Robert J. Scholes
$ 100,000.00
for the Scientific Proof beyond the word
proving carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming with Man Made
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the Carbon cycle and all the Green and all Carbon based Life
on this Carbon based Earth
your Religion states is Pollution
as your Religion refers to water vapor = white steam as Pollution
University of the Witswatersrand
and the 375 other Members
~ of ~
who I challange to an open Public Debate in Real Climate Science
who are Members of the National Academy of Sciences
of 2350 members and 450 foreign associates
telling us 2424 of the members and a associates
did not want to join your political media church
preaching Humans cause Climate Warming
and of the 376 of you who did join your political church
99% of them have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science or Climate Science
and after reviewing all of their back grounds
I have now emailed this statement to all of the Responsible Scientists.org Members
with the Exception of
Ralph Cicerone
James Cronin
Neil Gehrels
Frank Press
may they
Rest ~ in ~ Peace
and a few others who are still Breathing who had no email service
or their email did not function
49 NASA Scientists
over 9,000 PhD’s
of over 30,000 scientists that I know of just in the USA
along with Physicists all over this Carbon based Earth
disagree with the 376 Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences
most of 376 NAS Scientists are Biologist
with no back ground in Atmospheric or Climate Science
who are against the cause of all the green on this carbon based earth
as they do not comprehend the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
as they do not comprehend Botany science
as the Carbon cycle and Botany is the very foundation of all Biology
on this carbon based Earth causing all carbon based Life
as warming increases Water vapor and CO2 increase
caused by evaporation by the variable Sun
making this carbon based Earth Greener
as these Biologist do not comprehend this very basic Biology
as they truly believe the cause of the Carbon cycle caused by this carbon based Earth
is: Pollution
as you want to spend trillions of dollars to reduce the cause of ~ all ~ Green
by pumping Man Made CO2 into the ground
as this lowers O2 oxygen levels while turning underground water into acid
all for the sake of a proven to be fraudulent political agenda
that failed grade school science by ignoring the scientific method for political agenda
doing test proven harm the the carbon cycle and Nature
as you have been Brainwashed or Bought off by this fraudulent political agenda
that most of your Peers have rejected
as most of your Peers
have not jumped on the Al Gore Bandwagon
of test proven lies and test proven fraud in science
as you are all part of a proven political media church not a science body
preaching human caused climate warming
as the Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory was debunk on day one
and continues to be debunk by the reality of nature you continue to ignore
while another political media church is answering science question on your behalf
while providing fraudulent misinformation to Politicians and the Government
and Journalist and the Media
as neither of these political media churches can prove their True Belief
is not just a True Belief with real science
as “likely” is just a word that proves nothing in real science
as true belief proves nothing
as true believers will always be true believers regardless of test proven fact
as True Believers just ignore fact tested knowledge for their True Belief
as it is only the True Believers who Refuse to debate the tested Reality of Real Science
as it is very difficult to debate or prove anything with true belief in self-debunk prediction
based on a very proven to be flawed very Incomplete so called climate study
as Test Proven Fact debunk self-debunk Make Believe
as True Believers continue to just Truly Believe
and anyone stating Humans cause Climate Warming
is test proven to be very wrong regardless of what they truly believe and preach
their true belief based on only one very small fragment of all climate knowledge
~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while ignoring all the other known climate variables and climate history
all further debunking their true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer Prediction
~ Profit ~
while I am far more than very confident
no one can reverse self-debunk Ouija Board computer Prediction
based on a flawed incomplete hypothetical conjecture = un-proven Theory
and then maybe we can then stop spending Trillions doing only test proven harm
to the carbon cycle = nature = the cause of all green and all Life on this carbon based Earth
and spend trillions on doing something test proven to be Good and positive
like feeding the thousands who starve to death every day
and reducing the increasing Nuclear Pollution doing test proven harm everyday
on this carbon based Earth
instead of spending trillions to save this carbon based earth
the cause of all carbon based life
as money and the political media dictate science
not fact tested reality
.gov Climate Religion
has Attempted to Prosecute ~ secretly ~ working Scientists
for non Belief in Climate Religion
so is the
National Academy of Sciences
for prosecuting scientists for non belief in climate religion
or against it
and what would Abraham Lincoln think and know
and not just truly believe in
what is proven to be bogus Predictions Measurements Statements by NOAA
and proven to be Bogus Predictions and Statements by NASA
proving once again and again and again
Government Scientist
who are part of a Political Agenda can not be trusted in any way
with out Question
just as Government that is always run by Political Agenda can not be trusted in any way
with out Question
as the Freedom of Information Act
should not be Requirement to know the Truth in Science
while it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today
science you continue to ignore for self-debunk true belief
as only True Believers have a voice in the proven to be Fraudulent Fascist Media
Responsible Scientists.org
will not debate their test proven Religion
just as the majority of Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science
who truly believe in Climate Religion
while the majority of real Scientists do not believe in
Climate Religion
based on very flawed incomplete so called science
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while ignoring all other known climate variables
that provide an infinity of climate variable
while debunking Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion and their true belief
in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
I emailed this statement to you and all the members of Responsible scientists.org
to Rattle your Cages
as most of you have not earned the right to scientific opinion in Climate Science
while a Proven to be Fraudulent Political Organization
who refuse to debate real science
are answering scientific Questions on your behalf
while your response to this test proven scientific fact is
“please remove me from the mailing list of your nonsensical rant”
and yes I seem more than extravagant to many with my very forceful science augment
~ for ~
Truth in Science
while it did get your Attention
and the Attention of many PhD’s over the many years
who could provide zero scientific rebuttal beyond name calling and belittling
who have yet to prove anything with real science
beyond true belief in debunk hypothetical conjecture = un-proven Theory
after 40,000 plus email requests with a reward since 2007
as they continue to believe in their debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven Theory
while I am very aware of the fact I am long winded as I continue to be over Repetitive
as this is the best way that I know of to Deprogram Brainwashed True Believers
who failed grade school science by ignoring the scientific method for true belief
while most say my proven fact tested knowledge from 10 plus years of on going
Climate Science Investigation while proving Fraud is not Meaningless
as this statement was just a one time emailing to all the members of
responsible scientists.org
who can prove nothing with real science most of you have no back ground in
beyond your support to a true belief in a political agenda that can prove nothing
while this is your best rebuttal to scientific reality beyond your True Belief
while I do very much want to thank you Bob,
for your truthful response based on your personal emotional feelings of true belief
as there are zero feelings in real science
while maybe you can answer this one Question
of the many more Questions your Climate Religion can not answer as of yet ~
as this is one of the reasons your Climate Religion refuses to Publicly Debate real science
as you have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science that I can see
as you are unaware of a dozen climate variables along with many other proven facts
further debunking your true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
so onward with my Scientific Rant stating the very proven fraud by your Climate Religion
based on very proven Scientific Fact
that you will continue to just ignore for your true belief in very proven to be
Fraudulent Garbage you call science as you do not Question the hearsay science
you just believe in what you are told to just believe in
as you will ignore the test proven Fraud in Science by your Political Climate Religion
and by ignoring the Fraud in Climate Science you Support the Fraud in Science
as you refuse to look and see to know beyond your belief proving it is a Political Religion
that will allow
Zero Scientific Question Zero Scientific Rebuttal and Zero Scientific Debate
as your Climate Religion is doing real test proven harm to real Nature
~ Political Belief is not Science ~
~ ? ~
how does something the size of a sewing thread
trap heat in something the size of a football field ?
~ knowing ~
all heat ~ still ~ rises and sub zero air ~ still ~ take its place
as the increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward
to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer
than the increased levels of frozen water vapor
as the cooling factor of CO2 more than off-set the the warming factor of hot CO2 rising
while I am told by many PhD’s of ~ your ~ Climate Religion the cooling factor of Dry Ice is
~ Irrelevant ~
in ~ your ~ Climate Science
along with a dozen other climate variables causing an infinity of climate variable
and all of Climate History
with all the Major and Little and Mini Ice ages and all of the warming periods in between
of the past billion years
with some Ice ages with much higher levels of CO2 than today
all further debunking your True Belief
~ in ~
self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven Theory
as Climate Religion is based only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while the other ~ one half ~ is Irrelevant in your Climate Religion
proving it is a ~ Flawed ~ Incomplete ~ Climate Study by your Political Climate Religion
as your Climate Religion states this study proves Humans cause all Climate Change
while Humans are responsible for only 10% of the ~ one half ~ of this one climate variable
while this very Flawed Incomplete study was used to predict the unknown future
while prediction is not real science
as prediction in the scientific community is known as Ouija Board Science
while Climate Religion states the science is settled and can not be debated
when settled science does not exist in the scientific method
as real science is
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated
Dictated True Belief
by Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science
and when your science can not be Questioned and Tested and Debated
while the Media is allowing
Zero Public Rebuttal in the Media
this is not real science
while proving Political Media Fascism is dictating Science
based on their True Belief while rejecting the Scientific Method
by rejecting fact tested knowledge you are not aware of
and your religion ignores for true belief
as you reject knowledge for true political belief
as I am called a Skeptic
as science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
and if you are not a skeptic you are not a real scientist of the scientific method
as I am called a denier of climate change when I do not deny Climate Change
by those who have a Pathological Mental Block
~ skepticism ~
the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must ~ always ~ be in Question
Change is Continuous in this known Universe for the past 14 billion years
while there are those who truly believe after 4.6 billions of years of
extreme progressive variable climate change on this Carbon based Earth
only carbon based Humans cause Climate Change
as their true belief is based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
ignoring all other known Climate Variables in this known Universe
When you continue to believe in a Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven theory
that was debunk from the start
that has been further debunk by many other test proven facts
this is test proven Religion not Science
~ as the science never exceeded past the point of unproven theory ~
as the U.N. states it is “likely” Humans cause climate change
as “likely” is True Belief not hard science and proves nothing beyond True Belief
while for many years now
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
~ continues to state ~
the cause of the Carbon cycle on this Carbon based Earth
causing all of the Green on this Carbon based Earth
causing all of Nature on this Carbon based Earth
causing all of the Oxygen we Breathe on this Carbon based Earth
causing all of the Carbon based Food we Eat on this Carbon based Earth
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
~ zero ~
Color ~ Taste ~ Smell
~ is ~
Toxic Pollution
Plants and Trees would like 4 times more CO2 than in the Air today
to Breathe to be Strong and Healthy and Happy
~ as ~
the O2 = Oxygen we breathe today is made from CO2 by the carbon cycle
as we live with
O = oxygen
caused by direct sun energy separating frozen water
O2 = oxygen
caused by the carbon cycle by Plants and Trees breathing CO2
O3 = oxygen = heavy oxygen = ozone
caused by direct Sun energy separating NOx = nitrogen and oxygen bonded together by
Lighting and by Temperatures above 2500*
Oxygen is the by-product of a Greenhouse
making Oxygen a Greenhouse Gas
O2 = Oxygen is now 20.95 % of the atmosphere for you and I to breathe
while Plants and Trees now have only 00.04 % of the atmosphere to breathe
The First Atmosphere of this Carbon based Earth was CO2 and water vapor
causing the Carbon Cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
as we are now pumping CO2 into the ground
lowering oxygen levels in the air
as the O2 part of CO2 made by Humans came from the air we breathe
as the carbon cycle recycles the O2 part of CO2 that came from the air
~ causing the Fuel to vaporize while the oxygen is bonding to the carbon part of the fuel ~
back in to the air where it came from
while pumping it into the ground is turning underground water into acid
when Plants and Trees need more not less CO2 to breathe
to keep this Blue Carbon based Earth Green
~ as ~
Climate Religion Preaches to us CO2 is: Toxic Pollution
as this is a very proven political media Lie
of many proven Lies by Climate Religion doing harm to the carbon cycle
The Political Media
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
continue to dictate ~ their ~ Bogus science to the Public
by allowing zero
Public Question Public Rebuttal or Public Debate
to their test proven to be Fraudulent statements in science
while rejecting all real science they do not comprehend
as they comprehend zero real science
real science debunking their Bogus statements
their statements based only on ~ their ~ Political Agenda True Belief
in self-debunk Prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while they can provide ~ zero ~ Scientific Reference when asked
to prove their political media religion is not a political media religion
the Doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must ~ always ~ be in question
science is: to know
Knowledge is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated
and then the tested knowledge becomes Real Science by the scientific method
not true belief in Prediction of the unknown future
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen climate variables
extreme ~ progressive ~ variable
Climate Change is very Real
for the past 4.6 billion years
~ 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years ~
Debunking Michael Mann and his Hockey Stick
James Hansen of NASA and his predictions made in the 1980’s
are now self-debunk
as his Predictions did not happen
as prediction is not science or tested reality
prediction is make believe causing only fear while providing zero knowledge
…and as Joe Berry told me years ago ~
a vote proves nothing in science
just as a vote in support in self-debunk prediction would prove nothing is science
~ while I think ~
there are a lot of people out there
with zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science and Climate Science
with a Scientific Opinion they have not earned that is based only on hearsay true belief
~ while ~
one Scientist can be right when all the other scientists are proven wrong
and when your political religion is harming Nature
costing Trillions of dollars
for the sake of doing good based on debunk belief in garbage science
while controlling my life too
then there can be no Political Correctness in the Realities of tested knowledge
when your realities are based only on your true belief in test proven garbage science
while ignoring the fact tested realities of real Nature
for your personal emotional feelings of your true belief
when there are zero emotions or feelings in real science
as belief is a feeling not fact in the tested reality in the real Science of real Nature
your reality is based only on ~ your ~ true belief
then you can not force your make believe reality on me
~ as ~
the 97% consensus is a John Kerry very proven Political Lie
as there is zero scientific consensus in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction
based on a proven to be very Flawed Incomplete climate study
that ignored a dozen climate variables that debunk their flawed incomplete study
as the study ignored all climate history further debunking their flawed incomplete study
by a group of Politicians who failed grade school science
who state it is
Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change
while ignoring all test proven knowledge debunking their true belief
over 30,000 scientist in the USA disagree with John Kerry and his very test proven Lies
over 9000 of them are PhD’s
and 49 of them NASA Scientists
as believed lies with out public question or public debate now dictate science to the public
as John Kerry states Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2
as this is just another very proven lie ~ believed ~ with out public question or debate
as Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less CO2 to Breathe to be healthy
Plants and Trees stopped Breathing CO2
that would end all life on this carbon based earth
If you do not Question Knowledge then how do you know it is Knowledge
as un-questioned knowledge is not knowledge it is just Belief
Do you just believe everything you are told to just believe
by Politicians and Journalist with a political agenda who failed grade school science
with out Questioning their scientific statements backed by zero scientific reference
as proven frauds in science continues to dictates science
because you just believe them
with out Question
as Political Media Agenda dictates science
while allowing zero Question zero Rebuttal and zero Debate
as they continue to Preach their test proven Lies
~ you just believe ~
as True Belief proves nothing in real science
while real science has debunk the true belief
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
CO2 is why this Blue and Green Planet is Green
as Climate Religion states CO2 is Pollution
~ as ~
a test proven Political Media Religion
based on very debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven theory
continue to dictate their true belief as science
proving they are Lairs and Frauds in science
proving they are a Hoax in fact tested reality
as their Religion continues to do test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
costing trillions of dollars
as Climate Change is very Real for Billions of Years
and for me
proving the Fraud with real science is the easy part
~ the hard part is ~
the writing and the fact the Media is owned and controlled by
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
who are preventing the Public from knowing fact tested reality in real science
as True Believers refuse to debate the real science they ignore for their true belief
The Political Media has Ban the other side of the scientific argument from being known
~ the Factual side ~
proving Political Media Fascism in science
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Political Media Science Fiction
as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming
Fact Tested Reality ~ vs ~ Fraudulent Fantasy
To: the Test Proven Political Agenda Frauds in Science
Climate Science
Rapid Response Team
while over 30,000 scientists in the USA disagree with you
while you advise
Politicians and Journalist the Government and the Media
with your test proven to be Fraudulent Bogus Climate Science
while you can answer zero of my real questions in real science
or Publicly Debate the Real Science
nor can you prove anything with real science of the scientific method
and if you do truly believe in your test proven lies
then you are the very proven Pathological Frauds in Science
as you are a Political Organization of proven Snake Oil Salesman for
the National Academy of Sciences
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
as you can not prove with real science Humans cause Climate Warming
as you do not Question or Debate knowledge
you preach ~ your ~ political media make believe
as you are True Believers and Preachers not Scientists
as real science is not by ignoring knowledge for true belief in political agenda
and you refuse to Publicly Debate your so called science
~ its not real ~
as settled science does not exist in the scientific method
and rejecting proven fact tested knowledge for true belief is religion not science
as your test proven to be Fraudulent statements in science
prove nothing but Political Media Fraud in real science
as there is zero science proving Humans cause Climate Warming
while you Big Dummies in science do not comprehend the
Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen
that your Fraudulent Garbage Science is doing test proven harm to
Science you refuse to publicly debate
Real Science is ~ Questioned ~ Tested and Debated
not make believe in test proven political lies
as the ~ test proven ~ frauds in science dictate science
and how many more trillions are we going to spend
for the sake of your true belief in debunk unproven theory
based on
Fraudulent Garbage you call science
that is doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature and the Environment