~ * ~
Greed ~ before ~ Conscience
what was a scam before is a scam again
this is a new variation a new twist of a scam we have seen before
The Hoax is Here
~ now scamming ~
thanks to
Ron Hatton
with a Criminal Past and Criminal Present
Ron’s Partner in Present Crime
Dr. John Balachandra
California State University Sacramento
and their
The Gadgetman Groove Church of Scam Thieves
who are ~ not ~ going to Scam my Family and Friends and the Helena Community
as this Scam Hoax Cancer continues to Grow in America
for many years
Have you been Scammed by Ron Hatton & Dr. John Balachandra
and their Gadgaetman Scam Groove ?
only those who do not know
Truly Believe
and those who do know should warn those who just truly believe
I think we all need a shrink
some of us more than others
I think shrinks need a shrink too
some more than others
and if you truly believe in Ron and Dr. John and their
~ Bogus ~
Gadgetman Groove
and you must put Grooves in your Throttle Body
I will do it for $200.00
Ron & Dr. John ~ Gadgetman Magic Bogus Scam Groove will charge you $500.00
for about one hour of their Magic Scam time
to Trash your Throttle Body
while I am saving you $300.00 and telling you up front it’s a scam
and I would only make about 416,000.00 a year
and each of you would save $300.00 on each scam
From the Gadgetman Photos I have seen online
both the Throttle Plate and Throttle Body are Damaged
and when the so called Grooves are placed only below the Throttle Plate
the Groves will have zero effect at Idle speed when the Throttle Plate is closed
and when the Grooves start above the Throttle Plate
and then go down past and below the Throttle Plate
then the effect will be at Idle speed and above Idle speed
and then you will have very ~ un-wanted ~ Erratic Turbulence in the intake manifold
Erratic Turbulence
where it does not mix with the fuel going into the combustion chambers
as the fuel is injected at the Cylinder Head Intake Port next to the intake valves
and adding Erratic Turbulence in the Intake Manifold at the Throttle Body
has zero positive effect and only negative effect
providing an un-even Erratic flow of air Turbulence
that is not mixing with any fuel
going to each of the cylinder head intake ports where the fuel is then injected
as it is entering the Combustion Chamber
as this ~ un-wanted ~ Erratic Turbulence in the Intake Manifold
providing a more Erratic un-even Turbulent air flow to the Cylinder Head intake ports
can not over ride the Function of the On Board Computer and input Sensors
and or the Emission Control Systems
to improve performance you want to decrease Turbulence
not increase Turbulence
of air flow in the air intake system to the combustion chambers
as we are told many Bogus claims of Doubling and Tripling
of fuel economy
caused by this ~ un-wanted ~ Erratic Turbulence in the intake air flow system
that can not over ride the On Board Computer and Sensors that is controlling
all Engine and Emission Control Functions
for the intentional un-wanted damage to the Throttle Body
causing ~ un-wanted ~ Erratic air flow and Turbulence to the combustion chambers
as every High School Auto Shop Instructor on this Carbon based Earth would know
and anyone and everyone who has Built or is Building a Race Car
for the past 75 plus years do ~ know ~ with out Question
while the only thing Ron and Dr. John can prove in real science
in the real world of
~ Physics and Chemistry ~
is they have Failed High School Auto Shop
and my Helena High Auto Shop Instructor Allan E. Walter
and my Technical Instructors at Ford and Chrysler and General Motors
Technical Training Centers
along with my Technical Instructors at what was called
Allen Group
~ as they would all agree ~
Gadget Grooves are science fiction
while I have a very extensive back ground and training in this science
every work day of my life for the past 41 plus years
Ron and Dr. John are Preaching Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction for Profit
and should be in Jail right now
while Ron Hatton and Dr. John Balachandra
continue to Scam the People of Helena Montana
and everywhere they set up shop
Trashing the Throttle Body on your car
is not going to Double or Triple your Gas Mileage
and if you believe it will
your a fool
as there is zero belief in real science
and Bogus is Bogus and Ron and Dr. John are Bogus all the way down to their Soul
as they sell the Impossible to the fools who do not know
can a so called proven science only work on some cars and not others
as true belief is Religion not real science