If Joe Berry can not prove it then How can you ?


Climate Change is Real

and CO2 does not cause climate warming as scientifically proven

and Pumping CO2 into the Ground is bad for Nature


The very worst thing we can do to all living Nature and the Environment

to all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

made by and from this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

would be to remove

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

from the air and pump it into the ground as we have been doing for many years now

and it is lowering Oxygen levels in the Air

because man made CO2 is made with oxygen from the air

and when you pump the CO2 it into the ground

you are not allowing the carbon cycle to recycle oxygen back into the air

~ where it came from ~

and reduce the oxygen levels in the air

while reducing what Plants and Trees need four times more of to Breathe Healthy

and when the CO2 finds its way to underground water it turns the water to an Acid

as Bill Gates is working very hard to remove the cause of the carbon cycle

and all carbon based Life from the Air on this CO2 starved carbon based earth

and pump it into the ground

and this will end the carbon cycle and all life above sea level


than will happen one day

while proving Bill Gates is:

Living Ignorance in real science as he profits from his Ignorance

as Bill Gates rejects the Scientific Method and all question test rebuttal debate

and has clearly proven he is a Lunatic in science Preaching Lunatic science

that is doing only proven Harm to all living Nature and all Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

while the Climate Emergency is a Scientifically proven Political Media Lie


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates


a Proven Evil in Science and Medicine as he Profits

Bill Gates and his Publicly Proven Ignorance

has earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

~ and ~

Fascistly Silencing the Tested Truth in Knowledge

will not stop 4.6 billion years of climate change

~ and ~

as We are spending many tens of Trillions dollars

to do only Harm to the Carbon Cycle

caused by this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

as the Green Lunatics who fail 3rd grade science are harming the Environment

and not helping the Environment

but the Lunatic Science is Settled by those who failed 3rd grade science

and they have Ban the Scientific Method from Climate Science

when climate science is a new science

as we have far much more to learn and know than we know today

in this new climate science

but there can no Question Test Rebuttal Debate

in a this new climate science

because it is Settled Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit

Harming the Carbon cycle

Harming the cause of Green

Harming the cause of Food and Oxygen

and this deliberate harm to the carbon cycle will have zero effect on Climate Change

as Ignorance is Killing the cause of Green

as Ignorance is Killing the cause of all life above Sea level

based on proven to be Debunk unproven theory

and there can be no Scientific Debate

because the Lunatic Doomsday Political Science Fiction is Settled

by Democratic Billionaires who publicly fail 3rd grade science

who profit by harming the environment that they make believe they are saving

as their Ignorance dictates a false realty Harming all life above sea level

based on zero Scientific Method and zero Question Test Rebuttal or Debate


The cause of Green is not the cause of Climate Warming

Climate Warming by the variable Sun is the cause of Green

Evaporated by the variable Sun from the Oceans

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Carbon Cycle

as the proven to be Backwards Lunatic Political Science Fiction is Settled

and we will continue to spend Trillions and Trillions

to do only harm to all living Nature above Sea level

to profit Ignorance

because the Lunatic Ignorant Political Science Fiction is Settled

when settled science does not exist in real science

and we will continue to take many Trillions from the very Poor to give to the very Rich

to end the cause all Living Nature above sea level sooner

based on Debunk Political Media Make Believe

and this will have zero effect on climate change

proving there is zero Scientific Method and zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

in the Settled Lunatic Ignorant Political Science Fiction

that is doing Scientifically proven Harm to the Environment

for Profit Power and Control

while Proving you can not stop Brainwashed Lunatic Political Religion with Science

and proving Science can not stop Fascism from Dictating a False Reality

that is doing only proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle above Sea level

and this will not stop 4.6 billion years of climate change


Climate Religion is Silencing the Tested Truth for Profit


It is all about Money Power and Control

based on Debunk Lunatic Ignorant Political Media Science Fiction


…and stopping Freedom in America will not stop Climate Change ~

as the proven to be Fascist Lies continue

as the number one Criminals in America control the Deep State Government

and are destroying America

as Climate Science is not Science it is proven Climate Ignorance

and it is Settled Political Ignorance and there can be no Scientific Debate

as our Universities are no longer Educating

and have become Political Brainwashing Machines

just as the Media and Press have been Political Media Brainwashing Machines

for many years

as the Teachers Unions Politically Brainwash our Children

proving Fascism is controlling America

Bruce A. Kershaw

Scientist for the Tested Truth in Tested Knowledge


July 22 ~ 24



To: Maya van Rossum

Environmental Attorney


Joe Biden has gone from being a proven to be

Treasonous Criminal Political Nut Case

to a Treasonous Criminal Political Nut Case with Dementia

and I find it more than interesting that Barack Obama

who was the very first to state with John Kerry

that there is a

97 % Scientific Consensus in a Man Made Climate Emergency

as they Preach a Climate Emergency of Catastrophic Climate Warming

with Catastrophic Ice Melt and Catastrophic Sea Level Rise

that is all Scientifically Proven to be ~

Not Happening

~ Again ~

and is just another of many failed

Pre ~Programed

Computer Ouija Board Doomsday Predictions of the Unknowable Future

as we were Preached to

that Entire Nations would be Underwater by 2013

as James Hanson ~ NASA

Preached to us Manhattan New York would be Underwater today

and guess what

they are still driving around in Cars and not Boats in Manhattan today

while Mr. James Hanson refuses to Debate his now Debunk Science Fiction

as Jim continues to Preach his Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

but do not worry because the next programed doomsday is in 2030

~ while in known climate history ~

Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth

have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

and then

Barack Obama buys a Mansion surrounded by 30 acres

at Sea level in Martha’s Vineyard

as Democrats are buying up Beach Front Property every where

while Preaching Catastrophic Sea level Rise

so why do all the Richest Democrats live on Ocean Front Property at Sea level

while Preaching their Doomsday Climate Paranoia

for Billions in Profit from the Green New Deal Money ?

Something smells fishy to me ~

and it Sounds like a Democratic Billionaire Real Estate Scam to Me

to go with the proven to be Doomsday Climate Scam for Profit




The Rebuttal to ~

Killing the cause of Green for Profit



CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

~ and ~


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

Turned Off All of My Out Going Email

~ Proving Fascism in Science ~

and just Ignore the Proven Fact that is Silenced by the Media and Press

of the over 30 million dollars given to the

Biden Crime Family by Chinese Intelligence

over 5 years ago

as everything China Joe does Profits the Billionaires and China

who got China Joe Elected

as China Joe continues his Fascist Treason


All of We the People who are America


to Ignore is: Ignorance

so just Ignore the proven fact ~

that is Silenced by the Media and Press

that Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

and just Ignore the proven fact ~

that is Silenced by the Media and Press

that Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide


a proven natural refrigerant in Physics and Chemistry since 1835


All Proving the Media and Press are Fascist Lairs and Frauds in Science

proving the Media and Press are Political Poly and not Real Journalism

as Scientifically Proven


The Belief in Words is: not knowledge

as the Truth in knowledge must always be in Question

and when you can not articulate your science

then it is not proven fact tested reality in science

then it is only Belief = Religion



What does it Prove in science when you can not prove your science is real ?

Proven Reality Debunk Unproven Reality


Tested Reality

~ vs ~


Untested Reality


Climate Science

~ vs ~


Climate Religion


The Unproven Theory Humans cause Climate Warming is:

~ Debunk ~

by Hard Science and known Climate History

Debunk by very known Science

that is Silenced by the Political Media and Press

who support Killing the cause of Green for Profit

caused by their Deliberate Ignorance in very available known Tested Reality


Climate Change is Real

~ and ~

the Human caused Climate Emergency

is a Scientifically Proven Lie


The Political Media Brainwashed Climate Religion

of Doomsday Paranoia for Profit

is Scientifically Debunk and

~ Political Media Brainwashed Paranoia is not Science ~

Brainwashed Paranoia is a Proven Mental Disorder

Preached by Proven Lunatics and Frauds who need a Shrink


You can not Stop 4.6 Billion Years of Climate Change

caused by more than a dozen known climate variables

Ignored by

Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion for Profit


The Byproduct of Climate Warming is not the cause of Climate Warming

and Stopping the cause Green

~ the Byproduct of Warming ~

will not stop any Climate Change


Climate Change is Real and caused by Nature and not by Humans

as Scientifically Proven

and who is your Climate Doomsday Paranoia Brainwashing Machine

to Profit Billionaires


Bill Gates & Mike Bloomberg & Al Gore & John Kerry

 as all the above are proven Lairs and Frauds in Science for Profit

and can not Scientifically Prove Humans cause any Climate Change

as their unproven theory is Debunk by Hard Science they do not comprehend

and have Earned Zero right to any Opinion in

as they Preach proven to be Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit


The majority of CO2 in the air is caused by Nature causing more Nature

and CO2 and Water Vapor is the evaporated byproduct of warming

and not the cause of warming

as Scientifically Proven

just as the Fraud in Climate Science is Scientifically Proven too

as Climate Religion refuse to allow any Question Test Rebuttal Debate

and only further proving their Garbage Science is not real

as they reject the Scientific Method and the Hard Science

Debunking their True Belief in Unproven Theory

as Proven Fascism Dictates a False Reality

as they do only Test Proven Harm to all of Nature

for Profit Power and Control

as those who do not comprehend the science

Dictate Debunk Garbage Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as they Destroy all Freedom

as Scientifically Proven


Climate Change is Real

and there is zero Peer-reviewed Science to prove Humans cause any Climate Warming


~ Reward ~

for the Peer-reviewed science proving humans cause climate warming


Spending many Tens of Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm to the cause of Green

based only on unproven theory

while rejecting hard science debunking the unproven theory

is Proven Insanity not Science

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

causing the Carbon Cycle


The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

by this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it

with the exception of about five Microbes


The Human Body is Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

Breathing Oxygen

Plants and Trees are Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

Breathing Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

Water is Hydrogen and Oxygen

Gasoline is Hydrogen and Carbon

and the very dangerously unstable

Rocket Fuel is Hydrogen

and when you have carbon and hydrogen together it is then very stable Hydrogen Fuel

Gasoline is Stable Hydrogen Fuel


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ question ~

How do we make CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

~ 2 oxygen atoms based to one carbon atom ~

for Plants and Trees to Breathe

with the Carbon based Plants and Trees

making food and oxygen for secondary Carbon based Life to eat and breathe

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


One way to make CO2 is to mix Air that is 21 % oxygen

with Gasoline that is Hydrogen and Carbon (HC) = Hydrocarbon

and then ignite the mixture of

Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon

and then the oxygen allows the hydrogen to burn = vaporize

as the carbon then bonds to the oxygen making CO2

for Plants and Trees to Breathe

and the more efficiently you burn the Gasoline = Hydrogen and Carbon

with the Air that is 21 % oxygen the more CO2 is produced

and less efficiently you Burn the Gasoline the more CO = Carbon Monoxide is Produced

and when you scrub = remove the CO2 from the Air

and pump it into the ground

it will find its way to underground water

and turn the underground water into an Acid

as you are removing the Oxygen that came from the air that was needed

to make the C bond to the O2 = oxygen

and removing the oxygen from the carbon cycle

not allowing the carbon cycle to recycle the oxygen back into air where it came from

and reducing oxygen levels in the air

while reducing the CO2 level that Plants and Trees need more of to Breathe Healthy

as all the Oxygen we all Breathe is made from CO2 and Water vapor


so were are reducing CO2 and Oxygen levels from the air

that is the primary cause of all life above sea level by the carbon cycle

and as scientifically proven this will have zero effect on climate change

but will end the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen above sea level sooner


The Natural Death of this CO2 starved carbon based earth will be from a lack of CO2

as the level of Nitrogen in the air from decomposing soil continue to increase

and will one day Dilute CO2 and Oxygen levels to nothing

and end the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above Sea level

Ending all Life above Sea level

as we spend trillions to end the cause of all life above sea level sooner

and this will have zero effect on Climate Warming

all because

Fascism continues to silence the voice of Tested Reality in Science

for Profit Power and Control

while far many more People Die from cold weather than Die from warm weather

as the Climate Scam continues by the Religion of

Political Media Brainwashed Doomsday Climate Paranoia

to profit Fascist Democratic Billionaires and China

maybe we should do something positive

with the many very wasted Trillions of Dollars that are doing only Harm

to the cause of Green causing the Carbon Cycle


Drilling very needed Water Wells in the poorest parts of this world

and ending the Starvation of 25,000 Carbon based People everyday

and cleaning up the nuclear waste that is still polluting the Air and this Earth everyday

and helping the Homeless of this World

and stop the Child Sex Slave Industry

now crossing the U.S. Borders everyday

as we waste trillions doing only Negative things everyday

because of Politically Brainwashed Ignorance by Fascism


My continued Science Argument to Maya van Rossum

Environmental Attorney


I will no longer be sending you my peer-reviewed science

proving Bill Gates is a Fraud in climate science

because Microsoft has stop all my out going emails again

and declaring all of my out going emails are Spam again

further proving the Fraud of Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

and his Fascist Big Tech

while the last time Microsoft shut down all my outgoing emails

it was just a few minutes after sending my Proven Science to MSNBC

who are proven Frauds in Science and Medicine

profiting Bill Gates and his number one Love China

as Bill Gates refuses to allow any Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

to his proven Fraud in Science for Profit

while doing only Proven Harm to the cause of Green

and the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle for his Profit ~

as Bill Gates has proven he is Criminal Fascist Lunatic Ruler

and not a Scientist



Montana American


for the Truth in Life and Knowledge for a better Life for All

and Paid by no one or anything

and I do not belong to any Political Party

while have lean Democrat the majority of my life

I will never vote for another Democrat for the rest of my life

after the known Treason committed by the Democrats and Deep State Democrats

since 2015

and I am guessing going back to the Obama Biden Nut House

where Joe Biden was Committing Treason with the Blessing of the Obama Nut House

and Fascist Treasonous Democratic Party

while it was known 5 years ago Joe Biden Received 31 million dollars

from the four highest ranking members of the Chinese Intelligence Agency


The Democrats must Lie and Cheat and commit Treason to win Elections

as the Treason continues by the China Biden Crime Family

and the Biden Obama 2.0 Nut House

as they Destroy Freedom in America for China

as the Brainwashed True Believers continue to just Believe In

the proven to be Fascist Political Media Brainwashing Machine


The Byproduct of Energy is CO2

the Byproduct of CO2 is Green

and CO2 is not ~

Toxic Poison and Pollution as Preached by Brainwashed Political Pathological Frauds


Warming is the cause of Green

as the Green is caused by Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

and is not the cause of Warming

as clearly proven in Physics and Chemistry

and known Climate History

as the Media Preached Lunatic Political Science Fiction

supported by only proven fraud in Science for profit

is scientifically proven to be Backwards debunked unproven theory

as the Tested Truth in Science is Silenced by Political Media Fascism

and who Brainwashed You ?


Killing the cause of Green for Profit

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

CO2 and Water Vapor is the evaporated Byproduct of Warming

by the variable Sun

and not the cause of Warming

as scientifically proven

and Ignored by Brainwashed Paranoid Doomsday Climate Religion

and there zero climate emergency as scientifically proven

and just Ignored by Brainwashed Paranoid Doomsday Climate Religion


If you Believe Humans cause Climate Warming

then you do not Know Humans cause Climate Warming

because belief is not knowledge

Belief is a Personal Emotional Feeling


Belief is Pathological not Factual

so if you believe Humans cause Climate Warming that is a Feeling

and not a test proven fact

and the Feeling Humans cause Climate Warming

is based on a Hypothetical Conjecture = Unproven Theory

Unproven Theory is a Feeling and not proven fact tested reality in science

making the feeling Humans cause Climate Warming

based on an unproven feeling

because the hypothetical conjecture = unproven theory

 is very Debunk by Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science


Hard Science ~ Debunk ~ Hypothetical Conjecture

Facts ~ Debunk ~ Feelings

Factual ~ Debunk ~ Pathological

and you can not stop Brainwashed True Believers with Hard Science

you can not stop Pathological with Factual

you can not stop feelings with facts

you can not stop Religion with Science

as the history of Religion has the history of stopping Hard Science

just as fascism has the same history of stopping real science

for their political agenda of Power Control and Profit

as they reject the scientific method

as they refuse to look at the available known science

as they Preach to Us their Scientifically Debunk

Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction is Settled

as the Laws of Science continue to be broken

by the proven Fascism of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit


There is zero peer-reviewed science to support the debunked unproven theory

Humans cause climate warming

and what is very Proven in Climate Science

is the Deliberate Fraud

committed by the Political Media Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

and the many Trillions of dollars

being spent and wasted on Ouija Board Doomsday Climate Paranoia

based on a very proven to be flawed incomplete study

supported by proven to be Deliberately Flawed Data

will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of Variable Climate Change


science is: to know

and if you do not question the truth in knowledge

then you can not know the tested truth in Science


Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen

causing Energy with the byproduct of the energy

causing Life on this Carbon based Earth

in a continuous cycle of recycle by the Energy Life Cycle

caused by the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

caused by Plants and Trees

absorbing the byproduct of energy


The byproduct of energy causing life causing new energy causing new life

in a continuous cycle of recycle

for the past 600 million years above sea level

as the very smallest parts of our body today are older than dirt

as you are made of many atoms that are billions of years old

mixed with DNA millions of years old

…and did you know ~

between 5 and 7 million years ago

for 2 million years

50 different types of Apes

Ruled this Carbon based Earth

while two types of apes walked upright

but I can not prove that

as no one saved any of the Photos


Climate Religion is a Invented Preached Crises of Fear and Paranoia

caused by Brainwashing Ignorance

caused by Ignoring the available Tested Truth

with the help of the Deep State that is very Real and very Deep

~ as ~

Brainwashed Green Lunatics

~ are ~

Killing the Cause of Green

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

and in Photosynthesis Botany and Greenhouse Science

Plants and Trees need 3 ~ 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe Healthy

as Joe Biden continues to Publicly Fail 3rd Grade Science

as the Elite Democratic Billionaires and China Profit


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ question ~

What if all the Ice melts ?

~ answer ~

Then this now CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

would be just like is was 125,000 years ago ~

known by the History of Geology with the modern knowledge of Ice & Earth Core Science

that is just Ignored by


Brainwashed Mental Illness of Doomsday Climate Paranoia

to Profit Billionaires

otherwise known as Climate Religion for Profit

costing Taxpayers tens of many Trillions of Dollars

to do only harm to the Carbon Cycle ~

the cause of all living nature and life


…and did you know ~

after the Last Supper Volcano 75,000 years ago

there were about 15 Living Breathing Breeding Woman left on this Earth

known by Geology and our DNA Funnel

and just Ignored by the Brainwashed Mentally Ill


…and did you know ~

today’s Catastrophic Record High Temperatures

are based on proven to be deliberately Flawed Data

based on Deliberately Flawed Weather Stations

as Scientifically Proven by Scientific Investigation

and just Ignored by the Brainwashed Green Lunatics

who want to Kill the cause of Green

Evaporated from the Oceans by the Variable Sun

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

for the past 600 million years above Sea level

proving the cause of all life above sea level still comes form the Oceans today

while proving the byproduct of energy is life


I am now Censored by the Billionaire Democratic Fascism of Microsoft

as the Hard Science is Silenced

by Fascist Fraudulent Lunatic Political Science Fiction

that is doing only proven harm the cause of Green for profit


…and how many of you out there are Happy

that Microsoft has Denied my Right to Free Speech in America ?

and if you are Happy then you have proven your Fascism too


The Political Media Brainwashed Belief in Science is: Religion

and is not questioned tested knowledge

as the Democratic Fascism continues to Fail Grade School Science

as only Fascism can Silence the Questioned Truth in Tested Reality

and then Dictate their False Reality

for their Fascist Power Control and Profit

as Billionaire Democratic Fascism now Rules America

caused by the Brainwashed Unquestioned Belief In

Political Media Proven Lairs and Proven Frauds in Science


July 7 ~ 20,  2023

science is: to know

and words prove nothing in science

while the word Science and the word Belief

are opposites in meaning and definition

and to use these words together can only define


because there is zero belief in science

as to believe is to make believe as true belief is Religion and is not knowledge


The Un-questioned Un-tested Un-debated Brainwashed Belief of Climate Religion

are known Lies proven in Climate Science


Bill Gates & Mike Bloomberg & Al Gore & John Kerry

and Blah blah blah

are Lairs and Frauds in Science for their Profit

but this will not stop the

Political Media Brainwashed Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

for Profit

that will End the cause of Green and the Carbon Cycle above Sea level


and will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of Climate Change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables

that are just ignored by Climate Religion

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

…and if it wasn’t for ~

Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics

this World would be a much Better Safer Healthier and Happier place to live and be

as the Green Lunatics Kill the cause of Green


The Rebuttal

to the Fascist Insult to Tested Reality

~ by knowing ~

The Byproduct of Climate Warming is:

the Increase in evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor causing more Green

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


CO2 does not cause Climate Warming as Scientifically Proven

as this proven fact is just Ignored by the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia

to Profit Billionaires

who own and control Big Tech and the majority of the Media and Press

who are one with the Democratic Deep State and the Democratic Party

and China


The Fascist Lunatic Political Science Fiction is Settled

by Climate Religion

by ~ Their ~ Brainwashed Doomsday Paranoia


You can not stop Brainwashed Insanity with Science


The Religion of Science is Skepticism

~ To always question the truth in knowledge ~

as Fascism Dictates the proven Fraud and Lies

as they Punish those who test and prove the Fascist Lies


…and if there is an Anti-Christ

His Name is:

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

The Billionaire Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

as his Fascist Lunatic Political Science Fiction is Dictated to be Settled


…and did you know ~

based on today’s evaporation rate by the variable Sun with known many cycles

if the Ice on this carbon based earth never melted

the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every ten years

but it is the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this carbon based earth

that is melting the Ice from the bottom side

and when the rate of evaporation exceeds the rate the Ice is melting

the Sea level Declines

while causing an Increase in Rain Snow and Ice

making this carbon based earth greener


It is not this carbon based earth that needs to be Saved

it is the Political Media Brainwashed Fools who need to be Saved


My continued Science Argument to:

Maya van Rossum

Environmental Attorney

~ who will not respond to my emails ~

[email protected]


Joe Berry

Stanford University

and I

have had an on going science argument for many years


To: Joe Berry

Sorry Joe,

but I can not respond or send you emails from

[email protected]

~ again ~


~ once again ~

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

has shut off only all of my outgoing email ~

to anyone and everyone

nor can I respond to emails sent to me

from the Governor of Montana or from my U.S. Senator

or to Woods Institute or NASA

or send an email to my own other email address

just because I emailed Peer-reviewed science to a hand full of People

some of them personal friends for many years

and for just sending them a few emails

that prove Mr. Bill Lunatic Gates is a Fraud in Climate Science

 Microsoft has then again Designate my Peer-reviewed Science as Spam

but Bill has no problem sending me lots of online

Money Scams and Spam 24/7 from everywhere

while my email has been Breached many times over the years

so once again everyone in my life will have to send their emails to me


[email protected]

until Al Gore who is the Number One Adviser at Google

decides to Shut off my G mail one day

while many of my online science comments over the many years

based on Peer-reviewed science have Vanished

as many online Peer-reviewed science pages have Vanished to over the many years too

as the test proven truth in science is silenced once again

by proven to be Billionaire Fascism

as I am once again Denied my Right to Free Speech

and my Right to ~ Earned ~ Scientific Opinion

taken away by

the proven to be Fascist Bill Gates and his proven to be Fascist Big Tech

and His scientifically proven to be Fascist Deep State

while the majority of my Readers live in China

while Mr. Bill has today ~

CO2 scrubbers removing CO2 and Oxygen from the Air we all Breathe

because that is what Mr. Bill has Decided for the rest of Us to do

with out any Scientific Method

with out any Scientific Question Test Rebuttal Debate

and if you do not like it ~ to bad

he already decided for you to Kill the cause of Green


…and Preaching Paranoia is not Science


Mr. Bill is the number one Green Lunatic and proven Fraud in science for Profit

while Mr. Bill would like China to Rule this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as we now send all of our energy to China

as Mr. Bill’s CO2 Scrubbers are already removing CO2

with Un-Recycled  Oxygen from the Air

that would be recycled by the carbon cycle back into the air

as Mr. bill is  Reducing the cause of all Carbon based Life from the Air

as Mr. Bill can only scientifically prove one thing in his untested reality ~

His Lunatic Insanity for Profit

all proving Bil is Pathological and not Factual

as Bills Feelings are not Facts


Bill Gates is not a Scientist

Mr. Bill is a proven Fascist who can prove nothing

beyond his personal emotional  feelings of make believe

in his proven to be unreal science

who can not articulate or debate the test proven science proving he is wrong

as he does only Harm to the cause of Green the cause of the Carbon Cycle

on this Scientifically proven to be CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as he Profits from his proven Harm to the cause of all Life above sea level

as Bill Gates Test proven Ignorance is now your MSNBC Brainwashing Machine

Preaching a False Reality

as Mr. Bill’s Brainwashing Machine Silences the Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

as Mr. Bill Answers to no one

while Bill Gates and China are one together

as proven to be Criminal Lunatics now Dictate how we live our Lives

while proving they do not have a problem with Child Slavery

just like Joe Biden

as they are all on the same page when it comes to

Child Sex Slaves coming across the U.S. Boarders

along with Terrorists & Weapons & Guns and Drugs

and every Illness and Disease known today

all killing tens of thousands of Americans

who no longer have a Voice as our Freedoms are taken away

by Billionaire Democratic Fascism

as China and the Cartels now control the U.S. Borders

along with controlling much of South America

with the Help of the Fascist Democratic Deep State

who are one with Big Tech and the Media and Press

as the Biden Crime Family take in tens of millions of Dollars from our proven enemies

and scientifically proving Mentally Ill Fascist Criminals now Rule the World

as we are now just the Peasants Ruled by Fascist Arrogant Ignorance

where there can be no Logical Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

to know the truth in science


There is no Climate Emergency

but there is a Brainwashed Climate Religion

by proven to be Fascist Political Media Frauds in Science

as they refuse to look at the real science proving they are wrong

and are proven to be Political Pathological Frauds

Scientifically Proving

and you can not stop

a Fascist Criminal Political Media Brainwashed Religion with Science

as the Brainwashed Religion of Fascism Dictates science

as the proven to be Fascism Silences the known truth in tested reality


Killing the Cause of Green

for Fascist Power Control and Profit

will have Zero Effect on Climate Change

but will End the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

above sea level

~ Sooner ~

and Ending all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

above sea Level


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Proving the Byproduct of Energy is Life

causing the Carbon Life and Energy Cycle of Recycle above Sea level


Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

CO2 is Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

and to make CO2 you need Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

and to make Energy you need Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

and to make Life you need Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

and when you remove CO2 from the Air you are removing Oxygen from the Air too

removing and reducing the cause of all Carbon based Life above Sea level

as Nitrogen levels continue to increase from Decomposing Soil

and further reducing CO2 and Oxygen levels in the Air we Breathe to live life

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ Question ~

How do We Humans make CO2

A ~ By Breathing in Oxygen and Exhaling Carbon based Oxygen = CO2

as the Oxygen in the Air we all Breathe is made from CO2 and Water Vapor

by Plants and Trees Breathing in the CO2 and Water Vapor

and then Plants and Trees Exhale O2 = Oxygen for Us to Breathe

in a continuous Cycle of Recycle

to be continued


as Brainwashed Green Lunatics who are Killing the cause of Green

costing Us many Tens of Trillions of Dollars

~ Preach to Us ~

the cause all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

made by and from this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


” Toxic Poison and Pollution “

proving they Failed Grade School Science

and have Earned Zero Right to Scientific Opinion

as Brainwashed Ignorance Dictates a False Reality Killing the cause of Green

for Fascist Power Control and Profit of the Billionaire Elite and China


CO2 causing Climate Warming is a Scientifically proven Lie

by Scientifically proven Lairs and Frauds in Science

who Reject the Scientific Method and all Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

Scientifically Proving they are not Real Scientists

as we now live with the most Scientifically and Medically

Fascistly Corrupt

Democratic Party Controlled

Deep State U.S. Government in American History

as scientifically proven

and Political Media Preached and brainwashed Hate Fear and Paranoia

is a Mental Disorder

and proves nothing in Questioned Tested Science

but the need for many Deprogramming Shrinks

while the next Political media Brainwashed Green Lunatic Doomsday is 2030

after 40 years of many Failed Green Lunatic Doomsday Predictions

of the unknowable future

based on Debunk Unproven Theory Preached as Settled Science

when settled science does not exist


…and maybe one day Joe Berry will Jump Off His Sinking Stinking Ship ~

because the History of Science already knows the test proven Truth

Silenced by Big Tech and the Media and Press

by scientifically proven Fascism by those who Publicly Fail 3rd grade Science


The Rebuttal by Bruce A. Kershaw



the Scientific Method

by Question Test Rebuttal Debate

and after Investigating and Writing about Climate Science since the Spring of 2007

I would like to spend more time living and less time investigating and writing

and I would define Time is Now

[email protected]


I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in Science for about 30 years now

and I am not Paid to Investigate or Paid to Write about Science

I do this for the Truth in Science and for the History of Knowledge

as the Voices of Science and History continue to be Silenced by Fascism

as the words of science must always be questioned and tested and never just believed

as only Lunatic Political Science Fiction is just believed

as Scientifically proven

while proving Pathological is not Factual

and to those who just Believe In the Scientifically proven to be political media lies

you are the test proven Politically Brainwashed Fool not Me


My working Professional back ground in many sciences began in 1976

and Climate Change is Real and I am for Green

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it ~

caused by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

where the Byproduct of Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

is more Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor causing more Green


Warming causes more CO2

and CO2 does not cause Warming

as Scientifically Proven

and when I am Proven Wrong ~

I will then Learn Know and Grow Forward in

Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

where there is zero Belief

as Belief is Make Believe

and there is no make believe in the tested truth


The Laws of Science and the Science of Law and Justice

are all based on the Same Tested Truth in Knowledge


To: Maya van Rossum

Environmental Attorney

for a Political Body not a Science Body


I am for the tested truth in knowledge

and what are you for ?

and who pays you ?

as Mike Bloomberg

gives all his money away to Democrats Running for office

who then must answer to Mike Bloomberg

who owns and controls the Democratic Party

who can change the rules of the Democratic Party at will any time ~

and gave over 600 million to the Sierra Club

who are a Political Body and not a Science Body

who can provide zero peer-reviewed scientific reference

for the words they Politically Preach

who reject the Scientific Method and all Question Test Rebuttal Debate

who are now Proven Frauds in Science

proving they are Political Pathological and not Scientifically Factual

just like

Mike Bloomberg


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates


Al ~ Lunatic ~ Gore


John ~ Treasonous ~ Kerry


Joe ~ Dementia ~ Biden

as the list of proven Political Pathological Frauds in Science goes on and on and on

as they all publicly fail Grade School Science

as not one of them can Articulate real Science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they refuse to allow any debate of the tested science




July 12 ~ 16

~ 2023 ~

…and if you question the truth in knowledge ~

then you are called a Denier by Climate Religion

when tested science is based on to question

as I am Called the Denier

for questioning the truth in knowledge

the bases for the Scientific Method


Question Test Rebuttal Debate


Those using the 1896

Arrhenius Paper

~ a scientifically proven to be outdated incomplete science paper ~

as their scientific proof Humans cause climate warming

like the

Union of Concerned Scientists

who are scientifically proven to be Frauds in Science

while since 2007

their very best Science Argument to me from the UCS is:

to block my emails


real science is to Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as the UCS Reject the Scientific Method proving they are not Real Scientists

proving they are political ploys for Preached Paranoid Doomsday Climate Religion

as they Profit from Preaching Doomsday Climate Paranoia

as they are the

Union of Concerned Scientists for Sale

as they can prove nothing in tested reality beyond Pathological Belief

and can only Scientifically prove they are not Factual


The Union of Concerned Scientists is: a Political Body not a Science Body

while there are many more Political Organizations like the UCS out there

who are given Taxpayer Money

who are committing Fraud for Paranoid Doomsday Climate Religion for Profit

~ to be continued ~

and now lets do the Math together

because climate is local

and Helena Montana is not at the Equator

where the Earth is spinning at 1000 miles an hour

as the Earth only spins at 500 miles an hour here in Helena Montana

and near zero miles per hour at the Poles of this CO2 starved carbon based earth

and hear in Helena Montana USA

over 90% of the energy I consume is to keep from Freezing my Ass off

and if it was much warmer outside I would use far less energy

to keep from freezing my Ass off

while the number of days I need an Air conditioner for cooling in the summer

goes from zero days to about two weeks or so

and there are a few weeks every year when I do not need Heating or Conditioning

as the majority of energy I use is to keep from Freezing my Ass off

while the Science Weather Data used by the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia

is: Deliberately Flawed

so when they Preach to you this is the Warmest day or year on Record

they are scientifically proven Lairs


so if you want me to use less energy to keep from Freezing to Death

then make it warmer outside hear where I live

but you will only Piss Off all my stupid friends who like to ski on snow

as there ski season continues to Grow



To: Maya van Rossum

Environmental Attorney

who can not Scientifically Proven Humans cause Climate Warming

and again


~ Reward ~

for the Tested and Experimented Peer-reviewed Science and Data

beyond the Preached Belief


have you ever Collected Sea Shells at 8000 feet above Sea Level ?

I have

~ and did you know ~

about 20,000 Plus years ago you could walk from Cuba to Mexico

without getting your Feet Wet

~ and did you know ~

Volcanoes produce

CO2 and Water Vapor

and Lungs Produce CO2 and Water Vapor

and your car with an Internal combustion engine produces

CO2 and Water Vapor

~ and did you know ~

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

causing the Carbon Cycle

causing all Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

caused by the Primary Carbon based Life the Plants and Trees

Scientifically proving the Byproduct of Energy if Life

and the Byproduct Life is new Energy

in a continuous Cycle of Recycle

~ and did you know ~

the Byproduct of warming by the variable Sun is:

Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor


CO2 and Water vapor are the Evaporated Byproduct of Warming

causing Green


CO2 causing warming is an unproven theory Debunk by

proven fact tested reality in science

~ and did you know ~

Plants and Trees need 3 to 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today

to Breathe Healthy

to make the Oxygen we Breathe and carbon based Food we Eat

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as we spend Tens of Trillions of Dollars to reduce the cause of Green

when it is very scientifically proven we need more CO2

for a Healthier Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle


reducing CO2 will have zero effect on climate change

but many Billionaires and China will be very happy

while Laughing all the way to ~ their ~ Banks

~ Question ~

why does the Political Media Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit


the cause of Food and Oxygen and all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

the cause of all Living Breathing Nature and the Environment

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth is:

Toxic Poison and Pollution ?




Preached Ignorance Dictates a False Reality


science is: to know

and words prove nothing in science

as the words must be proven and not just believed

but if you can not Articulate your science with words

then you have not earned the right to scientific opinion


All of We the People who are America

Granted Freedom to the Press

as the Free Press now Fascistly Silences the Free Speech

of and by and for

All of We the People who are America


Big Tech the Media and Press

now Silence the Free Speech of All of We the People

while Politically Brainwashing everyone they can Brainwash

with Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as they Brainwash Hate Fear and Paranoia


Einstein was just an Office Clerk and I am just an Auto Mechanic

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

where one Scientist can be Right

and where the United Nations is a Proven Criminal Political Body

and not a Science Body

and are Proven Frauds in Science and Medicine

~ The Rebuttal ~

I am a 67 year old Scientist and not a Writer

and I began my Climate Science Investigation in the spring of 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science

and this is my Science Argument

as I write almost everyday since 2007

based on what I learn and know everyday



CO2 Physics and Chemistry

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Heat and Energy Transfer Science Physics and Chemistry

along with many other Sciences

while I am still a Bad Writer

so I guess you can’t be good at everything

but I try


[email protected]


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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