www.gadgetmangroove.com by Ron Hatton & John Balachandra & Aaron Murakami = Hoax = Scam = Fraud


May 1, 2017


Modifications Damaging your Cars Engine

Growing World Wide

Now in Helena Montana


Bogus ~ Bogus ~ Bogus

Scam ~ Scam ~ Scam

Hoax ~ Hoax ~ Hoax

Fraud ~ Fraud ~ Fraud

Gadgetman Groove by Ron Hatton

as publicly endorsed by Aaron Murakami and the energyscienceconference.com

~ and as ~

Automotive Professionals Know

and anyone who Passed High School Auto Shop

~ Knows ~

Ron Hatton

and his Bogus Modifications will Damage Your Cars Engine

and when Ron is Modifying Emission Controls on your cars engine he is Breaking the Law

as Ron is a known Bail Jumping proven Criminal Drug Addict

beyond his Automotive Scams

as Ron Hatton continues to Scam the World with his Garbage Science

as Ron has Failed High School Auto Shop

based on his very bogus statements on his websites

and if you have been Scammed by Ron Hatton the Gadgetman Groove

Report it to your Local Police or Sheriff Department


