Carbon Based Life by CO2



Plants and trees breathe the carbon – You and I breathe the oxygen

We and the plants and trees are carbon based life, and

99% of you reading this are not a scientist, many of you have an opinion in science, that you do not comprehend.


If there were no plants and trees to absorb the carbon from CO2, the atmosphere would be all Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) and Argon and Water vapor, and not enough Oxygen (O2)  for carbon based life to breath with very little Nitrogen.



The aftermath of depleted carbon based energy, from the core of this living breathing carbon based planet,

– Causing –

All living breathing carbon based Life



Is a carbon based planet

– Causing –

Carbon based oxygen, from thousands of Volcanoes, into the oceans and the air, for the last four billion plus years,

– Causing –

Carbon based plant life in the oceans, absorbing the carbon, made from the carbon based oxygen,

– Causing –


– Causing –

New carbon based life, carbon based sea creatures, to eat the carbon based plant life, and breathe the oxygen, made from carbon based oxygen.



From the sun’s evaporation of ocean, for the last four billion plus years

– Causing –

Carbon based plant life above sea level, absorbing water vapor and the carbon, from the carbon based oxygen, from the first atmosphere of the last Four Billion plus years,

– Causing –

Oxygen levels to increase in the atmosphere, over the last five to six Hundred Million Years,

– Causing –

New carbon based life, – you and me – to eat the carbon based plant life, and breathe the oxygen, from the carbon based oxygen.


– Unfortunately we are running out of carbon based oxygen in the air –

Carbon Based Dioxide is Carbon Based Oxygen

One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, bonded together by heat, during the last 4.6 billion years of volcanic activity,

– Causing –

All carbon based life on this planet, between five to six hundred million years ago, above sea level.


There was severe climate change for billions of years before life on this planet, and there will be severe climate change for billions of years after life on this planet, with or without the first atmosphere, carbon based oxygen

– Causing –



– The warmer the greenhouse, the higher the water vapor and carbon dioxide level in the greenhouse, the greener and healthier it is –

– Causing –

Healthier food and increased oxygen for you and I to eat and breath.

Carbon based oxygen is in a continuous recycling process of all life and energy

– Causing –

New recycled carbon based life, caused by new recycled carbon based energy.

Today carbon based oxygen is a drop in the bucket in the atmosphere.

Carbon based oxygen from mankind, is a drop in the bucket, of carbon based oxygen.


Over the last 4.6 billion years, this planet has gone from all carbon based oxygen and water vapor, for an atmosphere, to 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, and only 00.038% carbon based oxygen, from what was all carbon based oxygen and water vapor.


– One day the atmosphere will be – all nitrogen and water vapor –


This planet has consumed in the last five to six hundred million years, most of the carbon  from the carbon based oxygen, that it produced, over last 4.6 billion years, so plants and trees can live. We need more, not less carbon based oxygen, to continue all carbon based life and all carbon based energy. When this planet stops producing carbon based oxygen, it will stop producing all carbon based life and all carbon based energy.

We Live on a planet that produces every season, every single day. The season you live in today, just depends on where your standing on this planet, and which way the wind is blowing. 135,000 years ago, the ocean was 20 feet higher than today. 14 Million years ago, the ocean was 100 feet higher than it is today. 93 Million years ago, much of Montana was under water.


CO2 is (00.03 %) of the air, a proven Refrigerant and Inert gas

Nitrogen is (78.09 %) of the air, a proven refrigerant and Inert gas

Carbon is not pollution * Oxygen is not pollution

Tree Rings are  not proof  CO2 causes Climate Change

Computer prediction is not proof CO2 causes Climate Change

Computer prediction is Ouija Board Science

Mankind is responsible for 1/37 th of the CO2 in the air

All the Lungs on this Planet produce more CO2 than all the Cars

It was Warmer 800 years ago than Today


$ Since March of 2008 I have offered a $25,000. Reward $

$ for the proof (credible Data) man caused co2, causes climate change $

$ I have made over 7,000 request for the Proof $

$ with no provable science of any kind $

** (((  Send your experiment proving your science to  ))) **

[email protected]


I am Dyslexic, the easy part is the science and experimenting, the Hard part is the Writing.

I have no desire to write, I am not writing by choice, I am writing because I have no choice in the matter.

I am not writing about something I just heard or just read about, I am writing from 40 years of hands on daily work experience.

I can no longer do nothing while watching the people of this planet, with no science knowledge, do only harm to all life on this planet,

In there misguided attempt to save this planet.

I am not a Democrat or Republican.

I have never worked with or for an Energy company or Government.

I am for a clean environment and clean efficient energy.

Global warming causes Life – Ice ages end life.

The cause of all carbon based life is not pollution.


!!!!!!  I challenge anyone and everyone !!!!!!

!!!!!!  to an open public debate in the science  !!!!!!

!!!!!!  of carbon dioxide and climate change  !!!!!!

!!!!!!  with a $25,000 Reward for the proof  !!!!!!

* And no takers since March of 2008 *


SCIENCE : [To Know]

Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study,



We are a Nation of Laws,

Based on Fact of Knowledge,

– not- of Hearsay, Rumor, and Belief.


With more than a dozen known causes of climate change,


500 years of known Climate Change science History,


175 years of known CO2 science and History

– All Excluded from the U.N. study –

The U.N. a political body stated:

They are over ((90% certain)) CO2 causes Climate Change

with No scientific data to support their Hypothesis.


There is no such thing as over (( 90% certain )) I have reviewed the U.N. and Al Gore’s references sent to me by his web site RepowerAmerica, and found no credible scientific data to support their claims.

There is zero proof Man caused CO2 causes Global Warming or Climate Change.


– To Believe is Trust –

– Fact is to See –

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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