March 29, 2017
Real Science is Factual
Persuaded Belief in Science is Pathological not Factual
Climate Science is a Brand New Science
and no one has a Real Degree in Climate Science
and 3% of one half of one climate variable does not define climate science and
~ off the top of my head ~
Long and Short Term
Climate and Weather Variables
~ Ignored by Climate Religion ~
as they tell me these are
~ Irrelevant ~
in their settled science
based on a flawed incomplete study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
used to predict the unknown Climate Future of this Carbon based Earth
with their Pre-Programmed Ouija Board Computers
Programmed to tell them what they Believe
and self-debunked for the past 30 plus years
~ 1 ~
The Variable Sun
with many cycles
causing a cycle of Ice Ages and Global Warming Periods
with Little and Mini Ice Ages during Warming Periods
as the variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter
until one day the Variable Sun Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth
~ 2 ~
The 3 Million mile variable distance between
the variable Sun
and the variable hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
~ 3 ~
The Variable Ozone Hole
caused by variable solar activity
regulating the amount of energy interring and escaping the atmosphere
as the atmosphere expands and shrinks like a balloon
the ozone hole will become larger and smaller
~ 4 ~
The variable hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
Heating the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere
while causing variable volcanic activity
above and blow sea level
and variable hot spots of the crust of this Carbon based Earth
causing Ice to melt from the bottom side faster than in other places at different times
~ 5 ~
The Variable Un-Measurable Volcanic Activity
below and above sea level
causing the carbon cycle in the Oceans
while Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
as there is many times the CO2 level in the Oceans than in the Air
with the evaporated water vapor and CO2 from the Oceans
causing the Carbon cycle above Sea Level
~ 6 ~
The Variable Evaporation Rate of Water Vapor and CO2
by the variable Sun
~ 7 ~
The Variable Cloud Cover
~ 8 ~
The Variable Rate of NOx
caused by Variable Lighting
and temperatures above 2500*
bonding Nitrogen and Oxygen together
then separated by direct Sun Energy making
O3 = Heavy Oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms = Ozone
~ 9 ~
The Variable ~ O = Oxygen = 1 oxygen atom
caused by direct Sun Energy separating frozen Ice
~ 10 ~
The Speed the Earth is Rotating
at 1000 miles per hour at this time at the Equator
and about 1 inch per hour at the Poles
as this is a long term variable effecting Gravity as the Moon moves further away
the rotation of the Earth slows down causing less gravity
~ 11 ~
The Moon and the other Plants effect the Earth
like the Ocean Tides
~ 12 ~
The Earths Wobble on its Axes
is a long term variable cycle of 26,000 years
constantly changing the location of the poles
~ 13 ~
The Seasons are a Short Term Variable
when it is summer here it is winter over there
as the Earth tips forward and backward once a year
~ 14 ~
Hot CO2
as ~ all ~ Gases heat and expand and rise
while all the gases are radiating preexisting Heat and Energy
as fast as they absorb the heat and energy
while removing heat and energy from the lower atmosphere
by transferring the preexisting Heat and Energy upward
The Earth is not in a Greenhouse
where Gases can be trapped
as all heat still rises
as heat and energy escape the atmosphere
while more heat and energy than predicted has escape the atmosphere
causing a greater cooling effect
~ 15 ~
Cold CO2 = Dry Ice
as most of the atmosphere is – 200 *
The Cooling Factor of increased levels of Dry Ice = Frozen CO2
crashing towards the poles of this carbon based earth
cooling the air 10 times faster 20 times longer
than the increased level of frozen water vapor
along with all the other frozen gases
is more than off-setting the hot CO2 rising
and the faster CO2 is heated the faster it rises
and the faster Dry Ice take its place warming up to -100* below zero on the way down
as CO2 transfers hot and cold
as the cooling effect of CO2 is greater than the warming effect of CO2
while the cooling effect of CO2
is stated to be ~ Irrelevant ~ by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
along with all the other known variables and cooling factors
as they refuse to debate the science and the history of the science
further debunking
their self-debunk Ouija Board computer climate predictions
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while I think ~ all ~ known Climate Variables should be in a Climate Study
while Perdition is not science
Prediction is make believe
as most predictions never ever come true
and true belief in self-debunk Prediction is: Lunatic Religion
and as I learn of other climate variables I will add them to this list
so if you think of any let me know
while Ice melts from the top and bottom side during Ice ages too
and if ice did not melt the Oceans would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
from evaporation by the variable Sun
as humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
about 350 feet
as most of the climate variable is caused by the variable Sun
so once again by George Harrison
here comes the Sun
~ peace ~