Request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

~ We can not prove there is a God ~ and we can not Prove CO2 causes Climate Change ~

To: The Environmental Protection Agency

To: The United States Senate, Committee on Environment and Public Works

To: The United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation

To: The United States Senate,  Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

To: All 100 United States Senators

~ All the above were contacted by U.S. Mail and again by E-mail ~

This is a Formal Request, for the scientific proof  Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming and or Climate Change.

Because of Global Warming, you want me to pay you higher energy taxes, to stay warm, during Global Warming.

I consume up to six to twelve times more energy and produce six to twelve times more CO2 in the winter, than in the summer, in order to survive, causing me to spend six to twelve times more on energy per month in the winter than in the summer, so I do not freeze to death, so I can be alive.

The colder it is on this planet, the more I will pay in energy Taxes, to heat my Home, the warmer it is on this planet, the less energy Taxes I will pay, to heat my Home, on top of the energy taxes I already pay.

All fuels that require oxygen to burn produce CO2, causing life for plants and trees, the cycle of all energy and life on this planet.

This planet was warmer 800 years ago than it is today, fourteen thousand years ago Global Warming began again, and the glaciers are melting again, after melting many times before.

It’s nice going outside, not to get firewood, it’s summer in Helena Montana, and dead of winter on the other side of the equator,  -If- Global Warming continues, less energy will be needed, causing less life giving carbon dioxide, into the air, maybe Montana will become a jungle, once again.

A Cap and Trade Tax, on energy is a very unfair Geographical tax on those who live in cooler climate.

Rumor is not:  Fact, Proof, or Evidence. (The truth shall set thee free)

Global Warming causes carbon dioxide levels to rise from higher levels of evaporation of ocean, containing 4 billion plus years of carbon dioxide, caused by thousands of volcanoes, the ocean today has 70 times the CO2, than the atmosphere, the first atmosphere was from evaporation of ocean, the ocean does not absorb gases, it releases gases causing atmosphere, causing all carbon based life on this planet, today most of the atmosphere (nitrogen) is from decomposing soil, of the last 500 million years.

Warmer air is from warmer sun activity and expansion of atmosphere, both the sun and atmosphere continue to fluctuate.

The atmosphere expands and shrinks, making the ozone hole, larger and smaller, changing how much sun energy enters the outer atmosphere, causing fluctuation of atmospheric temperatures.

Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is the byproduct of energy and heat, not the cause.

Volcanic and non Volcanic activity produce carbon based oxygen, from the core of this living breathing planet, causing living breathing life.

Monoxide: (O)  is one oxygen atom, made from carbon monoxide (CO).

Dioxide: (O2)  is two oxygen atoms, made from carbon dioxide (CO2)

(we all breathe dioxide after our carbon based food source, plants and trees absorb the carbon from the dioxide).

Ozone: (O3)  is three oxygen atoms together, (O3) heavy oxygen is made from two oxygen atoms (dioxide) joined with one oxygen atom (monoxide), and causes severe respiratory illness at ground level, and is why we have a emission control device on most every car built since the mid 1970’s called an EGR valve.

01 and 02 and 03 is the byproduct of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, caused by Plants and trees and lightning, and then much later forest fires, and then much , much later, You and Me.

If there was no (Co) carbon monoxide or (CO2) carbon dioxide there would be to little oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) in the atmosphere, and no carbon based life on this planet.

I challenge the E.P.A. to a open public debate on carbon based oxygen, carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide has been refrigerant for 4.6 billion years, it absorbs heat making the surrounding air cooler.

The first Commercial production of  ((dry ice))  Carbon dioxide as a refrigerant was in 1928, in order to transport produce across this country, it was first used in fire extinguishers because it would also (remove heat) while extinguishing the fire.

Thirty seven years of proven science, mandated by the E.P.A. proves carbon dioxide is (still) a refrigerant.

In the early 1970s the U.S. government and the EPA mandated a reduction in (NOx) oxides of nitrogen from car exhaust.

Since the 1970s, there has been an emission control device on most every car built to lower (NOx) oxides of nitrogen, that emission control device is called an EGR Valve. The 1972 Buick was the first car on the road with an Exhaust-Gas-Recycle valve, as do new cars today.

The EGR Valve allows 3000 plus degree carbon dioxide, in and of the exhaust, that immediately cools to the temperature of the air/fuel mixture, before entering the combustion chamber of the engine, to be used as a refrigerant to lower the explosion temperature 500 degrees.  The nitrogen exhaust gases can only cool up to 2500 degrees of explosion temperature,  then bond to oxygen causing (NOx) oxides of nitrogen, the carbon dioxide exhaust gases cool explosion  temperatures of 4500 degrees and hotter to prevent (NOx).

By this action (NOx) oxides of nitrogen are lower, reducing the by product of  (NOx), the – ozone – (O3) – trioxide – heavy oxygen, at ground level, reducing severe respiratory illness, this is common knowledge for millions of people worldwide.

With the EPA’s own rules and regulations and proven science, approved by the EPA, I can prove carbon dioxide is (still) a refrigerant, and not only when the carbon dioxide is at temperatures above 4500 degrees, but at -110 degrees and colder carbon dioxide is (still) Dry Ice.

The instant Dry Ice turns into a vapor from a solid, it will absorb heat ten times faster. CO2 will prevent heat by preventing explosion and will absorb heat from a fire or explosion, and then immediately warm or cool to the temperature of the surrounding air, carbon dioxide sublimes (turns into vapor with out passing through a liquid stage) to gaseous carbon dioxide. (Proven science for 175 years)

We live on a carbon based planet, everything on this planet has carbon in it. Lava, Rocks, Iron, Steel, Brick, Cement, Soil, Clay, dirt cookies, everything growing, everything not growing, everything breathing, everything not breathing.

We use carbon to measure age, because carbon is in everything, a diamond is pure carbon made from compresed hydrocarbon (coal).

Plants and trees absorb carbon from the 00.03% carbon dioxide in the air.

Humans have      – 20.95 % – oxygen- in the air to breathe, to exist.

Plants and trees – 00.03 % – carbon- in the air to breathe, to exist.

All life on this planet is a carbon base, all foods we grow to eat, is a carbon base.

Carbon dioxide has gone from being all of the atmosphere to 00.03% and less.

If it is your goal to kill all carbon base life on this planet, to save this planet, then removing the cause of all carbon base life will work.

I eat carbon, breathe dioxide, and exhale carbon dioxide.

When this planet stops producing carbon based oxygen, carbon based life on this planet will end, and maybe one day nitrogen based life will begin.

Please forward to me your proof  carbon dioxide is no longer a refrigerant, after being one scientifically for the last 175 years, and how it has somehow changed to cause or trap heat, I have been a diagnostic specialist in emission controls for over thirty three years, and have evaluated training and education programs in this science.

Carbon dioxide is the by product of heat, not the cause, and is (still) one of the primary causes of all carbon base life and energy.

Even If carbon dioxide did cause Global Warming, how do you choose between life on this planet with warmer air or no life no this planet for cooler air.

The atmosphere is a byproduct of the ocean, 4 billion plus years of carbon dioxide has passed through the ocean, from volcanoes, causing plant life in the ocean, causing oxygenation of the ocean, causing all the fish in the sea, while causing trillions times trillions of times more carbon dioxide in the air from volcanoes, than from mankind, causing plant life above sea level, causing oxygenation of the atmosphere, causing new carbon based life, above sea level, You and me.

Only 10 to 12% of us drive cars on this planet, and all the lungs on this planet produce more carbon dioxide than all the cars on this planet.

Why does the EPA reject and ignore the EPA’s own mandated proven science in use today, since the 1970’s and embrace only unproven science?

That is not science, that is deception.

People believe the unproven science because they do not comprehend science. Meanwhile they are completely unaware of the proven science, believing carbon dioxide is pollution and poison, totally unaware CO2 is one of the primary reasons for all life and energy on this planet.

– It is Mankind that needs saving, not this planet –

The EPA has no scientific proof carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming, if it did, it would already be published and proven.

Like many U.S. Government Agencies, the EPA is not working in the best interest of, We the People. The EPA is political, not factual.

Science is to know from Fact, to believe in a science with out fact is Religion, the Religion of science is skepticism.

There are those who believe in something they can not prove, and there are those who prove something no one will believe, you can not resolve, blind faith.

I must stop writing, I am running low on carbon credits, and soon I will not be permitted to exhale, I must go find some carbon credits to buy before I Die.

P.S. Are you aware that pumping carbon dioxide into the ground will turn underground water to acid and make natural gas wells inflammable? and most of the methane in the air comes from the floor of the ocean, not cows, and can not effect global warming.

-Fact- the ocean was twenty feet higher one hundred thirty five thousand years ago. How do I know ? Dead Coral Reef twenty feet above sea level all around this planet, (carbon) dating to 135,000 years ago, man caused global warming is not a fact, nature caused global warming is a very proven fact, for the last 4.6 billion years.

Reality is a entity’s perception of it. Entities dictate and control our realities, a court of law, not the court of science, will decide, the court of science has been over ruled by the media and government.

The bottom line is, the warmer the climate, the less energy taxes I will pay, I am praying to the sun god for global warming.

* fourteen months later, August 2010 *

I have had no response of proof of any kind from anyone or anything.

There is no proof carbon dioxide causes Global Warming.

The CO2 in your soda pop or drink is not harmful to life, it is the 12 plus spoons of sugar, that will kill you.

Carbon dioxide is responsible for the oxygen we all breathe, and all the food we all eat,

soon, the E.P.A. will be telling us, blood letting is good for you.

I am looking forward to the E.P.A. explanation of how the cause of all carbon based life on this planet is now harmful to all human carbon based life.

Science is now a Religion, no longer based on proof and fact.

Pathological science should not exist.

With a dozen reasons for climate change, how can you blame it all, on the -one- thing, that can not cause climate change.

Those who do not comprehend proven science, can not comprehend unproven science.

Bruce A. Kershaw

I am not or have ever been, employed by any oil or energy co. beyond pumping gas in a gas station back in my high school days.

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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