Me, Mastertech


I have been told I am known for my sometimes Harsh Honesty

as I believe in the Truth in all of Life and Knowledge for a Better Life for all

and everything is a Variable in Life because nothing is a constant

….as I was happier when I was happier

while I was sadder when I was sadder

as I am a realist


Life is a jig saw puzzle ~

in a deck of cards

as we are all one of a kind

in a new and different jig saw puzzle

in a new deck of cards

every moment every day ~

so where do I go from now ?

maybe here ~ to now ~ to find today

as the glass is not half empty or half full it is both half empty full

as we are all sometimes half full of it and sometime half not




Time and Life


not measured from yesterday or tomorrow

because time and life is now

as yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never be


looking in ~ while ~ looking out

from outside in ~ from inside out

going in circles in two different ways

which way ~ will I go today


from here to now


where do I go from yesterday

so much I want to know

yesterday will always be

but I believe in now

moment to moments

to save or throw away

another moment to now

~ as ~

tomorrow is forever away

so which way do I go to now


finding moments is hard to do

harder moments we find the truth

as the best of life will come through faith

~ in ~

the mind heart and spirit

living in your soul


from here I go to now

from now

here I go


I have been called a Diamond in the Rough

~ my reply is:

I’m just an old Rough Diamond

and want to be Cowboy in the Rough

and as one of my Friends always tells me

~ never give up ~

and as I say to my Friends

as I am still Breathing

and the rest is Icing on the Cake

hopefully Chocolate and Chocolate

~ as ~

knowledge is the Key to the Truth

as true belief rejects knowledge for true belief

while wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

while doing no harm

and me

I’m just a rough Grumpy old want to be cowboy in the rough

as we are all in the rough of things together

so lets try to take it easy not hard

as from the hard days ~ we know ~ what the good days are



