Reality ~ beyond ~ Make Believe


for some of us reality is belief

while for others it is tested knowledge

and for some of us it is a confusion of both

as some

Political Media Environmental Extremest

who have publicly ~ failed ~ Grade School Science

who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

~ Believe and Preach ~

we Carbon based Humans are a Cancer on this Carbon based Earth

regardless of what we do

while there are far too many unanswerable questions to find a consensus in this

brand new un-tested Climate Science

too find a consensus in computer prediction of the un-known future

when prediction is not knowledge

as we live in this modern world driven by Peer-reviewed self-debunked prediction

based on flawed incomplete fraudulent science


Believing in self-debunk prediction is not fact tested reality


~ Climate Religion does not confront test proven reality

~ they ignore it ~

as they live in true belief in self-debunk prediction based on

~ proven ~

Fraud and Incomplete debunk Bogus Science


~ they refuse to debate the science ~

as real science is tested and debated not believed

and when you email them requesting ~ with a reward ~ their scientific references

proving humans cause climate change

their rebuttal is:

Personal Threats at Me


very angry name calling


take me off your email list


blocking my emails


they will pray for me


this is the best they can do in rebuttal to real tested knowledge of the scientific method

just very emotional responses of personal feelings of true belief with zero science

as there are no feelings in science

as this is the response I get from PhD’s

who have zero scientific rebuttal

~ and one day I will publish their emails for the world to see ~




with closed minds refuse to learn something new

the PhD’s who ~ believe ~ Humans cause ~ all ~Climate Change

and after 40,000 emails since 2007

with about half of the emails to Politicians and Journalist

as they all refuse to Publicly debate the Science

beyond their angry name calling email reply’s

while for some it was only one negative reply

and for other PhD’s it was a half dozen negative reply’s

with the exception of those PhD’s who told me they would Pray for me

~ as my response to those Praying for me was ~

Praying is for Religion not Tested Science

with the exception of

Joe Berry

Stanford University


Joe and I had an Honest email Scientific Debate

for a few years

as he put himself above me

because as Joe believes I am just a Lay-Person

~ as he puts it ~

as Einstein was a Lay -Person who worked as a Patent Office Clerk

as this is what PhD’s do best

they look down on others

with a closed mind while rejecting knowledge for a political belief agenda


Thank you Joe

as you pointed out to me where I was wrong on some minor things on my reference page

as I then Immediately ~ up-dated ~ corrected my proven mistakes

as we learn and grow forward with the scientific method

as that is real science of the scientific method

taking in new knowledge that support or debunk preexisting knowledge


Joe is a Real Scientist

whom I respect

even if Joe puts his ~ faith ~ in others to support his science

as we did not always agree ~ we do agree on Hard Science

as Hard Science is the simple science that has yet to be debunk by new tested knowledge

as science is tested and debated not believed

as Joe’s Climate Science does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the First Atmosphere causing the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

causing all the Oxygen we now breathe and all the Carbon based Food we have to eat

so all Carbon based Life can Live and Eat and Breathe

on this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it

as Plants and Trees need 4 times more

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

than in the air today to be at their best level health

~ as ~

Joe’s science is only a part of a Climate Study

as Joe and Steve Running who is also a part of the same study

~ disagree with each other ~

while they both believe scientific debate is:

not an important part of tested science of the scientific method

as they disagree with each other


proving there is no scientific consensus in their study

as Joe and I know the Sun is a Variable

while Steve believes the Sun is not a variable


Computer Modeling the un-known Climate Future


Ouija Board Science

as Steve’s computer predictions of the un-known future ~

do not incorporate any of the many climate variables but one ~ CO2 ~

as increased levels of evaporated water vapor and CO2 continue to increase

caused by climate warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up

debunking Steve’s Ouija Board climate pediction


there is far more science missing from the so called climate study

than in the so called climate study

as one small fragment of all knowledge does not debunk

all known science ignored and missing from a study

making for a Flawed and Incomplete study

to support the self-debunk prediction


as to many Chiefs spoil the soup

I wonder how Joe and Steve would like to have only 25% of the oxygen they need

to breathe on this Carbon based Earth

as Plants and Trees only have 25% of what they need to breathe ?


joe and Steve believe the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ that Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to be at best Health ~

is a problem

based only on true belief

~ while ~

the Real Test Proven Problem is we are right now

Pumping CO2 in to the ground as this lowers Oxygen levels in the air


turning underground water in to an Acid


Harming the Carbon Cycle and All Carbon based Life


Costing Trillions of Dollars


CO2 is made by the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

and is not made by a Green House

as Nitrogen is a variable made by decomposing soil and is now 78.09 % of the Air

and is the by product of a Green House

making Nitrogen a Green House Gas


O2 = Oxygen

as there is O3 = Oxygen = heavy oxygen = ozone

and O = Oxygen in the atmosphere

the O2 = Oxygen is the variable by product of the Carbon Cycle

made from CO2 and is now 20.95 % of the Air and is the by product of a Green House

making Oxygen a Green House Gas too

78.09 Nitrogen + 20.95 Oxygen = 99.04 % = of the Atmosphere and is Green House Gas

now add Argon 00.93 % of the air from outer space

to the 99.04 % Green House Gases = 99.97 of the Atmosphere

~ while ~

Measuring CO2 levels for the entire Atmosphere

next to a very active volcano is: bogus and not tested reality

as most of the CO2 in the air comes from volcanic activity below Sea level

over billions of years

while acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

~ as ~

all Gases in the atmosphere Absorb and Radiate heat and energy at the very same rate

while expanding and rising


removing Heat from the lower atmosphere

allowing -200 * air to take its place at the Earths poles

~ while ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ caused ~


Green House = Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

and all carbon based life

as CO2 is not the by product of a Green House

~ as ~

CO2 is the variable un-measurable by-product

of the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

as the Hot Liquid Core is Heating the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

and is only one of a dozen Very Variable ~ un-measurable ~ Climate Variables

Ignored by Climate Religion

along with millions of years of Climate History

and test proven Physics and Chemistry

and Heat Transfer Science

~ all ignored ~

all further debunking

 the self-debunked Computer Climate Prediction = Ouija Board Science

as Climate Religion continues to Ignore the fact the Climate Prediction is now self-debunk

as a real Green House is:

a transparent Building allowing Sun light in and trapping the Suns Energy

as the Earth is not in a Transparent Building trapping heat

as heat still rises forcing -200 degree Air to take its place at the Earths Poles

and as long as heat still rises there will always be Ice at the Earths Poles

until the variable Sun that continues to be warmer and brighter

Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

as this too is science ignored by Climate Religion

as most of the Air all around this Carbon based Earth is -200 degrees

as this too is ignored by Climate Religion

as the ~ cause ~ of the

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

causing all of Nature and all Life on this Carbon based Earth

above and below Sea level

is not Pollution

and as this Carbon based Earth has produced the majority of CO2 going into the air

the Earth has produced the majority of the Methane going into the air for billions of years


Cows and Humans

regardless of your true belief


Political Media Make Believe

as one small fragment of all known knowledge does not debunk all known knowledge


~ Test proven knowledge is ignored for true belief ~


Ignoring Scientific Reality

does not make tested reality go away

as there is more we do not know in this brand new climate science than we know

as prediction is not knowledge


self debunked prediction is not knowledge

as true belief in self debunked prediction is religion not knowledge

while using and preaching incomplete debunked science as proof in science is:

Test Proven Fraud ~ not ~ Test Proven Science



Dr. Gavin A. Schmidt

[email protected]

~ as you are a true believer ~

in computer prediction of the un-known future

~ Ouija Board Science ~

as prediction is not science because science is to know

and if you know there are a dozen climate variable

providing an infinity of Climate Variable

then you know you can not predict the climate of the un-know future

base on on small fragment of knowledge while ignoring an infinity of climate variable

as belief in computer prediction of the un-known future is not knowledge

as science is tested and debated not believed

as you ignore tested science for your true belief in self-debunk prediction

and when you can not debate the science

this proves it is not Real Science



as you inherited Jim Hansen’s now self-debunk prediction

because as we can all see

Manhattan is ~ not ~ now under water as Jim predicted

as none of the Climate Predictions have happened

beyond the belief in proven Political Media Lies by Political Agenda

as the Climate Predictions are based on proven Political Media Fraud and Bogus Science



I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science

beyond your true belief in self-debunk prediction

~ while ~

Those with zero back ground in Science

who do not comprehend the Science

who can not debate the Science

who can prove nothing with Real Science

who failed Grade School Science

who have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

continue to

Believe ~ Sell ~ Preach ~ Dictate

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

as Real Science has further debunk their True Belief

in self-debunk prediction

as Climate Change is Real for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by a ~ dozen proven ~ Progresive Climate Variables

as Climate Religion continues to ignore test proven fact for Political Media Make Believe

while those who are Leading Paranoid Climate Religion

are test proven Lunatics and Frauds in Science

as this is ignored by the followers of Climate Religion

because they do not comprehend the Real Science

as they are True Believes and not Scientist of the Scientific Method


while calling Proven Lunatics and Frauds

~ Lunatics and Frauds ~

is not name calling

it is just Test Proven Fact




for the proof

~ as ~

there is zero proof

there is only true belief and test proven lies


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as they call me the Denier of something I know is real and do not Deny

as they are the true deniers of reality for their true belief in self-debunk prediction

as they can not prove their Religion is not a Religion

and now they want to Prosecute and Punish me

because I do not believe in their Scientifically proven Political Media Religion

as they continue to ignore real test proven knowledge

as they refuse to debate the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

proving this political media agenda is a Political Media Religion and not Science

as 99.7 % of the Scientific community do not believe in self-debunk prediction

based on a flawed incomplete U.N. political climate study

based on debunk hypothetical conjecture

based on an out-dated incomplete debunk science paper from the 1800’s

as Political Media Lunatics who can prove nothing with science dictate science to scientists

for the sake of their true belief

as they refuse to look at the science for the sake of their true belief


Political Media Agenda Dictates Science to the un-knowing Public


Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]

Helena ~ Montana


40 years Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

with a very clear understanding and comprehention

of the test proven Physics and Chemistry

with an on-going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

with over 40,000 request with a reward for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

with Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

contributing to the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

doing zero harm to Nature

because CO2 caused the first atmosphere causing all Nature

while the only thing I can Prove by Climate Religion is  Fraud


~ no one who believes Humans cause Climate Change will debate the science ~


Gavin will not debate the science



can not prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


CO2 is the cause of the carbon cycle all nature the environment

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


belief in hypothetical conjecture proves nothing in science

as not one scientist working for the U.S. Government

can debate or prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

they just believe in self-debunk computer prediction

as Prediction = Belief = Religion is: not Science

as NASA is now the Church of True Belief in self-debunk Computer Prediction


Computer Prediction is called = Ouija Board Science

as most predictions with or with out a computer never come true


~ Climate Prediction ~

based on one very small fragment of all knowledge based on an outdated incomplete

debunk science paper from the 1800’s

being used as Scintific Proof Humans cause all Climate Change


Proves Fraud


~ Climate Prediction ~

that ignores

1 – heat ~ still ~ rises =

forcing -200 * air to take its place at the earths poles

2 – as CO2 and water vapor levels continue to rise

caused by evaporation caused by warming = the rate of warming continues to slow down

3 – a dozen climate variables =

causing an infinity of climate variable

4 – millions of years of climate history =

showing us it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today

with 20 Ice ages in the last 2 million years

with Ice core samples showing us Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air

5 – test proven physics

6 – test proven chemistry

7 – test proven heat transfer science

when ignoring all of these facts a prediction can never come true

as belief in self-debunk prediction is: Religion not Science

~ as you can not reverse self-debunk prediction ~

as Gavin is Preaching to the Choir


99.7 % of the Scientific Community are not buying the

Ouija Board ~ Baloney Science


Predicting the Un-known Future is not Science


science is: to know


Political Ouija Board Science is: not knowledge

it is:

Lunatics putting Garbage in and then believing the Garbage coming out

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on test proven fraud


you can not debate science that is not Real

but maybe they will Prosecute and Punish me for not Believing

because I refuse to believe in Bogus Science they can not prove beyond their true belief

and they refuse to Debate

as not one PhD in America

who ~ Believes ~ Humans cause Climate Change will debate the Science

proving the Science is not Real


as Political Media Fascism is very alive and well in America



~ I never believe it is Raining when it is not ~

as the key to deprogramming is repetitiveness



Politics is: Political Religion

~ as ~

I was very much hoping

Former Montana Governor

Brian Schweitzer

would have put his cards on the table as he would be my first choice for


of the

Republic of the United States of America

as Brain is a Straight Shooter who is not owned and controlled by any one or anything

except maybe his Dog

as Lobbyist were not a welcome site at the governors office

while the Citizens of Montana were always welcome

as Brian is not just a happy positive flamboyant he is a

comprehensive intelligent logical realistic very strong Leader

who would do a lot of good for this confused America

confused by the Political Media Agenda

as Brian was very good for Montana

while preventing the Bad

Brian was above the Political Garbage with what I call a ~ positive ~ flare

as I hope Brian and his Family are well

~ as ~

Brian will always have My Vote

well maybe next time


I can not vote for Pathological Liars with Criminal Behavior

so I voted for Bernie Sanders

because Bernie from what I can see is honest

[email protected]

regardless of the fact Bernie is very ill informed

in fact test knowledge of the scientific method

as true belief is: Religion not Science

~ while ~

the President can not make or dictate Law

the President can only Enforce ~ Execute the Law

and can accept or reject new laws made by others

as We the People no longer own and control the U.S. Government

thanks to a Supreme Court Decision in the 1800’s making corporations people too

after a group of Rail Road Barons Bribed everyone in Washington DC

as the States are no longer United thanks to the 17th Amendment

as this took control of the U.S. Senate away from the State Governments

back when U.S. Senators were not Elected

as U.S. Senators were chosen by their State Governments

to represent only the will of their state government in the U.S. Senate

giving the states their United control of their part (Branch) of the U.S. Government

as We the People own our (Branch) of the U.S. Government the House of Representatives

~ as ~

The 17th Amendment gave ownership and control of the U.S. Senate

to Wall Street and K Street

and now to

Foreign Corporations owned by Foreign Governments

who can

Thanks once again to the U.S. Supreme Court

can spend all the money they want to ~ on any and all Elections in the U.S.A.

so China can now pick who your City Mayor will be just by sending money

while more money from outside Montana

has for many years arm-twisted the Voters of Montana

~ while ~

a few months ago I received a Letter from the U.S. Government

stating everything there is know about me

my SS Number

with my complete Inaccurate Back Ground Check and my Inaccurate Credit Report

was stolen from the U.S. Government

so there are probably many more of me out there now

who are not me

while there has been zero right to privacy in America for many years


the U.S. Government no longer regulates Commerce

for and by

the will


We the People

Commerce now regulates the U.S. Government now controlling We the People

~ as ~

political media agenda based on true belief now dictates science

in this

Republic of the Un-United States of America

not the

Democracy of the United States of America

as in a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority

while in a Democracy the Individual is Ruled and Controlled by the Majority

as most of our rights have been removed

before and after the

Patriot Act

and the

National Defense Authorization Act


~ the war machine ~

Corporations and Special Interest Groups

Collect More Welfare from the U.S. Government than We the People

and by 2008

the U.S. Government had borrowed over 40 trillion from your Social Security Trust Fund

that can never be paid back ~ unless they take it from us again



you can not believe you are always right and never wrong

as you are not the spokesperson for the scientific community

as science is tested and debated not believed

as  you ~ believe ~ Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

as belief is religion not science


~ you are not a scientist ~

as you have zero back ground in this science

as you do not comprehend this science

as you have not earned the right to scientific opinion in this science

so please do not preach to me

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


Climate Change


Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ that we know ~

Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the air today to be healthy

while causing the carbon cycle causing all of nature the environment

and all carbon based life

causing all the oxygen we breathe and all the carbon based food we eat

on this Carbon based Earth

as you call the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ Pollution ~

while you ignore a dozen climate variables

millions of years of climate history

and all test proven science

all further debunking your true belief in self-debunk prediction

as we spend trillions trying to reduce and stop the cause of the carbon cycle

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as this is test proven political media insanity and not science of the scientific method

as there is zero science in your political agenda

as you ignore the scientific method for true belief

because you do not comprehend the tested knowledge

while settled science does not exist as you believe the science is settled

as you believe in something that does not exist beyond your make believe

as very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real

for the past 4.6 billion years

as a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history

and test proven physics and chemistry and heat transfer science

all further debunk your true belief in self-debunk prediction

as you are trying to stop the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

for ~ your ~ political agenda



Fools and Frauds

continue to do test proven harm to this carbon based earth

by removing the cause of all the green on this carbon based earth

and pumping it into the ground

as this is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while spending trillions to do this test proven harm

all for ~ your ~ true belief

so have me arrested ~ prosecuted and punished just like ISIS would do

for not believing in your test proven

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


with zero scientific method

as Political Religions kill People not Science


~ Bernie ~

do not dictate ~ preach and sell me Humans cause Climate Change

prove to the world your not selling

~ Snake Oil ~

prove it beyond your true belief

Prove it with Science because dictated Belief proves nothing


~ Science is Proven ~

as science is to know not preached and believed


You live by your true belief


I have my test proven facts ~ that you continue to ignore ~ that debunk your true belief

as you continue to preach your true belief as test proven fact

proving you are a

~ Lair ~


you truly believe in test proven political media hearsay Lies

~ Bernie ~

refusing to look at test proven knowledge for the sake of true belief

is: not science


~ personal feelings do not debunk test proven fact ~

as your true belief proves nothing

as personal feelings now dictate science

~ Bernie ~

you are a true believer because you do not comprehend the science

as you refuse to debate the science because you do not comprehend the science

while real science is shared and tested and debated not suppressed and believed

as water expands when you freeze it too

and when water becomes warm enough to expand again it evaporates faster

while Glacier Ice melts from the top and bottom side and moves

during Ice ages too

as heat still rises at this Earths Equator

as there will always be -200 * air crashing towards the Earths Poles

so it is not possible for all the Ice to melt on this Carbon based Earths Poles

as long as heat still rises

now add a dozen known climate variables missing from the U.N. Political Climate Study

as they continue to call the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Nature

and all Carbon based Life on this

Carbon based Earth

~ Pollution ~

as Political Media true belief now dictates science to scientists

as the political Media refuse to print my letters to the editor since 2007

as the political media do not publish science

they preach their true belief in debunk hypothetical conjecture

as you continue to ignore test proven fact you do not comprehend



do not be a Snake Oil Salesman

help this Carbon based Earth and all Carbon based Life be more Healthy

as your true belief is making us less Healthy

so lets not go back to Bloodletting and Burning Witches at the Stake

Lets Learn together and Grow Forward together

from tested knowledge

as all truth in life is found not ignored and believed


[email protected]


~ I am not a ~


I am a Dyslexic Scientist who failed English who hates to write

but I am writing

so like it or not ~ I guess I am a writer

~ but not by choice ~

while Einstein was a Patent Office Clerk who could not spell


I do not need scientific reference to debunk self-debunk prediction

based on flawed incomplete hypothetical conjecture


If you can debunk any of my science references on my

reference page that further debunk self-debunk prediction

with peer-reviewed scientific reference

I will acknowledge the test proven facts

and then learn from it and grow forward with the scientific method

as I will up-date ~ change ~ my written scientific statements and Journal

as science is: to know

as religion is: to believe

~ as ~

the religion of science is skepticism of belief dictating science

as I am a true denier of test proven climate religion

as very extreme very progressive ~ variable ~ climate change is very real

for the last 4.6 billion years

as I am not a denier of climate change

I am a scientist and not a true believer


with zero scientific jargon as simple as I can say it

for the sake of ~ their ~ Political Media Agenda

not one news paper in America will print my Letter to the Editor

proving political media fascism in America

as only ~ their ~ true belief can be known as they continue to suppress

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

they are aware of but do not comprehend

while they are doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of their true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on debunk belief ~ hypothetical conjecture

as real science should not be suppressed by political agenda


real science is shared and debated

as only climate religion refuses to publicly debate the real tested science

because the real science has proven their true belief is a religion and not real science

as climate warming began this time

in between the last 20 Ice Ages of the last 2 million years

14000 years ago not 400 or 100 or 40 years ago


those who do not comprehend this science dictate science

as repetitiousness is the key to deprogramming

to reverse the Government funded

political media Brainwashing by paranoid climate religion

who failed grade school science


Climate Religion is now stating non-believers like me who Question their belief

they claim is science

should be punished for not believing as they believe

proving it is a religion and not science of the scientific method

as they reject science and the scientific method for true belief

as they are doing test proven harm to this carbon based earth


the science they ignore has further debunk their true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on test proven Fraud and Garbage Science

as Climate Religion has not earned the right to scientific opinion

as Climate Religion has yet to prove their Religion is not a Religion with real science


Climate Religion believes as ISIS believes

that my head should be chop off for not believing in their true belief

based on test proven Lies and test proven Fraud in science


Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science

as there is zero test proven science in climate religion

as there is zero proof we Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life

~ as ~

Climate Religion

has put test proven Lunatics and Frauds in Science on Pedestals

because they do not comprehend the science


If you are giving scientific opinion

with zero scientific reference with zero comprehension of the science

you are a test proven fraud in science


In may of 2010

I had an exchange of emails with Al Gore’s Campaign Manager Dave Boundy

Dave sent me his science references

they contained zero peer-reviewed science

they were 100 % Garbage

~ while ~

there is peer-reviewed science further debunking

Al Gores true belief in self-debunked prediction

as Al Gore refuses to debate the science

as Al Gore has publicly failed grade school science

as Al Gore has not earned the right to scientific opinion


the only thing Al Gore has proven to the scientific community

of the scientific method

is: test proven Fraud in Science

and Al Gore is a test proven Pathological Lair

as I have called Al Gore a test prove Fraud publicly on this website everyday

for many years

and he will not sue me

~ because I can prove he is a fraud ~

as Al Gore continues to make his Fortune with his world wide

Fraudulent Carbon Credit Scheme

as his Political Media Scam continues

as his true belief followers who failed grade school science

continue to drink the Kool-Aid of the proven Hypocrite


99.7 % of the scientific community do not believe in self-debunked prediction

based on proven fraud in science

as the 97 % consensus is a proven political media lie

as the

Union of Concerned Scientists

are receiving funding from the U.S. Government

as are many other Political Media organizations

 preaching Humans cause Climate Change

as they are using an out-dated incomplete debunk science paper

~ the 1896 Arrhenius Paper ~

as proof Humans cause all climate change

as this science paper only proves fraud in science by those using it

proving Fraud by the U.S. Government in science

as News Papers and Media organizations in the U.S. are supporting and selling

this proven fraud in science


Lunatics and Frauds in science continue to dictate science to scientist

based only on true belief in hearsay true belief in bogus science


I guess it is time for Humanity to go back to Bloodletting to cure all Illness


Burning Witch’s at the Stake

and add to the list

Chop the Heads off of those who

~ Question ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

on behalf of tested knowledge of the scientific method

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years atmospheric emission control science and testing


on going climate science investigation since 2007


over 40,000 requests with a now $100,000.00 reward for the peer-reviewed science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth for the last 600 million years above Sea level


self-debunked peer-reviewed prediction is not science

as prediction is not knowledge

as science is: to know

as feelings can prove nothing in science

as test proven frauds dictate science



~ Letter to the Editor ~


World Famous Physicist

Michio Kaku

stated to


~ maybe ~

Humans cause Climate Change

and then

MSNBC with a political agenda

~ states ~

Humans do in fact cause Climate Change



~ today ~

The United Nations

States and Claims

it is “likely” Humans cause all Climate Change


now there is your scientific consensus Humans cause all Climate Change

with zero science


99.7 % of the Scientific community do not believe in self debunked prediction

based on debunk Hypothetical Conjecture



there is more test proven knowledge

~ missing ~

from the United Nations Politically based Climate Study

than in the Flawed Incomplete so called Climate Study


the U.N. Politically based Climate Study

~ is based only on one factor ~

2 – oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 – carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as ~

the U.N. Climate Study Ignores

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

~ I guess the U.N. Scientists just forgot to put this in their study ~

as all the gases in the atmosphere

heat expand and rise

and the faster they are heated the faster they rise

removing heat from the lower atmosphere


If heat did not rise there would be zero Ice at the North and South Poles

of this Carbon based Earth

as this Carbon based Earth would be a very over heated very steamy very green jungle

at the north and south poles too

as CO2 is heated it rises with all the other heated gases in the Air


This is an average percentage of all the gases in the air

as all gases are variables

as they are also variables based on other variables

as nothing is a constant in this universe

~ as ~

the first atmosphere was water vapor and CO2

~ today ~

Nitrogen = 78.09 % ~ from decomposing soil

and will one day be most all the atmosphere

Oxygen = 20.95 % ~ made from CO2 by the carbon cycle above and below sea level

Argon = 00.93 % ~ from outer space

Water Vapor = 6 times the volume of CO2 ~ from variable evaporation of water


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide = 00.04 % ~ from the hot liquid core

of this Carbon based Earth

CO2 with water vapor causing the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle causing nature = Environment

as Plants and Trees need 4 times this level of CO2 to be at their best level of health

to make the oxygen we breathe and to be the carbon based food we eat

and must keep up with the increasing Nitrogen


CO2 will become nothing

ending the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth

CO2 = called = Pollution by Climate Religion


Man Made CO2 = 00.004 % of the 00.04 %

the equivalent of the thickness of a sewing thread

down the middle of the 50 yard line of a football field

if the Atmosphere was the size of a football field

and is to insignificant to be a factor in the known infinity of climate variable


Neon = 00.0018 %

Krypton = 00.0001 %

Helium = 00.00053 %

Ozone = variable

Hydrogen = 00.00005 %

Xenon = 00.0000008 %

along with trace levels of many other gases


as all the Gases heated in the lower atmosphere

are removing heat from the lower atmosphere

leaving a void ~ vacuum ~ negative pressure in the lower atmosphere

forcing very heavy dense – 200 * Air

with increased levels of Frozen Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

to come crashing down to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as the increased levels of Frozen CO2

cools the Air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

~ as ~

the Gases in the atmosphere can not make new energy

by absorbing pre-existing energy


remove pre-existing energy

the heated gases can only transfer pre-existing energy upward

forcing cold air downward


evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 are the by-product of warming

while off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as warming occurs first then water vapor and CO2 levels rise

and as Water Vapor and CO2 levels rise

the rate of warming slows down and does not speed up as predicted


~ now add a dozen known climate variables ~


~ missing ~

from the very flawed incomplete UN politically based climate study

~ like ~

1 ~ the variable Sun with many cycles

providing an infinity of Climate Variable

2 ~ the variable 3 million mile distance between the Earth and Sun

providing continuous climate variable

3 ~ the variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere

while causing variable hot spots of the crust of this Carbon based Earth

and variable volcanic activity above and below Sea level

providing an infinity of climate variable

4 ~ the variable size of the Ozone Hole caused by variable solar activity


changing how much un-measurable energy inters and escapes the atmosphere

providing an infinity of climate variable

5 ~ the un-measurable continuous volcanic activity below sea level

from hundreds of on going volcanic outlets

on going for billions of years

acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

where most of the CO2 in the Air comes from for billions of years

causing the first atmosphere and the carbon cycle causing all nature

and all carbon based life

6 ~ the variable evaporation of water

containing many times the CO2 level than in the air

from volcanic activity below sea level

7 ~ variable cloud cover from variable evaporation of water

8 ~ variable Lightning making variable NOx making Ozone

9 ~ the continued increase of Nitrogen from decomposing soil

that will on day take over the atmosphere

ending all carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

do to the lack of CO2

the cause of the carbon cycle

making all the food we eat and oxygen to breathe

as CO2 and water vapor caused the first atmosphere

causing all of Nature the Environment

for all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ called pollution by climate religion ~

10 ~ the Earths Variable Axis cycle

11 ~ the slowing of the earths rotation over billions of years

as the moon slowly moves further away while reducing gravity

12 ~ along with other minor known and un-known ~

Weather and Climate Variables

providing an infinity of infinity of Climate Variable

causing very extreme progressive on going Variable Climate Change

for billions of years


~ now add ~

millions of years of Climate History

with 20 Ice ages in just the last 2 million years

with Global Warming periods in-between the Ice Ages much warmer than today

with many Mini Ice ages and many Little Ice ages

with many

Mini and Little warming periods

as 1000 years ago it was much warmer for 200 years than today

with Ice core samples showing us Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today


~ now add ~

and hundreds of years of test proven

Physics ~ Chemistry


Heat Transfer Science

all missing and ignored  by the so called climate study

all debunking the

flawed incomplete politically based climate study

as “likely” and “maybe” are political words of belief not a words of science

as words and belief prove nothing in tested science of the scientific method


~ while ~

an outdated incomplete debunked science paper from the 1800’s

~ the Arrhenius Paper ~

is being used by many political media organizations as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

proving political media fraud in science


~ while ~

Emission control science enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

proves CO2 causes cooling while making the air we breathe cleaner for Humans

by reducing NOx emissions

that Sun energy separates

making O3 oxygen ~ heavy oxygen ~ called ozone

at ground level causing respiratory Illness


~ as ~

CO2 levels continue to increase the rate of climate warming continues to slow down

and not speed up as predicted

self-debunking the Climate Prediction

proving CO2 ~ still ~ causes cooling

as physics and chemistry has proven for the last 180 years

as this science has been ignored by climate religion for true belief

in self-debunked prediction

as prediction is not science

as the true belief in self-debunked prediction is the bases for Climate Religion

as Politicians and Journalist who failed grade school science

continue to Brainwash with and dictate to the world with Fraudulent

Garbage Science


~ as ~

The U.N. is a Political Body not a Science Body

as the U.N. has zero comprehension of Real Science

as the U.N. climate study has completely ignored all test proven science

and the scientific method

while the only thing the UN has proven to 99.7% of the Scientific community


Political Media Fraud in Science

as real scientist do not believe in self-debunked prediction

while the UN is providing this carbon based world with

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

while doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth

by lowering oxygen levels in the air while turning underground water into an acid

while Plants and trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be Healthy

as we are spending trillions to do only test proven harm

while those who have failed grade school science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion continue to dictate science to scientist

as they continue to refuse to publicly debate the science

as they refuse to acknowledge test proven knowledge

for political agenda by true belief in self-debunked prediction


In the real world of real science of the scientific method

when real scientist are proven wrong they learn from it and grow forward

and when Climate Religion is Proven wrong

they ignore it and send letters to the White House

requesting non-believers should be arrested and prosecuted

for not believing as they believe


there is zero science in Climate Religion

as true belief can prove nothing is science

as science is to know not make believe


If you tell me Humans cause Climate Change


ignoring a dozen climate variables


ignoring all climate history


ignoring all test proven Physics ~ Chemistry and Heat Transfer Science

it is not my job to prove you are wrong

it is your job to prove you are right




Thank you for emailing me Derek

this not called harassment

this is called scientific rebuttal

as you call me a Fraud

as I am debunking climate religion on Idiot at a time


in under 3 minutes in a room full of real scientists

I will prove you are an Idiot in tested science of the scientific method

as you believe in self-debunked prediction as I do not believe in self-debunked prediction

as you could not rebuttal my scientific facts so you are now attacking me personally

proving you are part of a religion and not tested knowledge


you should Investigate the real science beyond your true belief

as you say ~

you are not a scientist and have no credentials

proving you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you preach your true belief with zero scientific fact

proving you are a Green Lunatic in science dictating science to the public

as science is to know

while you do not

~ know ~

as you make believe

while not one PhD has debunked my test proven knowledge

as you can not prove or debate the tested science

because as you say ~ you are not a scientist

as you call me the fraud

because I do not believe in your true belief

as you try to belittle me for my lack of punctuation

while you have zero comprehension of a dozen climate variables

Physics ~ Chemistry ~ Heat Transfer Science


Climate History

all further debunking your true belief in self-debunked prediction

~ give me your scientific argument on your web page ~

explain the Physics and Chemistry you do not comprehend

and no National Geographic is not the bases of all my knowledge

it is only a small part of my science knowledge in Earth History

and is not the bases of my 40 years of Atmospheric Science

that you will never comprehend

and if you had your thinking cap on you would have realized

the emails I sent you was to show You

I do have a real active on going real investigation of the science

with the most powerful political leaders and scientist on this carbon based planet

but you do not have your thinking cap on

as all your responses were purely Emotional

as real science is factual

with zero personal emotional feelings

as you have zero science to support your true feelings of true belief

that is not science that is religion

~ as ~

you the test proven fraud who has not investigated the real science

as you can not prove or debate the test proven science

as you call me the fraud

as you do not  ~ know ~ you just believe

as you preach Humans cause climate change with zero peer-reviewed science

to support your true make believe


I hope Derek will keep his word

and puts all of our emails on his webpage

and then we will see then know

as science is knowledge

as reality in science is something you can see not believe


Derek Markham –

in response to your emails to me

you have proven you are a Preacher and not a Scientist

as I can have an intelligent conversation with anyone in climate science

but not with Green Lunatics who are reducing the cause of Green

rather than increasing the cause of Green

as they are doing the exact opposite of what they believe and say they are doing

for the sake of their paranoid belief in self-debunked prediction

with zero peer-reviewed science

as you do not learn and grow forward

you only make Threats when your true belief is questioned by real science

as you refuse to look at real science for your true belief in self-debunked prediction



for the Peer-reviewed Tested Science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the Carbon cycle

causing all of Nature the Environment

and all Carbon based Life

that Plants and Trees need 4 times more of than in the air today to be Healthy

to make all the Carbon based Food we Carbon based Humans Eat

and all the Oxygen we Carbon based Humans Breathe

and when did a dozen proven climate variables

~ that you are not aware of ~

stop being climate variables for the last 4.6 billion years ?


Derek is going to file Internet Fraud and Harassment complaint against me ~

as I now wait for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to come and get me


Derek who has zero credentials in science is an editor for

a test proven bogus science website based on hearsay belief

as they can provide zero peer-reviewed science reference

to prove their test proven Religion is not a test proven Religion



~ you are the one who is Debunked not me ~

as I can Prove it with 40 years of test proven knowledge from real testing

that you do not and can not and will never ever comprehend

so please put our Emails on your Website

to help me prove to the world you are a test proven fraud and fool in tested knowledge



as I challenge you to an open public debate in real science of the scientific method

beyond your true make believe

~ as ~

I am not a Democrat or a Republican

I am a Scientist of the Scientific Method

with 40 years of Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing

with an on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

~ as ~

The United Nations continues to state to this Carbon based World

” it is likely Humans cause Global Warming”


the U.N. still can not prove Humans cause Global Warming

with test proven science of the scientific method


Derek can prove nothing beyond his Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

~ in ~

Self-debunked Prediction

based on

flawed incomplete outdated debunked

Hypothetical Conjecture


you are the one claiming Humans cause climate change not me

so you are the one who must prove it

as you told me to put up or shut up

well Derek


for the proof

so put up or shut up

as you can not prove or debate the tested science

because you are a test proven fraud in science not me

as I have a science reference page that you will never read that debunk you and your belief

as you call me the fraud when you can prove nothing

beyond your personal feeling of true belief

in self-debunked prediction

based on test proven bogus science that you do not comprehend


you are the proven fraud not me

as you will continue to live in make believe

while your true belief is doing test proven harm to this

Carbon based Earth

and all

Carbon based Life


True Belief





all the true believers I have emailed who when asked

after 40,000 emails since 2007

refuse to debate the real science they ignore for true belief

~ who can provide zero science to support their true belief ~


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

~ with ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ like ~

Derek Markham

who can prove nothing and can not debate the tested science

Derek of is a proven fraud in science

along with

All the University Professors Preaching Humans cause Climate Change

as they can provide nothing beyond hypothetical conjecture


Jim Hansen = as his prediction is now self-debunked

while prediction is not science because science is to know as prediction is not knowledge

prediction is belief in the unknown future

Katharine Hayhoe = as she ignores all scientific realty

Michael Mann = with his very proven very bogus Hockey Stick

Steve Running = who believes and preahes the sun is not a variable

as they all continue to preach Garbage Science based on true belief

~ as ~

not one Government Funded Agency can prove anything with real science




nor can any Legal organization

~ or ~

Al Gore

Bill McKibben

The Society of Environmental Journalist

David Sassoon –

Heidi Cullen –

Doug Fischer –

Melissa Breyer –

greenblog – New York Times

Lee Enterprises and the Helena Independent Record

Steve Newman – Earthweek

Rcchika Agarwal – Business Insider

Bernie Sanders

Hilary Clinton

John Kerry

Joe Biden

Barack Obama






this is an incomplete list

as the list goes on and on

as they all preach their test proven religion

as not one of these People or Organizations

who believe non-believers should be punished

can provide any science to support their true belief

as about half the Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth

who are aware of Climate Change

~ believe ~

with zero test proven science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

as I have now made over 40,000 Requests since 2007

for the scientific proof Humans cause Climate Warming

~ with a reward ~

and there is nothing beyond the true belief in the words of belief

“likely” ~ and ~ “maybe”

as belief and words prove nothing

as there is nothing beyond

Hypothetical Conjecture


self-debunked prediction

to prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it ~

called Pollution by Climate Religion

as Carbon based Humans are 20% Carbon

the carbon from

and the oxygen we all breathe made from

and all the food we eat from

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide




for the proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life



Carbon based Earth

~ History ~

93 million years ago much of what is now Montana was under water

while today we can collect Sea Shells at the Tops of the now Rocky Mountains

~ at ~

8000 feet above Sea level

as change is continuous inside and outside of this

Carbon based Earth

for the past 4.6 billion years

as all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is caused by a Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

caused by

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen


Carbon Dioxide

Di = 2

oxide = oxygen

The First Atmosphere was Water Vapor and CO2


All of Nature and the Environment

~ by ~

the Carbon Cycle causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

if there was zero CO2

there would be zero Carbon Cycle

and zero Carbon based Life

and zero O2 Oxygen in the Air to breathe today


nothing in this known universe is a constant


Nitrogen from decomposing Soil will continue to increase

and will be far more than 78.09 % of the Atmosphere as it is today

and will one day be all the Atmosphere

if the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

produces less CO2 and not more CO2

for the Carbon Cycle to make more Oxygen from CO2

to keep up with the production of Nitrogen

as at 210 ppm CO2 in the Atmosphere Plants and Trees start Dying

and then there will be

Zero Carbon based Food and Zero Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

caused by a lack of

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as we need 4 times the CO2 level in the air than today for healthy Plants and Trees

~ as ~

we will continue to have Ice Ages with Global Warming in-between the Ice Ages

as the Ocean will continue to go up and down just like it has for billions of years

regardless of how much CO2 is in the Air

~ as ~

we will continue to have

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

doing test proven harm

to this

Carbon based Earth and all Carbon based Life

~ and if ~

CO2 did cause Climate Warming

I would choose Life with Warming


Death with Cooling

~ as ~

we need more Carbon based Oxygen not less Carbon based Oxygen

to continue

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

but all of you would rather we continue to pump CO2 in to the ground

lowering oxygen levels in the Air

while turning underground water in to an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need more of in the air to breathe

at a cost of many trillions of dollars

while you can still prove nothing with science

and that is why you are called Green Lunatics

by the Scientific Community

because you want less of the cause of Green on this Carbon based Earth

instead of more of the cause of Green on this Carbon based Earth

because you are Paranoid about the Ocean rising again

as it will happen over and over again as before

as Carbon based Humans

have been moving to higher ground for tens of thousands of years

as you continue to believe in self-debunked prediction

by Garbage Science

by test proven Fraud



Carbon based Life

~ Reality ~


Words Prove Nothing in Tested Science

and without test proven lies there can be no test proven truth

as there are many test proven Lies about me ~

by those who serve with vindictive Tyranny by their un-just abuse of power

as they refuse to admit test proven reality

for the sake of their personal emotional feelings of true belief

as political media religion with zero back ground in tested science

now dictate science to scientist

while not allowing open public scientific debate

while trying to destroy those who do not believe as they believe

as they have taken away our right to free speech on the Opinion Page of the local Paper

to rebuttal the Published test proven lies by those who failed grade school science

as they have not earned the right to scientific opinion

and the ignore the test proven facts when it is sent to them

because they do not comprehend the science

as many true believers are now publicly stating non-believers like me

should be prosecuted for not believing as they believe

while they can prove nothing beyond their self-debunked prediction

and their debunked hypothetical conjecture to support their true belief

proving it is a Religion and not Science of the scientific method

as true believers continue to preach their true belief in self-debunked prediction

as I am not the Denier of Test Proven Reality in Science

as Environmental Lunatics who Failed Grade School Science Dictate Science


this is the new ~ Freedom ~ in America

as this is the new ~ Fascism ~ in America not Freedom

as to know is wrong and to believe is good

as true belief can not confront tested reality

so true belief ignores tested reality

and rejects test proven reality

for true belief


test proven

Garbage Science


as this sounds like a religious War because it is

this is

Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion


science is: to know ~ and not ~ political media make believe controlling our lives

as there is zero Equality in the Fascist Political Media Agenda of America in Science

as I am a True Denier of Climate Religion

but I am not a Denier of test proven fact

Ignored by Climate Religion for True Belief



Science Teacher who is Preaching Belief in Prediction

(Hypothetical Conjecture)

as Science to our Children should be Fired and become a Priest


Science is not belief in prediction or self-debunked prediction

~ if belief is your reality you are not a real scientist ~

if you have taken sides in science you do not comprehend that is belief

as belief is religion not science

as the true belief Bloodletting would cure all Illness only killed more people

while today the third most common cause of Death in the U.S. is Mistakes in Hospitals

as those who pleaded ~ not guilty ~ in 1692 to being a Witch were executed

while those who pleaded ~ guilty ~ to being a Witch were not executed

in 1692 a Witch was someone who was probably Mentally Ill while doing no harm

as later some Judges regretted their decisions to execute (Hang) these harmless people

as today true political media belief dictates climate science to scientist

with zero scientific method

as the scientific consensus in climate science is a proven political media lie

believed to be started by then Senator John Kerry

who like Al Gore has a long history of test proven Fraudulent statements in climate science

who are profiting from their Climate Religion

while .3% of the scientific community are true believers in Climate Religion

as 99.7% of the scientific community are not true believes in self-debunked prediction

as tested reality continues to be ignored for true belief

as true belief continues to do only test proven harm to this carbon based earth

with zero good


 Climate Religion claims to be saving this Carbon based Earth

from the environmental evils of Carbon based Humans

who are 20 % carbon

as carbon on this Carbon based Earth is called pollution

by Climate Religion

as realty is now political media make believe

with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

as self-debunked prediction does not debunk hard science of the scientific method

as we live with modern day Bloodletting of this Carbon based Earth

by True Believers in self-debunked prediction who ignore test proven science

while doing real test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth


I do not ~ need ~ scientific reference to debunk

self-debunked climate prediction based on debunked hypothetical conjecture

but I do have scientific reference to ~ further ~ debunk

self-debunked climate prediction

that is based on

flawed incomplete outdated debunked

Garbage Science

that ignored the scientific method

and all known test proven science

for ~ their ~ true political media belief

as there is zero knowledge in self-debunked political media make believe



Political Media Climate Journalist

who only cover one side of the story

…is there reality beyond make believe or is make believe now your reality ?

as make believe refuses to debate the tested knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

as tested reality in science is debated not believed

~ as ~

I have been investigating the hard science everyday since 2007

the hard science is the simple science that can not be debunked

and for me ~

 ignoring the test proven knowledge for true belief is not reality or science


The next time someone tells you Carbon based Humans

~ cause ~

Global Warming

Climate Change

Climate Disruption

or what ever they are calling it today

after 4.6 billion years of Natures very extreme progressive variable climate change

ask them to prove it

beyond their personal feelings of true belief in Political Media make believe

~ as ~

Predicting the un-known future Proves Nothing


True Belief in self-debunked Prediction is: Religion

~ not ~

Test Proven Knowledge


as Ice Melts

a lot of the water evaporates

while direct Sun energy on Ice separates some of the frozen water

~ H2O ~

the Dirty H2 = Hydrogen Flows while the O = Oxygen evaporates

as Climate Warming Evaporates the Oceans

causing increased levels of Water Vapor and CO2 from the Ocean

into the air making this Carbon based Earth Greener

as Plants and Trees absorb water vapor and CO2 from the air

making the Carbon based Food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe


Climate Religion does not factor into their debunked ~ belief ~ any evaporation

or a dozen Climate Variables

or millions of years Climate History

or very proven Physics ~ Chemistry and Heat transfer Science

as Climate Religion believes there is only one cause for all Climate Change

the less than 10% of the CO2 in the Air caused by Carbon based Humans

as this true belief was debunked before it was a true belief

as CO2 and water vapor caused the first atmosphere

causing Nature the Environment the Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life above and below Sea level


the only factor for Climate Religion


~ their true belief ~

while ignoring all known test proven fact


Ruchika Agarwal

[email protected]

What the Shore Line will look like when all the Ice Melts

~ is ~

Hypothetical Conjecture not Science


what if ~ is: not knowledge

what if ~ is: make believe

as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion beyond make believe

as a real scientist reviews all the knowledge and believes nothing

as belief in the un-known future proves nothing but make believe

~ as ~

science is: to know

~ and ~

Hypothetical Conjecture is: Prediction

~ not ~


Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

~ as ~

evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

~ the by product Warming by the variable Sun ~

the rate of Climate Warming continues to slow down

self-debunking the prediction CO2 would increase Climate Warming

~ while ~

Ice Core Samples show us

there have been Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today

further debunking the belief ~ CO2 ~ regardless of Carbon based Humans

is the cause of climate warming

as the climate was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today

as Climate History of the  last 20 Ice ages of the last 2 million years has proven

Carbon based Humans do not cause Climate Warming

as belief is religion not science

while over 90% of the CO2 in the atmosphere comes from variable un-measurable

volcanic activity below Sea level ~ on going for billions of years

from the variable hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth

and as the Ocean has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as Climate Change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

with a dozen known variable causes today for climate change

providing an infinity of climate variable

ignored by

Climate Religion

~ the true belief in self debunked prediction ~

based on flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

~ while ~

the Ocean has gone down not up over the last 6 years

as Published Hypothetical words prove nothing in science

as there is nothing beyond self-debunked prediction and hypothetical conjecture

to prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

as Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ is ~

contributing to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

while off-setting Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

~ as ~

we are now spending Billions and soon Trillions pumping CO2 into the ground

as this is lowering oxygen levels in the air while turning underground water into an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to be healthy

as test proven science further debunk self-debunked make believe


Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years Atmospheric Emission Control Science and Testing


I would challenge Ruchika to an open public debate in science

but she has zero credentials in science as she has not earned the right to scientific opinion

as she Brainwashes the world with bogus debunked garbage science

for the sake of political agenda that has failed grade school science

as Ruchika will continue to ignore test proven fact for her true belief

and continue to preach her proven Religion

proving it is a Climate Prediction Religion with zero science of the scientific method


Do not tell me what is going to happen because you do not know

you just believe

as Climate Religion Prediction is not Science

and has been Scientifically debunked by the Scientific Method

~ as ~

The Weather Man Gets Paid to Lie


Steve Newman

[email protected]


as the Ocean has gone down over the last 6 years

just like Al Gore the proven Fraud ~ Steve continues to Lie

as there is zero Peer-reviewed science to support Steve’s proven Lies

as Steve has not investigated the climate science

Steve has not reviewed ~ analyzed or tested the climate science

Steve just believes what he is told to believe

Steve has not earned the right to scientific opinion

Steve is talking out his hearsay butt full of belief


True Belief can not debunk ~ ignored ~ Test Proven Fact

don’t tell me and then try to sell me what you believe is fact

with only your words of true belief in hearsay belief


Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

~ Prove It ~

with real tested science not true belief

show me your test proven science beyond only your words of true belief


words and belief prove nothing in tested knowledge in the scientific method

~ as ~

Words of True Belief in Hearsay

prove nothing to me

as there is zero peer-reviewed science

to support most of Steve Newman’s Bogus statements in Climate Science

as hypothetical conjecture and self-debunked prediction is not test proven fact

while many of Steve Newman’s Statements has been scientifically debunked by

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

ignored by Steve

~ as ~

the First Atmosphere of and by this Carbon based Earth

was caused by

Water Vapor


2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

above Sea level comes from the Ocean

as the Ocean does not depend on the atmosphere for oxygen

as the atmosphere is caused by evaporated Ocean

and decomposing soil

and the carbon cycle above and below Sea level

as all the oxygen in the Ocean is made by the Carbon Cycle in the Ocean

caused by Plant Life in the Ocean breathing CO2

and after hundreds of millions of years of

Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen in the Ocean

causing all Carbon based Life in the Ocean


Carbon based Life began above Sea level

as the atmosphere does not supply the Ocean with the cause all carbon based life

as the cause of all Carbon based Life above Sea level comes from the Ocean

as the variable atmosphere depends on the variable Ocean

as most of the CO2 in the atmosphere

comes from billion of years of on going variable volcanic activity below sea level

causing many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the Atmosphere

while Acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

as all oxygen above and below Sea level is made by the Carbon Cycle


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while the variable hot liquid core of this carbon based earth is not only the supply all the

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

being made into oxygen by the Carbon Cycle for all Carbon based Life to breathe

above and below Sea level

the variable Hot Liquid Core of this carbon based earth

is Heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere too

while melting Ice from the bottom side during Ice ages too


Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today to be Healthy

as Plants and Trees start dying at 210 ppm CO2 in the air

and are very healthy at 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today

at 1500 ppm or higher levels of CO2 in the Air

while prediction is not science


science is: to know

as there is zero test proven knowledge in predicting the un-known future

or in hypothetical conjecture

~ as ~

Climate Religion

is based on self-debunked prediction

as Climate Religion

believes and preaches

the Ocean is dependent on Oxygen from the Atmosphere

while water is evaporating upward full of oxygen and CO2

as Climate Religion continues to believe and preach

~ CO2 ~

the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this carbon based Earth

is = Pollution

as they believe and preach

White Steam coming out of Smoke Stakes is = Pollution

as Climate Religion prediction is proven to be backwards

as they continue to believe in the self-debunked prediction


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Climate Religion continues to make very bogus scientific statements

Brainwashing the un-knowing Public with their very self-debunked True Belief


debunked Garbage Science with zero Scientific Method


I challenge Steve Newman

or anyone on this carbon based earth

to an open public debate in real climate science

with a



for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen



caused by a dozen climate variables

providing an infinity of very extreme progressive variable climate change

~ but ~

not caused by

Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen


Steve Newman

can not provide scientific reference to prove his Religion is not a Religion

as Steve Newman will continue to

~ ignore ~

a dozen climate variables

millions of years of climate history

hundreds of years of test proven physics and chemistry and heat transfer science

as there are many known and unknown pieces to the climate puzzle

that all further debunk Steve’s true belief in self-debunked prediction

~ as ~

Steve Newman will not debate the Real Science

as he will continue to ignore the scientific method and continue to misinform the Public


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


~ test proven ~

Frauds in Science Dictate Science

and when you can not debate ~ your ~ science

its not real

as you can not reverse self-debunked prediction

as the prediction did not happen

as predicting the future is: not science

~ predicting the future is: make believe ~

as I and over 30,000 other real scientist that I know of

along with 49 NASA Scientist that I know of

are tired of reading

Steve Newman’s test proven Lies in Climate Science in their Local News Paper once a week

while this debunks Steve’s belief in any scientific consensus

as I would suggest Steve provide a Reference Page with Peer-reviewed Science

to back up his Bogus Scientific Statements to Real Scientist of the Scientific Method

~ don’t sell me Carbon based Humans cause climate warming ~

show me the science

beyond only your words of true belief in hearsay

~ Steve ~

I would suggest ~ you ~ review the hard science before you preach it to the world

as test proven fact

because you can prove nothing with real science of the scientific method

beyond your personal feeling of true belief in words


Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

40 years

Atmospheric Emission Science

with on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

~ proving ~

Political Media Fraud in Science

by those who have failed the scientific method for their true belief

~ proving ~

Climate Religion

as I am always ready for an open public debate


Climate Religion

refuses to debate


Real Test Proven Science of the Scientific Method


How can you know the science when you can not look and see beyond your words of belief

as words of true belief is religion not tested knowledge of the scientific method


Weather Man are paid to Lie

as most of their 5 day predictions where I live never come true

as they are up-dated every hour for the next 5 days

debunking every hour the previous prediction


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

is based on self-debunked prediction

that ignored a dozen climate variables

and all climate history

and all known test proven science


Make Believe

why does Climate Religion continue to ignore test proven fact

~ because ~

it is a test proven religion and not science

as religion ignores science

as political media religion dictates science

based on zero science with true paranoid belief in self-debunked prediction

because those who failed grade school science dictate science from true belief


Believing it is not going to Rain today as it continues to Rain all day

is not science





Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion



When Make Believe Dictates Science

by those who refuse to debate the science

or provide real scientific reference

beyond their personal feelings of true belief in self-debunked prediction

and their personal feelings of true belief in

Hypothetical Conjecture

as we live with Proven Political Media Lies by Proven Political Media Lairs

as we live in a world where Media Journalism is:

owned by Politics and True Belief in Political Agenda


Tested Knowledge debunk Political Media Make Believe Science

as the political media does not tell us everything there is to know

they just tell us only what they want us to know

as they tell us test proven lies in science

based only on debunked belief with zero test proven fact of the scientific method

as the political media agenda that has Failed Science of the Scientific Method

continues to dictate science to scientist while providing zero science

beyond their words of true belief


I have Publicly called Al Gore a Fraud in Science many times over and over again

since 2007

and he will not sue me

~ because ~

I can Prove Al Gore is a Fraud


Al Gores Climate Religion

does not acknowledge test proven fact because they do not comprehend test proven fact


Al Gores Political Media Climate Religion

was proven to be backwards science long before Al Gore thought of it ~

as Al Gore still can not articulate or debate or prove what he believes is science

because Al Gore does not comprehend the Tested Science

as Al Gore has publicly failed grade school science

as proven fact tested knowledge continues to evolve by the scientific method

as the political media agenda continues to devolve in tested knowledge

as you can not ignore test proven knowledge for true belief in self-debunked prediction

and then call it science

as Political Media Agenda is Political Media Religion not Science

as Political Media Agenda now Dictates Science to the Scientific Community

while Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle and this Carbon based Earth

and all Carbon based Life

at a cost of trillions of dollars

as Al Gore and Political Company Profit

from their proven fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme

~ so are they Billionaires yet ?

for Harming this Carbon based Earth

as Al Gore ignores test proven fact for his Pathological belief


when you refuse to look at test proven knowledge that debunk your true belief

that is Religion not Science

as this warming period began 14,000 years ago not 100 years ago

with little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

after 20 Ice Ages in just the last 2 million years

and as

Variable on going Volcanic activity for billions of years below Sea level continues

 Acidifying  the Ocean over billions of years

Variable Evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by Variable Warming

by the Variable Sun

and by the Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Heating the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

~ the Rate of Variable Climate Warming continues to slow down ~

and not speed up as predicted

making the prediction self-debunked

as science is not true belief in prediction or true belief in self-debunked prediction


Scientific Reality is not true belief in prediction self-debunked or not

while ignoring a dozen climate variables

and all known climate history

and test proven physics and chemistry

and heat transfer science


Prediction is: Ouija Board Science


science is: to know


there is zero Scientific consensus in test proven Political Media Lies

based on true belief in self-debunked prediction

as True Belief is now dictating Science to Scientist

by those who do not comprehend the tested science

who do not follow the tested science

and have not earned the right to scientific opinion

and do not comprehend the scientific method

~ so ~

Where did you earn your right to scientific opinion in Climate Science

and why do you believe I should be Prosecuted for not believing in your true belief ~

as we continue to live with ~ Bogus ~ Scientific Statements

by Political Media Organizations like

~ Climate Central ~

who preach debunked Hypothetical Conjecture

as they refuse to debate the tested science

while they can provide zero real scientific reference

to support their true feelings of belief in self-debunked prediction

as they are a political media body not a science body

with a political agenda selling Garbage science to the public

~ as ~

I know something you do not know

and I have a Reference Page you refuse to look at

that you refuse to know for the sake of your belief in Political Media Agenda Lies

as you refuse to learn old and new knowledge for the sake of your true belief

that debunk your true belief

as you are doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and this Carbon based Earth

at a cost of many of trillions of dollars


I am apart of Atmospheric Emission Science everyday since 1976

as I follow the real tested science everyday

as I have an on going investigation of Climate Science since the spring of 2007

knowing ~ not ~ believing

the Oceans have gone down for the past 6 years not up as predicted

and Climate Warming has been at a standstill for the past 20 years

as real scientist know Climate Change is very real for Billions of years

and Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

do not cause Climate Warming with Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

knowing ~ not ~ believing

over 90% of CO2 going into the Atmosphere

is from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

from on going Volcanic Activity below Sea level

causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for the past 600 million years above Sea level

as CO2 is called Pollution by Climate Religion

as Climate Change is caused by a dozen Climate Variables

causing an Infinity of Climate Variable ignored by Climate Religion


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

is sending letters to the White House asking that non True Believers

~ Deniers ~

like me

~ who do not deny climate change ~

who do not wish to join the test proven paranoid climate religion

should be Prosecuted

for not Believing in ~ their ~ Paranoid Climate Religion


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

continues to Brainwash the world with test proven lies

as they continue to commit test proven fraud in science

as they continue to believe in self-debunked Hypothetical Conjecture

as those who have failed grade school science continue to dictate science

to the un-knowing public with garbage science with zero scientific method

as they continue to ignore test proven reality for

~ their ~

paranoid political media make believe


should I prosecuted for my 40 years of test proven knowledge they ignore

and because I do not believe in their paranoid climate religion

~ Fantasy Science ~

as this has nothing to do with proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

and everything to do with true belief in self-debunked prediction

as Political Media Climate Religion has already prevented my Free Speech

on the opinion page of your local news paper

as true believers continue to refuse to debate the real tested science

of the scientific method

or provide real scientific reference to support their self-debunked true belief

as they have zero comprehension of the real tested science

as they continue to do test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and this Carbon based Earth

as they continue to Dictate Bogus Science for their Bogus Political Media Agenda


Many years ago I was shooting a game of pool with a physiologist I know

~ and he told me ~

Bruce you are a Rescuer

and that is why people have been able take advantage of you

~ and then I asked my friend ~

so which pathological lair should I vote

~ for ~

President of the Republic of the Un-United States of America


political party’s are political religions with zero scientific reality

as the political religions taking advantage of everyone can not be rescued

with test proven reality


Political Religions ignore test proven reality

as political media lunatics dictate science

with zero test proven reality


May 3, 2016



Robert Matthew Reynolds

Miles City Montana

where did you earn your right to scientific opinion in atmospheric emission science ?

and why are real scientist not allowed to give their scientific opinion ~

in Montana news papers ?

and why can anyone with zero back ground in science

publish their opinion in a Montana news paper in climate science

while someone like me with 40 years of daily work experience in atmospheric science

with an on going climate science Investigation since 2007 can not ?

and because of Climate Religion

this dyslexic scientist is forced do something

I do not want to do


I do not like to do


I hate to do


I do very poorly


I have to do


~ write ~

and if Journalist did their job Properly

I would not have to write

but the Climate Journalist have taken sides

in something they do not want to try to comprehend

for the sake of their political media agenda

as professional writers ~ Climate Journalist ~ are now paid to lie to the public in science

as I continue to attack journalist who do not comprehend the real science

beyond their true feeling of make believe

as we continue to live with Fascist publishers with a political agenda based only on belief


In Botany Science

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be Healthy

~ as ~

The Bases for Truth in Knowledge


~ Skepticism ~


True Belief Dictating Science

and if you are not a true skeptic you are not a real scientist


calling a real scientist a skeptic is a professional complement


True Belief is: not Science


Tested Knowledge ~ debunk ~ Make Believe

~ while ~

Those who have not earned the right to Scientific Opinion

Dictate Science

~ as ~

Religion continues to dictate Science as Science is not a Religion

~ as ~

very misinformed Climate Science Journalist have put them selves above Real Scientist ~

for their Political Media Agenda

while ignoring the majority of the scientific community who disagree with their true belief

in self-debunked prediction

as they call Real Scientist Deniers of Science the Journalist do not comprehend

as I am called a Denier by Climate Science Journalist

while I have 40 years of Atmospheric Emission Control Science under my belt

as I was Licensed by the State of California in 1976


Installer Adjuster License Number A50881

Certificate of Qualification Number QE 101707


To ~ Test ~ Adjust ~ Service ~ Repair and Certify Emission Controls

with continuous on going education since 1976

as I have been asked and have Evaluated Education Programs

as I am considered an expert in this science

as I have received a Doctor Honor

and was Invited to participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club London June, 2013

as I have an on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

~ proving ~

Political Media Fraud


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ agenda ~

as the Climate Science Journalist who call me a denier

have zero background or credentials in the tested science

as they refuse to debate the tested science

or look at the test proven science that debunk their true belief

or provide any scientific reference to support their true belief

as they are the proven lairs and deniers not me

as I am called The Denier because I do not believe in their self-debunked Climate Religion

~ as ~

 49 NASA scientist disagree with Climate Religion

and over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 scientists that I know of ~

disagree with Climate Religion

as many Science Organizations all around the world

disagree with Climate Religion and their true belief in self-debunked prediction

so why does Climate Religion ~ believe and preach ~ there is a Scientific consensus

that does not exist


~ John Kerry said there is as John is a test proven Lair ~

and when I requested from then Senator John Kerry his Scientific References

proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

I received a Letter dated June 14th 2010 with zero scientific references

and a lot of test proven Baloney

as John continues to make test proven fraudulent statements to the world in science

for his Political Agenda


John is stating to the world

Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

they have absorbed all they can


this is a test proven lie


at 210 ppm CO2 in the air Plants die

at 1500 ppm they are healthy


John’s public statements are as stupid as saying to you


you can not absorb anymore oxygen

that you have absorbed all the oxygen you can


as this is a moronic statement in science


when you stop breathing oxygen you are dead

and anyone calling CO2 Pollution is a test Proven moron in Science


Maybe John invested in Al Gores proven Fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme


I have many letters and emails from U.S. Senators

with zero Scientific Reference to support or prove their Public Statements

as I have many email responses from many PhD’s from all across America

who can prove nothing beyond their true belief


an out-dated incomplete debunked science paper from the 1800’s

being used fraudulently by many organizations in America

as scientific proof Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

while this is just a drop in the bucket of the proven fraud in Climate Science

that I have uncovered and discovered since 2007

as there is nothing beyond true belief in self debunked prediction

to prove Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

as there is zero scientific consensus in Political Media make believe

in self-debunked prediction

and when did an infinity of climate variable stop being an infinity of climate variable

~ as ~

Climate History has proven to us from 20 Ice ages in just the last 2 million years

there is an Infinity of Very Extreme Progressive Variable Climate Change

for this Carbon based Earth for Billions of years

that Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

~ who are dictating science to scientist and to the public ~

continue to ignore

as the Majority of Climate Science Journalist have Publicly Failed Grade School Science


when you ~ believe ~ Humans cause Climate Change

then you are not a Scientist


there is zero belief in science of the scientific method

as there is only ~ debated ~ proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as settled science does not exist in the scientific method

~ as ~

words ~ Prove ~ nothing

~ as ~

belief ~ Proves ~ nothing

~ as ~

Journalist dictate science from words of true hearsay belief


…don’t tell me Humans cause Climate Change

~ prove it ~


not one News Organization

~ after 40,000 emails ~ with a reward ~ since 2007 ~

on this Carbon based Earth

who ~ Truly Believe ~ Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

~ can ~

A ~ Debate the Test Proven Science

B ~ Provide Peer-reviewed Scientific Reference

that will support their Test Proven Lies based on their True Belief

in self-debunked prediction

by Journalist

with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

who do not investigate or follow the tested science beyond their true belief in hearsay


Climate Science Journalist

have given this carbon based world

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


~ ZERO ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

as their one sided Journalism only covers one side of the un-debated scientific argument

while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that further debunk their true belief in self-debunked prediction

as Journalist give each other awards

for what is test proven misinformation and proven Lies to the public

also known in the scientific community as test proven Baloney Awards

for the best Garbage Science Fiction

for Brainwashing the Public in Bogus Science

but why would the Climate Science Journalist care what Real Scientist ~ know

as they cheery pick their scientist from the .3% of scientific community

who believe what the Journalist believe

who can prove nothing with tested science beyond their debunk hypothetical conjecture

while preaching prediction as science

while ignoring test proven fact

proving they are Lunatics not a Scientist


the 99.7% of the scientific community is still waiting for something

beyond self debunked prediction based on Garbage Science

as scientific proof Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

~ as ~

Real Journalism


political media religion agenda

would provide all sides of the scientific argument

allowing the Public to decide what is real and what is not for them self

as Political Media Climate Journalist do not inform the Public

they dictate ~ bogus ~ science to the Public

for their political media agenda


Repetitiveness is the key to Deprogramming the Political Media Brainwashing


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by those who believe in self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed incomplete debunked so called science


Real Science is:

~ Questioned ~

Reviewed Analyzed Tested and Debated

~ not ~

True Belief in Self-debunked Prediction


Inside Climate News

is a Political Media Body by Journalist

and not a Science Body by Scientist

as they Dictate Science to the World

based on

their debunked Garbage Science they Believe in but do not Know and can not Prove

as science is: to know

and not political media make believe

as they continue to hide test proven reality for their make believe from the public

as they hide it from them selves

and this why they can not Debate or Prove or Articulate their make believe science

in self-debunked prediction

as they are Test Proven Idiots in Science Dictating Science

to real scientists of the scientific method

as they call us real scientists deniers

by Climate Journalist who have publicly failed grade school science


April 30, 2016



David Sassoon

I challenge you and

Inside Proven Climate Religion Lies News

Stacy Feldman

Phil McKenna

Lisa Song

Zahra Hirji

Sabrina Shankman

Neela Banerjee

David Hasemyer

Lynn Zinser

John H. Cushman Jr.

Matt Carroll

Dan Fry

Arthur Klebanoff

Richard Louv

Miriam Pawel

Richard Tofel

Scott Wahrenbrock

Susan Kish

Simon K.C. Li

Michael Northrop

Lawrence Rodman

to an open public debate in Real Climate Science

with a $100,000.00 Reward for the Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

with water vapor


the first atmosphere


the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen


all of nature the environment


all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

where everything has carbon in it


Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today

to be at their best level of health


you call the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Nature and all Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

~ Pollution ~

as Journalist dictate science they do not comprehend

as they only cover the one side of the argument they believe in

as they continue to ignore test proven fact for their personal feelings of true belief

~ while ~

Computers Predicting the Future


Garbage in Garbage out


the only thing that is constant in this Universe is change


there is no

Climate Science Denial

there is only

Climate Religion Denial

of all test proven science debunking their true belief

as there is zero science to support the true belief in self-debunked prediction

as Climate Religion is based on self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed out dated incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

and Fraud

as Climate Religion is in denial of

~ a dozen climate variables ~

~ millions of years of climate history ~

~ test proven physics ~ chemistry ~


~ proven heat transfer science ~

all further debunking

the true belief in self-debunked

Climate Prediction

as prediction is not knowledge or science


those who have publicly failed grade school science

and those who have never Reviewed the Science

who refuse to debate the science

continue to believe in and preach their self-debunked prediction to the world as Science

based on

Garbage Science


Climate Religion is in Denial


Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

that they continue to ignore for their true belief in self-debunked prediction

proving it is a Religion and not Tested Science of the scientific method

~ knowing ~

Climate Change is Real for Billions of Years


Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth


self-debunked prediction does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

~ knowing ~

You can not Scientifically ~ reverse ~ Self-debunked Prediction


99.7 % of the Scientific Community

do not believe in

self-debunked prediction as proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


there is zero scientific consensus in

Political Media paranoid Make Believe in Self-debunked Prediction


the United Nations a Political Body not Science Body

continues to state

” it is likely “

Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change

based on ~ their ~ self-debunked prediction

based on ~ their ~ flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

as “likely” is a word of belief

as words prove nothing in tested science of the scientific method

as the U.N. refuses to acknowledge or debate

a dozen climate variables

millions of years of climate history

and test proven physics ~ chemistry and heat transfer science

all further debunking ~ their ~ true belief in ~ their ~ self-debunked prediction


not one Scientist paid by the U.S. Government can provide any scientific reference

that will debunk


self-debunked prediction

based on

one very small fragment of all knowledge

as the EPA enforces atmospheric emission control science today

since the 1970’s

that proves CO2 causes cooling


~ test proven ~

Political Media Lunatics

who have publicly failed grade school science

~ Dictate Science ~

to the un-knowing Public

based on ~ their ~ true feelings of belief in Bogus Science

while stating to the Public

” the science is settled “

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as they refuse to debate the tested knowledge

as they continue to commit test proven fraud in science

for their Political Media Agenda

as they continue to ignore all tested knowledge old and new for ~ their ~ true belief


the same entities

that give 500 million to the Democratic Party every other year

give 500 million to the Republican Party every other year

so it does not mater who wins the election

as there is Profit in everything

good and bad

as the profit from pumping CO2 into the ground is hundreds of billions of dollars


A ~ lowering oxygen levels in the air

B ~  turning underground water into an acid

C ~ reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of not less of to breathe

as the cost will be tens of trillions over the next 10 to 20 years

to do only harm and zero good

and thanks to Paranoid Climate Religion we are now Fracking

to save this Carbon based Earth from the cause of the Carbon Cycle

causing all Nature and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

that we need more of not less for the carbon cycle

causing the oxygen we breathe and all the food we eat

and to keep up with the continued increase of Nitrogen from decomposing soil

that will one day be most all of the atmosphere

~ proving ~

Lunatic Science

~ by ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


? do you believe in everything you are told to believe ?

~ as there is zero belief in science ~

as you can prove nothing beyond your true belief

as Climate Religion is in Denial of all proven Climate Science

for their political agenda

~ as ~

CO2 and water vapor levels continue to increase

caused by evaporation caused by warming

by the Variable Sun

and by the

Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the Oceans and lower atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle

causing all Nature and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

~ self-debunking the prediction ~

as the Oceans continue to fall not rise

~ self-debunking the prediction ~

as this is

Test Proven Knowledge you continue to Ignore for your True Belief


not one of my many letters to the editor since 2007

has ever been published by any news paper in America

proving political media Fascism in science

as Climate Religion now believes Deniers should be Prosecuted

for not believing as they believe

as they have taken away our Right to Free Speech

as they now want to Prosecute Real Scientist for being Real Scientist

for questioning science

and then what

put us in Jail or have our Tongues cut out

for not believing in your political media religion with zero science

as you refuse to publicly debate of the real science

proving the political media agenda is a political media religion

~ not science of the scientific method ~

as Political Media Morons in Science continue to Dictate Science

as science is tested and debated not preached and believed

as the true believers of Climate Religion are the true deniers of test proven reality

while doing test proven harm to this carbon based earth

as we live today with modern day bloodletting


Test Proven Lunatics in Science

who can articulate zero science of the scientific method beyond their words of true belief

as words prove nothing in science


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by Political Agenda


Test Proven Fraud in Science

as my on going climate science investigation since 2007

with my 40 years of atmospheric emission science has proven


Inside Climate Religion News

will not debate the science


provide scientific reference that will support their test proven Lies

as they will continue to Believe in and Preach their test proven Lies

as they will continue to ~ deny ~ scientific reality for their true belief in


Garbage Science

for their political media agenda

as 99.7 % of the scientific community know they are Lairs


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion


I hope they will take me to court for calling them frauds

~ so I can prove it ~


Political Media ~ self-debunked ~ Ouija Board Science

can prove nothing

as it has been proven in a court of law before

as there is zero knowledge in political media hearsay true belief in

self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

as the word ” likely ” proves nothing in science

as they continue to do test proven harm to Nature and the Environment

for the sake of true belief

as Journalist who failed grade school science continue to dictate science

as they call me a denier

who should be silenced

and prosecuted


as a Real Scientist

I Question and Confront their Make Believe Science

so we can

Grow Forward


they will continue to preach ~ their ~ Climate Religion

and continue to ignore real science of the scientific method


Religions can not Debate ~ their ~ True Belief

as it does not matter how many times we prove climate religion wrong in science

it will always be a religion with zero science of the scientific method

that will continue to grow based only on true belief and zero science

as religion is: not science


only lunatics believe Religion is Science and Science is Religion


maybe we should stop calling it the carbon cycle and call it the vicious cycle

by carbon based humans with zero comprehension of science

as we live with test proven frauds in science dictating science

and because it is a test proven religion

Bogus Science is here to stay

Bogus science they can not prove or debate


its not real

it is Pathological

as they refuse to learn and grow forward

with the scientific method

for the sake of their true belief in self-debunked prediction

for their political media agenda

as they will continue to commit test proven fraud in science

caused by Pathological Belief in debunked science

debunked by the scientific method ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

dictating science to scientist

as I know

this Carbon based Earth is not Flat

and the Moon is not made of Swiss Cheese

as science is: to know

as I am a Real Scientist

and I do not believe in Prediction or self-debunked Prediction as Science

as I am not a Political Media True Believer



Garbage Science


this Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen needs more Carbon based Oxygen

not less

for this Carbon based Earth to Healthier

for all Carbon based Life


Water Vapor and CO2 is the by-product of Climate Warming not the Cause

while making this Carbon based Earth Greener


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of all Carbon based Life

is called ~ Pollution ~ by Climate Religion


they are Big Dummy’s in Science


Bruce A. Kershaw

Scientist of the Scientific Method

Proud Denier of Climate Religion


The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Dictating Science


Modern Day Bloodletting of this Carbon based Earth Continues


Climate Religion


Political Media Agenda


Political Media Lunatic Lairs Frauds ~ in ~ Science

who failed grade school science

dictating science to scientist with zero scientific method

who can not confront test proven reality




April 27,2016

Helena ~ Montana

The high for today is predicted to be 54*

the low for tonight 35*

The record high for today was 84* in 1910

the record low was 21* in 1961


A Scientist is: a Know-er ~ not ~ a Believer

a know-er ~ knows what happened

a believer ~ believes what may happen but may not happen

as science is: to know

as science is not: make believe


April 26, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

The high for today is predicted to be 53*

the low for tonight 35*

The record high for today was 86* in 1910

the record low was 19 in 1880

where on some days here in Helena we can see and enjoy all 4 seasons twice in a day


~ To Know ~

you can not reverse self-debunked prediction

based no flawed incomplete debunked

Hypothetical Conjecture


Climate Religion

continues to believe in self-debunked prediction

as they continue to preach their self-debunked prediction as test proven fact

as they continue to ignore test proven fact

for their continued true belief

~ This Is ~

Pathological ~ not ~ Factual

as only the Environmental Extremest Lunatics

who failed grade school science

call me

The Denier

I have never ~ denied ~ Climate Change ~

so why do they call me a Denier ?

~ because ~

I do not believe in

~ their ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

and since March 15, 2012

as the Climate Daily is a Political Media Body not a Science Body

they have yet to provide me or anyone with their scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

as I have offered a reward to the Daily Climate for the proof

~ we ~

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

as they have made many proven false statements in their effort to belittle me

with their proven Lies

as they are ~ test proven ~ Frauds in Science

who truly believe in Self-debunked Prediction

~ along with the ~

Society of Environmental Journalists

who are a Political Body not a Science Body

who have failed grade school science

who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

who are ~ test proven ~ Lairs and Frauds in Science

who truly believe in Self-debunked Prediction

who can provide ~ Zero ~ Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

they call = Pollution

as they continue to Brainwash the un-knowing public

with their fraudulent statements in science

as a Real Journalist ~

would investigate both sides of an important issue

and then provide all the knowledge to the un-knowing public

of all sides of the argument

so the public can decide for them self what is real and what is not

and not be told what is real by someone who does not ~ know ~ what is real

as Journalist today take sides and preach something they do not comprehend

while providing ~ zero ~ scientific reference

providing us with

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

as they have zero comprehension of

fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as they continue to allow only one side of the argument to be known

not allowing the Fact Tested Scientific Argument to be known to the Public

for the sake of their Political Media Agenda doing only test proven harm

to this

Carbon based Earth and all Carbon based Life

based on ~ their ~ true belief in

~ test proven ~

bogus science





The Proof


as I have sent a reward offer to 25 plus Members of the

Society of Environmental Journalist

many times over the many years

as they continue to Preach ~ not ~ Teach Humans cause Climate Change

with Zero Scientific Reference

as my on going Investigation since 2007 has more than proven their Statements in Science


~ Bogus ~

as their bogus statements are based only on ~ their ~ true belief

as they refuse to debate ~ their ~ make believe science

as they continue to Brainwash the World with their ~ test proven ~ Lies

for their Political Media Agenda

as their Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm to this Carbon based Earth

and to the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for their true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed incomplete debunked

Hypothetical Conjecture

as I am called the Denier because I do not believe in ~ their ~ self-debunked prediction


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


April 25, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

The high for today is predicted to be 54 *

the low for tonight 38*

The record high for today was 83* in 1910

the record low was 16* in 2009

where here in Helena ~ if you don’t like the weather ~ wait 20 minutes

as it has taken 100 years to be as warm as it was 100 years ago

as this cycle of climate warming began 14,000 years ago

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago for two hundred years than it is today



[email protected]

Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

~ dyslexic ~

Carbon ~ based ~ Human

Helena ~ Montana


Carbon ~ based ~ Earth

~ where everything has carbon in it ~


I have 40 years of

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry and Emissions Testing

~ with ~

an On going Climate Science Investigation

~ since the spring of 2007 ~

Proving Fraud by Climate Religion


~ as I am paid by no one or anything ~

I am a completely Independent Scientist for Truth in Science

as I will continue my Attack on Political Media Fraud in Science


I was Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the

Oxford and Cambridge Club

London ~ England

June 2013


I am Invited yearly to the

International Conference on Climate Change


I am Invited yearly to the

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Annual Meeting

~ as ~

~ test proven ~

Lunatics in Science

Believe and Preach the Oceans are Rising

when the Oceans are Fact Tested to be Falling

as Climate Religion continues to believe in and preach their self-debunked prediction

based on flawed incomplete self-debunked hypothetical conjecture

~ while ~

calling the cause of the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen


all of Nature and the Environment


all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ Pollution ~

as they continue to ignore

all proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

for their personal feelings of true belief in self-debunked prediction

while doing test proven harm to this carbon based earth for their political media agenda

as their political media agenda has zero comprehension of the

Real Test Proven Knowledge

~ as ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on

Political Media Rumor Hearsay Make Believe and Test Proven Fraud

by those who have failed grade school science


Prediction Based

Lunatic Ouija Board Science


as prediction is not knowledge

as science is: to know


Plants and Trees

need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today to be at their best level of health



as nothing is a constant in this Universe

as everything progressively changes one way or another

as one day the existence of this Carbon based Earth will disappear forever


Climate Legislation and Climate Treaties

and or a

Carbon Tax on all Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

can not reverse self-debunked prediction


Climate Religion

continues to do very expensive ~ test proven ~ harm to this carbon based earth


will not stop a dozen known reasons today for

4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable continuous Climate Change

~ ignored by ~

Climate Religion

~ like ~

the Variable Sun with many Cycles

providing an infinity of Solar Climate Variable

as the Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter

as the Sun will one day vaporize this Carbon based Earth

~ while Legislation can not stop ~

the 3 million mile variable distance between the Variable Sun and this Carbon based Earth

~ nor can Legislation stop ~

the Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the oceans and lower atmosphere

while each of these climate variables provide an infinity of Climate Variable

~ as Legislation can not stop ~

the many other progressive variables for climate change

that I have listed many times before

and have sent to many Politicians and Journalist many times since 2007

as Climate Religion bases all Climate Change

on one very small tiny fragment of all knowledge

while ignoring a dozen climate variables

as they ignore all climate history and all proven physics and chemistry

that further debunk ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunked climate prediction

~ while ~

99.99999999999999999999999999 % of prediction never come true

as the now self-debunked climate prediction

based on flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the

Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


all of Nature the Environment and all Carbon based Life


~ Pollution ~

by Climate Religion


the Headlines in News Paper

or the words of true belief on the Opinion Page

written by someone who failed grade school science

all being used as scientific reference on Late Night Talk Shows

are not real scientific reference of the scientific method

~ like ~

Real Time


Bill Maher

who is not a scientist

who has zero back ground or credentials in science

who has not earned the right to scientific opinion

who has publicly failed grade school science

who is a proven true believer in Climate Religion

who will not debate the real science

while using scientifically debunked News Paper Headlines

written by Political Media Morons in Science with a Political Agenda

to sell his Climate Religion

while proving publicly to 99.7% of the Scientific Community

who do not believe in self-debunked prediction

Bill’s True Stupidity in Real Science of the Scientific Method

as Bill Maher continues to Believe in and Preach his Climate Religion

based on

self-debunked prediction based on flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture


Bill can provide zero ~ real ~ scientific reference


Real Time with Bill Maher


100% Political Media Agenda


0% Test Proven Fact


Bill Maher is talking out his Butt

and is a test proven Lair

and Political Media Fraud in Science

as Bill truly believes his test proven Lies proving Bill a Pathological Lair


Bill Maher

is a proven

Lunatic in Science

dictating science to the public


none of his guests on his

~ test proven ~

Climate Religion Talk Show

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who can provide ~ real ~ test proven scientific reference

for their true belief in self-debunked prediction based on debunked so called science

as they will not debate the tested science that further debunk their true belief

in self-debunked prediction

as they have zero comprehension of the real tested knowledge

including Bill’s guests


Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes

as I have emailed 60 Minutes more times than I can count with a reward for the proof

as 60 Minutes can prove nothing beyond their true belief

in self-debunked prediction based on flawed incomplete debunked hypothetical conjecture

as only proven lunatics in science can call someone like me a denier of climate change

as I know there are a dozen climate variables ignored by Climate Religion


very extreme

Progressive Variable Continuous Climate Change for Billions of Years

that they continue ignore for ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunked prediction

as they still call me and all climate scientist who do not believe in their Climate Religion

~ deniers ~

of climate change we do not deny

as Climate Religion is doing test proven harm to this carbon based Earth

~ proving ~

they are Lunatics in Science

Dictating Science to the Public


Zero Scientific Method

as they call real scientist of the scientific method crazy

for not believing in their Political Media Religion



Since 2007

I have sent over 40,000 email requests with a reward

for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

as there is

~ nothing beyond true belief in self-debunked prediction ~



Mr. Bill Maher



for the

Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth

that you call = Pollution

because you are a Stupid Idiot in Science made of 20% Carbon from CO2

while breathing oxygen made from CO2

while eating carbon based food made from CO2

as only Morons in Science call the cause of all nature and all carbon based life =

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ Pollution ~

as your Religion calls White Steam = Pollution too

~ while ~

anyone calling them self

a Scientist

while preaching their true feelings of true belief

in their climate prediction of the unknown future as: science

is not a real scientist of the scientific method

~ because ~

science is: to know and prediction is: not knowledge

as prediction is: to make believe


preaching your true belief in ~ self-debunked ~ climate prediction

based on flawed incomplete debunked so called science as: science

while ignoring a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history

and All test proven physics and chemistry

of the scientific method

~ is ~

not a real scientist

and is part of a

Pathological Religion


Test Proven Fraud in Science

as we live with Proven Political Media Fascism in Science

by a Political Media Climate Religion Agenda with Zero Scientific Method

~ while ~

the Oceans have been going up and down for as long as there have been Oceans and a

Variable Sun


14 million years ago the Ocean was 100 feet higher

~ that would put the front steps of the U.S. Congress at sea level ~


135,000 years ago the Ocean was 60 feet higher


26,000 years ago the Ocean was 350 feet lower


while over the last 6 years the Ocean has gone down not up





while there are periods of thousands of years of Warming and Ice Melting

with zero Sea level rise

caused by evaporation caused by warming

by the Variable Sun

increasing Snow and Rain and Flooding

with increased Cloud Cover lowering the Suns direct heat and energy

on the surface of this Carbon based Earth


making this Carbon based Earth Greener from increased levels of Water vapor and CO2

from evaporation of Ocean containing many times the CO2 level than in the air

from billions of years of on going Volcanic activity below Seal level

causing the carbon cycle below sea level

while over 90% of the CO2 in the air is from the Ocean

as evaporated Water containing CO2 is the by-product of Warming

not the cause of warming while off-setting Warming

causing the First Atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle above sea level

causing all of Nature and the Environment

and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

called: Pollution by Climate Religion

~ while ~

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level in the Air today to at their best level of health

while making all the all oxygen we need to breathe made from CO2

while becoming the the carbon based food we need to eat made from CO2




CO2 is:

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

carbon ~ based ~ oxygen

Carbon dioxide

di-oxide is: 2 oxygen atoms

di ~ is ~ 2

oxide ~ is ~ oxygen

CO2 is from

the Variable Hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

and from burning anything that requires oxygen from the air to burn

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

called: Pollution by Climate Religion


~ while 1000 years ago ~

Montana had California climate for 200 years



while there have been 20 Ice ages in just the last 2 million years

with Global Warming in between the Ice ages much Warmer than today

and as we know from Ice Core samples

there have been Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 than in the air today


very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

for a dozen known climate variables today

ignored by

~ debunked ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who ignore all test proven knowledge for ~ their ~ true belief

in ~ their ~ self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed ~ incomplete ~ debunked

Hypothetical Conjecture


Climate Religion is now

Pumping CO2 in to the Ground lowering Oxygen levels in the Air

while Turing underground water in to an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of  in the air to Breathe

at a predicted cost of 10 to 20 trillion over the next 10 to 20 years

proving Insanity with zero science for true belief in self-debunked prediction

rather than provide a Healthier Carbon Cycle for this Carbon based Earth

causing all Carbon based life

at zero cost


Climate Religion continues to call the cause of all Nature

~ Pollution ~

further proving we have Political Media Morons in Science

who Failed Grade School Science

dictating science

as they call me a denier of science I do not deny

because they do not comprehend the real science beyond their true belief

in self-debunked prediction


…is there a hearsay political media agenda religion

that owns and controls you and your life?


Political Media Climate Religion is based on self-debunked prediction

not test proven knowledge

~ while ~

I will never understand or comprehend

~ Religious Terrorism ~

based on the true belief in the same God shared by all Religions

~ as ~

some of us question what is perceived as reality

by those who just believe what they are told to believe ~

~ while ~

True Belief in self-debunked prediction is: not ~ science


~ words ~


Hypothetical Conjecture

~ belief in prediction of the unknown future ~

stated on a Late Night Talk Show is: not ~ scientific reference

~ because ~

words prove nothing in science


Prediction is: not ~ Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

Prediction is: belief in belief


Belief in Belief is: make believe

Prediction is:

the belief in what you believe will happen in the unknown future

when maybe nothing will happen or the opposite may happen


science is: to know

as prediction is not knowledge or test proven fact

prediction is the belief in the unknown

as True Belief is: Religion


True Belief in Self-debunked Prediction

~ is ~

Dictating Science


~ so in tested reality who is real and who is not ?

while those who can do science do

while those who can not do science teach science

while that is not all true

only some science teachers who can not do science

Teach Science

while preaching their true belief in self-debunked prediction based on debunked science

to our Carbon based Children in Grade School and High School and Collages

by their Science Teacher who failed grade school science

by preaching their true belief and not the scientific method

the Scientific Method is:

the continuous input of new tested knowledge to preexisting tested knowledge

supporting or debunking the preexisting test proven knowledge

the continuous update and input of new tested knowledge

~ with ~

Zero Belief

and zero belief in self-debunked prediction dictating science

~ as ~

The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Dictating Science



is the key to deprogramming


Al Gore science is proven to be backwards

as Al Gore continues to profit from his proven fraudulent Carbon Credit scheme

as Al Gore continues to tell his test proven lies as science

the man who can not explain the science he is selling

as Al Gore is a true Snake Oil Salesman

with ~ Zero ~ comprehension of the science

I have been calling Al Gore a proven Fraud since day one

and he has yet to Sue me ~

 why ?


test proven frauds do not Sue people who call them frauds


Al Gore is a proven fraud

and you do not Sue People who can Prove it


Jim Hansen

[email protected]

[email protected]

whom I have emailed many times

during my on going climate science investigation since the spring  2007

with no reply

as Jim refuses to debate the science

as all real science is reviewed analyzed tested and publicly debated

while a real climate study

does not focus only on one very small fragment of all knowledge

while ignoring a dozen climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

making the so called climate study as bogus as a three dollar bill

while prediction is not science

~ Jim ~

Who Predicted in 1988

by 2018 Manhattan would be under water ~

while in proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

~ beyond political media hearsay true belief ~

the east cost has seen the sea level go down not up over the last 6 plus years

with a stand still in Global Warming going on 20 years

as CO2 levels continue to increase ~ climate warming continues to slow down

supporting preexisting knowledge prior to Prediction

while Jim still believes his prediction will come true

so in more two years Manhattan will be under water


Manhattan was under 60 feet of water about 135,000 years ago

~ I think Jim forgot ~

the evaporation of water and CO2 from the Ocean is: the by product of warming by the

Variable Sun and the Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Variable Hot liquid Core

meaning there are variable hot spots of the crust of this Carbon based Earth

that continue to change just as Volcanic Activity continues to change

and as evaporation rates exceed melting rates the Ocean will go down not up

while the Ice has been melting for the past 14,000 years so there is now less Ice to melt

while this has happened many times before in between the last 20 Ice ages

of the past 2 million years


the CO2 in the Ocean is from billions of years of on going volcanic activity below sea level

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

causing the carbon cycle below sea level

causing many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the Air

 Acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

as the hot liquid core is heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere

while melting Glaciers from the bottom side ~ during Ice Ages too

causing the Glaciers to move ~ during Ice Ages too

as water expands when freezing and condenses when thawing

and when water is warmed it expands again then evaporates in to the air

while direct Sun energy is separating frozen water

with the O1 Oxygen evaporating while the dirty H2 Hydrogen flows ~ during Ice Ages too

as increased evaporated water vapor and CO2 is the by product of climate warming

not the cause of climate warming

while water vapor and CO2 caused the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle

causing all of Nature and the Environment

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as we know Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level in the air than today

to be at their best level of health

and as Water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase caused by increased warming

by the Variable Sun and Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

making the prediction self-debunked

while prediction is: not ~ science

as Jim Hansen continues to believe in his self-debunked prediction

as true belief is: religion while self-debunked prediction is: not knowledge

while there is ~ zero ~ reality in true belief in self-debunked prediction


a political media agenda continues to believe in and preach self-debunked prediction too


99.7 % of the scientific community do not believe in self-debunked prediction

as .3 % of the scientific community continue to believe

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

but have yet to prove it with fact tested knowledge

as their ~ hypothetical conjecture ~ unproven science continues to be further debunked

while climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

but not caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth with Man Made

 Carbon based Oxygen

while the only thing

Katharine Hayhoe

[email protected]

whom I have emailed many times with no reply

who refuses to debate the science

left out of her Climate Assessment was a dozen Climate Variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

as she left out millions of years of Climate History

and hundreds of years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the self-debunked prediction

while she continues to believe in and preach her self-debunked prediction

~ while ~

Steve Running

whom I have emailed many times since 2007

who refuses to debate the tested science

who’s Computer Prediction is self-debunked

as Steve is stating to the World the Sun is not a Climate Variable

regardless of the fact the Sun has many cycles causing an infinity of solar variable

along with dozen other Climate Variables

as he believes there is only one climate variable

~ CO2 ~

that is proven to cause cooling not warming before he made his

programmed computer prediction of the future

while he continues to believe in and preach his self-debunked prediction

~ while ~

Michael Mann

whom I have emailed many times

who refuses to debate the tested science

who’s Famous Hockey Stick that he forgot to include

1000 years ago it was much warmer than today for 200 years

as Michael continues to believe in and preach his self-debunked prediction

based on flawed incomplete debunked so called science

science debunked before he made his prediction

~ as ~

Test Proven Fact ~ Debunk ~ True Make Believe

while perfectly good working weather station out in the middle of nowhere

all over this Carbon based Earth have been shut off

and replaced with weather stations on Tared Roof Tops

next to Heating and Air conditioning outlets

and along very Hot Paved Highways

providing Bogus weather information being used for Bogus Climate Science

as flawed incomplete debunked Science Papers are being used today as Proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Warming with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen

while proving only Fraud in Science


Bill Mckibben and his Organization

who have failed Grade School Science

as Bill who has not earned the right to scientific opinion continues to preach

his Fraudulent Garbage Science as Reality

that is doing test proven Harm to this Carbon based Earth

as continues to show pictures of harmless white steam coming out of smokestacks

calling the white steam pollution

~ how dumb can you get in science ~



Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion



this space is for

~ Tim Holmes ~

if he would like to further comment beyond his reply emails

or if he finds anything he can debunk in this scientific statement

with real scientific reference

as I will fix it and acknowledge that fact in this space


I am trying to educate you beyond your true belief not trying to belittle you for your belief


My response to a Letter to the Editor in the Helena Independent Record by

Tim Holmes

who is politically Brainwashed by Climate Religion

who can not be un-brainwash until he wants to be ~

as Tim is a Great Performer

whom I have seen Perform

as Tim is an Artist too

but I do not remember if I have seen Tim’s Art Work

as I may have on the many yearly Art Walks over the many years

while I have a large collection of Art Work by many of the local Artist

as Helena Montana has been blessed with many talented Artist

while the Art of Science Reality is

the Comprehension of the Tested Knowledge


~ the ~

True Belief in self-debunked prediction

based on flawed outdated incomplete debunked so called science

with zero scientific method

while there are those who are lying to the public about science

but do not know they are lying

because they do not comprehend the tested knowledge

as they give their opinion in science they have not earned

as they commit fraud in science with out knowing they are committing fraud

while there are those who know they are committing Fraud in Science

for their Political Media Agenda for Profit


Climate Religion


the True Belief


Self-debunked Prediction based on Test Proven debunked Garbage Science

being used as scientific proof Carbon based Humans cause all climate change

proving only fraud in Tested Science by Climate Religion


science is: to know

and to know is: not make believe

~ while ~

belief in self-debunked prediction is: not reality

or proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

and regardless of what others continue to say about me

I do not deny

4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

caused by dozen known variable reasons today providing an infinity of climate variable

while I am a Skeptic of True Belief Dictating Science

~ while ~

tested science has further debunked the personal feelings of true belief

in self-debunked climate prediction

while debunking

Carbon based Human cause all or any Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as ~

the majority of the science missing from the climate study debunk the climate study

~ as ~

CO2 from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth with Water Vapor

caused the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle and all of nature and all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth


~ Pollution ~


Climate Religion

who ignore all known proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

for personal feelings of true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on test proven debunked garbage science

as Test Proven Garbage Science is being used today as proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

by those who refuse to look at or acknowledge or debate

the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


…is your realty in make believe ?


it is getting much harder every day to find any truth in today’s

Political Media Journalism

as today there is zero trust in politics or the media

while predicting the future with or with out a computer is not Science

because science is: to know and prediction of the unknown future is not knowledge

and true belief in self-dunked prediction is: religion not science

~ while ~

the 1896 Arrhenius Science Paper

that I have reviewed over and over again

being used a proof Humans cause all Climate Change

only proves two things in science

Political Media Stupidity ~ and ~ Political Media Fraud


Political Media Agenda

~ while ~

99.7 % of the Scientific Community do not believe in self-debunked prediction

as the 97% scientific consensus is a proven political media lie by a political media agenda

as politicians like John Kerry continue to make Fraudulent scientific statements like

“Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2”

“that Plants and Trees have absorbed all the CO2 they can”

~ when ~

the opposite is test proven to be true

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 in the air than today

to be at their best level of health

while causing the carbon cycle and all of nature and the environment

while making all the oxygen we carbon based humans breathe

while being the carbon based food we eat

as climate religion is pumping CO2 into the ground

lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an Acid

while reducing what plants and Trees need 4 times more of to breathe

at a cost of trillions of dollars


 This is ~ test proven ~ Insanity by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

and is not

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

as Al Gore and Friends are making a very large fortune

on a world wide bogus carbon credit scheme

and should be in Jail

for Test Proven Fraud in Science for their Political Media Agenda

with zero science beyond their personal feeling of true belief

in self-debunked prediction based on test proven garbage science

as they intentionally continue to ignore test proven fact

that is continuously brought to there attention

and then continuously

rejected for political media agenda and profit


~ Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion ~


Tim Holmes

[email protected]

Helena ~ Montana

I respected your Father Bob



Thank you for communicating with me

and of course this not a social visit it is an attack by me on you

based on your publicly stated scientific opinion

and when stating a scientific opinion you must be prepared for scientific rebuttal

while there are 3 very important things you need to know ~

in the scientific method

you must have a scientific reference for your scientific opinion

with the ability to debate your scientific opinion

and if necessary the test or experiment supporting your scientific opinion

and when I asked you for a scientific reference to support or scientific opinion

what you sent me was not a scientific reference

because a scientific reference is a

Published Peer-reviewed Science Paper

not a Video Clip from a Late Night Comedy Talk Show

but you can get a second opinion on that

you might try the Carroll Collage Science Department

whom have yet to provide me with any scientific references since 2007

proving Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen

nor any collage or university on this carbon based earth

other wise your true belief in self-debunked prediction does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen

while the flawed scientific references for the self-debunked prediction

were debunked before the self-debunked prediction

~ Tim,

making fraudulent public statements in science is not the best way to be left alone

as you want to be left alone

and as you said ~

you have better things to do with your time as I do too

so do not Lie to the Public with bogus scientific statements

stick to your Art

and I will continue my on going investigation of Climate Science

and Fraud in Climate Science by the Political Media who Brainwashed you


calling a test proven liar a lair is not an insult its just a stated proven fact

and if and when your ready

I’ll buy you your favorite Beer at your favorite Tap Room

and give you my lecture on NOx Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

science enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

that proves very hot CO2 causes cooling to lower NOx emissions

to lower Heavy Oxygen = O3 = Ozone at ground level

to reduce respiratory Illness

as CO2 has been used in emission control science since the 1970’s

to make the air cleaner at ground level for carbon based humans

while reducing the potential of increasing the ozone layer

but the EPA does not want you to know this test proven science

as they do not comprehend the science they enforce

because they are for the most part a political body not a science body

as I have made hundreds of email request to the EPA since 2007 with no-reply

as they can provide zero sciencewhile about 18 months ago a woman came to my work and started and stated

a conversation in science

and about twenty minutes later she told me she worked for the EPA

and then she told me she agreed with me

~ while ~

I am guessing you already know what Dry Ice is

while knowing not believing

Frozen CO2 cools the air 20 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

as increased levels of – 200 degree Dry Ice

is crashing down to poles of this carbon based earth

as heat ~ still ~ rises

heat caused by

the Variable Sun and the Variable Hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

as CO2 can not trap heat and energy or generate new heat and energy in the atmosphere

as CO2 can not add or subtract heat and energy in the atmosphere

as CO2 can only transfer preexisting heat and energy upward faster

causing more frozen CO2 downward faster

cooling the lower atmosphere faster

as most of the atmosphere is -200 degrees

while evaporated water vapor and CO2 is a by product of warming

not the cause of warming while off setting warming

and as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

the rate of warming by the variable Sun continues to slow down

and not speed up as predicted

while today’s new favorite pass time

by those who have publicly failed grade school science

is making bogus and fraudulent scientific statements to the public

with the blessings of the Helena Independent Record who have a political media agenda

as they or you can not debate or provide any proven scientific reference

because self-debunked prediction is not science

while you have zero credentials in science

as you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you Preach your Bogus Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Agenda

Preaching test proven lies to the unknowing public

in the name of science based on Test Proven Political Media Stupidity and Fraud

as you will continue to preach your climate religion while ignoring the test proven reality

because debunked science does not mater when there is zero science reality in your

~ true belief ~

while your true belief is doing test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

and the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature the Environment and all Carbon based Life

at a cost of tens of trillions of dollars

all for true belief in ~ test proven ~ Political Media Agenda Fraud in Science

while your political media religion agenda refuses to debate

the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

while rejecting the scientific method

while you can prove nothing with fact tested knowledge

beyond your hearsay true belief in test proven garbage science

while tens of trillions of dollars

would stop ten of thousands of children from starving to death everyday

as science now dictated by true belief is not science

as in scientific reality there is no belief in self-debunk prediction

as only religion can believe in self-debunked prediction

while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

for make believe


while the IR will print anything you have to say with zero scientific reference

the IR will print nothing I have to say with scientific reference

because of their political media agenda

as they are hiding the truth and reality in tested knowledge for their true belief

in self-debunked prediction based on garbage science

~ as ~

the Truth in Science Reality is: something you find and see ~ not believe

as science does not dictate Political Media Agenda ~

as today

Political Media Agenda Journalism dictates Science


.. so is the Political Media Agenda ~ Cure ~ making us better or worse ?


Political Party’s ~ are ~ Political Media Religions

as George Washington our First President would agree

as he stated he was completely against Political Party’s

in this new

~ Republic ~

of this now

Un-United States of America

Un-United now because

the U.S. Senate as proposed by Thomas Jefferson

is no longer owned and controlled by State Governments

because of the 17 Amendment to the

Republic of the United States of America

~ Constitution ~

removed the States 50% control of the U.S. Government

removing all States Rights to Direct Representation

and the Direct Control of the Senate of the U.S. Government

the 17 amendment was a reaction to dis-honestest Butte Montana Cooper Kings

who made and owned the State of Montana U.S. Senators


Wall Street ~ K Street and Special Interest Groups and Foreign Special Groups


Own and Control the U.S. Senate

because we did not try to fix the problem here in Montana

we instead changed the U.S. Constitution with the 17 Amendment

that made the problem far worse than before

because prior to 17 Amendment Senators were not Elected

so there was no money or foreign influence because

Senators were chosen by their State Governments

to represent only that State Government in the U.S. Senate

so Senators were instructed how to Vote by their State Government

while today the senate now dictates to the states

instead of states having 50% control of the U.S. Government

so Money now decides who owns and controls the U.S. Senate

now owning America

making us the now

The Republic of the Un-United States of America

~ while ~

unjust is the politics of true belief with zero science

~ as ~


has yet to determine what the punishment will be

for not believing as he believes

regardless of the Law


Hillary and Bernie

[email protected]

can not prove with tested knowledge beyond their true political media hearsay belief


Carbon based Humans cause ~ all or any ~ Climate Change

of this Carbon based Earth

as they call the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth

~ Pollution ~

while their true belief is doing a very good job of trying to make this Carbon based Earth

~ with a carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen ~

causing all Nature the Environment

look like Mars

by lowering what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air today to breathe

to be healthy today

while causing

the carbon life cycle

as climate religion continues to lower oxygen levels in the air

while turning under ground water into an acid

as Climate Religion continues to refuse to discuses and debate the science

or provide scientific reference beyond

~ their ~

True Belief

as the bases for Climate Religion is


Hypothetical Conjecture

and nothing more


doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Life Cycle and all of Nature and the Environment

in the name of saving the environment

based only on debunked Political Media Hearsay

with zero comprehension of the test proven knowledge

supported by a hand full of so called Scientist

who continue to ignore the scientific method for ~ their ~ true belief in

~ their ~

self-debunked prediction

~ so ~

with no lesser of evils

~ what do we do now ~

in this Republic

where the Individual is Equal to the Majority

where as in a Democracy the Majority Rules over the Individual


The Republic of the Un-United States of America

is a Republic not a Democracy

where we continue to have Individual Rights taken away by those who can not

~ separate ~

Belief ~ from ~ State

as Belief now ~ again ~ Dictates Science

over fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


There is Zero Test Proven Fact or Logic in True Belief

while calling your True Belief Science does not make it real

as Law and Science is based on Proven Fact not True Belief

~ while today ~

Laws and Science are now based on Hearsay and True Belief

with zero test proven fact

as science is now once again a ~ test proven ~ Political Media Religion

with zero scientific method


I am a Free Thinking Independent Individual Scientist

self educated in many subjects

and I am not owned by or belong to anything


I am a True Skeptic


True Belief dictating Science


Belief is not Knowledge

and when only one way of thinking is allowed

 by the Political Media

that is called

Political Media Fascism ~ not ~ Science of the Scientific Method

as we live today in this modern world with Political Media Pathological Lunatics

with zero back ground in science with zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

dictating science with zero scientific method

as Climate Religion continues to do zero good at a cost of trillions of dollars

while doing harm

~ as I know ~

from my on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

and from my now 40 years of daily work experience in

Atmospheric Emission Control Science

with a very clear understanding of the

Physics and Chemistry


Climate Religion is:

~ the ~

True belief in self-debunked Computer Prediction of the Future

based on

~ test proven ~

out-dated flawed incomplete debunked so called science

being used as scientific proof today by Climate Religion

proving only Fraud by Climate Religion

at a cost of trillions to the poorest of the poor to benefit the few

to do further damage and zero good

to this

Carbon based Earth

causing all

Carbon based Life


Carbon based Oxygen


CO2 = Carbon dioxide



if you start your own science investigation

~ today ~

in 9 years you will only be 40 years behind me

other wise

I challenge you to an open public debate in tested science of the scientific method

with a



for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

the cause the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of nature and the environment

causing of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

other wise known to you and your religion as

~ Pollution ~

as your religion calls white steam coming out of smokestacks pollution too


the more efficiently you burn anything that requires oxygen to burn

the more CO2 you Produce for Plants and Trees to Breathe

while the Plants and Trees recycle the oxygen part of CO2

back into the Air where it came from ~


pumping CO2 into the ground

is taking away from Plants and Trees what they need more of not less of to breathe

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

because you did not allow the carbon cycle by Plants and Trees

to put the oxygen from the air

back into the air where it came from

while turning underground water into Acid

while Fracking for Natural Gas is doing permanent damage to this Carbon based Earth

other wise you should ask the IR why they will print anything you have to say

in your true belief with zero science about science

but they will not print anything I have to say in

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method with Scientific Reference

as I know the


Independent Record

and their Political Media Agenda

are test proven frauds in Science

and I will be more than happy to prove that fact to a Judge in a Court of Law

as the Supreme Court of the State of Montana has already decide against

Climate Religion


49 NASA Scientist

over 9000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of in the USA

along with many other others and organizations world wide

disagree with climate religion too


Montana had California Climate

1000 years ago for 200 years

and when the Ocean was 60 feet higher than today and 350 lower than today

the Polar Bear

that stated out as a Montana Grizzly Bear that roamed north

who can swim up to 70 miles at a time

that there are now more of today than before

are doing just fine

while they do not have to break through two feet of ice to get to some of there food

while there was Global Warming in between the last 20 Ice ages of the last 2 million years

much warmer than today

with Ice Core Samples showing us Ice Ages with higher CO2 levels than today

as over 300 active Volcanoes today

of billions of years of on going continues Volcanic activity below sea level

is responsible for acidification of the Ocean not Carbon based Humans

while all of this scientific fact is meaningless to Climate Religion

for their true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on test proven political media fraud in science

as the IR continues to publish true belief ~

as there is zero truth in

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


we should give some thought to the Carbon based Humans that have no water

who are staving to death

at this very

~ Second ~

or those who continue to get very sick and die

and the dead deformed fetuses

from the on going long term Radioactive Nuclear Contamination and Poisoning

 all over this carbon based earth

other wise

True Belief

~ in ~

Hearsay Words of True Make Believe on a Late Night Talk show

with zero test proven

Published Peer-reviewed References

Prove Nothing in Science

and when I call anyone a Moron in Science it is not an Insult

it is a test proven fact

as Political Media Morons in Science Dictate Science to the unknowing Public

as their science is not science

it is belief based on debunked belief with zero science

called by many

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

and that is what the IR and their political media religion agenda

~ has scientifically proven to me ~

if you are not a scientist then how can you have a scientific argument with a scientist

based only on belief ?



Carbon based Human

Bent Shoe ~ Astor Load

Scratchgravel Hills

Helena ~ Montana

~ USA ~

Carbon based Earth

of this

Milky Way Galaxy

of this known universe today

from here to now

peace and live long and prosper

and to quote

George Harrison

“here comes the sun”


“its all right”

and its all right with me if Montana has California Climate ~ again ~ for 200 years

just like 1000 years ago

caused by Nature and not by CO2 made by You and Me

~ * ~


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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