~ * ~
The Religion of Science is Skepticism of True Belief Politically Dictating Science
~ Doing Test Proven Harm ~
Skepticism = to Question the Truth in Knowledge to Find the Truth in Knowledge
and is the bases for the scientific method
to Question Test Debate to find the truth in knowledge
until debunk by new knowledge by Question Test Debate
as science can never be settled in the scientific method
as we learn and know something new everyday growing forward in real science
~ and skepticism is only a Sin ~
in the the foolish minds of those who have allowed themselves to be Brainwashed
by scientifically proven to be
Lunatic Fraudulent Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
by AlGoreism
~ knowing ~
Spending Trillions to Prevent and Reduce the cause of Green
doing very real test proven harm to the cause of the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
reducing the duration of the Carbon Cycle above Sea level
that will end all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth sooner
is proven ~ Insanity ~ not Science
~ knowing ~
Preaching Unproven Theory as Fact Tested Reality and Settled Science
is proven Stupidity not Science
~ knowing ~
Ignoring more than a Dozen Climate Variables
in a Climate Study
providing an Infinity of climate variable
Debunking the Climate Study
is proven Stupidity not Science
~ knowing ~
Ignoring all of Climate History in a Climate Study
Debunking the Climate Study
is proven Stupidity not Science
~ knowing ~
Ignoring Simple Hard Physics and Chemistry in a Climate Study
Debunking the Climate Study
is proven Stupidity not Science
~ knowing ~
A Climate Study based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
to define all climate science
is proven Stupidity not Science
~ knowing ~
the second one half of the same one climate variable more than offset the first half
~ knowing ~
A Climate Study based on very Proven to be Falsified Data and Measurements
and Fudged Numbers and very proven Lies
providing a very proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Climate Study
to make pre-programmed Ouija Board Computer Predictions of the un-knowable future
to Politically Preach = Brainwash and Sell Climate Paranoia
to those who do not comprehend the real science
and do not Question the Truth in Knowledge
and just believe what they have been politically programmed to just believe
is Test Proven Fraud based on Ignorance and Stupidity not Real Science
~ while knowing ~
based on the real available data
the past 30 years of climate predictions have not come true
and are Politically Preached as fact test reality in science my the Media
further proving Lunatic Political Media Pathological Fraud in science
Proven Settled Lunatic Science they refuse to Publicly Debate
further scientifically proving its not Real
Climate Science is a Brand New Science
~ no one has a Degree in Climate Science ~
anyone who claims to have a Degree in Climate Science has a Bogus Degree
while Climate Paranoia Preaches to us the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist in real science
as we learn and know something new everyday
supporting or debunking what we know from yesterday
as we do not know far more than we do know in this Brand New Climate Science
now Politically Dictated by Test Proven Ignorance by very proven Morons in science
science is: to know = knowledge
and Opinion based on Belief without Question is not Knowledge
and those who do not Question the Truth in Knowledge do not know the Truth
and if you refuse to Question the Truth in Knowledge
you have scientifically proven you are not a real scientist proving you are a true believer
and if you just believe what you have been told to just Believe without Question
without reviewing all the very available facts in question
and you have a scientific opinion based only on your true belief
you have scientifically proven you failed grade school science
and have not earned the right to scientific opinion
because you just believe what you are told to just believe without scientific method
to Review ~ Question ~ Analyze ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate
because just believing what you are told to just believe
can only prove in real science you do not ~ Know ~
as those who do not ~ know ~ Preach a False Reality doing Harm
as we live with many True Believers Politically Dictating Harm
because they refuse to ~ know ~ beyond ~ their ~ true belief
The New York Times
are very proven to be Media True Believers and Preachers with a Political Agenda
as they have very proven they are not Real Scientists of the Scientific Method
as they do not Question the Truth in knowledge
they just Believe in Political Agenda doing Harm
as they Preach only one side of many sides of the Story
only Preaching the side of the story they truly politically make believe in
allowing zero scientific rebuttal for proven to be false statements in real science
debunk by very real peer-reviewed science they just ignore
because they do not comprehend the real science
and they truly do not know if they are right or wrong
as they truly just make believe their political agenda is right
based on zero scientific method zero Question Test Debate
Politically Preached Climate Paranoia
by those who have proven they failed grade school science
proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion
based on their zero Scientific Review ~
and zero Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate ~ by the Scientific Method
are Preaching their Political Media Brainwashed
Social Psychological Pathological Mental Disorder
doing very real Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
based on Scientifically proven to be
Self-Debunk Un-Proven Theory
based on proven to be very flawed incomplete fraudulent garbage science
based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
Further Debunk by real science ignored by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
who refuse to Publicly Debate the Science
and can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Pathological Frauds as
The New York Times is a Political Church of Climate Paranoia not a Science Body
as they Commit Scientifically Test Proven Fraud in Science
and are an Insult to Real Science and the Scientific Community they just Ignore
for their scientifically proven to be Lunatic Political Agenda
based on zero scientific method
as they are test proven True Believers
who just Believe what they have been told to just believe with out Question
as they do not Question the Truth in knowledge
and True Belief in AlGoreism is Religion not Science
as 49 NASA Scientist do not just believe in AlGoreism
and over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 Scientists Singed a Petition
disagreeing with AlGoreism and the United Nations
and the Climate Assessments
~ that state ~
it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming
while 87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with AlGoreism
and the 13% of the NAS who agree with AlGoreism
have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
earning them zero right to scientific opinion
and when requested to provide scientific references to support their True Belief
they could provide zero science beyond their Political True Belief
as they refuse to publicly debate the science further proving it is not real science
and now we ~ know ~
how many so called Scientists at the NAS are proven Lunatics
as the scientific consensus is a very proven political pathological Lie
based on un-proven theory
with the unproven theory preached as proven fact tested reality in science
scientifically proving Political Pathological Fraud
by those who just believe what they have been Politically Programmed to Just Believe
without Questioning the Truth in Tested Knowledge = Real Science
Real Tested knowledge they continue to just ignore
for their true belief in Test Proven Political Fraud in Science
and those who call themselves scientists
who just believe without Scientific Method without Question
are not real scientists
they are True Believers doing test proven Harm to Real Nature
because Politically Dictating True Belief is not Tested Knowledge = Science
and when you provide peer-reviewed science to True Believers debunking their True Belief
and they continue to preach their true belief
this scientifically proves it is a Political Religion not science
as real science is proven wrong more often than proven right
as it is only religion that refuses to debate their true belief
as proven to be Political Blind Faith continues to dictate unquestioned garbage science
Climate Paranoia is not real science it is a Brainwashed Social Political Mental Disorder
~ Harming Real Nature ~
~ Freedom of the Press ~
does not mean Freedom to Lie and Misinform the Public
for a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda based on test proven Ignorance
while Preventing and Denying my Free Speech to Inform
based on proven fact tested reality in science
based on real peer-reviewed science based on the Scientific Method
to Question Test Debate
very real knowledge the proven Political Lunatics do not want the Public to know
further proving their belief is Political Media Science Fiction based on zero tested reality
as Climate Paranoia lives in Fear and Denial of Scientific ~ Question ~ Test ~ Debate
to find the tested Truth in Knowledge = Science
that could be debunk tomorrow by new tested knowledge
learning and knowing and growing forward from new knowledge everyday
and rejecting new knowledge before review is not real science = to know
while there will always be True Believers who Reject all knowledge for their True Belief
as the True Believers try to convince us to just truly make believe as they do ~
as True Belief is Pathological not Science
as they are blind to tested reality by their True Belief doing Harm
as they refuse to know beyond their true belief