CO2 does not cause Climate Warming


The Carbon based Human Body is: Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen

caused by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

caused by this Carbon based Earth


2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

dioxide is: two oxygen atoms

Di ~ oxide

Di = 2

oxide = oxygen


The vast majority of CO2 in the air is from volcanic Activity below Sea level

causing the Carbon Cycle causing Nature above and below Sea level


The Hotter Orange Yellow part of a flame of a fire

caused by a lean air to fuel ratio produces

carbon based oxygen = CO2 = carbon dioxide

while it is the Cooler Blue part of the flame of a fire

caused by a rich air to fuel ratio that produces

carbon based oxygen = CO = Carbon Monoxide

~ and your Gas Stove produces a Blue Flame ~

the cooler flame that is better for cooking with because it is not too hot

and is producing Carbon based Oxygen = CO = Carbon Monoxide

~ one oxygen atom bonded and based to one carbon atom ~

so if you are brainwashed to just make believe CO2 causes climate warming

your Gas Stove is not producing CO2

and then your Gas Stove with the cooler blue flame

can not be a threat to your Lunatic Paranoid Doomsday Religion


Anything that requires O2 = oxygen to Combust/Burn/Vaporize

the Fuel = Hydrocarbons and anything that lived and died like Plants and Trees

Produces CO and or CO2

as the O2 oxygen part of the air allows Hydrocarbons to vaporize

causing the Carbon Part of the Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Hydrocarbon

to bond to the O2 Oxygen producing Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

and or CO = Carbon Monoxide

while Plants and Trees Breathe the CO2 making O2 = Oxygen and Carbon based Food

for You and Me to Breathe and Eat for our Carbon based Bodies


Climate Change is Real for the past 4.6 Billion Years

as the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit Power and Control

call me the Denier

while they can provide zero science data when requested to prove they are not Frauds


~ The Incomplete ~

1896 Arrhenius Science Paper

proves only one thing in real science

~ Fraud ~

by those using it as Scientific Proof Humans cause Global Warming /Climate Change

as this Incomplete Paper is used today

by the Religion of Preached Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

only further proving they are Frauds in Science

as this Incomplete 1896 Science Paper does not take into account

the many scientific facts known today that were not known in 1896

as there are many very known Scientific Facts ~ Ignored ~ by the proven to be

Politically Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Climate Study

that Political Media Doomsday Preachers for Profit

refuse to Allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate


The Incomplete 1896 Arrhenius Paper does not Prove Humans cause climate warming

because it does not prove CO2 causes climate warming

as this unproven theory is debunked by known modern science

the known science Political Media Doomsday Preachers refuse to publicly Debate


You can Debunk Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction

that is doing only harm to the carbon cycle and nature

but you can not stop it

you can not stop Political Media Brainwashed Pathological Belief

with Factual Science

that is Politically Silenced by Big Tech the Media and Press

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and can provide zero real science data when requested

to prove they are not Frauds in science


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

is the Byproduct of Energy causing Primary Carbon based Life

Plants and Trees

causing a Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing Secondary Carbon based Life

You and Me


CO2 the Byproduct of Energy is:

the Opposite of Energy

and suppresses retards stops and prevents energy

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and in Heat and Energy Transfer Science since the 1960’s


CO2 the Byproduct of Energy can not make New Energy

CO2 is a heat and energy sponge and absorbs heat and energy from surrounding gases

making the surrounding gases cooler as all heated gases rise


CO2 can only Transfer Preexisting hot and cold

and can not add or subtract hot or cold in the atmosphere

and the higher the percentage of CO2 level in the air the cooler the flame of a fire

and if the lower atmosphere was 1% CO2

the internal combustion engine in your car would not start and idle

because the CO2 lowered the Explosion temperature in the Combustion Chamber

by 500 degrees

while the more efficiently your engine is running

or any fuel is burned/vaporized

the more CO2 for Plants and Trees to Breathe

on this CO2 starved carbon based earth


All Heat Rises in Real Physics

and as Warm CO2 Rises

this Transfers Heat Upward

Removing Heat from the lower Atmosphere

as Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is transferring cold downward

while cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the Frozen Water crashing downward too

to fell the void left by all Heat rising

while causing the Ice Caps on the Poles of this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

with all of this knowledge missing from the so called climate study

along with all known climate history and many other climate variables

Ignored by and further debunking the climate study

scientifically proving the climate study is based on Deliberate Political Ignorance

for Political Ploy for Power Control and Profit doing only proven Harm to Nature


The Byproduct of Climate Warming by the Variable Sun is

Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor = Carbon Cycle = Life

and the only thing the climate study has scientifically proven is:

Deliberate Political Fraud in Science

as the study rejects all scientific method

all question test rebuttal debate

as those who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

and refuse to allow open public debate of real science continue to

Preach their ~ debunk ~

Lunatic Doomsday Paranoid Political Science Fiction for Profit

to do only proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and Nature

and those who Preach this new science is settled

have only scientifically proven they failed 5th grade science


CO2 is a proven Natural refrigerant in Physics and Chemistry since 1835

and no one has yet to debunk this proven theory of 188 years


 The best Fire Extinguisher for the past 100 plus years is the CO2 Fire Extinguisher

as it not only does a better job Extinguishing a fire

but because CO2 is a Heat and Energy Sponge it removes the Heat caused by the fire

and the best Extinguisher for an Electrical fire is the CO2 Fire Extinguisher

as water and electricity do not mix

while if your Electric Car should self combust

all you can do is watch it burn to the ground

with very Toxic Chemicals going into the air

so I would not park your EV Car or have a charger in your garage

and more so if your house is attached to your garage so you do not lose everything

when your car for no reason decides to burn itself to the ground

while EV Cars and Trucks to not work in very cold weather

nor do back up battery systems when they will be needed the most

and hope your back up battery system will not self combust

and at – 35* F  below zero when nothing works I always have my Wood Stove

to keep from freezing to death

and my car that runs on Gasoline = Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Hydrocarbon

the carbon makes the hydrogen stable

so car is not a Hydrogen Bomb when you crash your car into another car

during the Lunatic Religion of Paranoid Doomsday Catastrophic Global Warming

that is not happening based on real science

as those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion Dictate Science

as proven lunatics continue to destroy America

for their Profit Power and Control


Joe Biden is going to Ban Natural Gas and Propane for your Kitchen Stove

and then for your Hot Water Heater and then for Heating your Home

and then for your new Back Up Generator

as Joe is today sending our Natural Gas our Oil and our Clean Coal

to China and India and all around this Carbon based Earth

for dirt cheep

as the Biden Crime Family and the Biden Nut House Profit

as proven to be Fascist Treasonous Traitors are Stabbing America in the Back




My reply to Joe Berry’s reply email from yesterday ~

and today is January 6, 2023

and for many years now Joe Refuses to publicly debate his debunked unproven theory

that is Preached as Settled Science

and Joe has yet to answer many very real questions in climate science

as Joe continues to support and defend very proven frauds in science and medicine

further proving Joe is a Fraud in science


To: Joe Berry

Stanford University

~ don’t Preach it Prove it ~

as unproven theory used to produce only failed predictions

~ Debunk the Unproven Theory

while proving nothing in fact tested reality

as over 30,000 Scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

along with 87% of the National Academy of Science and 49 NASA scientists

do not agree with your self debunk unproven theory

that is used to make many Catastrophic Climate Predictions that never ever come true

while proving your Consensus in debunked unproven theory is a Scam

as you have only scientifically proven to me

you are an Anti-American Fascist against Free Speech

and against  all open question test rebuttal and debate for All

proving to me you are a Political Pathological Fraud

who rejects proven fact tested reality in science

for self Debunked unproven theory supported by a proven to be

Flawed Incomplete Study

supported by proven to be Fraudulent Data

as you are further debunked by real science you ignore

as you Preach your Paranoid Insanity to the world

based on Garbage Political Science Fiction you refuse to publicly debate

as there can be no question test rebuttal debate with Paranoid Insanity doing Harm

as simple Factual Physics and Chemistry debunk Pathological Paranoid Insanity


Bruce A. Kershaw

47 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and Heat and Energy Transfer Science

along with many other sciences

with a long on going Argument with Joe Berry for many years

as Joe has yet to prove his unproven theory is proven theory

and can provide zero science data to support any Climate Emergency

or Catastrophic Climate Warming

or Catastrophic Ice Melt or Catastrophic Sea Level Rise


one of my many favorite questions for Joe Berry

and the rest of the Preachers of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for profit is:

~ if ~

the Atmosphere was the size of a Football Field

that would make all of the CO2 in the Air

the Equivalent

of a String the thickness of a dime down the middle of the fifty yard line


how can something the size of a string the thickness of a dime

Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field ?

and they can not answer the simple question because they know the answer

they know something that small and insignificant

can not trap heat in something that large

and CO2 can not Trap heat it absorbs and radiates heat

while Transferring preexisting Heat upward

as all heat rises in real Physics removing heat from the lower atmosphere

causing frozen air to crash downward to fill the void

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and that is all the CO2 available for all the Plants and Trees to Breathe

on this CO2 Staved Carbon based Earth

~ while ~

one of my other simple questions for the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia

that they have yet to answer in Real Physics

~ Question ~

when did all heat stop rising in Real Physics ?

as there are many unanswered questions

 the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia has yet to Answer


why do you just ignore more than a dozen other climate variables

in your proven to be flawed incomplete study

as they Preach the science is settled

while Preaching there is a scientific consensus in their self debunked unproven theory

as all are proven Lies

while what has been very proven in Climate Science is:

very real proven fraud for profit

and every time Joe Berry tells me I am wrong and tells to Shut up

I prove he is wrong

further proving Joe is Pathological and not Factual


CO2 and Water Vapor are the Evaporated Byproduct of Climate warming

by the variable Sun

and when the Evaporation rate exceeds the rate the Ice is Melting

the Sea level declines

as carbon based humans have been moving to higher ground

for the past 20,000 plus years

and using and Preaching an Incomplete out dated science paper from the 1800’s

is Scientific Proof Humans cause all Climate Change is Proven Fraud in Science




In a Republic All Voices must be Free to be Heard

and if I could have my way we would abolish all political parties

and Repeal the 17th Amendment

and return all control of the U.S. Senate to State Governments

and this would abolish the control of the U.S. Senate by

Millionaires Billionaires and Special Interest Groups


All of We the People who are America

are not Cloned Sheep who must just Obey the Dictators

and what is happening in the United States House of Representatives today

is the Poetry of our Republic in Motion

and all above water without a bunch secret deals behind closed doors


All of We the People who are the Republic of the United States of America

are not a Democracy


in a Democracy

the Majority Rules over the Minority and the Individual

while in a Republic ~

of and by and for

All of We the People who are America

 The Individual is Equal to the Majority


Restricting Free Speech is: Fascism not Science

and We can not Fix what is Broken with Fascism

and I will take the Poetry in Motion by Free and open Speech for All over Fascism

as the proven Acts of Treason against

All of We the People who are America

by the proven to be

Biden Crime Family for the past 14 plus years continue ~

as the Biden Crime Family is paid by our proven enemies to hurt All of We the People

and if you refuse to know yesterdays reality

then you can not see and know today’s reality

as you predict tomorrows reality based only on your proven Ignorance in tested reality

proving your reality is based on belief rejecting knowledge

as science is to know ~

as those who do know are Punished by those who just make believe

as the best reality is always the tested truth in reality


Catastrophic or Doomsday Prediction of the unknowable Future

based on unproven theory is: Very Proven Fraud in Science

and those who just believe the proven to be Lunatic Frauds

are the proven to be Political Media Brainwashed Fools

as many trillions of dollars are wasted every year

on what is proven to be Fraud in Science for Profit Power and Control

that is doing only harm to the carbon cycle on this CO2 starved carbon based Earth

and those who support and defend Proven Frauds in Science are proven frauds too

as Big Tech the Media and Press who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who have only proven their fascism in science and medicine

as they are doing only proven harm to Nature and Humanity to profit the few


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ Question ~

Do you live in a State of Programed Paranoia

based on proven to be Scientifically Debunk unproven theory ?

Do you just Believe ~

In Preprogrammed Computer Ouija Board Predictions of the unknowable future

based on proven to be  ~

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Debunk Political Science Fiction

~ as repeated Failed predictions further debunk the flawed science  ~


Paranoid Doomsday Prediction

of the unknowable future based on proven fraud is: not science

as we must now all live in the new normal of proven Fascism in science


when there can be zero Public Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

then it is not tested reality science

Just as Preaching Doomsday Paranoia for Profit is: not Science

as the Religion of Doomsday Paranoia will allow zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

to their proven to be ~ Settled ~ Lunatic Political Science Fiction

that is doing only proven harm to the carbon cycle

caused by this CO2 starved carbon based Earth

where everything but five Microbes has carbon in it

as the Doomsday Preachers when requested

can provide zero real data to prove the words they Preach

proving they are Pathological and not Factual

proving they are not Scientists as they reject the scientific method

for preached paranoid Lunatic Doomsday make believe

as they refuse to see beyond their Programed Paranoid True Belief

proving only their true belief in their Political Pathological Paranoid Religion


Preaching Doomsday Paranoia

only proves a very real Mental Disorder and their Ignorance in real tested science

as Convinced Belief based on Ignorance is: not science

as those who just believe with out questioning the preached untested truth ~

always reject the test proven science for their true belief in

Programed Paranoid Doomsday Climate Religion

as their proven Ignorance now Dictates the False Reality


The Rebuttal

for the Truth in Life and Knowledge for a Better Life for All

as I learn and know and grow forward everyday from my admitted failures in science

[email protected]

November 23, 2022 ~ January 4, 2023


January 3, 2023

From: Bruce A. Kershaw

To: Tony Barnosky

and the rest of the Stanford University Preachers of Doomsday Paranoia

based on proven Fraud in Science

~ Science is: to know ~

and Prediction of the unknowable future is not knowledge

and obviously not one of the many Doomsday Predictions of the unknowable future

has ever come True

as your proven to be Religion of Preached Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

is proven Fraud in Science

as CBS News will allow zero Rebuttal to your proven Fraud

as you can provide zero science to support a climate emergency

as your Religion Preaches another Doomsday again and again

after many years of failed Paranoid Doomsday Predictions of the unknowable future

all based on the same proven fraud in science

and I challenge You and the all the Doomsday Preachers at Stanford University

to an open public debate in proven fact tested reality in science


Bruce A. Kershaw


We know from our DNA Funnel that a Supper Volcano 74,000 years ago

reduced the number of Breeding Woman to 15

as we are now very over due for the next Supper Volcano

that will end the world as we know it today and we could all be gone tomorrow

while living in a State of Paranoia for Fear of Doomsday is not living in tested reality


Living in Programed Fear of the unknowable future is Paranoia not science

as Programed Personal Emotional Feelings prove nothing in science

while real science has proven there is zero climate emergency

as a real climate emergency will be the next Ice Age

and as we know from Earth and Ice Core science

there have been Ice Ages with many times the CO2 in the air than today


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


 The Byproduct of Energy is Life

as the Byproduct of Life is Energy


The majority of CO2 in the Air today and for billions of years

causing the Carbon Cycle above Sea level

is from the

Variable Unpredictable Immeasurable Volcanic Activity below Sea level

caused by the

Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

while Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

as the majority of Volcanic Activity is below Sea Level


Evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 + Water Vapor + More Sun Energy = Green

causing all living Nature and the Environment

and all of the Carbon based Food we Eat and all of the Oxygen we Breathe


This is how this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


All Primary Carbon based Life

causing All Secondary Carbon based Life and Secondary Energy above Sea level

caused by the Byproduct of Energy CO2

causing the Life and Energy Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen with Sun Energy


CO2 a proven Refrigerant in Physics and Chemistry since 1835


…and to preach the science is settled ~

is fascist political ploy based on proven Ignorance

when there is far more to learn than we know today ~

and the Green New Deal is Anti-Green and is based on Zero Proven Science

as they silence the truth in knowledge for profit power and control

proving they are the Greatest Fascist Crime to Humanity

as they do only harm to Nature and Humanity for Profit


science is: to know

and we must always question and test the truth to know the proven lies


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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