Author Archives: Bruce A. Kershaw

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~

To: Montana Criminal Governor Steve Bullock

~ …is there Lunatic Political Science Fiction in un-tested Reality = Make Believe ~ The Smile behind the Mask ~ [email protected] ~

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Fact Check to Fascist Treasonous Tweeter

~ The Rebuttal ~ June 23 ~ July 14 ~ 2020 ~ ~*~ I have never seen so many People on the Road in U-Halls and every other kind of Household moving vehicle in my Life Time ~

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Organized Crime in Montana by Gov. Steve Bullock & Friends

~ The Rebuttal ~ June 15, 2020 ~*~ Do not Vote for Anyone who is a part of the Criminal Bullock Administration ~

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Corona Virus as the Political Media Paranoia Strikes Again

~ The Rebuttal ~ May 7 ~ May 28 ~ 2020 ~ [email protected] ~ The Corona Virus is the Mildest Virus in my Life Time as the Majority of those with the Corona Virus do not know they had or … Continue reading

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Dr. Albert Olszewski for Governor of Montana

~ June 19, 2020 ~ Doc, Never Give Up as it is not Wisdom that Wins Elections it is to often Billionaire Money and Real Leadership does not come from money Never Give Up Bruce ~*~ May 21, 2020 ~*~ … Continue reading

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My Questions for Joe Berry and Stanford Woods Institute

~ science is: to know ~ and If you do not Question the Truth in knowledge then you can not know the Truth in Science and just believe in the test proven Political Media Lies ~

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The Taste of Tyranny

~ The Taste of Tyranny in America ~ wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm in questioned tested reality ~ On going in My Spare Time ~ February 14, 2019 ~ November 20, 2019 ~*~ … Continue reading

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The Rebuttal ~ Joe Berry & Stanford Woods Institute = Fraud

~ ~*~ CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment ~*~ ~

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U.S. Sen. Jon Tester MT. ~ The Cancer is not the Cure

~*~ …when science should Dictate Politics ~ Political Media Paranoid Politics based on Feelings not Fact is Dictating Science as only the fools believe the fools ~

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Criminal Medicine by Tammy Gibson [email protected]

I am not the Man I was before my Injuries but I am still a Man and I am very thankful that I am alive and can take care of myself and not a burden to anyone other than my … Continue reading

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