Please Do not Vote for Political Lunatics Preaching Climate Paranoia
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
CO2 can not Harm the Greenhouse because CO2 caused the Greenhouse
and in Botany Science Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today
as CO2 causes warming going up as Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is cooling on the way down
as Climate Paranoia is based on 3% of one half of one climate variable
while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables
millions of years of climate history
and very real Physics and Chemistry
all further debunking Climate Paranoia
based on self-debunk un-proven theory
based on a flawed incomplete fraudulent study
To: Washington State Governor Jay Lnslee
Proven Political Pathological Fraud in Climate Science
Dear Jay,
how did you earn your right to scientific opinion in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?
I challenge you to an open Public Debate in Climate Science
with a
for the peer-reviewed science proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
of this
Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
causing the
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
~ for the truth in all of life and all of knowledge for a better Life for all ~
Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana