Bill Nye the Science Guy ~ Preaches ~ what if ?


I Voted for Gary Johnson

~ while ~

Tom Lutey


Lee Enterprises Newspapers of Montana

as they refuse to allow any rebuttal to their test proven bogus statements in Science

as they are

Test Proven Liars in Science for their Political Agenda

as they will continue to lie to the public

and when they show us photos of white steam coming out of smoke stakes of

Coal Fired Power Plants

on the front pages of their Newspapers

they refer to the white steam as pollution

as steam is all you can see coming out of the power plant

as coal can and is burned very cleanly

while CO2 has ~ zero ~ color taste or smell

while plants and trees need 4 times more CO2 than in the air today to be healthy

while making the oxygen we breathe and to be the food we eat

for our Carbon based body’s

made from the cause of all life = CO2

as Tom Lutey has publicly failed grade school science

as he refers to the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Toxic Poision and  Toxic Pollution

and can provide zero science to support his test proven lies

as Tom Lutey is a test proven Fraud in Science

for Political Agenda

Tom is Paid to Lie to the Public

and he can not prove otherwise

as Proven Political Media Frauds in Science Dictate Science to the un-knowing Public

as they allow zero intelligent fact tested rebuttal

Proving Fascism by Political Agenda in Science


Tom Lutey

who lives in and Preaches his false reality

that is doing test proven harm to all nature and all life

because Tom refuses to learn tested Knowledge for the sake of his True Belief

True Belief in his Political Media Religion

based on zero test proven fact

as words and belief prove nothing

while belief in words is not science

while the true belief in the words of politicians is not fact tested reality

as Tom,

you must investigate the tested knowledge beyond your true belief

to find tested reality beyond only your reality of true belief in words of true belief

as there is zero tested knowledge in your political true belief

as you can not prove otherwise

proving your true belief is not science

as your true belief refuses to look at or debate the tested knowledge

~ as ~

…there can be zero truth in

~ what if ~

because there is zero knowledge in what if

as there can be zero truth in prediction of the un-known future

as there is zero knowledge in what may or may not happen


Tom can not prove he is not a test proven Lair

or prove his Political Religion is not a Religion

as true belief is not knowledge

and political agenda based on true belief is not science of the scientific method

as Tom can only prove he has zero comprehension of the scientific method

as I can not disprove Global Warming

as Global Warming is very real

in-between the last 20 Ice Ages of the last 2 million years

and no one can prove it is caused by Carbon based Humans

of this

Carbon based Earth


~ everything has carbon in it ~


carbon is ~ now ~ pollution


everything is: pollution


Political Agenda

based on

test proven

Fraud in Science

~ by ~

Political Agenda



do you believe I should be Prosecuted by Government paid for Attorneys

for not believing in

~ test proven ~

Fraudulent Garbage Science


they and you do not comprehend

and they can not articulate or debate or prove


Political Media Hearsay

Make Believe



do not ~ tell me ~ with words of true belief by political agenda

~  humans cause climate change ~

prove it with tested knowledge by the scientific method


Per-reviewed Science

as you have a scientific opinion

base on zero science



~ this space is for you ~

for your scientific references you have reviewed

for your scientific rebuttal

to prove you are not a test proven Lair in tested science

of the scientific method

~ if ~

you know what the scientific method is


you dictate science



everything I have and own

for the peer-reviewed science

proving beyond self-debunk prediction

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth

with the cause of all carbon based life


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon/Dioxide

while as

Tested Knowledge ~ ignord by you ~ has Proven

for the past 180 plus years

CO2 causes Cooling

~ so ~

don’t say it

prove it

as the only thing you have proven is

you can prove nothing with real science

as you are a puppet for ~ test proven ~ political media fraud

~ * ~

















November 11, 2016

~ * ~


Ouija Board Science



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Perdition Religion

~ * ~

~ ? ~

How does the word of belief


prove scientifically

~ Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change ~

as the United Nations


it is “likely” Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change

while there is more test proven climate knowledge missing from the U.N. Climate Study

than in the U.N. Politically Based so called Climate Study

as fact tested reality = truth in science by the scientific method

continues to be ignored by the U.N. for their Political Agenda

their Political Agenda based on test proven to be Fraudulent Garbage so called Science

as modern day Bloodletting of the Carbon cycle continues to do test proven harm

and zero good

to all Life and all of Nature on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of Political Media Agenda based on zero test proven science

and as Real Science has repeatedly proven

We have Political Media Lunatics Dictating Garbage Science

as scientific proof

We Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

as there is only a Political Media consensus Humans cause Climate Change

not a scientific consensus

as you will not hear or see on the news or read in your paper

about the over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of

~ who have signed a Petition ~

in disagreement with the U.N. and their ~ True Belief

as belief is not tested knowledge

while the word “likely” based on a flawed incomplete study

providing a self-debunk prediction

based on fraudulent Garbage science proves nothing

while 49 NASA Scientist disagree with NASA

as James Hanson predicted 18 years ago Manhattan would now be underwater

while the rate of evaporation has exceed the rate the Ice is Melting

causing the sea level to fall and not rise as predicted

and as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase from evaporation

by the variable Sun

~ the CO2 from hundreds of active volcanoes below sea level ~

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not seed up as predicted

making all the predictions self-debunk

as Political Media Climate Prediction Religion continue to state:

the Ocean is rising and warming is increasing when it is not

further proving Political Media Fraud in science

by those who failed grade school science

who reject the scientific method for a bogus Political Agenda

based on zero proven fact tested knowledge

as Climate Religion continues to ~ Believe In ~ and ~ Preach ~ to the world

a computer Prediction that did not happen

as computer prediction of the un-known future is: Ouija Board Science

a computer prediction based on proven Garbage Political make believe

and not on real science of the scientific method

as real science is still ignored today for true political media make believe

True Belief by ~ test proven ~ Political Media Lies

as True Belief is Religion not Real Science

as Climate Religion


Committing ~ test proven ~ Political Media Fraud and Fascism in Science

ignored by ~ their ~ Climate Religion for ~ their ~ True Belief

proving it is a Political Media Religion based on zero real science

as there is zero fact tested reality in self-debunk Ouija Board Science

as We live with the test proven fraud by test proven make believe



scientific opinion


Political Internet Journalism

who have publicly failed

Grade School Science

who can provide zero real science


Political Media Agenda Hearsay Make Believe

based on test proven to be

Flawed ~ Incomplete


Garbage Science

~ as ~

Evaporated by the ~ Variable ~ Sun

Water Vapor


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


cooling ~ not ~ warming

while causing the first atmosphere


the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


~ all ~

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as the cause of all life is called

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion


Climate Religion continues to do test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

for a bogus political agenda based on zero proven science


Ignored by Make Believe


40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Science


for truth in all of life for a better life for all

~ a real scientist will admit failure to learn from mistakes and grow forward ~

with the scientific method


Bill Nye the Science Guy

[email protected]

your lack of knowledge based on your public statements

and proven to be intentionally bogus public experiments with Al Gore

to intentionally deceive the public

prove to me you are a fraud with zero back ground in Atmospheric Science

as you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

in this brand new un-tested climate science

as you truly believe in what Al Gore has told you to believe in

as Al Gore has in fact Paid you to Truly Believe in his words of true belief

as you turn your back to the scientific method for Profit and Political Gain


perfectly good working weather stations

out in the middle of nowhere all over this carbon based Earth

have been turned off

and replaced with weather stations on the tops of tared roofs

next to heating and air-conditioning outlets

providing bogus measurements

being used to support Man Made Global Warming


Fraud in Science


Political Agenda


~ what if ~

Bill Nye the Science Guy

was a test proven Fraud in science for Profit

as Bill Nye will not debate the real science he ignores for Profit

and when you can not debate your so called science

then its not real science

as greed ignores the scientific truth


as Real Science admits failure and grows forward by scientific method

Bill Nye continues to ignore the many email request I have made over many years

with a reward for the proof beyond make believe we humans cause climate warming

as Bill can provide zero real science to support his true make believe

in self-debunk computer prediction

based on

proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent garbage science

that ignores the scientific method

and all test proven fact thet further debunk the self-debunk predictions

as prediction is: Ouija Board Science

while true belief in self-debunk prediction is: Religion


True Belief ~ in ~ What If

is not fact tested Reality

and If you do not look for the Fact Tested Truth in Reality

then you can not find and see the Truth in Reality


you just Believe what you are told to Believe

by other people who just believe what they were told to believe

who can provide zero test proven fact beyond their true belief

as real science is not based on hearsay feelings of true belief

or trust or maybe or what if

as there are zero feelings in real science

there is only test proven fact in real science

as we now live with those who have a Scientific Opinion

based only on feelings of true belief in hearsay make believe

as very extreme ~ progressive ~ variable ~ Climate Change is very Real

for the past 4.6 Billion years


Climate Religion continues to ~ Ignore ~ Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

~ of ~

The Scientific Method


~ their ~

Feelings of True Belief

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

~ not ~ make believe

as science is never settled in the scientific method

as we learn new tested knowledge every day

~ as ~

science is: to know

~ as ~

today science is dictated by a Fascist Political Agenda

based on ~ proven ~ Fraudulent Garbage Science



my on going Climate Science Investigation everyday since the spring of 2007

based on my 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science and Testing

~ proving ~

Fraud in Science


Political Agenda

providing the Carbon based People of this Carbon based Earth



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Perdition Religion

based on a very flawed incomplete self-debunked Fraudulent Climate Study

directed by a political body not a science body

that has more than proven they failed grade school science

called the

United Nations

who state today

it is “likely”  We Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

as “Likely” is a word of belief

as words and belief prove nothing in

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method


~ Political Agenda Organizations ~

who can provide zero real science to support their statements of make believe


Society of Environmental Journalists

the Daily Climate

Earth Justice

the Sierra Club

Montana Environmental Information Center

Earth Week

as none of the the above can provide

Peer-reviewed science to support their public statements

as they are all committing test proven political media fraud in Science

as we are now doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle

and to this carbon based Earth

because of their proven continued ~ Stupidity ~ in real science

for the sake of Al Gore’s Pathological Fraudulent Political Make Believe

along with many other political agenda organizations

who have zero back ground in science

who can articulate zero science

and can prove zero science with ~ Real ~ Peer-reviewed Science

as they continue to Preach and Brainwash the Carbon based People

of this Carbon based World with

~ their ~

Fraudulent Hearsay self-debunk Garbage True Belief

as they are all test proven frauds in real science

as their Garbage Science was Thoroughly Debunk before they thought of it


a Political Agenda

as their political science fiction is test proven to be backwards

to the hundreds of years of hard science they continue to ignore

for ~ their ~ true belief


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ is the cause of climate cooling ~

off setting climate warming by the variable Sun

as water vapor and CO2 are the by-product of warming through evaporation

by the variable Sun

as proven by Hard Science

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by Political Lunatics and Fools who invented their

Political Science Fiction = self-debunk hypothetical conjecture = garbage science

as Political Media Lunatics and Fools in science dictate science to Scientists

with Fraudulent Garbage Make Believe


Climate Religion

for only trillions of dollars from the pockets of the poor


lowering O2 oxygen levels in the air we breathe

as we pump CO2 into the ground turning underground water into an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the air today

to be Healthy

Plants and Trees making the O2 oxygen we Breathe from CO2

while becoming the Carbon based Food we Eat

for our Carbon based Body’s made of 20% Carbon

as the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

is not

toxic poison and toxic pollution as stated by Climate Religion

as they state and believe white steam is Poison and Pollution too

while they are committing test proven fraud in science


using incomplete debunk science papers as Scientific proof

while ignoring real science

as true belief always ignores test proven fact

proving it is a Political Media Agenda Religion

while trying to belittle me for knowledge they do not comprehend and never will

as climate change is Real but not caused by you and me

as Climate Religion calls me the Denier of something

I ~ know ~ is Real and do not deny

because I will not ~ believe ~ in their test proven Religion

by a proven to be

Fascist Political Agenda


~ proven ~

Fraudulent Garbage make believe as test proven reality

as Climate Religion now controls our everyday Lives in many different ways

while doing only test proven harm and zero good

to this carbon based Earth causing all carbon based Life

as they continue to refuse to debate test proven Reality for their true make believe

as they dictate Fraudulent Garbage as science

as words and belief  and prediction prove nothing

while the word of true belief ” Likely ” is completely self-debunk

by today’s test proven knowledge

and by hundreds of years of pre-existing fact tested reality

with 100 % certainty

by the Test Proven Hard Science of the Scientific Method

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

[email protected]




To: Tim Holmes

[email protected]

Helena Montana

~ Artist ~

Dear Tim,

as you continue to reject test proven knowledge of the scientific method

for your true make believe

as you are not a scientist of the scientific method

as you have zero back ground in climate science

while you have an un-earned Scientific Opinion in Climate Science

as your un-earned scientific opinion is once again printed in the Independent Record

while the IR does not allow any real scientific rebuttal by a real scientist

with a Doctor Honor from 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science

to be printed in their news paper

so thank you Tim and the IR for once again proving your Climate Religion

is a proven fact tested Religion

based on Fraudulent Garbage Science

as you continue to ignore Real Science for ~ your ~ True Belief in test proven fraud

as you continue to sell Garbage Science

while refusing to debate the real science

~ as ~

Science is to know by acknowledging our mistakes so we may learn and grow forward

as your Paranoia over something that is not happening

continues to grow caused by political media test proven lies

by those with zero back ground in the science


~ Paranoia ~

based on true belief

while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as real science goes against your true belief

as there is zero real science in true belief


as you Tim can provide zero science beyond your true belief in

hearsay paranoid make believe

as I may be Prosecuted by Political Agenda Government Attorneys who failed science too

for not believing in your Paranoid Make believe

that’s right

Real Government Attorney’s in the United States of America

want to Prosecute for Non-Belief

as True Belief is: Religion not tested science

while the Independent Record will print every word you have to say

based on test proven fraud in science

and not one word of my Test Proven Fact with scientific reference

in rebuttal to your Paranoid Belief

as you continue to Believe in and Preach a Proven Lie

because you have zero comprehension of real science

as you have an un-earned opinion in something you ~ know ~ nothing about


Paranoid Make Believe

as we spend trillions to do test proven harm to the carbon cycle

and all carbon based life

while doing zero good

but do not feel bad Tim

because the founder of climate religion

Al Gore

can not articulate any science too

and refuses to debate the real science

as Al Gore is committing Fraud in science

along with making a fortune

with his proven to be Fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme

as I could be Prosecuted for not believing


something you and your Religion can not articulate

further proving your true belief is a Religion

as there is zero belief in tested science

as you Tim are part of a

~ test proven ~

Fraudulent Political Agenda based on ~ Zero ~ test proven science

as you will continue to make believe because you are not a Real Scientist

as you reject the scientific method for political agenda

so please do this carbon based world a favor and stop believing

and start learning what you do not know

and live in tested reality and not in test proven fraud for your reality





for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based Life

and is

~ test proven ~

to cause cooling not warming in Physics and Chemistry

for the last 180 plus years

while this science is very ignored by climate religion

further proving it is a Religion

as Climate Religion continues to ignore

basic heat transfer science

as heat still rises forcing cold air downward

along with

a dozen climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

along with

millions of years of climate history


further debunking



Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage Science

as Tim can prove nothing with tested knowledge

while the Helena Independent Record continues to Promote

Fraudulent Paranoid Make Believe


Political Agenda

by printing the words by those who have now publicly failed grade school science

as belief in words prove nothing in real science


as real science is: questioned tested and debated not belief in self-debunk prediction


 Tim obviously can not debate the real science of the scientific method

as Tim obviously knows nothing about real science

as Tim can not support his un-earned scientific opinion

with real peer-reviewed science

and based on Tim’s debunk statements Tim has never reviewed a science paper

nor has the Independent Record

as they commit ~ test proven ~ fraud in science for their political agenda

as the IR uses True Believers to help commit their fraud in science

as neither Tim or the Independent Record can Prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Paranoid Make Believe

and as the saying goes

~ put up or shut up ~

as you continue to dig a deeper hole


test proven

Fraudulent Garbage Science

as this will one day be proven ~ again ~ in a court of law

as self-debunk

Ouija Board Science

based on proven stupidity and fraud

proving nothing but fraud caused by proven stupidity in science

causing the wasting of trillions of dollars

to do only harm and zero good

caused by un-earned scientific opinion based only on hearsay true belief

by those who failed grade school science

who refuse to acknowledge real science of the scientific method

while dictating science with zero science

while taxing the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

will not stop 4.6 billion years of very extreme variable climate change

it will only continue to do test proven harm

caused by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Political Agenda

who would like to prosecute me


I do not believe in their ~ test proven ~ Lunatic Religion

they refuse to debate

as they can not prove with real science ~ Their Religion ~ is not a Religion

while preventing proven fact tested knowledge from being known




what ~ if ~ is: not science

what if is: hypothetical conjecture = un-provable prediction of the unknown future


what if you were struck by Lighting

as this does not prove you will be struck by lighting

while anything can happen


what ~ if ~ the world ended tomorrow

from an Asteroid or Super Volcano above sea level

as both are long over due to happen

and could end all carbon based life on this carbon based earth above sea level

~ again ~

but what if  is ~ not ~ proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as prediction is Ouija Board science

while preaching what if is: only to cause fear

and is not fact tested reality

as what ~ if ~ proves nothing

~ and ~

why is there more knowledge missing from the Political climate study

than in the Political climate study ?

as political media Fascism covers only one side of the story

as political media Fascism continues to take away our rights and freedoms to

~ know ~

the test proven truth

as we live with the bogus reality of the political media dictating reality with zero science

as this is proven fascism dictating reality

while ignoring fact tested reality for political media ~ test proven ~ make believe

as those who failed science who can not articulate any science or prove any science

continue to dictate science to the  Scientific Community

with zero science beyond their true belief

because they do not comprehend the Test Proven Truth

as what if is based on belief not fact


….do you believe non-believers should be punished by true believers

True Believers

~ who ignore proven fact tested knowledge ~

while the more mistakes I make the more I learn and grow forward

~ as closed minds dictate their bogus reality for their political agenda ~



~ Government ~


refuse all and any open public debate of all proven fast tested knowledge

of the scientific method

~while ~

I know why

after my on going knowledge investigation since the spring of 2007


science is: to know

~ knowing ~

there is zero make believe in science


October 23, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 59*

the record high for today was 78* in 1915

long before Power Plants and Automobiles were everywhere

while the power plants back then were Hydro-Electric


Water pushed and pulled by Gravity

and used zero fuel

while only Large and Wealthy City’s had this Luxury

while the Luxury for the poor was still just a Wood Stove

if they had a home = one room shack

while the record low on this day was 10* in 1957

~ while ~

The First Atmosphere was Water Vapor and CO2


Water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

as warming increases water vapor and CO2

by Evaporation

by the variable Sun

while Ice continues to Melt during Ice Ages and Global Warming

as Hard Science and Science History has test proven

Water vapor and CO2 cause cooling not warming


True Believers

do not know what is real and what is not

they just believe in test proven Lies

by Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science

who refuse to debate the real science

or provide Peer-reviewed Science to support their now self-debunk predictions

as they continue to preach the self-debunk predictions are happening

when in test proven science they are not

as climate change is real but not caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

above and below sea level

as they preach the cause of the carbon cycle and all life


toxic poison and toxic pollution


Repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming


The 1896 Arrhenius Science Paper

is an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

~ being used as Scientific proof ~

Humans cause Climate Warming


Fraud in Science


the work in Chemistry by French Chemist

Charles Thiloier

and the 60 years following in University’s across Europe

from 180 plus years ago to now further debunk Climate Religion

along with Numerous Climate Variables

with millions of years of Climate History

and the test proven facts of today self-debunking Climate Prediction Religion

all ignored by Climate Religion


True Belief

all further proving Fraud by Political Media Climate Religion

as Climate Religion within the Government is preparing to

~ Prosecute ~

Real Scientist like me

along with tens of thousands of Real Scientist

with over 9000 PhD’s

who are non-believers of Climate Religion

just like ISIS would do for non-belief in true belief

proving it is a Political Media Religion

and not Science of the Scientific Method

as in Real Science we do not Prosecute non-believers

because in Real Science there is no make believe in Real Science

there is only Peer-reviewed

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

while Real Science is not

Peer-reviewed self-debunk Computer Prediction

as prediction of the un-known future is fiction not knowledge

while more tested knowledge is missing from the climate study than in the climate study

as government so called Scientist are fudging numbers

proving they are test proven Liars for Political Agenda



ignore test proven facts of the scientific method

for true belief in test proven self-debunk Fraudulent Garbage science

while the political Media Consensus is just another political media proven Lie

as not one Government so called scientist will debate real science

as the EPA continues to enforce

~ since the 1970’s ~

NOx Emission Control Science

that further prove CO2 causes cooling not warming

above and beyond Dry Ice Chemistry

as they refuse to respond to hundreds of communications since 2007

as they refuse to acknowledge test proven science they enforce

that debunk their political media

~ true belief ~


Government Scientist


can not prove Humans cause climate change with real science

beyond their true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on Fraudulent Garbage science

as their true belief is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as they refuse to debate the real science



CBS News

who are test proven Liars with a political agenda

and after countless request can provide zero science to support their Bogus statements

as they refuse to debate the real science

proving it is only a political belief based on zero science

Bill Mckibben &

they are political agenda organization not a science body

and are test proven Liars

who take in a lot of Donations

but after close to 100 Requests for Scientific References

that would support their statements they can prove nothing

as is all about Money and Bogus Numbers with Zero Real Science

as they have zero comprehension of the real science

as Bill Mckibben is a proven Fraud in science for profit

as they refuse to debate the real science

further proving it is a true belief based on zero science

Big Sky Mom’s


Montana Mountain Mamas


Mom’s Clean Air Force

who have all failed grade school science

and are preaching ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Garbage Science to the un-knowing public

and to our Children


Hannah Fisher

[email protected]

Helena ~ Montana

Clay Artist

~ not a scientist ~

who has not earned the right to any scientific opinion

but the Independent Record News Paper here in Helena Montana

will print Hannah’s un-earned scientific opinion

based only on her true political media belief in test proven fraud

while the IR will not print my earned Professional scientific opinion

from my ongoing climate science investigation since 2007

along with my 40 plus years of

Atmospheric Emission Control Science Physics and Chemistry

~ as ~

I challenge

Hannah Fisher and Big Sky Mom’s


Independent Record ~ ~ CBS News

to an open public debate in Real Science proving Fraud in science

as they claim

the Science is Settled

when Settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as only those who failed grade school science can claim the science is settled


There are no Fossil-Fuels


there is far to much Oil and Coal

far to deep in the ground

to be caused by Dead Dinosaurs and Dead Plants and Trees

the fuel has always been there

long before Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while the carbon in dead Dinosaurs and dead Plants and Trees

came from the air we breathe

so burning Dead anything

would just recycle the carbon back into the air where it came from

as plants and trees need more CO2 not less CO2 to healthy

and prior to CO2 being the first atmosphere with water vapor

as CO2 comes from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

and is the source of over 90% of the CO2 going into the air everyday

from volcanic activity below sea level

by 300 plus Volcanoes at this time

causing all carbon based Life

caused by a carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

caused by

carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as the human body is 20% carbon with oxygen and hydrogen

breathing oxygen while exhaling CO2

for Plants and Trees to Breathe making new oxygen for us to breathe

~ as ~

most of the CO2 in the Air comes from

Billions of years of continuous

un measurable Variable Volcanic Activity below sea level

causing many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the Air

acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

as the first atmosphere was water vapor and CO2

as all life comes from the Ocean

and the more fuel we burn Efficiently the Heather all Plants and Trees will be


the more Efficiently we Burn = Vaporize Fuel the more CO2 is Produced


the blue part of the flame produces carbon based oxygen = CO = Carbon monoxide

the orange part of the flame produces carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

mon = 1

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

the oxygen part of CO and CO2 from buring fuel comes from the air we breathe

not from the fuel we burn

the oxygen from the air is what allowed the fuel to burn = vaporize

and the then the carbon part of the fuel HC = Hydrogen and Carbon

bonds to the oxygen from the air we breathe

and when pumping CO2 into the ground

you are lowering oxygen levels in the air

because you are not allowing the oxygen from the air

that allowed the fuel to burn = vaporize

to be recycled back into the air where it came from


the carbon cycle = Plants and Trees breathing the CO2

making the all oxygen we breathe

and the carbon based food we eat


pumping CO2 into the ground

not only lowers oxygen levels in the air that you and I need to breathe

it turns underground water in to an Acid

while taking away from Plants and Trees

what they need

4 times more CO2 in the Air to breathe to be Healthy

as we spend trillions

to do only harm to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


we know from Ice core samples

there have been Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today

as the Glaciers

have melted 20 times in just the last 2 million years

in between the last 20 Ice Ages


Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years


belief in self-debunk prediction is not science

belief is a feeling ~ not ~ proven fact tested knowledge


the scientific method


there are a dozen known climate variables

missing from the so called climate study by Politicians

there are millions of years of climate history

missing from the so called climate study by Politicians

there is 180 years of fact tested Physics and Chemistry

missing from the so called climate study by Politicians

all further debunking the self-debunk predictions

all tested knowledge ignored by the Politicians

who are selling proven Fraudulent Garbage so called science

to the un-knowing public

as they are now going to prosecute scientist

who do not believe in their test proven Fraudulent garbage so called science

as climate change is Real for billions of years before you and me

as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

as the ocean has gone down not up

debunking the prediction

as the political media news is telling us the ocean is rising when it is not

and as CO2 levels continue to increase caused by evaporation

by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

debunking the prediction warming would speed up

as CBS so called News continues to ignore tested knowledge for true make believe

as they preach test proven Fraudulent so called science

as CBS News continues to Reject the Scientific Method

for Political Media Agenda Religion

based on self-debunk prediction

based on Fraudulent Garbage so called science

CBS News are Proven Political Media Frauds in Real Science



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Prediction Religion

based on zero test proven science

as they are Preachers of Garbage not Teachers of Knowledge

as they continue to ignore fact tested reality for test proven make believe

as they continue to Preach self-debunk True Belief

while there has never been an open public debate

between Climate Religion and Real Climate Science

and there never will be


Frauds in science do not debate real science

and when you can not debate your so called science then its not real

it is


Fraudulent Garbage Science


test proven harm to the carbon cycle

Bruce A. Kershaw




$ 100,000.00


for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

as we Humans contribute to Climate Cooling

as the climate study does not acknowledge

Heat still Rises

causing increased levels of Dry Ice = Frozen CO2

and increased levels of frozen water vapor

to come Crashing to the North and South Poles of this Carbon based Earths

warming up to about -80 degrees below zero on the way down

as most of the air all around this Carbon based Earth is -200 degrees below zero

as the Oceans and lower Atmosphere are Heated by the variable Hot Liquid Core

of this Carbon based Earth with the help of the Variable Sun

while Ice Melts from the top and bottom side during Ice ages too

as this warming period began 14,000 years ago

while I have never seen Ice Melt

when it is about 112 degrees colder than the temperature water freezes

as there is an infinity of Climate Variable

ignored by Climate Religion

as their so called science is test proven to be backwards

and debunk and self-debunk


it entered their minds of true believers

because they rejected

all proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

for true belief

~ in ~

test proven

Flawed Incomplete Debunk Fraudulent Garbage Science


Political Media Climate Religion

continues to Preach

the cause of the Carbon cycle

causing all Carbon based life

on this Carbon based Earth


Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

test proving

they failed grade school science

as Climate Religion continues to refuse to

~ open public debate ~

while they can provide zero Peer-reviewed science

to support their ~ test proven ~ self-debunk Political Media make believe


~ Fraudulent ~

Political Garbage Science

as they state

they are going to Prosecute non- believers

further proving it is a Religion based on zero proven science

as Lunatics in science who failed grade school science dictate Garbage science

and will continue to believe


it is a political media religion not tested science

as they continue to Brainwash and Dictate garbage science to our children

as this is proven Political Media Fascism not science of the scientific method




October 21, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

where the expected high for today is 59*

and the record high for today was 80* in 1921

back when most people did not own a car or have electricity

or indoor plumbing

back when a wood-stove was still luxury for many


the record low was 18* in 1995


science is: to know


what ~ if ~ is used to instill fear

and does not provide fact tested reality

~ or ~

Peer Reviewed Science of the Scientific Method

~ as ~

the by product of carbon based Energy is: new carbon based Life

by the carbon cycle

of this

Carbon based Earth


~ throughout known history ~

Humanity has continued to repeatedly Prosecute and Punish


~ for ~


by those who ~ do not know ~ and just believe

for the sake of their true belief in true belief


ignoring all proven fact tested knowledge


~ the ~

fact tested reality of the scientific method

~ * ~


Opening ~ Argument

with scientific reference


~ some ~

Politicians and Journalist

of this

Carbon based Earth

~ believe and preach ~

to all the people of this carbon based world

~ the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth ~

(the carbon cycle caused by)

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

publicly proving to the scientific comunity they failed grade school science

while they dictate ~ their science belief ~ their proven science fiction ~ to the world

as belief is: not knowledge

while plants and trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today

to Breathe to be Healthy

while making all the oxygen for our carbon based body to breathe

and to be the carbon based food for our carbon based body to eat

as we make ~ exhale CO2 for Plants and Trees to Breathe

made from the oxygen we breathe

and as evaporated CO2 levels continue to increase

from un-measurable volcanic activity below sea level

from hundreds of continuous of a thousand plus variable Volcanoes below sea level

that if

were above sea level at this time ~ would end all life on this carbon based earth

from the fall out of volcanic ash turning our lungs to cement

as most of the CO2 in the atmosphere today

is caused by evaporation from the ocean caused by variable warming by the variable Sun

as the rate of warming continues to slow down

as the evaporation of water containing many times the CO2 level than in the air

caused by un-measurable volcanic activity below sea level

is: off setting the variable warming by the variable Sun

not increasing warming as predicted ~ self-debunking the prediction

while the rate of evaporation has now exceeded the rate the ice is melting

causing the ocean level to fall

self-debunking the prediction the ocean would rise


prediction is: not tested knowledge

~ as ~

there is zero scientific consensus in self-debunk computer prediction

based on flawed incomplete ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent garbage science

as there is only a Political Media Agenda True Belief consensus

based only on true belief

with zero

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


variable climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by numerous variables causing an infinity of climate variable

before carbon based humans on this carbon based earth

as this knowledge is ignored by those who made the self-debunk predictions

as they continue to ignore millions of years of known Climate History

and hundreds of years of known Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking ~ their ~ self-debunk predictions

as those who made the now self-debunk predictions

still believe and preach and dictate ~ their ~ self-debunk predictions are happening

as they continue to ignore test proven fact for true belief

with the help of test proven fraud by true believers

and Attorneys who are true believers who failed grade school science

and have zero comprehension of the scientific method

and have zero scientific argument

as they can articulate zero climate science

as they represent political media organizations

who have publicly failed grade school science

who are not science body’s

as the Blind continue to lead the Blind

as they continue to ignore the test proven facts they do not comprehend

and do not want ~ to: know = science

for the sake of their political media true belief in true belief

as they continue to reject the scientific method

~ test proving ~


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Perdition Religion

based on ~ test proven ~ self-debunk prediction

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage science

that continues to be Preached and Dictated

to the carbon based people of this carbon based world

where everything has carbon in it

where climate change is real


~ Scientifically ~


not caused by you and me

as self-debunk prediction has only further debunk ~ their ~ make believe

as test proven make believe is: ~ not ~ tested knowledge = tested science


Al Gore is a Test Proven Fraud in Tested Knowledge = Science

and the Pope of the Political Agenda

Political Media

Paranoid Climate ~ self-debunk ~ Prediction Religion


~ Profit ~

based on my on-going investigation since the spring of 2007

and my 40 plus years of ~ test proven ~ Atmospheric Emission Control Science

and when was the last time you did a test or experiment with CO2 ?

to know beyond make believe

while those who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

Preach Climate Religion


Political Agenda




…do you know or do you believe ?

as we now live in this modern world of advanced technology

where there will always be good and bad in technology old and new

as today we make electricity to make hydrogen to make electricity

to please the political agenda of special interests groups who

failed grade school science

who are controlling our lives

based only on their true belief as they can not explain or articulate

what they ~ believe ~ is science that is based only on someone else’s true political belief

who failed grade school science too

while we live in a world of device addiction

as I hope this is not true for everyone as I hope most people have balance in their life

as for some people their life line to reality is their Device

and is a False reality

as belief in a device is not tested truth in knowledge or reality

while this pre-occupation addiction distraction is killing more people than drunk divers

as people can not stop their addiction for just a few minutes

to safely drive their children across town to school

where our children are being better educated to use a Device

while it is no longer possible to share positive healthy social interaction

with this proven addiction

as there are withdraw symptoms

as this addiction provides very negative social interaction

as there can no longer be open public intelligent reflective conversation in many subjects

out of fear of disturbing the device addiction causing known negative response

like being told you are wrong and you do not know what your talking about

while pointing to their Device

containing flawless information by flawless carbon based humans

while allowing zero intelligent debate on the any subject matter

because it is not possible for there to be more knowledge than they believe to know

from their flawless Device

as they do not test their belief for tested knowledge

and just believe what their device tells them to believe in


un-questionable un-doubt-able fact

as belief in words prove nothing in science

as the device addiction is providing very proven bogus hearsay garbage knowledge

with zero scientific reference

only to be Believed as fact and the Holly Grail of all flawless knowledge

as there can be no debate in what is factually only belief in belief

~ in ~

incomplete political media sources of information that may change on a daily bases

with out any given reason

as they change their definition of their belief

and or change the name or title for their belief

while they have limited their knowledge to their Device

giving them someone else’s belief in belief as knowledge

as common sense becomes less of a factor in this real un-real life

as everything is believed and never fact tested for truth in reality

as we now live in this new un-real world

of Information Technology

with both good and bad Information all believed to be good

as some have become cloned to their device and can not communicate beyond their device

as life for some is dictated by belief from and in their Device

while those who do not live by device are outcast by those who do

as some who live by Device have put themselves above those who do not live by Device

as their Device is a proven vice in reality doing proven harm to life and society

while the Rights and Freedom to Believe in garbage knowledge

in dictated political media belief reality that is rejecting tested knowledge reality

as there can only be one right ~ political agenda ~ answer to all questions in life

~ have now taken away ~

my Rights and Freedom to Know

and confront

or question or rebuttal or debate

or share my tested knowledge with the world

as this is called

Political Media Fascism not Freedom for all

and when you Prosecute me because I do not Believe in your Fascism

then there is zero Freedom of knowledge to be known in tested reality

in this new

Fascist Tyranny of this new Un-United States of America

as Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein would agree

as  George Washington stated ~

as he was completely against any and all Political Party’s of any kind in Politics

as I agree

as political Party’s are Political Belief = Political Religion

to establish power over Individuals who are free of control by Political Agenda

as Political Party’s are destroying this country in their efforts to destroy each other

and instead of solving problems they make new problems as they make all problems worse

as Fascism is when one party is in complete control

while two forms of Fascism are in a continuous war for complete power over the other

and then do more harm not less harm for the sake of political agenda

based on True Belief

while excluding and ignoring tested knowledge from belief is Political Media Religion



~ so ~

Prosecute Me for my Freedom to Know and to share my Tested Knowledge with the world

and for my rejection of

~ the ~

Political Media Fascist Tyranny Agenda in America

as a Political Media Agenda now decides and dictate

what the un-knowing public can and can not know

while they have zero comprehension of the knowledge they do not want you to know

as they do their test proven harm to this carbon based world

for political media agenda true belief based on zero

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

Fact Tested Reality that debunk ~ their ~ true belief

True Belief being dictated as Science

so if this Website of tested knowledge should disappear

you will ~ know ~ why with zero belief

as the political media agenda believe they are doing good when doing test proven harm

and if this was a book the True Believers would be burning it

today and yesterday and tomorrow

~ if ~

they could

as not one letter to the editor I have written ~ with ~ scientific reference since 2007

in rebuttal to


Garbage Science on the opinion page of many news papers and websites

written by those who have now proven publicly they failed grade school science

has ever been printed in America

because of

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


based on scientifically debunk make believe

in self-debunk computer prediction based on test proven fraudulent Garbage science

known in the scientific community as Ouija Board Science

as the Supreme Court of Montana

~ Agrees ~

as Climate Religion continues to reject test proven knowledge for ~ their ~ true belief

test proving

political media belief = religion

with agenda

based on zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


do you believe everything your Device tells you to believe

and everything a Politician or Journalist tells you to believe

with zero peer-reviewed scientific reference


Prosecuting Scientist for non-belief


the Religion of science is


of true belief dictating science with zero scientific method

as we are spending and wasting trillions of dollars to zero good


doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle and all of Nature and all of Life


true belief in political media agenda

based on Fraudulent Garbage so called science


so do you know by science or do you believe by political agenda

as political agenda continues to pump CO2 into the ground

as this lowering oxygen levels in the air

turning under ground water into an acid

while preventing what plants and trees need more of to breathe

to make this blue and green carbon based Earth Greener and Healthier

for all Carbon based life

as we spend trillions to do the opposite doing only harm and zero good

for the sake of Carbon Credit Profit for the test proven Fraudulent few

who have and continue to publicly fail grade school science

while they continue to intentionally ignore fact tested reality

by rejecting

the scientific method and all new and pre-existing peer-reviewed science

for test proven self-debunk hypothetical conjecture

based on a test proven flawed incomplete study

based on test proven out-dated incomplete debunk garbage science

being used today as scientific proof carbon based Humans cause climate change

test proving Fraud in Science by Political Agenda

as a Test Proven Bogus Climate Study by Bogus Politicians

is Garbage Science

while ignoring knowledge for belief is not science


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

continue to dictate science to scientist


those who continue to believe and preach and dictate

the cause of all life

the cause of all the oxygen we breathe

the cause of all the food we eat

~ is ~

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

are test proven Lunatics in science

who are prosecuting scientist who are non-believers of

(test proven by the scientific method)


Political Media

Lunatic ~ Science

based on ~ zero ~ test proven knowledge


Political Media

~ make believe ~

by those who are anti-energy that it the cause of new life


~ if ~

there was no electricity tomorrow

most of the U.S. Population would be dead in 30 days



[email protected]


~ * ~

October 14, 2016

Helena ~ Montana


the expected high for today is 55*

the record high for today was 79* in 1918

the record low was 10* in 1881


1881 was the year my Great Grandmother Daisy was born

and on Saturdays my father would drop me off at her house

and I would mow her lawn as I would see Daisy peeling a Golden Delicious

Apple on the back porch just about the time I finished mowing her lawn

and we would share the apple together

as Daisy would tell me her stories of her life growing up

while sharing her wisdom of life with me

Daisy passed away about the time I was 14 years old

as I am now 60 years of age and continue to pass on the wisdom Daisy shared with me

along with all the wisdom I have learned to know to now


Albert Einstein

worked as an office clerk


what you do to put food on the table

does not define what you can or can not know or do or be

as many of the smartest brightest knowledgeable

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

did not pay someone to educate them as they are self-educated

by logical common sense thinking by questioning and testing

then finding the answers though admitted failure

and not by just believing what they were told to believe and dictated to them

with zero understanding

as knowing how to pass a test you paid for does not educate you

while providing you with an un-earned status for zero knowledge

and then go on to Teach our children what you do not know

because you just believe what you were told to believe

as science is to know as belief is religion

as this is not true for all who worked hard for a good education

for a good understanding of the knowledge

but true for too many

who live for the status and greed and not for the tested knowledge

as the truth in knowledge provides the truth in life

to provide the best for all in life for all

and not just for the few who live only for status power and greed


for those of Status who continue to belittle me

it is yourself you belittle not me

and for those who do not like Poetry

please just add numbers starting with 1 for each line on the left side of the page

and remove my repetitive Blah Blah Blah

and you now have a rough draft legal argument

while the best way to deal with Political Media Lies

is with shame

and as my Great Grandmother told me

the Truth will set thee free

~ as ~

I am still a lysdexic dyslexic

who failed my English class every year

as I do all the writing and editing myself

while I am only slowed down by spellcheck

as I must still use a dictionary too

as I have a very large collection of dictionary’s old and new

as some dictionary’s provide the wrong definitions for some words

making me feel far less stupid

as writing is something I never wanted to do

and have always hated to do

but is something I must do

for the sake of what is considered today to be the ~ test proven ~ truth in tested knowledge

by the Scientific Method

because we live in a very modern world doing harm to itself and nature

do to a lack of pubic knowledge caused by the lack of knowledge in political agenda

that is based on a true belief that continues to reject fact tested reality


~ what if ?

~ there is no tomorrow ~

as what ~ if ~

is used to sell fear not knowledge

while what ~ if ~ can not debunk fact tested reality


I have been a part of Atmospheric Emission Control Science

everyday of my life for the past 40 plus years

while those with zero back ground in Climate Science

who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

in this brand new incomplete un-tested Science

Dictate Science to Scientist and the Scientific Community

based only on hearsay political media agenda true belief

as the ~ Scientific Consensus ~ Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

is a very proven Political Media Lie

while those who Dictate Science to all Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

where everything with the exception of a few microbes has carbon in it

can provide zero peer-reviewed scientific reference to support their public statements

while proving they have publicly failed grade school science

as real science is based on peer-reviewed test proven fact

not on hearsay political media true belief in debunk science

as in grade school science there is zero make believe

as Journalist never ask for Peer-reviewed scientific reference from those they quote

while Journalist with an un-earned opinion in tested science

do not investigate what they are told to believe

~ they just believe what they are told to believe in ~

while only providing one side of many sides of the scientific argument

~ only the side they believe in ~

by those who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

while Political Journalist have zero comprehension of the real science

as they can provide zero articulation of the real science

because they do not ~ know ~ the real science

and can provide zero scientific reference of their own

to support their un-earned scientific opinion

while Politicians and Journalist feed on each others hearsay Garbage science

based only on Political Media Hearsay True Belief

while there are zero feelings or true belief in real science

while what ~ if ~ proves nothing

what ~ if

in a belief

in something that can not happen in real known tested modern science

is only to sell fear not to sell fact tested reality

as what if and maybes and likely are feelings

and are nothings in the reality of tested knowledge

while from True Imagination new knowledge can be found and then be fact tested

but never believed


The Scientific Method

as the tested knowledge the Journalists do not ~ know ~ debunk their true make believe

as I believe in Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a better Life for all

as the Religion of Science is skepticism of true belief dictating science

as in real science the tested knowledge that you do not know or ignore

further debunk your self-debunk true make believe

as true believers are now going to prosecute non-believers

in the court of Law

as I look forward to their scientific argument based on

true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on

test proven

flawed incomplete debunk

proven to be fraudulent

Garbage Science


test proven

Political Media Lies

supported only by proven Political Agenda

based on my on going investigation since the spring of 2007

as Political Agenda continues to ignore fact tested reality

for test proven

self-debunk ~ true belief



Garbage Science

as only Fascist Thinking can and will Prosecute for non-belief

as I not Deny 4.6 billion years of

very real

very extreme progressive variable climate change

while I am a Skeptic of Political Media Climate Religion

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage so called Science

based on zero scientific method

as Receptiveness is the Key to Deprogramming


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

has dug a hole they can not escape by true belief in test proven Garbage Science

the bases for the self-debunk prediction they continue to believe in

while ignoring test proven fact that further debunk their self-debunk true belief

as this is the bases for the

~ test proven ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by a proven to be Fascist Political Agenda

based on a lack of preexisting known and ignored knowledge

as history repeats it self caused by forgotten knowledge

as this knowledge is not forgotten just ignored for true belief

in Brainwashed fascist political agenda

as Climate Change is Real

~ but ~

not caused by you and me



Steve Newman ~ Earth Week

[email protected]


the test proven

science comic strip for the scientific community

as news papers printing the Garbage Science allow zero scientific rebuttal

as only the true belief side of the scientific argument is allowed to be known


I call this Fascism in science by political agenda

the Brainwashing of the world with Bogus Garbage Science

by those who failed Grade School Science

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support ~ their ~ make believe science

based on zero scientific method

with zero Question ~ Test ~  Debate



this is ~ test proven ~ Political Media Religion

and not Real Science of the Scientific Method

as Real Science is to know =

to be Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated


Believed = make believe

while selling debunk science is fraud in science

by the political media by political agenda

as they are doing test proven harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of test proven Garbage Science

as self-debunk hypothetical conjecture is not science = knowledge

and when contacting Earth Week for months to confront their Bogus Science

they have zero response

as they hide from test proven reality for their political agenda

as they continue to preach Garbage Science with zero scientific method

as I challenge Steve Newman

to an Open Public Debate in Real Test Proven Science

with a $100,000.00 Reward

for the peer-reviewed science of the scientific method

proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon cycle all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

Steve will not defend or debate his Make Believe Garbage Science

as Steve will continue to preach his Fraudulent Bogus Garbage so called Science

with zero political media public rebuttal

proving Fascism in science by political agenda

dictating science to the Scientific Community

as there is zero consensus in self-debunk make believe

and zero consensus in test proven Fraudulent statements in real science

as Steve has not earned the right to scientific opinion

as he comprehends nothing beyond his political media make believe

as no one who is apart of political media climate religion will debate the Real Science

as the Weather Man continues to Lie


Bruce Kershaw

40 years Atmospheric Emission Science


October 10, 2016

Helena ~ Montana


Real Test Proven Knowledge by the Scientific Method

where we learn and grow forward from our test proven mistakes

~ vs ~

True Belief in Political Media Science Fiction

the settled science

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as settled science is the Political Rejection of new knowledge

for political agenda based on true belief in test proven Garbage science

they refuse to debate or prove with real tested knowledge


Extreme Progressive Variable

Climate Change is Real

for the past 4.6 billion years


Greenhouse Gases

are the by product of energy and climate warming

not the cause of climate warming

while off-setting

Variable Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

as proven by Simple Hard Science ~ ignored ~ by True Believers of Climate Religion

as Climate Religion can provide zero science to support their continued True Belief


Self-debunk Prediction

based on a

test proven

flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent garbage political climate study

based on self-debunk hypothetical conjecture

that has been further debunk

by hundreds of years of pre-existing science they continue to ignore for true belief

~ as ~

CO2 levels continue to increase caused by evaporation

caused by warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

and not speed up as predicted

while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the ocean level to go down not up as predicted

~ as ~

Political Media Climate Religion continues to State to the Public

the Ocean is rising when in Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

the Ocean continues to go down not up

as they allow zero public rebuttal

as they own and control the media


dont take my word for it


with your flawless Device

~ falling sea level ~

for many references and examples of zero scientific consensus of sea level rise


It is better to attack those who do the Brainwashing

than those who have been Brainwashed by Political Media Agenda

while those who have been Brainwashed by the political media must be confronted too

~ as ~

there have been Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 than in the Air today

proven with ice core samples

but do not take my word for it ~ educate your self and

~ look and see ~

as most of the CO2 going into the air everyday is from billions of years of ongoing

un-measurable variable volcanic activity below sea level

from hundreds of active volcanoes at this time


49 NASA Scientist

along with more than 9,000 PhD’s that I know of

~ disagree ~

with NASA and Jim Hansen

while proving a Political Media Lie of a Scientific Consensus

by a Political Agenda that can prove nothing with real science

after more than 40,000 request with a reward to all the true believers I could find

on this Carbon based Earth since the spring of 2007


NASA and Jim Hansen

and ~ their ~ now self-debunk Prediction from 18 years ago

that Manhattan would be under water today

while in tested science the ocean has gone down not up

from evaporation caused by variable warming by the variable Sun

while today NASA is selling us Atmospheric CO2 Levels

for the entire Atmosphere

taken from the mouth of one active Volcano

that is like taking CO2 levels from the Tail Pipe of your Car

and telling the world the CO2 levels in the air are now 14% of the Atmosphere


ignores a dozen climate Variables providing an infinity of climate variable

further debunking their self-debunk prediction

while NASA continues ignore

millions of years of climate history

that further debunk their self-debunk prediction

as NASA continues to ignore 180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

that further debunk ~ their ~ true belief in ~ their ~ self-debunk prediction

as this only further proves their Bogus Fraudulent Garbage Politically Motivated Science

while at Harvard they Preach

~ test proven ~

Bogus Fraudulent Fascist Political Garbage Science


political organizations

like the

Montana Environmental ~ test proven mis ~ Information Center

Earth Week

the comic strip for modern science

CBS News


along with all the other non science body’s

dictating bogus science

as they sell their test proven Bogus Fraudulent Garbage Political Science to the world

that is doing test proven Harm to the Environment and Nature

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of ~ their ~ true make believe science

as none of the above can provide peer-reviewed science reference

to support ~ their ~ Fraudulent Political Bogus Garbage Hearsay Science

while they all refuse to debate the Real Science of the Scientific Method

the real science that further debunk their self-debunk True Belief in Garbage Science

as today there are those who are preparing to Prosecute

non-believers of their test proven religion

as this is test proven political Fascism


Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated ~ Science

of the scientific method

so what will my Punishment be for non-belief in

test proven


bogus garbage science


maybe it is time to Sue

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


~ test proven ~

Fraud in Science

as the best they can do in real science is to completely ignore fact tested reality

and the

Scientific Method


Their Political Agenda

regardless of the test proven Harm they are now doing to


Carbon Cycle ~ Nature ~ Environment

and all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

as they continue to Believe the cause of all life and Nature


Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

based on Zero Science beyond Hearsay True Belief

while the best the

Montana Environmental ~ mis ~ Information Center

can do when confronted on their bogus fraugulent science is to block my emails

when I request with a reward their proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as the only thing they have proven is they have publicly failed Grade School Science

as they refuse to debate the real science

because they can prove nothing with real science

as their True Belief is test proven to be backwards to

proven fact tested knowledge

so why do they ignore tested reality for make believe

that is doing test proven harm to Nature

that is based on a proven bogus prediction based on test proven bogus science by a

Political Agenda = Political Religion

as all Religions ignore fact for belief and

? ~ Money ~ ?

and how much of that political money is tax payer money ?

to support a proven Fraudulent Political Agenda by very Powerful Politicians ?

or am I wrong

but there seems to be a large number of Government sponsored and funded organizations

that are not science body’s

on the East cost politically preaching Human caused climate change


there  is not one Science Body


Political Body or Media Body

that can prove with real science

that any of the last 4.6 billion years of variable climate change is caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

as the U.N.

a political body not a science body

states it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Change

as “likely” is a word of belief

as words and belief prove nothing

while self-debunk prediction proves nothing

while true belief in ~ test proven ~ self-debunk prediction

and preaching ~ test proven ~ self-debunk prediction is: not science

as computer prediction of the un-known future

based on proven to be flawed incomplete debunk political science is: Ouija Board science

ignoring fact for belief is: not science

as Political Agenda continues to do test proven harm




October 8, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 64 *

the record high for today was 80 * in 1889

the record low was 16 * in 1894

these record temperatures before Power Plants and Automobiles


Climate Change is Real

for the past 4.6 billion years

as I do not deny any climate change of the past 4.6 billion years

while I am called

~ The Denier ~

so why do they call me the Denier of something I do not Deny ?

this seems to be a Pathological Mental Block

caused by a True Belief

while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


~ Do you Truly Believe ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

while in Grade School Science there is ~ zero ~ Make Believe

as belief is to make believe

as true belief is religion

as science is to know ~ with zero make believe and zero religion


~ maybe I should Escape to Canada to avoid the Criminal Prosecution for non-belief ~

while trying to exercise my Constitutional Right to Free Speech

in the

United States of America

as my right to free speech continues to be denied by

Media Political Agenda

based on ~ their ~ test proven

flawed outdated incomplete fraudulent self-debunk garbage make believe science

while ignoring the scientific method

while they state the science is settled when settled science does not exist

and when you request their science references they can provide zero peer-reviewed science

to support their true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

a computer prediction based on

~ test proven ~

flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent garbage science

they do not comprehend


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on


Hypothetical Conjecture

that continues to ignore and refuses to debate

the proven fact test knowledge of the scientific method

that further debunk their true make believe

proving it is a Religion being Fascist to non-believers


science is: to know ~

there is zero test proven knowledge in

~ test proven ~

self-debunk make believe prediction

while test proven knowledge continues to be ignored

by those who continue to make believe in self-debunk prediction

as there is zero knowledge in prediction self-debunk or not

while true belief in prediction is: Ouija Board science

as my prediction is:

in-between the next two Ice Ages

there will be Global Warming again

~ just like ~

in-between the last 20 Ice ages of the last 2 million years

this is:

Climate History ~ ignored by ~ Climate Religion

~ along with ~

180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry


Numerous Climate Variables


all the above missing from their flawed incomplete debunk political climate study

based on

incomplete debunk so called science with zero scientific method


peer-reviewed self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction

proves nothing in Real Science


do you want to be forced to believe in something you do not believe in

~ or ~

do you want to know the test proven facts

by the scientific method



CO2 can only create new energy by creating new life

by causing the carbon cycle


oxygen and hydrogen


a short lesson in heat and energy transfer science


CO2 can not make new energy and heat


CO2 can only stop or retard or transfer pre-existing energy and heat


CO2 is the by product of energy and heat

the opposite of heat and energy

while proving with CO2 you can control the explosion temperature of combustion

or prevent the explosion or combustion of fuel

while proving

CO2 is the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as CO2 is the cause of the Carbon cycle


~ all ~

Nature and the Environment


O = oxygen

O2 = oxygen

O3 = oxygen = heavy oxygen = called ozone

C = carbon

CO = carbon based oxygen = carbon monoxide = 1 oxygen atom based to 1 carbon atom

CO2 = carbon based oxygen = carbon dioxide = 2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom

Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice = cooling the air =

10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

H2 = hydrogen = Rocket Fuel = un-stable fuel

HC = hydrocarbon = hydrogen and carbon = stable fuel = gasoline = wood = coal

and anything and everything that requires O2 oxygen to burn = vaporize

NOx = nitrogen and oxygen bonded together by heat

caused by lighting and by temperatures above 2500 degree and hotter

and then the NOx is separated by Sun energy making O3 = oxygen = called ozone


when you add O = oxygen to H2 hydrogen = rocket fuel = H2O = water

when you add O2 = oxygen to H2 = hydrogen rocket fuel =

it will burn or explode = vaporize

and when you add O2 = oxygen to C = carbon = CO2 = plants and trees grow =

causing the carbon cycle

and when you add CO2 to H2 hydrogen = rocket fuel

the CO2 will not allow the H2 = hydrogen to burn or explode = vaporize

and when you add C = carbon to the H2 = hydrogen = Rocket Fuel

making HC = hydrocarbon = gasoline = stable and safe rocket fuel

and when you add the O2 = oxygen to HC = hydrocarbon = will burn = vaporize

this causes the O2 = oxygen from the air to bond to the C of the HC = hydrocarbon

making Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

for Plants and Trees to Breathe

as Plants and Trees breathing CO2

~ recycle ~

the O2 of CO2 back into air where it came from

as there is zero CO2 in the Fuels we burn for heat and energy

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today to be Healthy

while pumping CO2 in the ground does not allow the carbon cycle

to recycle the O2 = oxygen back into the air where it came from

as this lowers  O2 = oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

as this does only harm to nature and the environment = the carbon cycle

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as we are spending trillions of dollars to do this test proven harm to the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


and zero good

as the Human body is made of

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen

absorbing O2 = oxygen

exhaling CO2 = carbon based oxygen = carbon dioxide

for Plants and Trees to Breathe

as Plants and Trees make the O2 oxygen we Breathe from CO2

while becoming the carbon based food we eat

to keep our carbon based body made of 20% carbon alive

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth

produce more CO2 than all the Cars on this Planet

~ this ~

Blue and Green Planet

made Green by Water and

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

2 oxygen atoms ~ based ~ to 1 carbon atom

the cause of the carbon cycle and all life and energy on this carbon based earth

and the more CO2 we produce the more carbon based life we produce

called Toxic Pollution by Political Media Climate Religion Agenda


as the cause of all carbon based life is not Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

as CO2 and water vapor caused the first atmosphere

causing the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

as I may Prosecuted for not believing CO2 is Toxic Pollution

by those who failed grade school science

who believe in a self-debunk computer prediction of the un-known future

based on

Fraudulent Debunk Garbage Political Media Agenda Make Believe Science

while this proves Political Media Agenda Fascism and Fraud in Science

by those who do not comprehend the scientific method

who wish to deny Free Speech in America

because I refuse to believe in their

~ test proven ~

Fraudulent Debunk Garbage so called Science

based on zero scientific method

by a political agenda

that refuses to look at real science


they failed grade school science

and are true believers regardless of the test proven facts

even when their so called science is proven to be 100% backwards thinking

based only on ~ their ~ true Political Media belief

proving they have failed Grade School Science

and the Scientific Method

while providing this carbon based earth with a new breed of test proven

Political Media Fascism by Political Agenda

because they ~ failed ~ Grade School Science



…and then the Preacher said ~

do you

~ Believe ~


…and then the Real Scientist said ~

would you like to learn and know something new today

beyond make believe


science is: to know

science is:

Questioned then Tested then Debated ~ not ~ Believed

and never settled in the scientific method

as we learn and know something new everyday

as real science is proven wrong more often than proven right

by the scientific method


~ Prosecution for non-Belief ~

is this a form of science where there is zero belief

or a form of Fascism by Political Agenda ?

~ * ~

I have been a part of Atmospheric Emission Control Science

everyday of my life for the past 40 plus years

and it is with true Honor and Privilege of the Highest Prestige

for a real scientist of the scientific method to be called a true

~ Skeptic ~

by Politicians and Political Journalist who have publicly failed grade school science


~ thee ~

Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief

Dictating True Belief as Science to the Scientific Community

… as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming ~


Nature ~ Environment ~ Climate

are in a

continuous ~ progressive ~ variable ~ transition

below and above Sea level

for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by numerous very extreme progressive variables


Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth

as we are now living during one of the mildest climate periods of this

Carbon based Earths History

of the last 20 Ice ages of the last 2 million years

where all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is caused by a carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

caused by

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

with water vapor causing the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

called toxic pollution by political media climate religion


they have failed grade school science

as political media science has been debunk by the scientific method

as political science continues to reject the scientific method for true belief

~ in ~

 self-debunk prediction

based on

Test Proven

Flawed Incomplete Debunk Garbage Science

being Preached as Scientific fact




Climate Religion continues to ~

reduce oxygen levels in the air


turning underground water into acid


reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

as we spend trillions of dollars to do this test proven harm to nature the environment

and to all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

for the sake of political agenda

based on Fraudulent Garbage Political Media self-debunk Make Believe

as it is not Hard Science that must debunk Climate Religion

it is Climate Religion

that must debunk the Hard Science they continue to ignore for true belief

as I am called the Denier by Climate Religion for something I do not Deny

while I am a very proud Skeptic of Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

who dictate science with zero scientific method to real scientist of the scientific method

as Climate Religion is now going to Prosecute Scientist of the scientific method

for being non-believers ~ Skeptics ~ of Fascist Climate Religion

as the Religion of Science is Skepticism of true fascist belief dictating science


so what will my Punishment be for non-belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on

Self-debunk Prediction

based on

Test Proven ~ Fraudulent ~ Garbage Science

as I very much hope and dream I am Prosecuted

so the Fraud of Climate Religion can again be test proven in a Court of Law

as Climate Religion continues to ignore tested reality for true belief


self-debunk prediction based on garbage fraudulent science

proven by the scientific method

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

a form of

Political Media Fascism

not a form of

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method


anyone calling them self a scientist

who is preaching Humans cause Climate Warming

while they can provide zero real science to support their statements

is not a real scientist of the scientific method

they are a scientist for climate religion for Profit and Greed

who refuse to debate the real science


Do you believe Scientist ~ non-believers ~ should be Prosecuted and Punished


exercising their right to Free Speech and Non-Belief in Political Agenda

based on test proven Fraudulent Science

by those who failed grade school science

who reject the open public debate of knowledge

proving it is a Climate Religion in Denial of test proven fact

proving it is a Religion with zero science to support their true belief


I do not deny Real Test Proven Climate Science

I deny the True Belief of Climate Religion

~ dictating ~

test proven

Flawed Incomplete Debunk Fraudulent Bogus Science

as scientific fact

by those who failed Grade School Science

as real science is to

~ know with zero true belief ~



September 29, 2016


Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 76*

the record high for today was 89* in 1892

the record low was 19* in 1965

as the record highs and lows we are breaking today

were set in the late 1800’s


Power Plants and Automobiles


Global Warming began 14,000 years ago


the Earths Climate was much much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years


…do you know ~ or ~ do you believe ?

Hypothetical Conjecture = Prediction = what if

is: not knowledge ~

I base my life on proven fact tested knowledge

and not on

Political Media Agenda based on Hearsay True Belief = Political Media Religion


when you have not reviewed the science and do not comprehend the science


have a scientific opinion


You Truly Believe

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

this is Political Religion not Science because you do not Know

you just Believe with out Knowing the tested facts

while you can not believe in science because there is zero belief in science

as there are zero feelings in science


science is to know while true belief is religion

as there is zero true belief in proven fact tested knowledge

of the

Scientific Method


September 28, 2016

~ * ~

Do you always believe everything you are told to believe


Politicians and Political Journalist

who have publicly failed grade school science


while not one of them ~ when asked with a reward ~ can provide

the Scientific References to support their public statements

based only on ~ their ~ true belief

as we live in the world of Anonymous Journalism who are proven Lairs in science

who allow zero rebuttal to their test proven lies

while they can hide from reality not having to confront fact tested reality

while Brainwashing the People of the world

with words of true belief

as words and belief prove nothing in science

and when responding to their Anonymous Lies

they have zero rebuttal and just block your emails

so they do not have to deal with tested reality in any way

as they continue to Lie

caused by their lack of comprehension of tested knowledge

and their refusal to learn something new for the sake of ~ their ~ true belief

as this is not real Journalism

this is called deceptive political media agenda based on zero scientific method

as they hide from the tested reality

as they are Anonymous Preachers of their true belief

and not Teachers of test proven fact

as they play God to the minds of their readers

with zero possession in hand of any science

as they Preach their un-earned scientific opinion

for political agenda

that is doing only test proven Harm to Nature and zero good

for the sake of ~ their ~ true political media belief

as they state that science has proven something

and then they can not prove the science exist

as this is proven pathological journalism based on un-earned opinion

based on zero real science beyond make believe

for political agenda



September 25, 2016

~ * ~

and as reported today by CBS News on Face the Nation

Hilary Clinton

will no longer state in her Public Speeches the words

Climate Change


~ we shall see ~

as it is now that time in politics


   ~ Hear no evil ~

               ~ See no evil ~

                             ~ Speak no evil ~

as I am not for Hilary or Donald

I am for Gary


Gary is not Hilary or Donald

while other people will decide who will be President not you and me

and that is why many people do not vote




September 24, 2016


Mr. President

there is zero political correctness in science

as there are zero feelings in science

as there is zero trust in science

while you are right

Climate Change is Real

but you are not a Scientist

while you have a scientific opinion

when you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

so please post your peer-reviewed scientific references

proving we Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon cycle causing all of Nature the Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

or as your political agenda calls it

Toxic ~ Pollution


for all of us on this carbon based earth to see

~ as ~

no one has done this yet


did you know ?

if you substitute 1% of the Nitrogen in the Air with CO2

your car will not Start and Idle

but will run above Idle when fully warmed up


the CO2 lowered the Explosion temperature in the Combustion Chamber 500 degrees

and is Science enforced by the EPA to lower NOx Emissions

since the 1970’s

while proving very hot CO2 from your cars exhaust can cause extreme cooling

while frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

as increasing levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and frozen water vapor

are now crashing to the earths poles

as Heat ~ still ~ Rises

as all gases heat = absorb energy

as all gases radiate heat

as all gases heat and cool at the same rate

while CO2 does not generate new heat and energy

CO2 can only transfer preexisting heat and energy already in the atmosphere


all the gases expand and rise removing heat from the lower atmosphere

not trapping heat in the lower atmosphere


Heat ~ still ~ Rises

leaving a vacuum a void in the lower atmosphere for the increased levels of

frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and frozen water vapor from the upper atmosphere

warming up to about – 80* F Below Zero by the time it reaches the earths poles

while this is slowing down the rate of variable warming

off-setting the variable warming caused by the variable Sun

while I have yet to see Ice melt at 112 * colder than the temperature water turns to Ice

making it not possible for all the Ice to Melt at the Poles of this Carbon base Earth

~ as long as heat still rises ~

as most of the atmosphere is – 200 *

as the lower atmosphere is heated by the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

while your Climate Religion claims this simple proven knowledge is Irrelevant

as this Irrelevant Science has debunk your self-debunk ~ what if ~ make believe

because Climate Religion can provide zero science

that would debunk this well established pre-existing proven fact tested knowledge

while over 9,000 PhD’s that I know of just in the USA

disagree with your Climate Religion

while debunking

John Kerry

and his proven lie of a 97% consensus


Climate Change is Real

as I have always been for Clean Efficient Energy

because the more Efficiently all fuels are burned

the more CO2 is produced for plants and trees to breathe

while the Plants and Trees recycle the O2 part of CO2 back into the air where it came from

while Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 in the air than today

to be at their best level of health

to be the carbon based food we eat while making all the oxygen we breathe

while pumping CO2 into the ground

lowers oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an Acid

~ while ~

your good friend John Kerry is Preaching to the world

“Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2”


“Plants and Trees have absorbed all the CO2 they possibly can absorb”

this is

as Stupid as stating we Humans can no longer absorb any more O2 oxygen

while anyone stating

the cause of the Carbon cycle causing all Nature and all Life is:

toxic poison and toxic pollution

has more than proven they are a complete and total fool in real science


the Science References sent to me by Al Gore’s  Campaign Manager

Dave Boundy

May 18, 2010

Dave tried to pass off as Peer-reviewed Scientific References

are bogus garbage

while Al Gore can provide zero articulation of the real science

or debate the real science

beyond words of true belief in ~ his ~ prediction of the un-known future

while refusing to acknowledge proven fact tested science

because Al Gore has zero comprehension of the proven fact tested reality

as Al Gore has earned zero right to scientific opinion

while his proven to be fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Business is doing well

and has proven Al Gore to be a Snake Oil Salesman

as he does not know what is in the bottle he is selling

as he has publicly failed grade school science

~ as ~

your Political Religion is planing to Prosecute Scientist like me


we do not believe in and refuse to believe

in ~ your ~ test proven make believe

based on

Fraudulent Garbage Science

the bases for your now self-debunk prediction of the un-known future

that ignores proven fact test knowledge


your political media religion agenda

refuses to allow open public media debate of the

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that further debunk your now self-debunk true belief

because they ~ Believe ~ the science is settled

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

~ as there is something new to learn and know everyday ~

as your Political Media Religion continues to preach Garbage Science to the world

while rejecting Hard Science and the Scientific Method


True Belief

~ so ~


take me to Court

as this will prove in fact

Political Fascism

dictating science with zero scientific method with zero peer-reviewed science

as I use my right to Free Speech

to share the test proven knowledge with the world that further debunk


Political Media Fascist Belief in Test Proven Bogus Science

as you based your science on

Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

based on science you do not comprehend

based only on trust

as there is zero trust or feelings of any kind in tested knowledge of the scientific method

as I can Prove to a Judge with fact tested reality

as it has been proven before in the

Supreme Court of the State of Montana


the bogus


Ouija Board Science


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on

~ test proven ~

Flawed Incomplete Debunk Fraudulent Garbage Science

based on

Zero Scientific Method


this Court Decision is completely ignored by Climate Religion

and as in Law and Science

Facts ~ debunk ~ self-debunk Belief

as you continue to Ignore the last 500 years of preexisting test proven knowledge

Hard Science

Physics and Chemistry

claimed to be Irrelevant by your Climate Religion

and missing from your flawed incomplete Political Climate Study

as tested knowledge continues to further debunk

~ your ~

self-debunk make believe

as you continue to reject the scientific method for your true make believe

for your political agenda

as you continue to call Real Scientist who do not believe in your true belief

Deniers of something they do not Deny

as extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

for a dozen known reasons today that you ignore for your political agenda

as you continue to state an opinion

that you have not earned and have yet to prove with real tested knowledge

as predicting the un-known future with computers is not knowledge


predicting the future based on flawed incomplete debunk bogus Science

proves nothing

as there is zero scientific consensus in prediction

as prediction of the un-known future is not tested science = zero proven knowledge

prediction of the un-known future is Ouija Board Science

while true belief in prediction is Religion

while continued true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic Belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

while there is zero scientific consensus in Lunatic Belief

as your Garbage Science is proven to be backwards


water vapor and CO2 evaporated by the variable Sun

is the Variable by-product of Variable Climate Warming

not the cause of Variable Climate Warming

while causing the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

making this Carbon based Earth Greener

while your Religion is stating the Ocean is rising when it is not

as your body is 20% carbon made from CO2

as all the oxygen you breathe is made from CO2

as all the food you eat is made from CO2

called pollution by your climate religion

while your climate religion is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into acid

while reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air today to breathe

all for just a few trillion dollars

to do only harm and zero good for the sake of True Belief

while the only thing Climate Religion has proven in science

is their proven Fraud and their proven Stupidity

and when I sent a letter to then Senator John Kerry

requesting his science references

I received a return letter dated June 14 2010

containing zero scientific reference beyond Hypothetical Conjecture

as John Kerry Science

would end all carbon based life

caused by the carbon cycle caused by CO2 caused by this carbon based earth

I give John Kerry

a proven Liar


~ F – in Grade School Science ~

while after two or more emails since 2007

sent to each of the U.S. Senators

I have received many responses

while not one of them can provide anything beyond their true belief in hearsay

and their true belief in a word of belief


proving nothing in tested science

and after hundreds of emails to the EPA since 2007

the EPA has yet to acknowledge science they enforce since the 1970’s

to lower NOx Emissions to Lower O3 = oxygen = heavy oxygen = ozone

at ground level to reduce respiratory illness

while further proving CO2 causes cooling above and beyond Dry Ice Physics

all ignored by Climate Religion

while an EPA Employee told me in person

~ she agreed with me ~

while the U.S. Government Scientist at the EPA ~ NOAA ~ NASA

have yet to provide peer-reviewed science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

with the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

causing the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


as your

Political Agenda Goal is:

A ~ Reduce the cause of all Life on this Earth

B ~ Tax the cause of all Life on this Earth

at a cost of many trillions of dollars to the poor

this is:

Test Proven Insanity

~ not ~

Science of the Scientific Method

as only Religion ignores test proven fact for true belief

as the Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Dictating Science

while rejecting the Scientific Method for self-debunk true belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ dictates science ~


Zero ~ Science

beyond test proven Fraudulent make believe

as it is not the job of pre-existing Hard Science to debunk Climate Religion

it is the job of Climate Religion to debunk pre-existing Hard Science


The Scientific Method

as part of what you are stating is Real and the other part you are Preaching is not real

and you can not differentiate from the two

as you believe

if there is climate change

then it can only be caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

caused by an infinity of variables

based on a dozen hard variables

that you ignore for true belief and political agenda

based on test proven Garbage Science you do not comprehend


~ have not earned the right to opinion in ~

so ~ Prosecute ~ me

because I do not believe in your test proven

political media paranoid climate self-debunk ~ what if ~ prediction religion


you do not ~ know ~ you are a test proven lair

because of your true belief in make believe


you do not know

evaporated water vapor and CO2 is:

the secondary reaction to warming not the primary cause of warming

causing all Nature and all Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

that we need more of not less of to make this Earth Greener

so we can feed all the staving Carbon based Humans

of this Carbon based Blue and Green Planet

as you want to spend trillions to stop the carbon cycle

and end all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

for the sake of scientifically debunk political media true belief

as all of your public statements has been debunk by real science

so Punish me for not believing in your test proven Religion

as you are the one who has been Brainwashed not me

while those who continue to Brainwash you

refuse to debate the science

or provide peer-reviewed science to support their test proven bogus statements

as you support the test proven fraud not me

while those who failed grade school science dictate science

because grade school science is not test proven make believe

as you are the number one Preacher for

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Prediction Religion

as there is zero test proven reality in self-debunk prediction

and when you refuse to learn something new

that is not science

as you will be known in history

as the Puppet President

for the test proven fraud in science

Al Gore

as he can prove nothing

as only Religions ignore test proven fact for true belief

while only Fascism can dictate science and then prosecute non-belief

as our Founding Fathers would agree

as your

Personal Emotional Feeling of True Belief


not science of the scientific method

as you will try to prosecute me

because I refuse to believe in your Stupidity Science

by Proven Frauds and Lunatics in Science

while I ~ know ~

you believe and know nothing

as you Preach your true belief with zero test proven fact

while your true belief is dong only harm and zero good

and what if ~

you knew tested reality instead of just believed in belief

as only non-believers can know


Imagination is good for new Ideas and ways of thinking


Fraudulent Science dictated by fascist political agenda is not ~

as your prediction of the un-known future based on test proven Lies

has debunk itself

as you continue to believe your prediction is happening

based on test proven Political Media Lies

by Political Agenda

that can provide zero science beyond belief



beyond make believe

Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana

Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

everyday since 1976


on going climate science investigation

everyday since 2007

~ * ~


There is nothing beyond the word of belief


by politicians

to prove

Humans cause Climate Warming



Political Media Agenda Dictates Science to Scientist



September 23, 2016



John Haigh ~ Executive Dean

John F. Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

[email protected]


John Holdren = White House Scientist


Harvard Kennedy School

[email protected]


Please forward this fact tested scientific statement to

~ the ~

President of the Republic

of the

United States of America

Barack Obama

for review


Bruce A. Kershaw


while my educated guess is:

they will not be sharing this

Proven Fact Test Knowledge of the Scientific Method with the President

as they will continue to Brainwash the President of the United States

with Fraudulent Garbage Science

while the President has earned zero right to Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Method

as the President is a True Believer

believing what he is told to believe in and what he is told to preach

based on zero Scientific Reference beyond self-deunk hearsay make believe

as the Presidents Science Advisers continue to Ignore Tested Reality

for Political Agenda

while in this Country based on Freedom

~ dictated ~


Political Media Religion

has positioned itself to prosecute non believers

while preaching something they can not prove with tested knowledge

~ and to ~

Matthew Bunn

[email protected]

William Clark

[email protected]

Jeffrey Frankel

[email protected]

David Keith

[email protected]

Henry Lee

[email protected]

Robert Stavins

[email protected]

of the

Harvard Kennedy School

~ ? ~

…so how much carbon based life did your carbon based foot print produce today

with the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


do you believe I should be Prosecuted for non-belief

~ ? ~

I challenge Harvard Science to an Open Public Debate in Real Climate Science

as increased levels of evaporated water vapor and CO2 cause Cooling

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as the rate of Evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

while those who predict future


Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent so called Science

continue to ignore the basic pre-existing Physics and Chemistry that have never changed

and they can not debunk with self-debunk prediction

as prediction is: Ouija Board Science

as 180 plus years of ~ ignored ~ test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

can not be debunk by Belief


Harvard Science

can not prove with peer-reviewed science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

nor can any Government Scientist

as this is why not one University Scientist on this Carbon based Earth

or Government Scientist

~ who is a true believer ~

will agree to an Open Public Debate in Real Climate Science

since I began my Investigation in the spring of 2007

while my on going investigation has proven


as many are profiting from this proven political media fraud

while Climate Religion is now attempting to Prosecute non-believers


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as my Educated Hypothetical Conjecture is

Harvard will not debate the real science beyond their true make believe


~ real ~

Spiritual Religion

does more Good than Harm


Political Media Religion

does only Harm and zero Good


Letter to all the Editors

~ of this Green and Blue Carbon based Planet where everything has Carbon in it ~

where the first atmosphere was water vapor and CO2

where all the Green and all Carbon based Life

is caused by a carbon cycle

caused by CO2

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

~ where ~


extreme ~ progressive ~ variable

Climate Change is very Real for the past 4.6 billion years


not caused by Carbon based Humans

of this

Carbon based Earth

~ while ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

is based only on true belief in self-debunk prediction based on zero tested knowledge

caused by a mental condition I call


Zero ~ Science ~ Brain


Carbon based Humans

with the desire to support a cause they believe is good

by those who failed grade school science

and do not comprehend the scientific method

as they are true believers with a scientific opinion they have not earned

as they can not talk about or discus the tested science or debate the tested science

or provide peer-reviewed science to support their self-debunk true belief

~ in a prediction of the un-known future that did not happen ~

as Manhattan is ~ not ~ now under water as predicted

as they continue to believe in and preach it is happening

a prediction based on a proven flawed incomplete ~ political ~ climate study

based on an outdated incomplete debunk science paper being used as scientific proof

by Climate Religion

as proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

with the cause of the carbon cycle

the cause all carbon based life and energy

on this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

that Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the air today

to be Healthy

to be the carbon based food we eat while making all the oxygen we breathe

~ called ~

toxic poison and toxic pollution by Climate Religion

while my on going science investigation since the spring of 2007

has proven Political Media Fraud in Science

for Political Agenda

that is doing test proven harm to the

Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life and to this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Bogus Garbage Science

costing trillions to the poorest of the poor to do only harm and zero good

proven by fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

ignored by Climate Religion

proving it is a Religion based on zero science

as climate change is real but not caused by you and me


Climate Religion calls me a Denier

of something I do not deny and they do not comprehend

and Climate Religion can not prove with real tested science

as Climate Religion is now today attempting to Prosecute non Believers


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

~ a test proven Religion proven by the scientific method ~

based on Political Media Hearsay and test proven Political Media Fraud

for the sake of

Political Media Agenda

~ while ~

Peer-reviewed self-debunk computer prediction ~ Ouija Board Science ~ proves nothing

in the scientific method

and after more than 40,000 email request with a reward since 2007

for the Peer-reviewed Science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

all I have received in reply is name calling and belittling

with zero scientific rebuttal or peer-reviewed science

to prove with real science Humans cause Climate Warming

with the exception of Joe Berry at Stanford University

who ~ still ~ can not prove with real science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as the United Nations = a Politcal Body ~ not ~ a Science Body

continues to state to the world

it is “likely” Humans cause all Climate Change

and can provide zero fact tested knowledge to support their words of true belief


Political Media True Belief in Political Media Hearsay

does not Debunk

hundreds of years of Hard Science

ignored by Climate Religion

as we continue to live in a world

where the majority of Humans continue to live their lives controlled by the minority of

Humans who ~ believe ~

they are doing only good and whats best for all Life and Nature and the Environment

while in tested reality

they are doing only Harm to all Life and Nature and the Environment

just like Bloodletting many Moons ago

as Bloodletting was based only on True Belief and zero tested knowledge

because 99.99% of the time Bloodletting did only harm and zero good

as true believers will continue to be true believers

based only on true belief and zero tested knowledge

because they have

Zero ~ Science ~ Brain


they need something they can believe in that is positive to believe in

weather it is or not

as this is un-tested reality belief


zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

while at 210 PPM CO2 in the Atmosphere

all the Plants and Trees begin to Die

at 8 times that level plants and Trees are Healthy

as we are at 400 PPM CO2 = 000.04% of the atmosphere

while 3% = 000.0012 % or less of that is caused by Humans

Nitrogen = 78.09 % from decomposing soil

Oxygen = 20.95 % made from CO2 by the carbon cycle

Argon = 00.93 % from otter space

Water Vapor = 5 times the volume of CO2 not measured as a gas from evaporation

Carbon based Oxygen =

CO2 =

Carbon dioxide = 00.04 % from the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

CO2 caused by Humans for plants and trees to breath = 00.0012 %

smaller than the equivalent of thinest sewing thread

down the middle of the 50 yard line of a football field

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

as most of the CO2 going into the Air everyday

is from un-measurable un-predictable variable volcanic activity below sea level

on going for billions of years

Acidifying the Ocean for billions of years

while causing

the carbon cycle

above and below sea level


all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth

for the last 600 million years above sea level

as settled science can only exist where there is zero science

because there will always be true believers who can prove nothing with science

as settled science can not exist in tested reality


science is to know

and everyday day there is something new to know and learn

that will enforce or debunk what was new to know and learn yesterday

through tested knowledge

as real science is proven wrong more often than proven


Trial and Error

as true science is found through failure

and not through true belief


continued true belief in something that did not happen as predicted is: not knowledge

and can not debunk the last 500 years of Hard Science


proven fact

~ tested knowledge ~

of the

Scientific Method

as climate religion continues to grow based only on true belief

caused by

Political Media Brain Washing

by those with

Zero ~ Science ~ Brain

for the sake of

true belief

~ and or ~





September 16, 2016


Jesse Chaney

~ Congratulations ~

as you are now the new Editor

of the City of Helena Montana

Independent Record


Lee Enterprise


Letter to the Editor ~ Jesse Chaney

to the Publisher ~ Tyler Miller

and to Lee Enterprise



~ if ~

Political Media Climate Religion allowed real tested science to be known ?


here is my rebuttal response to

Bill Nye the Science Guy and his recent Public Statements

~ Note ~

to the Public

I have sent many Letters to the Editor

since 2007

in rebuttal to bogus statements in science on the Opinion Page

of the Independent Record

by those who have not earned the right to Scientific Opinion

but because Lee Enterprise has a political agenda

the IR has yet to print one of my many Letters to the Editor

in rebuttal to Garbage scientific statements

since 2007

as the IR continues to cover only one side of the story

the side they believe in

while there is zero belief in science

as science is: Questioned Tested and Debated not make believe

while they are allowing only one side of many sides of the scientific argument to be known

with zero equality of Public Free Speech or Intelligent Rebuttal

for the sake of their political agenda

as this is:

a form of fascism dictating science

by those who failed grade school science

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support the bogus statements

as the IR continues to Publish ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Statements in Science

for Political Agenda

as they have zero comprehension of the proven fact tested knowledge

of the scientific method


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years Atmospheric Emission Science


~ * ~

…as this Carbon based Earth rotates at 1000 miles per hour at the Equator

~ if ~

the air around the Equator did not move with the rotation of the Earth

from Gravity

the wind at the Equator would be 1000 miles per hour

while the wind woud be at 1″ an hour at the North and South Poles

~ * ~


September 12, 2016


To: Mr. Bill Nye


as you tell the world

“what if all the ice melted”

and as we all ~ know ~

what ~ if ~ is: not knowledge

what if is: make believe


science is: to know

as there is zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


what ~ if ~


~ so what do you ~ know ~ and what are you told to make believe ~




[email protected]


~ once again I must write to you ~

as I have been emailing you for many years now


just like Al Gore you continue to misinform the Public in Real Science

as you and Al Gore are very good at

test proven misinformation and test proven deception

for Political Agenda

so I would like to better inform you in something you seem to know nothing about

but have an un-earned opinion in



water vapor and CO2 caused the first atmosphere

of this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

~ causing ~

the carbon cycle and all carbon based life below and above sea level

~ now ~

called toxic pollution by your Climate Religion


some of us ~ know ~ from Ice Core samples

there have been Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the Atmosphere than today

and after 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods in just the last 2 million years

as the Ice has been melting this time in between the Ice Ages

for the past 14,000 plus years

while it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years

as Montana had California Climate for 200 years

while there have been many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ices Ages

in between the Major Ices Ages during Major Global Warming periods

and ~ if ~ the Ice was not melting during warming periods

the Ocean would be hundreds of feet lower than today

caused by the evaporation of water and CO2 from the Ocean

the CO2 in the Ocean from billions of years of on going volcanic activity below sea level

causing the Carbon cycle above and below Sea level

while the Ocean has risen 350 feet over the last 26,000 years

making the Gulf of Mexico above Sea level 26,000 years ago

as the Ocean was 60 feet higher 135,000 years ago

and 100 feet higher 14 million years ago

~ while today we know ~

the rate of Evaporation of Water and CO2 from the Ocean

caused by Warming by the variable Sun

has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting today

causing the Ocean level to go down and not up


~ predicted ~

making the prediction the Ocean would rise

~ self-debunk ~

while climate religion continues to preach to the

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

the Ocean is Rising

when it is not

and ~ if ~ the Ice did not Melt

by the

~ Variable Sun ~

with many cycles

in 10 years the Ocean could be 150 feet lower than today

while today heat continues to rise at the equator

as increased levels of frozen water vapor and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

continue to crash downward to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as the Dry Ice is cooling the air on the way down

10 times faster and 20 times longer than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

warming to about -80 degrees below zero on the way down

and as Water Vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase caused by warming

by evaporation by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not seed up


~ predicted ~

making the prediction climate warming would speed up

~ self-debunk ~

so it is not possible ~ based on today’s science = tested knowledge

for ~ all ~ the Ice to Melt

as Ice melts from the bottom side during Ice Ages too

caused by the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

as Ice melts from the top side during Ice ages too

caused by direct Sun energy

as direct Sun energy separates the frozen water = H2O

causing the O= oxygen to evaporate while the dirty H2 = hydrogen flows into the Ocean

while the Ice moves during Ice Ages too

caused by the Hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

melting the Ice from the bottom side causing the Ice

and parts of the outer surface of this Carbon based Earth’s Crust to move

while the Hot Liquid Core provides variable Volcanic activity

above and below sea level while providing variable Hot Spots of the Earth’s Crust

while the Hot Liquid core Produces most of the CO2 in the Air thru the Ocean

by hundreds of un-measurable un-predictable active Volcanoes below sea level at this time

causing the Ocean to contain many times the CO2 level than the Atmosphere

while causing

Acidification of the Ocean over billions of years



the Carbon cycle above and below sea level


all Carbon based Life and Energy

on this

Carbon based Earth


everything has Carbon in it ~

as the cause of all Nature the Environment and all Carbon based Life

is: called

Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion


Climate Religion

has failed real science of the scientific method

as their bogus climate Study has proven too ~

while using Science Fiction

to create Paranoia to sell your test proven Climate Religion

provides the world with zero fact tested reality

as you profit from your Bogus Fraudulent so called science

while you ignore test proven fact for make believe


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 more years of knowledge on this subject matter than you

with an on going investigation since 2007

proving Fraud

by those who do not know what their talking about

because they ignore tested knowledge for true belief

in self-debunk prediction

based on Garbage Science

from a Flawed Incomplete Bogus Political Climate Study

as there is more climate science missing from the bogus political climate study

than in the flawed incomplete debunk bogus political climate study

that is the bases for the bogus debunk political climate prediction

as prediction is not science

as hypothetical conjecture is not tested knowledge





what ~ if ~

there was no tomorrow

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth ended

caused by an over due

~ Supper Volcano ~

while the last super volcano 74,000 years ago

reduced the Population of Breeding Women to 15

known by our DNA funnel

or ~ what if ~ an

~ Asteroid ~

killed all life tomorrow

while about 14,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age

all the Mastodons ~ Sloths ~ Camels ~ Lions

along with many other Creatures disappeared from the western United States

some believe they were hunted out of existence

while the bones we dig up from that era all over the western United States today

have Iridium lodged in their bones

as Iridium comes from outer space

making their disappearance from an Asteroid most obvious

from an Asteroid that must of the hit Ice at the end of the last Ice Age

as there are no signs of an Asteroid hitting the ground

so an Asteroid hitting Ice would be the only logical explanation

but who knows maybe they were Hunting with Iridium Shotgun Shells 14,000 years ago


no tomorrow from

Nuclear War

to end all Carbon based Life

or by

reducing CO2 levels by 50% in the atmosphere ending the Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life above Sea level

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than today

to Breathe and to be Healthy

to be the carbon based food we eat while making all the oxygen we breathe

~ as ~

what if is:


the political media paranoid climate religion

what ~ if ~ is: not science




as I know

extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very Real

for billions of years

for a dozen reasons known today

while I am called a denier of something I do not deny

because I do not ~ believe ~ in self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

while there are those who state to the Government

I should be Prosecuted for not believing in their Climate Religion

along with those in the Government who are trying to Prosecute

scientist like me

because we do not ~ believe ~ in their Climate Prediction Religion


Political Media Climate Religion

can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their true belief

in their self-debunk prediction

based on


flawed incomplete debunk garbage so called science


Climate Religion is:

pumping CO2 in to the Ground

as this is

reducing oxygen levels in the air


turning underground water in to an Acid


reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air than today

to Breathe and be Healthy

while this would recycle the oxygen back in to the air where it came from

as the O2 in Man Made CO2 came from the Air we breathe


Climate Religion is costing us only many trillions of dollars to do this test proven harm


we are turning food in to fuel that is producing higher levels of CO2

while thousands Starve to Death everyday


Fracking for Natural Gas is:

doing irreversible harm to the Crust of this Carbon based Earth

while causing Earth Quakes


Climate Religion is test proven to be doing only test proven harm and Zero good

as they are harming Nature not helping Nature

because of their lack of knowledge

knowledge they continue to ignore for the sake of true belief

in self-debunk prediction based on garbage science


Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

continues to refuse to look at the tested knowledge

missing from their bogus Climate Study

and why does Climate Religion refuse to look at test proven knowledge

of the scientific method


it is a Political Media Religion

further proven by the fact Climate Religion refuses to debate real science



Reward for the Scientific Proof

beyond Make Believe in self-debunk prediction

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

with the cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

causing all of Nature and the Environment

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

that Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the Air today to be Healthy

as I have been sending reward offers to Bill Nye for many years and nothing


Bill Nye will not debate the Real Science

as real science is


Tested and Debated

and not

Hearsay Political Media Make Believe

based on self-debunk prediction

based on Garbage Science

as Bill can prove nothing beyond his make believe in Climate Religion

as Bill can provide zero real science to support the words he is preaching

as this is why he can not and will not debate the real science

while I wonder how much Bill is being paid by Al Gore ?

Al Gore and his world wide proven Fraudulent Carbon Credit Scheme

that has been completely ignored my the true believers and followers of

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as Bill and Al Gore have worked together

Sharing with the World their ~ test proven ~ Bogus Science

while no one is paying me

for sharing the test proven truth in science

so why will Bill or Al Gore not debate the real science

as Bill continues to misinform the Public in Science


~ what if ~

with the help of

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Prediction Religion

as Bill can provide zero rebuttal to my emails for many years


science is: to know

and Bill Nye and his simplistic Political Media true belief is

Brain Washing the world with his what ~ if ~ Science Fiction

for Fear of the un-known future with his

~ Bogus ~

Garbage Science


~ zero ~

proven fact tested knowledge


scientific method


ignoring tested reality

does not make it go away

while those who ignore the scientific method for true belief

are not real scientist


ignoring a dozen climate variables


millions of years of climate history


180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the self-debunk Climate Prediction

based only on 3% of the CO2 in the Air

is: not science


~ knowingly ~

using an outdated incomplete debunk science paper as scientific proof


test proven

Fraud in Science


Political Media Paranoid Self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion


true belief


something that did not happen is: not knowledge


Bill Nye has Failed Climate Science

I give Bill an F- in tested knowledge of the scientific method

as Bill profits from his bogus fraudulent garbage science

that he continues to preach to the un-knowing public


Bill dose not comprehend the Real Climate Science

and if Bill does comprehend the real science then he truly is:

a real test proven fraud in science

as Bill Nye is a True Believer not a Scientist of the Scientific Method


~ what if prediction

Hypothetical Conjecture

is not fact tested knowledge = proven science ~

while I call Al Gore and Bill Nye frauds everyday for many years

as they do nothing

No Rebuttal

nor do they Sue me for calling them frauds everyday for many years


I have Proven they are Frauds in Science

and can prove it in a Court of Law too


Climate Religion continues to look the other way


they do not comprehend the real science of the scientific method

for the sake of true belief


self-debunk predictionabased on

Garbage Science

so how much is Netflix paying Bill Nye the Science Guy

to Preach his ~ test proven ~ self-debunk Hypothetical Garbage Science to the Public

while allowing zero real science rebuttal

as they cover only one side of many sides the un-proven science

as belief in prediction is not knowledge

as most predictions never come true

while true belief in self-debunk prediction is Religion not Science

as those who failed the science continue to dictate the science

with zero scientific method


Why does Bill Nye ignore test proven fact for true belief

~ Money ~


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ and ~

what ~ if ~ all the Ice Melted ?

it would mean Heat stopped rising

because the Sun is about to Vaporize this Carbon based Earth

but that should take another 4.6 billion years

and if climate warming continues the deserts will become green again ~

like many times before

as the


~ SUN ~

with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter

with a 3 million mile variable distance between the Earth and Sun

of a dozen climate variables providing an Infinity of Climate variable

while some scientist become un-knowing and not brighter

for profit

Bill is a Climate Religion Scientist for profit

and not a Real Scientist of the Scientific Method for Truth in Science

I am guessing Bill Nye has done zero review or investigation of the real science

as he just preaches what he is told to make believe

while Environmental Extremest who have publicly failed grade school science

continue to ignore

the on going negative effects of Nuclear contamination of this Carbon based Earth

from continued

Nuclear Testing

Nuclear Accidents

Nuclear Waste


Birth defects Dead Births and long term Illness and Death

while we spray Poison on the carbon based food we grow to eat

to kill Bugs and Weeds causing  Disease and Death


~ as true believers continue to ignore tested reality ~

~ as ~

I am going to make a

~ Prediction ~

this Carbon based Earth causing all Carbon based Life

above and below Sea level with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

will have Global Warming

~ again ~

in between the next two Ice Ages


The Religion of Science is Skepticism


true belief dictating science with zero scientific method


what if is: Garbage Science


Political Agenda Dictates Science with Zero Scientific Method



do you ~ believe ~ I should be Prosecuted for not believing


~ your ~

Political Media

~ Paranoid ~

Computer Climate Prediction Religion

and then what do you do to me after you Prosecute me

for not believing in your test proven Religion

proven by the scientific method

as there is zero reality in ~ what if ~ make believe

as this is the bases for

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as those who can prove nothing continue to belittle me

while they only belittle them self


True Belief


Make Believe

based on

test proven

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Bogus Garbage Science

is not

Fact Tested Reality in the Scientific Method


Prosecute Me


cut out my tongue and cut off my fingers


just Chop Off My Head like ISIS would do


I do not believe in ~ your ~ test proven Religion

based on self-debunk Prediction

based on Garbage Science

as Climate Change is Real ~ but ~ not caused by You and Me

~ * ~

what ~ if ~


Computer Ouija Board Prediction based on Garbage Science


make believe not tested reality


Political Media Fascism

Climate Religion

based on what ~ if ~ prediction

based on

Garbage Science

Dictates Science to Scientist of the Scientific Method


Al Gore and Bill Nye


test proven

Fraudulent Salesman

not Scientist

of the

Scientific Method




Peace ~ of ~ Mind

beyond the fear of the un-known based on true belief

preached by

Politicians and Journalist

with a political agenda

with zero back ground in science

with zero comprehension of the science and or the scientific method



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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