The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief in Science



~ Polar Bears are Snow Birds ~


where do Polar Bears go during Ice Ages ?

when the Ice is miles thick

and the Polar Bears can not break through the Ice to get to their food

~ as there have been 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods ~

~ over the past 2 million years ~

The Polar Bears go back home to Montana where they came from

the Polar Bear is a Montana Grizzly Bear that roamed north

as Polar Bears adapt to Nature

as Nature can not adapt to Polar Bears

and in all reality

Polar Bears just go anywhere they want to go

as they can swim up to 70 miles at a time

while there are more Polar Bears today than 50 years ago

because now they no longer have to break though very thick Ice to get to their food


Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

while 135,000 years ago the Oceans were 60 feet higher than today

and after a Supper Volcano 74,000 years ago

as we know from our DNA Funnel

there were about 15 breeding Woman left on this Carbon based Earth


the long term Nuclear Pollution of this Carbon based Earth continues to grow

in the Air in the Soil and in the Oceans

as this continues to be ignored


 many moons ago

a Political Body not a Science Body

known as

The United Nations

a group of  Carbon based Politicians from all over this Carbon based Earth

who have Publicly proven they failed Grade School Science

~ decided ~

for the rest of the Carbon based Humans

made from this Carbon based Earth by the Carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

that it was time to save this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it

from 4.6 Billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

caused by a dozen or so Climate Variables known today

and many more variables we do not know of

~ as of yet ~

as Climate Science is a brand new

un-questioned ~ un-tested ~ un-debated


as we continue to learn something new everyday

as the U.N. ~ Believes ~ all climate change

is caused by only one of the many known climate variables

as this one variable is only one very small fragment of all climate knowledge

of an infinity of climate variable

as they ignore all other known climate variables

that debunk

their hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory

as they ignore all known climate history

that debunk

their hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory

making their climate study very flawed and very incomplete a very bogus study

while the one climate variable they believe is the cause of all climate change

is the cause of the first atmosphere with water vapor

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of the Green and all of Nature

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

( 2 oxygen atoms ~ based ~ to 1 carbon atom )

from the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

while the Politicians of the U.N. who failed grade school science

who decided to ignore all other known climate variables in their climate study

then decided the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

and the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

with zero

color ~ taste ~ smell

is: Toxic Pollution

and that

white steam ~ water vapor ~ coming out of smoke stakes is toxic pollution too

as the Politicians who failed grade school science then began their Climate Study

with their flawed incomplete debunk hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

truly believing

CO2 caused only by Carbon based Humans is the cause of all climate change

as this level of CO2 by Humans is far to minuscule at 00.004 % of the air or less

and can trap nothing in the other 99.996 % of the atmosphere

as all heat still rises and cold air still take its place

as Humans are responsible for 10% or less of all the CO2 in the air

as all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

as the U.N.s one climate variable based only on the 00.004 % CO2

was then the bases for a computer climate prediction

for all of the unknown future climate of this carbon based Earth

~ that is now self-debunk prediction ~

while the outcome of this politically based very flawed very incomplete

proven to be very fraudulent climate study that ignored all other known climate variables

 causing an infinity of variable

and while ignoring all climate history

as stated by the UN

their study

~ proves ~

it is “likely” Humans all cause climate change with man made CO2

as the U.N. continues to truly believe and preach

based on their flawed incomplete self-debunk hypothetical = unproven theory

that Carbon based Humans cause all climate change

as they continue to ignore all science knowledge and climate history

that continues to debunk their true belief

in fact their true belief is based on only ~ one half ~ of that one climate variable

as they state the other ~ one half ~ of that one climate variable

is: Irrelevant

as hot CO2 rising is off-set by -200*  frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

crashing to the poles of this carbon based earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

as Heat still rises

as this knowledge is ~ Irrelevant ~ to the U.N. and all True Believers

and Irrelevant to their very flawed incomplete fraudulent climate study

along with the many other climate variables and climate history

further debunking their self-debunk hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory

as they continue to believe the cause of the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all the Green and all of Nature and all Carbon Life on this Carbon based Earth

with zero color taste or smell

is: Toxic Pollution

proving they failed grade school science

as Pathological Frauds in science continue to dictate science

as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion allows zero Public Rebuttal or Public Debate

as real science is questioned ~ tested and debated

not preached and dictated and brainwashed political media agenda make believe

as Climate Religion refuses to debate the real science of the scientific method

as self-debunk flawed incomplete unproven theory does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

as those who failed grade school science dictate science

by rejecting and ignoring the scientific method

for ~ their ~ personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk prediction

as the Hole Climate Religion continues to dig

is more than big enough to bury them selves with

 as “likely” continues to prove nothing in real science

as words prove nothing in real science

and rejecting knowledge for true belief is not real science

as the UN continues to preach Humans cause all climate change

with the cause of all the Green

the cause of all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

as there is zero reality in self-debunk prediction

as Political Religions that dictate science never debate real science of the scientific method

as there is nothing beyond true belief to prove Humans cause climate Warming


Repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming


~ Real ~

Responsible Scientists do not ignore knowledge for self-debunk Hypothetical

~ as do the ~


~ un-real ~

Responsible Scientists


who are members of the

National Academy of Sciences

as they are the Psychics of Science

providing us with the out come of their Seance and Tarot Card Readings

as most of them have ~ zero ~ back ground in Atmospheric Science

as the Psychics of Science are providing us with their vote of confidence and full support of

~ their ~

Climate Religion

while ignoring the basic fundamentals of real science of the scientific method

for their personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

as I am reviewing their backgrounds while getting their email address

as I am sending this to all of them with the exception to those who have passed away

as they can not debate their personal feelings of true belief in

~ Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion ~

based on self-debunk prediction

based on one half of one climate variable

based on a very flawed incomplete study

as their Religion is doing test proven harm to Nature

as their Religion ignores this fact tested knowledge for hearsay true belief

fact tested knowledge their Religion refuses to debate for the sake of their true belief

as there can be no real scientific debate with Psychic make believe

as they continue to Preach to us their



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as they state Humans cause climate change based on self-debunk prediction

based on flawed incomplete science

as this is: Lunatic Science


as further debunk self-debunk hypothetical conjecture

does not prove we Carbon based Humans cause climate Warming

and anything and everything beyond that is test proven make believe

as these Psychic Scientists just Believe and can prove nothing

as 99% of these Psychic Scientist have zero back ground in Atmospheric Science

and so I wonder why they could not find more than just a handful people

with back grounds in atmospheric science

who would have an earned opinion to sign their letter


how does a zoology scientist earn the right to scientific opinion in climate science ?

as their  bogus letter just goes with their bogus science based on Garbage science

I all read in the letter they singed are test proven lies they will refuse to Publicly debate

as they are the test proven fools of true belief in science

who have put their Faith in a Political Agenda and Hearsay science

based on a lack of real knowledge

~ while ~

49 NASA Scientists

and over 9000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientists that I know of just in the USA

who have zero voice in the Media

to rebuttal the proven to be bogus statements by climate religion

who disagree with the 376 Scientists with zero back ground in climate Science

the 376 scientists who are the Scientifically test proven expert

Snake Oil Salesman


Al Gore

who is a more than very proven Fraud in science

and his

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who are very proven Frauds in Science

as they are doing test proven harm to Nature

for the sake of their true belief in self-debunk prediction

for Profit

as there is a lot of money to be made in Climate Religion

like pumping CO2 into the ground = Hundreds of Billions

and trillions over the next 10 to 20 years

so we can lower oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into Acid

while Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less

as we are told by Climate Religion

~ John Kerry ~

Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

while at 160 ppm CO2 in the air will end the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

as the carbon cycle

is how the (O2) = oxygen part of man made CO2 is recycled back in to the air

where it came from

while making this Carbon based Earth Greener

and then we could do something positive with the wasted Hundreds of Billions of Dollars

and the Trillions of Dollars doing only harm and zero good

going to the very rich taken from the very poor

as Climate Religion is doing something so very negative to Nature

as their is zero logic or common sense in Climate Religion

who refuse to allow any and all open public debate of the real science

as they truly believe in their backward science

as I refer to this backward science as modern day Bloodletting

thanks to Al Gore and his Lunatic Snake Oil Salesman

who believe and Preach

and Brainwash

only Humans cause all climate change

with zero rebuttal or debate

as we live in one of the mildest and calmest climate periods of this Earths History

so we have 376 scientists

most of them with zero back ground in Atmospheric science

who Truly Believe

self-debunk prediction proves humans cause all climate change

and we have over 30,000 scientists in the USA who do not Truly Believe

who know prediction is not science

and personal feelings of true belief is not science

and true belief in self-debunk prediction is very lunatic science

the Lunatics refuse to debate


~ one of many Questions that can not be answered by Climate Religion ~

with real science

as true belief in self-debunk Peer-reviewed Ouija Board Prediction

proves nothing in real science

~ 1 ~

How does something the size of a sewing thread

trap heat in something the size of a football field

as the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is the equivalent to a kite string

down the middle of the fifty yard line of a Football Field

while the level of Man Made CO2 is the equivalent to the thinnest sewing tread

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

~ ? ~

~ and the answer is ~

only in Fantasy Political Science Fiction


~ while all heated gases still rise ~

including CO2 removing heat and energy from the lower atmosphere

while frozen air with frozen water vapor and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice still take its place

at the Poles of this carbon based earth

and as evaporated water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

and as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the ice is melting

the Sea level has declined for the past 7 years

while Jim Hansen predicted in 1989 Manhattan would be under water today

and of course you can ~ believe ~ Manhattan is under water today but its not true

as in Real Physics CO2 does not and can not trap heat and energy

CO2 transfers heat and energy upward

and very very cold downward

while the Earth is not in a Greenhouse where heat can be trapped

as far more Heat and Energy is escaping from the atmosphere than Predicted

through the variable Ozone hole

~ ignored as a climate variable by Climate Religion ~

along with a dozen other variables

while one half of one climate variable can not define all climate science

as there is more science missing from Climate Religion than in Climate Religion

as there is more fact tested reality missing from Climate Religion than in Climate Religion

as the very proven Lies and the very proven Fraud by Climate Religion continues

as Lunatic Science continues to Dictate Science with zero Public rebuttal or debate

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic Science

as the so called experts in science continue to ignore fact for make believe


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ as ~

climate change is: real ~ for billions of years


science is: to know

as real science is: Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

as true belief is not science

so how is belief in prediction of the unknown future science

and then how is true belief in self-debunk prediction = science of the scientific method


I will never comprehend how anyone who calls them self a scientist

can truly believe in self-debunk prediction

or can accept true belief in prediction of the unknown future as science = knowledge

when there is zero knowledge in prediction

when there is zero true belief in real science of the scientific method

and as self-debunk prediction can not be reversed

then the only way to defend self-debunk prediction as science

is to ignore

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as prediction is not science ~ debunk or not debunk

as there is zero knowledge

in true belief in make believe in prediction of the unknown future

~ as ~

there is zero scientific reality in Ouija Board computer prediction

~ while ~

the Flawed Hypothetical Conjecture = Un-Proven Theory


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with the cause of the carbon cycle

2 oxygen atoms ~ based ~ to 1 carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

is: Self-Debunk

and those who Preach Humans cause Climate Warming

are scientifically proven Fools and Liars

who refuse to acknowledge scientific fact for Political Media Science Fiction


~ how do you debunk make believe ~

when Make Believe ignores proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


Climate Change is Real


Climate Religion is a test proven Hoax

doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature

costing Trillions of dollars to Humanity and the Poorest of the poor


the Cowards of Scientific Reality

the Preachers for self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

by our  ~ .gov Friends of the National Academy of Sciences

and the 376 so called Responsible Scientists

most of them with zero back ground in Atmospheric science

who are a political Church rejecting knowledge for Political Science Fiction = make believe

~ who refuse to debate the Real Science ~

who dictate flawed incomplete hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory as Science

as they ignore the scientific method

as they believe in settled science when settled science does not exist in real science

for their True Belief in test proven flawed incomplete debunk hypothetical they call Science

 for their political agenda

as True Believers in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

can prove nothing beyond their True Belief in self-debunk Ouija Board prediction

prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as only 10% or less of that ~ one half ~ of one climate variable is caused by Humans

while the other one half of that one climate variable has more than off-set the other half

as the Cowards of Science Reality state the other ~ one half ~ they ignore is Irrelevant

proving Lunatic science

as they Ignore

a dozen other climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

that has further debunk the self-debunk Ouija Board computer climate prediction

as they Ignore

Climate History that has further debunk their self-debunk Ouija Board climate prediction

and Ice core samples that further debunk their self-debunk Ouija Board so called science

as the Predictions were debunk with preexisting science

before they made their Bogus Ouija Board climate predictions

predictions of the unknown future based on a flawed incomplete fraudulent climate study

based on zero scientific method

as test proven Political Media lies continue to dictate science

~ by the test proven Liars who refuse to Publicly debate the real science ~

as they continue to Lie to them selves

as their Make Believe is doing test proven harm to real Nature

for True Belief in a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda

as they refuse to acknowledge fact tested reality for their true make believe

for the sake of their Political Agenda

as 376 true believers who call them selves


Responsible Scientists

who truly believe in

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on self-debunk Ouija Board Prediction

based on a proven to be very flawed incomplete bogus political climate study

based on a proven Political Agenda

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

based on zero scientific method

by ignoring Real Science

for True Belief

as they fully support publicly the test proven Fraud of their political Climate Religion

as they do not publicly denounce the test proven fraud of their political Climate religion

as they support the cause of the carbon cycle is Toxic Pollution


49 NASA Scientist

and over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of just in the USA

do not believe in this Climate Religion based on self-debunk Ouija Board prediction

while the Supreme Court of the State of Montana


Ouija Board Science

does not prove Carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this carbon based Earth

as Ouija Board Prediction is truly believed in by 376 irresponsible so called Scientists

hiding behind their test proven make believe

in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

as they have Failed real science by ignoring real science for make believe

and by ignoring the very proven Fraud by their climate religion

Fraud thanks to our ~ .gov scientists at NASA & NOAA and the EPA

providing proven to be bogus measurements and proven to be bogus statements

and by Politicians and Journalist who continue to make very fraudulent statements

as they preach their Climate Religion to the unknowing public

as the Public is only allowed to hear the fraudulent side of the story

as these 376 true believers are the test proven Hoax of science

as they are the Church of self-debunk Ouija Board Science

as they have been debunk by fact tested reality they continue to ignore

~ for self-debunk make believe they refuse to Publicly debate ~

as true belief in prediction is Religion not tested knowledge

and true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic Religion

as real science is: to know

and not true belief in prediction

and not true belief in self-debunk prediction

Preached by the True Believers of Climate Religion

~ who refuse to Publicly debate the real science ~

the Hard Scientific Facts they state are Irrelevant

because the hard science has debunk their make believe science

as their true belief in

~ one half ~

of one climate variable to make a self-debunk prediction

does not define climate science

~ science they refuse to Publicly debate ~

as True Believers now dictate their Garbage science

as there is zero scientific consensus in self-debunk make believe

~ as ~

water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation by warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

self-debunking the Ouija Board prediction

while proving

the frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing back to the poles of this carbon based Earth

cause cooling off-setting the warming of hot CO2 rising

as this very basic heat transfer science continues to be ignored by climate religion

and as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

caused by warming by the variable Sun

the Sea level has declined for the past 7 plus years

self-debunking the Ouija Board prediction

as you must incorporate all climate variables not exclude all climate variables

while something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

while ~ one half ~ of one climate variable does not define climate science

as defined by

Climate Religion

who continue to Preach and Brainwash

the self-debunk predictions are still happening

as they continue to truly believe in self-debunk prediction

as they truly believe prediction is science

as they continue to ignore all fact tested reality

~ for their political agenda they refuse to Publicly debate ~

as Climate Religion can answer zero of the real questions of real science

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

not make believe

and here are just a few of my Questions for Climate Religion

of many more questions they can not answer

~ 2 ~

when did heat stop rising

and increased levels of frozen -200*  water vapor and CO2 = Dry ice

stop taking its place at the Poles of this carbon based earth

~ 3 ~

why is the Variable Sun with many cycles

that continues be warmer and brighter not incorporated in your Ouija Board Prediction

the very variable Sun


20 Ice ages and 20 Global warming periods over the past 2 million years

~ 4 ~

when did the variable 3 million mile distance

between the variable Sun and the Variable Earth

stop being a climate variable

~ 5 ~

when did the variable Ozone hole stop being a climate variable

~ 6 ~

when did the variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the Oceans and Lower atmosphere

stop being a climate variable

~ 7 ~

when did un-measurable volcanic activity from 300 plus active volcanoes at this time

below sea level stop being a climate variable

~ 8 ~

why do the true believers of climate religion

believe the cause of the carbon cycle is Toxic Pollution

as this is being preached by the Politicians and Journalist of your climate religion

~ 9 ~

why is your Climate Religion pumping CO2 into the Ground

lowering oxygen levels in the air

turning underground water into Acid

while Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be strong and healthy

as this is truly lunatic science

by Lunatics in science

~ 10 ~

why do you ignore those of climate religion

who are using an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

as scientific proof

proving only Fraud in science

~ 11 ~

why did Montana have California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years


as this is small sample of Questions Climate Religion can not answer

as they continue to ignore fact tested reality for self-debunk make believe


~ Ignoring fact tested reality does not make it go away ~

as they ignore all test proven fact for ~ .gov political science fiction agenda

as the U.S government has given hundreds of millions of dollars

to many scientist

hundreds of millions to individual scientists who are true believers

and given millions only because they are true believers

who can prove nothing with real science


Jagadish Shukla

George Mason University

$350 Million

who can prove nothing beyond make believe

who believes non believers should be Prosecuted

for non belief in his true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

as Climate Religion has secretly tried to do



 will not Publicly debate his true belief

as he Preaches his Climate Religion

that is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle = Nature

as tested knowledge further debunk self-debunk make believe

as we live with scientists for sale by ~ .gov

as very proven Political Media Fascism continues to dictate science

based on self-debunk Ouija Board prediction

based on a flawed incomplete climate study

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of an infinity of climate variable

as Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less CO2

as we live with Bogus science by bogus Scientists

who continue to Teach = Preach their Bogus science

based on Bogus self-debunk prediction


why do they truly believe when there is zero belief in real science

as the so called experts ignore tested reality for self-debunk make believe

as make believe dictates science


~ the real ~

Responsible Scientist

are the 49 NASA Scientists

the over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientists

that I know of

who do not truly make believe in self-debunk Ouija Board prediction

and they do not accept and reject the cause of the carbon cycle is Toxic Pollution

and they do not accept one half of one climate variable defines climate science

as they disagree with the U.N.

and their  very flawed incomplete ~ political ~ climate study

while 367 true believers who truly believe in

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

will continue to truly believe when there is zero belief in real science

as they fully support Lunatic Fascist Fraudulent make believe Science

by the Climate Religion they represent

as they can not prove Humans cause climate change

and can not debate real science

because they can not answer the real questions of real science


~ there is zero Scientific Reality in Ouija Board Science ~


I am going with the real scientists who do not accept prediction as science

while if any of the true believers of Lunatic science would like to explain me

how make believe or true belief in prediction is science

and then explain to me how your true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board prediction

proves Humans cause Climate Warming

please do so


as the Snake oil Salesman

continue to ignore fact tested reality for make believe

as their Political Religion is not Science

I do not truly believe in self-debunk Prediction as proof we cause climate change

do you ?


This is a sample of what I know from 10 years of ongoing investigation

with 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science

proving fraud in science by Ouija Board Political Climate Religion




 130 years ago there were no Power Plants and Automobiles

so why did it take 130 years to as warm as it was 130

~ ? ~

….can you reverse self-debunk computer prediction ?

by those who Truly Believe prediction is science

as there is zero knowledge in prediction of the unknown future


Should science be Questioned and Tested and Debated


Political Media ~ Preached ~ Make Believe

as Politicians and Journalist

who have Publicly Failed Grade School Science

continue to dictate science while allowing zero public Rebuttal or public Debate

of their test proven public lies while proving Political Media Fascism in science

as they allow only their Debunk True Belief to be Preached to the Public

as the reality of Nature continues to define and debunk the reality of Climate Religion


~ knowing ~

Climate Change is very Real for billions of years

and all of the Green on this Carbon based Earth

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is caused by

evaporated Water vapor and CO2


a Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

and then

~ truly believing ~

Water vapor and CO2 is: Toxic Pollution


you truly believe what you are told to just truly believe

by those who Failed Grade School Science

~ because ~

Political Media Climate Religion

will allow zero Public Question zero Public Rebuttal and zero Public Debate

 in Real Science today

for the sake of their personal feelings of true belief in a Political Agenda

that is doing test proven harm to Nature

as this is not Real Science

and when the Words Preached by CBS & NBC & ABC are then just believed

with zero Question or Debate

this is not Real fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method


when Fact Test Knowledge is Ignored for personal feelings of Political True Belief

this is Religion not Science

and when the Media does not allow for open public rebuttal or public debate in Science

for the sake of their personal feelings of True Belief in Political Agenda

this is Political Fascism for a Political Agenda that has nothing to do with Real Science


Russ Doty

I Challenge you to an Open Public Debate in Real Science

as Climate Religion refuses to debate real science

or allow Public rebuttal of proven to be bogus statements in real science

as Climate Religion can answer zero of the real questions in real science

as self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction can prove nothing in real science

as I have yet to see self-debunk prediction be reversed

a prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as prediction is not science

while most predictions never come true

while those who failed Grade School Science

by ignoring the scientific method for their Political Agenda

based on Garbage Political Science Fiction with zero Scientific rebuttal

and why tell the Public both sides of the story

when you can decide for the Public what is real and what is not

and where would we be today

with out political media fascism in science in America

as Fascism is dictating the cause of life is toxic pollution


Lunatic Science


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who refuse to debate real science

because you can answer zero of the real questions in real science

as your so called science can not stand on its own two feet in a real scientific debate

as you ignore real science for

Political Media Brainwashed True Belief

doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Robert J. Samuelson

Washington Post


49 NASA Scientist

over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,0000 Scientist in the USA

that I know of

disagree with your personal feelings of True Belief in a Political Agenda

Real Working Scientists who you ignore for your personal feelings of True Belief


~ Stories ~

in the News

~ Stories ~

in Magazines

~ Stories ~

in the News Papers

supported by zero scientific Data or Published Peer-reviewed Science

are just Stories

and when those who wrote the stories can not provide real scientific reference

beyond only ~ Words ~ to support their ~ Words ~ of  True Belief

then the Stories are Bogus Stories that prove nothing in real science

and when you send those telling the Bogus Stories Real Scientific Reference

that debunk their words of their personal feelings of their True Belief in a Political Agenda

and then they continue to tell their debunk Bogus Stories to the public

stating their debunk stories are fact tested reality in science while

~ proving they obviously did not investigate their story beyond only their true belief ~

their Stories are then ~ test proven ~ Lies

by ~ test proven ~ Lairs

as they tell us ~ the Public ~ they are fair and balanced

while only telling the public the their Bogus side of the story

for the sake of their personal feelings of True Belief in a very proven to be political agenda

doing test proven harm to Nature

based on debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction

as the News of today has proven they can no longer be trusted in any way

because the Public

~ knows ~

the News is Selling and Preaching only one side of the story for ~ their ~ Political Agenda

as the public ~ knows ~ there is more than on side of the story

as the Public ~ knows ~ there are two sides to the story

as the News has become Snake Oil Salesman for Bogus science they do not comprehend

as their Bogus science is doing test proven harm to Nature

the Carbon Cycle


and when your Scientific Data is Different than my Scientific Data

there can be no consensus in real science

and when your Data is proven to be intentionally Bogus Data


your public statements are proven to be different than your Data

or you ignore new Data that goes against your personal feelings in your true belief

for a proven to be Political Agenda

that is Fraud not Real Science

as the Political Media Fraud in science continues

with zero public Rebuttal or public Debate allowed by the Political Media

who own and control the proven to be Bogus News

based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as this is proven Bogus Garbage science

by True Believers of Bogus Garbage science

as most predictions never come true

as prediction is: not science


science is: to know

and there is zero knowledge in prediction of the unknown future

and true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction is Religion not science


Climate Change is Real


not caused by you and me


Political Media Climate Religion

continues to dictate science

while real science is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

not dictated by Political Agenda

as dictated science is fascism in science and not fact tested reality

as those who failed Grade School Science now dictate science to the unknowing

as Climate Religion continues to state to the Public

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is: Toxic Pollution

as we are spending trillions of dollars to do only test proven harm to

the carbon cycle = Nature and zero good

and a Carbon Tax is a Tax on the cause of all Carbon based Life

and will only further contribute to test proven harm to Nature

as Plants and Trees need 4 times more CO2 than in the air today

to be healthy and strong

to be the carbon based food we eat while making the oxygen we breathe

while pumping CO2 into the ground is lowering oxygen levels in the air

and turning underground water in to Acid

as CO2 does not cause climate warming

when you incorporate the other ~ one half ~ of the one climate variable

missing from the so called climate study

and then incorporate all the other known climate variables

missing from a bogus Climate Study

by politicians who failed Grade School Science

who have a Political Agenda based only on ~ their ~ True Belief


CO2 and water vapor is the by-product of warming by the variable Sun

not the cause

as the hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory is now further debunk

by the reality of nature ignored by the True Believers predicting the unknown future

with their computer Ouija Board Prediction

as you Russ and Robert have Failed Grade School Science

and a carbon tax would only further hurt the poorest of the poor and nature

as the Poor are now paying the trillions that is doing the test proven Harm to Nature

as a few very rich become very richer

as climate change is not caused by Carbon based Humans

of this carbon based Earth

with Man Made carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

and you Robert have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and can provide zero scientific Data to support your Bogus Story

as those who failed Grade School Science Dictate Science

while allowing zero Scientific rebuttal or Scientific debate

as you Robert ~ Preach ~ your hearsay make believe to the Public

based on test proven Garbage you call science

science you do not comprehend and never will

as you Russ and Robert have been Brainwashed by Political Media Climate Religion

Who Truly Believe

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ is ~

Toxic Pollution

as you Russ and Robert are 20% carbon made from CO2

as everything on this carbon based earth has carbon in it

so everything is now Pollution by your true belief

as you do not comprehend the Knowledge

as you just Believe and Preach what you are told to just believe

by your Political Media Climate Religion

as your Scientific Opinion Robert is: test proven Garbage

and I think Taxing ~ test proven ~ Stupidity is a better Idea

and then very Stupid carbon based Politicians and Journalist would wise up in a hurry

in real science

as those who continue to believe

~ in ~

self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory

are not very smart carbon based humans on this carbon based Earth

as those who ignore real science dictate science



Extreme Progressive Variable

Climate Change is very Real for billions of years but not caused by You and Me

as you believe in Garbage you call science that is based on zero scientific method

that you obviously do not comprehend

as I know ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

used to make a Ouija Board climate prediction that is now debunk by real Nature

does not define climate science

as I know the cause of life is not Toxic Pollution

as your Political Media Climate Religion Preaches it is

while refusing to debate the real science



40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

investigating Climate Science everyday since the spring of 2007

~ proving ~

Political Media Agenda Fraud in Science



Prediction is not Science

and the Predictions based on flawed incomplete science

were debunk when the predictions were made

as ignored History continues to further debunk

self-debunk Make Believe

as the chalkboard science has been debunk by the many reality’s of ignored Nature

ignored by those predicting the unknown climate future

with their computer = Ouija Board climate prediction

~ as ~

Hot ~ CO2 ~ Rising

is off-set by

Cold – 200* CO2 = Dry Ice Falling

as this knowledge is ignored

by those predicting the unknown climate future with their Ouija Board computers

prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring all other known climate variables

and all known climate history

that further debunk their self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction

~ as ~

Climate Change is Real


The Variable SUN

with many cycles

as the Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter

will one day

~ Vaporize ~

this Carbon based Earth

as this knowledge continues to be ignored by Climate Religion

~ while ~


Water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of Warming not the cause of Warming

ignored by those making their computer Ouija Board Climate Predictions

as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation caused by warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

as more heat and energy is escaping the atmosphere than

~ predicted ~

self-debunking the computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the Sea level to fall for the past 7 years and not rise as predicted

self debunking the prediction

as prediction is not science

as science is: to know

as there is zero knowledge in prediction of the unknown future

and if Ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about one plus inches a week

caused by evaporation by the variable Sun

as most of the CO2 above Sea level comes hundreds of active volcanoes below Sea level

while acidifying the oceans over billions of years

as increased levels of water vapor and CO2 are making this Carbon based Earth

much Greener

as CO2 and water vapor is the cause of all Green

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

as Climate Religion continues to Preach to the world

the cause of all Green the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is: Toxic Pollution


4.6 billion years of

very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is not a Hoax

30 plus years of  test proven

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

is a Hoax

as Climate Religion is about not learning fact tested knowledge

Climate Religion is about rejecting fact tested knowledge

knowledge they do not want to comprehend for the sake of their true belief in

computer Ouija Board Prediction of the unknown future

based on a proven to be flawed incomplete climate study

based on self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory

based on one very small fragment of all climate knowledge

~ one half ~

of one climate variable

proving it is a Political Media Religion rejecting real science

as the incomplete science has been debunk by the proven Reality of  Nature

as the majority of True Believers comprehend zero science


When you limit your knowledge for the sake of Political Media True Belief

you are not a scientist of the scientific method

when you reject new and preexisting scientific data

that goes against your True Belief in a Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven theory

that is Religion not Science

as True Belief in Prediction is not Science

and True Belief in Failed Prediction is Religion not Science

as Ice Core Samples show us Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

as this knowledge continues to be ignored by Climate Religion

as true belief in words of true belief prove nothing in science

as we continue to hear and see proven to be bogus hearsay scientific statements

as true believers can see nothing beyond their true belief

and what goes up must come down

as hot CO2 rises

the frozen CO2 = Dry Ice continues to come Crashing downward to the Poles

of this Carbon based Earth

as this is more than off-setting the hot CO2 rising

as Heat ~ still ~ Rises

as this knowledge continues to be ignored by Climate Religion

along with many other climate variables

for the sake of true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction

as climate history alone has further debunk the hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of the

Carbon based Earth

as tested reality continues to be ignored for political agenda true belief

doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature

costing Trillions of Dollars to do only test proven Harm and zero good


If we are going to spend trillions of dollars on something

lets ~ not ~ spend trillions of dollars to lower oxygen levels in the air

lets ~ not ~ spend trillions of dollars to turn underground water into acid

lets ~ not ~ spend trillions of dollars to reduce

what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to Breathe

to be the food we eat while making the oxygen we breathe

lets spend trillions of dollars doing something positive

making all life better not worse for all of life

on this

Carbon based Earth

as I continue to Attack True Believers who are Brainwashing the world

with test proven Garbage science

by those who have zero back ground in the science

who do not follow the science

who have not reviewed all the science

who do not Question the science

who refuse to Debate the science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who believe one small fragment of all knowledge can define all climate science

as ignored knowledge does not disappear for

Political Media Agenda True Belief

based on Ouija Board Prediction


How can a climate study by politicians that focus only on

~ one half ~

of one climate variable

of a dozen climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

to make a computer prediction of the un-known future

to support a proven political agenda expect to be taken seriously

by the scientific community

as the 97% scientific consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

while very proven Lies and very proven Fraud in science

ignored by Climate Religion

continue to dictate science with zero public rebuttal or public debate

by Fraudulent political media news who comprehend zero real science


To: Jonathan Matthews


Carroll Collage and Sierra Club



you have in fact insulted me and belittled me

regardless of your True Belief

as you are a proven Pathological Lair

because you truly believe your test proven Political Lies

as you ignore all knowledge that goes against your Political Agenda True Belief


I Challenge you Jonathan to an open public debate in real Science


as there are zero feelings in real Science

and anyone who truly believes something the size of a sewing thread

can trap heat in something the size of a football field

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes you can leave a dozen climate variables

out of a climate study and call it good

and then truly believe ~ one half ~ of one climate variable defines all climate science

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes the cause of the carbon cycle

causing all carbon based Life on this carbon based earth is Toxic Pollution

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes predicting the unknown future is Science

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes the science is settled

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

while rejecting new and preexisting scientific data for true belief

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes Humans can stop 4.6 billion years

of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

is a Nut Case not a Scientist

and anyone who truly believes Scientist who do not believe in your Climate Religion

should be Prosecuted for non-belief

~ as a group of Attorney Generals for Climate Religion has tried to do secretly ~

is a Fascist Nut Case not a Scientist

and of course you can not have an Intelligent Scientific Debate

with a Fascist Nut Case who is not a Scientist

as the Nut Cases who truly believe in this Political Media Nut Case science

continue to preach to the world

Real Scientists who are in Denial of this Nut Case Science

believe the Earth is Flat

and should be Prosecuted for their Denial of the Nut Case Science

~ Jonathan ~

 you are not going to Brainwash me with your Political Garbage True Belief


Nut Case

self-debunk Lunatic Ouija Board Prediction of the unknown future

~ that we are wasting trillions of dollars on ~

to do only harm to the carbon cycle = Nature

so take your Pathological Fascist Nut Case Political Agenda Religion

and go Brainwash someone else

for your

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

and maybe your political friends at Lee News Papers

who belong to a political media organization dedicated to promoting

Humans caused Climate Change

regardless of real scientific data they continue to ignore

who preach Climate Religion with zero rebuttal

as I am very certain they will be more than happy to print another one of your

Bogus Letters to the Editor

full of  Nut Case science

that they will allow zero scientific rebuttal to

so you can Brainwash more Montanans with your Political Garbage Nut Case science

~ as ~

the Sea level will continue to rise and fall as it has been doing for billions of years

regardless of Humans

as new data has shown us the Sea level has declined over the last 7 years

as many Political organizations continue to state it is rising

while the Oceans have risen over 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

while you can not prove with real science it is caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

and if the Ice did not melt in between the last 20 Ice ages of the past 2 million years

the Sea level would fall rapidly from evaporation by the variable Sun

as the majority of climate change is by the variable Sun

as this knowledge along with many other variables is ignored

by those who made the Hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

for true belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as you continue to embrace test proven Fraud and Fascism in science

as I have answered ~ all ~ of your questions and you can answer ~ zero ~ of mine

as you refuse to acknowledge any and all Scientific Reference

that goes against your True Belief

or acknowledge very proven Fraud by your Climate Religion

proving it is a Political Religion and not Real Science of the scientific method

as there is zero belief in real science

while I will always be curious Jonathan

who Brainwashed you ?

as this is the only question you can answer

as you can not answer the real questions of real science

as you continue to preach to me I am misinformed

Happy Brainwashing

as Climate Religion continues to preach Fear and Paranoia

based on

Bogus Ouija Board Prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable of a dozen climate variables

proving the Politically based Climate Study is very Flawed and very Incomplete

as climate history has further debunk

the Bogus Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory

as a Real Scientist ~ knows ~ Facts debunk Make Believe

and will admit they are wrong when proven wrong

and grow forward with real science

but a Real Scientist can not be Brainwashed

by a Political Media Religion based on Garbage science

because they ~ know ~ better as real science is: to know

and not by ignoring the scientific method

and I am not Hateful Jonathan as you believe

as that would be a waste of my valuable energy

as you have already wasted by valuable time with your test proven garbage science

as I attack True Believers Hard with Hard Facts they ignore for True Belief

and what I do as an Author on this website

does not define who and what I am in my personal life

just as you can not define the personal life of an Attorney

based on a his Professional Legal Argument in a Court of Law

as I have a very happy positive personal life

and I have much to teach my Grandson

who has a much better comprehension of Real Physics than you Jonathan

and he is only 7 years old

as I am for Truth in Science and confront Political Media Stupidity in Science

Brainwashing the unknowing Public

by those who have earned zero right to Scientific opinion

as I continue to Rattle Cages for Reality that you continue to ignore for True Belief

as your self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable continues to prove only stupidty in Science

as your Reality is based on ~ test proven ~ make believe

as my Reality is not based on make believe in Political Garbage Science Fiction

as your Political Media Religion continues to dictate science

with zero public rebuttal or public debate


Political Media Fascism in Science

as history continues to repeat itself

as you continue to ignore science history that has debunk your unproven theory

as you can learn from the science history you ignore and refuse to know

while we can learn nothing from your self-debunk prediction

as you continue to ignore the science from the history of knowledge for your true belief

proving your belief is a political Religion and not science

as you will always be a Pathological True Believer

as you will always ignore all knowledge that has debunk your true belief

as you will always ignore science that goes against your true belief

as you can answer zero of the real science questions

as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and this why you refuse to any open public debate in real science

as a real open public debate in real science would prove


you are a fool in real science

as Pathological Make Believe can not ~ Publicly ~ confront Fact Tested Reality

as not one true believer on this carbon based earth will ~ Publicly ~ debate the real science


they can not answer the ~ Questions ~ they continue to ignore for true belief

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested



not make believe


science is: to know

and believing is not knowing

and ignoring the Questions do not make them go away

as this only proves you do not know

because you do not Question and Test and Debate

you just believe what you are told to just make believe

and with out Question or Debate

as you will continue to Preach your Political Science Fiction

further proving it is a Political Media Religion

as your Religion continues to state

the cause of life is: Toxic Pollution

and as you continue to ignore the very proven Fascism and Fraud

by your Political Climate Religion

then you are Embracing the proven Fascism and Fraud

that I ~know ~of from my ten years of on going investigation

so you will continue to make believe

and I will continue to know and try to stop the test proven harm to Nature

by your Political Science Fiction

as you continue with out Question with out Debate

to do test proven harm to Nature for the sake of your true Make Believe

as I do not just believe what I am told to just believe

by Politicians and Journalist who have Publicly Failed grade school science



do the this Carbon based Earth a Favor

I want you to take a spool of sewing thread and go out to the football field

and place the sewing thread all the way down the middle of the fifty yard line

and then go sit in the grandstands

now sit there and Think

how does something the size of that sewing thread trap the heat

in something the size of that football field

that is heated by the variable hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

and by the variable Sun

while knowing ~ all ~ Heat still rises

as cold air take its place at the north and south poles of this carbon based earth

and then I would like you to let me know

how something the size of a sewing thread can trap heat

in something the size of a football field


while over 90% of the CO2 going into the air is not caused by Humans

and all the Lungs on this carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

as only about 10 to 12% of us own and drive a car less than an hour a day

as most of us do not start driving until we are 16

and then we stop driving before we pass on

while Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less

Carbon base Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide



do not confuse shaming you with my painful honesty with hating you

as I dis-like your Nut Case Political Media Science Fiction Religion

but I am not like your Climate Religion who want to Prosecute and Punish Scientists

for their non belief in your Climate Religion as they have tried to do Secretly

while this sounds just like ISIS to me

and the Christians during the Christian Crusades

who killed everyone who was not a Christian

as I am very much against Fascism that your Climate Religion is very much for

while my science argument does not define who and what I am

and when you are ready for an open public debate in real science you let me know

as you state I am misinformed

as climate change is Real for billions of years but not caused by you and me

as your Climate Religion calls me ~ The Denier ~ of something I do not deny

as this is known as a Pathological Mental Block

as this is a very common condition in True Believers of Climate Religion

who comprehend zero science

as they continue to reject knowledge for True Belief

and that is the result of excellent Social Brainwashing


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

while I know there are many of your Climate Religion who do hate me

by there repeated attempts in different ways to harm me

most of the time it is just something sent in an email to harm my computer

while I have had PhD’s threaten to Ruin my Life

who can provide zero intelligent scientific rebuttal

and other PhD’s who’s only scientific rebuttal is name calling and belittling

while I have had my Home shot up by paint guns a few times

along with other property damage by Trespassers

while I have a new Dog I am working with today

because someone Poisoned my Dog Hemi

a very Healthy very Smart vary Beautiful English Setter in her Prime

as it is the Very Violent Political Activist of Climate Religion

who failed Grade School Science who are Breaking the law and doing Physical harm

with their political Terrorism to People and things

as they are the Soldiers of Paranoid Climate Religion

who are going to save this Carbon based Earth

from 4.6 billion years of on going Climate Change

as Climate Religion continues to spend trillions to do their test proven harm to Nature

while Truly Believing they are doing good

as the majority of True Believers Comprehend ~ zero ~ science

as your Chalkboard Science has been debunk by Nature

because those making their Ouija Board computer predictions

ignored all the climate variables for their political science fiction


Climate Religion is ignoring the real problems and real issues in the real world of today

the Starving the Tortured and the Raped

and the real Nuclear Pollution of this Carbon based Earth doing the real Harm

ignored by Climate Religion

and who knows Jonathan maybe one day I will be in Jail

because I do not believe in your True Belief

as science is no longer fact tested knowledge

as Religion has done this many times before

and will continue to do so


True Belief Ignores History for True Belief

as it is you Jonathan who represents the Hate and Fascism

of your Climate Religion not me

as your reality is true belief

my reality is fact tested knowledge

your a true believer

and I am a true scientist

there is zero true belief in science

and zero science in true belief

we are the opposites of reality

so Crucify me

Happy Brainwashing

as there is zero test proven Reality in test proven make believe

as your best rebuttal to real science data that you reject

 is a Story in a Magazine




Jonathan will not debate Fact Tested Reality

as he does not comprehend the Fact Tested Reality in real science

by the Scientific Method

and after 10 years of challenging True Believers to an open public debate

not one of them will debate the real science they ignore for true belief

as it is not possible

to have a Normal Logical Common Sense conversation with True Believers

as this is the result of very good Political Media Brainwashing

based on ~ test proven ~ Nut Case Science they refuse to debate

anyone stating Publicly the “Science is Settled” has proven publicly

they Failed Grade School Science

and it those who Failed Grade School Science who dictate science


Am I a Skeptic of Nut Case Science

dictating science with zero public rebuttal or public debate ?


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~  Climate Religion

has Created a Brainwashed Monster doing ~ test proven ~ Harm to Nature


~ there is zero true belief in real science ~


I am for Truth in Science

I am paid by no one or anything

and I belong to zero political organizations

I am an individual citizen as I Lobby for Truth in Science for the past ten years

as I say ~ what I see

and when I am proven wrong I will admit it and grow forward

as I will continue to attack the True Believers with zero back ground in the science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who are ignoring new and preexisting scientific data for true belief

who are Dictating Science to the public based only on ~ their ~ true belief

so do not confuse my very painful honesty of tested reality for hate

call it an Ass Chewing

for truth in science reality beyond their make believe

~ as Repetitiveness is the key to Deprogramming ~

so I think I will go sit on the porch with my dogs

and maybe the local heard of Elk will jog by

and I will enjoy the fact that it is a Sunny day

and that it is 45* above zero today and not 45* below zero today

here on my porch where the temperature can change 80* in 10 minutes

here half way between the Equator and the North Pole



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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