April 3, 2019 ~ April 13, 2019
Climate Change is Real
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
and Inside Climate News are Political Media Frauds in Science
Scientifically Test Proven Lunatic Political Advocacy not Journalism
who have publicly proven they failed grade school science
Preaching Climate Paranoia for AlGoreism
The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit
they are a proven political Scam Scam Scam
based on very proven political media Lies Lies Lies for political agenda
as they do not investigate and report
they politically convince program and brainwash political science fiction
while withholding very real very available peer-reviewed science from the Public
as Peer-reviewed science that has further debunk the un-proven theory humans cause climate warming based on scientifically proven to backwards Hypothetical Conjecture and spending trillions of dollars to End the cause of Green is test proven insanity not science based on debunked un-proven theory while ignoring peer-reviewed science further debunking the un-proven theory is Pathological Lunatic Fraudulent Political Media Religion by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion who are doing test proven Harm to the cause of all Green and all Life above sea level on this Carbon based Earth
CO2 does not cause Climate Warming
as Scientifically proven
Climate Warming by the variable Sun increases the evaporation of CO2 and Water Vapor making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as Warming occurs first and then CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise
proving the hypothetical conjecture was backwards
as very clearly scientifically proven with peer-reviewed science
and just ignored by those Preaching Climate Paranoia for Power and Greed
Political Parties = Political Religions
in there best efforts to destroy each other are destroying this Country
and this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it
We the Carbon based People made by this Carbon based Earth
no longer own and control the Government regulating Commerce
as Commerce now owns and controls the Government regulating
We the People
and now all weather is catastrophic and caused by Humans
as the Government Lies the Media Lies
as both Represent Power and Greed
as they are both owned by power and greed
as we are now just the Cattle and Road Kill
while dirt is treated better
Climate Change is Real
but not caused by Carbon based Humans made by this Carbon based Earth
from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
caused by Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor caused by the Variable Sun with many cycles
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle and all Carbon based Life and Energy
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
one is Scientifically Factual and the other Politically Pathological
and the National Environment Reporting Network
are Test Proven Political Media Frauds in Climate Science as they Preach
~ AlGoreism ~
The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit
as they politically Program Journalist on how to Lie to the Public for their Political Agenda
while they can provide zero peer-reviewed science to scientifically prove they are not Political Media Frauds as they do not Comprehend the Science and can not Articulate their Lunatic Science or Answer the real science Questions or Debate the Science or allow Rebuttal to their test proven Lies as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion as they reject the Scientific Method and real peer-reviewed science proving they are Frauds as only Political Fascism can Dictate Science as they allow only their Lunatic Fraudulent Garbage Version of their Political Science Fiction doing Harm while rejecting very Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
as True Belief in Science is Religion as Belief is Make Believe
Politically Preached and Brainwashed Climate Paranoia is not Peer-reviewed Science
as Test Proven Political Media Lies in Climate Science is Fraud in Science and proven Frauds in Science for Profit do not voluntarily stop committing Fraud for Profit
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
and Preaching White Steam = Water Vapor coming out of Smokestacks
is Toxic Pollution is Fraud in Science
and Preaching Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
with zero color taste or smell causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
is Toxic Pollution is Fraud in Science
Preaching Catastrophic Climate Warming when this Earth is still with in its very normal 2* Climate Temperature Variable when knowing it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years is Fraud in Science
Preaching the Sea level is Rising when the Sea level is Declining is Fraud in Science
Preaching all the Ice is melting with a 40% increase in Arctic Ice is Fraud in Science
~ Do you just Believe the test proven Political Media Frauds in Science ?
as we are now Bloodletting Nature and doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and the Environment to Profit the few
and knowing Real Science is based on Question Test Debate to find the truth in Science as this is rejected by Lunatic Climate Paranoia
maybe you can Answer the real Scientific Questions the Frauds can not
while knowing all Heat in Real Physics rises and Frozen air take its place
causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
and knowing all Gases adsorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising
? ~ How ~ ?
does something the size of a Sewing Thread = Human generated CO2
~ Trap Heat ~
in something the size of a Football Field = the Atmosphere
and of course the Answer in Real Physics is: it is not scientifically Possible
as it is not possible to fit all the water from an Olympic size swimming pool into a Shot Glass
as I have a long list of very real scientific Questions the Frauds refuse to acknowledged and can not Answer to prove their Lies are not proven Lies
~ like ~
why do they ignore simple Physics and Chemistry debunking their True Belief
why do they ignore more than a Dozen Climate Variables debunking their True Belief
and why do they ignore known Climate History debunking their True Belief
because all the Real Climate Science Questions debunk their True Belief in self-debunked un-proven Theory they Preach to us is Settled Science as they continue to Ignore Real Science for their Lunatic Paranoid True Belief doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green and all Carbon based Life
because Power and Greed is the bottom line and real science is not a factor
science is: to know
and Climate Science is a Brand New Science
as we have far more to learn than we know today
and this is why Settled Science does not exist in tested Reality
because we Learn and Know something new everyday in every science that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday
as the Truth in knowledge must always be in Question
and self-ignorance by convinced and programmed True Belief is not Science
as the Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Dictating Science that is based on zero Scientific Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
because Killing the Cause of Green the Carbon Cycle above Sea level is Lunatic Science
and Political Propaganda Preaching Climate Paranoia for Profit based on scientifically test proven Garbage Political Science Fiction is Fraud
You can not scientifically debunk proven fact tested reality in science with politically convinced and programmed make believe
and you can not stop Politically Brainwashed True Belief with real science
and one Political Religion = Political Party can not always be right 100% of the time in all of tested reality based on their Political True Belief while rejecting peer-reviewed Science
and one person can not always be right 100% of time on everything there is to Know
~ while one person can be right ~
and If I told you I have a Cure for everything would you just Believe me ?
and If I told that Cure for everything was Bloodletting would you just believe me ?
as Bloodletting was based on True Belief = make believe for many hundreds of years while this was not Fraud it was just True Belief in ignorance
while there have always been very proven Frauds in Science for Profit and there will always be and there will always be those who are convinced by the proven Frauds to just Believe = Make Believe
without Questioning the Truth in Knowledge as they are the True Believers
and for many millions of years this Carbon based Earth was a Jungle
and for many millions of Years this Carbon based Earth was covered in Ice
with Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today as the Glaciers will continue to come and go as they have for many millions of years as the Oceans will continue to rise a fall many hundreds of feet as we are very Fortunate to Live in one of the Gentlest Climate and Weather Cycle periods of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earths known Climate History and CO2 starved by the scientifically test proven fact that Plants and Trees in Botany Science require 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to
~ Breathe ~
to be at best Health to make the Oxygen we Breathe and the Food we Eat
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = All Living Nature = Environment
and all Ignored by Political Media Climate Paranoia who Preach the cause of Green is Toxic Pollution further proving their self-Ignorance in real science
as All Crime must be Exposed including the Crimes in Science for Profit doing Test Proven Harm to Nature and the Environment caused by Political Ignorance
because Ending 600 million years of Carbon based Life above Sea level caused by Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor will not stop 4.6 billion years of climate change caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today on this now CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth as Political Lunatics make believe 3% of One Half of one climate variable define all climate science as they Preach to us their Political Science Fiction based self-debunked Ouija Board prediction based on self-debunked un-proven theory based on zero peer-reviewed science based on zero scientific method doing only Harm to the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth as they reject peer-reviewed science for Brainwashed political science fiction costing trillions while doing only harm to the environment because they refuse to know beyond Belief as only Religion rejects knowledge for True Belief and only Politically Brainwashed Lunatics Make Believe self-debunked un-proven theory is Settled Science as they refuse to Publicly Debate their Lunatic Science Fiction as they reject the scientific method and refuse to allow Question Test Rebuttal and Debate to find the Truth in Science as they Dictate Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm in Reality and refusing to allow the scientific method to your Lunatic Science only further scientifically prove it is Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction based on zero peer-reviewed science as they Preach Humans cause climate warming
and if you just believe what you are told to just make believe you are not a scientist you are a true believer who has earned zero right to scientific opinion as the proven Frauds for Profit will continue to be Proven Frauds as they Preach their test proven self-ignorance Dictating their Make Believe Reality
as Pathological Criminals do not know they are Criminals because they are not Factual as they do not Question and Investigate the Truth in knowledge they do not comprehend and are True Believers who just Believe = Make Believe
while the so called Scientific consensus is a very scientifically proven Political Media Lie by Pathological True Believers John Kerry and Barack Obama who truly make believe there is a consensus that does not exist because there is zero consensus in self-debunked computer Ouija Board prediction based on Self-debunked un-proven theory that True Believers continue to Preach is Settled Science further proving they are Lunatics
~ as ~
49 NASA Scientists have stated in a public Letter they do not believe in the Preached Climate Paranoia based on Garbage science
87% of the National Academy of Science have rejected jumping on to the AlGoreism Lunatic Climate Paranoia Bandwagon
while another 30,000 Scientists that I know of and over 9,000 of them with PhD’s have signed a Petition disagreeing with Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion who agree we are harming the this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
because Ending millions of years of the cause of Green will not stop billions of years Climate Change it will only end all Carbon based Life above Sea level
as those who Failed Grade School Science by rejecting the scientific method Dictate Lunatic Science based on zero Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
and True Belief = Make Believe in Media Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction is not Real Science by the Scientific Method as the proven Cowards of Reality for Profit refuse to debate fact tested reality in Science
To: The New York Times
who Preach AlGoreism too
and allow zero scientific rebuttal to their test proven lies
as I have written many Letters to the Editor since 2007
to rebuttal proven Lies by proven Lairs
and not one Letter has ever been accepted by any news paper in America
further proving political Media Fascism in Science by political agenda
as they allow only the lunatic fraudulent side of the story to be told
denying real peer-reviewed science from the public proving they are Frauds
~ Letter to the Editor ~
Climate Change is Real
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
~ Photosynthesis ~
The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
The Living Breathing Parts of Nature and the Environment
as this warming period of many warming periods began 14,000 years ago
while today there is zero Catastrophic Warming
as we have a 1.42 degree increase of a 2 degree normal variable
as the Sea level is Declining
because the rate of evaporation by the variable SUN has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting causing a spike in evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor increasing rain snow and Ice as Arctic Ice has increased by 40% while off-setting increased warming by the variable Sun in many variable ways like more heat escaping the atmosphere than predicted and increased levels of Frozen – 200 * below zero CO2 = Dry Ice and water vapor crashing downward as heat rises all heat still in real physics still rises
real science that climate Paranoia does not comprehend in this Brand New Climate Science that we have far more to learn than we know today as Preached Paranoia based on self-debunked Garbage prediction based on self-debunked Garbage science is a Lunatic Religion and not fact tested reality
~ as ~
The Proven Idiots and Morons and Criminals of Science
are Preaching their Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit
based on self-debunked prediction based on self-debunked un-proven theory based on a proven to be Lunatic Backwards Hypothetical Conjecture
that is Preached as Settled Science by Lunatic political Media Climate Paranoia for Profit
by those who refuse to publicly debate their Fraudulent Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm to the cause of Green and all Life
as we have Lunatics who want to remove all the CO2 from the air
and at 210 ppm CO2 in the air Plants and Trees begin to suffocate
and at 160 ppm CO2 in the air all Carbon based Life above Sea level will end
as Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics who failed Grade School Science want to Kill the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth further proving they are Lunatics who are supported by
David Sassoon
Neela Banerjee
David Hasemyer
Marianne Lavelle
Nicholas Kuznets
James Bruggers
Annabelle Peevey
Tara Holmes
Dan Gearino
NASA Data has Proven they are Political Lunatics Lairs and Frauds
while Only Honest People will Admit they are Wrong
and repair their proven mistakes and learn and know a grow forward as
is a Political Body not a Science Body
as David Sassoon and his Team of very proven Lairs
are Political Puppets and Preachers for AlGoreism
The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit
who are very proven Frauds Deceiving and Misinforming the Public with proven Political Media Lies while withholding very real and very available peer-reviewed science from the Public that scientifically prove they are not Real Journalist and are
Lunatic Political Media Lairs and Pathological Frauds for Profit
as they must truly believe their scientifically proven lies
as Inside Climate News Politically Preach Convince Program and Brainwash their Climate Paranoia to the unknowing Public for Profit as they have proven they Failed 5th Grade Science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as Climate Change is Real but not caused by You and Me
as science is to know
and I know Inside Climate Fraud News can not debunk All Heat Rises in real physics and -200 degree below zero Air take its place and I know they can not prove in real physics something the size of a Sewing Thread can trap heat in something the size of a Football Field and I know they can not debunk more than a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history they just Ignore all further debunking their true belief un-proven theory is settled science proving they are Lunatics and Pathological Frauds
who reject peer-reviewed science for Climate Paranoia based on self-debunked unproven theory as they Politically Preach Test Proven Harm to the Environment for Profit
as only Politically Brainwashed Ignorance and Greed can Deny
Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
as Carbon based Humans who are 20% carbon made by the carbon cycle caused by Carbon based Oxygen made by this Carbon based Earth have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years while Montana had California Climate 1000 years for 200 years
and Guess what happens in between the many known Major Ice Ages
over many millions of years
the Ice Melts
as the Glaciers began melting 14,000 years ago and come and go through out climate history as the last little bit of Ice always melts the fastest as climate Paranoia does not acknowledge Climate History as they continue to live in Paranoia based on self-debunked computer Ouija Board Prediction
Inside Climate Fraud News Paranoia for Profit is an Insult to Real Journalism committing very test proven Crime in real Science proven by the real science they just ignore for Lunatic True Belief doing Harm
I hope you and everyone in your Life are well
as you have publicly proven you are Politically Bias
as you have scientifically proven your Political Fascism in Science doing Harm
and just as you can not Scientifically prove there is a God
you can not Scientifically prove Carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen
while your scientific plan to save the Environment of this carbon based Earth is to Kill everything Living and Breathing above Sea level to Kill the cause of all the Green Killing the cause of all Carbon based Life killing the cause of all the Oxygen we Breathe and all the Carbon based Food we Eat for our 20% Carbon based Bodies made by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle made by this Carbon based Earth
Scientifically proving you are a Lunatic
and as they say follow the money while I can only guess you are paid a lot of money by Al Gore who is a very scientifically proven Fraud too but not just in Climate Science as Al Gore’s world wide Carbon Credit Business that will have zero effect on climate change is proven to be a Dishonest Carbon Credit Business as he Cheats his Customers primarily in Europe
and this not the kind of real climate news you report
while I have sent you a sample of peer-reviewed science proving you are a Fraud while it is not my job to debunk you as it is your job to prove you are not a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
as you preach only one Political side of many scientific sides of the story in this Brand New Climate Science as this is not real Journalism because you do not allow scientific rebuttal to your proven Political Media Lies in science as you suppress and hide and deny the truth in tested knowledge from the public for your political agenda doing test proven harm to the Environment for Profit while the only people you can fool are the fools as you are the fool of fools
but are you an Intentional Fraud for Profit or a Pathological Fraud for Profit do you know you are committing Fraud in Science or do you Truly Believe your Fraudulent Pathological Lies as only your Shrink would know and regardless of your Mental condition you are a scientifically test Proven Political Media Fraud in Climate Science Perching your Climate Paranoia to the Public and You Should be in Jail for your Proven Lies
as you will continue to be a Test Proven Fraud in Science for Profit
because you can get away with it
as you are not a Scientist or a real Journalist you are a Criminal in Science
as Fraud by Self-ignorance is still Fraud Pathological or not
as a real Journalist would provide the Public with all the available facts and allow the public to decide for themselves what is real and what is not as you decide for the Public what is real regardless of the Available Questioned Truth in knowledge
and I challenge you to an open Public Debate in Climate Science with a
for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming
Wisdom is the Ability to use the Questioned Truth in Knowledge Constructively while doing no Harm in Reality
For the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a Better Life for All
Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana
43 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with thousands of hours of ongoing Climate Science Investigation
since 2007
Proving Fraud in Climate Science
by test proven Lunatics Preaching their Climate Paranoia based on their Politically Brainwashed Ignorance as Paranoia will always ignore tested Reality
as we used Bloodletting during the Black Plague caused by Fleas on the over population of Rats because we killed all the Cats because we Truly Believed the Cats were Evil during the Mid Evil Global Warming Period as we Truly Believed Bloodletting would Cure all Illness while only killing more people
as true belief based on zero science did only harm
as Politically Brainwashed Climate Paranoia is doing the very same today as ignored history continues to debunk lunatic make believe
Politically Dictated Science is Political Fascism not Real Science as only Lunatics and Crazy Fools Make Believe in Science as many continue to allow themselves to be politically brainwashed by frauds because they do not Question the Truth in Knowledge
are you Factual or Pathological ?
do you ~ know ~ or do you just Believe ?
as Paranoia is the fear of the unknown
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
CO2 + Water Vapor from Volcanoes = Green
CO2 + Water Vapor from your Lungs = Green
CO2 + Water Vapor from your Internal Combustion Engine = Green
CO2 + Water Vapor from your Power Plant = Green
Please do not Vote for Anyone Preaching Lunatic Climate Paranoia
and here comes the SUN
~ Peace ~