The New York Times = Repeatedly Proven Fraud



August 15, 2018


There are no Honest Politicians or Honest Political Journalist in My Life Time

as a Real Journalist will provide you with all the facts from the many sides of a story

and then let the readers decide for them selves what is real based on all the available facts

but at the New York Times they are not Real Journalist

as they only Preach to you what they want you to Politically Believe

based on zero peer-reviewed science I have requested many times for many years

with a $100,000.00


as they refuse to look at the peer-reviewed science debunking their Preached Belief

as Climate Change is very real but not caused by You and Me

as I am called The Denier and Skeptic

by those who are proven Liars and have publicly failed Grade School Science

as skepticism is:

from Websters Dictionary

” the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question”

as I do not Deny Climate Change

as I Question the Truth in Science = knowledge

because I am a Scientist of the Scientific Method = to Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

to find the ~ tested ~ truth in knowledge = science

as the New York Times Rejects the Scientific Method

and believes skepticism is a Mental Disorder

as the New York Times are very proven Frauds in Science

as they can not prove otherwise beyond their Political Garbage Science Fiction

as the New York Times has scientifically ~ test ~ proven they are not Real


….two oxygen atoms based to one carbon atom =

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

can not harm the Carbon Cycle = Nature =  Environment

because CO2 is the cause the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

above and below sea level

as test proven Lunatics Preach to us the cause of all the Green

the cause of all the food we eat

the cause of all the oxygen we breathe

is: Toxic Pollution

as Hot CO2 rises

Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is Crashing downward cooling the air

more than off-setting hot CO2 rising


To: Carol Davenport and Lisa Friedman and the rest of the Political Gang

of the New York Times ~ Science News ~ as you are

scientifically proven Criminals in Science

and how did you earn your right to scientific opinion in ~

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?


~ as Political Media Fascism continues to Dictate a False Reality doing test proven Harm ~

as The New York Times continues to sell their Political Fraudulent Fairy Tale Science

Promoting very Scientifically Test Proven Harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment of this Carbon based Earth


Science they do not comprehend and Refuse to allow Question Rebuttal or Debate

as they do not comprehend and reject the scientific method

as they have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

as they are a Political Body not a Science Body

and when repeatedly requested with a reward

can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not committing Fraud

as very real peer-reviewed science they refuse to look at and see

has very proven they are fact tested frauds in science

as they Brainwash the un-knowing Public

with their Fraudulent Political Agenda with self-debunk Lunatic Make Believe

selling their Doomsday Paranoia to the World

based on their ~ scientifically test proven ~ to be Political Garbage Science Fiction

while allowing zero scientific rebuttal by real scientists

as words prove nothing in real science

while in real Journalism they will cover both or the many sides of the story

and let the reader decide what is real and what is not

as the New York Times has decided what is reality for you

as they Preach and Sell their Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as they just make believe what they are told to just make believe

with out Questioning the Truth

they are Scientifically Proven Pathological Frauds in Science

as they Truly Believe their test proven Lies

as Pathological Political True Belief = Political Religion is: not real science

as Truth in all Knowledge must always be in Question

as real science is based on

~ on going ~

Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate

to learn and know and grow forward with new knowledge everyday

as Settled Science does not exist in Proven Fact Tested Reality

and when you refuse to Debate your make believe this only proves it is only make believe

as make believe is reality at the New York Times and is not reality in real science

as only Political Fascism can dictate self-debunk garbage Hypothetical as Reality

as they refuse to see beyond Political Make Believe doing only Harm

as political true belief always rejects tested reality in real science

as they politically dictate proven garbage as science

and of course for very real Power and Profit

~ * ~

In Real Chemistry

all gases absorb and radiate pre-existing heat and energy

they do not add or subtract heat and energy from the atmosphere

they can only transfer pre-existing heat and energy upward

as all gases heat expand and rise

leaving a void for Frozen air to come crashing down


 In Real Chemistry

Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

when crashing downward as heat rises


In Real Physics

All Heat Still Rises

forcing -200* below zero F air with increased levels of frozen CO2 and water vapor

downward toward the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

warming up to about -115* below zero F by cooling the air on the way down

while more than off-setting hot air rising


In Real Physics

Something the size of a Sewing Thread = Human generated CO2

can not Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field = the Atmosphere

as Humans produce about 3% of the CO2

while the majority of CO2 going into the air everyday 24/7

is from the Oceans from Volcanic Activity below sea level

as there is many times the  CO2 level in the Oceans than in the air

from billions of years of ongoing Volcanic activity below sea level

causing the Carbon Cycle above and below sea level


The Cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

is caused by the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing Nature and the Environment

and is caused by Sun Energy + CO2 + Water vapor = O2 = oxygen

and food to eat

and preventing and reducing the cause of Green

will only shorten the duration of the carbon cycle above sea level

and will have zero effect on Climate Change as proven by Climate History

while pumping man made CO2 into the ground

~ lowers oxygen levels in the air ~

because man made CO2 is made from oxygen from the air

and when the CO2 finds its way to underground water it turns the water into an Acid

when it is best to allow the carbon cycle to recycle the man made CO2

replenishing the Oxygen in the air while making this Carbon based Earth Greener

as Plants and Trees in Botany Science

would like 4 times the CO2 to breathe than in the air today


All life comes from the Oceans

as Humans do heat the Oceans with CO2

as the Oceans and lower Atmosphere are Heated by

the ~ Variable ~ Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

as there is many times the CO2 in the Oceans than in the air

from billions of years of continuous on going volcanic activity below sea level

causing the carbon cycle above sea level


With all the starving Carbon based People on this Carbon based Earth

 we are turning food into fuel and now shoes

driving up the cost of Food for Humans and Feed for Livestock

as tax payer Subsidized Fuel is made from Corn

as Corn has the highest level of Carbon of all the Foods we Eat

while 10% Ethanol has increased the level of CO2 coming out the tailpipe 15 to 20%

~ while ~

87 % of the National Academy of Science disagree with Al Gore’s statement

” the science is settled “

because settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method

just as 49 NASA Scientists disagree with AlGoreism based on the known proven facts

while another 30,000 plus Scientists with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

Signed a Petition stating they disagree with the

United Nations

a Political Body not a Science Body

who base all of their science on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

to predict the un-knowable climate future

while just ignoring more than a dozen known climate variables

providing an Infinity of climate variable

while just Ignoring the 30,000 plus scientists who disagree with them

and ignoring and rejecting the Scientific Method

to Question ~ Test ~ Debate to find the common tested truth in knowledge = science

and of course you will not read about these very real facts in very real science in

~ The New York Times ~

because they are a Political Church and not a Science Body

who reject the scientific method for Political Agenda

as they do not comprehend the real science

as their reality is based on Hearsay Political True Belief

doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

and the fact that 40% of Americans now just Believe

what they have been told to just Politically Believe

with out ~ knowing ~ all the facts withheld from them by the Political Media

Proves nothing in Real Science

because just Believing Humans cause Climate Warming

does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming

just as believing there is a God does not prove there is a God

as true belief is not science True Belief is Religion


The New York Times does not ~

Question the Science

Investigate the Science

Test the Science

Debate the Science

or allow any scientific facts beyond their true belief to be known

or allow Scientific Rebuttal

to their Test Proven to be Bogus Fraudulent Statements in Science

as they truly Believe in their Scientifically Test Proven Political Lies

as they have very proven they are Political Pathological Frauds in Science

who can prove nothing with real science beyond their True Belief = Climate Religion

while there is zero knowledge in political Bias

while not all members of Climate Religion are not on the same Page

as some members of AlGoreism state:

do not confuse weather with climate change

other members of AlGoreism state:

the opposite is True

as Lisa Friedman Believes and Preaches

~  with out knowing ~

Climate Change caused only by Humans is responsible for all the bad Weather

and God is responsible for all the good weather

while Al Gore Believes and Preaches

~ with out knowing ~

Climate Change caused only by Humans is not responsible for the Weather

unless of course Al has changed his True Belief = Religion again as he does this often

as the Green Lunatics who are Harming the cause of all the Green

all preach something different based on scientifically debunk Political Hearsay

and zero provable science

and as we say in Real Science don’t Preach it Prove it


Hard Science is not Un-Proven Hypothetical Conjecture

and the word of belief ” likely ” is not Hard Science

as the United Nations states it is likely Humans cause climate change

based on one half of one climate variable

based on a very flawed very incomplete very debunk climate study


To: Lisa Friedman & The New York Times

How did you ~ Earn ~ your right to Scientific Opinion

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and why do you not allow the real Scientific opinions of those who have Earned the right


Is there any DNA in Crude Oil ?

The Accepted Hypothetical Conjecture = un-provable theory is:

The Oil in the Ground is Fossil Fuel caused by Dead Dinosaurs

~ when ~

A – there is far to much oil in the ground

B – the oil is far to deep below the surface of the ground

C – and far far to much oil far far to deep below the Ocean Floor

to be caused by Dead Dinosaurs

as the oil has always been there long before the Dinosaurs

just like all the other natural minerals in and on this Carbon based Earth

where everything living and not living has carbon in it

causing a carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing nature = environment causing all carbon based life

and one day the carbon cycle above sea level will end

from a lack of CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

as we spend trillions to end the carbon cycle sooner

while doing very real test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature =Environment

based on very flawed very incomplete very fraudulent science for profit

as all Natural Life and Energy is based on the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

as Oil is a Hydrocarbon = hydrogen and carbon

as Plants and Trees are a Hydrocarbon

making food and oxygen from CO2 = carbon based oxygen

as the Human body is mostly hydrogen with oxygen and 20% carbon

and if you remove any one of the 3 primary causes of all natural life and energy

this carbon based earth would not exist

and with out Carbon or Oxygen or Hydrogen there would be nothing

as Oxygen is made by Sun Energy and CO2 and water vapor through plants and trees

the CO2 from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

as Water is made from Hydrogen and Oxygen together

as all Life and Energy is based on Carbon and Oxygen and Hydrogen

as we are now told by the Political Media that Carbon and Oxygen together

causing the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment is: Toxic Poison and Pollution

when with out CO2 we would not exist

and one day there will be a shortage of CO2 diluted by Nitrogen from decomposing soil

and all life above sea level will cease to exist

while plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be healthy

and at 210 ppm CO2 in the Air the carbon cycle will begin to die

and at 160 ppm the carbon cycle above sea level will end

as CO2 and water vapor is the evaporated by product of warming by the variable sun

causing the carbon cycle above sea level

while frozen CO2 = dry Ice is crashing downward

towards the poles of this carbon based earth

as hot CO2 is still rising as all heat still rises in real physics

with the frozen CO2 more than off setting the hot CO2 rising

now add more than a dozen other climate variables missing from your mind

providing an Infinity of climate variable

as Paranoid Climate Religion by those who failed grade school science

is based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

to predict the unknowable climate future

as all the predictions of the past 30 years are now self-debunk

as climate history and simple physics and chemistry

has further debunk these self-debunk predictions

that are based on a lack of avilable provable knowledge

as your Climate Religion continues to Preach to us these failed predictions are happening

when they are not

scientifically proving it is a Pathological paranoid political media religion

based on proven to be fraudulent science

as you only Preach your True Belief side of the story

as you have made up your minds for everyone else for what is real and what is not

as you just expect all of us to just believe in your political true belief with out Question

based on zero scientific method

as your political religion Preaches to us

~ to Question the Truth in Knowledge = skepticism is: a Mental Disorder

proving your political climate religion is a very real mental disorder

based on self-debunk Make Believe doing very real proven harm to the Environment

as you Preach to us you are for Green

while doing everything possible to Harm the cause of all the Green

and all of Life on this Carbon based Earth

as you refuse to publicly debate your settled science

when settled science does not exist in real science

as we learn and know something new everyday

especially in a brand new science no one has a degree in

as there is far more to learn than we know today

as Political Media Paranoia Dictates Reality doing only real harm and zero good

because you refuse to ~ know ~ beyond your Political True Belief

as you reject proven fact tested knowledge

for your Personal Emotional Feelings of Politically Brainwashed True Belief

when there are zero feelings in real science

as proven fact tested reality is a choice to know beyond true belief

and those who choose not to know continue to Politically Dictate a False Reality

as you reject the Scientific Method =

to Question ~ Test ~ Debate =

to find and know the common truth in fact tested reality

as you prevent the majority of those who do not know from knowing beyond true belief

proving you are not Real Scientists and have only a Political Agenda

while un-knowingly doing harm

as you can prove nothing with peer-reviewed science

as Political Media Belief Hearsay is not Real Science

as words prove nothing in science

as you will only share your words with the readers and not mine

Scientifically Proving

Political Media Fascism in Science

as you reject sharing anything beyond your True Belief with the public

as you decide for the public what is real and what is not

with out Questioning the fact tested truth in knowledge

as you are very scientifically proven to be

Political Media Pathological Frauds Dictating a False Reality

based on a lack of very available proven fact tested knowledge

as those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion Dictate Science

as you have only publicly very proven you are very Big Dummy’s in real science


Please Enlighten Me with your scientifically proven Political Science Fiction

as I challenge you to an open Public Scientific Debate in Climate Science

with a



form the Equity of my home

for the peer-reviewed science proving Carbon based Humans

cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of all life and energy on this carbon based earth

as the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body

along with and all the Climate Assessments


it is “likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming

as likely is a word of belief and proves nothing in real science

as You and the New York Times are a Political Body not a Science Body

and have never provided scientific references when requested

proving You can prove nothing in Real Science beyond your true Political Science Fiction

~ Make Believe ~

as The New York Times continues to scientifically define

test proven stupidity in real science

and that is not an Insult as I have evaluated Education Programs

and your very Proven Stupidity in Science is a Professional Observation

of the proven Garbage Political Science Fiction you Preach to the Public

as you are proven Preachers

and not Teachers of fact tested reality in science = knowledge

and because you have not ~ Earned ~ the right to Scientific opinion

you do not ~ know ~ you are Pathological Frauds in Real Science

as you sell test proven harm to the Environment for the sake of Lunatic Political Agenda

as you are proven Political Fools Fool and not a Real Scientist

as I Question and Test Reality

as You Preach Politically Hearsay Make Believe as Reality you can not prove

you are Politically Predigest by Rejecting Real Science for self-debunk True Belief

Doing Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

you are Proven Criminals of Science and an Insult to Real Science

as you do not inform your Readers with the many facts from the many sides of the Story

you only allow your readers your Political True Belief side of the story

proving you are Politically Bias and not Real Journalist

and you will continue your test proven lies to your readers

because you are not Intelligent enough to ~ know ~ you are Lying

and how did you ~ Earn ~ your right to Opinion

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?

and your 97% Scientific Consensus is a very Proven Political Media Pathological Lie

while in real science One Scientist can be right

as you will continue to just believe in your very proven Lies doing very real Harm

as you do not Question and Test the Truth in knowledge you just Politically Make Believe

based on 30 years of self-debunk predictions

based on very proven to be very Flawed very Incomplete very Fraudulent Science

You Obviously do not Comprehend

maybe you should Interview the 30,000 plus Scientists who disagree with you

and try to understand why they disagree with you

and then maybe you will learn and know something new = Science

because rejecting those who do ~ know ~ is not Science

that’s Predigest Political Make Believe doing Harm


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena Montana

42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with many thousands of hours of on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

~ proving ~

Fraud in Science by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion = AlGoreism

their science is not science it is Personal Feelings of true belief in

very self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction

of the very un-known un-predictable un-provable future

based very flawed incomplete Science

as self-debunk prediction of the unknown future with or with out computers

is not knowledge = science

as failed prediction is not knowledge

just as Paranoid prediction is not knowledge = science

based on Paranoid True Belief doing Harm to the cause of Life


There is zero proven fact tested reality in Dictated Political Science Fiction

and Political Paranoia based on self-debunk Prediction is Lunatic Science

and not fact tested Reality

there will always be True Believers who will never ~ know = the tested Truth in science


The New York Times

has scientifically proven to those who do ~ know ~

that it is now scientifically possible to Shot the Foot in your Mouth

while your Head is up your Butt

as history will ~ know ~ they are selling and promoting and preaching

the test proven Harm to the cause of all the Green

the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

and of course they don’t care

because they do not ~ know ~ and refuse to know

and the New York Times will not Debate their Settled Lunatic Science

or Provide Peer-reviewed science reversing self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction

as they are scientifically proven Frauds in Science

while proving Political Fascism Dictates a False Reality

as True Believers do not want to know the fact tested truth

they do not want to know 1000 years ago Montana had California climate for 200 years

or the last 20 ice ages over the past 2 million years

as they truly believe only humans cause all climate change

as we contribute to more green and climate cooling

as proven by the scientific method

and as we say in real science

so don’t Preach it Prove it

as not one Political Organization Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming

can Prove their Fraudulent statements with real science when rquested

~ like ~

Green Peace

The Sierra Club

Citizens Climate Lobby

along with many other Political Brainwashing Organizations

who want to Tax Carbon on this Carbon based Earth

Taxing the cause of all the Green all of Nature and the Environment

Taxing the cause of all Carbon based Life

and this will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of

very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

as they can all Preach it for Money but can not Prove it with real science

as their true belief is based on the word “likely” and failed prediction

while not one University on this Carbon based Earth

can prove anything beyond the word “likely” to prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

nor will they publicly Debate the real science they just ignore

while Preaching the Science of ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen climate variables is very flawed incomplete science

and proves nothing and supports only failed predicion

proving the science is very Flawed

as Politically Brainwashed True Believers continue to just Believe

with out Questing the Truth in Knowledge = skepticism = to find and know the truth

in fact tested reality

as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward

for the sake of their Political Media make believe doing test proven Harm

costing Trillions of Dollars

to take from the poorest of the poor to give to the very rich

when there many positive things we could do with many trillions of dollars

as true belief dictates a false reality

~ Peace ~