The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief in Science


~ * ~

March 2, 2017

Helena ~ Montana


the predicted high for today is 42*

the record high for today was 63* in 1905

the record low was -15* below zero in 1919

~ * ~



[email protected]

who are 376 members of the

National Academy of Sciences

of 2800 Members

so 2424 Members did join your Climate Religion Club

as they did not sign your letter = public statement

providing 13.5 % consensus in your True belief

and after reviewing the back grounds of your 376 Members who did sign the Letter

most of them have no back ground in Atmospheric or Climate Science

and have not earned the right to scientific opinion in Climate Science

who can not debate and refuse to publicly debate the real science

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

and rejecting knowledge for true belief is not science

[email protected]


as you call your selves Responsible Scientists

and as you and I

~ know ~

as science is: to know and not dictated true belief

 you have chosen a test proven to be Fraudulent Political Media Organization

to answer Climate Science Questions on your behalf

proving you too are Frauds in Climate Science for your Political Agenda

as you have outsourced your Fraud in Climate Science to proven Frauds in Science

as you are very much a part of a very Proven Political Media Hoax in Climate Science

as Climate Change is very real for the past 4.6 Billion years

while you can not prove in anyway it is caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as your Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven Theory

is Scientifically Self-Debunk by the Realities of  Real Nature

that you continue to ignore

for your true belief in very flawed incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Science

for the sake of your Political Media Agenda

as you Truly Believe as Al Gore Truly Believes

~ as there is zero belief in real science ~

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ is ~

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

as this continues to be stated by

~ your ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as you continue to Preach your proven to be Garbage Science

that is doing test proven Harm to Nature

by your

Flawed Incomplete Garbage Science you refuse to Publicly debate

~ as ~

I know

you can provide nothing beyond self-debunk hypothetical conjecture = unproven Theory

to prove in real science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

with the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as test proven Fraudulent Make Believe can prove nothing in real science


~ enlighten me ~

please send me your scientific references

reversing ~ your ~ self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

debunk by real science long before you made your Ouija Board prediction

your Garbage science you refuse to Publicly debate

as you reject knowledge for hearsay make believe

as it is all about money and zero real science

as science is not dictated make believe

as feelings now dictate science based on zero fact tested reality in science


~ and ~

~ ? ~

Should a Climate Study

Incorporate ~ all ~ Climate knowledge

or ignore all climate knowledge and focus only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

ignoring a dozen climate variables

ignoring millions of years of climate history

ignoring hundreds of years of Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking your proven to very Flawed Incomplete so called Climate Study

and your Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven Theory

by Politicians with a Political Agenda who failed Grade School Science

by ignoring the scientific method for true belief

as this so called climate study is used to predict the unknown future

as Climate Religion continues to Believe in

Self-debunk Ouija Board computer Prediction as test proven scientific fact

as ~ your ~ Political Media Climate Religion continues to spend trillions of our dollars

to do test proven harm to the Carbon cycle and all of Real Nature

as the Test Proven Political Media Fools in Science continue to dictate Science

based on zero scientific method


zero scientific rebuttal and zero scientific debate

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

while Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

has tried to Secretly Prosecute Scientists who are non-believers of Climate Religion

with all of the above and much much more



Climate Religion

is committing Fraudulent Political Media Fascism in Science

as True Believers continue to ignore fact tested reality for Political Media Make Believe

they refuse to Publicly debate

as 99% of real climate Science is missing from ~ your ~ Climate Religion

as you ignore fact tested reality for ~ your ~ Political Media Agenda

~ as you can not answer the real Questions of real science ~

and every Question you can not answer you state is


~ as ~

Irrelevant Knowledge does not exist in real science


~ Reality ~

How does something the size of a sewing thread

trap heat in something the size of a football field ?

~ and ~

when did heat stop rising

and -200 * below zero air stop crashing towards the the north and south Poles

of this carbon based Earth warming up to -100* on the way down

as most of the atmosphere is -200* below zero

-200 * air with increased levels of frozen water vapor

and increased levels of Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

the Dry Ice cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of -200* frozen water vapor

~ while ~

Climate Religion states this knowledge is Irrelevant in ~ their ~ Climate Science

~ while ~

CO2 can not Harm a Greenhouse


CO2 and water vapor caused the Greenhouse

and if there was zero CO2

there would be zero Greenhouse

there would be zero Carbon cycle

there would be zero Plants and Trees

there would be zero O2 = oxygen to breathe

there would be zero carbon based food for our carbon based body’s to eat

and there would be zero You and Me

as we are 20% carbon made from CO2

and at 160 ppm CO2 in the air

all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth will End

~ while ~

Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today

to be Healthy and Happy

and as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation caused by warning

by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

while Political Media Climate Religion continues to lie to us

by stating the rate of warming is speeding up

when it is not

while the rate of evaporation continues to exceed the rate the Ice is Melting

the sea level continues to decline from evaporation by the variable Sun

while making this carbon based Earth much Greener

as Political Media Climate Religion continues to state the Oceans are rising

when they are not

further proving

Political Media Climate Religion is based on test proven Lies for a political agenda

while proving they are not Real Scientists of the Scientific Method

while doing their real test proven harm to real Nature

for the sake of their Fraudulent Political Media Agenda

they refuse to Publicly debate


If the Ice did not melt as it has been doing for the past 18,000 years

of this warming period of many warming periods in between many Ice Ages

of many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages all along the way

the Oceans would decline about 6 feet per year

and I would be setting under mile thick Ice

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years


Water vapor and CO2 are the by product of warming not the cause of warming

causing the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

and is the cause of ~ all ~ the Green on this carbon based Earth


the words

~ what if ~ and ~ maybe ~

and ” likely”

prove nothing in real science

as words prove nothing

as belief in words of belief prove nothing in real science


The United Nations states: ~  it is ” likely” Humans cause Climate Change

based on Hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring all other known climate variables

and Climate History

and proven Physics and Chemistry

~ real science stated to be Irrelevant ~

by Climate Religion


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


the True Belief  Humans ~ do in fact ~ cause all Climate Change

with Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


the True belief we can only save this Carbon based Earth

from the evil of Man Made CO2

if we Pump the Man Made CO2 into the Ground as fast as we make it


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

Truly Believe

the cause of the first atmosphere

CO2 ~ and ~ Water vapor


the Carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen


all of Nature all of the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Toxic Pollution

while pumping CO2 into the ground is doing test proven harm to Nature  in many ways


13.5% of the Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences

who refuse to Publicly debate the science

signed a Letter stating Humans ~ do in fact ~ cause all Climate Warming

based only on Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory

debunk by the reality of Nature they continue to ignore for True Belief

as they support

test proven


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


the other 86.5% of the Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences

did not sign this Letter of True Belief

as Real Scientists do not believe self-debunk computer climate prediction

prove Humans cause climate warming

or believe Prediction of the unknown future is Real Science



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

continues to Truly Believe and Preach

Carbon based Humans ~ do in fact ~ cause Climate Warming

while they have yet to prove it beyond their true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on unproven theory

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

proving they are Pathological Frauds in Science

doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle and all of Nature

for the sake of true belief in a proven to be Fraudulent political media agenda

~ as ~

test proven


Political Media Agenda Dictates Science

to the unknowing Public

based on zero scientific method

based on a Flawed Incomplete Study

based on ~ one half ~ of one Climate Variable

while ignoring all other known climate variables

and all climate history

and proven Physics and Chemistry

further debunking the self-debunk Hypothetical Conjectural = unproven Theory

they refuse to Publicly debate


After 41 years of Atmospheric Emission Science and Testing

with an on going climate science investigation in since 2007

with more than 40,000 Request with a Reward since 2007

for the scientific references proving Humans cause climate warming

from those who continue to preach Humans cause Climate Warming

I have yet to see any Scientific references Proving Humans cause Climate Warming

~ while ~

what is being used as Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Warming

is the 1896 Arrhenius Paper

an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

proving only Fraud by those using it as Scientific Proof

as the test proven frauds in science

refuse to Publicly debate their test proven fraud in science

as very proven frauds continue to dictate science


~ can you prove Humans cause climate warming

with out committing test proven Fraud for a political agenda ?


I am not a Democrat or a Republican

I do not belong to any Political Organizations

as there is zero scientific reality in Political Agenda


I am a Scientist for Truth in Science

while 99% of the carbon based Humans on this carbon based Earth

have zero comprehension of the real science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they continue to preach their true belief based on hearsay true belief

as the Political Media continues to allow only one side of the story to be told


their very flawed incomplete so called science based on hearsay

can not stand on its own two feet in a real scientific debate

as Human caused Climate Warming is not Mainstream Science

as the scientific consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

by very proven liars who comprehend zero science who have a political agenda

who Truly Believe their very proven Lies making them Pathological Lairs

who can not back their words of hearsay true belief with fact tested Reality

as they continue to make their test proven fraudulent statements to the Public


Proven Political Media Frauds Dictate Science

with zero Public

Rebuttal or Question or Debate allowed by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


Climate Change is Real

their is zero science proving Humans cause climate warming


Test Proven Fraud ~ is ~ Test Proven Fraud

regardless of your true belief in self-debunk Ouija Board computer prediction

and when you choose to Ignore the test proven Fraud in Science

then you are apart of the test proven Fraud in Science


Stating Carbon is Pollution on this Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

~ is: Stupidity not Science


Stating the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is Pollution

~ is: Stupidity not Science


Stating the cause  of all Carbon based Life is Pollution by Political Agenda

costing us Trillions of Dollars

while doing real test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

for Profit

~ is: Fraud in Science

~ as ~

Pathological Frauds in Climate Science

truly believe in and continue to Preach their test proven lies

as self-debunk Ouija Board Science proves nothing in Tested Reality

as True Belief in the word “likely” as stated by the U.N. proves nothing is real science


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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