~ by ~
Bruce A Kershaw
Master Technician since 1976
with 45 years of working back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with a Doctor Honor in Science in 2011
Invited to Participate in the Oxford and Cambridge Club
Symposium on Climate Change London, June of 2013
I have investigated and proven fraud in science for over 25 years
and Wind Generators wear out before they pay for themselves
and then they are buried in the ground
and Subsidized by Taxpayers
while making billionaires and China much richer
as we are now seeing less wind
October 30, 2021
If you live in Montana
your Electricity is made from Coal
and in the Winter when it is – 40 below zero = 70 degrees below freezing
it will cost more to heat the Interior of your Electric Car than to drive it
while reducing your driving range
while your old car that runs on liquid Hydrogen and Carbon = Gasoline
heating the interior of your car is 100% free
while Batteries in sub-zero freezing weather
have very reduced performance and reduced power storage capacity
and a shorter life
while Car and Driver Magazine rated the Tesla the worst Electric Car on the road
for many reasons
February 26, 2021
Who wants to own a Car that will be worth less than the cost of the new battery
when it comes time to replace the battery
making Electric Cars that run on electricity made from Coal
making electric Cars dirtier than Cars that run on Gasoline = Hydrogen and Carbon = HC
making CO2 for Plants and Trees to the Breathe
making Food and Oxygen for you and I to eat and Breathe
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
April 4, 2019
To: James Bruggers
I have two Green Thumbs and I am very much for the cause of Green
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Photosynthesis = Green
and when they make a Safe and Good Electric Car I will buy one
while they need to work out many more Bugs in the self driving Technology
as the rush for self driving cars will be a mistake for many reasons
and when two self driving cars run into each other and Kill many people
who will be to Blame ?
as greed will always kill many more people
while Lunatics continue to Preach the cause of Green is toxic pollution
and we must end the cause of Green and all Life as soon as possible
or we will all Die soon
while NASA data shows us there is zero catastrophic climate warming
and the Sea level is Falling not rising and arctic ice has increased by 40%
and Electric Cars today are scientifically proven to be Dirtier
than Cars that run on Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Gasoline
because of the energy required for the mining of special Raw Materials and processing
and then you have a Car that will have a battery that will slowly lose its capacity to take a charge over time and losing driving range every year
and if you lose 50% of your driving range every 3 years
and want to maintain your driving range and you own a Tesla you are looking at $10,000 for a new battery every 3 years to maintain your driving range with a battery that has little or no warranty and can cause fires so I am guessing the Insurance for these Electric cars will be very high
as the Political Media Preaches their Climate Paranoia
based on self-debunked un-proven theory
Proving they are Political Frauds in Science
Preaching harm to the cause of Green
and for the shoot the foot in your mouth Hypocrites
as we now make fuel from food = corn = ethanol
as corn has the highest level of carbon of all the foods we eat
the corn Ethanol produces far higher levels of CO2 than Plain Gasoline
while the Gasoline-Ethanol mix begins to separate at six weeks
causing reduced performance and real pollution
while causing very real damage to older car engines
causing them to pollute the air
as a properly tuned engine does not pollute the air
and the more efficiently as Gasoline engine is running the more CO2 it Produces
for Plants and Trees to Breathe on this CO2 starved carbon based Earth
as CO2 can not harm our greenhouse CO2 is the cause of our Greenhouse
March 31, 2019
~ Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen ~
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen cycle = Nature = Environment
Gasoline = Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Hydrocarbon
as the Internal Combustion Engine produces CO2 and Water Vapor = Green
and in Botany Science Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to Breath to be at best health on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
I have been a Automotive Master Technician
an Expert in Automotive Technology and Atmospheric Emission Science
and On Board Computers and Diagnostics and Troubleshooting since 1976
~ and ~
Electric Cars are Death Traps
and Require many thousands of Gallons of Water
to Extinguish the Electrical Fires caused by Collisions
as water and electricity don’t mix
as already proven by Fire Departments trying to Extinguish Electric Cars
and many more People will Burn to Death in their New Electric Car
while thousands of gallons of water are drenching their car
while ~ CO2 ~ Fire Extinguishers work best to put out Electrical Fires
as CO2 will put of the fire very rapidly and remove all the Heat caused by the Fire
by absorbing the Heat like a frozen sponge
as CO2 Fire Extinguishes can and will cause Frostbite
~ and ~
We will have to increase Mining 100%
for the many metals like Copper and Lithium that will be required to build Electric Cars
and their Batteries causing Fires that water does not Extinguish
Killing a lot of People down the Road from minor Accidents
minor Accidents that do not kill people who are driving Cars
that run on Hydrogen and Carbon = Hydrocarbons = Gasoline
producing CO2 and Water Vapor for Plants and Trees to Breathe
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
causing all of Nature and the Environment
as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 that in the air today to Breathe
to be at best Health
to make the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe
as Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
is scientifically Proven to not cause climate warming as Preached by Climate Paranoia
December 12, 2010
Electric Cars run on Coal
Much of the electricity we use today is still made from coal, coal is dirtier than gasoline,
gasoline is Hydrogen and carbon, and so is coal but coal is more carbon and less hydrogen.
I wonder how well the heater works in an Electric car and how long the battery will last when it is 20 to 40 below zero out side.
I believe you would go 10 to 20 miles before another 8 hours of charging if even you keep your Electric Car in a Heated Garage costing up to $500.00
The Ideal Car for Montana Climate would be like the Trains of today
with no battery to charge as the Electric Trains of today produce the electricity with the Diesel Engines by turning generators that only make Electricity for the Electric Motors moving the Train as the Diesel Engine does not help move the Train like the Hybrid Cars of today that require a very large very heavy very expense battery as the Electric Trains are many more times efficient than Hybrid Cars while the trains do not rely on a battery for heating as the Diesel Engine provides an endless supply of Heat while eliminating a very heavy space taking $3,000 to $4,000 dollar battery and you will not have to keep your car in a Heated Garage that would cost more to heat than the money you spent to put gas in the old car and if this Technology was used on the Cars of today you could travel 3 to 4 times further on a gallon of gas with an endless supply of heat only needing rest stops along the way
while the amount of energy needed to produce a new car, before you drive it, is about the same amount of energy needed to drive your old car for about three to five years, so if you are paranoid about providing more CO2 for plants and trees to breathe into the air making this planet greener, while you just put three plus years worth of CO2 in the air just diving your new Electric car off the lot that you can recharge in 10 to 20 miles for 8 hours in the winter with electricity made from coal as you spend $400.00 in CO2 producing energy a month to keep it Heated in its cozy warm garage
I very much, want to be off the grid, we could eliminate the grid, for less cost of building new power plants and a new grid, by making your own power for our Homes and Electric Cars, and we would no longer be vulnerable to grid failure, for any reason.
For what two wars have cost us, we would all ready be energy independent,
and no dead solders.
Today commerce regulates the government, the government regulating We The People.
Instead of,
We The People regulating the Government, the Government regulating commerce.
Today we have Entity’s controlling Humanity, instead of Humanity controlling Entity’s.