The Religion of Science is Skepticism ~ ll


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this Carbon based Earth

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

CO2 with ~ zero ~ color taste or smell is ~ not ~ pollution

while ~ knowing ~ Plants and Trees need more CO2 not Less

for a more healthy carbon cycle to make the food and oxygen

we need for our carbon based body’s

~ but ~

when somethings looks good on paper it does not always work in Nature


Human caused Climate Change is the ~ test proven ~ Political Media Hoax

by those who failed grade school science

by failing the scientific method

as they are true believers who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who truly believe and preach to the world the cause of life is pollution

while there is very real pollution caused by Nature and Humanity

 ~ while the cause of  the

carbon ~ oxygen ~ hydrogen ~ cycle

is not one of them ~

while the True Believers do not comprehend the Math on the Chalkboard

~ that did not happen ~

when the Math on the Chalkboard was put to the Real Test in Real Nature

in the environment with all the known factors and variables of the known Universe

~ as this then overwhelmingly scientifically proved ~

their chalkboard math was incomplete

because the chalkboard math

ignored all the known climate variables of today and of many moons ago

so the math worked on the Chalkboard while ignoring all the known variables

and then the math worked in a controlled environment

in a Test Laboratory with zero of the known variables

but the math did not work in the fact tested realty of  Real Nature

because the opposite happened when the chalkboard math was put to the Real Test

because the Chalkboard math was incomplete

as the chalkboard math did not include all the known climate factors and variables

of all the known and un-known Universe

the Laboratory Chalkboard Math failed the test in fact tested reality

while there are those today using an outdated incomplete debunk science parer

as scientific proof Humans cause climate change

proving only fraud

as there are many other forms of very proven Political Media Fraud today

by Climate Religion

~ as ~

the true belief in a prediction of the unknown future

based on proven to be very flawed incomplete study

is now true belief in a prediction that did not happen

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is not science

and is now preached by a political agenda as scientific fact

because they do not comprehend or follow or investigate the real science


Political Media Fear and Paranoia

dictate failed science as reality

providing the world with

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on ~ test proven ~ incomplete failed chalkboard math


Climate Religion has failed to comprehend

as we are now spending trillions to do ~ test proven ~ Harm to the Carbon cycle

the cause of all nature and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth


you can not debunk real science with true belief

just believing Humans cause Climate Warming

does not prove We cause Climate Warming

as there is far more knowledge ignored by Climate Religion

than known by Climate Religion

as Political Media Climate Religion is a very proven Political Media Lie

committing very proven Political Media Fraud in Science

as it is the True Believers who are in denial of fact tested reality

as they are now doing only harm to nature and zero good

as Climate Religion continues to ignore all the test proven variables

that further debunk their true belief in their self-debunk prediction

because they failed the scientific method

by believing instead of knowing


Can You Debunk

CO2 is the cause of the carbon cycle causing all carbon based life ?

Can You Debunk

heat ~ still ~ rises ?

Can You Debunk

increased levels of -200 degree CO2 = Dry Ice and water vapor

 is continuously crashing towards the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as heat still rises

and can you reverse self-debunk computer prediction ?

can you reverse self-debunk NASA prediction ?

as it is very easy to prove today Manhattan is not underwater today

as this was the NASA prediction by James Hansen 18 plus years ago

as the rate of evaporation has exceed the rate the Ice is Melting

the Sea level has declined for the past 6 plus years

making this planet greener with a healthier carbon cycle

and as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation by the Variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

while NASA data is different than their public statements

proving they are frauds in science for a political agenda

while prediction of the un-known future is called Ouija Board Science

and is not fact tested reality in science

while NOAA is using proven to be Bogus Weather measurements

from new Weather Stations placed on Tared roof tops

next to Heating and Air -conditioning outlets

and then turning off weather stations out in the middle of nowhere

to make their bogus statements

proving they are frauds in science for a political agenda

while it took 100 years to be as warm as 100 years ago

while the EPA continues to ignore facts that debunk their statements

proving they are frauds in science for political agenda

as the Government has decided for working scientists what is science

while the working scientist are allowed zero voice for rebuttal in the political media

as the political media continues to dictate science to the un-knowing public

with zero

~ Question ~


~ Test ~


~ Debate ~

as the Facts have been proven to be Manipulated

while ignoring other proven Facts




If I was a Plant or Tree today

I would be very un-happy

because scientifically

I know

I need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today

to breathe to be Strong and Healthy

while there are those today who ~ believe ~ I am a Vegetable

but of course Vegetables are good for you

~ * ~



True Believers are those who ignore the tested knowledge that has debunk their true belief

that is why they are called True Believers

and that is why we have

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

dictating science

based on

test proven

self-debunk prediction

based on

test proven

flawed incomplete garbage science

based on Political True Belief

and zero scientific method

as there is zero logic or common sense

in Climate Religion

~ as ~

True Believers of Climate Religion are test proven Pathological Liars in science

because they comprehend zero science

and ~ know ~ nothing beyond their personal feelings of true belief

while there are zero feelings in real science

as those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

now dictate science after never investigating the science


If there was Zero CO2

there would be Zero Greenhouse

and Zero Green

while the Earth is not in a Greenhouse where heat can not escape

as far more heat is escaping the atmosphere than was ~ PREDICTED ~

as prediction is not knowledge or test proven fact

while O2 oxygen is a by-product of a Greenhouse made from CO2

making O2 oxygen a Greenhouse Gas and is 20.95 % of the Air

while Nitrogen is the by-product of decomposing soil

the by-product of a Greenhouse

making Nitrogen a Greenhouse Gas and is 78.09 % of the Air

making the air 99.04% Greenhouse Gas


CO2 is not a by-product of a Greenhouse

CO2 is the by-product of the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

causing the first atmosphere causing Carbon Cycle

causing the Greenhouse

and as nitrogen will continue to be much more of the atmosphere than today at 78.09 %

the Oxygen and CO2 levels will continue to decline

and will one day end the Carbon cycle

on this carbon based Earth

as the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


has gone from most of the atmosphere to

00.04% of the atmosphere


00.004% and less is Man Made CO2

and at 00.021 % CO2 in the Atmosphere

Plants and Trees will begin to Die

and at 00.016 % CO2 will end the Carbon cycle

as CO2 is the by product of warming not the cause

making this planet green


Climate Religion states CO2 is: Toxic Pollution

as they state white steam is pollution too


when you place your science in faith it is no longer science

as Humanity now lives in fear and paranoia

based on self-debunk computer climate prediction

based on test proven political media fraudulent science

as Nature has debunk the Chalkboard science

and the hypothesis that ignored all fact tested reality for true belief

and if you do not follow the real science everyday

because you only follow a Political Agenda that failed grade school science


how do you

~ know ~

what is real and what is not

as you just believe what you are told to make believe


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

while something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

as True Believers just Truly Believe what they are told to just Truly Believe

as there is zero belief in real science

as numbers on paper prove nothing in Real Nature

when debunk by Real Nature


self-debunk prediction based on

flawed incomplete so called science

is the bases for

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing only test proven harm to Nature

at a cost of only trillions of dollars to the poorest of the poor

of this

Carbon based Earth


True Believers Ignore Fact Tested Reality in Real Science

while I am told by ~ some ~ so called Climate Scientist

who are the true believers of only ~ one ~ climate variable

when there are many known climate variables

while they believe and tell me

increased levels of -200 * frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

crashing to the Earths Poles as heat ~ still ~ rises

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of -200 * frozen water vapor

is: Irrelevant in climate science

along with the many other known Climate Variables

providing an Infinity of Climate variable

ignored by ~ some ~ so called climate scientist

who refuse to debate the real science


they are very busy predicting the unknown future with their computers

as this is known as Ouija Board science

as they base their Ouija Board science on zero scientific method

as their ~ PREDICTION ~ has been debunk by Nature

while I have yet to see any Prediction of any importance ever come True

as this carbon based world has still not ended

by Bogus Prediction

as I have yet to see a five day computer weather prediction to come true

here in Helena Montana

where we had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 hundred years

where we are half way to the North Pole from the Equator

where the weather can change every 20 minutes

because of many known variables

providing an Infinity of variable


News Papers refuse to print any of my Letters to the Editor since 2007


Real Science with Scientific Reference

~ they do not comprehend ~

 go against their Political Agenda

as Journalist who do not investigate anything

who just believe what they told to believe but only if it goes with their true belief

continue to preach their

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on test proven Garbage they call science

while so called Fossil Fuels are not Fossil Fuels

as there is far to much of it and far to deep in the ground

to be caused by Dead Dinosaurs

the oil in the ground has always been there in the ground

just like water has always been here too

as CO2 is the cause of all Green

and all Fuels that require O2 oxygen from the air to burn produce CO2

and the more CO2 we produce the Greener this Carbon based Earth will be

while those with zero back ground in science continue to dictate Garbage science

as Plants and Trees need more not less CO2

as the Oceans and lower Atmosphere

continue to be heated by the variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

with the help from the very variable Sun with many cycles

as the Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

until one day the variable Sun vaporizes this carbon based Earth


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

forever and ever

with many more Ice ages along the way

as we have had only 20 Ice ages over the past 2 million years

and guess what happened in between the last 20 Ice ages

with Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 than today

known from Ice Core samples

as True Believers will continue to be True Believers

ignoring all proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

for the sake of their True Belief


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

is very real

but based on zero fact tested reality

as they continue to do test proven harm to nature

while truly believing they are doing good

further proving it is a Religion based on zero science




To: Michael Brune and the Sierra Club

[email protected]

Thank You Michael

for sending me your Delete Message

proving I am Right

as you delete science before you review the science

proving once again I am Right

your no scientist

as you do not know far more than you do

as you chose to ignore tested knowledge for true belief

~ this is political media religion not science ~

as you are a test proven Pathological Fraud in science

while true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic science

as only Lunatics in science can dictate science based on Zero scientific method

while they refuse to debate the real science


Michael do you believe as other true believers believe

that non-believers should be Prosecuted for non-belief

as True Believers have attempted to ~ Secretly ~ Prosecute for non-belief

proving Political Fascism by your Political Media Agenda

and what should the Punishment be

for the over 9,000 PhD’s that I know of ~

of over 30,000 scientists I know of ~

along with 49 NASA scientists I know of ~

just in the USA

working scientist who ~ know ~ and do not believe in your Climate Religion

so how should non-believers be punished by true believers

true believers who do not ~ know ~ because they failed grade school science

as they are doing test proven harm to Nature

should we cut their Tongue out and cut their Fingers off

so they can no longer state and write about fact tested reality

that opposes your test proven Political Media Religion

further proving it is a Fascist Political Media Religion


I will bet if I sent you money today you would be more than happy to take it


~ you do not know ~

you just believe what you are told to believe


~ Garbage Science ~

as you truly believe in your proven lies

as you Beg for money from me many times a day

while you want people to commit money to you once a month for the next four years

so you can continue to preach your Bogus Reality

that is doing test proven harm to all of Nature and the Environment


~ you do not know ~

you just make believe

because you refuse to look and see to ~ know ~ what is test proven real and what is not

as you reject any Public Question ~ Public Test or Public Debate of real science

as you are an Insult to Real Science

as you have proven money is far more important than

~ truth in science ~

as your true belief is lowering oxygen levels

and turning underground water into acid

while reducing what plants and trees need more of to breathe


now prove I am wrong

explain to me how Humans cause all or any climate warming

as you can prove nothing with real science

you can prove nothing beyond your personal feelings of true belief

so here is the money you keep requesting from me



for the Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

that is making this Blue and Green Planet Greener

beyond your personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on

a flawed incomplete climate study

that ignored all the other known climate variables

while the science sent to me by your Representative Jonathan Matthews here in Helena

as Jonathan tells me I am misinformed

after my 40 plus years of working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science

and my on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

as Jonathan has zero back ground and zero investigation in this science

and has earned zero right to opinion in this science

as Jonathan is a true believer who does not look at all the knowledge

as he ignores and rejects all known science that goes against his true belief

as this is the opposite of the scientific method

as the science Jonathan sent me

is the same debunk science I reviewed many years ago

the flawed incomplete so called science

~ the numbers on paper debunk by nature ~

that ignored all climate variables in nature

that was used to make the now self-debunk prediction

because the flawed hypothesis unproven theory

ignored all the many known variables of real nature

and then the opposite of the unproven theory happened

as you and Jonathan continue to believe in this self-debunk prediction

because you do not follow or comprehend the real science

as you just continue to make believe in what you are told to make believe in

by True Believers

who are very misinformed in the real science they do not follow

for their Political Media Hearsay make believe

as you will continue to ignore all test proven facts for your

personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk computer prediction


you are a Pathological Fraud in science


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who refuse to debate the science

and who allow zero public rebuttal or debate in the Media

of over 30,000 scientist that I know of ~ just in the USA

who disagree with you

as the scientific consensus is just another one of John Kerry’s very Proven Political Lies

of the many ~ very proven ~ John Kerry Political Lies

Pathological or not

~ so ~


Cowboy up

put up ~ or ~ shut up

as you are for spending Trillions to do test proven Harm to Nature

for the sake of ~ your ~ test proven make believe

because numbers on paper debunk by Nature is Garbage science

while over 90% of the CO2 in the Air is not made by Humans

while Lungs produce more CO2 than Cars

as only about 12% of Humans drive Cars

while most of us drive less than one hour a day

and more than just Humans have Lungs

making CO2 for Plants and Trees to Breathe

making Oxygen from the CO2 for you and I to breathe

as Plants and Trees need more not less CO2 to breathe

as CO2 is the cause of all Green called Pollution by True Believers

who preach to the world

~ please be for green ~

while they continue to tell me I am the one who is misinformed

after I have sent them the science that has further debunk

their true belief in self-debunk prediction

nor will they acknowledge the cause of the carbon cycle

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is: ~ not ~ pollution

as they continue to believe White Steam is: Pollution

further proving there is zero science in Climate Religion

as they ignore knowledge for true belief

as those who know nothing and failed the scientific method tell me I am misinformed

as this is what my on going investigation since 2007 continues to prove

there is zero proven science in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

furter proving there is zero knowledge in true belief

with a lot of very proven Political Media Fraud


Political Religion is not science ~ science is not Political Religion


do not sell me with your words of true belief that we cause climate warming

~ prove it ~

as you are a ~ test proven ~ Snake Oil Salesman who can not debate the real science




The Sierra Club is a Political Body not a Science Body

who have ~ zero ~ comprehension of the

carbon ~ oxygen ~ hydrogen


and when you ~ believe ~ this called religion

and when you ~ know ~ that is called science

and when you ignore tested knowledge for true belief in self-debunk prediction

while doing test proven harm to nature

this is test proven Lunatic Political Media Religion

while only Political Fascism and Fraud can dictate Science

~ If you are for test proven Green then you are for CO2 ~




Christ Scribe Thomas is not in the New Testament

as the New Testament was decided by the Government of Rome

by the Emperor of Rome Constantine in the year 321

and not by Christians

to better control the Christian Community Workers and Slaves

as there are more words of Christ missing from the New Testament

than in the New Testament dictated by the Roman Government

~ while ~

the U.N. a Political Body not a Science Body


it is “likely” Humans cause all Climate Change


the Hypothesis = unproven theory

CO2 Traps Heat in the Atmosphere

is: self-debunk

because the Hypothesis Failed


Heat ~ still ~ Rises

including Hot CO2

as all the gases heat expand and rise

while radiating energy and heat as fast as the Gases absorb energy and heat

removing heat


transferring heat upward

while -200 * cold air and -200 * CO2 = Dry Ice ~ still ~ take its place

at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth while warming up to -100 * on the way down

as it has been very scientifically proven

beyond true belief

far more heat is escaping the atmosphere than

~ predicted ~

as prediction is not knowledge

as science is: to know

while something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

~ so ~

can you debunk

Heat ~ still ~ Rises


and can you reverse self-debunk prediction ?

~ as ~

test proven Political Media Fraud continues in science

as Government scientists continue to preach their ~ test proven ~political media lies

as they have failed the Scientific Method for the sake of true political belief

as they continue to ignore fact tested knowledge for ~ their ~ continued true belief





hypothetical conjecture



based on only ~ one ~ very small fragment of all knowledge


ignoring all fact tested knowledge that further debunk ~ their ~ hypothesis

that debunk their hypothesis long before ~ their ~ hypothesis

their hypothesis based on a ~their ~ lack of fact tested knowledge

regardless of what they see on ~ their ~ Chalkboard

as science is proven wrong more often than proven right

as Chalkboard science proves nothing in fact tested reality


CO2 can not trap energy and heat

CO2 can transfer energy and heat upward

with the void filled with increased levels

 Frozen Air  with frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and Frozen Water Vapor

off-setting warming by the variable SUN


The most important thing I have learned

in my on going climate science investigation since 2007


you can not debate real science with a True Believer

because True Believers do not comprehend the Real Science

further proving it is a Political Media Religion based on zero science

as they truly believe there is only ~ one ~ climate variable

~ We ~

~ Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth ~

Humans who are made from CO2

breathing oxygen made from CO2

eating food made from CO2

by the carbon cycle

CO2 causing all of Nature and the Environment

as True Believers ~ believe ~ the cause of all Life and all Nature = CO2 is: Toxic Pollution

as True Believers try to covert non- Believers

to believe in test proven self-debunk garbage science

they do not comprehend and test proven Political Media Lies

as they just believe what they are told to just believe

with zero

Question ~ Test ~ Debate

as they do Truly Believe in their test proven lies

proving they are pathological not scientific

as their true belief is

Harming the Carbon Cycle

Harming Nature and the Environment

and Harming all Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

as their true belief is in true belief

as there is zero belief in real science


while of course True Believers will not read this they will delete this

proving only to them self they are not a real scientist

as True Believers can not acknowledge any thing beyond only their true belief

~ while ~

those who believe the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

is toxic pollution is a lunatic in real science

those who believe we need less not more CO2 in the air for a Healthy Carbon cycle

is a Lunatic in real science

those who believe there is only ~ one ~ climate variable

of many known climate variables

is a Lunatic in real science

those who believe

something the size of a sewing thread

can trap heat in something the size of a football field

while rejecting Heat ~ still ~ Rises

while rejecting cold air takes its place

is a Lunatic in real science

~ as ~

Lunatics Dictate Science


as climate change is Real for billions of years


Climate Religion is the true belief in self-debunk Hypothesis

based on flawed incomplete science

that is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle and all of nature

and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth


some Scientists


some Science Organizations


some Political Organizations

like the Union of Concerned Scientist

who are a Political Body not a Science Body

who I had an email debate with for about 40 or so minutes

as they could prove nothing beyond their garbage belief

and then blocked my emails

and some News Papers

like the Sacramento Bee


as all the above are all using an out dated incomplete debunk science paper

as scientific proof

Humans cause Climate Warming

proving only fraud


~ at ~

210 ppm

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere

the Carbon cycle will begin to die

and end all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth


there is zero make believe in real science

and ignoring fact tested knowledge for make believe is: Lunatic science


1 ~ fragment of all knowledge

the bases for a now self-debunk prediction

can not debunk all known fact tested knowledge

knowledge that has further debunk the self-debunk make believe

as all knowledge must be known and all together

while computer prediction of the unknown future is: Ouija Board Science

and the more Hot CO2 Rises

the more frozen CO2 = Dry Ice comes crashing back to the poles of this carbon based earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

off-setting the warming by the variable Sun


True Believers will not acknowledge

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

and very cold air still take its place

off-setting warming by the

Variable SUN

as they do not acknowledge the Ocean and Lower Atmosphere

is heated by the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

they do not acknowledge variable Volcanic activity below Sea level

along with many other variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

~ as ~

they Ignore all but one small piece of the puzzle

as this is incomplete science

while belief in self-debunk prediction is still Lunatic science


You can not ignore this warming period began 14,000 years ago not 100 years ago

with Little Ice Ages and Mimi Ice Ages all along the way


You can not ignore all known climate variables in a climate study

you can not ignore

the SUN continues to be warmer and brighter

and is a climate and weather variable with many cycles

you can not ignore

one heat wave by the variable SUN

will increase the density of the atmosphere by 20%

and is a climate and weather variable

you can not ignore

the distance between the Earth and Sun is a climate and weather Variable

you can not ignore

the Ozone hole is a climate and weather variable caused by solar activity

you can not ignore

the variable Hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

is Heating the Oceans and lower atmosphere

and is a weather and climate variable

you can not ignore


continuous un-measurable volcanic activity from 300 plus volcanoes at this time

below Sea level

and is a climate and weather variable

you can not ignore


 major volcanic eruptions that are not continuous about 50 times a year below Sea level

and is a climate and weather variable

you can not ignore

the variable changes of evaporation of Ocean

by the variable SUN

the Ocean containing many times the level of CO2 than the atmosphere

from variable un measurable volcanic activity below Sea level

Acidifying the Ocean

for billions of years

and is a climate and weather variable

you can not ignore


increased cloud cover from increased evaporation

and is a weather and climate variable

as evaporated water vapor and CO2 is the by product of variable warming

by the variable SUN

as the warming occurs first and then water vapor and CO2 levels rise


along with many other climate variables

you can not ignore for true belief

~ and then ~

only acknowledge ~ one ~ warming variable

and exclude all cooling variables

as this is very flawed incomplete science


then tell the world

based on flawed incomplete fraudulent garbage called science

the Science is Settled

when settled science does not exist

as this is a very proven lie

as a Proven to be Fraudulent Political Body dictate science

~ as ~

I am belittled everyday by True Believers

~ those who know nothing ~

~ who comprehend nothing ~

~ who can prove nothing ~

and can answer zero questions in science

beyond their true make believe in flawed incomplete science

who refuse to look at and see all the fact tested knowledge

knowledge that has further debunk their true belief in self-debunk prediction

~ as ~

True Believers

fully support with all of their Hart and Spirit living in their Soul

very test proven

Political Media Fraud and Fascism in Science

when there are zero feelings in science

as they do not comprehend any science

as true belief can prove nothing in real science

as they believe ~ one ~ fragment of all known science can define all climate change

as True Believers dictate science based on zero scientific method

while those who ignore tested knowledge for true belief are not real scientist


when there are a hundred pieces to a puzzle

and you throw away 99 of them and call it good

and then call it science

this is proven Lunatic science by proven Lunatics in science

who refuse to publicly debate their Lunatic science

as this the bases for

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who are test proven Political Media Liars and Frauds in Science

science they do not comprehend

as they can not absorb real knowledge

as real knowledge is blocked by their true belief in test proven Lies

by Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science


~ skepticism ~

the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question


Should I ~ Question ~ Proven Fraud in Science ?

by those who refuse to debate of the science

Proven Fraud in Science ~ Ignored by True Believers


when I am Proven wrong I admit it so I may learn and grow forward

as success is found through failure

as a real scientist of the scientific method is a skeptic by trade

if you are not a true skeptic you are not a true scientist of the scientific method

a skeptic of

political media agenda true belief dictating science

based on zero scientific method

zero scientific rebuttal

and zero scientific debate

and zero test proven science

beyond true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on test proven fraud

proven by

my on going investigation since the spring of 2007

with 40 plus years of back ground in atmospheric emission science and testing


Climate Science

is a brand new un tested science

dictated today by a political media fascist agenda

known as

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who just believe what they are told

they do not test the science

as they have publicly failed grade school science

by ignoring fact tested reality for make believe

as all science is: Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

while true belief


debunk hypothesis


 1 fragment of misinterpreted incomplete knowledge

while ignoring all other known knowledge

can not define all of climate science


~ zero ~



Test and Debate

while there is zero settled science in the scientific method

as there is something new to learn everyday

as settled science can only exist in true make believe


If Ice did not melt

and the evaporated water did not return to the ocean

by rain or by river and streams

the Sea level would

decline ~ recede ~ drop ~ fall ~ lower ~ disappear

as mush as 6 feet per year

while the Oceans has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

~ to ~

Those who ignore the proven Political Media Fraud and Fascism in science

by a Political Media Agenda

and support this political agenda

this makes you very much a part of the proven Fraud and Fascism in science

all because you do not comprehend the tested knowledge

just as those you follow do not comprehend the tested knowledge

as the political media no longer provide all the facts

they with hold facts while they dictate their agenda true belief


some limit their knowledge based on true belief

while some limit their belief based on tested knowledge

as it is only the fools in science who believe I am the fool

as they continue to sell there test proven Garbage Science

they refuse to Question ~ Test ~ Debate

because they do not comprehend the real science

as they just believe what they are told to just believe


Michael Brune and Jonathan Matthews

of the

~ Sierra Club ~

why do 49 NASA Scientist and over 9000 PhD’s disagree with you ?

while you have not Questioned the science

you can not debate the science

you just believe what you are told to believe

and until you can prove otherwise

you are proven Lairs and Frauds in science

or when you can admit

real science has proven your true belief is not fact tested reality

because ~ 1 ~ misinterpreted fragment of all knowledge

can not debunk all fact tested knowledge just by ignoring all known fact tested knowledge

as you have publicly failed grade school science

because you reject the scientific method for your true make believe

as you can articulate zero science

as you can debate zero science

as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as you can prove nothing beyond your true belief with real science

as you continue to preach your

~ test proven ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as your true belief is doing test proven harm to

the Carbon cycle

and to all of Nature and the Environment

and to all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ because you do not know ~

because you refuse to look at tested knowledge and see tested reality

as your Reality is test proven make believe doing only test proven harm

as you fully support the on going very proven fraud in science

science you do not comprehend

making you Pathological Frauds and Lairs

in fact tested reality


when you refuse to look at and see old and new fact tested knowledge

for continued true belief in proven to be self-debunk computer prediction

based on what is proven to be

flawed incomplete fraudulent Garbage you call science

this is not science

this is test proven Lunatic Religion

and when a group of Attorney Generals who are a part of this test proven Lunatic Religion

try to Secretly Prosecute Scientists who do not believe in your test proven Lunatic Religion

Real Scientist who have reviewed and analyzed and tested the science

who ~ know ~ what is fact tested reality in science and what is not

this is now a Test Proven to be Fascist Lunatic Religion

that has nothing to do with real proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


~ ignoring knowledge for true belief is not science ~

~ as ~

Jonathan tells me I am misinformed

and he sent me his proof Humans cause climate change

as he believes there is only one climate variable

and he sent me his ~ 1 ~ fragment of knowledge

intended to define all climate science

science I have been very aware of for many moons now

as I was licensed by the State of California in 1976

to test and certify emissions

as I have a very long back ground in CO2 science

 in both warming and cooling

as Jonathan only acknowledge the warming factor and ignores the cooling factor

so technically he has provided only one half of one climate variable

The science Jonathan sent to me

 was used to make the computer climate predictions of the un-known future

that are now self-debunk

as the the rate of warming did not speed up as predicted

the rate warming slowed down

as Water vapor and CO2 levels increased by evaporation by warming by the variable Sun

and is the opposite of the prediction

based only on one small fragment of all climate knowledge

that does not prove Humans cause climate warming

or prove CO2 causes only warming

as frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing to the earths poles

has more than off-set Hot CO2 rising

but Jonathan does not acknowledge this known science


Heat ~ still ~ Rises


something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

or any science beyond his one very small fragment of all knowledge

as he has been preaching his climate religion everyday for many years

while I have been investigating the real science everyday since 2007

exposing the political media Fraud and Fascism that Jonathan will continue to ignore

and maybe embrace

for the sake of his true belief in self-debunk prediction

and his Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as Jonathan refuses to look at the knowledge I have sent him over the many years

tested knowledge that has further debunk

his Fraudulent Fascist Lunatic Climate Religion

while Jonathan refuses to publicly debate real science

and maybe Jonathan does not comprehend the real science I have sent him

over the years

as he will not give up his true belief

while proving his true belief is not science

as Jonathan does not follow the science he follows only the his feelings of true belief

that has been debunk by the knowledge he refuses to know

for the sake of his feelings and faith in his true belief

as this is test proven religion not test proven science

as Jonathan continues to preach his Political Media make believe

debunk by real science he refuses to know


the more efficiently all fuels are burned the more CO2 is produced


CO2 is the cause of life and is not Pollution


Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less


proving it is not I who is misinformed

as Jonathan can not answer the Questions I have asked

that I know the answers to

as true belief can not answer the Questions of science

as true belief can only dictate what is believed to be science


the local news paper will print every word Jonathan has to say for many years

because the news paper truly believes in the same belief with out Question

but refuse to print a signal word I have to say in rebuttal with scientific reference

scientific reference debunking Jonathan and his words of true belief

as words and belief prove nothing in science

as Jonathan continues preach to and brainwash the un knowing public with

his proven to be fraudulent garbage he calls science to the People of Montana

as he continues to reject the scientific method for true belief

as Jonathan can only see and believe in one dot on the page

when there are hundreds of dots on the page

as he can only see on piece of the puzzle

one fragment of knowledge that he has been misinterpreted

while the news paper decides what is real and what is not for all the readers

based only on Lee news papers political agenda

as Jonathan has tested his true faith in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

and he has proven his true feelings of faith is unbroken and very strong

when their zero feelings or faith or belief in real science

as he preaches his true faith in test proven Fraudulent Garbage science

based on zero scientific method with zero scientific rebuttal

while proving once again Political Media Fascism is very alive and well in America


when you throw away all but one piece of the puzzle


you do not know if you holding that one piece of the puzzle upside down or not

and then you never know you just believe

and my guess is Jonathan deleted all the science I have sent him

over the many years without reviewing it or analyzing it

proving he is not a real scientist of the scientific method

for the sake of his true belief


if Jonathan could comprehend simple basic heat transfer science


Heat ~ still ~ Rises

this would be a very important first step

as this is only one piece of a very large puzzle

ignored by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


science is : to know

and ignoring very proven Fraud and Fascism for true belief is: not science


true belief in self-debunk Ouija board science

does not prove

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon cycle

causing all of  Nature and the Environment

~ all ~

Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth

is called

Toxic Pollution


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


Michael and Jonathan

Here on this Carbon based Earth

where everything has carbon in it

causing a carbon life and energy cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

as the Human Body is 20% carbon made from CO2

the Human body is mostly H2 = hydrogen plus O = oxygen = water

breathing O2 = oxygen made from CO2

caused by the carbon cycle

causing all of Nature and the Environment

caused by evaporation of Ocean by the variable Sun

the Ocean containing many times the CO2 level than in the Air

caused by on going volcanic activity below sea level for the past 4.6 billion years

as CO2 has zero color taste or smell

and is not Pollution

as this warming period began 14,000 years ago not 100 years ago

and as evaporated water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not seed up as predicted

~ while ~

4.6 Billion years of Climate Change is: not a Hoax


NASA stated 18 plus years ago Manhattan would be underwater today

as the Ocean is not rising because the rate of evaporation by the variable Sun

has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting causing the Ocean level to fall

while making this carbon based Earth much greener

to feed more starving people

while we are told by you and your political media agenda the Ocean is rising when it is not

while 49 NASA Scientist sent a public letter to NASA in disagreement of NASA

and NASA ‘s political based public statements


the EPA  has been enforcing emission science since the 1970’s

proving CO2 causes cooling

and will not admit this fact


the last politically based climate assessment by NOAA

is as Bogus as a $3 dollar Bill

while working weather stations out in the middle of know where

have been turned off and replaced with weather stations on

Tared Roof Tops

next to heating and air-conditioning outlets

and placed next very busy Paved Highways

with theses Bogus measurements are then used to state to the unknowing public

we are having Record Warm Temperatures

proving only fraud

as we have 4.6 billion years of no temperature records to compare with

while it was this warm when we began to record Temperatures

telling us it took 100 plus years to as warm as it was 100 plus years ago

while Montana had California climate 1000 years ago for 200 years


the U.N. states it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Change

based on their political climate study that ignores many climate variables

millions of years of climate history

and 180 plus years of very proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

proving CO2 causes cooling

all further debunking their self-debunk predictions


all of this garbage is based on self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

while ignoring the test proven facts

while not one politically influenced Government Scientist or political Organization

preaching Humans cause climate warming will debate their garbage science

as I have been contacting all of them over and over since 2007

and they can provide nothing and prove nothing

and when you can not debate your Garbage science

or prove your garbage science is not garbage

~ its not real ~


Al Gore

who is not a scientist and can articulate zero science

who has not earned the right to scientific opinion

is getting very rich

from his proven to be bogus fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme

who’s science references sent to me by his organization in 2010

are as bogus as his carbon credit scheme

proving Al Gore is: a Hoax

as his religion ignores his test proven fraud


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

is a proven Hoax

and is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle

test proven harm to Nature and the Environment

by lowering Oxygen levels in the air

turning underground water into Acid

and reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

by pumping CO2 into the ground

because they do not comprehend real science


I am for Truth in science


the Sierra Club is very much a part of this Hoax

as they refuse to debate the real science

and can prove nothing with real science

while they are more than happy to take your money

to continue to preach their fraud in science

proving they are Snake Oil Salesman

as I have been sending a request with a reward for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause climate warming

to the Sierra Club for many years now and they can prove nothing

beyond flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent garbage they call science

they do not comprehend

and of course they will not debate their make believe science they can not prove is Real

~ while climate change is real ~

for billions of years

and CO2 causes cooling not warming in real science

 science they refuse to look at and see

because they do not comprehend the science

as they continue to just make believe in and preach their proven to be garbage science

because they are true believers who do not follow or comprehend the real science

so all they have to go on

is their true belief in test proven garbage they call science

as they are the proven Blind in science leading the Blind in science

as they are a Political Media body not a Science body

as they continue to preach their bogus science

as they continue to ignore

Fact Tested Reality

for their true belief


Test Proven Fraud and Fascism

they can not see

for the sake of ~ their ~ true belief


out dated incomplete debunk science is used as scientific proof


Political Media Fraud in Science


the real scientific community continues to be ignored


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as true belief provides us with the blindness to fact tested reality



~ so do you know ~

or are you part of a test proven to be

Fascist Lunatic Religion




January 13, 2017

The expected predicted high for today is 20*

as predictions never come true as the real high was closer 10*

while the record high was 57* in 1959

and the record low was -33* below zero in 1997

making it 90* warmer in 59 than in 97



~ a True Scientist would say ~

if there is a God

then there is

and if there is not a God then there is not

as there is zero proven science of the scientific method to prove either way

as a true Believer would say

There is a God

based on zero proof either way

and if there is a God

and I have the chance to say

~ God ~

why do let them kill each other everyday

for the sake of their very same true belief in you everyday


For truth in all of life and knowledge for a better life for all

the Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Dictating Science



~ Letter to the Editor ~

that will never be printed in the local Fake News Paper

because of their political agenda


Who Brainwashed Ryan Zinke ?

Matthew Daly of the Associated Press

as Matthew is a very poor example of a Journalist

as he only covers one side of many sides of the story

as neither Ryan or Matthew have a back ground in atmospheric science or climate science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion in climate science

as they can prove nothing with real peer-reviewed science

as they are Puppets and Preachers

for the test proven Fraud in science Al Gore and his Climate Religion

obviously Ryan has not reviewed and analyzed the real science

as I have for the past 10 years now

Ryan is just a Brainwashed true believer in test proven fraudulent Garbage called science

Ryan must of finished last in his Geology Class

other wise he would be aware of the last 20 Ice ages and 20 global warming periods

in the last 2 million years

and he would know we have Ice core samples showing us Ice ages

with higher level of CO2 in the air than today

and he would know the ocean has risen 350 feet over the last 26,000 years

and was 60 feet higher 135,000 years ago and 100 feet higher 14 million years ago

as progressive variable change is constant

but Ryan must of missed those days in his Geology Class

as Ryan has a BS in Geology

and his BS is test proven B ~ S


1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years

but of course you do not know this

and how is it something with zero color taste or smell

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

be: Pollution

because you have done zero investigation the real science

as you are a fraudulent preacher for climate religion

as you can not articulate the science or debate the science

or prove your true belief is science

as your true belief is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle and nature

proving you do not comprehend the real science



Ryan Zinke and Matthew Daly

and the

Associated Press


~ Reward ~

for the

Peer-Reviewed Fact Tested Scientific

~ Proof ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

~ as ~

Political Media ~ preached ~ Make Believe is now dictated Science

based only on ~ believed ~ hearsay words of true belief

based on zero scientific method

while using an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

the 1896 Arrhenius Paper

as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

proving only Fraud in science

~ while ~

there is ~ real ~ scientific proof

~ real ~

Fact Tested Knowledge


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Cooling

of this Carbon based Earth

based on

180 years of ~ ignored ~ test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

proving CO2 causes cooling

said to be Irrelevant

by Climate Religion and their Politically based so called Climate Study

~ including ~

ignored emission control science enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

proving CO2 causes cooling


2 million years of known ~ ignored ~ Climate History

and many ~ ignored ~ known Climate Variables providing an infinity of climate variable

all proven knowledge based on the Scientific Method

all further debunking

Political Media Agenda ~ scientifically proven ~ Make Believe

based on

self-debunk computer prediction

based on test proven to be

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Science


~ in real science irrelevant knowledge does not exist ~

how is 180 plus years of  CO2 Physics and Chemistry

Irrelevant in a study that only focus on CO2

while ignoring many climate variables

Ice core samples

and millions of years of climate history

all debunking their make believe science


Since the spring of 2007

I have sent this Reward offer with a Challenge to an open public debate in Climate Science

over 40,000 plus times now


Scientist ~ Politicians ~ Journalist



Political Media Organizations

who ~ Believe ~ in Human caused Climate Warming


they will not debate the science

nor can they provide anything beyond ~ their ~ true belief in hypothetical conjecture

as their

Scientific proof

We Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


CO2 and Water Vapor


the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth

as the true believers continue to Preach CO2 is: Toxic Pollution

as they Preach White Steam is Toxic Pollution too

while proving they failed Science and the Scientific Method

so why do they refuse to debate their test proven make believe

in self-debunk prediction

based on proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent Garbage they call science


I am called the Denier of something I do not Deny

by those who do not comprehend fact tested reality in real science

~ as ~

most Scientist do not ~ believe ~ We Humans cause Climate Warming

as there is zero belief in real science

as there is zero belief in test proven self-debunk prediction as real science


Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Emissions Testing


True Believers have ~ zero ~ plus years

as true believers continue their efforts to do harm to non-believers

when they could be educating themselves in real science

as they are instead doing as ISIS is doing

intentionally hurting non-believers for the sake of their personal feelings

in Political Media true belief

in very proven self-debunk prediction

as climate warming is Real but is ~ test proven ~ not to be caused by you and me

as they continue to ignore science they do not comprehend either way

and if your looking for test proven Fake News in Climate Science



Associated Press


Earthweek in your News Paper once a week

is a good place to start

as they go right to the source of the proven lies

and then allow zero rebuttal to the test proven lies

as they only tell the side of the story they believe in

as they can provide zero science reference to prove their lies are not lies

as real science is proven not believed

as Pathological Frauds Dictate Science

while doing test proven harm to nature and the environment

as they make believe they are doing good

as my Reality is not test proven make believe

as I am not their enemy

they are there own enemy doing test proven harm to nature

as I hope they grow forward and live long and prosper


~ peace ~

as I agree with Albert Einstein and John Lennon


as I agree with George Harrison too

…here comes the Sun ~

a proven variable with proven cycles


the last 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming cycles

of the past 2 million years


the past 4.6 billion years of a

Progressive Infinity of  Variable Climate Cycles

not caused by You or Me

as political media paranoid climate religion

dictates science

based only on political media make believe

as they do only harm and zero good

for ~ their ~ true belief

as I agree with the scientific method they do not comprehend


there is zero scientific method in true belief

as I hope one day there can be True Peace in True Belief

as they want to hurt me

while I have committed zero crime

I am truly guilty of not truly believing in there Scientifically test proven

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on

Test Proven Fraud in Tested Science


fraudulent true believers who comprehend zero science

proving there is zero tested reality in true belief in political media religion

that is today doing test proven harm

~ * ~

long ago

 we killed all the Cats

because we believed Cats were Evil

causing the Flees on Rats to kill half the people

as the people were then bloodletting to cure their new illness

only killing more people

because they killed all the Cats

because they ~ truly believed ~ the Cats were Evil


as politicians play both sides of the fence

regardless of fact tested reality


as this carbon based earth

continues to be contaminated by

nuclear fall out from nuclear testing since the 1940’s continuing to harm our farm soil

we grow our food in

and nuclear accidents continuing to harm the air we breathe and the ocean

and everything living in the Ocean and the food from the Ocean we Eat

and the soil we grow our food in

and then the nuclear waste dumped into the Ocean

and evaporated into the air

and then rained on to our mineral depleted farm soil we grow our food on

and from the underground leaking storage units we store nuclear waste in

leaking into rivers going to the Ocean while along the way is being evaporated into the air

all causing new cancers and new birth defects

since the 1940’s

as Climate Religion does only harm to Nature and zero good

costing only tens of trillions of dollars over the next 10 to 20 years

when they could helping starving People

but who cares about starving People and Nuclear Pollution

when your busy trying to end the carbon cycle

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

caused by

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as political media fools and their hearsay make believe in Garbage science dictate science

while ignoring real science and the scientific method



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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