Climate change is continuous, for the last 4.6 billion years,
Life has evolved and devolved for the last 500 million years,
So why stop now?
We have every season on this planet, all the time, every day. When it is winter here, it is summer over there. When it is winter here, sometimes we get a little of there summer, at the very same time they will get a little of our winter, causing our winter to be warmer and there summer to be cooler, all at the very same time.
Right now somewhere on this planet the temperature is -80F, at the same time somewhere else the temperature is 135F, that means the temperature variance is about 215F on this planet all the time 24/7.
There are many reasons for continuous climate change — everything happening together, all at the same time, continuously.
No one factor is responsible for all climate change, it has been much cooler when CO2 levels rise.
Fluctuating intensity of solar energy, fluctuating distance between the earth and Sun, our ocean’s fluctuating temperatures, changing ocean currants, fluctuating evaporation rate from fluctuating air temperatures, the Sun, Moon and Gravity causing a fluctuating magnetic fields, fluctuating clouds blocking some of the fluctuating energy from the sun, supernovas and stars colliding from all the universe.
-These, as well as many other important factors,
all playing, a very important part of all climate change-
Heating the lower atmosphere from 25 miles below the surface of earth is a hot churning and fluctuating liquid core, with continuous ever changing outlets of hot volcanic gases, from everywhere every day, causing fluctuating surface temperatures all around the planet, most of the outlets are under current sea level, releasing hot carbon based oxygen in to the oceans, the ocean causes an atmosphere of water vapor and carbon based oxygen, by the evaporation of ocean, caused by the continuous fluctuating energy from the sun, with the earth’s continuing orbital changes around the sun, causing continuous fluctuation in evaporation and atmosphere.
All thee above, causing millions of global warming and cooling periods over 4.6 billion years
The first atmosphere was all water vapor and carbon based oxygen, causing all carbon based life, my body is made of water with a carbon base and I breathe Dioxide.
Yes there is continuous climate change, no it is not caused by the evaporation of carbon based oxygen, the continuous fluctuation of evaporation of carbon based oxygen levels in the atmosphere is the reaction to climate change, not the cause.
Water vapor plays a very important factor in climate, and climate change, carbon based oxygen is just the cause of all carbon based life.
– Computer models do not include or factor in any of the above science factors –
Earth is an atom in our solar system, our solar system is an molecule in our galaxy, our Galaxy is an molecule in the universe, our universe may be just molecule
-There is new belief science and there is hundreds of years of proven science fact-
Carbon based oxygen has not caused continuous climate change for the last 4.6 billion years, and will not for the next 4.6 billion years, then sun will vaporize the earth, after increasing the temperature of this planet every day for 9.2 billion years.
We are at that halfway point on this planet, In one billion years the average temperature will be 160 degrees, the atmosphere will be all nitrogen and water vapor, and by then this planet will never know or care that we were ever here.
Earth, Water, Air and Fire
The Living Earth of Life,
Water to feed the Air,
Air to feed the Fire,
Fire the energy of Life,
causing new Life.
Vice President Al Gore, Jim Hansen, Steven Running, the IPCC, scientifically for the last 175 years, CO2 has been a refrigerant in many ways.
I can prove the last 200 years of proven science still exist, your unproven science of the last 20 years, can not erase, reveres, replace, overrule, supersede, or delete the last 200 years of proven science, all missing from your study, you have no proof for your science hypotheses, based on computer prediction of temperatures and one tree ring.
Warmer air is caused by the sun, higher CO2 levels are caused by warmer air, warmer air causing higher evaporation of ocean containing 70 times the CO2 than the atmosphere, the air over the ocean is denser from evaporation, than over land, for the last 4.6 billion years, causing all the atmosphere and all carbon based life, for the last 500 million years.
That is 4 billion years of CO2 produced by this planet, the carbon absorbed by plants and trees in only 500 Million years, making oxygen for you and me to breathe.
Water does not expand when warmed, water expands when you freeze it, water evaporates when warmed, causing all the weather, fog, rain, snow, frost, ice, glaciers, hurricanes, energy (lighting), rainbows, clouds, and so on.
The reason there is electricity (lighting) in the air, is motion, the earth is turning, with water vapor and oxygen in the air, causing continuity (a field), causing energy, the earth is a giant generator.
If you move oxygen around a stationary generator (a generator with no moving parts) it produces electricity.
CO2 is used to put out fires and remove heat from the fire, it is the opposite of energy and heat, it is the byproduct of energy and heat.
Life did not end in 2000 – all I heard over and over, again and again
(we are all going to die because computers are stupid – computers can not change from the year 1999 to the year 2000)
– we would be going on ten years of dead right now –
We still have 2012, that’s when the Mayan calendar ends, maybe that’s when we run out of CO2 in the air, and all the plants and trees die, I think the Mayan calendar just starts over again.
If we miss our chance to all (die) in 2012, I heard a rock in the sky was going to hit us and kill everything again, or maybe we will have another super volcano, like the one we had 74,000 years ago that killed all but an handful of people, or the Earths poles changing again, or the alignment of our planet, moon, sun, with the center of the galaxy and universe, causing a super magnetic field, causing the universe to in-plod back to nothing again.
– Don’t worry, something will happen one day and we will all die –
The end of all life has been predicted countless times, and with out prediction has happened many times.
Global Warming will not end life – it will begin new life again
Mr. Gore, 135,000 years ago the ocean was 20 feet higher, and the polar bears did just fine, but your friends and their attack web sites, call me and many others, a Global Warming Denier and Skeptic, and many other things I will not repeat.
Mr. Gore
These so-called science web sites that are used to attack from, some causing computer viruses and computer crashes, have no real science or proof of any kind, it is all propaganda, they are clearly attack web sites, full of misinformation, just like your web site, Re-power America, with no scientific proof of any kind, why is there no provable science on your web site or any web site, some taking donations, to save Polar Bears, with only a few responses to a $25,000 reward, from over 4,000 requests, and no provable science of any kind, the only thing the web sites can prove is, – there is no scientific consensus – If there was a real scientific consensus, their web sites would not exist.
I am not attacking you Mr Gore, I am confronting your lack of science knowledge. You have been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for your denial of the last 175 years of very proven science, science proven on every car on the road since 1972, science still strictly enforced by the U.S Government and E.P.A. who are in denial of the very same science they mandated and enforce today.
It is very easy to prove CO2 is (still) a refrigerant at any temperature and pressure in many ways, just like 175 years ago, and 40 years ago
Here is a simple experiment you can do at home Al, buy four digital thermometers, test the thermometers and sensors for synchronization, buy three small weather balloons, rent a cylinder of CO2 and oxygen, put the air we exhale in one, CO2 in another, and oxygen in the third, with a temp. sensor in each, the fourth sensor, not in an balloon, after they all reach room temp. move them to a hotter or colder location, and watch all temp’s as each cool or warm.
The heat transfer rate is the same – they will all heat and cool at the same rate.
Frozen Carbon dioxide discovered in 1835 will store cold very well, as a vapor it will absorb heat and retard combustion explosion, and can prevent combustion explosion allowing no heat to occur at all.
CO2 is the by product of energy, CO2 can not enhance burning of fuel or combustion, even if co2 could trap or store heat there is to little of it in the atmosphere, to have any effect on climate, we have called frozen CO2 dry ice, since 1925, after being a proven refrigerant since 1835.
Your science Mr. Gore, Mr. Running, Mr. Hansen, the UN IPCC, is not only flawed, and backwards, it is fraud, and a lack of science knowledge and history, you are missing 500 years of climate science and 175 years of CO2 science from your study, all of you are in complete and total Denial of the Scientific Method.
This is a science argument, not a political campaign, you are not running for office Mr. Gore, we do not use underhanded political Dirty Tricks and fraud in science, winning for the sake of winning proves no science, and proves you are not an scientist, winning at any cost is for war battles and greedy power hungry political fools, and proves nothing, yet it is me who is called a fool, because I do not accept your words of science without proof.
In science we must have provable facts, knowledge confronted by knowledge, an experiment or test to prove to be fact, there are many experiments to prove my facts, going back 175 years, so once again science must reprove proven science.
You, Mr. Gore, have proven science and politics and faith do not mix, you have reinvented pathological science.
Would you like an open public science debate Mr. Gore, so both sides of the science can be shared with all the world to see, I will bring my experiments that prove CO2 is still a refrigerant at any temperature for the last 175 years of proof, used as a refrigerant every day, in many ways, for more than 100 years.
Maybe we should call the E.P.A. and ask them what an E.G.R. Valve is, because, I do not think they know what that is, it is an emission control device on every car on the road for the last 38 years, that reduces NOx, it allows 3000 to 4000 degree CO2 in the exhaust back in to the cars engine, as a refrigerant to lower the explosion temperature in the engine 500 degrees to lower deadly (NOx) emissions, converted by sun energy in to deadly ozone (03) emissions at ground level, causing severe respiratory illness.
It has been more than proven CO2 is a refrigerant at any temperature.
At positive or negative pressure carbon based oxygen will cool the surrounding air, and when frozen solid will store cold up to ten days, and will cool anything in half the time of frozen water.
– Carbon based oxygen is (((( STILL )))) a refrigerant –
Mr. Gore, you bring your admitted altered movie of ice melting, and explain how one tree ring proves CO2 causes Global Warming, along with your weather prediction computers that you use for your hypnotises CO2 causes Global Warming, only because there is higher levels of CO2 in the air, when the air is warmer.
You are blaming the warming on the CO2, rather than the very proven science, the warmer the air, the higher the evaporation of ocean, containing 70 times the CO2 than in the air, causing the atmosphere for the last 4.6 billion years, and all carbon based life.
Maybe Steven Running whom also received a Nobel Prize for his unproven science in climate change, would like to join us, Mr. Running stated in Feb. 2008 that CO2 is garbage and the Sun has no effect on climate, and he ((firmly believes)) carbon dioxide is the cause of all climate change.
Can you tell me Mr. Running how a firm belief equals scientific proof that CO2 causes global warming? and how can you possibly believe the sun has no effect on climate, or that the cause, of the carbon cycle, and all carbon based life on this planet is garbage.
Mr. Running, I have e-mailed you over twenty times and two times by U.S. Mail, with my reward offer for the proof CO2 causes global warming and no response.
I am sorry and sad for you Mr. Running, but I have to say, why are you are teaching our children lunatic science?
Mr. Running, there is no proof carbon based oxygen is responsible for any Climate Change or Global Warming, it was warmer 800 years ago, www.jpands.org 12,#3, Fall 07, 79-90, but I do agree with you on one thing, pumping CO2 in to the ground is not an good idea.
Mr. Gore you mentioned physics on the T.V. news the other day, I would love to hear your lecture on physics, it would be fascinating.
Mr. Gore how many lab experiments have you performed on CO2 in your research? and did you review the 175 years of studies and experimentation of CO2, before making your hypothesis and computer weather predictions?
Mr. Gore, are you even aware of the fact CO2 is a refrigerant.
I think you will find Mr. Gore, that all chemicals in the ocean are at higher levels in the atmosphere from evaporation, when the air is warmer, not just CO2.
The most interesting part of this non science non debate, in two years of interviews with many people, it is only those (without) science comprehension who agree and then disagree with you, after educating them with simple proven science, and those who have science knowledge and science back ground completely disagree with you.
It is scientist verses non scientist, and there are far fewer people with science comprehension than those without, you have all the non scientist behind you, and very few real, and not so smart scientist with you, non scientist out number the scientist, the non scientist win, and we are going to spend billions to do harm to this planet, and all carbon based life, and you will be a billionaire.
Mr. Gore, I have made over 4,000 requests for the scientific (Data) proof, over the last two years from everyone and everything, and included a reward for the proof, and no proof of any kind, zero, nothing, it does not exist, and I knew that before requesting proof, and I can prove I did request that information from everyone and everything, and I have made many request from you Mr. Gore, and no response. (Response 5/14/2010), I will comment in pages,
Titled (Al Gore-ism)
The argument is not — is there climate change. Yes, we all know there is climate change.
The argument is WHY, and you have no argument for why, so you revert back to, is there climate change?
Mr. Gore, I admire your ambition to save this planet and future lives that have yet to be conceived, but sadly that same thoughtfulness does not seem to apply to 40,000 existing lives that starve to death every single day.
It is like saving garbage dumps from plastic garbage for the future of garbage dump wellness , when you could be saving drinking water from used Anti-freeze, and the oceans from nuclear waste. I guess we all have our priorities. (Plastic came from the oil in the ground, caused by carbon based life that died)
Real scientists share knowledge then explore, then learn and grow, not attack and spreed misinformation, lies and fraud.
a refusal to believe or accept,
Mr. Gore you deny the last 175 years of very proven and re-proven science, and science history.
the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question, doubt about religious doctrines.
The most important responsibility for all science and scientist, is skepticism, it is the foundation of science Mr. Gore.
I do not deny climate change or the proven science of climate change, and yes, I am a skeptic of those who deny existing proven science for unproven science, and then attack proven science and scientist rather than debate the science.
I do not (believe) in climate change, because it is a scientific fact, science is not of faith or belief.
The warmer it is, the less money I will have to spend, to keep from freezing to death during Global Warming, most of the energy I and most people I know consume, is to be warm enough to survive nature.
Global Warming will reduce the need for energy, this planet will be greener from higher levels of water vapor, and carbon based oxygen, from higher levels of evaporation of ocean, containing 70 times the CO2 than the atmosphere, we need more, not less carbon based oxygen in the air, to continue carbon base life.
Today climate change has nothing to do with proven science fact, and everything to do with money, politics, faith and fraud, someday proven science will win again, like many times before.
Everything in the universe is a factor for all life, energy and climate. CO2 is a drop in the bucket in the atmosphere and mankind is a drop in the bucket of carbon based oxygen, causing all carbon based life.
A hypothesis based on a Tree Ring and computer weather prediction is not proof that carbon based oxygen is the cause of Global Warming or Climate Change.
For you Mr. Gore, it is not a matter of science fact, it is politics and slander as usual, but before we can throw away 175 years of proven science fact, and 500 years of Climate science, for your new science, we need to see your new science proof.
Mr. Gore, have you ever read the warning label on a cylinder of CO2, the same cylinder of CO2 used in your favorite welding shop or in your favorite restaurant to carbonate your favorite drink, there are three very important things to know when working with a cylinder of CO2. (cylinder is a metal bottle)
1- do not breathe the carbon dioxide, for obvious reasons.
2- should not exceed 125 F, so the cylinder will not rupture.
3- do not allow contact with body or skin, may cause frostbite.
That’s right Mr. Gore, if you heat a cylinder of CO2 to 125 F, and hold your hand in front of the outlet, and open the valve, you would experience immediate frostbite, that is why CO2 works so very well in fire extinguishers, it will put out the fire and ((remove)) the ((heat)) CO2 is (still) a refrigerant, at any temperature or pressure.
And a few more things Mr. Gore, have you been talking to the E.P.A.? and does anyone at the E.P.A. wear a lab coat? or are they all wearing suit and ties, and who’s your science teacher? and what kind of ice are you buying to send to the polar bears? with all that save the polar bear money sent to you, frozen water ice or pure CO2 dry ice that last 20 times longer, how does taking money from people help polar bears? and have you made your first billion yet?
Yes Mr. Gore, I know the earth is not flat, from my last Jet flight, and I am Sad to inform you, but there is no evidence the Cow jumped over the Moon, and the Moon is not made of Swiss cheeses, and I would think you could see the junk we left from the moon landings, with a telescope, so what else do you think and believe, with no proof of any kind?
Mr. Gore, Your Hypothesis carbon based oxygen is Responsible for climate change is based on a very serious lack of science knowledge and science history missing from your unproven theory.
Attacking Scientists who do not think exactly like you Mr. Gore is not science, that Mr. Gore in the Political Science World is called Fascism.
Mr. Gore, you are not a scientist,
You are a Fraud in science.
Should we continue the Bloodletting or Should we stop ?
– History knows we have been here before –
I will re-prove the last 175 years of accepted proven science.
Science is not Politics and Religion as usual.
Believe is to make believe, fact is to see, not a fantasy.
Ice has been melting off and on for the last 600 million years.
As the Universe expands
the Sun becomes warmer and brighter
as the Earth continues to cool and slow its rotation
as the Moon moves further away
Hydrogen and Oxygen make Water for Life,
Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen, make Carbon Based Life,
Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen, keep us warm.
Water vapor and carbon dioxide caused the environment.
– Fact – Is – Truth –