Holley Joe Embler Kershaw

My Holley I Love You and I always Will

as I was Blessed to have you Holley Joe to be with Me

while Lucky and Charger are still waiting for you to come Home

as you are now in your new home

but your Mind Heart and Sprint living your Soul

will always be in my Soul no matter from how far away

because you will never be far away in my Soul


My Holley is and was a living Saint

and now Holley is a Saint somewhere new ~

Holley Dedicated her Life to helping others

and I Dedicated my Life to helping Holley

as she lived in Physical Pain everyday

and now her Pain is gone

and as a Friend of mine always told me

” Holley is a Gem “

and sometimes I would call Holley ” Gem ” and she would always Smile

and because of Holley I am a better Me

and I was more than lucky and more than fortunate

to have Holley Joe with me for over twenty one plus years

as Holley will be in me forever


We are Planing Services for Holley here in Helena

on Saturday January 25th at 2:00 pm

at the Narrate Church 326 Fuller Ave

for the Celebration of Holley Joe the Gem in our Lives

as our want for our Holley to be in our Lives will never go away

as we can Celibate the True Life of a Diamond in the Rough

as I am still with life and energy

with nowhere to go but forward to now from yesterday


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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