The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief in Science



Climate Change is Real


Carbon on this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it is not Pollution


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the first atmosphere with water vapor

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of the Green all of the Plants and Trees

causing all of the oxygen we Breathe

causing all of the carbon based food we Eat

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ is: not Pollution ~


Climate Religion states: the cause of the Carbon cycle = CO2 is: Pollution

proving political media fraud in science for a proven political agenda


Climate Religion refuses to acknowledge or debate any test proven facts in real science

debunking their True Belief

proving Climate Religion is a test proven Political Media Religion

based on true belief in Hearsay Garbage they state is science

and when you state your science is accepted science

and then you can not provide scientific references when requested to prove it

that is known as a ~ test proven ~ Lie

and when you have a website stating Humans cause Climate Change

and the cause of the Carbon Cycle is: Pollution

and you can not provide scientific references to prove it

this is known as ~ test proven ~ Fraud

as test proven Pathological frauds dictating science

just ignore the fact they are test proven frauds in real science

as the wisdom of history

~ knows ~

beyond ~ their ~ continued True Political Media Belief

in ~ their ~ Self-debunk Prediction of the unknown future


~ do you know or do you truly believe ~


Knowledge is Science


Belief is Religion


Ignoring tested knowledge for true belief in Political Media Agenda

is not science of the scientific method

as True Belief ignores Fact Tested Reality for Make Believe


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

dictates science based on zero scientific method

while ~ proving ~ their Fascism in Science


[email protected]


Michael Wara

Stanford University Environmental Law

[email protected]

~ are ~

Test Proven Frauds in Science



here in Montana we have a saying

~ Cowboy up ~

and that includes the saying along with many others

Put up ~ or ~ Shut up

as you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you provide your words of Legal Opinion based only on your Hearsay True Belief

as words prove nothing in fact tested reality

and in Law and Science there is something called

~ proof ~

beyond only your words of Hearsay True Belief

as you have zero science argument to support your Political Media Hearsay True Belief

as you can not prove Carbon is Pollution with real science

as you can not prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming with real science

as the real science has debunk your Fraudulent Political Media Make Believe

as you continue to Preach your Fraudulent Make Believe to the unknowing Public

as You are a very Proven Pathological Political Media Fraud in Climate Science

for your personal feelings of true belief in proven to be


Political Agenda

Brainwashing People to ~ believe ~ Humans cause Climate Warming

and Carbon on this Carbon based Earth is Pollution

as you are 20% Carbon made from CO2

eating carbon based food made from CO2

breathing oxygen made from CO2

while in your true belief ~ Carbon is: Pollution

so then based on your true belief ~ everything is Pollution

and you Truly Believe Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

based only on your true belief and zero test proven science

as you can provide zero real scientific reference

beyond your True Belief

to prove your true belief is not just a true belief

as your True Belief has rejected all Real Science

for the sake of ~ Your ~ True Belief

~ in ~

Computer ~ Ouija Board ~ Climate Prediction of the unknown future

based on ~ one half ~ of one of a dozen plus climate variables

as this is test proven Religion

and is not

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

~ Science ~

as you continue to reject knowledge for true belief and call it science

as you can answer ~ zero ~ real Questions in real science or Debate the real science

as there is zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

in your true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring the other ~ one half ~ of that very same one climate variable

along with a dozen plus other climate variables that you ignore

and millions of years of known climate history that you ignore

and hundreds of years of test proven Physics and Chemistry your ignore

all further debunking your self-debunk Ouija Board Prediction of the unknown future

that you state is science and you can not prove is science

as science is: to know

and you can provide zero knowledge

as you reject all proven fact tested knowledge

that you refuse to Publicly debate

for the sake of your True Belief in ~ your ~ test proven Fraud in science




for the Proof

beyond your Pathological Political Media True Belief

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth


2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen


Carbon dioxide

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

as you state the cause of the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing of all the Green on this carbon based earth

causing all the oxygen we breathe on this carbon based earth

causing all the carbon based food we eat on this carbon based earth

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


~ ZERO ~

Color ~ Taste ~ Smell

is: Pollution

proving you are a Pathological Fraud in Science

proving you failed grade school science

proving you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as you reject the scientific method for your personal feelings of true belief

as you truly believe in your test proven political media lies

as you truly believe what you are told to truly believe


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as true belief can prove nothing in real science

while there is zero reality in Paranoid True Belief in prediction of the unknown future



I Challenge you to an Open Public Debate in Real Science of the Scientific Method

beyond your Paranoid True Belief in self-debunk Prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of a dozen plus known climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

that you ignore for the sake of your true belief

real science that continues to debunk your true belief

as you ignore all climate history debunking your true belief

as you ignore all physics and chemistry debunking your true belief

~ in ~

test proven fraudulent political media agenda Hearsay Garbage you call science




~ Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion ~

refuses to debate

Fact Tested Reality of the Scientific Method

for the sake of their true political media belief in self-debunk prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history

and test proven Physics and Chemistry

that Climate Religion states is ~ Irrelevant ~ in their Climate Science

as they refuse to acknowledge the other one half of the one climate variable

~ the increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice ~

in the atmosphere

crashing towards the Poles of this Carbon based Earth as Hot CO2 is rising

and as Heat ~ still ~ rises

 the frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is cooling the air

10 times faster and 20 times longer than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

more than off-setting the Hot CO2 rising

as Heat ~ still ~ rises

while ignoring all the other atmospheric cooling factors too

and then to state this knowledge is Irrelevant

as this is not real science of the scientific method it is test proven political media religion

committing test proven Fraud in science

as tested knowledge can only be Irrelevant in Religion

just as settled science can only exist in True Belief

as rejecting new tested knowledge for belief is not science

as rejecting new knowledge does not allow us to learn something new and grow forward

and Taxing the cause of the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all of the the Green the cause of all Carbon based Life

will only make the poor poorer

and will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of

very extreme progressive variable climate change

as we need more CO2 not less for a more healthy Carbon cycle

and to keep up with the production of Nitrogen by decomposing soil

as CO2 was the first atmosphere and is now 00.04% of the air

and Nitrogen is now most of the atmosphere at 78.09% of the air

and at 00.016 % CO2 in the air all life above Sea level will end

as the by product of climate warming by the variable Sun

is evaporated water vapor and CO2

from the Oceans

making this Carbon based Earth Green

and spending trillions to reduce CO2 levels is test proven Insanity

and spending trillions to pump Man Made CO2 into the ground

lowering oxygen levels in the air while turning under ground water into Acid

goes far beyond test proven Insanity


Political Media Paranoid True Belief in self-debunk Prediction

~ ignoring ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method


…in time history will know beyond make believe ~

as the knowledge of history provides us with the tested reality

ignored by the True Belief of today

as wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

and rejecting the known wisdom of known history for true belief is not science


A ~ 13.5 % consensus is not a 97 % consensus

as there are zero scientific references to support any consensus beyond

True Belief

in hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

~ as ~

 Climate Religion refuses to know and grow forward beyond ~ their ~ True Belief

as Climate Religion refuses to acknowledge or debate Real Climate Science


Climate Science  ~ vs ~ Climate Religion


~ Skepticism ~

the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in Question

science is: to know

science is: Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

science is: skepticism

of true belief dictating science


There is zero belief in real science of the scientific method

if your science can not be Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated its not real science

and prediction of the unknown future is not knowledge = science

and True Belief in Prediction is Religion not Science

as the only thing prediction can provide is Fear and Paranoia

while less than 99.9999% of predictions ever come true

prediction is: make believe

and True Belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction is: Lunatic Religion

while there is a lot of money to be made from Lunatic Climate Paranoia

~ while ~

Climate Change is very Real for Billions of Years

for a dozen plus reasons known and ignored by Climate Religion today

as the Green Movement on this Carbon based Earth has us spending Trillions of Dollars

to reduce the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

and in their efforts to reduce the cause of all the Green

they are lowering oxygen levels in the air while turning underground water into Acid

~ this is:

test proven

Insanity not Science

and Stating what Plants and Trees need ~ more ~ of to breathe

making all the oxygen we breathe and to be the Carbon based food we Eat

is: Toxic Pollution


test proven

Insanity not Science

and this is why I refer to the Green Movement on this Carbon based Earth as

test proven

Lunatics in Science

science they do not comprehend and refuse to learn and know and grow froward

or publicly debate

as they continue to do ~ their ~ test proven harm to Nature

for the sake of Hearsay Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

based on zero real science

as they do not ~ know ~ they just believe what they are told to just believe

by Politicians and Journalists and Political Media Organizations

with a Political Agenda

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who when asked with a reward

can provide ~ zero ~ scientific references

to prove their test proven  Lies are not test proven Lies

as they continue to shoot the foot that is in their mouth

~ while ~

13.5 %

of the Scientist who are Members of the National Academy of Sciences

signed a open public Letter stating Humans cause Climate Change

supported by proven to be Fraudulent Garbage Scientific References

while the other

86.5 %

of the Scientists who are Members of the National Academy of Sciences

did not sign the open public Letter stating Humans cause Climate Change

supported by proven to be Fraudulent Garbage Scientific References

~ * ~

so only 13.5 % of the NAS ~ make believe ~ Humans cause Climate Warming

~ * ~

as Political Media Frauds dictate ~ their ~ Fraudulent Garbage Science

while allowing ~ zero ~ Public Question or Rebuttal or Debate

while ignoring Fact Tested Reality debunking their True Belief in

proven to be Lunatic Fraudulent Garbage Science based only on True Belief

in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring all other known Fact Tested Reality

as John Kerry and his 97 % consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

by a very ~ test proven ~ Political Liar in science

who states Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

when Plants and Trees want 4 times more CO2 to Breathe

as John Kerry has earned zero right to scientific opinion

while proving he is a very test proven political Media Lair

as most of the 13.5 % of the Scientists who signed their Letter

have no back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science or Climate Science

who are 20% carbon made from CO2

and obviously do not comprehend the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

or Botany Science

as the 13.5 % who signed this letter did so

based only on ~ their  ~ Personal Feeling of True Belief

~ in ~

test proven


Garbage Science

as they can not Prove with real science of the scientific method

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

causing all carbon based Life

~ their ~

scientific references state is: Toxic Pollution


There is zero scientific consensus in debunk hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

based on a flawed incomplete debunk climate study by politicians

with a political agenda based on Scientifically debunk True Belief

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while any Scientific consensus based on True Belief and zero scientific method

is: Lunatic Science

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

~ * ~

extreme ~ progressive ~ variable

Climate Change is Real

for the past 4.6 Billion years


1000 years ago Montana had California climate for 200 years

as Major and Little and Mini Ice Ages will continue

just as they have for hundreds of millions of years

thanks to the variable Sun

and as the variable very Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

continues to Cool over billions of years

while ~ Heating ~ the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

as on going volcanic activity from over a thousand plus intermittent

variable un-measurable

Volcanoes and Supper Volcanoes

below Sea level

Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

continue to provide the necessary CO2 in to the atmosphere of this carbon based Earth

to support the Carbon cycle above Sea level making this Blue Planet Green too

as far more than 90% of the CO2 going in the air everyday

is not caused by Carbon based Humans

while all of the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

and if all the volcanic activity below Sea level was above Sea level

there would be nothing but Volcanic Ash miles thick covering this carbon based Earth

as all Life comes from the Ocean by variable Evaporation of water vapor and CO2

caused by the Variable Sun

as the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be Warmer and Brighter

until one day the variable Sun with many cycles vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

now add a dozen other climate variables

and all of the basics of simple hard science of the past few hundred years

all Ignored by Climate Religion

further debunking their self-debunk hypothetical conjecture = unproven Theory


there is zero science

zero logic


zero common sense


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Climate Religion

has Scientifically proven

Political Media Agenda Brainwashing


~ very well ~


there are far better things to spend Trillions of Dollars on

than doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all Nature

the cause of all the Green

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

continues to

Brainwash the Carbon based People of this Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

to Believe the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth


Toxic Pollution

because they failed Grade School Science and do not comprehend the real science


Climate Religion

refuses to allow any and all Public Debate in Real Science of the Scientific Method

for the sake of their True Belief in test proven to be  flawed incomplete


Debunk Garbage Science


The cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle is not Toxic Pollution

regardless of what you are Brainwashed to make believe

with out

~ Public ~

Question or Rebuttal or Debate

~ allowed ~


Political Media Fascism in Science by Political Agenda

doing test proven Harm to Nature

while committing test proven Pathological Political Media Fraud in Science

as Brainwashed Social Political Media Paranoia is very real

and dictates Climate Science based on zero scientific method

while doing very test proven Harm to Real Nature

as the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer

as Climate Religion


to us the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide ~

is: Toxic Pollution

as they Preach to us water vapor ~ white steam ~ coming out of smoke stacks

is: Toxic Pollution too

as this is test proven

Lunatic Paranoid Science


Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm and zero Good

by those who refuse

~ to know ~

for the sake of their Scientifically ~ test proven ~ Political Media Brainwashed True Belief


Climate Religion has tried to Secretly Prosecute Scientists for non-belief

as over 99% of True Believers of Climate Religion comprehend Zero % of the real science

and are the Pathological frauds of Climate Science

who have ~ earned ~ zero right to Scientific Opinion


Real Science can not be Dictated or Legislated


True Belief

as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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