The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief in Science



Benjamin D. Santer

[email protected]

National Academy of Sciences


13.5 % of the Members of the NAS signed a Letter agreeing with Ben


86.5% of the Members of the NAS did not sign the Letter


Ben has a 13.5% consensus of his True Belief

as most of those who signed the letter have no back ground in

Atmospheric Science or Climate Science

so they do not ~ know ~ they just Believe


science is: to know

as this was a vote based on true belief not fact tested science



I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science




for the proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle causing all the Green

and all carbon based life

the by product of warming not the cause of warming

on this

Carbon based Earth


Test Proven Frauds in Science do not Publicly debate Real Science

Pathological or not ~

Ben is a test proven Fraud in Climate Science

as many .gov so called scientist are proven to be ~

and this is why they refuse to debate real science of the scientific method

debunking their true belief in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


Climate Change is not a Hoax

I do not Deny 4.6 Billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

~ and ~

should ~ all ~ climate variables be in a climate study

or just ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

….as they pretend to know when they know nothing beyond their True Belief ~

in Political Media Science Fiction

as those who failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

Dictate Science

based on zero scientific method


Climate Change is Real

while Political Media Frauds are stating

the rate of climate warming is speeding up when it is slowing down

and stating the Sea level is rising when it is declining

proving they are Political Media Pathological Frauds

as they truly believe their test proven Lies

and anyone stating Humans cause Climate Warming

are test proven Lairs in Real Science

 regardless of what the political media morons in science say about me

as they are test Proven Pathological Frauds in science

and when test proven Lairs refuse and prevent Public scientific debate

this only further proves their science is test proven Garbage political science fiction

based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as they state all other climate knowledge further debunking their True belief is

~ Irrelevant ~

as the Sea Level has been rising for the past 26,000 years

about 350 feet

but at this time the sea level is declining

and if Ice did not melt the sea level would decline about 6 feet per year from evaporation

as evaporation of CO2 and water vapor cause the Carbon cycle

causing all Carbon based life above sea level for the past 600 million years


test proven

Idiots in Science

refer to the cause of first atmosphere

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

the cause of all the Oxygen we now breathe on this Carbon based Earth

the cause of all the Carbon based Food we eat on this Carbon based Earth

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth



~ Pollution ~


Test Proven Frauds in Science

who do not Comprehend the Real Science

Dictate their Garbage Science Fiction while doing real test proven Harm to Nature

costing Trillions of Dollars to do this real test proven harm and zero good

while allowing zero Public Scientific Question or Rebuttal or Debate

~ as ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

Refuses to Publicly Debate Real Science

while they own and control the media


Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

not Preached Political Media Make Believe

~ and ~

Allowing only one way of Political ~ Thinking or Knowing or Believing

~ is ~


~ as ~

Preached Brainwashed Dictated Political Media Agenda

doing ~ test proven harm ~ and zero good to Nature costing Trillions of Dollars

is based on zero Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

~ A ~

13.5% consensus based on true belief is not a 97% consensus based on real science

as Dictated by

Pathological Frauds

~ of ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who reject test proven science for their true belief

while doing their test proven harm to the Carbon cycle

the cause of all the Green

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Refusing to Debate the real Science

~ proving ~

it is a Political Media Religion rejecting real Science for True Belief


Fascist Political True Belief can not admit they are wrong while doing test proven harm

or Grow Forward with Real Science

as they refuse to learn any knowledge old or new

as they dictate their Garbage Political Science Fiction to the un-knowing Public

based on True Belief in a lack of knowledge rejecting knowledge

for their Personal Feelings of True Belief in Paranoid self-debunk prediction

and anyone stating CO2 is Pollution is a test proven Idiot in real science


Evaporated Water vapor and CO2 is the by product of Warming

as the increased levels of frozen Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

crashing to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

is more than off-setting the Hot CO2 rising

now add a dozen other climate variables

and millions of years of climate history

and hundreds of years of Physics and Chemistry

stated to be ~ Irrelevant ~ by Climate Religion

proving there is far more science missing from Dictated Political Media Climate Religion

than in Dictated Political Media Climate Religion

based on a very flawed very incomplete very debunk so called Climate Study

by Politicians who failed grade school science

who continue to believe and preach the cause of all the Green

and all the oxygen we breathe

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Pollution

proving they are Idiots in science doing harm to Nature and zero good

as CBS & NBC & ABC and all the other so called News outlets

Preach their test proven Political Climate Science Fiction

proving they are the test proven Fake News

as they are no longer Fair and Balanced

providing the Public with only one of many sides of the story

as they are a political agenda selling only one side of the story

based only on what they choose and are told to believe

as they do not comprehend and can not test the science

so they can not ~ Know ~ either way

they can only believe

while providing zero scientific reference when requested

not even with a $100,000.00 Reward

as they are the test proven Hoax

but do not know they are the test proven Hoax

because the do not comprehend the real science

as Political Media Agenda is a Disease in Real Science

as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they ignore all real science they do not comprehend for

True Belief

in test proven to be Fraudulent Garbage Science

~ example ~

when world Famous Physicist Michio Kaku

Stated on NBC News

~ maybe ~

Humans cause Climate Change

the next day there were no maybes

NBC News Stated Humans do in fact Cause Climate Change

based ~ only ~ on their Political Agenda True Belief

and not on proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as they can provide zero scientific references when requested

many times a year with a Reward since 2007

Real Scientific References

~ to prove they are not making fraudulent statements in Science ~

while they will not allow any Scientific rebuttal to be seen or heard in their Political Media

as the same goes for the rest of the Media and Journalist and Politicians

and very fraudulent Websites

Preaching Humans cause Climate Change

as Tens of Thousands of Real Working Scientists just in the USA

state: Humans do not cause Climate Change

but your not going to hear about it on the Fair and Balanced News


Fraudulent Political Media Garbage Science

based on zero scientific method


~ what if ~


maybe and likely

are words

and words prove nothing in real science

as Climate Religion continues to ignore all fact tested Science because

its a Religion

based on scientifically self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven Theory

further debunked by real science they state is Irreverent

while the refuse to Publicly debate the Science they do not comprehend

and never will

as test proven Idiots in Science who refuse to acknowledge simple hard science

because they do not comprehend real science dictate Science


~ Repetitiveness is the key to Deprogramming ~


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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