Republic or Democracy or Fascist Capitalism


What are we ? What have we and our country become over the last 233 years ?

In a Republic the individual is equal to the majority. In a Democracy the majority rules over the Minority and the Individual. In Fascist Capitalism, entities control all thee above.

In a Republic or Democracy, We the People are at the top of the food chain, We the People, then the Government, and then corporations, In Fascist Capitalism, entities are at the top of the food chain, Corporations, then the Government, and then We the People.

In the Republic of the United States of America it is – not – the responsibility of the President to Legislate and write law or policy, it is the responsibility of Legislators.

The Presidents responsibility is to agree or disagree with the legislative branch and then sign into Law and Execute the Law, ( If ) the President agrees with the intent of the law,

and repair 8 years of inherited mistakes, fight two inherited wars as Commander in Chief, to protect our borders and repair inherited foreign policy, into a world peace mission from a world war mission, and  inherit, 123 years of Fascist Capitalism, causing once again, economic depression and fear with uncertainty and unrest,

of (We the People)

It is the responsibility of the President to be the conscience mind, heart, spirit, and soul of  (We the People),

and to except political statement awards, so not to insult Norwegians, congratulations President Obama, and when in Rome, do as the Romans, and be expected to fix everything wrong in the world, all in one day.

Congress, two corporations, of equal power, Incorporated in to one body, of equal power, to the President of the Republic of the United States of America. Congress shall (Dictate) Legislate Policy and new law, for corporations, instead of We the People, If the President disagrees with new legislative Policy or Law, Congress existing Policy will not change, with out an over riding vote of by congress.

The Senate Prior to the 17th Amendment represented each of the state governments, after the 17th Amendment state governments are no longer represented as States in the United States government.

The U.S. Senate shall represent the minority of We the People, and do not, The House shall represent the majority of We the people, and do not.

In The Republic of the United States of America, It is the responsibility of the United States Supreme Court, when challenged, to Interpret the laws, as Interpreted, by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In 1887 the court became the property of corporations.

In The (Republic) of the United States of America, it is the responsibility of We the People to Jury the Law, and determine if the law is do justice or unjust and then Jury what is do justice to the accused. – Bruce Kershaw

“The corporation, penetrating its every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may in a critical moment, upset the government.

 I deem no government safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities”

~ Thomas Jefferson ~

Thomas Jefferson’s intent is very clear, only humans can be equal to each other, and any thing less than human, could not be equal to humans, that less than humans would soon have more rights than humans , like today.

I vote for People, not corporate parties.

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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