Do not Vote for Anyone Preaching Climate Paranoia


Those who are politically brainwashed will never know the Truth

because they are True Believers who do not Question the Truth in knowledge = science

and as the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter

over billions of years

the variable hot churning liquid core of this carbon based Earth

continues to very slowly cool over billions of years

while variably heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere for billions of years

as Paranoia is based on the fear of the predicted unknown future ~

as for the Paranoid reality

the very proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method based on skepticism

has zero meaning

as the Paranoid truly believe skepticism is a mental disorder

as they truly believe to question the truth in all of knowledge is a mental flaw

only further proving they are politically Paranoid

as the skeptics = scientists continue to find learn know and see the tested reality

by always questioning the truth in knowledge = science

learning and knowing something new everyday

as real science is never settled in Questioned fact tested reality

as finding and learning and knowing something new everyday can never be settled

in fact Questioned knowledge to find the tested truth = skepticism

as the Paranoid True Believers just believe the Questioned Truth is a lie

with out Questioning Testing and Debating the Truth = the Scientific Method

as they reject the scientific method for Political Paranoia

as they dictate a false Reality doing only harm

because they do not want to know

as real science is: to know

as skepticism is the key to reality

as un-questioned political paranoia is not reality in tested science


Fear based on True Belief in self-debunk prediction is not proven fact tested reality

as all of reality in and all of time is measured from this moment of now

and those publicly Preaching the Sea level is Rising are Test Proven Frauds in Science

as the Sea level continues to Decline as Scientifically Proven for the past 8 years

and those publicly Preaching all the Ice is Melting are Test Proven Frauds in Science

as Arctic Ice has increased by 40% since 2012 as Scientifically Proven

while the rate of Climate Warming is not speeding up as Predicted

as this Warming Period began about 14,000 years

after 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods of the past 2 million years

as the variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

and predicting the un-knowable future with a pre-programmed computer

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen ~ ignored ~ known climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

is known in the Reality scientific community as Ouija Board Science


is: =

~ what you can scientifically with fact tested knowledge prove

~ beyond ~

your personal emotional feelings of True Belief


is: = Proven Fact Tested Reality


? what is ~ test ~ proven to be real and what is ~ test ~ proven to be not ?

and when you can not answer the Questions

then there is more to learn and know

and when you do not allow the Questions

then you have rejected knowing the truth in science

rejecting proven fact tested Reality

scientifically proving your untested Reality is: Make Believe

as make believe can do only harm in questioned tested science  = knowledge

as tested reality is not true belief

and when you reject reality then reality is harming you

as paranoia is caused by the fear of the unknown

and true belief rejecting Questioned tested reality

as Imagination ~ is: only the Question ~ and ~ is: not the proven fact tested reality

as defined by only words

as words prove nothing in science

as true belief can prove nothing beyond words

as only tested reality can define the words of make believe

and when you perception of doing good is doing only harm

that is not tested reality doing good

as fact tested make believe is not fact tested reality in Science

as the Paranoid True Believers control our Lives

as they dictate reality based only on ~ their ~ true belief in test proven make believe

doing only harm

because they refuse to know beyond only ~ their ~ make believe

refusing to know beyond only ~ their ~ Imagination

rejecting knowable fact for fear in make believe


when you allow self-debunk beliefs to over ride the proven facts you are far from reality


Climate Change is: Real

while Climate Science is a Brand New Science

as we have far more to learn and know than we know today

as we know this Carbon based Earth is not Flat and the Moon is not made of Swiss Cheese

and there is zero peer-reviewed science to prove the Cow Jumped Over the Moon

as Real Science is proven wrong more often than proven right

and True Belief in self-debunk hypothetical is not science

as science is: to know = knowledge

and True Belief in anything is not knowledge

and those who did not Fail Grade School Science

~ know ~

settled science does not exist in Real Science

as we discover and learn and know something new everyday in Real Science

based on the Scientific Method = to Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

based on Skepticism =

the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question

as all proven fact tested knowledge in all Science and Medicine

is based on Skepticism by Scientific Method

to Know by Questioning the Truth in Science

~ knowing ~

This Carbon based Earth is not in a Greenhouse

as far more Heat and Energy has escaped the Atmosphere than Predicted

as prediction of the un-knowable future is not knowledge = science

and true belief in self-debunk prediction is not fact tested reality in real science

while in a real Greenhouse we can and do control the Temperature

and add many times the water vapor and CO2 than in the air

making a much healthier Greenhouse

based on the requirements for healthy Plants and Trees

based on Botany Science

but a real Greenhouse can not make a real weather system

while one of many by-products of this so called Greenhouse

we all live in today

of this Carbon based Earth is: Nitrogen

from decomposing soil making Nitrogen a Greenhouse Gas

Nitrogen is about 78.09% of the air we Breathe today

as O2 oxygen is a by-product of a Greenhouse too making O2 oxygen a Greenhouse Gas

and is about 20.95% of the Air we Breathe today

while Argon is not a Greenhouse Gas

as Argon comes from outer space and is about 0.93% of the air we Breathe

while Water vapor and CO2 are not the by-product of a Greenhouse

as Water and CO2 is evaporated from the Oceans causing the Greenhouse

as the majority of CO2 going into the air everyday

is from the vast majority of Volcanic activity below sea level

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

as Water vapor is about five times the volume of CO2 but is not measured as a gas

as all gases absorb heat and energy and expand and rise causing frozen air to take its place

while Nitrogen that started out as little to nothing in the atmosphere

4.6 billion years ago

is now the majority of the atmosphere at 78.09% and will continue to increase

and before Nitrogen is 79% of the air we Breathe

it will dilute CO2 to nothing

ending the cause of all the Green and all carbon based life above sea level

ending the Carbon Cycle  = Nature = Environment

as we spend Trillions to end the Carbon Cycle above Sea level sooner

based on very Flawed very Incomplete very Fraudulent so called Science

on this Carbon based Earth

where everything Breathing and not Breathing beyond a few microbes has carbon in it

where a 2* climate variable is normal in climate history

and If you do not question the Truth in knowledge then how do you know it is the Truth

as you just believe

what you have been politically programmed to just believe with out Question ~


In Botany Science for a ~ Healthy ~ Greenhouse = Carbon Cycle by Photosynthesis

caused by

Sun Energy and Water Vapor and CO2

we need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today ~

to make the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe

as we know there has been 15 times the CO2 than in the air today

as we now spend trillions to harm and stop the cause of all the Green

as we now remove existing O2 oxygen from the air with CO2 Sequestration

as the O2 part of Man Made CO2 is oxygen from the air

that bonded to the carbon part of the hydrocarbon

as the O2 oxygen caused the Hydrogen part of the hydro-carbon to vaporize

as we now stop O2 from being recycled by the Carbon cycle back into the air

while reducing what Plants and Trees would like far more of and not less of to Breathe

as this only increases Nitrogen levels faster all around this carbon based Earth

slowly killing the Carbon Cycle


Climate Warming is Scientifically proven to be caused by

The Variable SUN with many Cycles

and not caused by CO2

as Hot CO2 rising causes warming

while very Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward causes cooling at the very same time

more than off-setting Hot CO2 rising

as most of the atmosphere is -200* F below zero

as increased CO2 and water vapor are the evaporated by product of climate warming

by the variable Sun

as the warming occurs first then water vapor and CO2 levels rise

while causing the carbon cycle above sea level making this carbon based Earth Green

~ with the variable Sun with many cycles causing many ~

Mini and Little and Major Ice Ages

as there have been Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

as the variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

and will one day vaporize this Carbon based Earth

and then nothing will ever matter ever again

now add more than a dozen known Climate Variables providing an Infinity of variable

and very simple physics and chemistry and climate history

All Ignored by Climate Paranoia

all further debunking the Religion of self-debunk Climate Prediction Paranoia

who do not acknowledge the variable Sun or an Infinity of Climate variable

or simple physics and chemistry or climate history

when predicting the un-predictable un-knowable future

as all the Climate predictions of the past 30 years

based only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable have failed

as Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

generate only 3% or less of the CO2 going into the air to be blamed for all Climate Change

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

as Paranoid Political True Belief in failed predictions continue to be preached as Reality

providing the Carbon based Humans of this Carbon base Earth with

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

costing Trillions to do only Harm to all of Nature and the Environment


…as political make believe continues to dictate reality ~

by Those who have not earned the right to Scientific Opinion

who Politically Dictate Climate Paranoia

based on Preached Political Media Hearsay True Belief

as the Green Lunatics who failed grade school science

have us spending trillions of dollars trying to stop the cause of Green

while using sinking Islands as proof of Sea level rise

when the Sea level is clearly documented to be declining

caused by Evaporation causing the increase of water vapor and CO2

causing an increase of rain and snow and a 40% increase of Arctic Ice

as they preach to us their Political Paranoia of all the Ice melting

as -200* below zero air is crashing downward toward the Poles of this carbon based Earth

as Ice Melts from the top and bottom side during Ice ages too

as this warming period began about 14,000 years ago

as Paranoid Lunatics continue to politically dictate a false reality

while Scientifically Proving their Political Fascism in Science

as the Paranoid Green Lunatics who are 20% carbon

eating carbon based food and breathing oxygen all made from CO2

by the Carbon Cycle

continue to Harm the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as they Preach they are for Green when Harming the cause of all the Green

on this Carbon based Earth

as they are very scientifically proven Ignorant Paranoid Lunatic Hypocrites

but don’t know it

as they continue to reject proven fact tested knowledge

for their proven to be Paranoid Lunatic Political Make Believe

as only Lunatics can Preach the Science is Settled

as their settled science can not be publicly Questioned Tested Rebutted or Debated

by the Scientific Method


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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