99.04 % of the air
while CO2 is from the hot liuqid core of this carbon based earth
and is not the by-product of a Greenhouse
CO2 is the cause of the Greenhouse
causing all the Oxygen in the air today
so we can breathe
~ 1 ~
The Variable Sun
with many cycles
as the Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter
causing 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming periods over the past 2 million years
while one heat wave by the Sun will increase the density of the atmosphere 20%
and one day the Variable Sun will vaporize this Carbon based Earth
Ending Climate Religion in about 4.6 billion years
~ 2 ~
The 3 million mile Variable Distance
between the Variable Sun
and the Variable Churning Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
~ 3 ~
The Variable Ozone Hole
caused by Variable Solar activity
regulating the amount of energy interring and escaping the atmosphere
~ 4 ~
The Variable Hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere
while the churning of the Hot Liquid Core
causing Variable Volcanic activity
and Variable Hot Spots of the crust of this Carbon based Earth
causing Ice to melt from the bottom side faster than in other places
at different times
~ 5 ~
The Variable Un-Measurable Volcanic Activity
below and above Sea level
as there are about 350 continuously active volcanoes at this time below sea level
of about 1200 that I am aware of at this time
along with about 50 major short term volcanic eruptions below Sea level every year
some of them Supper volcanoes
providing mile long volcanic plumes floating around in the Oceans
finding there way to the surface of the Sea
along with many CO2 outlets on the floor of the Oceans that are not volcanic
as volcanic activity below Sea level has been Acidifying the Oceans for billions of Years
while providing most of the CO2 going into the atmosphere everyday
causing the Carbon Cycle above and below Sea level
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
and if all the Volcanic activity below Sea level was above Sea level
this Carbon based Earth would be covered in Ash miles thick
while this volcanic Plumes floating around in the Oceans
could explain sick Whales who may be swimming into underwater Volcanic Plumes
and try to breathe in this plumes
and this could also explain why large and small ships disrepair in calm weather
if one of this Volcanic Plumes were to surface under a ship
as this would swallow the ship into the Sea
~ all gases in the atmosphere caused by Nature are a variable not a constant ~
Nitrogen from decomposing soil is a Greenhouse Gas and is 78.09 % of the atmosphere
and will one day be most all the atmosphere
reducing O2 oxygen and CO2 levels to nothing
ending the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
as we need more CO2 not less to keep up with the increase of nitrogen
O2 = oxygen made from CO2 by the Carbon cycle is a Greenhouse gas
and is 20.95 % of the atmosphere
Argon from outer space is 00.93 % of the atmosphere
Water Vapor is not measured as part of the dry atmosphere
and is about five times the Volume of CO2
CO2 from the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth is 00.036 % of the atmosphere
as 00.004 % of the CO2 is caused by Humans
the equvelent of a sewing thread on a football field
to trap heat in something the size of a football field
as CO2 can not trap heat as heat still rises
as Lungs produce more CO2 than Cars
as all the CO2 is contributing to the Carbon Cycle
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ 6 ~
The Variable Evaporation Rate
of Water Vapor and CO2
caused by the Variable Sun
~ 7 ~
The Variable Cloud Cover
caused by Variable Evaporation Rate
~ 8 ~
The Variable Rate of NOx
nitrogen and oxygen bonding together
caused by
Variable Lighting
and by combustion above 2500 degrees
NOx is the source of
O3 = Oxygen = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone
causing the Ozone Layer
caused by direct Sun Energy separating the NOx
separating the nitrogen from the oxygen
~ 9 ~
The Variable O= oxygen = 1 oxygen atom
as we have O2 = oxygen = 2 oxygen atoms together
and we have O3 = oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms together
O = oxygen is a variable
caused by direct Sun energy separating Frozen Water
the O = oxygen evaporates
while the dirty H2 = hydrogen flows
into the Sea and Rivers and Streams
~ 10 ~
The Speed the Earth is Rotating
at 1000 miles per hour today at the Equator
and about one inch an hour at the poles
as the rotation continues to slow as the moon slowly moves further away
reducing gravity
~ 11 ~
as the moon and the planets effect the Earth in many ways
like Ocean tide
~ 12 ~
The Earths Wobble on its Axes is a long term a Variable
of 30,000 years to do a complete Wobble
continuously changing the location of the poles on this Earth
~ 13 ~
Just as the the Seasons are a sort term variable
when it is winter here it is summer over there
as the Earth tips forward and backward once a year
~ 14 ~
The Warming Factor of Hot CO2 Rising
~ 15 ~
The Cooling Factor of Dry Ice = Frozen CO2
crashing towards the earths poles
as fast as heat rises
~ as ~
Heat ~ still ~ Rises
Climate Variables
~ to be continued ~
as I have listed them many times before over the many years
and it is time to do so again
while there are Variables we may not be aware of yet
and Variables I am not be aware of yet
as we learn something new in science everyday
and this is why science is never settled
I am for truth in science
I belong to no political party
I have zero political agenda
as political agenda only allow one way of thinking or believing
~ as ~
test proven
Political Media Lies Dictate Science
Climate Change is not a Hoax
Climate Religion is a Hoax
…you can Preach God
but you can ~ not ~ Preach Science
as there is zero true belief in science
while you can not debate real science with True Believers
~ there is zero reality in science dictated by a political agenda ~
The only thing Climate Religion can prove is they failed grade school science
while they commit very proven fraud in science
while the contribution to climate change by
Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
is to insignificant to measure
as we contribute to climate cooling not climate warming
as Climate Religion continues to ignore a dozen plus Climate Variables
as Climate Religion refuses to debate the real science
because you can not debate science you do not comprehend
as Climate Religion continues to ignore their predictions did not happen
because they do not follow the science or comprehend the real science
so they can not review the real science
they just believe what they are told to believe in by a Political Media Agenda
while preaching their self-debunk prediction is happening when it is not
as all science is ~ Questioned ~ Tested and Debated
and not
True Belief
in self-debunk prediction
Climate Change is Real for Billions of Years
by many known Climate variables ignored by Climate Religion
a they ignore all fact tested knowledge for True Belief
If you do not want to ~ know ~ for the sake of your True Belief
then you will never know Fact Tested Reality in Science
…can you predict the unknown future ?
can you ~ know ~ the unknown future ?
we can learn nothing from prediction
there is zero truth in true belief in prediction
there can only be truth in tested knowledge
while we can learn everything there is to know from history
providing us with wisdom from the knowledge and the mistakes of history
while ignoring history for true belief in prediction based on zero history
proves nothing in real science
while providing zero wisdom and only fear based on zero knowledge
as we repeat history by ignoring the knowledge of history
having to learn the same thing all over again instead of growing forward
~ as ~
Prediction is not knowledge ~ prediction is make believe
as hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory is not fact tested reality
while those predicting the unknown future can teach us nothing
as most predictions provide only needless fear and paranoia
while most predictions never come true
while a logical prediction can only be made with the knowledge of history
and not by true belief ignoring the wisdom from the history of all knowledge
by a Political Agenda True belief
~ as ~
the ~ only ~ Certainty
in the Scientific Method is: uncertainty
as new knowledge continues to debunk pre-existing knowledge
as we continue to learn something new everyday growing forward
as we Teach the Scientific Method to our Children in early Grade School
and those who reject the scientific method for true belief have failed grade school science
as true belief is not knowledge
as settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method
and stating your true belief in a political agenda is settled science is: Lunatic science
just as stating White Steam coming out of a Smoke Stake is Pollution is: Lunatic science
just as stating the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is Pollution
is: Lunatic science
based on ~ Zero ~ fact tested reality of the scientific method
as true believers continue to just believe in this Lunatic science
Should all climate variables be in a climate study ?
or just one half of one climate variable ?
~ when predicting ~
the unknowing future of
extreme progressive variable
Climate Change
that is:
very real for billions of years caused by an infinity of climate variable
by many climate variables ignored by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
who have failed grade school science by ignoring the scientific method
as they ignore proven fact tested knowledge debunking their True Belief
True Believers who now dictate science to the unknowing Public
by allowing zero rebuttal or debate in the Media
as 49 NASA Scientist
and over 9,000 PhD’s
of over 30,000 scientist that I know of just in the USA
disagree with Climate Religion
while proving John Kerry and his 97% consensus is a Lie
as the scientist who do not truly believe in Climate Religion
have zero voice in the Media
a Media devoted to a Political Agenda of Human caused Climate Warming
based only on True Belief while ignoring test proven fact
True Belief
in self-debunk
prediction ~ hypothetical conjecture ~ unproven theory
as the Political Media True Belief has been scientifically debunk
by proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
fact tested reality ignored by True Belief
as the numbers on the chalkboard used to make a computer prediction
based on hypocritical conjecture ~ unproven theory ~ True Belief
based on only one half of one climate variable of many known climate variables
has been debunk by the test proven Physics and Chemistry of Real Nature
fact tested knowledge ignored by the True Believers of Climate Religion
while the True Believers want to Prosecute Scientist who are not True Believers
for non-belief in true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction
based on flawed incomplete so called science
and a misinterpretation of numbers on a chalkboard
this chalkboard science does not prove CO2 Traps Heat in the Atmosphere
as the chalkboard science failed th
real test of real Nature
because it did not incorporate the basic fundamentals of real science
by rejecting all other known climate variables
and climate history
as Nature has debunk the Hypothesis = unproven theory and Climate Religion
as the hypothesis was debunk before it was a hypothesis
it was a bad hypothesis based on a lack of very known science
providing a self-debunk hypothesis
as the Religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
Climate Change is Real
as paranoid true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction continues
by True Believers who continue to ignore the tested knowledge of history for True Belief
who continue to dictate garbage science
with zero debate by refusing to Publicly debate the Fact Tested Reality
from the history of knowledge they refuse to know
True Belief
based on a very flawed incomplete so called Climate study
rejecting the scientific method
rejecting more proven knowledge than is in the Political Climate study
because the knowledge they continue to ignore continues to further debunk
their self-debunk
hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory = True Belief
True Belief dictating science to the unknowing public
with zero scientific debate
with very proven Fraud all along the way
with the help
by those who refuse to ~ know ~ beyond their personal feelings of true belief
Jason P Samenow
of the Washington Post
~ as you believe one half of one climate variable defines all climate science ~
as this is 1/24th of climate variable
or about 5% of climate variable
while over 90% of that 5% climate variable is caused by Nature
and not by Carbon based Humans
as the percentage of CO2 caused by Humans
is the equivalent to a sewing thread down the middle of the fifty yard line of a football field
to trap heat in something the size of a football field
as you believe this defines all climate science
a hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory
by misinterpreted numbers on paper debunk by Nature
one half of one climate variable ignoring the other half of the very same variable
because what goes up must come down
while heat can not be trapped in the atmosphere like in a Greenhouse
as the variable Ozone hole regulates much of the heat and energy
interring and escaping the atmosphere
and is one of the many climate variables ignored by your climate religion
as the faster CO2 heats the air the faster the heat moves upward
~ as all heat still rises ~
the faster cold air still continuously take its place
as most of the atmosphere is -200* below zero
and in that cold -200* below zero air crashing toward the Earths Poles
are increased levels of frozen water vapor and increased levels frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
with the Dry Ice cooling the air on the way down
10 times faster and 20 times longer than the increased levels of frozen water vapor
warming up to about -100* below zero on the way to the poles of this carbon based earth
~ more than off-setting the hot air rising ~
while causing the rate of climate warming by the variable Sun
as the Sun continues to become warmer and brighter
as this warming period that began 14,000 years ago
~ to slow down ~
and not speed up as predicted
while the rate of evaporation by the variable Sun has exceeded the rate the ice is melting
causing the Sea level to decline
and not rise as predicted
debunking the prediction = hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory
as we are told ~ preached ~ the sea level is rising by Climate Religion
as this is a very proven Lie
in this brand new science we are still just learning to know
as we do not know more than we do know
as you Jason ignore 95 % of the knowledge we do know today
now add the last 2 million years of climate history
with 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming Periods
further debunking your true Belief
and Ice core Samples
showing us Ice ages with much higher levels of CO2 than today
further debunking your true belief
and 180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry
like Heat still Rises
and frozen CO2 causes cooling
further debunking your true make believe
as Governments scientist
from NOAA are providing us with bogus statements
from bogus Measurements from weather stations placed on tared roof tops
next to heating and air-conditioning outlets
while shutting off weather stations out in the middle of nowhere
while the NASA predictions did not happen proving they were wrong
while their data is different than their public statements
as the EPA can prove nothing beyond their true belief
while the U.S. Government has given hundreds of millions of dollars
not for science research
to people and political Organizations
selling Climate Religion to the Public
who are asking the U.S. Government to Prosecute non-Believers
as you know nothing beyond your true belief in true belief
provided to you by Government Scientist who have committed Fraud
for a political agenda as they can prove nothing with real science
as real science has proven you and they are wrong
as you will continue to believe what you are told to believe in
by proven frauds in science
as there is zero belief in real science
as you believe in a Prediction based on political belief
that ignored all the fact tested knowledge
knowledge that existed before your True Belief existed
knowledge ignored for True Belief in self-debunk prediction
while the by product of Skepticism is real science
~ peace ~
~ * ~
~ this space is for you ~
to explain in your words
how Humans cause all or any Climate Warming with one half of one climate variable of
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
di = 2
oxide = oxygen
just forward it to me
and I will put it here word for word
as hundreds of millions live in fear and paranoia based on self-debunk prediction
controlling all of our lives not just theirs
very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for billions of years
~ while ~
Jason has not investigated all of the known climate science
as I continue to investigate all of the science for many hours everyday since 2007
as Jason just Truly Believes in what he is told to just Truly Believe in ~
as Jason obviously rejects the scientific method for True Belief
anyone calling them self a scientist who reject or ignore fact tested knowledge
for a True Belief is not a real scientist of the scientific method
they are a test proven True Believer
and when you provide those who call them self a scientist
with the proven fact tested knowledge debunking their true believe
and then they continue to ignore fact tested reality for their true belief
and continue to preach to the unknowing Public their True Belief as test proven fact
this proves scientifically they are a pathological Fraud in real science
as they truly believe in their test proven lies
~ as ~
I challenge Jason Samenow
to an open public debate in real science
as Jason a Pathological Fraud is preaching test proven Garbage to the unknowing public
as the public has the right to know fact tested reality beyond Jason’s True Belief
as Jason only wants the Public to Believe in his Political Media Agenda True Belief
and does not want any Public rebuttal to his true belief in what are very proven
Political Media Lies
as Jason has decided for his readers what is real and what is not
based on self-debunk computer prediction
based one one very small fragment of all knowledge
~ one half of one climate variable ~
of an infinity of climate variable
by a dozen climate variables
ignored by Climate Religion
as Climate Change is Real
as Jason has proven to the scientific community he is a True Believer
for political media paranoid climate religion
and is not a Real Scientist
as he can prove noting with Real Science
Jason can not prove We cause Climate Warming
beyond his True Belief
as tested knowledge ~ still ~ debunk make believe
I do not Deny Climate Change
as Climate Religion calls me
~ The Denier ~
as this only further proves their Pathological thinking
and lack of real knowledge
caused by a mental block by their True Belief
as all True Believers refuse to Debate the real Science
further proving it is a Political Media Religion and not real science
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
~ while ~
I am not against True Belief
as we all have something we truly believe in ~
as I Believe in Truth in all of Life for a Better Life for all
as I Truly Believe in ~ truth ~ in science
while there is zero True Belief in real science
science is: to know
and not make believe
as I always hope we can all learn and grow forward together
as I challenge all True Belief dictating science
by those who do not comprehend the tested knowledge
who block tested knowledge from their mind for their True Belief
as they reject the scientific method for their personal feelings of True Belief
as I continue to expose and attack test proven fraud in science
in my on going climate science investigation since 2007
while most of the fraud in science is pathological
Honest Fraud by True Believers
who believe in
political media agenda
True Belief
Is your science reality based on fact tested knowledge you comprehend
or on preached to you Hearsay Political Media True Belief ?
In my book White Steam is not pollution
while true believers continue to believe and preach
White Steam coming out of smoke stacks is pollution
proving their pure stupidity in real science
and in my book the cause of the first atmosphere with water vapor
causing the Carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
causing all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth is: not Pollution
as Climate Religion Truly Believes and Preaches the cause of Life is: Pollution
further proving the pure stupidity of Climate Religion in real science
as we live in this very modern world where
Social Paranoia
is driven by True Belief in proven to be self-debunk computer climate Prediction
based test proven flawed incomplete Garbage called science
as Paranoid True Belief preached by those who do not comprehend the science
is the real Pollution in real Science
as True Believers are doing real test proven harm to the Carbon cycle and Nature
costing trillions of dollars to do only harm to all Life and Nature
while their True Belief preaches they are doing good
as Paranoia in self-debunk computer climate prediction and Pathological Fraud
continue to dictate science
Zero Question
Zero Rebuttal
Zero Debate
in the Media
thanks to a very proven Political Media Agenda
by those who do not comprehend the science either way
as their science is based only on their personal feelings of True belief
in self-debunk prediction by
Flawed Incomplete Political Garbage Science Fiction
as Climate Change is Real
~ while ~
maybe you can accept and truly believe in preached political media agenda True Belief
as test proven fact
by Politicians and Journalist
who Failed Grade School science
by ignoring the scientific method
who do not follow and investigate the real science
who can articulate zero real science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who can provide you with only their personal feelings of true belief
in their true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction
~ I can not ~
as there are zero feelings in real science
as there is zero hearsay true belief in real science
as true belief in very proven to be self-debunk computer prediction is: Lunatic Religion
by True Believers and proven to be Snake Oil Salesman
and their very proven to be Fraudulent Political Media Public Lies
because they do not comprehend the real science
as they dictate garbage science to the unknowing public
while true belief in any prediction is Lunatic Religion not science
as there is ~ zero ~ true belief in real science
~ as the numbers on paper have been debunk by Nature ~
Climate Change is Real
and is scientifically proven to not be caused by You and Me
Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life
that we need more of not less of to make this Carbon based Earth Greener
with more Carbon based Plants and Trees Breathing more
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
as CO2 and Water vapor and Sun light
is the primary cause of all Green and all Carbon based Life
all the Oxygen we Breathe and all the Carbon based Food we Eat
it is preached to us with zero rebuttal or debate CO2 is: toxic pollution
White Steam
CO2 have never been called toxic pollution until Al Gore and Climate Religion said so
as those who failed grade school science dictate science
~ as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming ~
I ~ Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana
~ challenge ~
Jonathan Matthews
of the
Sierra Club and Carroll Collage
Helena ~ Montana
along with all or any Scientists of Carroll Collage
who ~ Believe ~ as Jonathan and the Sierra Club truly believe
in Human caused Climate Warming
to an open public debate in ~ science ~ Climate Science
do you believe I should have the very same rights as you
or do you believe I should be Punished because I do not agree with your Political Agenda ?
~ as ~
Jonathan has told me I am misinformed and ill educated
while Jonathan can not prove his climate religion is not a religion
while he is against non believers having the same rights as true believers
as Jonathan ignores a dozen climate variables that I am aware of
from thousands of hours of Investigation since 2007
while Jonathan has zero hours of Investigation
as he continues to insult me and belittle me with his proven Stupidity
as he looks down on me because I am just a dumb dyslexic Auto Mechanic
while Jonathan a PhD is not smart enough to fix a car
while Einstein was just an Office Clerk
as belittling is the best Rebuttal Jonathan can do
as he can not answer my science questions I know the answers too
because he knows nothing beyond true belief
as his true belief has been debunk by fact tested reality
Reality he does not comprehend
because his true belief continues to block tested reality
as true belief in words of true belief prove nothing in science
as true believers do not know they just believe
~ while ~
~ what one does to put food on the table does not define what they can know ~
as I am Educated in many subject areas and self educated in many others
I was invited to participate in the
London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in June of 2013
I received a Doctor Honor in October of 2011
and I have Evaluated Education Programs
while I have been Trouble Shooting and Diagnosing all types and kinds of problems
on many Technical levels that no one else could for over 30 plus years
~ while ~
Jonathan is a proven political media pathological fraud in science
as there is zero reality in his political science fiction
as he can not debate the real science he does not know
and refuses to know
as he can not acknowledge over 9,000 PhD’s disagree with him
or admit he is wrong
because there can be no wrong in true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction
as Jonathan truly believes in Lunatic science
as he truly believes in self-debunk Ouija Board science
this is not the first time I have made this Challenge
while I have had zero response in the past
so maybe this could be the first time for an open public debate in climate science
by Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth
as Climate Religion always refuses to debate the real science
for the sake of ~ their ~ true belief in Political Science Fiction
their true belief in self-debunk Prediction
and why acknowledge
peer-reviewed proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
when you can just be Paranoid in make believe in self-debunk prediction
based on flawed incomplete so called science
supported by ~ very proven ~ Political Media Fraud
while doing test proven harm to Nature
proven by my on going investigation since 2007
with my 40 plus years of back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science and Testing
supported by 180 plus years of very proven Hard Science in Physics and Chemistry
and millions of years of Climate History
and Ice core samples
ignore by
who has earned zero right to scientific opinion
as Jonathan continues to belittle me for many years now
with his lack of comprehension of the real science
for his true belief in self-debunk computer prediction
based on very proven to be flawed incomplete Garbage science
as Jonathan ignores fact tested reality for true belief
based on zero proven knowledge beyond his test proven make believe
as knowledge is not based on true belief in self-debunk prediction
as Political Media True Belief now Dictate Science
based on ~ Zero ~ scientific method
and very real Paranoia in a prediction of the unknown future
that is preached to be happening when it is not
as Jonathan continues to believe in numbers on a piece of paper
that have been very debunk by the many proven Physics of Real Nature
by many known Climate Variables
all ignored by those predicting the future with their computers
as all prediction is: Ouija Board Science
as the prediction of the unknown future based on one half of one climate variable
of many known variables is a very flawed incomplete hypothesis = unproven theory
while there is zero reality in true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board Science
and if the Real Scientists of Carroll Collage do not wish to support Jonathan
in an open public debate
of Jonathan’s test proven to be make believe science I will understand
while there are some scientist who believe there is only one half of one climate variable
to define all climate science
while ignoring all the very known climate variables
so we shall see
otherwise maybe Carroll Scientists can better Educate Jonathan in real science
and the scientific method
as you must look at all the known knowledge and facts and variables
in a real scientific study
and incorporate all new knowledge along the way
and not ignore and reject all the known facts and climate variables
while using only half of one climate variable to define all of climate science
while it is only the Pathological Lunatics with zero back ground in the science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who are preaching their Paranoia in self-debunk prediction as test proven fact
who tell me I am misinformed
who are the proven pathological political media Frauds in science
who are allowed to dictate science to the public with zero rebuttal
as the local News Paper continues to print very proven to be fraudulent Political lies
lies supported by the news paper with zero rebuttal of any kind
in their very fraudulent ~ Fake News ~ paper
for the sake of their political agenda
as Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle and all of Nature
because they do not comprehend the real science
as they continue to believe in Garbage science with out Question or Debate
as they continue to believe in test proven political media lies
thanks to those who failed grade school science like
John Kerry
who has a very long list of very proven Political Media Lies
embraced by Lee ~ Fake News ~ Papers here in Montana
who decide for their readers what is real and what is not in science
~ science they do not comprehend ~
while Jonathan can not accept real science that goes against his true belief
as Jonathan is far better informed in make believe science than me
as I acknowledge all known climate variables
and all known climate history
and all known climate related science
and I acknowledge CO2 with zero color taste or smell is the cause of the carbon cycle
and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth and is: not pollution
and that we need more CO2 not less CO2 for a healthy carbon cycle
as we live with many variables providing an infinity of Climate variable
while Jonathan acknowledges half of one climate variable
as the other half he ignores has more than off-set the other half he believes is doing harm
while further debunking his True Belief
while I am guessing Jonathan agrees with the other true believers that
the cause of the first atmosphere
causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is: Pollution
and maybe he believes White Steam is pollution too
as many true believers do
while I am very much against the continued Political Agenda Fascism in science
as the public should know all sides of the science so they can decide for them self
what is real and what is not
as Jonathan seems to embrace political fascism in science
as he is for allowing only one side of many sides of the science to be known
maybe he agrees with Prosecuting ~ Scientists ~ non-believers
as Government True Believers have attempted to do
as he preaches his test proven lies to the unknowing public
while rejecting all forms of proven knowledge
because real knowledge goes against his true belief in a Political Agenda
and his true belief in a self-debunk prediction
as this is: not science
Jonathan is a True Believer not a real science
as Jonathan will not debate the real science
science I have sent to Jonathan that he obviously does not comprehend
or does not want to comprehend
or just deleted
as he refuses to look and see beyond only his True Belief
for the sake of his true belief and political agenda
Jonathan does not want a meeting hall full of people to learn what I know
from thousands of hours of real investigation since 2007
and 40 plus years of working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science and Testing
and 40 years of Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide Science and Testing
while Jonathan tells me I am misinformed
as Jonathan does not ~ want to know ~ the test proven reality
that has debunk his True Belief
and he does not want to know about
the very proven fraud and fascism by his Paranoid Climate Religion
as Jonathan will continue to be a true believer while ignoring all fact tested reality
as Jonathan has a True Belief
and there is zero room for real science in True Belief
as real science is knowledge not political media agenda true belief
and he will continue to preach his true belief in self-debunk computer prediction
because that is what true believers do
they just truly believe
while ignoring fact tested reality
as there is zero proven science to prove Humans cause Climate Warming
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion continues to do test proven harm to Nature
the sake of their true belief
while ignoring their proven harm to Nature for the sake of their true belief in true belief
believing one half of one climate variable defines all climate science
is: Lunatic science
while believing something the size of a sewing thread
can trap heat in something the size of a football field
is: Lunatic science
while believing the cause of all life is Pollution
is: Lunatic science
while pumping CO2 into the ground is lowering oxygen levels in the air
turning underground water into Acid
while reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe
at a cost of trillions of dollars
is: Lunatic science
as Jonathan continues to just ignore all fact tested knowledge
as true believers dictate science with zero public rebuttal or debate
the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
as I Question and Test and Debate Reality
I do not Make Believe in Hearsay True Belief
dictated by pathological political media fools
who have publicly failed grade school science
who have rejected the scientific method for
Fraudulent Political Media Agenda True Belief
while true belief in self-debunk computer prediction is: Lunatic Religion
and not test proven science
True Believers will continue to believe in and preach
with all of their hart and spirit and soul
their very true belief
in a very self-debunk
Hypothetical Conjecture = Unproven Theory
based on a very flawed incomplete study
provided to us by Politicians
who failed grade school science
and who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as many True Believers are committing proven fraud in science
as True Believers look the other way
they do not know what is real and what is not in real science
True Belief does not accept knowledge
True Belief rejects knowledge of and by the scientific method
True Believers do not want to ~ Know ~
as True Believers dictate science with zero question ~ test ~ or debate
a Real Scientist does not reject tested knowledge for any True Belief
a Real Scientist does not pick and choose knowledge based on political True Belief
science is: to know
by question ~ test ~ and debate
cs there is only settled science by True Belief
while predicting the unknown future with or with out a computer is Ouija Board science
and anyone trying to sell me ~ Steam is: Pollution ~ is a Snake Oil Salesman
and is not a Real Scientist of the Scientific Method
as Paranoid Snake Oil Salesman who predicted the the unknown future
with their Ouija Board science
based on flawed incomplete garbage science
as their Ouija Board prediction is now self-debunk
are still dictating science to the world
with zero public question or public test or public debate
thanks to the support of a very Fraudulent Political Media Agenda
that does not comprehend the real science while ignoring the real science
as they just believe in True Belief
as True Believers want to Prosecute non-believers who ~ know ~ and do not believe
as this ~ proves ~ Political Fascism in science
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
Scientifically proven make believe
as the True Believers who refuse to debate real science
~ yes ~
I am a True Skeptic of True Believers of a Political Media Agenda ~ dictating ~ Science
with zero scientific rebuttal in the Media
who want to Prosecute and Punish ~ Real ~ Scientist of the Scientific Method
who they refuse to debate for the sake of their personal feelings of True Belief
in very proven to be self-debunk computer prediction
as they preach to the public the prediction is happening when is not
while Climate Change is very real for billions of years caused by an infinity variable
as we have not accelerated this warming period that began 14,000 years
as the rate of warming has slowed down
as Water vapor and CO2 levels continue to rise from evaporation by the variable Sun
as the rate of evaporation has now exceeded thew rate the Ice is melting
and for the past 7 years causing the Sea level decline
the increased levels of Water Vapor and CO2 caused by Evaporation by the variable Sun
is making this Blue and Green Carbon based Earth
~ Greener ~
while slowing down the rate of warming
as Paranoid make believe continues to dictate science
True Belief in Political Media Hearsay with zero Public Rebuttal or Public Debate
is: not
Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method
and then
how do we debate Lunatics in science who Truly Believe
White Steam is: Toxic Pollution
and how do you debate Lunatics in science who truly believe
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution
while they are harming the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature
based on their personal feelings of true belief in Political Media Agenda Hearsay
True Belief
and when you can not debate your science or allow rebuttal to your science
this proves Scientifically
its not Real
Climate Change is Real
and stating Humans are responsible for Climate Warming
is Scientifically
a Test Proven Political Media Lie
by very proven Political Media Fraud and Fascism
by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
for the sake of True Belief in self-debunk prediction
based on one half of one climate variable
of an infinity of climate variable
allowing only one way of thinking or believing
is: Fascism
~ Peace ~