Climate Change ~ by ~ Global Warming ~ Early ~ 2012

You have yet to provide anything beyond your predictions to justify your ~ Belief ~

Predictions and Belief are ~ Feelings ~

Feelings prove nothing.

Carbon Dioxide is: Carbon based Oxygen (CO2)

CO2 is: the cause of the Carbon Cycle,

CO2 is: the cause of all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy,

on this Carbon based Planet,

where everything has Carbon in it.

CO2 is: the cause of all the (O2) Oxygen in the air we breathe today.

James, the Scientific Method has ~ Zero ~ meaning to you,

~ as you try to block ~

Proven ~ Fact ~ Tested ~ Science ~ Knowledge

from Reality.


~ Show us your Tested Proof ~

~ that ~

Carbon Dioxide is no longer a proven natural refrigerant in nature,

and is no longer a test proven refrigerant in chemistry in our daily lives in many ways,

~ since 1835 ~

then prove to us the basic laws of Heat Transfer science no longer exist,

~ and ~

Millions and Billions of years of Climate History no longer exist,

~ and ~

more than a dozen natural causes for Climate Change,

~ no longer exist ~


Science and Law is:

~ Questioned ~


~ Tested ~


~ Believed ~

This Planet will survive Humanity,

Humanity will not survive this Planet.

~ detachment of reality in science is caused by ~ Hearsay ~

~ further detachment of Reality in science is caused by ~ Believing the Hearsay ~

~ Science is Skepticism ~

Global warming and Climate Change is:

~ Very Real ~

but ~ not ~ caused by Carbon Dioxide caused by Carbon based Humans

~ as proven for the last 177 years ~

with existing proven Science Chemistry,

~ also proven with ~

NOx Emission Control Science Chemistry,

Enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency,

~ for over 36 years ~

the EPA is not acknowledging the Science Chemistry they Enforce,

because EPA does not comprehend the Science Chemistry they Enforce.


James your largest group of supporters and followers for your un-proven ~ Belief ~

are not Scientists and have zero credibility in science,

they are from the world of Politics and the Media.

Your supporters have clearly proven to the world of

~ Real Science ~

to be less than morons,

with their own words they have proven to the world of Real Science,

to be Idiots in science comprehension,

~ like ~

Bill Mckibben, David Sirota, Tom Friedman, Chris Matthews,

Paul Krugman, Bob Shrum, Joe Klein, Chris Hayes, Karen Finney, Julian Epstein,

all of them talking out his Butt,

~ the list goes on and on ~

~ what gives this Idiots in ~ Science ~ any right of any kind, to scientific opinion ~

all of them with zero working back ground in science,

with zero understanding of the Scientific Method,

your followers will not debate or explain your un-proven ~ Belief ~

while more than ~ Four Dozen ~ NASA ~ Scientists have stated

~ to You and NASA ~

they disagree with you and your un-proven ~ Belief ~

along with more than ~ 32,000 ~ Real Scientists just in the United States.

You the Media and Government are doing an excellent job hiding the truth,

for the sake of un-proven ~ Belief ~

it is 100 % Political Media Belief and

Zero % Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge,

with the Blind leading the Blind.

James, you have no ~ Test ~ proven science,

you have only ~ Belief ~

your consensus is of True Believers, not Scientists,

your consensus is a ~ Feeling ~ not test proven Fact.

$25,000 Reward for the ~ Tested Proof ~ Carbon dioxide causes:

~ Warming ~


John H. Richardson

I can prove Humans are not responsible,

for very extreme Climate Change for the last 4.6 billion Years,

~ or ~

the last one thousand years

~ but ~

it would not matter to you any way,

because you are not a Scientist you are a true ~ Believer ~


~ Pathological or Not ~

James Hansen, Michael Mann and Joe Romm are Ignoring the truth,

they are very proven Lairs,

~ or ~

they are not Intelligent enough to ~ See and Know~ the proven scientific truth.

James Hansen and his Hypothetical Conjecture,

~ Prove Nothing ~

James Hansen, Michael Mann and Joe Romm have turned their backs to

~ Real ~

~ proven fact tested science knowledge ~

for their ~ Belief ~

that is not Scientific Method,

that is: Religion.


To: Seth Borenstein

Mr. Borenstein,

you are not a Scientist and

You have no Experiment or Test,

to prove your Belief,

all that you have is your ~ Belief ~

You have no comprehension of science,

you are a cheerleader for something you do not understand and can not prove.


There are more than ~ dozen ~ variable causes for Climate Change,

excluded from your Climate ~ Belief ~

In chemistry for the last 177 years Carbon dioxide is:

a proven natural Refrigerant at any temperature or pressure,

acting like a Heat sponge,

removing energy ~ not ~ generating energy or adding energy,

Carbon based Oxygen ~ (CO2 ) ~ Carbon Dioxide

absorbs more Heat and Energy than the surrounding gases,

making the surrounding gases cooler not warmer,

as all the heated gases rise into the cooler air,

forcing sub zero air to the ground.

? ~ Why is this ~ ?

basic law of heat transfer science,

and Carbon Dioxide chemistry,

~ Test ~ Proven ~ Science ~ Knowledge ~

ignored by the scientists you ~ Believe in ~


What Climate Scientists do not want you to know,

is the ~ Real ~ proven science, proving their un-proven ~ Belief ~ is wrong.

James Hansen knows he is wrong and he is not going to admit it,

~ because ~

he can’t

~ and ~

James can not ~ Prove ~ what he truly Believes.


Science is ~ not ~ what you are

~ Told ~ to ~ Believe ~

Science is:


Test and Experiment

~ Look and See ~

not ~ Believe ~ what you are told to ~ Believe ~


Climate Change is all about Money, Power and Belief,

with all the ~ Real ~ Science left out.

The missing existing test proven science knowledge,

and the test proven chemistry for existing emission control laws,

enforced by the EPA for the last 36 years,

~ Prove Humans and Carbon Dioxide do not cause Climate Change ~

while Journalist cheerleaders with zero right to any scientific opinion of any kind,

with zero science background and zero science comprehension are preaching to the world,

Humans cause ~ All ~ Climate Change with zero proven fact tested science knowledge,

to support their ~ Belief ~


[email protected]


August 1, 2012

~ Once in a Blue Moon ~

August 1, 2012 is a Full Moon,

and we will see a Blue Moon on August 31, 2012,


~ Let us see the Science ~

let us grow beyond what we are Told to ~ Believe ~

Climate Change is very Real on this carbon based planet,

but not caused by Carbon based Oxygen caused by Carbon based Human Beings,

on this Carbon based Planet,

where ~ everything ~ has carbon in it.


~ for now ~

From this point forward I will be Editing more than writing,

working around the house, cutting, splitting, chopping firewood,

and enjoying whats left of summer,

before it is 130 degrees colder ~ again ~


Since January 11, 2011

I have written over 34,000 words,

I am not a writer and never wanted to be a writer and I am Dyslexic,

I am repetitive in my quest to better explain the science that is difficult for most people to

comprehend and understand, my hope is these words can be understood and informative,

I may try to condense this or just leave it be, we shall see.

This will not end my investigation in to Climate Science,

it will allow more time to do so, and work on my reference page,

I will continue my requests for the proof Humans cause all Climate Change,

only to further prove the fact there is no proof Humans cause Climate Change of any kind.

I have just reached 16,000 requests for the tested science proof,

Humans cause Climate Change,

with zero test proven science knowledge provided by anyone or anything.,


To: Jim Robbins of Helena Montana too.

I wish you well and I agree,

we need to plant Trees and preserve as many species as possible.

I live a few miles out side Helena Montana,

in the Scratch Gravel Hills,

called the the Scratch Gravel Hills because after a hard rain,

you can go out and scratch around on the surface dirt and gravel and pick up gold.

Back in the Gold Boom days of Helena,

there were more Millionairess per ca-pita than any city on this planet,

and is why Helena was one of the first city’s on the planet to have Electricity.

Once ~ again ~ in Helena the Pine Beetles have done another round of death to a large

population of Pine Trees,

the Pine Beetles have been in Montana for about 14,000 years now.

I have been watering the Pine Trees around my house for years to help protect them from

drought and Pine Beetles.

The Pine Trees in my back yard are not just dying from the Pine Beetles,

there are Birds ~ Robins ~ and Aunts killing Pine Trees to get to the Pine Beetles Larvae.

Nature has killed the Pine Trees many times before,

during the Gold Rush days most of the Trees were cut down for buildings and fire wood.

100 years ago there were no Trees on our dormant Volcano Mount Helena.

One Thousand years ago Montana had California Climate and Weather,

for about two hundred years,

it would have been interesting to live here then,

maybe it will happen ~ again ~

like it has ~ many ~ times before.

Jim if you ever want to have a beer,


I try to keep the temperature of my wood stove between 300 to 550 degrees,

that is a good healthy Burn Zone,

it burns clean with out over-fire, and hot enough to prevent Creosote and black smoke,

I have four Burn Indicators on my stove so I can adjust the air/fuel mixture,

just like you would do with an Internal combustion engine,

for optimum fuel efficiency.

Wood, Coal, Gasoline, Natural Gas,

anything that requires (O2) oxygen to burn is a (HC) Hydrocarbon,

(HC) Hydrocarbon is: Hydrogen and Carbon,

the oxygen we breathe allows the Hydrogen to burn,

leaving the oxygen and carbon to bond,

causing carbon based oxygen (CO) and (CO2)

the CO2 for plants and Trees to breathe.

If you remove all forms of Oxygen from the Humans body,

what is left ~ for the most part ~ is Hydrogen and Carbon ~ (HC) Hydrocarbon.

Carbon dioxide is the by product of Heat and Energy,

not the cause of Heat and Energy.

~ Historically ~

Warming is the cause of higher levels of water vapor and Carbon dioxide,

evaporated from the Ocean making the planet Greener.


We can ~ not ~ grow oil or steel,

but we can grow Trees and cut them down and plant a million more in there place,

as the Trees make Oxygen from Carbon based Oxygen,

for all of us to Breathe,

and Carbon based Fruits to eat.

~ I hug every tree before I cut it down ~

The more carbon based plants and trees we plant,

the more water vapor and Carbon based oxygen we need to feed them.


99 % of everything that has lived is extinct,

as we will be one day,

and one day the sun will vaporize the Earth,

ending all history of this carbon base planet.


~ Climate Science or Climate Religion ~


Some of us See Reality,

some of us find it the hard way,

some of us never find it.

Predictions Prove Nothing,

and are ~ not ~ Scientific Fact.


Science and Law is

~ Tested ~

not Believed.

The Science I can prove,

is also the Law of the Land,

enforced by

The United States

Environmental Protection Agency

for the past 36 years,

and proves Carbon dioxide can ~ not ~ cause Warming or Climate Change,

along with Carbon dioxide Chemistry since 1835.

Carbon dioxide is still a proven natural Refrigerant at any temperature or pressure.

This science along with many other science factors are Ignored by the climate Study,

and by Climate Scientists

proving the climate study based on computer prediction is very flawed.


I have Tested and Experimented with Carbon dioxide since 1976,

I was licensed by the State of California in 1976 to:

~ Test ~

and Certify Atmospheric Emission Controls.


My Investigation in Climate Science began in the Spring of 2007,

beyond the science what I found most alarming is

the number of Moronic Ph.D’s in the United States,

who do not know Dioxide is Oxygen,

Carbon Dioxide

~ is ~

Carbon based Oxygen

Di ~ oxide

Di ~ is ~ Two

Oxide ~ is ~ Oxygen

O2 ~ Dioxide ~ is two oxygen atoms based to another atom.

I guess that is why the U.S. is Ranked 18th and 24th in Science and Math,

and is why we import Scientists from around the world.

Maybe a Ph.D. is something you buy in the United States,

not Learned and Earned.


To: Bill Sheehan,

~ Crazy Mad Scientist Ph.D. ~

Graduate of

Cornell University.

Beyond realty there is Bill.

[email protected]

[email protected]

~ Words of Anger are not Proof Humans cause Climate Change ~

Peer Reviewed Computer Prediction does not Prove Humans cause Climate Change.

I am dealing with science,

you Bill are dealing with your Feelings of Rage.

$25,000. Reward

for the Test or Experiment used to form a Scientific Consensus

~ Proving ~

Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Planet cause ~ all ~ Climate Change.


~ a Computer Prediction is not Scientific Proof of anything ~

Peer Reviewed or not.


Bill Sheenhan,

Thanks for sharing your Feelings with me.

Feelings do not prove Humans cause Climate Change.

I hope things get better for you.


Bill sent me many e-mails Sunday evening July 29, 2012

Bill has not ~ Tested ~ the science enforced by the law of the land and the EPA,

but disagrees with it anyway,

Bill said he is going to destroy my life in every way possible.

Bill says I am a Lair and not a Scientist.

I think Bill is ready for more than Anger Management Therapy.


Once again this proves I am right about Science and People in today’s world,

it is all about,

~ Out of Control Feelings ~

with no ~ Tested ~ Scientific Fact or ~ Tested ~ Proof of any kind.

~ Thank you Bill for proving my point ~

Instead of Bill proving his science to me, Bill is going to destroy my life,

because he disagrees with the science enforced by the EPA for the last 36 years.

~ How Scientific ~

This is where Bill is going to distroy life,


Bill says it will take a week or so,

he is going to post my Social Security Number,

my Wife and x-Wife’s names, my children’s names,

my Grand children’s names,

any court history, anything he can fined to destroy my life in any way.

We will see what kind of Lunatic Cornell University Ph.D. Bill Sheehan is.

I forwarded his e-mails to the FBI and to

U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester.

Bill is not just a Environmental Extremest,

with no understanding of Reality,

he enjoys Social Terrorism.

~ a Environmentalist who likes to hurt people ~


~ From Webster’s Dictionary ~

A scientist is:

a specialist in science.

science is: to ~ know ~

systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, etc.


I did not see the word Ph.D. in the Definition of Scientist,

Galileo did not have a Ph.D. after his name.

Bill Sheehan


~ God ~

~ Judge and Jury ~


~ Executioner ~

with out the Trial.

Bill is not destroying me,

Bill is destroying himself,

his Credibility and his Cause.

Bill is kinder to the Vegetables he eats,

~ than other Human Beings ~

Science and Law is:

~ Tested ~


~ Believed ~

I wonder how many Tests or Experiments Bill has performed with Carbon dioxide.


Take us beyond ~ Words ~ Belief ~ Feelings ~ Money ~ and ~ show ~ us ~ the:

Tested Proof..


Hydrogen ~ Carbon ~ Oxygen

is the Bases of all Carbon based Life and Energy,

on this Carbon based Planet,

where everything has Carbon in it.

Humans are Living Carbon based Energy,

caused by Living Carbon based Energy ~ Plants and Trees,

Carbon based Plants and Trees are caused by this Living Carbon based Planet,

caused by Carbon based Volcanic activity below Sea level for Billions of years..


Nature is the by ~ product of Energy,

Life is the by ~ product of Nature,

Life is Living Carbon based Energy in Nature.


Energy and Nature will out live Carbon based Humans,

on this Living Carbon Based Planet,

where everything has Carbon in it.


96 to 98 % of the CO2 and Water Vapor in the Air comes from the Ocean through,

Evaporation of Ocean.

~ If ~

all Volcanic activity below Sea level was above Sea level,

this planet would be covered with Ash miles thick,

if all Volcanic activity below Sea level stoped,

it would end all carbon based Life on this carbon based planet.

Life on this carbon based planet did not begin above Sea level,

~ all ~

Carbon based Life began below Sea level,

all carbon based life and energy above Sea level comes from the Ocean.


What has been turned into pollution in your mind,

is a necessity in nature to cause all Carbon based Life and Energy,

above and below Sea level on this carbon based planet,

where everything has carbon in it ~

I have an on going investigation in Climate Science,

since the spring of 2007.

~ Hiding the Truth is not Science ~

Ignoring proven fact tested science knowledge,

does not make it go away.


The Media is Paranoid and Politics is Schizophrenic.

They told Generation X

~ who are now struggling to survive ~

that the world was going to end January 1, 2000

and every other year since.

Last year they told Generation X the world was going to end May 21, 2011,

now Generation X is being told the world is going to end December 21, 2012.


There was a recent study showing a lack of concern or caring on the part of Generation X

about Climate Change.

All of the Climate Science is based on prediction,

~ not proven fact tested science knowledge ~

and like all of the predictions of the end of time,

~ it is all Garbage ~

including the study that included Generation X

that looked at all segments of society on the issue of Climate Change.


It is time to stop ~ Believing ~ the Garbage

and ~ See ~ the Reality.

Solid Science is based on a Test or Experiment,

not prediction, belief or opinion.


My self educated guess is:

~ Neutrinos ~

are caused by Stars colliding,

a long time ago.

If two healthy Stars were to collide in our Galaxy,

it could release enough energy to vaporize the surface

of every planet in this Galaxy.

We are less than nothing in time and space.

There were climate extremes before Humans,

and there will be Climate extremes long after we are gone.

It is time to stop confusing Political Media Religion with Science,

it is time to stop pretending what is and what is not and ~ See ~


Climate Change is Real but not caused by Carbon based Humans.


$25,000. Reward

for the Proof Humans cause Climate Change.


To: The United States

Environmental Protection Agency

you are in Denial of science you have been enforcing,

for about the last 36 years.

~ and To:

The number one Snake oil Salesman,

the Head Master of Climate Paranoia

Chris Matthews

~ of ~

Chris is not a Scientist ~



I know I can help you,

but I can not do it all alone,

You have to want to Help Yourself.

There is no science in your words,

there is only religion in your words.

Facts are Facts

and you have no Facts of any kind,

all that you have are words of Belief.


~ you have to ~

~ Prove ~

~ the Science ~

~ First ~

~ before you can sell it ~


There is a long lost rule in Journalism ~

If you can not ~ Prove ~ it

do not print it or say it.



when you are done Flapping you gums about Climate Change,

~ maybe ~

we can ~ Test ~ the science together,

you can come to Helena Montana,

and I will show you ~ Reality in Science ~

but first we need you to say to yourself over and over ~


Climate Change is Real but not caused by Humans,

can you do that for us Chris.


You know Chris,

one day you will be very Famous for making Climate Paranoia a Religion,

just like Bloodletting and Burning Witches at the stake for hundreds of years.


Chris, now I want you to tell yourself over and over ~

Very Extreme Climate Change is

~ Very Real ~

~ for the last 4.6 billion years ~

~ but ~

not caused by Humans.

Can you do that for us Chris.

Very good Chris,

now I would like to say to yourself over and over ~

Climate History

~ of the last two millions years ~

of the last 4.6 billion years,

along with more than a dozen causes for climate,

each cause with an infinity of variable,

and Carbon dioxide chemistry since 1835,

proving Carbon dioxide is a refrigerant at any temperature or pressure,

now add the basic laws of Heat transfer science,

then top it all off with

~ NOx Atmospheric Emission Control Science Chemistry ~

Enforced by the EPA for the last 36 years,

and there it is

~ The Proof ~

Humans do not cause Climate Change


All the above is Ignored by Climate Scientists and the EPA

~ Proving ~

Scientific ~ Fraud


~ when you reject ~ test ~ proven science knowledge for:

~ Belief ~

that is:

~ Religion or Insanity ~

When you reject test proven science knowledge for:

~ Money ~

that is:

~ Fraud in Science ~


War kills more than Climate

Terrorism kills more than Climate

The drug War kills more than Climate

Murder kills more than climate

Suicide kills more than Climate

Accidents kill more than Climate

Nuclear Energy kills more than Climate

Disease kills more than Climate

Starvation kills more than Climate

~ everything that causes death of any kind ~

on this Carbon based planet

Kills more than Climate.

Thousands Freeze to Death every year.


We may spend more money on Climate Change than all the above put together,

up to Ten to Twenty Trillion Dollars,

over the next Ten to Twenty Years.


26,000 years ago the Ocean was 350 lower,

135,000 years ago the Ocean was twenty feet higher,

14 million years ago the Ocean was 100 feet higher.

After 20 Ice ages in the last two million years,

we have Global Warming again,

we will see the ocean rise ~ again ~

and if it is very warm ~ again ~

the Ocean may go down ~ again ~

from Evaporation of Ocean ~ again ~

93 million years ago most of Montana was under water.


Very Good Chris,

are you feeling any better now,

well it takes time to deprogram,

so just keep saying it over and over,


Climate Change is ~ Real ~

but not caused by Carbon based Humans

or by Carbon based Oxygen on this Carbon based Planet,

where everything has Carbon in it.


If you can do that Chris,

I know we will see some improvement soon,

and once we get you back to normal,

maybe we can help David Corn and Navin Nayack

find there way back to Reality too.




To: Paul Krugman,

I will bet you $25,000. you can not prove,

with a test or experiment,

Humans cause

Global Warming or Climate Change.


Computer Prediction is not Proof.


Paul Krugman is: not a Scientist,

he is the Proud New Lead Moronic Snake oil Salesman

for the Climate Paranoia Pathological Liars Club


Dear Paul,

There is nothing I enjoy more than reading a science article written by Journalist who has

zero ~ knowledge ~ of the subject matter and has no clue of what he is talking about,

and can not prove what he is

~ Preaching and Selling ~

in any way shape or form what so ever.

Paul, stick to what you do ~ Know ~ and can prove,

and stay away from what you ~ Believe ~ and can not prove.

Yes Paul,

Extreme Climate Change is ~ very real ~ for the last 4.6 billion years,

no one is ~ denying ~ Climate Change,

~ but ~

no one can ~ prove ~ it is caused by Carbon based Humans,

living on this carbon based planet, where everything has carbon in it.


The U.N. IPCC Climate Study is proven to be ~ Flawed ~ and proves nothing.

Paul, ask your Climate Scientists why they exclude and reject

very proven ~ real ~ climate science and chemistry and all climate science history,

from their climate study based on computer prediction.

Then ask your scientists why the will not debate their ~ Belief ~ or explain their ~ Belief ~



what if I told you ~

from this point forward we will only use computers to forecast

~ Economics ~

but we will not use any of the known economic variables,

that we all know of and use to make logical economic forecasts possible,

would that be reality ?


~ Computer Climate Prediction and Reality are ~ not ~ on the same page ~

and does not prove Humans cause Climate Change.



do you always ~ Believe ~ everything you are told to ~ Believe ~

There is no Hearsay in Science.

~ Don’t Tell Me ~ Show Me ~

In science we have something called a Test or Experiment,

you call it ~ Proof ~

With ~ Real ~ test proven science knowledge,

science that James Hansen and Joe Romm can not disprove,

Atmospheric Emission science enforced by the EPA,

~ science you do not comprehend ~

science that James and Joe are aware of ~ but ~ choose to ignore,

I can Prove Humans do not cause Climate Change.


We are living with very proven Fraud


The Scientific Method.


Take off your Religious blinders Paul and see ~ all ~ the science hidden from you,

and everyone else too

~ by ~


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion,

so stop Believing what you are told to ~ Believe ~

~ or ~

Brainwashed to ~ Believe ~

and say to yourself and to the world,

~ This ~ is ~ Science ~

Don’t Tell Me,

~ Show Me ~

So what do you want to be Paul ?

~ a Scientist or Preacher ~


There is more science missing from the climate study than in the climate study.

All of the science missing from the climate study

~ Proves ~

Humans do not cause Global Warming or Climate Change.


So Paul,

beyond the Fraud and Deception

by the Paranoid Political Media Climate Religion Band Wagon,

~ who are hiding and ignoring ~

the proven fact tested science knowledge from the world,

proving humans do ~ not ~ cause Climate Change,

~ Enjoy your new Religion and Church ~

No Paul I am not paid by anyone or anything,

I am just a dyslexic scientist struggling to write,

living for the Truth in Life for Reality.

I have not made a dime

~ but ~

I have spent thousands out of my pocket,

Teaching Truth in Science for Reality in Science.


Ignoring or hiding the Truth does not make the Truth go away.

~ after the Sun vaporizes the Earth ~

there will be no History of Reality or Religion,

until then the sun will continue to be warmer and brighter every day,

just as it has been doing for the last 4.6 billion years.


There is nothing beyond ~ hearsay ~ to prove:

Humans cause Climate Change


Do you want

~ to know ~ or ~ to believe ~

Science is proving what is real and what is not,

there are no feelings in science,

Science is ~

Proven ~ Fact ~ Tested ~ Knowledge

not ~ Belief,

Belief is a Feeling.




To: Dan Kahan

~ Top Atmospheric Emissions Scientist ~

~ for ~

Yale Law & Psychology


Paul Slovic


Decision Research


Dear Dan and Paul,

I am not attacking ~ you ~

I am attacking ~ your ~ Religion.


Dan and Paul,

your study is Garbage.

So ~ the two of you ~ analyzed and tested all the science facts,

on all sides of the Climate Science Argument,

that allowed you to come to your logical conclusion,

~ that ~

I must be mentally deficient in science comprehension and communication,

along with tens of thousands of ~ real ~ scientists,

because we do not Believe in your Religion.

Dan and Paul you are Pathological liars,

the both of you and Janet Raloff should see a Psychiatrist.

~ you should prove your un provable science first ~

your next study should be on Climate Scientists Rejecting

~ very proven fact tested science knowledge ~

for the sake of their Wallet and Religion,

the bases for your study is Assumption by Hearsay,

not proven fact tested science knowledge.

[email protected]

Its your choice Dan,

~ Reality or Religion ~

I can prove either

~ in ~

The Court of Science

~ or ~

The Court of Law


So far Dan, you have proven nothing



~ the religion of science is skepticism ~




$25,000 Reward

has been offered to over 16,000 Souls

~ since 2007 ~

For the Test or Experiment used to form a Scientific Consensus,

proving Carbon Dioxide caused by Humans cause Climate Change.


Believe is ~ not ~ Scientific Fact

~ or ~



Weather is: every moment

Climate is: everyday

~ Reality is: not Belief ~

Believe is: to make Believe,

to make Believe is Fantasy

and Religion.

Denial is:

Rejecting Proven Fact ~ Tested ~ Science Knowledge,

for Belief.

Computers predicting the future is: Ouija Board Science

Ouija Board Science is: not Science and proves nothing.

Science is:

~ Skepticism ~

~ and ~

Hiding or Ignoring the Truth for the sake of Belief is not Science,

that is: Intentional Fraud and Deception


[email protected]


The blue part of the flame is:

the cooler ~ rich ~ (Air/Fuel mixture) part of the Flame,

~ and ~

the cause of Carbon Monoxide.

Carbon Monoxide is: Carbon based Oxygen

one Carbon Atom

~ and ~

one Oxygen Atom,

bonded together by Heat.


The ~ red ~ orange ~ yellow ~ white ~ part of the flame is:

the hotter ~ lean ~ (Air/fuel mixture) part of the flame,

~ and ~

the cause of Carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide is: Carbon based Oxygen

one Carbon Atom,

~ and ~

two Oxygen Atoms,

bonded together by Heat.


The more efficiently (HC) Hydrogen and Carbon fuel is burned,

the higher level of Carbon Dioxide is produced,

the less efficiently (HC) Hydrogen and Carbon Fuel is burned,

the higher the level of Carbon Monoxide is produced.


The Purest form of ~ Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) ~ is:

~ Dry Ice ~

The Purest form of ~ Carbon ~ is:

~ Diamond ~


To: Michael Bloch

[email protected]

Pumping CO2 into the ground,

will lower the O2 ~ Oxygen ~ levels ~ we breathe ~ in the Air,

and turn underground water in to Acid.


~ some days are too hot

~ and ~

some days are too cold ~

~ for ~

the last 4.6 billion years ~


Every time someone tells me,

~ Humans are Responsible for Climate Change ~

I ask them to Prove it.

The most common response is:

~ too much water is bad for you ~

that is a very

~ Moronic Statement ~


Gases are caused by Heat,

~ Heat rises ~

there is up to 70 times the Carbon dioxide level in the Ocean than in the Air,

from Volcanic activity below sea level,

from about 300 active Volcanoes,

along with about 50 Major Volcanic Eruptions per year,

causing all Carbon based Life below and above sea level.

~ The warmer it is ~

the the more Water vapor and Carbon dioxide is evaporated in to the Air,

causing the first Atmosphere, Climate, Weather and the Carbon cycle,

and all Carbon based Life and all Carbon based Energy,

on this Carbon based Planet.


~ Hydrogen ~ Carbon ~ Oxygen ~


the Foundation for All Life and Energy,

on this Carbon based Planet,

where everything has Carbon in it.


~ The Human body is 20% Carbon ~

made from the carbon based food we eat,

made from CO2.

We breathe O2 made from CO2,

made from Plants and Trees breathing CO2,

the first Atmosphere was all CO2.


~ Fact ~

The higher the level of Water vapor and Carbon dioxide in a Greenhouse,

the Greener and Healthier the Greenhouse,

~ and ~

is why we add Carbon based Oxygen to Greenhouses.


~ Life is the by product of Energy ~


Carbon dioxide is the by product of Energy,

Carbon dioxide can not Generate Energy,

Carbon dioxide absorbs more Energy than the surrounding Gases,

making the surrounding Gases cooler,

as all the heated gases rise into cooler Air,

forcing cooler Air to the Ground.

Much of the Energy absorbed by the Carbon dioxide is

absorbed by the Plants and Trees absorbing the Carbon dioxide,

causing the Carbon cycle,

causing all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy,

above Sea level for the last 600 million years.


~ Carbon Dioxide is a very proven natural Refrigerant at any temperature or pressure ~


Carbon dioxide Chemistry

~ proven fact tested science knowledge ~

~ since 1835 ~

along with

~ NOx Emission Control Device (EGR Valve) Chemistry,

Enforced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency,

~ Proves ~

Carbon Dioxide is a natural Refrigerant,

~ and ~

can ~ not ~ cause

Global Warming or Climate Change.


~ Hypothetical Conjecture Proves Nothing ~

If you do not Comprehend the Science,

then you have no right to an Opinion.

~ anything beyond that is Religion ~


To: Clayton Ciaran

[email protected]

Carbon dioxide is a proven Refrigerant

~ since 1835 ~

Mr. Ciaran

Please forward to me your test or experiment,

proving Carbon dioxide is no longer a Refrigerant,

after being a proven Refrigerant at any Temperature or Pressure for the last 177 years,

and could you please explain why you exclude the basic laws of heat transfer science,

and more than dozen causes for Climate Change,

each with an infinity of variable,

and millions of years of Climate Cycles and Climate History,

~ all missing from your Climate Science ~

Thank you


The Governments of the world ~

want to further ~ Tax ~ Energy, Nature, and Life.


Thanks to Global Warming,

it is a half degree warmer today,

than it would have been.


Denial of Reality ?


Denial of Political Media Religion ?


Climate Change is Very Real

~ but ~

not caused by

Carbon based Humans.


~ are you skeptical of my skepticism ~


We have a lot of people talking out their Butt these days,

so lets see if we can get their head out of their Butt,

so they can ~ See ~ the

~ Test Proven Truth ~

It is time to Grow beyond the Political Media Reiligion

~ and ~

~ Test the Science ~


Over 32,000

Engineers, Doctors and PhD’s

have signed a Petition stating the U.N. IPCC Climate Study is:

~ Flawed ~

that is a ~ real ~ scientific consensus,

~ but ~

according to

Eugene Robinson

~ the Top Scientist ~


for the

Washington Post

the 20,000 plus Engineers and Doctors and 10,000 plus PhD’s

~ are all delusional ~

along with half the people on this planet,

because they do not believe in Eugene’s Religion.


you too are a Pathological liar,

you are a ~ True Believer ~ who can prove nothing,

or explain the science,

I have been an Expert in Atmospheric Emission Science since 1976,

I have been Investigating Climate Science since the spring of 2007,

how long have you been Investigating and Testing the Science?

and what was the outcome of your last Experiment or Test ?

Admit it Eugene, you can prove nothing,

your just another Snake Oil Salesman,

for Climate Paranoia Religion,

and I can Prove it.

Your Religion does not allow or recognize or include or incorporate,

very proven fact ~ tested ~ science knowledge,

your Religion rejects ~

the basic laws of heat transfer science,

177 years of very proven chemistry,

~ proving CO2 is a refrigerant at any temperature or pressure ~

your Religion rejects ~

more than a dozen causes for Climate Change

each with an infinity of variable

and ~ all ~ climate history.

Eugene, your Religion is computers predicting the future and nothing more,

your Religion excludes all

~ real ~

proven fact ~ tested ~ science knowledge.

Your Religion is Computerized Ouija Board Science.

~ computers predicting the future ~

is not Science.

~ should we let Computers decide who is Crazy and who is not ?


$25,000 Reward

for the proof ~ Carbon dioxide caused by Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change.


Pumping CO2 into the ground will lower oxygen (O2) levels in the atmosphere,

the O2 part of CO2 comes from the atmosphere,

the O2 of CO2 is: the oxygen in air that we breathe,

that allows the hydrogen part of the Hydrocarbon to burn,

leaving the carbon part of the Hydrocarbon to bond

with the Oxygen from the air that allowed the Hydrogen to burn,

pumping CO2 into the ground will not allow the carbon cycle

to recycle the O2 back into the atmosphere where it came from,

~ and ~

turn underground water in to acid.


Bloodletting 2012

I am not a Democrat or Republican

I am a Scientist


CO2 and You and Me

~ from ~

the other side of the chalkboard.

~ the side of the chalkboard where we Test the Science ~


In chemistry carbon dioxide has been a proven natural refrigerant since 1835,

Carbon dioxide is the by product of energy,

Carbon dioxide is the opposite of energy,

Carbon dioxide can retard and or prevent energy,

Carbon dioxide can not generate energy,

Carbon dioxide absorbs more energy than the surrounding gases,

~ like a sponge absorbs water ~

making the surrounding gases cooler not warmer.

Today with existing proven fact ~ Tested ~ Emission Science Chemistry,

~ Mandated and Enforced by the EPA ~

and the State of California

~ since 1972 ~

I can Prove ~ Carbon Dioxide ~ can not cause Climate Change or Global Warming,

~ but ~

that will not stop the ~ True Believers ~ with zero science comprehension, from being

~ True Believers ~


July 2, 2012

To: Bill Nye


The Planetary Society

$25,000 Reward

~ for the tested proof ~

Humans cause climate Change.


There is Nuclear Waste,

in the Air,

in the Ocean,

on the Ground,

~ and maybe ~


in the Food we Eat,

with a lot of starving people in this world.

I agree with Bill Nye

Nuclear Energy is not safe.


To: Glenn Scherer

Senior Editor for the Blue Ridge Press

Letter to the Editor:

Science is: to Know

Knowledge is: ~ not ~ Belief

Believe is: to make Believe and Religion

There was Climate Change before Carbon based Life,

and there will be Climate Change after carbon based Life,

on this Carbon based Planet,

where everything has carbon in it.

Climate Change is:

~ Fact Proven Reality ~

for billions of years,

~ no one is denying Climate Change ~

Climate Change caused by Humans is:

~ Fact Proven Religion ~

The Most Important Aspect to Science is:

~ The Tested Proof ~

I have been investigating Climate Science since the spring of 2007,

the only thing ~ missing ~ from the U.N. IPCC Climate study ~

~ is ~

~ the Tested Proof and the Tested Truth ~

Long before Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based planet,

~ there was ~

more than a dozen causes for ~

Climate Change and Global Warming,

~ each cause with an infinity of variable ~

for billions of years.

Today there is only one reason or cause for climate change ~

You and Me and nothing else.


Dr. Michael Oppenheimer

[email protected]

Princeton University

Dr. Oppenheimer,

saying it, doesn’t prove it.

You are full of Rotting Baloney,

and I can ~ Prove it ~

Ed Schultz of MSNBC

from your show Friday June 29, 2012,

Ed you are a ~ True Believer ~

How much is Al Gore paying You ?

In the real world of real science,

~ that Ed knows nothing about ~

you are a moronic snake oil salesman,

with no right to an opinion of any kind in science,

~ True Believers ~ reject proven fact ~ Tested ~ science knowledge,

for the sake of their ~ Belief ~

so why don’t you cover ~ both sides ~ of the science,

and let people make their own intelligent decisions,

instead of neither side of the science,

while telling people what to ~ Believe ~ with no tested proof of anykind.

Ed, you forgot to have Michael show us his test or experiment,

or even explain the science,

proving Carbon dioxide caused by Humans cause Climate Change,

~ and then ~

more of the same on Monday July 2, 2012

with Bill Nye

~ then again ~

July 3, 2012

with Eugene Robinson,


~ show us the proof ~

by the way Eugene,

when was the last time you did an experiment or Test with carbon based oxygen ?

~ no science of any kind ~

just meaningless words that prove nothing.

~ Ed ~

~ Show us the Tested Proof Truth ~

not garbage lip service to ~ Believe ~ in.

Stop trying to ~ Brainwash ~ people

on a subject you no nothing about and can not prove either way.

Believe is: Religion and is not Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge.

~ words prove nothing in Science ~

Not one scientist who ~ Believes ~ Humans cause Climate Change can prove it,

or will debate it.

Michael Oppenheimer,

~ I Challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science ~

with a

$ 25,000 Reward

for the ~ tested ~ Proof

~ Humans ~

cause climate Change.

I e-mail the two of them every day,

for six weeks and no proof of any kind.


~ Yes ~ or ~ No ~


Do You want to Know ? = Proven Fact

~ or ~

Do You want to Believe ? = Religion


Sweeping it under the rug,

~ or ~

confronting it ~ and ~ dealing with it ?


Bloodletting had nothing to do with ~ Real ~ science,

~ but ~

We did it anyway.

~ We were Bloodletting for hundreds of Years ~


science is: to ~ know ~

~ and ~

Law is not always based on Reality


The Court of Science is:

~ above ~

The Court of Law

~ In Knowledge ~


~ Science changes everyday ~

Law would be very difficult to change everyday.

Some Bad Laws never change.


Sadly today we live in a world

where some Judges with zero comprehension of the scientific method,

base their science decisions solely on

Political Media Hearsay Belief,

~ then ~

proven fact tested science knowledge is:

not reviewed,

the legal science facts and argument ignored.

That is not Justice or Science,

that is Political Catering by Judges.

Incompetent Judges sweeping Climate Science under the rug will not resolve the issue,

or make the issue go away.

Do to the inability and lack of comprehension of some Judges,

~ there will be a new case with a new approach to Reality ~


The Montana Supreme Court

has shown us that ~ fact not hearsay ~ is the bases for good Law and science.

~ Science is to be ~ Tested ~ not Believed ~

Thank you to the Montana Justices

for your

~ Logic and Wisdom ~


The EPA is a political body ~ not ~ a science body,

the EPA and the U.S. Government and the United Nations

are committing very proven scientific fraud.


To: Michael Gerrard

of the

Center for Climate Change Law

Columbia University


Carbon based Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, CO2

is: the by product of energy.

~ that is very proven chemistry ~

Carbon based Oxygen can not generate energy.

~ that is very proven chemistry ~

Carbon based Oxygen absorbs more energy than the surrounding gases.

~ that is very proven chemistry ~

Carbon based Oxygen will cause surrounding gases to be cooler.

~ that is very proven chemistry ~

Carbon dioxide is a proven natural refrigerant since 1835.

~ that is:

~ still ~

~ very ~ re-proven ~ chemistry ~


~ $25,000 Reward ~

for the Test or Experiment used to forum a scientific consensus

proving Carbon dioxide caused by Humans cause Climate Change or Global Warming.



Have you

~ ever ~

observed a scientific experiment or test with carbon based oxygen ?

Do you know what an EGR Valve is or how it works ?

In 1976 I was Licensed by the State of California to ~

Inspect, Troubleshoot/Diagnosis, Repair, Adjust, and Certify ~ Emission Controls.

The EGR valve is:

a NOx Emission Control Device ~

that uses Carbon dioxide to make the Air ~ Cleaner, Safer and Healthier for ~ Humans,

by lowering the internal combustion explosion temperature 500 degrees,

by allowing exhaust to be 7% of the combustion chamber,

replacing Nitrogen with Nitrogen,

making the combustion chamber 1% CO2,

that mixes with the Air/Fuel Mixture,

when the Air/fuel mixture is Ignited,

the 1% carbon dioxide reduces combustion heat 500 degrees,

to reduce NOx caused by nitrogen and oxygen bonding together,

at temperatures of 2500 degrees and hotter.

Sun energy then breaks down the NOx into ~

Nitrogen and Oxygen (O3) (3 oxygen atoms bonded together) called Ozone,

the Ozone (O3) Oxygen causing Respiratory Illness.

Carbon dioxide has been making the air Cleaner, Safer and Healthier,

~ since 1972 in the State of California ~

later adopted by the EPA.


Most of the NOx in the Air is caused by

~ Lighting ~

causing the Ozone layer,

the hole in the Ozone layer is a continuous variable,

~ causing Climate Change ~

and is only one of many very important science factors ignored by the Climate Study.


40 years of very proven Carbon dioxide Science Chemistry,

Mandated and Enforced by the State of California and later by the EPA,

to make the Air Cleaner, Safer and Heathier for Humans,


~ Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) Carbon Dioxide ~

is a Heat Sponge ~ Refrigerant ~

just like ~ pure ~ frozen CO2 ~ Dry Ice ~ is a Heat Sponge ~ Refrigerant ~

making surrounding gases cooler not warmer,

in every experiment and test known to mankind since 1835.



you can not

~ Prove ~

with a test or an experiment,

Carbon dioxide caused by Humans cause Climate Change or Global Warming,

~ because ~

there is no test or experiment to prove Humans cause Climate Change or Global Warming.

~ scientific hypothesis ~ unproven theory ~ proves nothing ~

There is no test or experiment to base a Consensus,

your legal argument is based on bad policy and political media hearsay Belief,

with zero proven fact ~ tested ~ science knowledge,

and your lack of knowledge prevents you from knowing,

~ you are defending ~

Political Media Fraud in Science.

There is no Tested knowledge to prove your ~ Belief ~ Humans cause

Climate Change or Global Warming.


My legal argument is based on,

proven ~ fact ~ tested ~ science ~ knowledge,

that you can not dis-prove.

Carbon dioxide has been a very proven Refrigerant,

at any temperature or pressure in chemistry and Emission science,

for many years and is only one of many very proven science factors,

ignored by the U.N. IPCC ~ bought and paid for ~ Climate Study,

also ignored by the EPA.


With NOx emission control device science and chemistry

Mandated by the the United States Government Enforced by EPA

and by The State of California

~ From 1972 ~

With the EPA’s own rules and regulations mandated and enforced today,

and by the State of California for the last 40 plus years,

I can prove Carbon dioxide after 177 years of very proven chemistry,

is ~ still ~ a very proven Refrigerant,

at any temperature or pressure

and can not cause ~

Global Warming or Climate Change.


This very proven science is very ignored and rejected by the U.N. IPCC climate study,

along with many other proven science facts.


Michael, ask the EPA what an EGR Valve is and how it works,

or how CO2 Fire Extinguisher chemistry or Dry Ice chemistry works,

my guess is ~ they don’t know,

what the EPA ~ did ~ know years ago,

~ because ~

they are ~ not ~ scientists, they are Politicians.

Proven science is: proven science

~ and ~

un~proven science is: un~proven science.

~ see you in court ~


The Environmental Protection Agency

has no comprehension of any Science.

The EPA can not prove or explain the science they mandate and enforce,

because they are Politicians and Attorneys ~ not ~ Scientists.

It is all about Money, Power, and Belief,

and has nothing to do with ~ real science.


Excluding proven Knowledge form your knowledge is: not science,

that is Religion or Fraud.

~ are you still skeptical of my skepticism ~


Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen,

~ Is ~

the reason for everything.


Over Population and Nuclear Waste is for a very short period in time.

Climate Change is until the Sun Vaporizes this Earth,

then there will no longer be History.


a few of us ~ See ~ science,

some of us ~ Learn ~ science,

most of us just ~ Believe ~ what we are told to ~ Believe ~

regardless of the Truth.


One day the People,

owned and controlled ~ their ~ Government,

~ with the Government ~

telling Corporations and Special interest Groups,

what they can and can not do.


~ today ~


Corporations and Special interest Groups,

own and control the Government,

telling Humans what they can and can not do,

~ or ~


~ or ~

Know and Believe.


~ everything changes ~ in ~ time ~


June 22, 2012

The record High for June 22 here in Helena Montana,

102 degrees F in the year 1900,

it was 22 degrees cooler today in 2012.

With four seasons 24/7 on this planet all the time,

it can be -80 degrees F in one place,

at the same time +135 degrees F somewhere else.

That is a variable of 216 degrees 24 hours a day,

everyday on this carbon based planet,

and here we are dealing with one half of one degree,

~ so ~

if it was 100 degrees yesterday where you live with Global Warming,

then it would of only been 99.5 degrees with out Global Warming.


June 21, 2012

To: Karen O’Leary Engelbart


Climate Change is Real,

for the last 4.6 billion years,

~ and ~

~ Science is Skepticism ~

Please forward to me your test or experiment used to form a scientific consensus,

~ Proving Carbon based Humans ~ cause ~ Climate Change ~

Thank You Karen,



The by product of the ~ Exhaust ~ of this carbon based planet is:

All Carbon Based Life

~ and ~

All Carbon Based Energy


$25,000 Reward

~ for the Tested Proof ~

Carbon based Humans,

caused by the Carbon cycle,

Eating Carbon based Food,

caused by the Carbon Cycle,

Breathing Oxygen,

caused by the Carbon cycle,

Exhaling Carbon based Oxygen,

caused by the Carbon Cycle,

on this Carbon based Planet,

~ Causing the Carbon Cycle ~

where Everything has Carbon in it,

~ cause ~

Climate Change.


Proven Fact ~ Tested ~ Science Knowledge

~ or ~

Denial of Reality.


Do You want to ~ See ~ to know,

~ or ~

do You want to ~ Believe ~ to never know.


To: Anna Keenan,

I hope Washington D.C. and U.S. News has not corrupted you for the rest of your Life,

you have far more to learn than you know.

~ and ~

To: Dr. Jessica Rettig

Believing humans cause Climate Change,

does not ~ Prove ~ Humans cause Climate Change,


Peer Reviewed Hypothesis ~ Proves Nothing ~


~ CO2 and You and Me ~

* from forty years of daily work and learning experience in science *


~ one day the Sun will vaporize the Earth ~


The Climate has been Changing

on this Carbon Based Planet,

for the last 4.6 Billion years.

We have every kind of Climate, Season, and Weather,

on this carbon based planet,

~ everyday ~

There are more than a dozen causes for climate,

each cause with an Infinity of variable.

No two Ice Ages are alike,

~ nor ~

the Warming Periods in between.


Carbon dioxide is:

the ~ by product ~ of heat and warming ~ not ~ the cause,

carbon dioxide absorbs energy,

as plants and trees absorb the carbon dioxide,

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life and energy,

on this carbon based planet.


Is your Science Based on Belief ?

~ or ~

Proven Fact ~ Tested ~ Knowledge ?


~ truth and reality ~


what You ~ See ~

not what You ~ Believe ~

~ some conclusions are forever ~

and some are not.

You ~ can not ~ change Facts,

~ but ~

You ~ can ~ change Minds.

There are no sides in science,

there are only ideas that can or can not be proven.


~ Gases are caused by Heat ~

~ Increased ~ Warming ~

Increases the volume of Gases in the Atmosphere from the Ocean,

there is up to 70 times the carbon dioxide level in the ocean than in the Atmosphere,

from Thousands of

~ ever changing ~ un-measurable ~

~ active and inactive Volcanoes below Sea level ~

One Heat wave can increase the density of the air as much as 20%

~ caused ~

by Evaporation of Ocean,

~ caused ~

by Warming

~ caused ~

by the Sun.


~ Warming ~

is the cause of higher levels of Water Vapor and Carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere,

from the Ocean.


~ Not all the Carbon dioxide from Volcanic activity below sea level is dissolved by water ~

Carbon dioxide is a source of food for all carbon based Plant Life below sea level,

causing the Oxygenation of the Ocean for all ~ Oxygen ~ Breathing Creatures in the Sea,

as Water Vapor, Carbon dioxide and Oxygen evaporate in to the atmosphere,

causing the first atmosphere, environment and weather,


~ all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy above Sea level ~


~ Carbon dioxide ~

from the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Planet,

this Earth where everything has Carbon in it,

~ causing ~

All Carbon based Life below sea level and

All Carbon based Plants and Trees above sea level,

Living, Breathing and Growing,

~ allowing ~

You and Me

New Carbon based Life to Live and Breathe and Grow,

~ is part of ~

The Carbon Cycle.


To Ignore or Reject the Scientific Method,

is not Science.


To Ignore or Reject Proven Fact ~ Tested ~ Science Knowledge History,

for the Sake of Belief,

~ is Insanity ~


If I want to talk about Science,

~ that means ~

I have to talk about Media Opinion Politics,

Media Opinion Journalism,


Media Opinion Religion too.


~ That is not Science ~

There is no Proven Reality in

~ Belief ~ Opinion ~ Hearsay ~

or Prediction

~ Words Prove Nothing in Science ~

There is no science in words,

words can only explain the science.


~ they must prove the science ~ before they sell it ~


May 21, 2012

To: Lisa Palmer

should we ~ prove ~ science


just ~ Believe ~ what we are told to ~ Believe ~

with no questions asked or answered.

Lisa, I sent a request to Scott Mandia on ~

January 17, 2012

February 8, 2012

May 2, 2012

May 17, 2012

for the proof humans cause Climate Change,

now I send a request every work day.

Today ~ May 21, 2012 ~ I sent a request to,

Scott Mandia and the

~ Climate Science Rapid Response Team ~

for the proof humans cause Climate Change.

(as of August 1, 2012 ~ still nothing)

I have made that request to over 7000 Scientists,

including your friends at Yale,

and to all major Science University’s in the U.S.A.,

and to over 7000 Journalist, Politicians, Environmental Attorneys,

the Media, Climate blogs and websites.

That is more than 14,000 requests for the proof humans cause Climate Change,

plus the 30,000 to 40,000 Carbon based Humans visiting this website every month,

a year or two ago,

~ I don’t know how many visit today ~

~ With a $25,000. Reward ~


~ Nothing ~

nor will anyone publicly debate or explain the science.


~ Logical ~ Conclusion ~

There is no ~ Tested ~ proof Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change,

there is only ~ Belief ~

We need ~ Fact ~ Tested ~ Truth ~ in Science Education,

not ~ untested ~ Political Media Belief.

It is time to ~ See ~ beyond the Politics and Belief,

and ~ Test ~ the Science.

A ~ Good ~ Journalist covers both sides of an issue,

not taking sides.

Lisa, to ~ Believe ~ something is Real

~ is not Real ~

there is no Reality in ~ Belief ~

Lisa you can not prove humans cause Climate Change,

nor can you explain the science you ~ Believe ~ in,

you just ~ Believe ~ Humans cause climate Change,

that is not Science.

~ Proven Fact ~ Tested ~ Science Knowledge dis-proves your Belief ~

and like all the others Lisa,

you will Reject and Ignore

~ Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge ~

for the sake of your ~ Belief ~


~ the religion of science is skepticism ~


I am for Clean Healthy Air,

I am for a Clean Healthy Environment,

I am for Clean Renewable Energy,

~ and ~

I am for Burning

(HC) ~ Hydrocarbons ~ Hydrogen and carbon ~

Cleanly and Efficiently.

The more Efficiently Hydrocarbon is burned,

the higher percentage of Carbon dioxide is produced.


I am against Science being a ~ Religion.

The True Deniers are those who reject proven knowledge for their ~ Belief ~


To: Brad Johnson

~ the Ocean was twenty feet higher 135,000 years ago ~

It was much warmer one thousand years ago, for about two hundred years.

You Truly Believe the Lies you are telling the world,

~ That makes you a Pathological Liar ~

for and

Brad, you can not

Forecast Facts

~ Predict Facts ~

a Forecast is a ~ Prediction ~ Guess ~ not a Fact,

the fact happens after the prediction not before.

~ what facts ~

it is all about Money and

~ Belief ~

There are no test proven facts proving Humans cause climate change and with

~ Real ~ Test ~Proven ~ Science ~ Facts ~

I can dis-prove your

~ Belief ~

but that will not stop a True Believer like you from ~ Believing ~ your own Lies.


~ $25,000 Reward ~

~ for the proof ~

carbon based Humans eating carbon based food on this carbon based planet

exhaling carbon based oxygen ~ CO2 ~

~ cause ~

Climate Change.

Brad, now that you are an expert in climate Science,

when was the last time you tested or experimented with CO2 ?

and what were the results ?

Brad, I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science,

where you can ~ Forecast ~ the ~ Facts ~

I challenged Brad May 16, 2012 6:10 pm Montana time,

~ lets see if Brad responds ~

(as of August 16, 2012 ~ still no response )

Joe Romm of Think Progress and Bill Mckibben of

have never responded to any Debate or Reward offers I have sent since 2007.

I will e-mail Brad and Joe and Bill every work day,

until they provide the proof Humans cause climate Change.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Joe and Bill and Brad are ~ not ~ Teachers of Knowledge,

they are Preachers of ~ their ~ Climate Paranoia Belief.

Science is Knowledge,

Belief is Religion.


It hasn’t been ~ this ~ warm for 120 years,

now we are all going to die.


~ Warming began ~ again ~ 14,000 years ago ~

not 400 or 200 or 100 or 50 years ago.

with several ~ little Ice Ages ~ and ~ Mini Ice Ages ~ over the last 14,000 years,

with warming periods in between much warmer than today.

The warmer it is:

the more Water vapor and Carbon dioxide will be evaporated from the Ocean.

The carbon dioxide occurring for billions of years from continuous Volcanic activity

~ below sea level ~

causing the first Atmosphere and all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy,

Living ~ Breathing ~ Growing and Dying on this Carbon based Planet.


~ Every work day ~

I e-mail this science statement to

[email protected]

The United Nations IPCC ~ Climate ~ study

~ excludes and rejects ~

more than a ~ dozen ~ causes for Climate

all Climate Variables

All Climate Cycles,

all Climate History

all Proven Carbon dioxide Chemistry,

and the Basic Laws of Heat Transfer Science.

All that matters to the U.N.

is computer prediction.


Money Controls ~ Political – Media ~ Belief

We Need to Educate Knowledge ~ not ~ Belief.

The Truth means nothing to those who ~ Truly Believe ~


~ One day the sun will vaporize the Earth ~

In one billion years the average Temperature on this Earth will be 160 degrees,

caused by the variable increasing energy of the Sun.

~ If the Suns energy dropped by 3% there would be an instant Ice Age ~


~ Life is the by product of energy ~

Carbon dioxide is the by product of energy,

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based planet,

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life and energy,

above sea level for past 600 million years.


In 1835 the French Chemist Charles Thilorier,

discovered carbon dioxide to be a natural refrigerant,

over the next 60 years CO2 was observed and tested by Scientists,

in University’s and Colleges in Europe,

followed by 29 more years of further testing and observation in the United States,

after 99 years of testing and observation,

carbon dioxide was patented as a refrigerant in the U.S.A. in 1924.

Today carbon dioxide is a natural refrigerate in our daily lives in many ways.

~ Dry Ice Chemistry ~

Pure frozen CO2 absorbs heat while cooling the air ten times faster than frozen water.

~ CO2 Fire Extinguisher Chemistry ~

Removing all the heat caused by the fire and then some,

making the air cold while extinguishing the fire,

by starving the fire for oxygen.

~ and ~

Mandated by the EPA,

~ many years ago ~

to reduce Ozone at ground level

to make the Air cleaner for Humans.

~ The ~

~ NOx Emission Control Device Chemistry ~

When making the Internal Combustion Chamber 1 % CO2,

with carbon dioxide from the exhaust,

~ through the E.G.R. Valve ~

Exhaust ~ Gas ~ Recycle ~ Valve

the Carbon dioxide lowers the combustion chamber explosion temperature 500 degrees,

to lower NOx.

NOx is the cause of Ozone at ground level causing respiratory illness.

Lighting is a cause of NOx causing the Ozone layer in the outer atmosphere.

NOx is Nitric oxide ~

Nitrogen and Oxygen from the Atmosphere,

bonded together by heat at ~ 2500 ~ degrees F and hotter.

Sun energy changes the NOx into Nitrogen and O3.

O3 is three oxygen atoms bonded together ~ called ~ Ozone.

This knowledge has been a working part of Automotive Emission science since 1972,

and is in every Automotive-Emission Science Manual printed since 1972.

It was required of me to learn this science in 1976 in order to pass the test,

~ to be licensed by The State of California ~

to Certify Emissions and Emission Controls systems.


~ The Environmental Protection Agency ~

has mandated this science to be on most Cars and Trucks on the road,

~ for the last 36 plus years ~


Existing proven carbon dioxide chemistry,

going back to 1835,

known and enforced by the EPA for over 36 years,

proving Carbon dioxide is a Refrigerant at any Temperature or Pressure,

proving 96% of the carbon dioxide in the Air caused by this Planet

and the less than 4% Carbon dioxide in the Air caused by Humans,

~ can not cause warming ~

I have sent hundreds of requests to the EPA,

for the proof humans cause Climate Change ~ and ~ Nothing.


~ Generating Energy or Absorbing Energy ~

Carbon dioxide can not ~ generate energy ~ warming the air,

carbon dioxide is a by product of energy,

causing the carbon cycle.

Carbon dioxide ~ absorbs energy ~ like a sponge absorbs water,

cooling the surrounding air,

while through the basic laws of heat transfer science,

all of the heated air rises releasing the energy and heat into the cooler air,

while forcing sub zero air to the ground.


Carbon dioxide can not add or subtract energy in the atmosphere,

caused by the Hot liquid core of this Earth heating the lower atmosphere,

or the energy from the Sun Heating the solar system.


What is very alarming is the number of people with a Degree in Science,

who are not aware of the fact:

dioxide is oxygen.

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

two oxygen atoms,


~ Carbon is in everything ~


If carbon dioxide is Poison and Pollution,

then ~ everything ~ is Poison and Pollution.

Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen are the main ingredients for all life and energy,

on this carbon based planet, where everything has carbon in it.


Even more alarming is the number of so called experts in Climate Science,

who choose to ignore the proven science fact,

carbon dioxide has been a proven natural refrigerant since 1835,

along with many other very important very proven science facts,

being ~ very ignored ~ by the so called experts,

who have yet to prove their ~ Belief ~ Humans cause Climate Change.


~ Science is to know ~

~ to believe is Religion ~


~ True Believers are True Believers ~

You can not stop a Religion of True Believers with proven fact tested science knowledge.

True Believers reject and ignore proven fact tested science knowledge for the sake of

~ Their Belief ~

A Consensus Based on Belief and Political Opinion is not Scientific fact.

Yes there is evidence of Climate Change for millions and billions years,

with no ~ proven ~ evidence it is caused by Carbon based Humans.


~ proven reality = the truth ~


~ The Scientific Method ~

This Scientific Statement is updated everyday.

I have an on going Investigation in Climate Science,

up to five hours everyday since the spring of 2007

This my Legal ~ Science Statement thus far,

with on going peer review ~ since 2007 ~

of ~ previously ~ peer reviewed science from 1835 to the present.


~ You can not exclude proven knowledge from a scientific study ~

The United Nations

~ I do not Trust ~

Their paid for U.N. IPCC Climate Study,

~ Excludes ~

the basic laws of heat transfer science,

177 years of very proven carbon dioxide chemistry,

more than a dozen causes for climate,

~ each with an infinity of variable ~

and all climate history,

the U.N. Climate Study relies on Computers Predicting the Future.

Computers Predicting the Future is:

~ Ouija Board Science ~

Ouija Board Science does not prove Human cause Climate Change.


Thank you to the

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

for the Doctor Honor Oct. 8, 2011


Thank you to the

National Geographic Society

Office of the Editor

Senior Editorial Staff,

for your Card April 14, 2008

~ informing me you are reviewing my work and references,

and your thank you letter June 13, 2008 wishing me success.

I have heard positive comments about your 2011 DVD,

explaining how Climate Change is a natural cycle.


Thank you to the

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

for reviewing my website references,

and your thank you letter February 17, 2009,

thanking me for my excellent work on this issue.


Thank You to

Brian Schweitzer

Governor of the State of Montana

For your Compliments of my life long work in Emission Science,

and your positive feedback in your letter March 26, 2007,

along with your thank you card April 18, 2008,

along with the other positive communications from you.


Thank You to

Brad Johnson

Secretary of State for the State of Montana

for your positive response and feed back in your Thank you letter September 18, 2008


Linda McCulloch

Secretary of State for the State of Montana

for your positive response in your Thank you letter March 31, 2009


Thank You to the

United States Senators of Montana

Max Baucus & Jon Tester

For your Honest responses to my requests for Facts in Climate science,

and other maters of importance to the People of Montana.


Thank You to

Brad Wall

Premier of Saskatchewan

for your positive response in your Thank you letter May 8, 2009


Thank You to

Project World Awareness


Education Views


The Galileo Movement

for your recognition and positive support of my work.


Thank You to

Douglas Fischer

Editor of the Daily Climate,

Rae Tyson for the interview,

and Publisher Peter Dykstra,

for your interest in my work.


Thank you to

Healthy Awareness

for agreeing with the

~ Proven Facts ~


There are too many of you out there to thank for your support and feedback,

so thank you everyone.


~ Nature Evolves ~

Nature can not adapt to Life,

Life must adapt to nature ~ causing ~ Life


My Base Testing shows the heat transfer rate for,

Pure O2 Oxygen

Pure CO2 Carbon and Oxygen

and the Air we all Breathe

is the same.


~ There is no such thing as ~ Settled Science ~ with the Scientific Method ~

Every time someone tells me the Science is Settled,

they can not explain the science they are trying to sell me,

their ~ only ~ reference is Political-Media Hearsay Belief,

they have ~ zero ~ test proven scientific facts.

~ They are True Believers ~

with no comprehension of the science.


To the Montana Cowgirls,

You Montana Cowgirl Bloggers can not prove Humans cause climate change.

its time for me to Cowboy up,

and make all you Cowgirl Bloggers Happy.

Now that your done trashing me, making fun of me, and calling me names.

When are we going to debate ~ Real ~ Science ?

Some of you said you would debate the science,

so where is your proof Humans cause all Climate Change,

or are you just talk, name callers, hecklers, insulting and poking fun at people.

You want me to be a True Believer of what you ~ Truly Believe ~

Believe is Religion.

I do not want to ~ Believe ~

I want to ~ Know ~


Years ago I was chosen to evaluate Automotive science education at Helena High school,

by and for

Allan Walter

Helena High School

Automotive Technical Training Instructor

on behalf of the NATEF

National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation

~ ASE Certification ~

National Institute for Automotive Service

Allan Walter has helped NASA when they needed help.

~ Automotive Science Incorporates all Sciences ~

All of these Sciences happen together at the very same millisecond.

~ every work day of my life ~

I am a Trouble-Shooter

~ I ~ Investigate ~ Analyze ~ Test ~ Diagnose ~ Repair ~ Adjust ~

Professionally since 1976.

Do you know how much science is involved to build an 8000 horsepower race car motor ?

My science Peers will tell you I understand all of these sciences very clearly.

The hard part is trying to explain 40 years of experiences in all sciences,

to people who would fail grade school science.

I was paid money, given a new car to drive, along with my lunch paid for on the days I

schooled at at Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corporation, and General Motors,

at the age 19.


There is Political Science,

and there is Real Science too ~

Dioxide is:

two Oxygen Atoms

di ~ oxide

~ di ~ is ~ two ~

~ oxide ~ is ~ oxygen ~

O2 is oxygen = 2 oxygen atoms ~ when ~ not ~ part of another molecule ~

O2 is dioxide = 2 oxygen atoms ~ when ~ part ~ of another molecule ~

~ dioxide and oxygen both represent two oxygen atoms ~

We live with ~ O1 ~ O2 ~ O3 ~ Oxygen, in different forms and variations.

I have been 4 gas emissions testing since 1976

Testing the percentages of ~

CO = 1 carbon atom and 1 oxygen atom = Carbon monoxide, (mon = 1) (oxide = oxygen)

CO2 = 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms = Carbon dioxide, (di = 2) (oxide = oxygen)

O2 = 2 oxygen atoms = Oxygen

HC = Hydrogen and carbon = Hydrocarbon (PPM)

~ and that reminds me ~

I need to order a new Oxygen sensor for my 4 gas analyzer.

The point I am trying to make is ~

dioxide is not poison and pollution,

dioxide just sounds like it is a poison and pollution,

and is way I substituted O2 dioxide for O2 oxygen,

to make people ~ Think ~

Dioxide is two oxygen atoms based to another molecule.

Oxygen is two oxygen atoms based to each other a molecule.

We all breathe Air and absorb millions of ~ two oxygen atoms ~ together

then exhale millions of two oxygen atoms based to a carbon atom.


~ Call it a Test ~

and the blog world failed the test,

it took more than a year for the intentional substitution of O2 Oxygen for O2 Dioxide,

to be noticed by the blog world,

proving there is little to no science comprehension in this world,

proving most people have no right to a science opinion of any kind,

you Cowgirl Bloggers were the first to notice the substitution.


~ Half Truths ~

I did the same thing with my reference page.

It took a Stanford University Lab science professor to notice my half truth,

to counter a half truth by Al Gore,

and now I know Joe Berry read my reference page.

The half truth by Al Gore was ~ that ~ water expands when you warm it,

and the Oceans will rise and we are all going to die ~ very ~ soon,

~ just like all the other times we are told we are all going to die very soon ~

~ Al Gore left out ~

water expands when you freeze it too.

When Ice melts it shrinks (condenses) as it becomes a liquid,

then expands as it warms before evaporating into the air,

causing a lot of water vapor and CO2 from the Ocean in to the air,

to feed all the plants and trees,

making the planet greener not browner.

~ Gases are caused by Heat ~

Heat rises

The warmer water is the faster it evaporates into the air,

If the water is very warm the Ocean level could go down from evaporation.

Now add the fact there is up to 70 times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the air,

~ from un measurable Volcanic activity 24/7 ~ for billions of years ~

The warmer it is, the more water vapor and CO2 is evaporated into the air,

and is why the air is much denser over the ocean than land,

making it very difficult for Carbon dioxide in the air to fall into the Ocean.

Al Gore is only going to tell you what he ~ Believes ~ and wants you to Believe too,

so Al Gore can make big money selling carbon credits,

to those of us who live in a ~ Cold Climate ~

~ trying not to freeze to death during global warming ~

Punishing those of us who live in colder climates,

because we need more energy to survive the cold.

~ so the colder it is the more Al makes selling carbon credits ~

Who cares about the more than dozen ~ Real ~ causes for climate change,

or the very proven carbon dioxide chemistry, and the basic laws of heat transfer science,

and all of climate history,

all ~ excluded ~ from the U.N. IPCC Climate study.


It is all about Money and Belief,

and has nothing to do with ~ Real Science ~


~ Joe Berry ~

you are half right and half wrong,

yes CO2 absorbs more energy than other gases,

but leaving the surrounding gases cooler not warmer,

as the carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and trees,

causing life from the energy absorbed by the carbon dioxide,

for the last 600 million years above sea level.

Absorbing energy is not adding energy, absorbing energy is subtracting energy,

~ as all the gases cool ~

as they all rise into the colder air,

forcing sub zero air to the ground,

now add the other dozen plus causes for climate change,

Example: the Sun is a variable not a constant,

the distance between the Earth and Sun are a variable not a constant,

the Ozone hole is a variable not a constant,

the Oceans and Evaporation are a variable not a constant,

un measurable Volcanic activity below sea level is a variable not a constant,

along with ~ many ~ other very important variable factors,

all excluded from your thinking.

There is more science missing from the U.N. study than in the study.

Joe, last year you ~ disagreed ~ with Steven Running,

who stated the Sun is not a factor in climate,

this year you agree with Steven,

do you agree with Steven Running when he states

~ carbon based oxygen is poison and pollution ~

There is no consensus in Climate science.

The climate study is a ~ very flawed ~ study.

Joe, I hope one day we can sit down and drink a beer together,

and talk about it, with out the political media religion.

Joe Berry, thank you for your input.


The bottom line is no one can prove Humans cause Climate Change,

and I can prove CO2 can ~ not ~ cause warming with existing proven science,

~ enforced by the EPA ~

~ I do not deny Climate Change or Global Warming ~

or what ever it is called today.


I am carbon based life, eating carbon based food, living on a carbon based planet,

where everything has carbon in it.

I exhale CO2 for plants and trees to absorb from the air,

plants and trees exhale O2 for me to absorb from the air.

Plants and Trees have less than 00.04 % of the Air to absorb from,

We creatures have 20.95 % of the air to absorb from,

the 20.95 % (O2) was caused by (CO2)

by the carbon cycle over 600 million years.

If the atmosphere was the size of a football field,

Human caused CO2 would be a sewing thread on the fifty yard line,

and all of the CO2 in the air would be a kite string on the fifty yard line,

to support all carbon based life and carbon based energy growing,

on this carbon based planet, where everything has carbon in it.


~ Pumping Carbon dioxide into the Ground lowers Oxygen levels in the Air ~

Increasing Nitrogen levels, that nothing needs or Breathes.

Some people ~ Believe ~ CO2 is in the fuel that we burn.

The Fuel that we burn is (HC) Hydrocarbon,

(HC) Hydro-carbon is Hydrogen and Carbon.

There is no Oxygen (O2) in the (HC) Hydrocarbon that we burn.

The (O2) Oxygen part of CO2 is the same (O2) Oxygen in the Air that we breathe,

that allows the Hydrogen part of the Hydrocarbon to burn,

leaving the carbon part of the Hydrocarbon to bond with the oxygen,

that allowed the Hydrogen to burn.

Pumping CO2 into the ground would not allow the carbon cycle to return the Oxygen back

into air where it came from, lowering Oxygen levels ~ not ~ decreasing carbon levels,

and could increase carbon levels,

while turning underground water in to ~ Acid ~

Nitrogen is already 78.09 % of the air that nothing needs or breathes,

and one day Nitrogen will be 100.00 % of the Air.

Nitrogen is caused by the green house, from decomposing soil,

making Nitrogen ~ 78.09 % ~ of the Air ~ a ~ Green House Gas ~

Oxygen 20.95 % of the Air is caused by the Green House too,

making Oxygen a Green House Gas.

Plants and Trees have less than 000.04 % of the Air to Breathe,

Humans cause less than 000.00 % of the carbon dioxide in the air for Plants to breathe,

the Plants and Trees causing 20.95 % Oxygen in the air for Humans to breathe,

caused by the carbon cycle.

The first Atmosphere was all carbon based oxygen (CO2)

causing the carbon life and energy cycle.


To Believe something is Real,

is not Real.

Life and proven knowledge = Reality


~ consensus ~

– 1 – an opinion held by all or most

– 2 – general agreement in opinion


Opinion is a feeling ~ not proven fact tested science knowledge.

~ Bloodletting ~ was a consensus too ~

for hundreds of years.


~ two oxygen atoms based to one carbon atom ~


Carbon dioxide does not generate energy,

Carbon dioxide absorbs energy, making the surrounding air ~ cooler ~ not warmer.

Carbon dioxide is a natural refrigerant at any temperature or pressure,

in many ways in our daily lives.

There is no test or experiment proving carbon dioxide causes warming,

and there is no test or experiment disproving 177 years of very proven CO2 Chemistry.

There is no test or experiment to base a consensus in climate science.

The consensus is ~ Political – Media ~ not scientific.


Ignoring or rejecting test proven knowledge for the sake of ~ Belief ~ is not science,

~ that is Religion ~

and chalk on a board and reality are not always the same.


The Official United Nations Statement is:

It is ~ very likely ~ Humans cause Climate Change.

~ very likely ~ is a Feeling,

believe and trust are feelings too,

their are no feelings in science,

feelings prove nothing in science.


~ CO2 ~

carbon and oxygen

C = 1 carbon atom

O2 = 2 oxygen atoms

2 oxygen atoms when based to a carbon atom is called carbon dioxide


di = 2

oxide = oxygen

carbon and oxygen

oxygen based to carbon

carbon and di-oxide

carbon dioxide

and a few of us call it

~ carbon based oxygen ~

CO2 is

one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms bonded together by heat,

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based planet,

where every has carbon in it,

causing all carbon based life and all carbon based energy,

living, breathing, growing,

and is:

a negative neutral in nature

absorbing energy then releasing energy as the heated gases rise into cooler air.


CO2 is

a natural refrigerant in nature,

while causing all carbon based life and energy.


The cause of All Carbon based Life breathing O2 on this Carbon based Planet,

comes from the Ocean.

If all Volcanic activity below sea level stopped producing Carbon based Oxygen (CO2)

into the Ocean and Atmosphere, this planet would Die.


If all Volcanic activity was above sea level,

the Earth would be covered with ash miles thick.


Carbon and Oxygen bonded together by Heat

comes from the Hot Liquid Core of this carbon based Earth,

from Billions of Years of Volcanic activity,

producing up to 70 times the CO2 level 24/7 into the Ocean than into the Atmosphere,

while producing over 96 % of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere everyday to cause

the carbon based life and energy cycle,

above and below sea level on this carbon based planet.


~ Plants and Trees were here first ~

My Body is 20% (C) carbon and I Breathe (O2) oxygen,

made from CO2 through the carbon cycle.

For the last 600 million years plants and trees have been absorbing the CO2,

making carbon based food for us to eat and (O2) for us to breathe,

all of the (O2) we breath today, came from (CO2)

absorbed by the carbon cycle over last 600 million years.


Water vapor and Carbon Dioxide is the cause of all Nature and the Environment.

Nature and Environment is the

~ Hydrogen ~ Oxygen ~ Carbon ~ Cycle ~

causing all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy,

living, breathing, growing and dying on this Carbon based Planet,

for the last 600 million years above sea level.

We have school Teachers, Journalist, and Politicians stating ~

CO2 is poison and pollution.

We have been adding carbon dioxide to the beverages we drink since the 1880’s,

and pumping carbon dioxide it into greenhouses for as long as I can remember.


I can remember being in an Earthquake when I was four years old in 1960,

and not understanding why I fell over every time I stood back up.

I remember looking at a National Geographic Magazine for the first time in first grade.

I remember the John F. Kennedy assassination in second grade,

and being out of school for a week,

and watching the funeral every day on a black and white T.V.


Generating Energy or Absorbing Energy,

Generating Energy is Adding Energy,

Absorbing Energy is Subtracting Energy,

call it positive and negative in Nature.


In Chemistry since 1835,

carbon dioxide is a ~ test proven ~ natural Refrigerant.

Carbon dioxide is the reaction, aftermath, by-product of Energy and Heat.

Carbon dioxide is the ~ Opposite ~ of energy and Heat.

Carbon dioxide can not produce or generate Energy and Heat.

Carbon dioxide absorbs more Energy and Heat than the surrounding Air,

~ like a sponge absorbs water ~

causing the surrounding Air to be cooler.

When there is no Energy and Heat to absorb,

~ and ~ or ~

as the heated gases rise into the cold air,

carbon dioxide releases the absorbed Energy and Heat,

~ by the basic laws of heat transfer science ~

not Adding or Subtracting Energy and Heat in the atmosphere.

After 99 years of research, study and testing, in Europe and the U.S.A.

Carbon dioxide was patented as a refrigerant in 1924,

and is used as a natural refrigerant in the industrial science world,

in many ways in our daily lives since the 1920’s.


Jim Hansen and Michael Mann,

~ and the rest of the United Nations IPCC Climate band wagon ~

you must of missed or rejected that day in your Chemistry class,

and the day they were teaching the basic laws of Heat transfer science,

you also left out more than ~ dozen ~ natural causes of Climate Change,

each cause with an infinity of variables in climate,

and ~ all ~ Climate History from your climate thinking.

The last 100 years of working proven Industrial Science,

disproves and debunks your Feelings and Belief Humans cause all climate change,

that is why ~ tens of thousands ~ of scientists have stated the climate study is ~ Flawed ~


~ Separating Fact from Fiction ~

Published in the Houston Chronicle by Eric Berger on April 11, 2012

~ Four dozen ~ former NASA astronauts, engineers and scientists sent a

letter to NASA requesting that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported

remarks in its future releases on this subject, that claims by NASA that man-made carbon

dioxide having a catastrophic impact on climate are not substantiated.


Carbon dioxide causing warming is a Hypothesis,

a Hypothesis is an un-proven theory.

The Fact Tested Science Knowledge is:

Carbon dioxide absorbs energy, then releases the energy.

Carbon dioxide can not add or remove energy in the Atmosphere.


~ How do You Know ?

~ or ~

~ How do You Believe ?

to Believe is to Make Believe,

to Make Believe is Fantasy.


~ Weather happens in every climate ~

We have every kind of Climate and Season on this planet 24/7

One thousand years ago, Montana had California Climate for two hundred years,

in between the last twenty major Ice Ages over the last two million years,

there were warming periods much warmer than today.

No one is ~ Denying ~ climate change for the last 4.6 billion years,

the argument is ~ why ~ is there climate change.


I am a Dyslexic Poet Scientist, learning how to write

~ writing and spelling will always be more than a challenge ~

when I find a mistake ~ I fix it ~

No one is paying me or helping me ~ I am a one man show

~ too many chefs spoil the soup ~


~ I am not attacking science ~

I am defending reality

~ Science is Knowledge ~

Should we reject, discard, throw away, very proven science Knowledge for ~ Belief ?

~ skepticism ~

is the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge ~ must always ~ be in question.

If You can not prove the science you are trying to sell me,

how can I not be a skeptic.


How do You know ~ Humans cause Climate change ?

~ Chalk on a Board ~ Hypothesis ~ proves nothing ~

Is it a Religion, or an Illness called Political religion,

caused by journalist and the politicization of science,

or did someone tell you Humans cause Climate Change and you simply Believe them,

or is it

~ Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge ~


~ Science is Skepticism ~

Science is Knowledge not Belief.

Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge,

means nothing to True Believers,

True Believers are Pathological Liars in Science,

contributing to Fraud in Science,

~ like ~

Peter Jacques Ph.D

Peter teaches Political Science at the University of Central Florida.

Maybe you should ~ prove ~ the science before you sell it.

[email protected]

Peter has not responded and blocked my e-mails,

Peter is an expert in Climate Science Skepticism,

making Peter a Skeptic of those who are Skeptical of un-proven Knowledge in Science.

~ My educated guess is ~

Peter he has never performed a single experiment or test with CO2 in his entire life.

Peter, every Good scientist knows you have to test the science first

before you can agree with it or condemn it.

In the real world of real science,

you and many others calling themselves professionals ~ are pathological liars,

because you ~ Truly Believe ~ Humans cause Climate Change.

Peter, you have no right to discredit ~ real ~ scientist based only on your Religious belief,

of course Peter you are welcome to provide me with the test or experiment used to

establish a scientific consensus in climate science,

the same goes for Tom Friedman, Chris Hayes, Jonathan Haidt, Christopher Mooney,

Blah, Blah Blah,

the list goes on and on.

~ Peace ~


David William Szymanski Ph.D

Bentley University

Lobbying U.S. Sen. Jon Tester of Montana

[email protected]

Jon and David have not provided any ~ tested proof ~ Humans cause climate change.

Jon has responded in the past, but could not provide any fact tested proof of any kind,

while calling me a skeptic.

Jon, how can I not be a skeptic, if you can not prove the science you are trying to sell me,

the science you are trying to sell me is a flawed incomplete study that proves nothing.

Jon, you are a Snake Oil Salesman and a True Believer.

Fact proven Science knowledge means nothing to True Believers.

~ a Hypothesis does not and can not debunk 177 years of very Proven Chemistry ~

enjoy your new Religion and Church.

Jon, next time your in Helena stop by the shop, I will show you what real science is,

then we will go sit on the fence.


U.S. Sen. John Kerry

John has responded, but could not provide any tested proof humans cause climate change.

John, there is over whelming Opposition of your ~ Belief ~

over 32,000 scientist and their signatures

~ stating ~

the UN IPCC climate study is ~ Flawed ~ proves there is no consensus.

There is no consensus because Hypothetical Conjecture Proves nothing,

you need more than chalkboard science for a consensus,

you need a physical test to support your ~ Belief ~

Today existing proven fact tested science knowledge disproves your ~ Belief ~


Put your Money where your mouth is,

I will bet you $25,000 ~ you ~ can not prove Humans cause climate Change.

John Kerry, Joe Biden and Al Gore,

you will be famous one day,

for turning Climate Paranoia into a ~ Religion ~


U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman

I have yet to contact Rep. Waxman.


$25,000 Reward for the proof Humans cause climate Change.


Daniel Souweine


[email protected]

Daniel has not responded or provided any tested proof Humans cause climate change, has asked me to stop e-mailing them.


Dick Thweatt

Helena City Commission

~ just saying it, does not make it so ~

Dick is another Snake Oil Salesman on the band wagon,

he ~ Believes ~ Humans cause Climate Change,

with no test proven facts to support his ~ Belief ~

Dick, $25,000 Reward for the proof humans cause Climate Change.


Political Media Hearsay is not Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Change.

They Truly Believe the Political Media Lies in and about Climate Science,

~ I challenge all of You ~ True Believers ~ to an open public debate in Climate Science ~

Bruce A. Kershaw




~ Up Date ~

Beyond the Chalkboard

March 15, 2012


Thank you to Douglas Fischer ~ Editor ~ of The Daily Climate,

and Rae Tyson for the Interview,

and the Publisher Peter Dykstra,

for your interest in my work and allowing my voice to be heard.

~ Beyond Hearsay ~

The Daily Climate has never provided or shared with the world any scientific Proof,

Humans cause Climate Change.

If there was a ~ Real ~ consensus,

99 % of the climate web sites would not exist.


I have tested and experimented with carbon dioxide thousands of times since 1976.


~ Opening ~ Argument ~


Just like a ~ Carbon Pile ~ a Condenser, or Capacitor absorbs energy,

~ Carbon dioxide is a Heat and Energy Sponge in the Atmosphere ~

~ When ~

carbon dioxide absorbs more energy than the air around it,

the air around the carbon dioxide will be ~ cooler not warmer ~

~ when ~

there is no longer energy to absorb, carbon dioxide releases the absorbed energy,

as the hot air rises cooling rapidly to the temperature of the surrounding air,

where the air at 35,000 feet above sea level is about – 45 degrees below zero,

and the higher you go the colder it is.

At 35,000 feet above sea level,

the Hot air and carbon dioxide will be – 45* below zero ~ again ~

That is how we make – 45* below zero air on the ground,

hot air rises forcing cold air to the ground.

Carbon dioxide takes energy away,

then releases the energy in a cooler place.


That is a basic law of heat transfer science,

and is only one of many proven factors ignored by climate scientists.


Carbon dioxide can ~ not ~ increase or decrease,

the X amount of energy in the Atmosphere,

from the Sun or Hot liquid core of the Earth,

carbon dioxide can not generate energy and heat or remove energy and heat.



all Journalist, Politicians, Alarmist, Climate Scientists and

The Union of Concerned Scientists,

and all government funded climate organizations.

It’s 100% Money, Politics and Belief,

and 0 % Science.

~ $25,000 Reward ~

for the ~ Tested Proof ~ Humans cause climate change.


The Union of Concerned Scientists are Frauds,

committing Fraud in science, and I can Prove it.

The Union of Concerned Scientists,

are using the Arrhenius papers to falsely prove their science ~ Belief ~

for Human Caused Climate Change – Global Warming .

The 1896 Svante Arrhenius study is incomplete and invalid,

the study states it is incomplete, making it invalid.

The Arrhenius hypothesis is ~ Backwards ~

The science in the study is misunderstood and misinterpreted.

Existing ~ proven ~ carbon dioxide chemistry ~ research and testing ~ going back to 1835,

~ proves ~

when ~ carbon dioxide absorbs more energy than the air around it,

the air around the carbon dioxide will be cooler not warmer,

and disproves the ~ Hypothesis ~ carbon dioxide causes warming,

regardless if the CO2 is caused by carbon based Humans

or the 300 plus continuously active volcanoes below sea level,

that we can not measure the volume of CO2,

or the additional 50 major Volcanic eruptions every year below sea level,

that is about once a week,

of the thousands of Volcanoes below sea level,

that are feeding the Ocean and Atmosphere with the cause

of all carbon based life and energy 24/7 on this carbon based planet,

where everything living or not has carbon in it.

CO2 is less than 000.0 % the Earths Atmosphere,

Human caused CO2 is less than 000.00 % of the Earths Atmosphere,

the first Atmosphere for the most part was ~ all ~ carbon dioxide.

I sent my first $25,000 reward offer to the Union of concerned scientists, April 7, 2010,

and many times since.

A scientific consensus is based on ~ tested ~ proven knowledge,

~ not a Hypothesis ~ unproven theory ~

Trying to use an incomplete self debunking study,

~ interpreted backwards ~

as a bases for a climate science consensus,

~ in the spring of 2012 ~

is fraud and deception in science.


That is the very best the Union of Concerned Scientists can do,

after all of these ~ many years ~ of trying to sell their hypothesis ~ belief ~ to the world,

to prove Humans cause Climate Change and Global Warming.

~ That is very proven Fraud in Climate Science for many years ~

and I do not think the Pope,

or other religious support can help your science argument.

Religion in science ~ is not ~ science.

~ Skepticism is the doubt of Religious doctrine ~

Religion is based on Belief,

Science is based on proven Fact Tested Knowledge ~ not Belief ~


The Union of Concerned Scientists,

along with government funded organizations,

are ~ political ~ like the United Nations IPCC,

they do no testing of any kind,

while calling them selves experts in climate science,

as they rely on secondhand Hearsay to lobby with,

their science is Hearsay only,

~ they don’t do science ~

~ they just sell it ~

while attacking proven science fact and scientists who know better,


they can not explain the science they are selling,

making all of them ~ snake oil salesman ~

committing Fraud in Science.


March 26, 2012

I have sent an e-mail to the Union of Concerned Scientists,

~ and I will every work day ~

requesting the page number in the Arrhenius study that proves

Humans cause climate Change,

and the scientific test or experiment used to form a scientific consensus.

I will let you know what happens, but don’t hold your breath.

Is the Union of Concerned Scientist who lobby the U.S. Government,

Funded in any way by the U.S. Government,

if so how much Money do they contribute to Elected Officials,

who vote for their funding and their cause,

paid for by Tax Payer Dollars ?


Rae Tyson of the Daily Climate

The byproduct of energy is life,

the exhaust from this carbon based planet is carbon based oxygen (CO2)

causing all carbon based life and energy growing on this planet,

causing the first atmosphere ~ causing all of Nature ~ causing the carbon cycle.

I did not start the Media Political war in Bogus Hearsay Climate Science,

by Journalist and Politicians who would fail grade school science.

Rae you stated in our interview that

97% of climate scientist ~ Believe ~ humans cause climate change.

The magic word is ~ Believe ~

Believe is a Feeling

~ Believe ~ is to ~ Make Believe ~

~ Believe ~ is ~ Religion ~

~ Believe ~ is not Proven Fact Tested Science Knowledge,

There is no Make Believe in science Fact,

~ Believe is not Real ~

Believe is ~ Fantasy ~


~ Scientific Consensus ~

is ~ not ~ a feeling or an opinion,

a scientific consensus would mean every scientist performing the very same experiment,

the very same way, having the very same results.

There is no experiment or test to base a consensus,

there is only a Hypothesis (chalk on a board) not a proven tested theory,

a proven tested theory that would have to

~ disprove ~

177 years of ~ very test proven chemistry ~

along with the basic laws of heat transfer science,

more than a dozen causes for climate, each cause with an infinity of variables,

and millions of years of climate history.

~ all missing ~

~ all Excluded ~


~ all Irrelevant ~

to all the Scientists

of the U.N. IPCC climate study,

and is why the study is:

~ Flawed ~


I am hydrogen~monoxide,

with a carbon base,

breathing oxygen

~ I do not ~ deny ~ climate change ~


This planet has been through very extreme climate change over the last 4.6 billion years,

there have been major Ice ages,

with higher levels of CO2 in the air.

14 million years ago the Ocean was 100 feet higher,

135,000 years ago the Ocean was 20 feet higher,

26,000 years ago the Ocean was 350 lower.

The Climate on this planet was much warmer one thousand years ago than it is today.

We are living in the gentlest climate and weather patterns of this planets history.

Breaking record temperatures set 120 years ago when there were no power-plants and

automobiles, means it took 120 years to be as warm today as it was 120 years ago.


CO2 Carbon dioxide was discovered to be a refrigerant by a French Chemist,

~ 177 years ago in 1835 ~

and is ~ still ~ a very proven refrigerant at any temperature or pressure today.


~ Dry Ice chemistry ~

Dry Ice is pure CO2 Frozen,

Dry Ice absorbs Heat making the surrounding air cold,

Dry Ice cools the Air ten times faster and last twenty times longer than frozen water.


~ CO2 Fire Extinguisher chemistry ~

CO2 Fire Extinguishers starve the fire for oxygen,

while instantly making the air cold, removing all the heat caused by the fire.


~ EPA ~

The Environmental Protection Agency has

~ Mandated ~

~ for over thirty Years now ~

~ the ~

~ NOx Emission Control Device ~

~ EGR Valve ~

Exhaust Gas Recycle Valve

~ EGR chemistry ~

CO2 is added to the internal combustion chamber,

from the exhaust through an EGR valve,

making the combustion chamber 7% exhaust,

replacing nitrogen with nitrogen,

making the combustion chamber 1 % CO2,

to lower the explosion Temperature 500 Degrees,

on most cars and trucks on the road today,

starting in 1972 in the state of California,

to reduce Ozone at ground level.

Ozone = (O3) = 3 oxygen atoms bonded together,

also known as heavy oxygen or trioxide.

Tri = 3

Oxide = oxygen

~ call it what you will ~


Very Proven Chemistry in our daily lives going back 177 years,

proving carbon dioxide is a natural refrigerant at any temperature or pressure,

doing so by absorbing more energy than the air around it,

leaving less energy in the air around it, causing less heat in the air around it.

Carbon dioxide can not generate energy,

Carbon dioxide absorbs energy then releases the energy.


~ Energy and Heat ~

cause carbon dioxide


~ Carbon dioxide ~

can not cause Energy and Heat,

carbon dioxide is the by-product of energy and heat.

Carbon Dioxide is:

~ the Opposite of Energy and Heat ~


To say there can be no debate in science,

is the true denial of true Reality.

I am a true skeptic of those who say ~

there can be no debate in science.


Reality is something you ~ see ~ not believe.

A scientific consensus is based on proven tested facts,

not political media ~ belief ~

There is no ~ final ~ conclusion in science,

science is:

~ on going ~

~ every moment of everyday ~


Science is Knowledge,

to reject ~ Proven Fact Tested Knowledge ~ for Belief ~ is not science,

that is a Religion, Lunacy, or for ~ Money ~


Every time I am proven wrong ~ in working science ~ over the last forty years,

I admit it and grow forward, leaning every step of the way.


Since 2007 I have sent my $25,000 Reward offer to over 14,000

Scientists, Science Teachers, Journalists, and Politicians,

and no one came forward with any tested proof of any kind,

regardless of the reward.


~ The United Nations IPCC stated ~

it is:

~ very likely ~

Humans cause climate change.


~ very likely ~

is a Feeling.


Proven science is not a ~ Feeling ~


It is very likely it will rain tomorrow,

but the feeling it may rain tomorrow does not prove that it will.


Computers predicting it ~ may ~ rain tomorrow does not prove it will rain tomorrow,

the farmers Almanac is right more than computers.

Computers predicting the future proves nothing.


Over 32,000 Scientists in the U.S. have singed a petition,

stating the U.N. IPCC Climate Study is:

~ Flawed ~

but of course the Alarmist Climate Journalist,

are stating ~ all ~ the scientists are frauds.

The real Frauds are the Paranoid Alarmist Journalist,

with no working science back ground, who have taken sides in science,

~ science they do not comprehend ~

and have not investigated in anyway,

or tested in any way,

or Proven either way.

The bases for their science argument is 100% Hearsay.

The Paranoid Alarmist Journalist have failed their responsibility as Journalists,

and the Alarmist Politicians are for sale.


Those who do not comprehend proven knowledge,

do not comprehend un-proven knowledge.

I was born understanding science,

~ but ~

I just fix cars.

Automotive science is:

advanced Physics, advanced Chemistry, since the 1880’s

advanced Atmospheric science since the 1950’s,

advanced electronics and Computer science since 1960’s

advanced Emission Control science since 1960’s,

advanced GPS and Satellite communication science since 1970’s

also from the 1880’s

advanced Mechanical Engineering, advanced Electrical Engineering,

advanced Electrical-Mechanical Engineering,

advanced Hydraulic science, and advanced ~ Heat Transfer ~ science,

inside and outside the internal combustion chamber,

to name a few,

all Proven Working Science going back to the 1880’s

all happening at the very same moment time.

That is what I do ~ every work day of my life ~ for the last 40 years ~

to put food on the table.

There is more science in the car you drive,

than anything you will ever own in your life time, since the 1880’s.

and when NASA is stumped they call an Auto Mechanic.


To the Network Organization of Alarmist Climate Journalist

Temperature charts do not prove humans cause Climate Change,

nor do fraudulent temperature charts.

I have thousands of tests with CO2,

beyond your Pathological Fascist Journalism,

how many times have you tested CO2 ? ~ never ~

or watched an experiment with CO2 ? ~ never ~

Words are not science, and there is no science in your words ~

you have yet to explain how a ~ feeling ~ proves Humans cause climate change.

There is no scientific test or experiment to base a scientific consensus ~

in Climate Science.


There is no ~ one side ~ to an argument in science,

and there are no two arguments alike.


Until there is fact ~ tested ~ knowledge,

there can be no consensus.


I have yet to see a Diploma in Climate Science,

Climate Science is a new and un-tested science that

~ discards ~

proven Knowledge for Belief.

Any scientific study that ~ excludes ~ very proven fact tested science Knowledge for Belief,

is a very flawed study.

~ There is no Scientific Consensus ~

there is only a political media ~ Belief ~ consensus,

by those with little or no science comprehension.

The only ~ Working ~ Scientists ~ I know of

who accept the ~ Belief ~ Humans are the cause of Climate Change,

are paid directly and indirectly by

The United Nations, The United States and Governments of the world.


~ Accepting God ~

does not prove there is a God.

Accepting Humans cause climate Change,

does not prove Humans cause climate change.

In today’s world we have Artists, Photographers and journalist,

with zero working science back ground,

writing children’s books on climate science.

~ Paranoid Alarmist teaching very young children how to be a Paranoid Alarmist ~

Every time I ask a Journalist or ~ anyone ~ to prove the science they are selling,

they can not.


People who would fail grade school science have taken sides in science.

Our local News Paper the Helena Independent Record will let ~ anyone ~

~ but ~

a knowledgeable scientist, write anything on climate,

as long as it is the Al Gore side of the argument,

the IR will only print one side of the story,

the side they ~ Believe in ~ and can not ~ prove ~

all of it hearsay garbage opinion with mistakes in facts with zero science proof of any kind.


There is a long lost rule in Journalism ~

” If you can not prove it, do not print it or say it “


Today everything is hearsay and opinion, based on hearsay and opinion.

~ if you do not think exactly the way ~ some ~ Journalist think ~ you are called a fraud ~

We have Journalist writing and stating carbon dioxide is poison and pollution,

that is the equivalent too stating pure clean water is poison and pollution,

I am made of ~ Hydrogen ~ Monoxide ~ (Water) (H2O)

with a Carbon base (C) ~ Breathing (O2) made from CO2.

I am made from:

~ Water vapor and CO2 evaporated from the Ocean ~

While Journalist are giving ~ un-proven ~ lessons in science,

and lessons in how to talk to, and deal with deniers and skeptics

on their web sites,

~ None ~

of their web sites provide any proof humans cause climate change.

The science argument for many Journalist on their web sites,

for Human caused climate change is:

~ too much water is bad for you ~


My response is:

~ so is to little ~


We have a big hole in the Ozone,

that allows far more energy to enter and escape the atmosphere,

causing climate change.

Automotive emission control laws prevent Ozone since 1972.


Pumping CO2 in to the ground removes oxygen ~ O2 oxygen ~ from the air.

~ oxygen ~ already in the air ~

that we breath and allows fuel to burn,

causing carbon and oxygen to bond together,

~ when breathing or burning fuel ~

then pumping the carbon and oxygen in to the ground,

not allowing oxygen ~ from the air ~ back ~ in to the air ~ where it came from,

~ through the carbon cycle ~

lowering the level of oxygen ~ O2 ~ in the air.

When carbon dioxide finds its way to underground water,

it turns the water to Acid.

The estimated cost of pumping CO2 in to the ground,

to remove the oxygen we breathe from the air,

caused by the carbon cycle,

and the cause of all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based planet,

for the last 600 million years above sea level,

~ is ~

Ten to Twenty Trillion Dollars over ten to twenty years.

It’s all about Money.


When you have ten million people living on top of each other,

in a space or area intended for less than ten thousand,

you are going to have dirty air, no mater what you do to have clean air.


To ~ Believe ~ there can be only one way of thinking,

and say there can be ~ no ~ debate in science,

is not Journalism or Science,

that is a Fascist Denial of Reality.

~ How can I not be a Skeptic ~

of Fascist Denial of Reality.


Politics and the Media should never take sides in any science debate,

or prevent a science debate.


~ Politics and the Media have ~ Killed ~ the scientific method ~


All I want to see is the ~ Test ~ proving the un-proven science ~ Belief ~


There are those who believe for the sake of believing,

and there are those who believe in the truth,

for the sake of proven Knowledge.


To the Alarmist Climate Journalist,

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge ~ means nothing ~ to True Believers,

your Fascist approach to science Journalism proves nothing,

you are not selling science,

you are selling feelings and belief,

good science is based on reviewed, analyzed, tested fact,

not feelings and belief.

I challenge anyone and everyone to an open public debate in climate science.

Since 2007 no one has accepted that challenge,

no one will debate the science.

Your science is ~ chalk on a board ~ and nothing more,

this planet has been much warmer many times before.

Facts are facts and you Paranoid Climate Alarmist have none.

Proven science, disproves your Hypothesis ~ Belief ~

I am a very proud Skeptic of your ~ unproven ~ Political Religious Faith Belief,

you can not explain or prove what it is you are selling,

that makes all of you

~ snake oil salesman ~

I will stick to

~ Test Proven Science Knowledge Fact ~


I receive no funding from anyone or anything,

including the government.

So how much of the Climate Study and ~ Selling ~ funding,

comes from the U.S. Government from Tax Payers ?

Do we have Government funded organisations ~ Special Interest Groups ~

receiving Tax Payer funding to lobby the U.S. Government,

and are they providing campaign funds to elected Politicians.

Are we paying the Government to lobbying the Government,

to support the cause of Special Interest Groups ?

The Government funded studies by University’s and Climate Scientist

do not want to lose their very special funding,

for science they say is settled.

So why do they still receive Billions of U.S. Tax Payer Dollars in Funding,

if the science is settled ?

Has Al Gore made his first Billion yet ?


~ There are two Consensus ~


The scientific consensus is:

There is no scientific consensus in climate science.

~ and ~

The Pathological Political Media Hearsay consensus is:

~ Pathological ~


People are free to practice any Religion they choose,

as long as it does not involve Human sacrificial death,

and I don’t have to pay for it.


Those who do not ~ comprehend or test ~ the science they are selling,

have no right to an opinion in science,

as they live in

~ True Denial of True Reality ~

It is ~ not ~ science verses science,

it is science verses the

~ Political Media Pathological Fascist Dictatorship ~

of un-proven science for the sake of Money and Belief.

If you truly Beleive,

then you truly do not Know,

Humans causing Climate Change is

Political Science Fiction.

Climate Religion is not Science.

When will the Climate Paranoia end ?


Over Population and Nuclear Waste is happening ~ Now ~

Climate Change is ~ Forever ~

Bruce A. Kershaw

The end of part ll


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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