These are the Big Dummies in Science
doing test proven harm to real Nature by Brainwashing the unknowing
Dr. John Abraham
Scott A. Mandia
Michael C.B. Ashley
Jan W. Dash
Courant Institute of NYU
so enlighten me
send me your scientific proof the cause of the
Carbon cycle is: Pollution
along with the Scientific proof Humans cause climate Warming
so I my Review it and Analyze it and Test it
as the only thing ~ real ~ in your so called science is the test proven Fraud
you refuse to Publicly debate
you reject the scientific method for political agenda
as Political Fascist and Frauds in Science dictate science
with zero Public Scientific Question or Rebuttal or Debate
proving scientifically you are not real Scientists
as the scientific community have always known you are political frauds in science
and one day all of history will know you are frauds in science too
because you rejected the scientific method for true belief in political agenda
~ Preaching Selling Convincing ~
the carbon based humans of this carbon based earth
that the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is: pollution
so you can Profit
is very excellent Brainwashing
there are zero science papers proving the cause of the carbon cycle
causing all of the Green on this carbon based earth
causing all of the O2 oxygen we breathe on this carbon based earth
causing all the carbon based food we eat on this carbon based earth
as you state Publicly CO2 with zero color taste or smell is: pollution
Publicly stating CO2 is Pollution is a very Fraudulent Statement in real science
as you continue to tell us the Oceans are rising when it is very proven they are declining
and that Warming is speeding up when it is very proven to be slowing down
as this is just the tip of the Ice Berg of very proven Fraudulent Statements
by you proven Lairs and Frauds in science
the very proven hypocrite
Al Gore
your climate science God
who is 20% carbon made from CO2
who can articulate ~ zero ~ science
who comprehends ~ zero ~ science
who can debate ~ zero ~ science
who has earned ~ zero ~ right scientific opinion
who’s Science references are proven Garbage
continues to make his fortune on his very proven to be very Fraudulent
World Wide Carbon Credit Scheme
as he continues to preach to the world the cause of all the Green
the cause of all of the Oxygen we breathe and all the food we eat
the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Pollution
as Al Gore refers to Photos of water vapor ~ white steam ~ as Toxic Pollution
while the Ice has been melting for the past 18,000 years
and how do you stop 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change
caused by a dozen climate variables ignored by your Climate Religion
as those who failed grade school science dictate science
by rejecting and ignoring the scientific method
for their personal feelings of True Pathological Belief for Profit
while proving Political Lunatics who failed grade school science can and do dictate science
as Climate Religion is using an outdated incomplete debunk Science Paper
as Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Change
as there is proven Fraud everywhere in Climate Religion
~ ? ~
~ am I a skeptic of very proven Political Media Brainwashing in science ~
I challenge Skeptical Science and their Partners in Crime
who are test proven Political Media Lairs
to an open public debate in real science
with a
for the Scientific Proof beyond make believe in the word
” likely”
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
with zero color taste or smell
the cause of all the Green
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ as ~
they are the scientifically very proven Lunatics and Frauds of Bogus science
as they preach the cause of Life
with zero color taste or smell is: Pollution
as this the equivalent to stating clean drinking water is pollution
or clean oxygen is pollution
so how much is Al Gore paying them to Lie to the world
as real money and real profit dictate Bogus Fraudulent science
and this why Bogus Fraudulent so called Scientists do not publicly debate
their Bogus Fraudulent Lunatic so called science
~ the cause of the first atmosphere causing the the carbon cycle is not pollution ~
while knowing Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less CO2 to breathe
to be Healthy and Strong
as this is why we add water vapor and CO2 to commercial Greenhouses
because there is not enough CO2 in the air
as CO2 has gone from most all the atmosphere
causing the carbon cycle to almost nothing
at 160 ppm
the carbon cycle will end
ending the carbon cycle and all carbon based life above Sea level
as there is many times the CO2 level in the Oceans than in the Atmosphere
as most of the CO2 in the atmosphere
comes from hundreds of un-measurable active Volcanoes below sea level
from well over 1,200
intermittent un-measurable Volcanoes and Supper Volcanoes below Sea level
Acidify the Oceans over billions of Years
as Climate Religion preaches to us
Humans are responsible for ~ all ~ acidification of the Oceans
as this is just another proven lie by Climate Religion
as their debunk hypothetical’s = un-proven theory’s continue to dictate science
as they continue to reject the scientific method
for their personal feelings of true belief in a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda
as all life above Sea level is still caused by Evaporated Ocean
Evaporated Water vapor and CO2
causing all of the Green on this Carbon based Earth
for the past 600 million years above seal level
skepticalscience.com will not debate their proven fraud in science
as they continue to preach their proven fraud to the unknowing public
as they answer questions on behalf of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences
proving the NAS can not be trusted in real science
After 41 years of atmospheric emission science and testing
with thousands of hours of on going Climate Science investigation since 2007
with a Doctor Honor in 2011
and then invited to participate in the
London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge in the June of 2013
I have never read so many proven Fraudulent Garbage statements in science
in my life time as on the Political Media Brainwashing web page of
they answer Public Questions
for the Climate Science Rapid Response Team
and for the Responsible Scientists
and for the National Academy of Sciences
? does the NAS support these very test proven lies ?
for Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
who refuse to debate real science
and as any intelligent person can plainly see
Skepticalscience.com is a Political Church not a Science Body
who can prove nothing with real science
as they are Preachers not Teachers
who are answering Public Questions on behalf of Scientists
of the National Academy of Sciences
as I have many Questions they can not answer
as they claim to have all the answers in Climate Science
as their website is as bogus as a Three Dollar Bill
full of very proven Political Media Hearsay Lies
~ so ~
are they intentional frauds who are very smart
or are they pathological frauds because they are very stupid
True belief in self-debunk hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory
does not prove
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
as they continue to sell their very proven lies
as they are the test proven Hoax
~ they are ~
Test Proven
Political Media Brainwashers for Al Gore and his Climate Religion
who can prove nothing beyond their true make believe with real science
as they truly believe in and Preach their self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
as they ignore the fact tested reality of real Nature
for the sake of Political Agenda
proving they are not Real Scientists of the scientific method
by choosing self-debunk Political Media True Belief over fact tested reality
while Preaching to the world the cause of all life is Pollution
as their Religion continues to do test proven harm to real nature
costing trillions of dollars for the sake of true belief
as they Preach their true belief as science
as Climate Change is Real for Billions of years
Climate Religion is a test proven Hoax
as the Political Media allows
zero public question zero public rebuttal and zero public debate
proving political media Fascism in science
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
Climate Religion is a Political Mind Set
ignoring Fact tested Reality
dictating science
who believe water vapor and CO2 is Pollution
proving they are Idiots in real Science
while proving some of us can be Brainwashed by the Political Media
and some of who know better can not
~ ? ~
~ again ~
how does something the size of a sewing thread
trap heat in something the size of a football field
~ while knowing ~
all heat still rises
and frozen air still take its place
as Skeptical-science can not answer this Question with out proving they are Lairs
along with many other Science Questions they can not answer
with out proving they are Frauds in Science
for their Political Agenda
preaching flawed incomplete debunk Garbage they call science
with out Public Rebuttal Question or Debate
Can you debunk fact tested reality with make believe ?
as the True Believers
continue to pretend and make believe
by just ignoring fact tested realty
as they refuse to debate their self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
as they see only one piece of the puzzle while ignoring all the other pieces
in fact they see only ~ one half ~ of one piece of the puzzle
as they see only ~ one half ~ of one dot on a page full of dots
as they do not know more than they know
as they preach their True Faith in their Political Agenda Religion
in test proven Garbage Science
as un-earned opinion dictates science while ignoring real science
and if you can not debate your so called science
~ its not real ~
as the True Believers can not debate their political science fiction
~ as there is zero knowledge in True belief ~
science is: to know
prediction is not knowledge
the purpose of prediction is to sell fear of the unknown
as most predictions never ever come true
especially when the prediction is based on a very flawed incomplete debunk study
by a group of Politicians with a Political Agenda who failed grade school science
who continue to preach to all of the world their words of true belief
as the U.N. continues to state
it is
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change
of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle
causing all the Nature causing all the Green causing all the Oxygen
causing all of the carbon based food
causing all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
based on their very flawed incomplete debunk study
the bases for their self debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
as real Knowledge continues to be ignored
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
for true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
as prediction is Bogus science
the cooling factor of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing towards the earths Poles
has more than off-set the warming factor of hot CO2 rising
as Climate Religion states the cooling factor of CO2 is: Irrelevant
along with a dozen other climate variables they decided are Irrelevant too
in ~ their ~ climate science
as their so called science does not acknowledge any of the known cooling factors
when predicting the unknown climate future with their Ouija Board science
as they continue to preach their self-debunk prediction is happening
when it is not
the members of Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
just believe what they are told to just believe
with out Question
when there is zero belief in real science
as Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated
as the majority of true believers I have spoken with over the past 10 years
Failed Grade School Science
and can have ~ Zero ~ conversation in real science
as they can articulate or comprehend ~ Zero ~ real science
as they ~ know ~ nothing beyond their true Brainwsahed belief
further proving it is a pathological political agenda religion and not real science
as the vast majority of Climate Religion do not follow the real science
as the true believers have zero comprehension of the fact there is zero belief in real science
as Political Media Religion dictates science
to the un-knowing Public
with out Question
while allowing zero Public Scientific rebuttal or debate
science is: to know
and in real science ~ Irrelevant ~ knowledge does not exist
as all knowledge is relevant in real science of the scientific method
as real knowledge is ignored for fraudulent Make Believe
with out Question ~ Test ~ Debate
by the scientific method
as Climate Religion refuses to debate fact tested Reality
and True Believers will just continue to just Believe
with out Question
while continuing to preach their True Belief
proving it is a Political Religion and not Science
when you refuse to allow your science to be publicly Questioned and Debated
its not real Science
and if you choose to Truly Believe
the cause of all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution
then theirs nothing I can Do
as I watch you do your test proven harm to Nature
for the sake of your personal feelings of true belief
as you tell me fact tested knowledge is Irrelevant
as un-Questioned very proven Political Media Fraud in science continues to dictate science
as real science is skepticism
and history will prove what is real and what is not
by the ignored unanswered and undebated Questions that never go away in real science
of the scientific method
as there has always been Fraud in science and there will always be
and when I am proven wrong I admit it and grow froward with science
and when Frauds are proven wrong they continue to tell their proven lies
and then the majority of you who have not Looked at and then Questioned the science
continue to just believe what you are told to just believe
as you are the True Believers of un-real science
as Political Agenda continues to dictate Bogus Science
doing real harm to real Nature
and as George Harrison would still agree
Here comes the Sun