

Climate Religion

~ will not go away ~


it is a test proven Religion

based on debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

~ not based on ~

proven fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method

while refusal to debate the science proves it is not science

and when you can not connect all the dots on the page

because you have convinced yourself there is only one dot on a page full of dots

this is not science

as self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

does not debunk 500 plus years of well established Hard Science

while those who failed grade school science dictate science


…if you substitute 1% of the Nitrogen in the Air with CO2

the Internal Combustion Engine in your car will not start and idle

because the CO2 has lowered the combustion explosion temperature by 500 degrees


CO2 does not make new energy

CO2 absorbs preexisting heat and energy

as CO2 along with all the Gases in the atmosphere

absorb and radiate heat and energy while expanding and rising

transfering heat and energy upward

while increased levels of frozen water vapor and frozen CO2= Dry Ice

~ as the Dry Ice Cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than the frozen water ~

continues to crash downward toward the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as Heat ~ still ~ continues to Rise at the Equator


Water vapor and CO2 evaporated by the variable Sun is

the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

as Climate Religion continues to state to me ~

these test proven facts


~ Irrelevant ~

in a climate study that focuses only on 3% of the CO2

that ignores proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

while ignoring a dozen known Climate Variables

while ignoring millions of years of Climate History

all further debunking the now self-debunk Climate Prediction

based on proven backwards Hypothetical Conjecture

 by a very flawed incomplete Political Agenda Climate Study

while not based on any real proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon Cycle

caused by CO2 from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

while the Ocean was about 60 feet higher 135,000 years ago

as Ice melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice Ages too

while Polar Bears must move south like snow birds during Ice Ages

because they can not break through the Ice that is miles thick

to get to their food

so they move back to Montana where they came from

as the Polar Bear is a Montana Grizzly Bear that roamed north

as there are more Polar Bears today than 50 years ago

while Hunting is the only real threat to Polar Bears not Nature

as it is only some Carbon based Humans who can not mentally adapt

to the normal progressive variable cycles of nature

Nature and the Environment caused by CO2

and after 20 Ice Ages in just the last 2 million years

of billions of years of Climate Change for a dozen known reasons today

~ not one reason ~

while some Carbon based Humans truly believe

there is only one reason for climate change


….when I am proven wrong by scientific method

I learn from it and grow forward ~

knowing more than I knew before


knowing science is proven wrong more often than proven right


[email protected]


science is: to know


political media religions ~ believe ~ they are always right

even when they are test proven to be wrong


they are a political media religion with an agenda

with zero scientific method

~ as I know ~

true belief is not test proven knowledge

as they do not know they just believe

because they do not comprehend the fact tested knowledge




as test proven political media lies continue to be ignored

by some scientist who look the other way

because they share the same belief in Human caused Climate Change


John Kerry who tells the entire world

Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

that Plants and Trees have absorbed all the CO2 they possibly can

and then

not one climate scientist who shares the same belief as John Kerry

in Human caused Climate Change

will speak up

and say

John Kerry is Wrong

~ what John Kerry said to the world is not true ~

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 in the air than today to be healthy

while the many scientist of climate religion just look the other way and say nothing

misleading the public in real science

as not all climate scientist ~ believe in ~ Human caused climate warming

as most do not

as there is zero scientific consensus

~ in ~

self-debunk computer prediction based on a flawed incomplete study

as there is Climate Science and there is Climate Religion Science

~ one is based on proven fact tested knowledge and the other is based on true belief ~

as Climate Religion Scientist ignore fact tested knowledge for ~ their ~ true belief

as the climate religion scientist cover their eyes and ears

and allow the Political Media Lies to continue

the Bogus Scientific statements by Politicians and Journalist

who Failed Grade School Science

making Climate Religion Scientist as Bogus as the Lying Politicians and Journalist

as the Politians and Journalist do not know they are lying


it is a pathological lie based only on true belief

in self-debunk prediction

because they have zero comprehension of the real science

further proving there is no truth or real science in Climate Religion Science

as they reject the scientific method for true belief


self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction = religion



Spencer Weart


American Institute of Physics


[email protected]

do you believe as John Kerry believes

that Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2 ?

as you ~ believe ~ acidification of the Ocean is not caused by billions of years of on going

Volcanic activity below sea level from hundreds of active Volcanoes at this time

causing many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the air

as this is only one of many un-measurable climate variables missing from climate religion

while billions of years of on going Volcanic activity below sea level

continues the carbon cycle in the Ocean and above sea level

as all carbon based life began in the Ocean

from the billions of years on going Volcanic activity below Sea level

long before Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth

as the first atmosphere was CO2 and water vapor

causing the carbon cycle above sea level

as increased Warming by the variable Sun occurs first

increasing the evaporation rate of water vapor and CO2

while this is off-setting variable warming by the Variable Sun

as today the evaporation rate has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

along with Ice Core samples you must not be aware of that show us

Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 than in the air today

as Warming began 14,000 years ago not 40 years ago

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today

as there have been 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods

with warming periods much warmer than today

in just the last 2 million years of billions of years of

very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

as Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less

as over 9000 PhD’s that I know of disagree with you

as every Geologist I have spoken with since 2007 disagree with you

as the only people who have agreed with you that I know of are Politicians and Journalist

who failed grade school science and Teachers and Government Scientist

who preach Humans cause Climate Warming and have yet to prove it

with real science

just like you can not prove with real science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

as there is a true belief consensus not a scientific consensus

as the 97% consensus is just another proven political agenda Lie by John Kerry

as there is far more known science missing from the Climate Religion Study

than in the Climate Religion Study

while there is zero knowledge in

Computer Ouija Board Prediction

as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion continues to use the

out-dated incomplete debunk

1896 Arrhenius Science Paper

as Scientific proof

proving only Fraud


the Union of Concerned Scientist

and the California News Paper

the Sacramento Bee

as this is only two examples of Fraud in Science

of many examples of Fraud

while there is zero hard science proving

~ we ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as Climate Religion refuses to debate the real science

as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Dictates Science

with test proven lies

with zero scientific method

while according James Hansen

~ Manhattan ~

is under water right now

if you believe his Prediction

as obviously his prediction based only on one very small fragment of all knowledge

is not happening

as he continues to believe it will happen

as he ignores all tested knowledge that debunk his true belief

~ tested reality he will not debate ~

for the sake of his personal emotional feelings of true belief


self-debunk prediction based on a bogus ~ flawed ~ incomplete study

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is: Religion

as prediction is not knowledge

as science is: to know

and if you can not see all the dots you can not connect all the dots

while I have been to your website many times over the many years

while I have e-mailed you many times with no response or rebuttal

as you ~ were ~ posting the

the out-dated incomplete debunk Arrhenius science paper

as you no longer do

but you still do not see all the dots

as most of the CO2 in the Air comes from Volcanic activity below Sea level

on going for billions of years

~ as the Acidification of the Ocean

is not caused by the 3% of the CO2 in the air

caused by Humans

as the 3% is less than the equvelent of

the smallest thinnest sewing thread

down the middle of the fifty yard line of a football field

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

making man made CO2 insignificant

as most of the CO2 in the air comes from the Ocean

so how does CO2 fall in to the Ocean

when most of the CO2 and Water Vapor in the air is evaporating upward from the Ocean

now incorporate a dozen climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

missing from climate religion

with millions of years of climate history you should be aware of

and 180 plus years of CO2 physics and chemistry you should be aware of

all debunking Climate Religion

while there is NOx Emission Control Science

enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s that the EPA will not admit after hundreds of e-mails

that proves CO2 causes cooling

now add frozen water vapor and CO2 = Dry Ice crashing to the Earths Poles

missing from Climate Religion

all ignored by Climate Religion while further debunking their true belief

in self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction

based on one small tiny fragment of all knowledge

as you defend Michael Mann

~ who will not debate the science ~

and his very proven Bogus Hockey Stick

as no two trees are alike for many reasons

while he forgot to include

it was much warmer 1000 years ago than today for 200 years


do you defend James Hansen and his self-debunk prediction

as the Ocean is now going down from evaporation

as 49 NASA Scientist disagree with Jim and his true belief

along with 30,000 plus other scientist that I know of just in the USA

while you turn your back to well established known science for true belief in


Hypothetical Conjecture

as this is not reality in science of the scientific method

as my on going investigation since 2007 has proven fraud on many levels

as you defend the fraud of Climate Religion

while Climate Religion science is proven to be Backwards

warming increases CO2 water vapor levels

increased CO2 and water vapor levels do not increase warming

as Dry Ice crashing to the poles of this Carbon based Earth causes cooling

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as Heat ~ still ~ Rises

as this science is ~ still ~ ignored by Climate Religion

as you defend Climate Religion

based on true Belief ignoring real science

as you post Garbage Science

as your Religion continues to refuse to debate the real science

further proving it is a Religion

for political agenda

as your Religion is lowering oxygen levels in the air

turning underground water in to acid

while reducing what plants and trees 4 times more of to breathe

not allowing Plants and Trees to recycle the oxygen back into the air where it came from

while costing billions of billions over time

to do only harm and zero good


Real Science is Questioned Tested and Debated


True Belief


self-debunk prediction

based on debunk garbage science


Preached to the Carbon based People of this Carbon based World by Climate Religion

by those who do not comprehend the science

and do not want or wish to comprehend the science


it is a political media paranoid religion

and not

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


Climate Religion Dictates Science


refusing to look at the science as their Brainwashing continues

as the goal of Climate Religion is

to Tax the Cause of the Carbon cycle

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

the cause of all the oxygen we breathe and all the carbon based food we eat

as Climate Religion already controls our everyday life

based on false belief

providing the world with Political Media Fascism Science

as Climate Religion continues to do test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

and all Carbon based Life for the sake of test proven true belief

so here is your

~ in a Nutshell ~


with some of the proven Nuts


I will assume Spencer

like all the other true believers I have challenged

~ after more than 40,000 requests since 2007 ~

with a reward

~ you ~

will not debate the science of the scientific method

nor will the

American Institute of Physics


your true belief


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing



Do not tell me Humans cause Climate Warming

~ prove it ~


there is zero scientific consensus

in self-debunk prediction

based on

Bogus ~ Fraudulent ~ Incomplete ~ Debunk

Hypothetical Conjecture


Humans cause Climate Cooling


proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

while the belief science has been proven to be backwards

~ long before they believed in it ~

beginning with the French Chemist

Charles Thilorier

180 years ago

followed by 60 years of testing in University’s all across Europe

followed by 120 years of testing all around this Carbon based World

180 plus years of Testing

ignored by Climate Religion

while Climate Religion uses the incomplete debunk testing as proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


~ fraud ~

as personal emotional feelings of true belief


nothing in tested Knowledge = Science



To: Michio Kaku


[email protected]

Hypothetical Conjecture Proves Nothing


~ Real ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method


obviously you are to busy making money to investigate the science


I have zero respect for so called scientist who mislead the public as you and others do for

~ profit ~

so how much money did CBS News pay you today

to help them mislead the public in science

and do you know what they are saying about the science

with the words on the reader board at the bottom of TV screen while you are talking ?

and if you agree with the words at the bottom of the TV Screen

while you were talking


you are obviously for the reduction of the cause of the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of Personal Profit

and as you have stated before to the world on MSNBC

to Karen Finney


Humans cause Climate Change

as there are no maybe’s in real hard science of the scientific method

while since then

MSNBC continues to state to the world everyday

with no if and or but’s

Humans do cause Climate Change

with no maybe’s


Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today

to be at their best level of Health

while at 1/2 the CO2 level than in the Air Today

this would suffocate and kill all the Plants and Trees

ending the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Water Vapor and CO2 caused the first Atmosphere

causing the Carbon cycle above Sea level


self-debunk peer-reviewed

Ouija Board

computer climate

~ Prediction ~

does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ 2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom ~

the cause of the carbon cycle and all of nature and all carbon based life and energy

on this

Carbon based Earth

as 180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry has proven CO2 causes cooling



you are not aware of this test proven fact ignored by Climate Religion

or the many other test proven facts that debunk your “maybe” science


~ if ~

every active Volcano below sea level today

~ as there are hundreds ~

were active above sea level today

there would be zero Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above sea level today

as True Belief in ~

Political Media Hearsay

Words of True Belief by Political Agenda

Prove Nothing in Science

as words and belief prove nothing in science

as True Belief is the Cancer of the Mind in Tested Reality

as True Belief is a primary cause of War and Death

on this

Carbon based Earth


~ Reward ~

for the fact tested knowledge proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all of Nature and all Carbon based Life



out-dated incomplete debunk science paper

is being used today by Climate Religion as Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


you can give the world better than a maybe on test proven Fraud in science

with some test proven reality


you help CBS News falsely represent Science

for your profit

as their climate Science statements are test proven lies

and do you agree with their test proven Lies ?


are you just covering your ears and eyes and looking the other way ?

because you are in it for the Money ~

as you are now a part of CBS News Climate Religion as you take their money

as you throw away the scientific method for true belief in money

as you are now a Climate Religion Scientist


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who are negligent to scientific reality



playing both sides of the argument

while ignoring one side of the argument for profit

as you now work for one of the largest

Climate Religion Churches on this Carbon based Earth

CBS News

and when they preach their climate religion sermon

you will just be the

hear no evil ~ see no evil ~ speak no evil

puppet monkey scientist

for Climate Religion


Science Fiction is: not fact tested reality ~

as a real scientist will put test proven fact before money

as we live in the political agenda world with puppet scientist for profit

like Bill Nye the Science Guy

Al Gores Puppet Scientist for Money

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

with on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

about six hours a day = about 20,000 hours of investigation and writing

with over 40,000 request with a reward for the scientific proof since 2007

as most of the rebuttal is name calling and blocking my emails

as no one can prove humans cause climate warming

so how many hours have you spent investigating the science at no charge

as I do it only for truth in science

while spending thousands out of my pocket

for the cost of communication since 2007

as I pay no one and no one is paying me


reality beyond true belief


~ to ~

Steve Sack

Cartoonist for the Star Tribune

[email protected]

~ it is important in science to know the subject matter before having an opinion ~


would you please answer the seven questions listed below

on behalf of Climate Religion


1 ~ why does Climate Religion ignore a dozen ~ known ~ Climate Variables

missing from their Climate Study

~ debunking your true belief ?

2 ~ why does Climate Religion ignore the last 2 million years of Climate History

with 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming Periods

missing from their Climate Study


1000 years ago

Montana had California Climate

for 200 years

~ debunking your true belief ?

3 ~ why does Climate Religion ignore 180 plus years of test proven

CO2 ~ Physics and Chemistry

missing from their Climate Study focused only on CO2

~ debunking your true belief ?

4 ~ why does Climate Religion ignore Heat Still Rises

missing from their Climate Study


 -200 * Air crashing downward toward the Earths Poles

with increased levels of Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

warming to about -80 * below zero on the way down

by cooling the air on the way down

as Heated air continues to rise at the Equator toward the -200 * air

missing from their Climate Study

~ debunking your true belief ?

5 ~ why does Climate Religion ignore the Scientific Method for True Belief

~ in ~

self-debunk computer climate prediction ?

6 ~ true belief in a prediction of the un-known future that

did not happen

~ is: ?


7 – where did you earn the right to Scientific Opinion ?

….as climate change is real ~

so please enlighten me Steve Sack


~ Reward ~

for the proven fact tested knowledge ~ peer-reviewed science ~ in your hands

that you have reviewed and you comprehend


Climate Warming is caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all of Nature and the Environment

causing all Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth

~ where everything has Carbon in it ~

Steve your body is 20% Carbon

breathing Oxygen made from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

while you are eating Carbon based Food

made from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as your Religion calls CO2 with zero color or taste or smell = Toxic Pollution


~ as Steve can not answer these questions as he can prove nothing beyond his true belief ~

in Fraudulent Debunk Garbage Science

but how would Steve ~ know ~ this is Fraudulent Debunk Garbage Science

when Steve is not a working Scientist

as Steve’s true belief is a Religion and not real proven fact tested reality

as Steve’s Science Education is by Politicians and Journalist

who have publicly failed grade school science

as I am called a Denier of something I do not deny by Climate Religion

as this is a proven mental block by Climate Religion

calling real scientist who do not deny climate change

Deniers of Climate Change

by true believers who failed grade school science

who are dictating science to the un-knowing public

who can not prove climate warming is caused by Carbon based Humans

making Steve Sack a proven political media pathological Lair and fraud in real science

as Steve has based his scientific opinion on his personal emotional feelings of true belief

in political media agenda true belief with zero real science

and when you refuse to review all sides of the scientific argument for true belief

this proves you are not a scientist of the scientific method

~ proving ~

you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

~ as ~

Climate Change is real but not caused by you and me


~ weather I am proven right or I am proven wrong ~

with real science

~ not ~

true belief

Thank you Judith Curry for supporting my right and everyone’s right to free speech


those who believe I should be Prosecuted for not believing in their

~ political media agenda true belief ~

as true belief is not test proven fact

then what ?

have my tongue cut out like some Religions do

or chop my head off like others Religions do

for not believing in their test proven self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

as real science does not prosecute non belief

because there is no belief in real science

as only Climate Religion will Prosecute non believers

further proving Climate Religion is a test proven Political Media Religion

based on zero science of the scientific method


Political Media Agenda Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

is based only on true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction

computer climate prediction of the un-known future

based on debunk garbage fraudulent science

as prediction is not science

~ so ~

what do you know and what do you believe ?

~ as ~

science is: to know

~ so ~

prove me wrong

~ beyond ~

your true belief in make believe in self-debunk computer climate prediction

~ with ~

Peer-reviewed Science

by proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

while maybe

it is time to prosecute test proven political media frauds and liars

who are dictating science while they can prove nothing with real science

as noted in my on going Climate Science investigation since 2007

with over 40 years of Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

as so called Journalist do not investigate the real science of the scientific method

they ignore it for true belief in political agenda

as not one News Paper will allow my Scientific Rebuttal to Garbage Science

on their opinion page

proving Fascism in Science by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion




The Majority of the working Scientific Community do not work for Energy Company’s

and ~ know ~ Climate Change is: Real

~ for billions of years ~

and ~ know ~ this Carbon based Earth

causing the Carbon Cycle with CO2

causing all Carbon based Life and Energy

is: not Flat


~ Disagree with Al Gore ~

who is not a Scientist

who has not earned the right to scientific opinion

who has zero back ground in fact tested science

who has publicly failed grade school science

who refuses to debate the fact tested science

who can not articulate the fact tested science

who ignores the scientific method for true belief in self-debunk prediction

who can not prove his true belief beyond only true belief with fact tested knowledge

who is committing test proven fraud in science

who is profiting from his test proven fraud

who is not a Representative or Spokesperson for the Scientific Community

of the

Scientific Method

as Al Gore refuses to respond to Questions by the Scientific Community

as there is zero Scientific Consensus in

~ True Belief ~


self-debunk computer climate prediction of the un-known future

as not one Politician or Journalist can Articulate the so called science they are selling

as they refuse to acknowledge all sides of the scientific argument

covering only their true belief side of the story

rejecting the scientific method

as they are proven Snake Oil Salesman

selling only words of true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on a Flawed Incomplete Debunk Climate Study

with zero scientific method

based on a out dated incomplete debunk science paper

rejecting test proven fact for true belief


~ extreme progressive variable ~

Climate Change is: Real


Climate Warming caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

is a Test Proven Religion by Political Agenda

and is not

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as Political Agenda now dictates Science to the Scientific Community

with zero science beyond words of true belief

~ as ~

~ motion is caused by energy while the motion is creating new energy ~

as Energy is continuous as Change is continuous

~ while ~

I have yet to have an intelligent scientific conversation

since 2007 when I started my Climate Science Investigation

with anyone who is apart of

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who refuse to debate the fact tested knowledge

who can not provide real scientific reference to support their words of true belief

in self-debunk prediction

based on

one very small fragment of all tested knowledge

~ while Climate Religion continues to state to me ~

the test proven facts that further debunk their true belief in self-debunk prediction are



Political Media Climate Religion

is using an out-dated incomplete debunk Science Paper

as their scientific proof Humans cause all Climate Change

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

for a dozen known reasons today

a dozen known reasons ignored by Climate Religion


Climate Religion

continues to ignore 180 plus years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

and millions of years of Climate History

all further debunking their belief in self-debunk Prediction

as Climate Religion continues to do test proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle

to all of Nature and all Carbon based Life

and to this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of true belief


self-debunk prediction

based on

Proven Fraudulent Science

at a cost of trillions to the poorest of the poor

on a Carbon based Planet where Children must eat Dirt Cookies to survive

as thousands of Carbon based Humans starve to death everyday

as we now subsidize with tax dollars turning Food into Fuel

that produces higher levels of CO2 than plain Gasoline = HC = Hydrogen and Carbon



Letter to the Editor

Yale Climate Connections

who have yet to respond to my many emails over many years

as they can prove nothing beyond their true belief

[email protected]


Citizens Climate Education

[email protected]


Citizens Climate Lobby


Climate Central

who predict the future with their Ouija Board Computers

as prediction is not knowledge = science

who believe scientist like me who base science only on test proven fact

should be Prosecuted for not believing in their Prediction Religion

while the only rebuttal they can provide to me is: to block my e-mails

as they can not acknowledge real science

as they live only in make believe prediction

as there is zero knowledge or scientific reality in prediction of the un-know future

as Climate Central are predictors of the un-known future based on belief in debunk science

while ignoring real science

as they are not scientist of the scientific method

as they can not articulate or debate the real science

as computer Ouija Board Prediction based on flawed incomplete debunk science

has zero reality in tested science

while ignoring test proven fact for true belief is Religion not Science


Dr. Lori Byron a preacher for her Climate Religion

Mike Ferguson of the Billings Gazette who only covers one side of the story

and all Political Media Environmental Organizations who Preach and Believe

and all University’s and Science Organizations

who Preach and Believe and can prove nothing with real science

beyond their true belief in self-debunk Computer Climate Prediction Religion

based on an incomplete Climate Study

based on an outdated incomplete debunk Science Paper

based on debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

as NASA’s

James Hansen

and his

~ Prediction ~

is not happening

and is now self-debunk

as prediction is not science

while true belief in self-debunk prediction is: Religion

as James Hansen refuses to debate

the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

~ the real science ~

Jim continues to ignore for his true belief in his self-debunk prediction

as more than 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of

along with

49 NASA Scientist

and the

Supreme Court of the State of Montana

and Science organizations all over this Carbon based Earth

~ disagree ~


James Hanson and his self-debunk Prediction Religion

~ as ~

I challenge all True Believers to an open public debate

with a


~ Reward ~

for the Peer-reviewed Science

~ Proving ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as ~

The United Nations

a political body ~ not ~ a science body

continue to state it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Change


is a word of belief

as words and belief prove nothing in real science

while all the True Belief Organizations above

continue to refuse to debate the science nor can they prove with real science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen

as we all know climate change is real for billions of years

as we are still called Deniers of Climate Change we do not deny

because we ~ know ~ it is not caused by Carbon based Humans

while Climate Religion can prove nothing beyond their true belief

in words of true belief

as they are Preachers of  ~ Their ~ True Belief

and not



Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of Scientific Method

as Green House Gases are the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

and as CO2 and Water Vapor levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation caused by warming by the variable Sun

the rate of Climate Warming is slowing down and not speeding up as Predicted

validating 180 years of Fact Tested Knowledge ignored by Climate Religion

while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing Sea levels to go down at this time

as Water Vapor and CO2 caused the first atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all of Nature

the Environment

and all

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

called Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion


CO2 is the by-product of the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

while O2 =Oxygen is the by-product of a Green House

made from CO2 by the carbon cycle

making Oxygen a Green House Gas

and is 20.95% of the Air

while Nitrogen is the by-product of decomposing soil

making Nitrogen a Green House Gas

and is 78.09 % of the Air

while CO2 is only 00.04 % of the Air

as less than 10% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Humans

while plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today

to be at their best level of Health

as CO2  is not a by-product of a Green House

CO2 it is the cause of a Green House

and the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

while this Carbon based Earth is not in a Green House

and when the production O2 Oxygen made from

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

by the carbon cycle

does not keep up with the production of Nitrogen from decomposing soil

Nitrogen will one day be far more than 78.09 % of the air

as this is science

Climate Religion does not ~ know ~ and do not care to know

because it goes against ~ Their ~ True Belief


there is zero true belief in tested knowledge


Yale Climate Connections is looking for a replacement for

Al Gore the Leader of Climate Religion

and one of their possible replacements is Bill Mckibben

who I think would be the perfect replacement for Al Gore


just like Al Gore

Bill Mckibben

who has zero back ground in science

who will not debate the science

who can articulate zero science

who has publicly failed grade school science too

who has not earned the right to scientific opinion

as this makes Bill the perfect replacement for Al Gore

the test proven Fraud and Pathological Lair

who is profiting from his proven fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme

who refuses to debate the Real Science

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support his test proven lies

with the exception of peer-reviewed self-debunk prediction

as prediction is not

proven fact test knowledge of the scientific method

and as my ongoing Climate Science Investigation since 2007 has overwhelmingly proven

~ Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion ~

is very real and growing

as they continue to reject the scientific method

rejecting all test proven knowledge for true belief

as real science is

Questioned ~ Tested and Debated


true belief in self-debunk prediction of the unknown future

~ based on proven ~

Flawed ~ Incomplete ~ Debunk

so called science


Political Agenda

by Climate Lunatics who failed grade school science


[email protected]


…it is not me ~

who must dis-prove Humans cause Climate Change

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

as test proven knowledge ignored by climate religion has further debunk

the self-debunk prediction

~ it is you who must prove Climate Warming by Carbon based Humans

~ Beyond ~

Your True Belief

while refusing to debate the real science only further proves climate religion



~ Tested Reality ~


Bruce A. Kershaw



Do you always believe everything you are told to believe ?

and have you earned the right to scientific opinion ?

~ because ~

…to say it is the truth without knowing

is: a lie.

~ I was born in 1956 ~

I grew up watching the News

and back in the 60’s and 70’s the News was straight forward investigated Fact

while today the news is:

~ Sensationalism ~

based on hearsay by political agenda

for ratings for commercial profit

with zero investigation of the tested knowledge

while providing zero Peer-reviewed Reference to support their Scientific statements

while allowing only the one side of the story to be told

not a allowing intelligent rebuttal or open public debate

to the one side of the story they are preaching to the un-knowing public

creating and causing social paranoia

based on false belief in test proven Political Media lies by Political Agenda


~ you can not ignore proven fact tested knowledge for true belief and call it science ~

…when you reject the scientific method

for the sake of your true belief

~ in ~

self-debunk computer climate prediction of the unknown future

you can not learn new tested knowledge and grow forward in real science


science is: to know

~ as ~

The Religion of Science is Skepticism

of true belief dictating science with zero scientific method


rejecting new tested knowledge for true belief in self-debunk computer prediction


test proven by the scientific method

to be

Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion with zero Scientific Method


~ To ~

Everyone who Failed Grade School Science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who truly believe with all of their heart and soul

Carbon based Humans

are responsible for

Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

who have zero comprehension of the

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


~ if you are not a scientist of the scientific method ~

then how do know you are right ?



~ Letter to the Editor ~

in rebuttal to bogus scientific statements printed by News Papers

written by those who failed grade school science

while this Letter to the Editor will never be printed by a News Paper in America

like all the other Letters to the Editor I have written since 2007

because it goes against their Political Media Agenda or True Belief


Political Correctness

as there is zero political media agenda or true belief or political correctness in

Fact Tested Knowledge

as those who do not comprehend the science and can not articulate the science

and can not prove the science with Published Peer-reviewed Scientific Reference

while proving only political media fascism and fraud in science

call me the Denier of something they do not understand and I do not deny

while they have earned zero right to any scientific opinion beyond their make believe

in political media hearsay true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on a flawed incomplete study

based on an out-dated incomplete debunk science paper

based on debunk hypothetical conjecture

while proving only fraud and fascism in science

as there is zero scientific consensus in self-debunk prediction

as science is now dictated by those who failed grade school science

for profit and political agenda by true belief that is doing test proven harm

to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life and to this carbon based earth

all in the name of personal emotional feelings of true belief in self-debunk prediction

as there are no feelings in science

as science is proven wrong more often than proven right

by the scientific method


~ Letter to the Editor ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

is: ~ not ~ Toxic Pollution

as stated by Politicians ~ Journalist and Political Media Organizations

who refuse to debate the science


Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


~ as ~

the Humans Body is made of

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


Water is: (H2O) = Hydrogen and Oxygen


Gasoline is: (HC) = Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen and Carbon

and to burn = vaporize Gasoline you need (O2) Oxygen from the Air

and when Gasoline = Hydrogen and Carbon is Burned = Vaporized

the (HC) = Hydrocarbon is separated

the Hydrogen is separated from the Carbon

and then the Carbon part of the Hydrocarbon then bonds to the Oxygen from the air

making Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ 2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom ~

for Plants and Trees to breathe

~ as this recycles ~

the Oxygen now in the Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide from the air

back into the air where it came from

and when pumping Man Made CO2 into the ground

made from burning Natural Gas or Gasoline or Wood or Coal

or anything that requires oxygen to burn

you are

A ~ lowering O2 = Oxygen levels in the Air

B ~ turning underground water into an Acid

C ~ reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the Air than today

to breathe to be Healthy

to be the carbon based food we eat while making the O2 oxygen we breathe

at an estimated cost of only 10 to 20 trillion over the next 10 to 20 years

instead of allowing Plants and Trees to breathe more of what they need

4 times more of to breathe to be healthy

while this recycles the O2 = Oxygen back into the Air where it came from

for you and I to breathe again

at no charge


Water Vapor and CO2 caused first atmosphere

causing the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all Nature = Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

and the more efficiently the HC = Hydrocarbon is burned with O2 Oxygen from the Air

the more CO2 is Produced

to cause more Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

where everything has carbon in it

as most of the CO2 going into the Air every day

is from on going Variable Volcanic Activity below sea level for billions of years

acidifying the ocean over billions of years

as over 90% of the CO2 going into the air is not caused by Humans

and when CO2 stops going into the air

this will end the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

continue to come crashing downward to the poles of this Carbon based Earth

as most of the atmosphere is -200 degrees F

as Heat still rises including Heated CO2

as all gases absorb and radiate heat and energy while expanding and rising

as CO2 can not generate new energy

CO2 can only transfer preexisting heat and energy already in the atmosphere

upward toward the -200 degree F air

as frozen -200* F CO2 ~ Dry Ice ~ comes crashing back downward

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor crashing down to the earths poles too

as there is many times the level of CO2 in the ocean than in the air

from the billions of years of on going variable volcanic activity below sea level

as CO2 and Water Vapor is the by product of variable evaporation by variable warming

by the variable Sun

off-setting Warming by the Variable Sun not causing Variable Warming

as there have been Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 than today

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today

as there have been warming periods in between the last 20 Ice Ages

of the last 2 millions years much warmer than today

~ this is knowledge ~

the Environmental Alarmist Extremest

who failed grade school science

refuse to acknowledge for the sake of their political agenda

as Climate Religion continues to state:

“CO2 is: Toxic Pollution”

~ CO2 ~

with zero color taste or smell

causing the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle

causing all of nature

causing all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth

is only Toxic Pollution in Climate Religion

as Climate Religion calls clean white steam pollution too

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years Atmospheric Emission Science


Computer Climate Predictors do not Comprehend

and do not want to know

as they are true believers of computer climate prediction

based on one fragment of all  knowledge that is debunk

as they are not scientist

of the

Scientific Method

as they refuse to debate the science of the scientific method

or can provided scientific rebuttal or scientific reference

as they are true believers in garbage science they do not comprehend

as it takes a Back Yard Mechanic to explain the science they do not comprehend

as they focus only on one very small fragment of all knowledge

while ignoring all other known tested knowledge

as they refuse to look at the entire picture

as they refuse to look at and connect all the dots

for the sake of true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on flawed incomplete debunk so called science

proving only fraud in science




Preaching is not Teaching

…do not tell me or sell me or brainwash me or order me to believe

Humans cause all Climate Change

~ when you can not articulate the tested knowledge ~

prove it with


fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

and not with words of true belief in Peer-reviewed self-debunk prediction

…as words and true belief in self-debunk computer prediction prove nothing in science ~


True Belief in test proven Political Media Lies

based on self-debunk Perdition

is not science of the scientific method

as real science is Questioned Tested and Debated not Believed

…and when I can receive 10 different computer weather predictions

of the unknown weather future every hour

for where I live

from 10 different computer weather prediction sources

from all around this Carbon based Earth

which of the 100 weather predictions for every hour for just where I live should I bet on ?

and consider as test proven fact

when all of the predictions for where I live are self-debunk every hour

as only one out of 100 can maybe be right

as I have yet to see a five day computer weather forecast come true where I live

in my life time

and when you do not like the weather here in Helena Montana

just wait 20 minutes

as for long term Computer Climate Perdition of the un-known future

based on only one of a dozen known climate variables

a dozen Climate Variables that provide us with an infinity of


very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

on going for billions of years

ignored by those predicting the un-known climate future

is only for True Believers and not for Real Scientist

as science is tested knowledge

and true belief in self-debunk Bogus Prediction of the un-known future is not knowledge


Tested Reality


Ouija Board ~ Slot Machine


is: proven wrong far more often than proven right

as most predictions never come true

as I can predict the future just as well by flipping a coin

and would you bet your life on one horse in a 100 horse race ?

~ and ~

…should I be Prosecuted by Government entity’s

~ with zero back ground in science with a political agenda ~

for not believing in self-debunk computer climate prediction of the unknown future

~ as some Lunatic Scientist believe ~


who refuses to debate the science or provide scientific rebuttal to many scientific facts

Scientist who are given hundreds of millions of dollars by the U.S. Government

to preach their self-debunk climate prediction make believe

~ as~

repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming and reprogramming


true belief


self-debunk computer climate prediction

does not debunk

a dozen climate variables


180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry


millions of years of climate history


Ignored by Climate Religion

all further debunking the self-debunk Climate Prediction

based on an out-dated incomplete debunk science paper

providing this carbon based world with

Political Media

~ Paranoid ~

Climate Prediction Religion

Thanks to ~

News Paper Headlines

written by Journalist who failed grade school science who have a political agenda

who were

scientifically informed by Politicians who failed grade school science

who have a political agenda

who can provide zero ~ Peer-reviewed ~ Science of the scientific method

and when you believe what political media preachers tell you to believe

and government scientist ~ order ~ you to make believe

this is not science this is test proven religion

but what do I know after 40 years of Atmospheric Emission control Science and Testing

with a daily on going scientific investigation since 2007

while some of you just believe in Political Media True Belief

with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

as there is zero scientific reality in self-debunk computer Prediction

based on a flawed incomplete debunk climate study

as true belief is religion not science

while very variable very unpredictable very extreme very progressive

climate change is very real

for billions of years

for a dozen reasons known today

all ignored by those predicting the un-known future with their computer

with Garbage in Garbage out

as all the true believers refuse to debate their Religion

or provide

fact test knowledge proving their Religion is not a Religion


as there is zero tested reality in Political Agenda Science




Al Gore and John Kerry

depending on variable evaporation rates by the Variable Sun

if Ice did not melt during climate warming

in 10 years the oceans could be 150 to 300 feet lower than today from evaporation

~ do you have an outdoor swimming pool ?

and if you do then you know how much water you must add to your pool everyday

to keep it full or the water will all evaporate away

but if you do not ~ know ~

then you will have to ask the persons you pay to add water to your pool everyday

as the rate of Evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

causing the Ocean level to go down

as Variable Evaporation by the Variable Sun is a Climate Variable not a Constant

as the oceans have risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

while your Political Media Religion continues to tell your Followers

the Ocean is rising

maybe you are measuring the level of the Ocean from sinking Islands

as there are many

as you are measuring CO2 level for all of the atmosphere

from the tops of active volcanoes

as you turned off all the good working weather station out in the middle of nowhere

all over this Carbon based Earth

as you are using new weather stations along very Hot Paved Highways

and on Very Hot Tared Roof Tops

next to heating and air conditioning outlets for Climate Data

as you use a Flawed Incomplete Study

based on

an outdated incomplete debunk science paper as scientific proof  for your climate religion

as you are both proven Pathological Lairs

who failed grade school science

committing test proven Fraud in Science

as your proven Fraud is doing test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

and to the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

~ as you profit from your fraud ~

as the news papers will print every lie you have to say with out scientific reference

while they will not print my rebuttal with scientific reference

as Political Media Big Dummy’s continue to dictate science

while harming this carbon based Earth for the sake of true belief in Garbage Science

for profit

as test proven fools and frauds in science continue to dictate science



Truth in Science


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

Lobbyist for Truth in Science

since 2007

[email protected]

~ as ~

Climate Change is Real for the past 4.6 billion years

for a dozen known reasons today

…and if there is a God ~

God Bless the Universe

not just America


~ no one can prove there is a God

just like no one can prove with science = tested knowledge

~ with zero belief ~


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


water vapor

the cause of the first atmosphere

causing of the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all Nature = Environment

and all carbon based life above and below sea level

as CO2 is called Pollution by Climate Religion

as clean white steam is called Pollution by Climate Religion

as Plants and Trees in Botany science need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today

to be at there best level of health to be the carbon based food we eat

while making all the oxygen in the air we breathe for the last 600 million years

as Climate Religion has failed grade school science

as personal feelings of true belief prove nothing in tested knowledge

as Politicians and Journalist are not Scientist

as they can not articulate or debate the test proven knowledge

as they have yet to provide Real Peer-reviewed Science to support their true belief

in what is now Peer-reviewed self-debunk prediction

as prediction is not science

as prediction of the unknown future is not knowledge

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is Religion not test proven Reality

as Einstein

the Patton Office Clerk would agree


…if you Believe in Climate Religion

~ you will delete this not read this ~

proving you are not a scientist of the scientific method

proving you are a true believer with zero tested knowledge in your hands

as only fools ignore test proven knowledge of the scientific method

for true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

as prediction based on one very small fragment of all tested knowledge

based on an out-dated incomplete debunk science paper being used as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Warming

while ignoring all test proven knowledge that debunk all true belief


test proven fraud in science


Carbon based Humans

have been moving to higher ground on this carbon based earth for the past 26,000 years


when the Media only covers one side of many sides of a scientific argument

ignoring and rejecting the scientific method

by ignoring test proven fact for true belief in political agenda

based on self-debunk prediction

~ this is not science ~

this is political media religion committing fraud in science


do you know or do you believe

~ as ~

Political Party’s are Political Religions

~ not ~


~ as ~

Political Media

~ true belief ~


Rumor and Hearsay


Dictating Science to the Scientific Community with zero scientific method

with zero peer-reviewed scientific reference

with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

while refusing to debate the tested knowledge

~ as ~

the only Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth

who ~ believe

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause

of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle causing all carbon based life

on this

Carbon based Earth

called pollution by climate religion


~ Failed Grade School Science ~

as they refuse to debate the tested knowledge that debunk their true belief

in garbage fraudulent debunk hearsay true belief

as they continue to believe in self-debunk computer perdition

as the News Papers will only Print what true believers have to say ~

by true believers who failed grade school science

while allowing ~ zero ~ rebuttal or open public debate

by those who Know and do not Believe

as this is proven political media fascism not science

…and when someone lies to you but you have no way of knowing they are lying

~ ? ~

~ as ~

true belief is not test proven knowledge of the scientific method


science is: skepticism of true belief being dictated as knowledge

as science is: to know and not true belief in self-debunk prediction

~ as we must all live with the bogus reality of political media agenda ~

and the Four Ring Circus called the U.S. Government

~ as ~

I am not a Democrat or a Republican


I do not ~ believe ~ in Political Party’s


Political Party’s

are far better at destroying this country in their efforts to destroy each other

than running this country responsibly

as the government is no longer the voice of

~ We the People ~

of the

Republic of the United States of America

as the States are no longer United

thanks to many Supreme Court Decisions

and a group of Rail Road Barron’s who Bribed ~ everyone ~ in Washington D.C. in 1850

and then

the 17 Amendment


the U.S. Government is now the voice

~ of ~

Wall Street and K Street and Special Interest Groups

as corporations give equal amounts of money to both party’s

so it does not matter who wins the election


corporations are now making billions dollars

pumping CO2 in to the ground

as this is:

lowering oxygen levels in the air


turning underground water in to acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the air today

~ to Breathe to be Healthy ~

as we could allow plants and Trees to breathe the CO2

and recycle the oxygen part of CO2 back into the Air where it came from

instead of spending trillions over the next 10 to 20 years to lower oxygen levels in the air

and turn underground water into an acid

and when only one Party is in control of a government this is by definition Fascism

as we are a Republic not a Democracy

~ in a republic the individual is equal to the majority ~

in a democracy the majority rules over the individual


~ the choices have now been narrowed down to the two worst possibility’s I can think of ~

of the list of those who were running


I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

for obvious reasons

as I do not vote for Proven Pathological Liars

who are obviously not aware of the fact they are test proven liars

who should probably be in Jail today for many reasons

~ as we would be ~

while there are Carbon based Humans (Scientist) who state in letters to the White House

that scientist like me should be

~ Prosecuted ~

for not believing in their self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion


its to bad we can not just leave the position of President unfilled for now

and wait for someone trustworthy to come along that most people ~ want ~ vote for

instead of having to pick from the lesser of the test proven true evil

while my vote is meaningless in any way in today’s bogus Electoral Collage system

as political media religion dictates science


…after more than 40 years ~ every day ~ of working atmospheric emission control science

~ what is real and what is not ?

~ as ~

one Heat Wave caused by the Sun


caused by the Sun

and not caused by carbon based humans of this carbon based earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere

causing of the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be healthy

as political media climate religion calls the cause of all life ~ CO2 ~ pollution

as political media climate religion dictates science

while refusing to debate the science they ignore

while providing zero science references to support their true belief

as the Sun is only one of a dozen ~ known ~ Weather and Climate Variables

ignored by: Climate Religion

as we do not know more than we know

~ in ~

The ~ Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen ~ Cycle


…when there are more questions than answers ~


test proven knowledge is ignored

by those who specialize in one very small fragment of all tested knowledge

who only focus on true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction


only on one fragment of all knowledge

~ while ignoring all other known tested knowledge ~

and ignoring millions of years of climate history

further debunking ~ their ~ true belief

in self-debunk computer prediction

as there can be no consensus in knowledge of the scientific method

as a scientific study can not ignore all test proven fact for true belief

in self-debunk computer climate prediction

as real tested knowledge is: by scientific method

incorporating all knowledge not ignoring all knowledge for true belief

as true belief in self-debunk computer prediction of the un-known future is:

a form of religion not science

as true belief in self-debunked prediction is: not tested reality in the scientific method


science is: to know

science is: Questioned ~ Tested  ~ Debated

~ not ~

true belief


Man Made

Make Believe

~ but ~

if you have no Questions

then you are not a scientist of the scientific method

as you are a true believer with zero test proven Peer-reviewed knowledge

in your hands

~ that you comprehend ~

to prove your true belief is not just a true belief

as true belief in political media hearsay

is: ~ not ~ test proven science


tested reality


To: Earth Week by Steve Newman

[email protected]

~ the bogus weekly climate report ~


everyone knows change has been happening for billions not hundreds of years

~ while ~

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

can not prove change is caused by Carbon based Humans

beyond their true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

as Scripps ignores test proven fact that further debunk their true belief

as Scripps will not debate the real science of the scientific method

as they can provide ~ zero ~ scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

above and below sea level


everything has carbon in it




Preachers ~ not ~ Teachers

as neither Earth Week or Scripps will publicly debate their test proven Religion


Steve Newman dose not Question science

Steve just believes what he is told to believe

as Earth Week does zero investigation of the science

as Earth Week just passes on what they are told to pass on and just believe

as Earth Week is a Political Media Body not a Science Body

while the News Papers that Publish the Earth Week Garbage Science

do not allow Real Scientific Rebuttal

allowing only one side of the Scientific Argument

as this is ~ Proven ~ Political Media Fascism in Science


Earth Week is sharing their Paranoia of Arctic Ice melting

as this warming period began 14,000 years ago not 40 years ago

while the Arctic Ice has melted many times before during Global Warming

in-between the last 20 Ice Ages

of the Last 2 million years

of billions of years of natural warming and cooling cycles

~ long before carbon based humans on this carbon based earth ~

by a dozen known climate variables today

all ignored by Earth Week and Climate Perdition Religion

as Ice Melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice ages too


Earth Week can provide zero scientific references to support their bogus public statements


Carbon based Humans are responsible for all Climate Warming

based on a very flawed incomplete debunk climate study

based on one small fragment of debunk knowledge

as Earth Week will not debate the Real Science of the Scientific Method

as their Hearsay Political Media Science is: Garbage True Belief

with zero real test proven science of the scientific method

~ as ~

Evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 levels continue to rise caused by warming

by the Variable Sun

as warming by the variable Sun continues

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not seed up as predicted

validating 180 years of test proven Physics and test proven Chemistry

ignored by Climate Religion

~ as ~

the progressively growing Atmosphere of the past 4.6 billion years is:

~ a proven Variable not a Constant ~

as the hole in the Ozone Layer is:

a proven continuous climate variable not a constant

causing a variable of heat and energy to inter and escape the atmosphere

as the atmosphere expands and shrinks like a balloon

continuously opening and closing the Ozone hole

caused by variable solar activity

~ regardless of what Government Scientist tell you (order you) to believe ~

O = Oxygen = 1 oxygen atom

O2 = Oxygen = 2 oxygen atoms

O3 = Oxygen = heavy oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms = Ozone


O3 = Ozone is caused by

50,000 degree Lighting in the atmosphere bonding nitrogen and oxygen together

making NOx = nitrogen/oxygen = nitrogen-oxide

as the NOx = nitrogen and oxygen bonded together is then separated by Sun Energy


O3 = Oxygen = Ozone

causing the Ozone Layer

as O3 oxygen is a proven climate variable not a constant

as the Ozone hole is a proven climate variable not a constant

as the Variable Sun with many cycles continues to be brighter and warmer is:

a proven climate variable not a constant


just one heat wave by the variable Sun will increase the density of the atmosphere by 20%

as the variable distance between the Earth and Sun is:

a proven climate variable not a constant

as the hot liquid of this carbon based earth heating the lower atmosphere is:

a proven climate variable not a constant


Variable Cloud cover is a proven Climate variable not a constant

as some clouds are condensers of energy producing Lighting

making NOx for the Sun to separate into Nitrogen and O3 oxygen = Ozone

as Variable Evaporation by the Variable Sun is a proven Climate Variable not a constant

as the evaporation of water containing many times the CO2 level than in the atmosphere

caused by Volcanic activity below sea level

is a proven variable not a constant

as increased warming increases water vapor and CO2 levels into the atmosphere

while off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as Water vapor and CO2 is the by product of warming

not the cause of warming by the Variable Sun

causing the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as the Earths wobbling Axes is proven climate variable not a constant

as hot spots below the surface of the Earth are a proven climate variable not a constant

along with many other proven climate variables of a dozen known proven climate variables

that are

~ Ignored by Government Scientist and Climate Religion ~


there is more proven climate knowledge missing from the flawed incomplete climate study

than in the flawed incomplete self-debunk climate study

based on an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

that was used to make a computer climate prediction of the unknown future

based only on one very small fragment of all knowledge

while ignoring a dozen proven climate variables

to make a computer climate prediction that is now self-debunk

~ regardless of what Government Scientist tell you (order you) to believe ~

as they ignore test proven fact for true belief in self-debunk garbage prediction

and after hundreds of requests since 2007

the Government Scientist at NASA ~ NOAA ~ EPA

can provide zero proven science to support their self-debunk true belief

as their own hard science debunk their true belief

while the EPA enforces NOx emission science since the 1970’s

that proves CO2 causes cooling

as they now ignore test proven science they have enforced for over 45 years


~ Heat still Rises ~

as Hot CO2 is transferring heat upward not producing heat or trapping heat

~ removing heat from the lower atmosphere ~


-200 * CO2 = Dry Ice

continues to crash downward to the Poles of this carbon based Earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 longer than frozen water vapor

and is 180 years of test proven CO2 Chemistry ignored by Government Scientists

as the majority of the scientific community disagree with the government scientist

as there is no consensus in true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on a flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent bogus study that ignores test proven fact

as government scientist refuse to debate the test proven climate science

and when you refuse to debate your science

~ its not real science ~

as real science is questioned tested and debated

~ not ~



climate prediction religion is:

~ not ~

proven fact tested knowledge

of the

scientific method


Climate Prediction Religion is:

~ hearsay Political Media make believe in proven fraudulent garbage science ~

while those who make scientific claims they can not prove with real science

or base their science on prediction as prediction is not science

while refusing to debate the science

~ are ~

Phonys and Frauds in Science

as are the organizations using an outdated incomplete debunk Science Paper

as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

dictates science with zero scientific method


~ Refusing ~

to debate of the real science

as only Religions refuse to debate test proven reality

as belief in self-debunk ~ Peer-reviewed ~ prediction is not science and should not exist


not one News Paper in America will print one word of test proven fact that I have to say

with scientific references ~ on their opinion page

but will print every word written by someone with zero back ground in science

who has failed grade school science

with zero scientific reference

as News Papers allow zero rebuttal to test proven Bogus science

~ as this proves ~

Political Media Fascism

while ignoring and trashing the scientific method

for Political Agenda

based on zero science beyond true belief in self-debunk Peer-reviewed prediction

as Political Agenda now dictates science with zero science

with ~ their ~ self-debunk climate prediction religion

as this is:

~ the true belief in something that did not happen ~

and is now self-debunk


this is what my 40 years of working back ground in Atmospheric Emission science

and my on going climate science investigation since the spring 2007



~ Proven ~

as belief in words of true belief prove nothing is science


Political Media True Belief is: not science of the scientific method

True Belief in Hearsay Political Media ~ Test Proven ~ Lies is: Stupidity not Science

as real science is based on test proven fact

and not

personal emotional feelings of true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

as there is zero trust in science

there is only

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as there is zero knowledge in hypothetical conjecture

~ self-debunked or not ~


Scientist paid by the Government and by Political Media Organizations

continue to

~ Preach ~

their flawed incomplete fraudulent self-debunk true belief

with zero scientific method

as true belief continues to dictate science

~ as ~

Earth Week is a Political Media Church

and not a Science Body

as they can provide zero Peer-reviewed Scientific Reference

and refuse to debate the science of the scientific method

as they continue to preach their climate religion with zero science

beyond political media make believe

~ and ~

…when you refuse to acknowledge the scientific method for true belief in political agenda

the Science is not real

~ as ~

Life and Reality is a Temporary State of Mind

as our Life and Knowledge is a Fragment of Time

as one day all knowledge of this carbon based earth will cease to exist

as this Carbon based Earth will one day cease to exist

as time never begins and never ends

as all of time is measured by and from

~ right now ~


Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]

July 9, 2016

Bentshoe ~ Astor Load

Scratchgravel Hills

Helena ~ Montana

~ USA ~

Carbon based Earth


the expected high for today is 80*

the expected low is 57*

the record high for today was 101* in 1886

the record low was 39* in 1944

~ 130 years ago ~

in 1886

there were no power plants or automobiles

while it took 130 years to be as warm as 130 years ago

~ * ~


science is: to know


~ * ~

~ my rebuttal to zero knowledge based on true belief in self-debunk prediction ~

as true belief is: Religion

as true belief in prediction of the unknown future is: Religion not Science

as true belief in self-debunk computer prediction is: Lunatic Religion not Science

as the United Nations continues to state it is


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

as likely is a word of belief

as words prove nothing in tested knowledge

as peer-reviewed prediction is not science or reality and should not exist

as self-debunk Peer-reviewed prediction now dictates to science


~ Lunatic ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Prediction Religion

~ based on self-debunk computer climate prediction ~

~ prediction based on flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent bogus science ~

dictates to the unknowing world and to the scientific community

dictating their self-debunk true belief as science

while refusing to debate the hard science of the scientific method

~ * ~


~ the ~

true belief

Climate Gospel


~ Christopher Hayes ~



test proven

Pathological Liar


~ Chris Believes ~

the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is:

~ Toxic Pollution ~

as Chris Believes

clean white steam coming out of power plants is: Toxic Pollution

as Chris continues to Believe in a self-debunk Computer Climate Prediction

based on a flawed incomplete bogus Climate Study

based on an outdated incomplete debunk science paper

being used as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

proving only fraud in science


Chris must of had a different Physics Teacher than me

a different Chemistry Teacher than me

a different Biology Teacher than me

a different Botany Teacher than me

a different Geology Teacher than me

a different Atmospheric Emission Science Teacher than me


a different Test Proven Reality Teacher than me

as science is questioned tested and debated not truly believed

while ignoring the scientific method


as Chris and his Pathological Belief are doing test proven harm

to this Carbon based Earth

and to the Carbon cycle

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

and turning underground water into an acid

as this is

~ all fact tested knowledge of the scientific method ~

ignored by Climate Religion


~ only Religion can refuse to acknowledge test proven fact ~

as only religion can refuse to debate the tested knowledge of the scientific method


….because someone believes as you believe does not make it Real


extreme ~ progressive ~ variable

~ Change ~

is continuous in this known Universe

~ while ~

there is zero Knowledge ~ Science ~ Test Proven Reality

in a Bogus

Flawed ~ Incomplete ~ Debunk

~ Climate Study ~

based on


outdated ~ incomplete ~ debunked

Science Paper

being used as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

~ proving ~

only fraud in science

~ as ~

there is zero Knowledge ~ Science ~ Test Proven Reality

in self-debunk

Computer Climate Prediction of the Un-known Future

known in the Scientific Community as Ouija Board Science


~ The Variable SUN ~

with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter

until one day the SUN Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth


Heat ~ still ~ Rises


Water ~ still ~ Evaporates

as the evaporation rate of water is higher than the rate the ice is melting

lowering the level of the Oceans

while causing higher levels of water vapor and CO2 in the air

making this Carbon based Earth Greener


Plants and Trees absorb water vapor and breathe CO2

causing the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

making all the oxygen we breathe while becoming the carbon based food we eat

as Plants and Trees need more not less

water vapor


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

to exist at their best level of health

and to keep up with the production of Nitrogen

caused by decomposing soil that is now 78.09% of the atmosphere

and will one day be all of the atmosphere

as CO2 the first atmosphere with water vapor is now 00.036% of the air caused by Nature

by Volcanic activity below sea level while acidifying the ocean over billions of years

while 00.004% or less of the CO2 in the air is caused by Carbon based Humans

this is the equivalent of a sewing thread

down the middle of the fifty yard line of a football field

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

while man made CO2 is helping nature not hurting nature

as the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle is the cause of all nature and the environment



do you believe Plants and Trees should be at their highest level of health

or at their lowest level of health to be the carbon based food we eat ?

while making the oxygen we breathe ?


I know you ~ truly believe ~ Gaby Petron

U.S. Government Scientist for NOAA

and her statement

“this has never happen before”


Gaby is not going to convince the many Geologist on this Carbon based Earth

~ that I continue to discuses climate science and climate history with since 2007 ~

that the last Ice Age of the last 20 Ice Ages of the last 2 million years

did not happen and did not end about 14,000 years ago

as the Ice has been melting for 14,000 years not the last 40 years

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago than today for 200 years

or the Ice was not miles thick from where she made her very bogus statement

or the Ice core samples

proving Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

do not exist

and this why many Government Scientist in today’s world of Real Science

have little or no credibility

~ like ~

Jim Hansen NASA Scientist

and Michael Mann

as they make prediction based on ~ proven ~ bogus fraudulent science


49 NASA Scientist and over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of

disagree with Jim and Michael

and their now self-debunk prediction that Jim and Michael

continue to ~ believe ~ will still come true

as they continue to ignore test proven fact that further debunk their true belief

~ as prediction is not science ~


science is: to know

as there is zero knowledge in prediction


continued true belief in self-debunk prediction is: Religion

as Jim and Michael can not acknowledge fact and grow forward from their true belief

as science is knowledge not belief



either failed grade school Geology or is just another pathological Liar

for a political agenda

for Al Gore who has publicly failed grade school science

who can not articulate the science or prove his true belief is not just a true belief


those who failed grade school science and do not comprehend the science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

~ continue to dictate science ~

to the Scientific Community

as there is zero consensus in self-debunk prediction

while Political Media Climate Religion refuses to acknowledge Test Proven Fact

or debate the test proven facts

as self-debunk make believe will never go away on this Carbon based Earth



you have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science

as you have publicly failed grade school science for many years now

while you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as I have e-mailed you more than 50 or more times by now

as you have yet to provide any real science to me or the world


~ Hearsay Garbage True Belief ~

in self-debunk computer prediction


words prove nothing in science

? so how do you know you are right ?

is it because John Kerry said so ~

as John obviously failed grade school science too

as we have the Political Media Blind in Science leading the Blind in Science


~ my favorite test proven publicly stated pathological Lie by John Kerry is:

“Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2”


“Plants and Trees have absorbed all the CO2 they can”


in fact tested reality in Botany Science

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be Healthy

while at 160 to 210 ppm CO2 level in the air

~ Plants start to suffocate and die ~

as this would end the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

and end all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ while ~

John’s most Famous Proven Pathological Lie is: his 97% Consensus

as there is no scientific consensus in the scientific community

in self-debunk computer climate prediction

beyond the belief in John Kerry and his Pathological Mind

and how much money is Al Gore and John Kerry making on Al Gore’s

proven fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme

~ as ~

~ warming occurs first then water vapor and CO2 levels rise ~

as there is many times the CO2 in the Ocean than in the air

as most of the CO2 in the Air comes from volcanic activity below sea level

as all carbon based life above sea level is caused by the Ocean

as the First Atmosphere was Water vapor and CO2

causing the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all nature = environment

and all carbon based Life on this carbon base earth

~ where everything has carbon in it ~

as all the oxygen we breathe and all the food we eat

is made from

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as ~

~ Evaporated ~

Water vapor and CO2 is the by product of Atmospheric Warming

by the Variable SUN

off-setting warming by the Variable SUN

as most of the atmosphere is -200 * F

as increased levels of -200* F frozen Water vapor

and increased levels of -200* F frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

come crashing down to the earths poles


Heat ~ still ~ Rises


Water ~ still ~ Evaporates

as the increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than the increased levels of frozen water

while warming to about -80* F on the way down to the earths poles

as increased evaporation increases cloud cover

increasing lighting increasing NOx increasing O3 oxygen = Ozone

while the increased Cloud cover is blocking more of the variable direct SUN energy

while most of the lower atmosphere of this carbon based earth

is heated by the variable hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

while climate history has proven global warming continues to happen

over and over ~ again and again

in between the last 20 Ice ages of the last 2 million years

of 4.6 billion years of extreme progressive variable Climate Change

for a dozen known reasons today

while Government Scientist tell us

“this has never happened before”

as Government Scientist continue to lie to the public in support of their political agenda

~ as their true belief in self-debunk prediction has been further debunk by real science ~

real science they continue to ignore for true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

as not one government scientist from NASA NOAA or the EPA will debate the science

of the scientific method

and after hundreds of request they still can not provide real tested knowledge

beyond ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunk prediction

as most predictions never come true

as Computer Prediction of the Un-known Future

is not Knowledge or Science or Tested Reality

as computer prediction is: make believe in the unknown future

based on test proven fraud in science

as Jim Hansen predicted about 18 years ago

~ Manhattan would be under water by now ~

as test proven science ignored by climate religion

shows us the Ocean has gone down from evaporation

while Michael Mann and his Hockey-Stick

are proven to be as bogus as a three dollar bill

as Michael continues to be paid to believe in and preach

his bogus garbage fraudulent science to our Children

as he continues to ignore test proven fact for his true belief in

self-debunk computer climate prediction

as he refuses to debate the real science that further debunk his self-debunk true belief

while Climate Religion continues to preach to the world the Ocean is rising

~ when it is not ~

further proving it is a Political Media Religion

Brain Washing the World with Garbage Science


a Real Scientific Climate Study is not based on Prediction


~ a Real Climate Study is based on the Scientific Method ~

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ a dozen climate variables ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ the last 2 million years of climate history ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ 180 years of test proven CO2 physics and chemistry ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ the Ocean has risen 350 feet over the last 26,000 years ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ the Ice has been melting for the last 14,000 plus years ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ Ice core samples showing us Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not intentionally ignore

~ Glacier Ice Melts from the top and bottom side while moving during Ice Ages too ~

debunking their climate study

a Real Climate Study does not

focus only on ~ 1 ~ small fragment of all knowledge

~ proving ~

the study is flawed and incomplete

as a Climate Study based on predicting the future with a computer

based on only ~  1 ~ fragment of all knowledge

is: not science

as a Climate Study based only on continued

True Belief

in self-debunk computer climate prediction

is: not science

as a Real Climate Study does not ignore

the basics of all hard science for true belief

as this bogus flawed incomplete self-debunk Climate Study

is: test proven to be


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by political agenda


very extreme ~ very progressive

~ very variable ~

Climate Change

is: very Real for the Past 4.6 billion years

and as CO2 levels continue to increase caused by evaporation

caused by the variable SUN

as the SUN continues to be warmer and brighter

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

self-debunking the computer climate prediction of the un-known future

while validating all the ignored test proven science

while proving there is zero science in Climate Religion

as evaporation caused by warming by the variable SUN has lowered the sea level

causing more rain and CO2 in the air making this Carbon based Earth Greener


~ 135,000 years ago the Ocean was 60 feet higher ~

and 100 feet higher 14 million years ago

while much of Montana was below Sea level 93 million years ago

~ Geology Ignored by Climate Religion ~


 Politicians like Al Gore and John Kerry are test proven Lairs and Frauds in Science

as Climate Religion continues to refuse to debate the science

further proving it is a Political Media Religion and not fact tested knowledge

of the

Scientific Method


Political Media Climate Religion Agenda

dictates science to the scientific community with zero science




~ 1000 years ago ~

Montana had California Climate for 200 years


only Religion refuses to acknowledge test proven fact


Gaby Petron NOAA Scientist

[email protected]

you can not connect all the dots

when you refuses to see all the dots


do you believe in self-debunk prediction ?


do you ignore a dozen climate variables ?


do you ignore the last 2 million years of climate history ?


do you ignore 180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry ?

all further debunking your true belief in self-debunk computer prediction


~ the belief you preach is not knowledge ~

as climate religion is based on test proven lies

as you preach test proven Fraud in science

while you state what is happening now

“this has never happen before”

and is not only a very proven lie

it is as dumb as telling the world it has never Rain or Snow before


I Challenge you

to an open public debate in Real Test Proven Climate Science

and Real Climate History and Real Ice Core Science

and 180 years of Real test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

as you are a test proven Brain Washed Lair or you do not comprehend the Real Science

~ as over 9000 PhD’s ~

of over 32,000 scientist that I know of

disagree with you

as you ignore this proven fact

as test proven science and history ~ you intentionally ignore ~ disagree with you too

~ as ~

only in religion can there be only one side of the story

as only in fascism there can be only one belief

as there are no sides or belief in science

as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science

and if you only believe then you can never know

as there is no knowledge ~ science ~ tested reality in make believe

in computer climate prediction of the un known future

as this is test proven political media religion and not science of the scientific method

as climate religion is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air to be healthy


water vapor and CO2 caused the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle = nature = environment

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as you call

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide = Pollution

this is not science

this is test proven Stupidity in Science

as you continue to preach your self-debunk prediction religion

based on a Bogus Flawed Incomplete Climate Study

based on an Incomplete Debunk Science Paper

a Fragment of Knowledge

while ignoring all proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

further proving your true belief is a political religion and not test proven science

and if you can not publicly debate the real science

then you and your so called science are not real

as you do not know more than you know

as you refuse to learn new and old knowledge that debunk your true belief

for the sake of your true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction

as science is never settled in the scientific method

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years everyday

Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

with an on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007


Gaby Petron will not debate the science

just like all the other Government scientist

proving she is not a real scientist of the scientific method


as the U.N. continues to state to the world

~ based on zero proven knowledge ~

it is


Humans cause all Climate Change

as the U.N. is a political body not a science body

as their Climate Study has proven only one thing

beyond their self-debunk hypothetical conjecture

~ test proven fraud in science ~

as some Lunatic Scientist like

Jagadish Shukla

George Mason University

who has received over 300 million dollars of Tax Payer Money from the U.S. Government

so he may Preach his Climate Prediction Religion

believe Real Scientist like me should be

~ as stated in his letter to the White House ~

~ Prosecuted ~

for not believing in his self-debunk prediction religion

further proving


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as they continue to refuse to debate

Real Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

proving it is a political religion and not tested science

as they continue to ignore test proven reality for debunk true belief

as they have yet to prove their religion is not a religion

and after more than 40,000 requests since 2007

for test proven knowledge beyond only true belief

they can provide zero scientific rebuttal

beyond threats insults and name calling by so called PhD’s

who are true believers who ignore all real science

as the political media refuses to acknowledge test proven fact

beyond their true belief

because they have zero comprehension

of the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


as climate change is real but not caused by you and me

as paranoid climate religion is

Subsidized and Preached

by the

United States Government


Political Media Agenda

who can provide zero articulation of the science

beyond test proven lies based on ~ their ~ true belief

and when science can no longer be publicly debated

then science is no longer test proven reality


do you know ~ or ~ do you believe

as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science



Chris Hayes

[email protected]



Thank You

~ for ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

? do you want to save this carbon based planet ?

~ stop lying to the public ~


but who cares if your true belief is doing test proven harm to this carbon based planet

as long as you win the political battle

as you have turned science into a Paranoid Political Media Religion


Ignoring test proven fact for make believe is not science

as there is zero test proven reality in your make believe

as your journalism is based on only hearsay true belief

and zero investigative fact

while ignoring knowledge for belief is religion not science

as it does not matter to you that Gaby Petron is a fact tested proven Lair in science

as long as she believes as you believe

or Politicians like John Kerry are test proven Liars in science

but how would you know

as you are not a scientist

you are a Preacher for Climate Religion and not a teacher of test proven fact

as you ignore the scientific method

~ as you promote a political agenda committing test proven fraud in science ~

as you refuse to be a Real Journalist and cover both sides of the story

as you promote only your political belief regardless of the test proven facts

facts that you do not comprehend and never will

as you are a true believer

as there is zero belief in science



you are a journalist who is a test proven Liar in Science

so what else are you lying about ?

as your truth credibility is now zero

because of your true belief

as you truly believe your test proven lies

making you a test proven Pathological Lair


as no one can always be right about everything all of the time

and it takes a Real Man to admit when he is wrong

and learn and grow forward

but you are not smart enough to know you are wrong

as you and MSNBC are proven cowards to reality

as you are afraid to know the test proven reality

as you are afraid to know your true belief is not test proven fact

as you and MSNBC are not scientist or a science body

as you have zero credentials in science

as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as you continue to have a belief opinion not a scientific opinion

while you have made zero effort to investigate the science beyond only your true belief

as you do not ~ Know ~ either way

you just believe


~ you can not articulate the tested knowledge ~

so you just ignore the tested knowledge

as you just believe everything you are told believe

that supports your true political belief agenda

by Political Government Scientist who have been debunk

debunked by those who are not paid by the US Government

or by the United Nations

as Gaby Petron NOAA U.S. Government Scientist

has been debunk

as she will not debate the real science of the scientific method

proving she has zero real science

but how would you know this test proven fact

as you allow zero scientific rebuttal or debate to find the tested truth


you are not Scientist and do not know you just believe

as you refuse to look at both sides of the scientific argument

as you are apart of a political media agenda

with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

as you will not allow an open public scientific debate

so both sides can be heard on the same stage

as you are not a True Journalist or Real Scientist

as you have made up your mind with out looking at all or any tested knowledge

as you will only allow the public to know only your true belief

and nothing else and nothing more

as you are paid to support a political agenda

that can prove nothing with real science of the scientific method

as I am paid by no one or anything

and I am against any and all political Party’s and political agenda

as Political Party’s are Political Religions

as we live with two forms of  Fascism trying to destroy each other

while together they continue to destroy this Country

~ as ~

science is: to know

science is: questioned ~ tested and debated

science is: ~ not ~ believed

and if can not debate the science then it is not tested reality

~ as ~

Political Media Morons and Lunatics in Science Dictate Science to Scientist

and when there is zero tested reality in politics ~ there can be no tested reality in science

as there is zero scientific method in political media prediction religion agenda

as both the Democrats and Republicans are political religions not science body’s

as test proven science is not a factor in politics

as both political party religions are wrong in tested knowledge

while there can be no tested reality with out real science

as science is to know

~ so ~

what do you know ~ and ~ what do you believe

as there is zero reality in make believe

~ Chris ~

~ everything I have and own ~

with the exception of my Wife my Dog and my Motor Home

and some of my clothes

my fishing gear and my favorite 12 String Guitar and any Beer still in the Refrigerator

other wise its all yours

~ for ~

the fact tested knowledge


Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


~ I have and own ~

the patent signed by President Hubert Hoover in 1931

for the Astor Load ~ Lead Silver and Gold ~ Mining Claim

in the Scratchgravel Hills of Helena Montana

~ called the Scratchgravel Hills ~


after a hard rain back in the Gold Rush Days of Helena

you could scratch around in the gravel with your fingers and pick up Gold

in a private valley where I can see many snow covered Mountain Ranges

on 14 acres surrounded by BLM Land where motorized vehicles are prohibited

where we have lots of Hiking and Biking and Horse Trails

with my 2000 sq ft Home that comes with my 30 year old House Plants

my collection of Art work

my Rock and Bottle collection

all the custom built furniture and collectible antiques

including my Mothers old Victrola Record Players

a Music Collection and various Musical Instruments

along with more than all the needed accessory’s that go with a home

~ my custom built home was built to my specifications in 1999 ~

delivered from Oregon and assembled

just before the world was predicted to end ~ again ~

so its super insulated for our -40* below zero cold weather during our Global Warming

here where the Mountain Lions and Wolves and Coyotes

and a Herd of Elk roam with the Antelope in my front yard

here sometimes when I come home late in the dark

I have to drive through the Herd of Elk to get to my driveway

so I can get to my home

to the Fox and Tiber Rattlers

where the Eagles and Turkey Vultures Hunt

while the Moose and Grizzly Bear live on the other side of the valley

where I have almost been run over by a Moose a couple of times Hiking

while we do not see much Deer up here as most of them live in town eating in all gardens

as I can legally hunt from my front porch but I am not a hunter

I am just an observer of Nature

now add my

$250,000 of Tools and Equipment of my Business of the last 33 years here in Helena

and my 69 Ford XL with 429 CID Engine

my 77 Ford F-150 4 x 4

my 78 Ford Bronco 4 x 4

my 78 Buick Regal Turbo Sport Coupe

my 78 Dodge Mitsubishi Challenger

my 84 Buick Riviera with a V8 that gets 26 MPG at 80 miles per hour

with the air conditioning turned on

my two matching blue 94 Chrysler New Yorkers that get 31 miles per gallon

and my 98 Ford F-150 4 x 4

all yours for the fact tested knowledge

~ proving ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

and then I can get the Hell away from this Damn Computer

and have a real life again

and go Fishing

because I hate writing

~ while ~

at this time in earth history

the earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour at the Equator

as the earth makes one full rotation every 24 hours

making the earth 24,000 miles around

and if you were standing with the heels of your feet on the north or south poles

of this

Carbon based Earth

your carbon based toes would be very cold while moving about one inch per hour

depending on the size of your feet and toes

but do not believe me

~ do the math ~

as science is

~ Questioned ~

Tested and Debated

not Believed

as there are ~ zero ~ emotional feelings of true belief or faith in

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


Theory is: to view ~

a speculative conjecture of observed phenomena

a guess of what you see is happening with understanding

and is not 100% verified to be test proven fact

theory is: not test proven fact

while theory can be proven or dis-proven

and when theory is proven it becomes science

and when unproven theory is debunk it becomes garbage science


Science is to know

as science is proven wrong more often than proven right

as we learn and grow forward by acknowledging our mistakes

and if you can not admit a mistake when proven wrong

because of your true belief

 you can not learn and grow forward

while doing test proven harm because you are wrong

because your true belief will not allow you to look at the test proven facts

that debunk your true belief

while there is zero belief in science


belief in self-debunk dis-proven theory is not science

as hypothetical conjecture is not knowledge

as prediction is not knowledge

as belief while preaching self-debunk computer climate prediction is: religion

as the Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief dictating science

as science is to know and not make believe in test proven garbage with zero science


prediction = zero knowledge = zero science


Climate Religion Dictates self-debunk Garbage in Science as Science

and if you believe Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

then you do not ~ know ~ Humans cause Climate Change


Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge


~ debunk ~

True Belief in self-debunk Computer Climate Prediction of the Unknown Future

as belief in self-debunk prediction is still religion and not test proven fact

while ignoring fact for belief is not science

while using a flawed incomplete study

based on a outdated incomplete debunk science paper as scientific proof

to make a prediction of the unknown future

while stating to the world this proves Humans cause Climate Change


Test Proven Fraud ~ not ~ Test Proven Science

as we must now deal with a belief syndrome in science

in our Public Schools and Collages and University’s

preaching belief in self-debunk prediction as knowledge to our children

subsidized by the U.S. Government with Taxpayer Money

as Science is now a new form of Religion in our schools and no longer

Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge

while programming a computer to tell what you want to be told

based on belief is not knowledge

as there is zero scientific reality in Ouija Board Science



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as they do

Test Proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon base Earth

for the sake of true belief


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Water Vapor

caused the first atmosphere

causing the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen

~ cycle ~

causing all

Nature = Environment = Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

and is not


as stated by

Climate Religion

who have failed Grade School Science



Water vapor and CO2 is the by product of Climate Warming

while off setting Climate Warming by the Variable Sun


Water Vapor and CO2 is test proven to cause Cooling not Warming


180 years of test proven physics and chemistry

as this knowledge is ignored by Climate Religion for true belief


self-debunk computer prediction


increased levels of

-200 degree Dry Ice and frozen Water Vapor

continues to come crashing down to the North and South Poles

of this

Carbon based Earth


Heat ~ still ~ Rises

and this why there will always be Ice at the North and South Poles

as Ice Melts from the bottom and top side and moves during Ice Ages too

as 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years


very extreme progressive variable

Climate Change is Real

caused by an infinity of climate variable

for dozen known reasons

long before You and Me

as this is ignored by Climate Religion for true belief


self-debunk computer prediction

based on


Fraudulent Science


and this why Climate Religion refuses to debate the real science

as they continue to preach their true make believe

with zero science

and when the CO2 level drops to 210 ppm and lower

all carbon based life on this carbon based earth will cease to exist

because all the plants and trees will begin to suffocated and die

and end the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

Ending Nature = Environment

and the production carbon based food to eat and the production of oxygen to breathe

as nitrogen will continue to increase from decomposing soil

and will take over the atmosphere


If CO2 is Pollution

then why do we put CO2 in our drinks since the 1700’s ?


it has never been called pollution until Al Gore came along

as Al Gore is a Test Proven Lunatic and Fraud in Science

so I guess I will be stuck in front of computer for the rest of life

as Al Gore and the U.N. can Prove nothing with tested Science

as the U.N. states it is “Likely” we Humans cause Climate Change

and when requested many times since 2007 the U.N. can provide zero science

beyond their true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on a very flawed incomplete study

based on a outdated incomplete debunk science paper

being used as scientific proof

proving fraud



Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who have publicly failed Grade School Science

with their test proven Lies in science

as the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is not pollution

and does not cause climate warming

as no one can prove differently

in my on going climate science investigation since the spring of 2007


Test Proven Fraud by Climate Religion

while Ignored by Climate Religion

as they can provide zero articulation of the science

because they have zero comprehension of science

as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as there is zero science in Climate Religion

as true belief in self-debunk computer prediction is: not science

as Climate Religion believes I should be Prosecuted

for not believing in ~ their ~ True Belief

further proving

it is a Test Proven Religion by Lunatics in Science

who refuse to look at

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

as Religion does not look at Test Proven Science

Religion dictates Science from True Belief

while refusing to debate the real science


The unproven Theory is now self-debunk

while further debunked by test proven knowledge

that was ignored when making the speculative hypothetical conjecture ~

by a flawed incomplete study

by those who are paid money to make failed predictions

as most predictions never come true

and if you keep preaching it after it has been dis-proven

that is not science that’s religion

while Starvation

and Nuclear Fall Out and Melt Down and Waste

~ Pollution ~

lasting thousands of years in the soil we grow our food

and in the Air we Breathe and in the Water we Drink

and in Oceans we Fish

the nuclear-pollution that continues to grow

~ is: very real

and is very ignored by

Climate Religion

as Political Media Morons and Lunatics in Science Dictate Science

as change is continuous

as it was this warm 130 years ago


Power Plants and Automobiles

while the climate was much much warmer 1000 years ago than today

for 200 years

and as long as heat continues to rise

there will always be -200 * Dry Ice crashing down to the Poles of this carbon based earth

where everything has carbon in it ~

causing a carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all carbon based life and energy

on this

Carbon based Earth

where science is: to know


science is: ~ not ~ make believe


and live long and prosper



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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