Good Bye Teddy, Your good will, live on

Three thousand people died on 9/11, we are spending trillions of dollars because of 9/11, to kill tens, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of all kinds of people, more good than bad.

Over forty four thousand Americans die every year, because they have no health care of any kind.

Forty thousand People starve to death every day, twenty five thousand of them every day are children.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not a right, for most people on this planet, Life is a punishment, by the few to the many.

Life is a luxury, you can not stop the spreed of disease, when life and health care is a luxury.

Health Care is – not – about wellness of human life, it is about wellness of corporation and stockholder profit, about undue bonuses to those who reject insurance health coverage to sick people. It is about higher CEO bonuses and pay. It causes over 50% of all bankruptcies, one every three minutes — do to hospital charges and fees, then your house is auctioned off for three cents on the dollar, for the forty to one insurance mortgage coverage, making profiteers (Financial Vultures) forty times richer on your sickness and death, causing many Divorces just to keep the Financial Vultures further away.

This is after you just bailed out over 100 small community banks and mortgage insurance companies for over 24 trillion dollars, just in the last year, that committed fraud, causing their own failure, because the government better represents corporate entities who give our Representatives large sums of money in trade for Laws that favor corporations written by corporations.

24 trillion dollars is about $ 80,000. for every person in the U.S.A., now add all the losses, out of our pockets before the bail out.

This is after you and your employer have given $8,000.00 to $14,000.00 a year for twenty years to the Insurance co. that will not cover your illness, or you lost your job and your health care after paying in to it for twenty years and then get sick and die, or lose everything you worked your whole life for.

Capitalism is good, until it controls the government, then it is called Fascist Capitalism.

Maybe it should be called “we don’t care if you get sick and die health Insurance,” because we have a very large room full of people we pay a lot of money, to figure out how to get out of covering your health Insurance claim. But if we can not get out of covering your sickness, we are not going to cover all of the cost, and your still going to lose everything any way.

Today’s death panels are Health Insurance companies, it is time to abolish Health Insurance companies, and Hospitals for profit before wellness.

Here’s a better health care plan: instead of giving the health insurance co. three to five hundred thousand dollars in your lifetime, own two homes and rent one out so it costs you nothing. Now you have health Insurance, but only if you do not get very sick, at an early age, now you and your employer are no longer paying out $8,000.00 plus a year (out the window) for health insurance.

Now you can afford good self preventive health care, and a nice nest egg to boot, because you are now far less likely to be very sick, but if you should get very sick, you’re still covered and don’t have to worry about some greedy Insurance Co. causing you to lose everything anyway, because they broke their promise to you.

This would only work for the very few in the real world today — the renter and the unemployed and homeless can’t even afford one home.

Health care is about hundreds of thousands dying from mistakes, staph infections, and viruses caught in hospitals every year, that increase profits for Health Insurance co. while hospitals are locking personal private independent physicians out of  hospitals for higher Corp. profits. My personal physician David is prohibited from treating me in the hospital. We punish our sick, health care for you and me, in the U.S.A. is at the mercy of, the root of all evil.

It is time to end corporate entity welfare, and time for human wellness fairness. It is time to stop being republicans, and democrats, and be humans being.

Not all of life can be in the hands of profiteers, wellness of the world, is more wellness for all.

The Patriot Act says, I have no Rights, that is true, my mail box has more Rights than I do.

The Insurance, Financial, Health, Drug and Energy corporations have Raped us, with the help and blessings of the U.S. Government, owned and controlled by the corporations, all because of a Supreme Court Decision, after Rail Road Barons Bribed everyone in Washington D.C.

All of them should have been shot for Treason, now we live with legalized organized crime, now corporations have more rights than Human Beings. Corporation Greed killed America.

The Entity Corporation Tyranny of the United States of America, Government of the corporation by the corporation for the corporation.

I am not a democrat or a republican, I belong to nothing, I am only me, a human, just being.

Let the truth stand and go forward.

Ted’s soul will live in my soul too, Teddy your Hope lives on.

Thank You, to the family of Senator Edward Moore Kennedy for your positive response.


“What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?”

But if by “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.”

– John F. Kennedy


” I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which already dare to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country ”

– Thomas  Jefferson, 1814


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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