Who is Brainwashing America



Mike Ferguson and Tom Howard

of the

Billings Gazette


Hearsay Make Believe is not Science


science is: to know

and those who reject the scientific method for true belief are not scientist

as thee art of skepticism is:

finding then knowing then sharing ~

the test proven truth of the scientific method

beyond personal emotional feelings of true belief

as we continue modern day bloodletting of this Carbon based Earth

by True Believers

while true believers refuse to discuss or look at or debate the test proven facts

of the scientific method that debunk their personal feelings of true belief

and this is why there is skepticism in all of science of the scientific method as

the Religion of Science is Skepticism of Personal Feelings of True Belief Dictating Science

while calling those who do not believe as you believe

~ deniers ~

is not a scientific statement that is a religious statement


[email protected]

Dr. Bruce Allen Kershaw

I am mostly H2 = hydrogen bonded to O = oxygen

and 20% C= carbon

while breathing O2 = oxygen

while exhaling CO2 for plants and trees to breathe

so they can turn the CO2 back into O2 Oxygen again for us to breathe again

caused by the

carbon ~ oxygen ~ hydrogen

Carbon Life Cycle

caused by

Water Vapor and Carbon based Oxygen

evaporated by the



~ as I was born ~

March 27, 1956

Long Beach ~ California


Carbon ~ based ~ Earth

~ of the 14 billion years of this known universe ~

as we look back in time with telescopes

as we look inside our selves with microscopes

as we carbon date to measure the age of everything on this carbon based earth

while I have

40 years of

Atmospheric Emission Control Science

Licensed by the State of California in 1976 for Emissions Testing and Certification


9 years of on going climate science investigation


I am called an Idiot

and a Denier of something I do not Deny

by those who can prove nothing with science beyond their personal emotional feelings of

~ true belief ~



Computer Climate Prediction of the Future

based on a ~ proven ~ flawed scientific study

based on an out-dated incomplete debunked science paper

based on debunked hypothetical conjecture

~ with ~

the out-dated incomplete debunked 1896 Arrhenius science paper being used as

~  Scientific Proof ~

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

while my educated guess is:

99.99% of those using the debunked science paper as Scientific Proof

have never read it and never will

~ while ~

I Hate Writing

~ but ~

I hate ~ Test Proven ~ Political Media Lies in Science even more ~

~ so ~

Why does the Easter Bunny Hide his Eggs ?

~ because ~

he does not want anyone to know he has been fooling around with a Chicken

~ while ~

Science is Test Proven Knowledge not Make Believe

~ as ~

political media words of true belief prove nothing in science

as today political media words of true belief dictate science

by those who have not reviewed the science

who do not comprehend the science

and have not earned the right to scientific opinion

while never providing scientific reference

when making bogus scientific statements to the public

while only providing one side of the scientific argument to the public

the political media hearsay belief side

with zero proven fact test knowledge of the scientific method

~ as ~

Test Proven Political Media Lies Dictate Science

to the unknowing public

based on

Self-debunked Prediction

based on

a very flawed incomplete climate study

based on

an out-dated incomplete debunked science paper

~ being used as scientific proof ~

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

proving only fraud




for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

~ with ~

carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Prediction is: not Science

and self debunked ~ Peer-Reviewed Prediction ~ based on debunked science

proves nothing in science

just like

Santa Claus and the Ester Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are not real in tested science too

~ while you may believe they are real ~

in the scientific method they are not real

as 99.7 % of the Scientific Community do not believe in

Self-debunked Prediction

based on a Flawed Climate Study based on a Debunked Science Paper

as Scientific Proof Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

only Climate Religion believes in self-debunked Prediction

based on

~ test proven ~

flawed incomplete debunked science


there is no science in political media climate religion


Climate Religion Ignores Test Proven Science for True Belief


Climate Religion continues to do test proven Harm to the Carbon Life Cycle

and this Carbon based Earth

for their true belief in self-debunked peer-reviewed




Montana State Representative

Janet Ellis

Biology Scientist

who can not prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

who I am ready to debate test proven climate science with

any time any where here in Helena Montana


Anne Hedges

Deputy Director

Montana Environmental Information Center

who I have been emailing since about 2007

who have blocked my emails because they can not confront test proven reality in science

who I am ready to debate test proven climate science with

any time any where here in Helena Montana


Montana State Senator

Christine Kaufmann

who can provide zero scientific reference to support her true belief

in self-debunked prediction based on debunked science

who I am ready to debate test proven climate science with

any time any where here in Helena Montana


Tom Kuglin

of the

Helena ~ Montana

Independent Record

who can prove nothing beyond debunked political media hearsay belief

who I am ready to debate test proven climate science with

any time any where here in Helena Montana



~ 1 ~

in a open public climate science debate in Helena Montana

? ~ How ~ ?

does a climate study that ignored a dozen known climate variables

that ignored millions of years of known climate history

that ignored all known test proven physics and chemistry

~ then ~


the climate future of this carbon based earth

based only on one very small fragment of knowledge

based on

an outdated incomplete debunked science paper from the 1800’s

~ how does this prove ~

carbon based humans cause climate warming of this carbon based earth

~ while knowing ~

the climate prediction is now self-debunked

~ ? ~

and of course you can not answer this very important question


there is zero science in your political media agenda

based only on political media hearsay and personal feelings of true belief

as you continue to preach your feelings of true belief in self-debunked prediction

to the unknowing public based on test proven political media fraud in science

by Political Media Agenda

selling their test proven garbage science with only words of true belief

to continue to do test proven long term harm to this carbon based earth

for the sake of debunked political media belief

by those who refuse to look at the tested knowledge of the scientific method

while destroying this carbon based earth

in the name of saving this carbon based earth

by closed minds who refuse to debate reality

so we can not find the truth together

~ as ~

the United Nations continues to state ~

it is “likely” Humans cause all climate change

based only on ~ their ~ true belief in debunked hypothetical conjecture

and ~ their ~ true belief in a self-debunked computer prediction

~ as ~

we are now doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while reducing what plants and trees need four times more of in the air today

to breathe

and to be at their best level of health

all in the name of continued political media true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on debunked hypothetical conjecture

~ while ~


climate change for a dozen known variable reasons today

is: very real

for the past 4.6 billion years

~ but ~

not caused by Carbon based Humans


carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

with Water vapor causing of the first Atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle causing all of Nature the Environment

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ called ~


by those Dictating Science from Political Media True Belief

with zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


I Challenge anyone and everyone to an open public debate with a



for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first Atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle

causing all of Nature the Environment

and all Carbon based Life

for the past 600 million years above sea level


they will not debate the science


they have no science to debate

they have only their true belief in self-debunked prediction

based on test proven political media fraud in science

with zero scientific method


when you can not confront reality

there is no reality

~ then ~

there is only your make believe as your reality

~ when ~

Make Believe is not Test Proven Reality





Fact Tested Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

~ vs ~

Political Media Make Believe


Climate Change is very Real for the past 4.6 Billion years

~ and as science has proven ~

the increased warming by the variable

~ SUN ~

has increased the levels of evaporated Water vapor and Carbon dioxide

slowing the rate of continued increased warming by the variable

~ SUN ~

as the variable

~ SUN ~

with many cycles causing many variables continues to be warmer and brighter

until one day the variable

~ SUN ~

vaporizes this

Carbon based Earth

~ water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause ~


Politicians and Journalist

who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

will not admit they are wrong


they do not comprehind the science beyond Political Media Hearsay True Belief


A ~ Real Scientist

will admit they are wrong when proven wrong

and grow forward with the Scientific Method

rather than continue to profit from their make believe science

~ while ~

predicting the future is: not science

prediction is: make believe


science is: to know

and prediction of the unknown future

is not proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

~ while ~

belief in self-debunked prediction is: Religion

not science of the scientific method

~ while ~

climate change with an infinity of variable for a dozen known reasons today

is very real for the past 4.6 billion years



James E. Hansen

Prediction is not Science as we have yet to see any doomsday prediction come true ~

Jim the opposite of your prediction is happening as you keep preaching

the very same prediction over and over proving you are pathological not factual

Katharine Hayhoe

who Brainwashed you and

why do you continue to ignore test proven fact for make believe ?

Michael Mann

Michael, your so called Hockey Stick is proven Garbage

as you keep preaching your doomsday prediction while the proven opposite is happening


Steve Running

I have emailed all of you many times since 2007

with zero response to test proven reality

? ~ why ~ ?


Do you not comprehend the test proven knowledge


just Ignore it

while refusing to debate

the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method




as you publicly stated to the

Helena Community at Carol Collage

and then quoted and published by the

Helena News Paper

~ the ~

Independent Record

“the Sun is not a variable”

as the Sun has many cycles causing an infinity of solar variable

as the sun Continues to be warmer and brighter

causing more evaporation of water vapor and CO2

that is off setting warming not causing warming

and this is why your

~ Programmed Computer Climate Prediction of the unknown future ~

was debunked prior to making your now self-debunked hypothetical conjecture

~ Prediction of the Future ~

do to your lack of proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that you continue to ignore for your true belief in your self-debunked

~ computer programmed climate prediction of the future ~

based on one very small tiny fragment of unproven now debunked science

~ while leaving out a dozen climate variables ~

while ignoring all known climate history

and 180 years of test proven physics and chemistry

all debunking your true belief

while further debunking your self-debunked

programmed computer climate prediction of the unknown future

as you continue to profit from your test proven political media lies

as you continue to

~ refuse to debate the science of the scientific method ~

nor will anyone calling them self a scientist who

~ Believe ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen

C + O2

Carbon + di-oxide

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

the cause of the first atmosphere with water vapor

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of nature the environment

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

also known as

~ Pollution ~

by Your Political Media Climate Religion

~ while ~


climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years


I have an on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

with 40 years of daily work experience in Atmospheric Emission Control Science

and Preaching Bogus Science to the un-knowing Public is Fraud in Science

while there is zero scientific consensus

in self-debunked computer programmed climate prediction of the future

based on a very flawed very incomplete climate study

based on an out-dated incomplete debunked science paper from the 1800’s

being used by your climate religion as

~ Scientific Proof ~

Carbon based Humans

cause all climate change

~ Proving ~

Fraud in Science


49 NASA Scientist

along with over 9000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist that I know of ~

disagree with the political media belief in your self-debunked prediction

further proving there is no scientific consensus as preached by your climate religion

further proving Fraud by the Political Media Agenda by

Climate Religion

~ while ~

the Supreme Court of the State of Montana

has ruled against Climate Religion and your debunked Ouija Board Science

but like any Religion

Climate Religion

has ignored all Legal Decision not in your favor

~ while ~


climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

as the Ocean continues to not rise for the past 19 plus years

while in fact the Ocean has gone down

probably do to evaporation of Ocean my warming by the variable SUN

while increasing Water vapor and CO2 levels

making this Carbon based Earth Greener not Browner


There is only a political media belief consensus

with a political agenda

that is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle of this carbon based earth

while lowering oxygen levels in the air we breathe

while turning under ground water into an acid

while reducing what plants and trees are proven to need four times more of

in the air today to breathe to be at their best level of health

with all this test proven harm

to all carbon based life and this carbon based earth

to be paid for with a carbon tax

on top of a proven bogus fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme

with an estimated cost of 10 to 20 Trillion dollars over the next 10 to 20 years

to profit large corporations and special interest groups

to do continued test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

where everything has carbon in it ~

Carbon based Humans are 20% carbon

made from

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ Carbon ~

of this Carbon based Earth

causing a carbon cycle causing all of nature the environment

called pollution by the political media agenda

Climate Religion

but not called pollution by science of the scientific method

as the political agenda continues to ignore test proven fact

for political media belief in

~ your ~


Ouija Board Science

so we can tax the cause of all Carbon based Life

to do further damage to all Carbon based Life

and to do further permanent damage this Carbon based Earth

as those who commit test proven fraud in science

refuse to debate the tested science of the scientific method


many political media law firms


Western Environmental Law

support the fraud by the

Montana Environmental ~ miss ~ Information Center

who are not a science body as they are a political media organization

who obviously have not investigated the science

who can prove nothing beyond debunked science

nor will they debate their debunked statements of their debunked science

as they continue to miss-inform the public

~ so ~

Please take me to Court

for calling all of you

Test Proven Frauds

so I can further prove the test proven fraud in science in a

Court of Law

from my on going 9 year investigation of political media fraud in science

as there is zero science beyond debunked hearsay

to support the

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion



of the scientific community disagree with

~ Paranoid ~

Climate Religion

based on your self-debunked programmed computer climate prediction of the future

based on a debunked climate study

based on a debunked science paper

based on debunked hypothetical conjecture

as proven fools in science continue to dictate science

based on

~ Belief ~

for profit

while stating Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

is: a Test Proven Lie ~

as Climate Religion continues to Ignore ~

Test Proven Fact

of the

Scientific Method



Make Believe Science

~ while ~

very extreme

very progressive

climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by an infinity of climate variable

long before carbon based humans on this carbon based earth


~ Belief ~

in self-debunked prediction proves nothing in science

and this is why true believers will not debate the science

because they have no science beyond their personal emotional feelings of true belief

in self-debunked

~ Prediction ~

and this is why it is called

Climate Religion


you can not reverse self-debunked prediction

when the opposite of the prediction is test proven fact


the hypothetical conjecture was backwards

as Water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

caused by increased evaporation

caused by increased warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming is not speeding up as predicted

the rate of warming is slowing down

~ while ~


climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years


climate warming caused by Carbon based Humans is scientifically



the scientific method

while this test proven fact is ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who are doing test proven harm to this carbon based earth

not saving this carbon based earth


Climate Religion has ~ failed ~ Grade School Science

as the Brainwashing by Al Gores Fraudulent Climate Religion

continues to grow


Al Gore continues to believe in self-debunked prediction for profit

as the ice melts from the top and bottom side while moving

~ during Ice Ages too ~

of the last 20 Ice ages of the past 2 million years

while the Ice has been melting for over 14,000 years not 140 years

as the Ocean has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

~ while ~


climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by an infinity of very extreme progressive climate variable

~ while ~

spending 20 trillion dollars to reduce the cause of all food and oxygen

while lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning under ground water into acid

is: insanity ~ not ~ truth in science


as nothing will change

as the political media lies will continue to be told and believed

as they will continue to do test proven harm to all carbon based life

and to this carbon based earth


True Belief and Profit

with zero test proven fact



climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

but not caused by carbon based humans of this carbon based earth


carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle

causing all of nature and all carbon based life

and is not


as stated

by Climate Religion

~ while ~

The Scientific Method has debunked Climate Religion


true believers who have failed grade school science

will continue to just believe for the sake of something to believe in

as True Believers continue to Dictate Science with zero scientific method

while only Climate Religion refuses to debate the test proven climate science

of the scientific method

and they will not take me to court for calling them test proven frauds


they can prove nothing beyond their personal emotional feeling of true belief

in hearsay words of political media true belief

in self-debunked prediction

~ as ~

the political agenda of climate religion continues to preach

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

~ A ~

Test ~ Proven

Political Media Lie



Climate Religion ~ Political Agenda

proving there is a

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Organizations by Politicians and Journalist

who failed grade school science while dictating science to the unknowing public


There is zero Logic or Reason or Scientific Method in Climate Religion

just test proven Lies

by Lunatics dictating Science

who refuse to debate their Lunatic Science

~ proving ~

it is

Lunatic Science





~ Leah Gilman ~

of the

Independent Record

Helena ~ Montana


I am for Truth is Science

and I will continue to Attack those who have not earned the right to scientific opinion

who continue their test proven Lies in Science


I can prove the IR intentionally miss-informs the public in science for political agenda

and when the IR is confronted by this fact they continue to miss-represent test proven fact

for political purpose

as the IR has yet to provide scientific reference

to support their bogus scientific statements to the Public


If we were standing on this Carbon based Earths Equator

we would be in spring in the northern hemisphere and fall in the southern hemisphere ~

as this Carbon based Earth wobbles causing all the seasons 24/7

as the Earth rotates on its current variable Axis cycle

while spinning at 1000 miles per hour causing the wind

the wind causing the variable motion of oxygen in the air

causing a variable field creating variable energy called lighting

creating NOx = nitrogen + oxygen bonded together by 2500 degrees and hotter

then separated by Sun Energy

creating O3 oxygen = heavy oxygen = Ozone

creating the Ozone Layer protecting us from Sun energy

and if the air around this Earth did not move with the rotation of the Earth

the wind would be 1000 per hour

but only at the Equator


one very small tiny fragment of all knowledge

does not debunk all known test proven science and history

and when you refuse to look at proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that further debunk your true belief in self-debunked prediction

this only proves your true belief is a Religion and not a Science


Science is not believing what you are told to believe while ignoring test proven fact


Science is to ~ know ~ by

questioning ~ reviewing ~ analyzing ~ testing ~ debating

while Science is never settled in the Scientific Method

~ as ~

The Religion of Science is Skepticism of Belief Dictating Science

~ while ~

not one scientist on this carbon based earth

who ~ believes ~ carbon based humans cause climate warming

with carbon based oxygen

will debate the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that debunk their true belief in flawed incomplete so called science




for the scientific proof

Carbon ~ based ~ Humans


Climate Warming

of this

Carbon ~ based ~ Earth


Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen


the first atmosphere


the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen


all carbon based life and energy

for the past 600 million years above sea level

on this carbon based earth

where we are the by product of nature

where we must conform to nature


nature will not conform to us

~ maybe ~

it is time to look at the knowledge beyond the political media belief


Belief is Religion


Test Proven Knowledge


Leah Gilman

I challenge you to an open public debate in tested reality ~

with a reward for the proof beyond your political agenda belief


~ carbon based humans cause climate warming ~

of this carbon based earth with carbon based oxygen


If you can not debate your scientific opinion

then you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you preach your Flawed Incomplete Bogus Science to the Public for Political Gain

with zero intelligent scientific rebuttal

~ like ~

white steam coming out of smokestacks

is not pollution


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana


Carbon based Earth


I am not a Democrat or a Republican

I am a Scientist for Truth in Science


~ If ~

we could abolish

Political Parties and Political Religion


Media Politics

~ Dictating Science ~

this Carbon based Earth would be

a much safer a much healthier much happier place for all Carbon based Life to Live and Be

~ while ~

there are many kinds and types and forms of

~ Pollution ~

on this Carbon based Earth

and the worst form of Pollution on this Carbon based Earth

~ is:

Mind Pollution

~ while ~

the cause of all the carbon based food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe

~ is: not ~ Pollution

the cause of all nature the carbon cycle with hydrogen and oxygen

~ is: not ~ Pollution


The cause of all

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ is: not ~ Pollution


The Variable Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere


~ producing ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

causing with water vapor the first atmosphere

causing all Carbon based Life and Energy

by the carbon cycle called

~ Nature ~

the environment

~ is: not ~



~ science is tested and debated knowledge not a feeling ~

and if you have not Reviewed the Science


You have Earned ~ zero ~ Right to Scientific Opinion


Are you a preacher or a scientist ?

Do you know or do you believe ?


Political Media Hearsay Science is Make Believe

~ * ~



~ the ~

Governor of Montana

Steve Bullock


Tom Kuglin

of the

Independent Record


Dominique Browning

Co-founder and Senior Director


Mom’s Clean Air Force


Erica Lighthiser


Montana Mountain Mamas


There are ~ zero ~ Personal Emotional Feelings in Tested Science

there is no trust or belief in tested science

there is no happiness or sadness or compassion in tested science

there is only test proven fact in tested knowledge

 by the scientific method

~ and ~

Political Media Hearsay True Belief

is: not ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

~ as ~

the Political Media continues to devolve away from science for true belief

in self-debunked prediction

based on flawed incomplete self-debunked hypothetical conjecture

instead of evolving with knowledge by the scientific method

as Humanity is now in a panic rush to go backwards for the sake of true belief

rather than learn from our mistakes in tested knowledge by Trial and Error to

~ Grow Forward ~

to make this Carbon based Earth Greener and Healthier

for all Carbon based Life

not ~ worse

for all carbon based life


Everyday I learn something new in life and science

and after 60 years of time alive on this carbon based earth

this is what I have learned to know ~ not ~ believe


~ Evaporated ~

Water Vapor and Carbon dioxide is the by-product of warming by the variable Sun

not the cause of warming by the variable Sun

~ as ~

the Political Media is preaching to our Carbon based Children

the cause of the First Atmosphere causing all Nature the Carbon Cycle

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is: Pollution

and then using the Programmed Children as political tools

as political pawns to lobby with and to make public political media statements

while those programming the Children can provide zero scientific proof of any kind

to support their Political Media Hearsay True Belief


Children being used for Political Media Profit and Political Gain

is: Shameful

and by the time these Children

Anders Harrison ~ now 9 ~ of Livingston

Clara Lighthiser ~ now only 7 ~ of Helena

Henery Sund ~ now 9 ~ of Helena

Tristan Jeo ~ now 11 ~ of Helena

~ their names and ages and faces and places first published by the Independent Record ~

by the time they are Young Adults in High School and Collage

they will realize and ~ know ~ they were used


~ political purpose  ~

by those who failed grade school science

who have earned ~ zero ~ right to scientific opinion


~ that is my hypothetical conjecture ~



Preaching to our Carbon based Children the cause of all Nature

the Carbon Cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all the ~ Carbon based Food We Eat ~ and all the ~ Oxygen We Breathe ~

calling what Plants and Trees

~ need ~

four times more of in the Air today to Breathe to be Healthy


~ Pollution ~

based on true belief in ~ proven ~ incomplete out-dated debunked so called science


Political Media ~ Stupidity Insanity ~ not Science

~ because ~

the cause of all nature causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

is: not ~ Pollution

and anyone claiming to be or calling them self a scientist while stating

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

 is: Pollution

has failed

Biology ~ Chemistry ~ Earth Science

Atmospheric Emission Science

and all


Climate History


science is: to know

and refusing to look at test proven knowledge that further debunk

your Political Media Hearsay Make Believe science and self-debunked prediction

is: not science


Hard Science

~ vs ~

Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief


Science is test proven knowledge

not political media hearsay make believe

and after 40 years of Atmospheric Emission Control Science

~ everyday ~

with 9 years of on going Climate Science Investigation everyday

my conclusion ~ is:

the miss-information and test proven lies in Climate Science

by the Political Media whom have

zero credentials in science

with zero back ground in science

who have publicly failed grade school science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who continue to dictate science to the public based only on their true belief

~ in ~


computer climate prediction of the future

with zero scientific reference to support their continued

~ true belief ~

is: overwhelming


using a flawed incomplete climate study

based on an out-dated incomplete debunked science paper

~ as proof ~

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

~ proves only ~

political media fraud in science


Climate Religion


to refuse to debate their test proven

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

caused by their True Belief in self-debunked Prediction

as they continue their Political Media Agenda

of miss-informing the Public

to sell and spread their self-debunked

Climate Religion

~ while ~

in this brand new ~ still scientifically un-debated un-proven ~ climate science

~ unproven science with far more un-answered questions than answered ~

as true belief in true belief continues to dictate science

with zero scientific reference to prove their new religion is not ~

a scientifically proven religion


Climate Change is Real

but not caused by

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

with Human caused

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


The variable hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the oceans and lower atmosphere

while producing Carbon based Oxygen from the hot liquid core

causing with water vapor the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle

~ is called pollution by climate religion ~

as climate Religion continues to do test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of ~ their ~ personal emotional feelings of true belief

~ in ~


~ programmed ~

computer climate prediction of the future

based on

test proven fraud in science

caused by ~ and ~ ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ while ~


your computer to tell you what you programmed it to predict

based on a proven backwards hypothetical conjecture ~ belief ~ is not science

when knowing

increased levels of water vapor and CO2 is a by product of increased warming

by the variable Sun

while off setting warming

knowing most of the CO2 going in to the atmosphere

is from volcanic activity below sea level

from 300 plus un-measurable continuous volcanoes at this time

of thousands of volcanic and non-volcanic CO2 outlets below sea level

while acidifying the ocean over billions of years

and the warmer it is the more evaporation of ocean

containing many times the CO2 level than the atmosphere

while causing the First Atmosphere


Nature the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


All Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

~ and ~

when over 30,000 scientist that I know of ~

disagree with your proven backwards self-debunked hypothetical conjecture

that’s not a ~ scientific ~ consensus

that’s a proven Political Media Lie

~ while ~


HC = Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen + Carbon

as we know because

there is far to much oil in the ground ~ far to deep in the ground

to be caused by dead Dinosaurs

~ the oil was here long before the dead Dinosaurs ~

making the term Fossil Fuel a misconception

while all fuels can be burned cleanly

when burned properly

~ helping the carbon cycle while not hurting nature ~


CO2 from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

for the past 4.6 billion years

with water vapor

~ caused ~

Nature the Environment

and the more efficiently hydrocarbon fuels are burned

the higher the percentage of CO2 is produced

and the less efficiently Hydrocarbon fuels are burned

the higher percentage of CO is produced

while CO and CO2 are both Carbon based Oxygen


there are Politicians and Journalist who believe we can incinerate CO2

but of course that is scientifically impossible


CO2 is the by product of incinerating anything and everything

and when you pump CO2 into the ground

you are lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while knowing

plants and trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be healthy

while we continue to live with the scientific decisions

by those who have failed science on every level

as they continue to dictate science

with zero scientific method

~ proving ~

we now live in a modern world where

once again

Politics and Religion

Dictate Science doing test proven Harm to Nature and this Carbon based Earth

caused by

True Belief ignoring proven fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method


rejecting fact for true belief is religion not science

while there is zero test proven fact to support the true belief

in the self-debunked prediction


True Belief

~ does not prove ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life

while knowing

plants and trees

~ need ~

4 times more CO2 in the air today to be at their best level of health

to make the oxygen we breathe and to be the food we eat

~ as ~

wisdom comes from tested knowledge not hearsay make believe

and preaching to our Children

the cause of all Nature causing all Life is: Pollution

is: test proven

Insanity and Fraud

~ not ~



we must continue to live with the continued arrogance of true believers

whom you can not even talk to about the tested science

because they refuse to listen to science they do not comprehend

while they can prove ~ nothing ~ with tested science

to support their political media true belief


Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

can not stop over 4 billion plus years of continuous variable Climate Change

caused by an infinity of climate variable

~ as ~

evaporated water vapor and Carbon dioxide levels continue to increase

caused by increased Warming by the variable Sun

the rate of warming by the variable Sun continues to slow down

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

~ while ~

causing all Nature the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this

Carbon based Earth


There is zero logic or common scene or test proven knowledge

~ in ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Climate Religion is based on a very small tiny fragment of all knowledge

that is now ~ test proven ~ to be

self-debunked hypothetical conjecture

as the Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter

and one day the Star our Sun




Carbon based Earth

~ while ~

Political Media Brainwashing of our Children

does not debunk

Proven Fact Test Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

~ so do not preach to us ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change

~ Prove it ~

with fact tested knowledge


feelings prove nothing

and modern day bloodletting is not science


Political Media Fools in Science

continue to dictate science based on belief with zero test proven fact


00.3 percent of the scientific community agree with climate religion


99.7 percent

~ do not ~

so is your reality based on preached belief or test proven fact

because just believing what you are told to believe is not tested reality in science

while I know from fact tested knowledge CO2 is not Pollution

while the Political Media is Preaching CO2 is Pollution

as the Climate Religion continues to ignore test proven fact they do not comprehend

for test proven make believe


Climate Religion is the Proven Rejection of the Scientific Method


…once again my favorite words by

George Harrison

” her comes the Sun “



~ * ~

~ Who is Brainwashing the President ~



Very Extreme ~ Very Progressive


~ Variable ~

Climate Change is Very Real

for the past 4.6 Billion years

for a dozen known variable reasons today

providing an infinity of climate variable

along with the climate variables we have yet to know

in this

~ brand new ~

un-tested ~ un-debated

~ un-proven science ~

~ so ~

who and what is trying to


all of us Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth


~ very ~

Test Proven Political Media Lies in Climate Science

~ who refuse to acknowledge or debate the test proven facts ~

that further debunk

their true belief in self-debunked prediction

~ ? ~

To: Columbia University ~ New York

Earth and Environmental Engineering

who have blocked my emails


after sending emails to their science departments for many years

they can not confront test proven reality by the scientific method

or provide any scientific knowledge of any kind proving in any way

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


CBS News

[email protected]

I grew up believing


was an open and honest profession and not politically motivated with political agenda

and then I soon realized from my own investigation

that we have reached a point in journalism that is anything but honest

partly do to the lack of investigation and of course a real political bias

and so ~ that is what I get for believing ~

and CBS News

who state they are not bias


they go to the source to find the truth and balance

while they cover only one side of this story

~ just the side they believe in ~

of what is considered to be one of the most important issues of our time


CBS News

can not explain or prove anything beyond

~ their ~

Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief



~ programmed ~

computer climate prediction of the future


I challenge

Columbia University and CBS News

to an open public debate in

Climate Science

with a



for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide




Water Vapor

causing the first Atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of nature

causing all carbon based life and energy

on this carbon based earth

~ while ~

we are being told by the Political Media


the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth


~ pollution ~


CBS News

continues to preach ~ Bogus ~ science to the unknowing public

while not allowing

the other side of the scientific argument to be seen or heard in any way

while CBS News can provide zero test proven knowledge

beyond their true belief in true belief to support their true belief


true belief is: not science

of the

Scientific Method



Intelligent Rebuttal in Science


not by blocking emails

and refusing to look at or debate the Test Proven Facts that further debunk

your true belief

~ in ~

Self-debunked Prediction


rejecting science for true belief is not science

and preventing test proven fact from being known

is proven political media fascism in America

~ by ~

CBS News



it is time for science to be test proven knowledge

and not make believe





H2 = 2 hydrogen atoms

O = 1 oxygen atom

C = 1 carbon atom

O2 = 2 oxygen atoms


H2 + O + C + O2 = All ~ Carbon based Life

on this

Carbon based Earth

~ where everything has carbon in it ~


~ you can not ignore test proven knowledge for true belief and then call it science ~

~ so ~

why do true believers call me a denier of climate change

when I do not deny climate change ?


I have ~ zero ~ belief in

~ self-debunked ~


Computer Climate Prediction of the Future

~ based on a fragment of knowledge ~

in a debunked incomplete outdated science paper from the 1800’s

and because

Belief is not Science


Prediction is not Science


True Belief

~ in ~


programmed computer climate prediction of the future is: Religion ~ not ~ Science


science is: to know ~ not ~ make believe

~ so ~

do you believe

~ or ~

do you know


proven fact tested knowledge

of the scientific method

beyond your personal emotional feelings of true belief

in self-debunked


~ knowing ~


programmed computer climate prediction of the future

~ is ~


~ because ~

the opposite of the prediction is test proven reality

for the past 18 years

~ as ~

Water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase from evaporation

by the Variable Sun

the rate of warming by the variable Sun continues to slow down

and not speed up as predicted

~ and ~

true belief in self-debunked prediction does not debunk test proven reality

in science of the scientific method


science is: to know ~ not ~ make believe

and using an incomplete debunked science paper from the 1800’s

to make a computer climate prediction of the future

and then present the incomplete debunked 1896 Arrhenius science paper to the world


scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

~ is not test proven knowledge ~

this is bogus science and test proven Fraud

~ while ~

mass extinctions are caused by

Super Volcanoes ~ Ice Ages ~ Asteroids

and possible

Nuclear War

but not caused by

~ the ~

Climate Warming

~ by ~

the variable


~ in-between ~

the last 20 Ice Ages in the last 2 million years of Climate History

caused by the variable Sun

of the last 4.6 billion years of very extreme very progressive variable climate change


Climate Warming makes this Carbon based Earth Greener not Browner

while today we live in a world where undefined money and undefined belief

~ dictate ~


~ so ~

you must first believe in your self

~ because ~

if you believe in something else first

then you will have no self to believe in ~

as we are well on our way to spending tens of trillions of dollars

to stop the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Nature and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

because of

Political ~ Media

True Belief

in flawed incomplete out-dated self-debunked so called science


the Political Media and Environmental Extremest

who have publicly failed science and do not comprehend the scientific method

~ will only listen to them selves ~


they do not comprehend the tested knowledge

as they continue to ~ believe ~ the science is settled

~ when settled science does not exist ~

as they continue to dictate science based only on ~ their ~ true belief in prediction

as they continue to refuse to acknowledge the

~ Test Proven Facts ~

that further debunk their true belief in self-debunked prediction

as they continue to refuse to Publicly Debate the Test Proven Facts

that further debunk their true belief in self-debunked prediction

~ this is not science ~


the self-debunked computer climate prediction

has proven

the prediction was backwards


Water Vapor and Carbon dioxide is the by-product of warming

by the Variable Sun

while off setting warming by the

Variable ~ SUN

validating the test proven science ignored by those making the prediction

while proving the incomplete study

and the incomplete out-dated science paper from the 1800’s

~ that does not incorporate ~

Heat Rises

forcing -200 degree air to the north and south poles

~ or ~

a dozen other Climate Variables

causing an infinity of climate variable

~ or ~

millions of years of Climate History

proving an infinity of climate variable

~ or ~

180 years of very proven Physics and Chemistry

proving CO2 causes cooling

~ while ~

50% of their own equation is missing from their so called study ~

~ the vaporized hydrogen going into the air from burning hydrocarbons ~

~ or ~

the increased level of evaporated water vapor

containing many times the CO2 level than the atmosphere

from un-measurable volcanic activity below Sea level

caused by warming

by the variable Sun

the evaporated water vapor

having many times the effect than all other the gases in the atmosphere

~ while ~

one heat wave caused by the variable Sun

will cause a 20 % increase in density of the atmosphere

expanding the atmosphere

causing the ozone hole to enlarge

allowing more energy to inter and escape the atmosphere

with all the above test proven knowledge

~ Ignored ~

by those programming their computer to predict the future

~ so we can know with certainty ~

exactly what will happen in the Future


~ test proven to be wrong ~

while science is proven wrong more often than proven right

and programming a computer to predict what you want it to predict based on belief

is not test proven knowledge

because predicting the future is belief not knowledge


not one PhD who ~ believes ~ Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

 will debate the test proven science of the scientific method

that further debunk their true belief in self-debunked prediction

as they continue to believe in ~ their ~  self-debunked prediction

based on their true belief in ~ their ~ incomplete science

when belief is not science and prediction is not science


belief in self-debunked computer prediction is: religion


a Real Scientist will always look at all the science

and then ~ Question ~ with skepticism

and then Test and Debate ~ all the science

and then admit they are wrong when proven wrong

and then learn from it and grow forward with the scientific method

while those who ignore test proven fact for their true belief are ~ not ~ scientist

of the

Scientific Method

while those who sell their true belief in self-debunked prediction as test proven fact

are the test proven fools and Frauds in science ~ for profit

as those who are buying the true belief in self-debunked prediction are the bigger fools


True belief in self-debunked prediction is not science

while those who have ~ not ~ earned the right to scientific opinion

continue to preach ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunked prediction

~ while ~

~ repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming ~


~ * ~


If there was zero CO2

there would be zero carbon based plants and trees

and zero carbon based food to eat and zero oxygen to breathe

and zero you and me


there would be zero carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen


~ zero ~

carbon based life above or below sea level on this carbon based earth

~ where everything has carbon in it ~


hydrogen and carbon together make gasoline

hydrogen and oxygen together make water


hydrogen carbon and oxygen together make all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth


There is zero CO2

~ in ~

Fuel = HC = Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen and Carbon together = Gasoline

until you add the O2 = oxygen


O2 = oxygen from the air we breathe allows the hydrogen part of ~ HC ~ to vaporize

causing the carbon part of ~ HC ~ to bond to the oxygen from the air


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

di-oxide is 2 oxygen atoms based to another atom


so when you pump CO2 into the ground

you are lowering oxygen levels in the air

because you are not allowing the carbon cycle

by Plants and Trees

~ that require 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be at optimum health ~

to recycle the oxygen back into the Air where it came from

after vaporizing the hydrogen then bonding to the carbon

while turning underground water into an Acid

while this very simple science

is: very ignored

by True Believers


self-debunked prediction

based on

flawed incomplete so called science


Biased Hypothetical Conjecture is: not ~ Knowledge or Science


personal emotional feelings of true belief in prediction

~ self-debunked or not ~

is: Religion

~ not ~


or fact tested science of the scientific method


intentionally ignoring proven fact tested knowledge

~ does not make the proven knowledge go away ~

regardless of your true belief in self-debunked prediction

known as

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


~ * ~



Jesse Chaney

Acting Editor

Independent Record

Helena ~ Montana


~ thank you ~


you are the first Editor of the Helena IR to respond to me in any way since 2007


In response to Corey Bressler

Missoula ~ Montana

and his Letter to the Editor

in the Helena IR


February 22, 2016


Scientific Opinion is Earned


Corey Bressler is not a Scientist


over four dozen NASA Scientist

and over 9000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 real scientist that I know of in the USA




disagree with Corey

while proving there is no Scientific Consensus



true belief in self-debunked prediction is not science

and does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Change of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen


Corey is a Political Media Activist

with a political agenda based on his true belief

who does not comprehend the test proven science


Corey’s statements are based on ~ his ~ true belief not on test proven fact


Corey can provide ~ zero ~ scientific reference to support his true belief statements

nor will he debate his true belief in self-debunked prediction

nor will he look at the test proven knowledge that further debunk his true belief

in self-debunked computer climate prediction of the future


Corey is a true believer in words of true belief

while words of True Belief prove nothing


True Belief

is not science of the scientific method

true belief in self debunked computer prediction of the future

is: religion ~ not ~ science

and does not prove Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with the cause of the Carbon Cycle

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

as Corey continues to ignore the test proven facts that further debunk

his make believe science


self-debunked prediction

~ while ~

I have sent many letters to the editor to many news papers since 2007

all about ~ test proven ~ climate science

and they have yet to print one

while the Helena IR changes Publishers and Editors as often as I change my socks

~ so ~

we will see and not hope or believe

~ as ~

the IR does not print fact tested scientific poetry in motion

~ just ~

test proven lies on their Opinion Page about Climate Science

by those who have failed grade school science

~ because ~

they are not a science body so how would they

~ know ~

beyond ~ belief

science is: to know

~ and not ~

make believe



~ belief is not science ~

knowledge ~ debunks ~ make believe

as belief can not debunk test proven knowledge of the scientific method

~ * ~


~ * ~

~ 1000 years ago ~

Montana had California Climate for 200 years

~ something Michael Mann forgot to include in his proven bogus hockey stick ~

while no two trees and their rings are alike


a tree growing in a wet draw in the shade

will be completely different

from the tree 100 feet away dying at the top of a hill in the sun and the wind

~ so ~

there is a tree out there with the rings for every belief


 Michael Mann ~ James Hansen ~ Steve Running ~ Katharine Hayhoe

along with all the other True Believers in science

who do not acknowledge test proven science for the sake of true belief

who have been


~ debunked ~

as they continue to take Political Media Money to preach their self-debunked

~ belief ~

while refusing to debate their self-debunked belief

in self-debunked prediction

based on flawed incomplete so called science


zero scientific method

as they continue to ignore test proven fact for their true belief

as their true belief is doing test proven harm to this

Carbon based Earth

~ and ~

how poorly educated in science must someone be

to refer to the cause of the First Atmosphere


all of Nature the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


~ Pollution ~



~ prediction ~

based on a very flawed and incomplete study

based on an incomplete and debunked science paper

that proves nothing

is not science

~ and ~

 preaching humans cause climate change does not prove humans cause climate change

as climate change will continue with or with out Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

as the Ocean has risen 350 feet in the past 26,000 years

as the Oceans will continue to rise and fall

with or with out

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


these true believers refuse to debate their climate religion

or the test proven facts that debunk their true belief

as they continue to preach their test proven

Lies for Profit

and this is why it is not possible

for these true believers to have an Intelligent conversation in science


~ blocking emails does not make test proven reality go away ~


this is why you can not have an Intelligent conversation in Climate Science

and why your Letter to the Editor is full of test proven Lies


I do not deny climate change

while you call all carbon based people like me a


because we do not believe in your true belief

when it is you who has not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you are the proven denier of test proven fact in real climate science

for the sake of ~ your ~ true belief


~ true belief ~

proving you are the by-product of Political Media Brainwashing

~ not me ~




Letter to the Editor




Climate Change is a Test Proven Reality in Science

~ with ~

20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods in the last 2 million years


the belief Humans cause climate change is based on a


computer climate prediction of the future

based on

~ a proven ~

very flawed incomplete study

missing many test proven facts ignored by the study

based on

a flawed incomplete out-dated science paper

from the 1800’s

being used as proof

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Warming


~ fraud ~

while the United Nations states:

it is “likely” Humans cause all Climate Warming



is a word of belief

and proves nothing in science


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


water vapor caused the first atmosphere


the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


all of Nature and the Environment

~ while ~

we know

Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 level than in the Air today

to be at their best level of health

~ while ~

Carbon based Humans

~ are ~

20% Carbon made from CO2

while breathing oxygen made from CO2

while eating carbon based food made from CO2

as we continue to pump CO2 into the ground

hurting the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

as large Corporations profit hundreds of billions of dollars

to pump CO2 into the ground

as we live with the Political Media words of true belief

by those who have earned ~ zero ~ right to scientific opinion


and that is the end of


250 words allowed by the IR


and if Montana has California Climate for 200 years

~ again ~

that’s OK with me

~ and then Montana Farmers could have up to four cuttings a year instead of two ~

producing twice as much food

while we are breaking Temperature records set 130 years ago

back when there were no power plants and automobiles

and so it took 130 years to be as warm as 130 years ago

~ while ~

this Climate Warming Period

with Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages began about 14,000 years ago

not 140 years ago

while the Ocean has risen about 350 feet


the Ice on this Carbon based Earth

melts from the top and bottom side during Ice ages too

~ so ~

~ maybe we should go back to bloodletting ~

to cure all and every Illness

as we will spend 10 to 20 trillion dollars over the next 10 to 20 years

to do only test proven harm to the carbon cycle and this

Carbon based Earth


those who have publicly failed Grade School Science

caused by their true belief

~ in ~

self-debunked computer prediction of the future

~ and ~

when it comes to science

the Independent Record is not the voice of all the people

they are only the voice of those who believe as they believe

and this is why you will only read about one side of the story

in Climate Change

with zero scientific reference

~ to believe in ~


the Helena Independent Record

owned by Lee Enterprises

who own most of the News Papers in Montana

 joined a Political Organization

that can provide zero science to support their Political belief

who have a Political Agenda to

~ Dictate ~ Brainwash ~

Promote and Sell

Human caused Climate Change to the world


they are snake oil salesman promoting fraud in science

because they truly believe in something they can not prove

and this is why you will never read one of my letters to the editor

since 2007

and you will never read any scientific truth in climate change science

in the Helena IR or any Lee Enterprise ~ debunked ~ News Papers in Montana

and maybe this is why they change Publishers and Editors as often as I change my socks


Lee Enterprises has taken sides Politically in science they do not comprehend

and can not Explain or Prove

~ providing us with ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as they prohibit Free Speech and Freedom of Expression for their Political Religion


Fascism in America continues to grow in many ways on many levels

for the sake of true belief in Proven Political Media Lies

because they do not understand the knowledge

and they will make zero effort to try to understand the test proven knowledge

for the sake of ~ their ~ true belief

as they continue to spread

~ proven ~

Climate Paranoia

~ proving ~

Climate Religion

dictating proven garbage as science




for the Tested Knowledge


Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


I have been sending reward offers to the Helena IR since the spring of 2007 ~

and you would think after 9 years they could come up with the proof

~ while ~

Intelligent Rebuttal

in climate science goes against their


and will not be printed

while that same rule is applied for all news papers

and Media outlets with a Political Agenda


~ True Belief ~


zero test proven science of the scientific method


There is nothing beyond make believe to prove Humans cause Climate Change

and that is why Climate Religion refuses to publicly debate the test proven science

because test proven science debunks make believe


Al Gores test proven insanity for profit is not science


Lee Enterprises

has not earned the right to Scientific Opinion

as they are selling something they do not comprehend and can not explain or prove

and when someone can not tell you what is in the bottle they are trying to sell you

that is called a Snake Oil Salesman

and this Snake Oil Salesman is selling Test Proven Lies in Science


True Belief


Lee Enterprises

where the test proven truth takes a back seat to their political action

based on true belief with zero test proven fact


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

caused by zero comprehension of the science


99.97 % of the Scientific Community

do not believe in


Computer Climate Prediction

known in the Scientific Community


Ouija Board Science


Al Gore and Co. profit from modern day Bloodletting

and test proven Lies


my educated guess

~ hypothesis ~


all of my letters to the editor since 2007 have been filed in the paper shredder

so true believers and non-believers will never

~ know ~

a dozen known climate variables causing an infinity of climate variable

or millions of year of variable climate history

or 180 years of test proven physics and chemistry

~ all ~

further ~ debunking

the self-debunked computer climate prediction of the future

based on

test proven fraud in science


Politicians and Journalist

and a handful of so called Scientist paid a lot of money my the political media

who have failed the basics of grade school science

and the

Scientific Method

~ so ~

very large corporations

can continue to make billions of billions of dollars every year

pumping CO2 in to the ground

hurting the carbon cycle

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water in to an acid

all for true belief that ignores test proven science


True Belief

dictates science

with zero scientific method


calling belief

~ science ~

does not make it test proven fact

or the test proven truth

or test proven reality

in the

Scientific Method


true belief is religion not test proven science

as true belief continues to dictate true belief as science

while a Political Media belief consensus proves nothing in tested science

of the

Scientific Method



Bruce Kershaw

40 years

Atmospheric Emission Science

with an on going Climate Science Investigation


since the spring of 2007



~ Climate History ~

as we know from our DNA funnel ~

a super volcano 74,000 years ago left about 15 breeding Woman

on this

Carbon based Earth

as we are now over due for a different

Super Volcano

~ Yellowstone ~

that could cause a mass extinction

or maybe by an over due Asteroid

while Global Warming makes this Carbon based Earth Greener

as we Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years




Tim Flannery

[email protected]

University ~ of ~ Melbourne



Dear Tim,


Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen

~ cycle ~


the bases for all carbon based life and energy for the past 600 million years above sea level

on this

Carbon based Earth

~ and ~

freedom can only be a reality when freedom and knowledge is shared by everyone

~ Tim ~

I challenge you to an open public debate in climate science

with a

$100,000.00 Reward for the Scientific knowledge

beyond ~ Belief ~ in self-debunked prediction

~ proving ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Water Vapor


The First Atmosphere

causing the

Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


All of Nature




All Carbon based Life and Energy

on this

Carbon based Earth

above and below Sea level


~ knowing ~

Plants and Trees

~ need ~

four times the present level of CO2 in the Air than today

to be

~ Healthy ~


Carbon based Plants and Trees


all the oxygen in the air we breathe

and all the carbon based food we grow to eat

from their roots in ground of this carbon based earth

caused by Plants and Trees breathing CO2

~ as ~

we are today pumping CO2 into the ground ~

lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water in to an ~ Acid ~

with a continued cost of tens of trillions of dollars over the next 10 to 20 years

to stop the cause of all

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

where today



Carbon and Oxygen together is called Pollution



~ based ~

True Believers

made from

Carbon based Oxygen

breathing oxygen made from carbon based oxygen


eating food made from carbon based oxygen

who have publicly failed the basics of Grade School Science

for ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunked climate prediction of the future


ignoring all other known

Test Proven Climate Variables

and all known Climate History

and all known Test Proven Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking ~ their ~ self-debunked prediction



Water Vapor and Carbon based Oxygen

from the Ocean

with the CO2 from

billions of years of on going Volcanic activity below Sea level

~ acidifying the ocean over billions of years ~


the by product of Warming

while off-setting Warming by the Variable Sun

as increased levels of -200 degree CO2 = Dry Ice and -200 degree Water Vapor

come crashing down to the north and south poles

of this Carbon based Earth

~ as ~


Heat ~ still ~ Rises


~ CO2 ~

while causing the atmosphere causing nature by the carbon cycle


2 oxygen atoms ~ bonded to ~ 1 carbon atom

~ CO2 ~

Carbon dioxide


di = 2

oxide = oxygen


Carbon based Oxygen

~ that we know ~

we ~ need ~ 4 times more of in the atmosphere today

for a healthy environment

on this

Carbon based Earth


the self-debunked computer climate prediction of the future

based on a very flawed very incomplete very self-debunked climate study

~ only proves two things ~

your so called science is backwards

caused by a lack of known test proven science missing from the study


test proven fraud in science of the scientific method

caused by a lack of known test proven science missing from the study

caused by your true belief


known test proven science that further debunk your true belief in self-debunked prediction


your true belief is doing test proven harm


Nature the Environment

made by the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


made from


Water Vapor and CO2

caused by variable warming by the variable

~ SUN ~


~ self-debunked prediction does not debunk test proven fact ~


~ my questions for an open public debate ~

~ * ~

~ 1 ~

~ why do True Believers call carbon on this carbon based earth ~

where everything has carbon in it ~ Pollution ?


~ 2 ~

~ why do True Believers call Carbon dioxide ~

the cause of all Nature and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth ~ Pollution ?


~ 3 ~

~ why do True Believers call white steam coming out of smoke stakes ~ Pollution ?


~ 4 ~

~ why do True Believers intentionally ignore a dozen known Climate Variables ~

providing an infinity of Climate Variable ?


~ 5 ~

~ why do True Believers intentionally ignore millions of years of known Climate History ~

with an infinity of climate Variable ?


~ 6 ~

~ why do True Believers intentionally ignore ~

180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry ?


~ 7 ~

~ why do True Believers intentionally ignore ~

all test proven knowledge


~ their ~

True Belief



~ 8 ~

~ why do True Believers ~


one very small fragment of all climate knowledge


Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Warming



~ 9 ~

~ why do True Believers refuse to publicly debate ~

the test proven

Climate Science and Climate History

they Ignore for

True Belief



~ 10 ~

~ why do True Believers call those who do not deny ~

4.6 billion years of

very extreme very progressive very variable

Climate Change

~ deniers ~

of Climate Change




Bruce Allen Kershaw

[email protected]


Helena ~ Montana


Carbon ~ based ~ Earth



~ science is: to know ~

belief is: not science

prediction is: not science


True Belief



programmed computer climate prediction of the future

based on an incomplete out-dated science paper from the 1800’s

that is a very small very tiny fragment of all atmospheric knowledge

that has been made the sole bases for all climate change science


Politicians ~ Journalist


.3 % of Scientist

who ignore all other known test proven climate variable

and ignore 99.97 % of the Scientific community


Test Proven Religion


Test Proven Fraud in Science

and does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with the cause of all Carbon based Life


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

while test proven fact

shows us

we are helping the carbon cycle

while improving nature and the environment

~ but ~

you do not know this test proven knowledge

if you are a true believer who has failed the basics of grade school science


you do not follow the new knowledge we are learning everyday

or even look at preexisting knowledge that further debunk your hypothesis

as you believe the science is settled



Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

based only on

~ your ~

personal emotional feelings of true belief


Political Media Belief in self-debunked prediction

~ with zero ~

Test Proven Science


hearsay words of true belief



Letter to All the Editors

~ in ~



…to be condemned for my thoughts ~

for thinking

~ while I am condemned for knowing test proven knowledge ~

and then condemned again for ~ not ~ believing as you believe

as I know this


not one News Paper has printed a single letter to the editor I have written

since I started writing in 2007

with my 40 years of daily work experience and knowledge in

Atmospheric Emission Control Science

~ but ~

they will print anything written by anyone who has

~ zero ~

back ground in science


zero comprehension of the science

who has earned zero right to scientific opinion

who have zero scientific reference to support their statements

who can not debate the science

because they know nothing about the science beyond their true belief

~ so ~

99.99% of all the Letters to the Editor about Climate Science

are by those who have now publicly failed grade school science

making them proven Lairs in science because of their lack of knowledge

~ misinforming the public ~

while news papers are not allowing any intelligent rebuttal to ~ their ~ unproven belief


~ this is not science with freedom and equality ~

this is proven Fascism in America

while preaching test proven lies in science through words of belief

with zero science reference beyond their words of true belief

~ while ~

News Papers like the Los Angels Times have stated ~

they will no longer print Letters to the Editor about Climate Change

that go against ~ their ~ belief

as they believe the science is settled

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as the LA Times can provide zero scientific reference to support their self-debunked belief

~ while ~

not one true believer will debate the test proven science of the scientific method

~ proving ~

there is zero science or equality in ~ their ~ true belief

~ as ~

their true belief is doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle

and to all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an acid

~ in their true belief effort to save this carbon based planet ~

from the cause of all carbon based life

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


with water vapor the first atmosphere

causing Nature the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all the oxygen in the air we breathe and all the carbon based food we eat


the scientific consensus is a proven

Political Media Lie

proven by the scientific community

with the majority of the scientific community knowing

~ True Belief in self-debunked Computer Prediction of the Future ~

is:  ~ not ~ test proven science or reality


~ * ~


~ To ~

Angel Cabrera


George Mason University

[email protected]

~ and ~

Robert Saldin

University ~ of ~ Montana

[email protected]


…when we no longer allow for open honest public discussion

from ~ All ~ sides of very important issues in a free society

there is something very seriously wrong

and when we only allow one side of an issue to be

~ stated or expressed or known or believed ~

this is a form of fascism not freedom with equality

~ as ~

History continues to repeat itself

but only because

the knowledge we have gained from History continues to be ignored

while there can be no starting point or ending point to knowledge

while science must always be

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

and when we ~ believe ~ we have learned all there is to know

that is when we have condemned ourselves to repeated failure

while old and new knowledge is never irrelevant unless you ~ believe ~ it is irrelevant

because all test proven knowledge is relevant in science

~ because ~

science is: to know

while those who bring old and or forgotten Knowledge

and new knowledge to science should not be condemned

for knowing beyond make believe


Bruce Allen Kershaw


Angel and Robert

if you would like to make a comment

Please do

I would be very happy to put your comments

~ here ~

and ~ or

the very debunked

James Hansen

Michael Mann

Steve Running

your comments

~ here ~



The Religion of Science is Skepticism

~ because ~

belief in words ~ of ~ words of belief

based on belief in self-debunked ~ prediction ~ based on belief

in flawaed incomplete so called science

proves nothing in science of the scientific method

~ skepticism ~

the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question

the doubt about religious ~ belief ~ doctrines

~ the ~

doubt of those ~ dictating science ~ based on belief


ignoring and rejecting proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


preventing open public scientific debate


committing test proven fraud



~ their true belief ~


zero comprehension of the proven fact tested knowledge

of the

Scientific ~ Method

~ for ~

true belief

~ today ~


self-debunked computer prediction

that ignores

an infinity of climate variable


~ test proven physics and chemistry ~


millions of years of climate history


zero comprehension of the scientific method


refusing to debate their true belief

proving ~ their ~ true belief is: not science


~ yes ~

I am a skeptic of climate religion

~ when ~

a climate study ignores

all known climate variables that cause an infinity of climate variable

and then ignores all known climate history

and then focus only on one factor

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

and then focus only on 10% or less of the CO2 in the atmosphere

caused by Carbon based Humans

and then only focus on one very small fragment of CO2 knowledge

ignoring the majority of 180 years of test proven CO2 physics and chemistry

~ with the study claiming ~

all the other known climate variables and all the other known test proven science

and all known climate history

is: irrelevant

when making a programmed computer climate prediction of the future

when in fact

the ignored knowledge has been test proven to be very relevant

~ this is then ~

not a scientific study

this is a very flawed Political Media belief

missing over 99% of the proven knowledge related to the study


~ this not science ~

while the known proven facts missing from their true belief

~ claimed to be irrelevant by the study ~

continue to further debunk the continued true belief

~ in ~

the now ~ self-debunked

Programmed Computer Climate Prediction of the Future


the exact opposite of the prediction is now test proven to be true


~ the prediction was ~

as CO2 levels continue to increase ~

the rate of climate warming would continue to speed up

but as CO2 levels have continued to increase

the rate of climate warming continues to slow down

validating the knowledge ignored by those who made the prediction

as they continue to ignore their own self-debunked prediction

while they continue to believe in and preach

Carbon based Humans are responsible for all Climate Change of this Carbon based Earth

with the cause of the

~ First Atmosphere ~

causing the

~ Carbon Cycle ~


Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all

Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

~ Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide ~

~ that ~

Plants and Trees ~ we know need ~ four times more of in the air than today

to be at their best level health

as we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars


to pump CO2 into the ground

~ while ~

this is lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an acid


preaching a ~ scientific ~ consensus proven not to exist

~ this is not science ~

this is:

test proven insanity in the modern world

caused by

Political Media belief in self-debunked prediction

as the variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter in this solar cycle

along with a proven progressive infinity of climate variable


This reminds me of Bloodletting to cure the Plague ~

the Plague caused by Fleas on the too many Rats

~ the too many Rats because we killed all the Cats

as we killed all the Cats


~ we believed ~

the Cats were Evil


~ ignoring test proven fact for belief is not tested reality in science ~


A ~ climate study based on ~

A ~ incomplete outdated science paper

~ the 1896 Arrhenius Science Paper ~

being presented to the world as proof Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

while the climate study

Intentionally Ignores

all other known proven contributing climate factors and variables

is far more than a very flawed and deceptive study

when knowing

~ all science knowledge is incorporated into all science ~


~ when you leave out all the variables ~ the math can not and does not work ~


Very Extreme Progressive Variable Climate Change

is: very real

for the past 4.6 billion years

~ while ~

Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

are proven to have zero responsibility

for the last

4.6 billion years of continued very extreme progressive variable climate change

~ or ~

500 years of climate warming

~ or ~

500 days

~ of ~

Climate Warming

~ while ~

there is still no mathematical equations

for ~ True Belief ~ in

self-debunked computer prediction of the future


I am not a Democrat or Republican

I am an ~ Independent ~ Scientist

for the past 33 years

of my last 40 years of work in Atmospheric Emission Control Science


~ I am paid by no one or anything ~


with the exception of

AAA Insurance ~ Costco Warehouse ~ Banks and Credit Cards

I am not a Member of any Organization

political ~ or ~ otherwise

I vote for People not a political Party


a Political Party is a Political Media ~ belief ~ a form of Political Religion

and I agree with President George Washington

there should be no Political Party’s

while today we live with Political Party’s with zero separation of Church and State

with zero back ground in science

~ dictating ~

Science to Scientist

and the majority of the Scientific community


The official statement by the

~ United Nations ~


” it is ~ likely ~ Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change”

while the word

” likely “

does not scientifically

~ prove ~

Carbon based Humans

cause all or any

Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


” likely “

is a word of belief

while belief in words prove nothing in science


new and preexisting

~ ignored ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

continue to debunk words and belief

~ A ~

Scientific Study

can not focus only on one very small fragment of all knowledge

it must incorporate all knowledge

you must look at the entire picture as a whole not just a very small fragment of the picture


there is more proven climate science missing from the U.N. Climate study

than in the U.N. Climate study ~ making the study very flawed and incomplete

while the study does not acknowledge most of the climate variables

or acknowledge 50% of their own equation

~ the vaporized hydrogen going into the air ~

from burning

HC = hydrocarbon = hydrogen and carbon fuel = gasoline

while the fragment of knowledge the U.N. climate study is based on

has been debunked by the test proven facts missing from their study

The U.N.

is not a science body

the U.N. has made a Political Media Statement

and has not performed a ~ Real ~ Scientific Study

a real study does not intentionally leave out

most of the test proven knowledge directly related to the study


proving the complete and total incompetence of the Political Media in Tested Science


proving this is a fraudulent action by the U.N. and not a scientific study

a fraudulent action

to support a proven world wide fraudulent carbon credit scheme

making politicians like ~ Al Gore and Friends ~ very wealthy

along with a future fraudulent carbon tax scheme

that will hurt the very poorest of the poor

to pay for the 10 to 20 trillion dollars of the continued cost

for very large profits to very large corporations and energy company’s

to continue to pump CO2 into the ground to continue to harm the carbon cycle


lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground into acid

over the next 10 to 20 years

as we subsidize turning food into energy

while the higher cost of fuel made from carbon based food

produces more CO2 into the air not less

as large numbers of women walk up to 5 hours everyday to retrieve food and water

as more and more homeless children go to sleep hungry

and starve to death everyday

while one of the most common causes of death

on this carbon based earth

are by those who kill for the sake of a shared God


many very positive things could happen with 10 to 20 trillion dollars

but because of belief ~ power ~ greed it will not happen

it will only make life harder for most Carbon based Humans

on this Carbon based Earth

~ and ~

after 9 years of ~ on going ~ Climate Science Investigation

up to six hours a day

with 40 years of Atmospheric Emission Control Science under by belt

I have come to the

~ Realization ~

you can receive a PhD in the USA

with out learning it and earning it

and then you can go on to teach what you have not learned

while I know not all science teachers are very poor teachers of science

but too many are


in Germany only the top 5% of students can go on to teach in Germany

but here in the U.S.A.

anyone can go on to teach belief as science to our Children

where here in the U.S.A. we have the most expensive education system on this

Carbon based Earth

while I know we have some of the best and most dedicated Educators

on the carbon based planet

but for to many teachers it’s just a Pay Cheek

and nothing more

as they just Hand out the Assignments and Pick-up the Assignments


nothing in between

maybe they are the PhD’s who learned nothing and teach nothing

while preaching their garbage science based on belief

while good teachers teach students to think

not how to believe


very sad but true

there are those who can not do in the real world what they learned in school

so they teach what they are not good enough to do in the real employment market ~

I call it the dumb-belling of America

~ while ~

the majority of people who believe Humans cause Climate Warming

are Politicians Journalist and Environmental Extremest

with zero back ground in science and zero comprehension of the science

who have publicly failed grade school science

while the so called 97 % of Scientist who believe is a very proven Political Media Lie

only .3 % of Scientific Community

~ believe ~

and can not prove Humans cause Climate Warming

while they refuse to look at the science that further debunk their self-debunked belief ~

as they refuse to look at the whole picture

while they believe the science is settled

while they believe there can only be ~ one ~ climate variable

when there is an infinity of proven climate variable

while science is never settled in the scientific method

as they focus on one very small fragment of all knowledge

that has been debunked by the majority of test proven knowledge they continue to ignore


there are some scientist like

Physicist Michio Kaku

who have publicly stated

~ maybe ~

Humans cause Climate Change


The Scientific Method is:

new knowledge incorporated into preexisting knowledge

while climate religion ignores

~ both ~

Preexisting and New ~ Test Proven Knowledge


True Believers have yet to prove there belief is not a Religion


Climate Religion is doing ~ proven ~ Harm to the Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid


they choose to ignore the science for their true belief

as we live in the new world of


Political Media Hearsay Science


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


~ Refuse ~

to debate the science of the scientific method


~ their ~

Religion is a Religion

as they will continue to ignore the science and scientific method for their true belief

in self-debunked prediction

based on

Flawed Incomplete

so called Science they refuse to debate

as they continue to dictate science by belief

and continue to commit test proven fraud for the sake of their true belief

Proven Fraud ignored by True Believers

who have publicly failed grade school science


providing a Political Media Consensus not a Scientific Consensus


Reality in Science is:

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated


~ Believed ~


just believing what you want to believe is not science of the scientific method


science is: to know


self-debunked hypothetical conjecture is not knowledge


belief in

self-debunked prediction

does not debunk 180 years of test proven chemistry

or Ice core samples

or all known climate history


an infinity of known climate variable

and all possible unknown climate variable


we do not know more than we know

in this brand new un-tested and un-debated science

while science can never be settled in test proven reality

because there will always be new knowledge so we may continue to grow forward


Politicians ~ Journalist

and Environmental Extremest

with Zero Back Ground in Science

have turned science in to a Religion while ignoring all Science old and new


George Mason University


Montana University’s

along with ~ most ~ University’s in the U.S.A.

have become a very excellent place for a good Political Media Brainwashing

in science with zero scientific method

~ that your money can buy ~


you can not reverse self-debunked prediction

based on

very flawed ~ incomplete

Hypothetical Conjecture

based on a very small fragment of knowledge on the subject matter

that has yet to be publicly ~ scientifically ~ debated by the science community

~ where settled science does not exist ~

as we will now spend tens of trillions of dollars


prevent ~ stop ~ remove

the cause of all nature causing the carbon cycle

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into acid

~ this is not science ~

this is:

~ continued ~

Political Media Insanity

based on belief

based on power and greed

based on zero reality in

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

~ the ~

scientific consensus is a proven political media lie

and the self-debunked so called science remains

~ unproven ~

while the cause of all life on this Carbon based Earth is:


Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


ignored by

Climate Religion

while a flawed incomplete study based on a small fragment of all knowledge used to make

~ a ~


programmed computer climate prediction of the future

only proves


Political Media




Climate Religion



Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana


~ * ~

when you have a dozen reasons for something to happen

and each of these reasons has a variable

if you do the math

you then have a infinity of variable


when you do a study on the reason something happens

that has a dozen variables

but your study only looks at one of the dozen variable reasons

to predict the future

the study is very flawed and incomplete

causing a self-debunked prediction


most of the air all around this Carbon based Earth is -200 degrees F


99.96 % of the Atmosphere is ~ not ~ CO2


00.004 % of the Atmosphere is CO2

caused by

Carbon based Humans


All the Oceans of this Carbon based Earth

and all Gases in the Atmosphere all around this Carbon based Earth

are heated by

the variable hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

and the variable sun


~ all ~

the Gases to expand and rise while radiating heat

as -200 degree air takes its place

with the -200* air about  -80* to -100*

by the time it reaches the north and south poles of this

Carbon based Earth


Heat ~ still ~ Rises


CO2 does not trap heat

CO2 still rises with the surrounding gases


CO2 can not make new energy

CO2 can only transfer preexisting energy upward

forcing Frozen CO2 downward

now add the infinity of Climate and Weather variable

caused by a dozen reasons ignored by the so called climate study


science is: knowledge

prediction is: not knowledge

prediction is: not science

prediction is: make believe


belief in self-debunked prediction is: religion

and rejecting references before reviewing and testing them is:

not science

of the scientific method

~ while ~

Climate Religion not only ignores test proven fact

it ignores all the obvious unanswered questions too

~ proving ~

the so called science is:

very flawed and very incomplete


knowledge ~ debunks ~ belief

~ so ~

? do you know the knowledge ~ or ~ do you believe in the belief ?

~ * ~


January 31, 2016

~ * ~

I emailed this


Paul S. Schopf

[email protected]


Jagadish Shukla

[email protected]

and all the

professors of climate dynamics at

George Mason University


I received a Response from Paul S. Schopf

and I have put Paul’s response

word for word

~ here ~


I am breaking my rule about not responding to this crap because

your presentation is amusing in a weird way:

Thanks for this informative post.  It outlines a clear primer for all climate deniers’

ridiculous, laughable and totally incorrect or irrelevant assertions.

I will have fun with this, and probably give it as a final exam to my freshman class

that can debunk each of these points.

In the meantime,

you might want to bone up on statistical mechanics and radiative transfer.

Is there music to go with these lyrics?

Don’t bother to reply.

Paul Schopf

Professor, Dept of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences

~ * ~



in your email I am amusing you are referring to me as one of the

” climate deniers “

~ when I do not deny climate change ~

why is that ?

why do you call people who do not deny climate change

” climate deniers “

and then refuse to hear what they have to say

or debate the test proven facts

~ I call that is a pathological mental block ~


 your Friend Jagadish believes

as he stated in a letter to President Obama

~ we so called “deniers” should be Prosecuted ~

for not believing in your Proven Climate Religion



do you agree with Jagadish ~

should the Majority of the Montana State Supreme Court

and four dozen NASA Scientist

along with over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist

~ that I know of here in the U.S.A. ~

who do not believe in your ~ Proven Climate Religion ~ should they be Prosecuted

~ and then what ~

should we all be put to Death

or put in Jail for Life

or have all us go through some form of advanced Brainwashing Technic

or just take away our right to Free Speech in America


we do not believe in ~ your ~ Test Proven Religion


I would love to Argue this case in a Court of Law

while this has been Argued before in front of the

Montana State Supreme Court

and Climate Religion lost the the Argument

because self-debunked Ouija Board Science proves nothing

and that is what we call Computers Predicting the Future

based on intentionally flawed incomplete so called science ~

There is no scientific consensus in

Ouija Board Science

~ because self-debunked prediction programmed into a computer is not knowledge ~


..and to answer your question ~

No Paul,

after composing music for the better part of 55 years

I have not put Music to the words you are reading

I prefer to listen to Nature ~

where here in Montana just outside my front door

the Mountain Lion the Wolf and the Elk rule and roam

where I listen to my Dogs singing with the Coyotes almost every night

but only when the Weather permits me to open the windows

but if I had to choose Music to write and edit with

I would choose some Mozart in the back ground ~ turn down low

while I guess

I’m a Poet but don’t know it

because I do not try write Poetically

It just comes out that way

but I am glade you find my presentation Amusing in a weird way ~

I will take that as a Amusing in a weird way complement

while there was a time in the past ~

if you could not talk in rhyme you were considered not normal

so I guess I was born in the wrong time on this Carbon based Earth


… and on the science part of all of this ~

~ all gases absorb expand and rise while they all radiate ~

I am very good with physics ~ mechanics on many levels ~

do you know how to build a Stationary Generator

it has zero moving parts

but one

and that one part is moving oxygen

it is very simple science

something I learned about 40 years ago

I am surprised that we have Old Fashion Windmills with moving parts making electricity

instead of Miniature Stationary Wind Generators making electricity

that do not spoil the view and do not kill Birds


oxygen moving in the atmosphere makes electricity too

its called Lighting

and Lighting makes NOx = Nitrogen and Oxygen bonded together

then separated my Sun energy making O3 = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone


I am Excellent in Heat Energy Transfer Science

something I have been learning for about 45 years now

~ but you must always include ~

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

forcing cold air downward


most of the atmosphere is -200 *


I know over 30,000 Scientist who disagree with you

and over 9,000 of them are PhD’s

and four dozen NASA Scientist

and hopefully they are PhD’s who learned it and earned it

because that is where some of my references come from

that your students must now debunk

~ a dozen climate variables ~

~ 180 years of test proven physics and chemistry ~

~ 2 million years of climate history ~

all ignored by your self-debunked prediction

based on an incomplete science paper


ignoring test proven knowledge for belief to make a prediction

is: not science


belief is not science and prediction is not science

and your students can not debunk this reality in tested science



I have sent over 40,000 emails since 2007

and I have been called every name in the book by many so called PhD’s

who have yet to reverse their self-debunked prediction

that proves their science is backwards

and so I hope you will give your students the opportunity to

Review ~ Analyze ~ Test

the References on my incomplete reference page

that support my Statements

and then your students can send me their tests and experiments

that debunk my references and statements

that only ~ further debunk ~ the self-debunked prediction

while I know

your students can not reverse self-debunked computer prediction

but of course your students are free to believe in anything they wish to believe in

or everything you preach to them to believe in ~

regardless of

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

but if your students have any questions

[email protected]


I am more than happy to help them find the answers

with anything they do not comprehend

~ while ~

Every-time I am Proven Wrong

~ and I have been proven wrong many times in my life ~


I learn from it and Grow Forward

because knowledge can be interpreted in many ways

and misinterpreted in many ways

and though trial and error we find continued reality beyond belief

~ because science is proven wrong more often than proven right ~

and this why we have a scientific method

and this is why science can never be settled

science can only be settled in ~ belief ~


You Paul have made up your mind before reviewing the references ~

you have decided you are right and there can be nothing new to learn in science

you ~ believe ~ the science is settled and can not be debated

when there is zero science in belief

this proves

you are not a real scientist

you are a proven ~ true believer ~ who will not debate your true belief

or look at the test proven knowledge old or new

that further debunk your self-debunked belief

proving once again Paul you are not a scientist of the scientific method

~ Paul ~

enlighten me

debunk the knowledge old and new that you continue to ignore

while believing ~

only one very small fragment of all knowledge proves humans cause all climate warming

while ignoring all the other known climate variables


Proven Chemistry



Climate History


Ice Core Samples

further debunk your flawed incomplete so called science

? and ?

when did our Star the Sun

that continues to be Warmer and Brighter

that will one day vaporize this Carbon based Earth

the Sun

with many cycles


many variables


20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods in the last 2 million years ~

when did the Sun stop being a proven climate and weather variable?

and why was it much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than today ?

~ something Michael Mann conveniently left out of his self-debunked Hockey Stick ~

and why have there been Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today?

~ proven with Ice core samples ~

and when did the 3 million mile variable distance between this carbon base Earth

and very variable Sun stop being a climate and weather variable ?

when did the variable Ozone Hole stop being a climate and weather variable ?

when did the variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

heating the Oceans and lower Atmosphere stop being a climate and weather variable ?

when did all ~ un-measurable ~ volcanic activity above and below sea level

stop being a climate and weather variable

When did this Carbon based Earths variable Axis cycle

stop being a climate and weather variable

when did the Moon and Planets stop being a climate and weather variable

and when did Cloud Cover stop being a climate and weather variable

and when did ~ Heat ~ stop rising

forcing increased levels -200 degree Dry Ice and Water vapor

to come crashing down to this Carbon based Earths north and south poles

and why was the Ocean 350 feet lower 26,000 years ago

and 60 feet higher 135,000 years ago

and 100 feet higher 14 million years ago

along with many other climate and weather variables we know of

and the many more we do not know

with each variable an infinity of climate and weather variable

~ and ~

? why ?

have good working weather stations all over this Carbon based Earth

been shut off

~ out in the middle of nowhere ~

and replaced with weather stations placed on Tared Roof Tops

next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets

and along very busy highways

providing bogus information being used as evidence of Climate Warming

while you Paul

~ believe ~

there is only ~ one ~ climate variable

~ Carbon based Humans ~

made by the the cause of the

First Atmosphere



Carbon Cycle


oxygen and hydrogen

caused by



water vapor




Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide




volcanic activity below Sea level


Science is Knowledge

Belief is Religion

Paul you have closed your mind to all knowledge old and new

for a proven misinterpretation of a very small fragment of all knowledge

that you have made the bases for all climate change

of 4.6 billion years of very extreme very variable very progressive climate change

while ignoring all the test proven facts that only ~ further debunk ~ your true belief

in self-debunked prediction

~ that’s not science ~

that is the rejection of the scientific method for ~ your ~ true belief

while the science is proven to be backwards

because the opposite of the prediction is now happening


science is tested and debated and never settled

as you reject old and new science for your true belief

in test proven self-debunked prediction

as your true belief is:

~ Test Proven ~

to be

Harming this Carbon based Earth ~ not ~ Saving this Carbon based Earth

while you have earned zero right to scientific opinion in climate science

because you reject science for belief

~ and ~

I want to thank you Paul for Breaking your Rule about not responding to this Crap

and it was no bother for me to replay

while your response was one of the more friendlier responses

from the many science teachers I have emailed since 2007

In the meantime

you might want to bone up on all known climate variables

and incorporate all science and all climate knowledge

into your self-debunked Ouija Board settled science that can not be debated

while I hope you will show your Freshman Class how to ~ know ~

and not how to ~ believe


..this is a science argument not a debate


Climate Religion refuses to debate the tested reality in science beyond their belief

~ I will respect your wish ~

and from this point forward

I will not try to contact you again

and when you are ready for the first ever open public debate in test proven fact

in all Climate Science ~ beyond self-debunked Ouija Board Science ~ you let me know


Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

is only “Irrelevant” in

~ test proven ~

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


how can a Climate study that focus only on CO2

while ignoring all other known climate variables

and all known climate history

~ ignore ~

180 years of test proven CO2 chemistry

and then call all of this test proven knowledge


and then make a Climate Prediction of the future

based on a lack of known proven knowledge

~ that’s not science ~

as you choose to ignore proven climate variables


the 99.97 % of the scientific community

do not have a Voice in America

and continue to disagree with you and your belief in self-debunked prediction

based on Flawed Incomplete so called science


~ so please do not fail your students who debunk you ~

or do not ~ believe ~ the science can be settled

or do not ~ believe ~ in your personal emotional feelings of true belief

or do not believe in

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


science is: to know ~ not ~ make believe

and if you would like to make a follow up comment Paul

I will be happy to put it

~ Here ~


Happy Debunking




~ * ~


~ to climate dynamics ~

choosing ~ to ~ ignore

new and preexisting knowledge that debunk your hypothetical conjecture

to Predict the Climate Future

is: not ~ science of the scientific method

knowing ~ not ~ believing

when you freeze CO2 = Dry Ice

~ it cools the air ~

10 times faster than frozen water and 20 times longer than frozen water

knowing ~ not ~ believing

Nitrogen is 78.09 % of the atmosphere

and is an inert gas caused by decomposing soil

when you remove 1% of the Nitrogen in the air

and replace it with CO2

while maintaining the 14.7 to 1 Air to Fuel Ratio

the explosion temperature in a Internal Combustion Chamber drops 500 degrees

caused by CO2 being a Heat and Energy sponge

absorbing more heat and energy than the surrounding inert gases

making the surrounding inert gases cooler

while the Internal Combustion Chamber will not start and run under this condition

it must first be fully warmed up and running far above normal idle speed

and is test proven NOx Emission Control Science Enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

to lower NOx Emissions

with an EGR Valve

first used in the State of California on the 1971 Buick 350 cid engine


knowing ~ not ~ believing

~ as ~

CO2 levels continue to increase into the atmosphere

the rate of warming continues to slow down

~ Self – Debunking ~

the prediction

that increased levels of CO2 would cause warming to speed up

while this self-debunked computer prediction

~ validates ~

preexisting test proven knowledge

ignored by those who made the prediction

all based on a

flawed ~ out-dated ~ incomplete ~ science paper

~ knowing ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ still ~

causes cooling

after 180 years of test proven Chemistry

ignored by Climate Religion for ~ their ~ Hypothetical Conjecture

~ knowing ~

CO2 is the by product of energy

and this is why you can not incinerate CO2


it is the by product of incineration

CO2 can not generate new energy

CO2 retards and prevents energy

CO2 is a heat and energy sponge


~ and this is why CO2 Fire Extinguishers work the best ~

starving the the fire from oxygen on every kind of fire

while making the air much cooler than prior to the fire


CO2 can only transfer preexisting heat and energy

CO2 can not add or subtract from the X amount of energy in the atmosphere

while CO2 absorbs more Energy than the surrounding gases

causing heat to rise faster forcing cold air downward faster

CO2 radiates heat and energy as fast as it absorbs the heat and energy

while all gases heat and cool at the very same rate

CO2 can not trap heat and energy


~ All ~

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

~ knowing ~


removes more Heat and Energy from the lower atmosphere

and transfers it to the upper atmosphere

causing increased levels of – 200 degree

Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice


Frozen Water Vapor = Ice

to come crashing to the north and south poles

caused by the

~ void ~

~ negative pressure ~

~ vacuum ~

in the lower atmosphere caused by heat and energy rising in to the upper atmosphere

~ knowing ~

CO2 and water vapor is the by-product of warming by evaporation

causing the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle

while off-setting warming

~ knowing ~

the level of CO2 in the Ocean is many times higher than in the atmosphere


billions of years of on going volcanic activity below Sea level


I do not

~ deny ~

4.6 billion years of very extreme variable climate change

caused by the infinity of climate variable


I do not ignore ~ deny ~ test proven fact of the scientific method

for true belief


self-debunked computer prediction

based on a flawed outdated incomplete science paper

being used as proof in science while proving only fraud in science


I am called a Denier but only by Climate Religion


I am a Skeptic of Climate Religion ~ dictating ~ Science

~ knowing ~

~ when someone tells you ~

“the science is settled and can not be debated”

this Proves

they Failed ~ Grade School Science



was a Patent Office Clerk who could not spell

but I will bet he could have pass grade school science

proving we are all better at some things in life than we are at other things in life

as I know ~

I am far better at science than writing and spelling


I write in this form

because it easier for this dyslexic who struggles everyday to write

to edit and to change to Legal Form

and is Poetic because it just comes out that way with zero effort

while trying to better articulate science to those who do not comprehend science

while I am told it makes it more interesting and easy to read with better understanding

for those who have failed grade school science

my goal is to teach knowledge not preach belief

and do so ~ as simply as possible

with out bogging it down with a bunch science Jargon

used today only to confuse and belittle those who have no back ground in science

~ so ~

When someone tells you ~

“too much water is bad for you”

~ as part of their Scientific argument ~



Carbon based Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

of this

Carbon based Earth ~ causing ~ all Carbon based Life

caused by

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

with water vapor

causing the First Atmosphere

causing the Carbon cycle

causing all Nature

while knowing Plants and Trees need four times more CO2 than in the air today

to be at their best level of Health

~ this only proves ~

they failed ~ Grade School Science

but are probably much better at writing and spelling

~ so ~

…if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

the Human caused 10% ~ or far less ~ of all the CO2 going into the Air

and probably far less


we can not measure the amount of the variable CO2 going into the atmosphere everyday

from the 300 plus continuously variable active volcanoes at this time below Sea level

out of the thousands of variable intermittent volcanic and CO2 outlets below Sea level

along with all the Major Variable Volcanic Eruptions that blow and then stop

about one per week below Sea level

with all the variable volcanic activity below Sea level


mile long plumes of volcanic activity floating around in the Ocean

slowly making its way to the surface

proving we do not know how much CO2 is caused by

the Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

and how much of it is going into the atmosphere everyday

and how much is staying in the Ocean Acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

and so we do not know how much CO2 is caused by Carbon based Humans

of this Carbon based Earth

but if 10% of the CO2 in the atmosphere today is caused by Humans

that would be the equivalent of a sewing thread down the middle of the 50 yard line ~

of your favorite football field

and is a very small un-measurable fragment of the infinity of climate variable


every time someone tells me ~


” believe “

~ but ~

do not know and can not prove and can not explain with test proven fact

Carbon based Humans are responsible for 100% of all Climate Change

of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide


Water Vapor

causing the

First Atmosphere


the Carbon Cycle


all Nature


all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

for the last 600 million years above sea level

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive Climate Change

caused by the

un-predictable un-measurable

Infinity of Climate Variable


they can provided ~ Zero ~ Scientific Reference


~ their ~

Personal Emotional Feeling of True Belief



Computer Prediction

based on a flawed incomplete outdated science paper

to support

~ their ~

true belief statement

~ proves ~

they failed

Grade School Science


~  belief is not science ~


~ belief is not knowledge ~


Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

is not

Personal Emotional Feeling of True Belief

~ in ~


Computer Prediction

based on a


flawed incomplete outdated science paper

being presented as Scientific ~ proof ~ Humans cause all climate change

by many Scientist and Political Media Organizations

proving only fraud in science



~ if ~


~ believe ~


Carbon based Humans can cause all Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth

~ you ~

have failed

Grade School Science

~ as ~

CO2 levels continue to increase ~ the rate of warming continues to slow down

and not speed up as predicted

self-debunking the computer prediction


~ Belief ~

in self-debunked prediction is religion not science


belief in any prediction of the future is Religion not science


~ 99.9999999999% of all predictions never come true ~


There are no feelings in science


Science is to ~ know ~

and prediction is not knowledge ~ prediction is a feeling of belief

and there is no make believe in science

there is only

proven fact tested knowledge



is the key to deprogramming




Jagadish Shukla and Paul S. Schopf

I challenge you to an open Public debate in science of the scientific method

with a



for the

Fact Tested Knowledge proving Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Dr. Bruce Allen Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana



science is debated and test proven

~ not ~


Jagadish and Paul will not debate the real science


they can prove nothing beyond belief

and when you can not debate your science

it’s not real


Jagadish Shukla

has now received over 63 million dollars in taxpayer money

to preach his Climate Religion

and in a letter to President Obama

Jagadish Shukla



“climate skeptics”

be prosecuted

~ while ~

Jagadish likes his Freedom to Preach his Bogus Climate Religion


dose not like my right to

Free Speech

debunking his bogus science


~ the religion of science is skepticism of belief dictating science ~

I am a Skeptic of Climate Religion ~ dictating ~ Science


I hope

I am Arrested

and Prosecuted

for my Free Speech

so I can Prove to a Judge in a Court of Law

Jagadish Shukla

is a test proven fraud in science



the U.S. Taxpayers out of 63 million dollars


Paul S. Schopf and Jagadish Shukla

will not debate their religion


their belief is not science

” likely “

is a word of belief

and words and belief ~ prove nothing ~ in tested science of the scientific method


~ belief ~


self-debunked prediction is religion not science


there is far more known proven fraud in climate religion

than known science in climate religion


Paul and Jagadish

have your students review this statement and have a real scientific debate


test proven fact ~ vs ~ make believe

and stop preaching ~ Test Proven Garbage ~ to our children


preaching self-debunked belief while choosing to ignore known scientific fact

by the scientific method is not science



and ignoring all known Climate Variables

and then trying to blame all climate change on one very small fragment of all knowledge

is not science


it has ~ not ~ been proven

~ scientifically ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the

Carbon Cycle

causing all



all the carbon based food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe



Carbon based Life


Teaching Knowledge of the Scientific Method

is not

Preaching self-debunked Belief in self-debunked Prediction


” likely “

~ proof ~

is: Garbage Science


~ STOP ~

Brainwashing our Children

Teach them how to think for them self


Stop Preaching Your Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

Teach them how to test and debate knowledge

not how to

Make Believe

with the desire to take away

~ Free Speech ~

or to


~ Free Speech ~

by those who do not believe in ~ your ~ Climate Religion


I think you should go back to where ever you came from

~ and Brainwash the Children there ~

because anyone

~ stating ~

Humans cause all or any Climate Change

is stating only belief

while your consensus is a proven political media lie

by true believers like you


you will not take away my right to Free Speech with your Garbage Science

and you should give back the 63 million dollars

you have taken from the Free People of America

who are paying for your Political Media Brainwashing of America

while you are trying to take away their rights and freedoms


~ so called ~

Science Teachers

Preaching their personal feelings of true belief and calling it science

should be Prosecuted and Banned from Teaching Science in America

~ so give us our money back and go back to where you came from ~

and stop infesting America with your

~ proven ~

Fascist Political Media Garbage Beliefs


The United Nations can not prove Humans cause Climate Warming


Jagadish Shukla & Paul S. Scchopf


George Mason University

can not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the carbon cycle

the cause of all carbon based life


off-setting warming

and they can not debunk the knowledge they ignore

that further debunk their self-debunked Belief



Prediction of the Future



Computer Prediction is: Ouija Board Science

and science teachers who do not

Review ~ Analyze ~ Test


Scientific References

are not science teachers of the scientific method

they are Preachers of ~ their ~ true Belief



Political Media Belief

Hearsay Science is: test proven Make Believe


There has never been an open public debate in this brand new science

called Climate Science

and as long as Political Media ~ paranoid ~ Climate Religion is dictating Science

there never will be

a free and open

Scientific Debate


Real Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method




January 21, 2016


Gavin Schmidt


NASA ~ and ~ MSNBC

[email protected]

[email protected]


Bruce Allen Kershaw

39 years Atmospheric Emission Science

with on going

~ Independent ~

Climate Science and Climate History


since 2007


~ you can not reject test proven knowledge for the sake of your true belief ~


The First Atmosphere was Water vapor and CO2


~ as ~

CO2 levels continue to increase caused by atmospheric Warming

by the Variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

proving CO2 ~ still ~ causes cooling ~ off-setting warming


ignored preexisting knowledge

~ while ~

One Thousand Years Ago

Montana had California Climate for Two Hundred Years

~ with ~

Ice Core Samples showing us Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 than today

as the Variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

until one day the variable Sun vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

~ and ~

Proven Fraud in Science



Political Media ~ Climate Religion


using a flawed incomplete outdated science paper from the 1800’s to predict the future

and as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause All Climate Warming

proving only fraud in science


[email protected]

Helena ~ Montana



Dear Gavin Schmidt

I Challenge You and MSNBC

to an open public debate in

~ test proven ~

Climate Science and Climate History

~ because ~

personal feelings of Belief in self-debunked computer prediction is not science


you Gavin and MSNBC are full of test proven make believe

based on self-debunked prediction

based on belief in a out-dated incomplete science paper from the 1800’s

that ignore

~ an infinity of climate variable ~


all climate history

and 180 years of test proven physics and chemistry

all further debunking the self-debunked computer prediction

while proving your make believe science is exactly backwards


CO2 does not cause Warming

Warming increases CO2 levels from evaporation of Ocean

~ the warming occurs first then CO2 levels rise

~ off-setting warming ~


Climate Change is Real

but not caused by Carbon based Humans


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide


Water Vapor

causing the first atmosphere

the cause of all

~ Nature ~

the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ as ~

increased levels of evaporated

Water Vapor and Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

benefit ~ not harm

the Carbon Cycle

~ benefiting ~

all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Gavin and MSNBC will not debate their self-debunked belief

~ proving ~

Political Media Climate Religion


Fraud in Science

of the Scientific Method

~ because ~

Gavin and MSNBC

will continue to


All the Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method for ~ their ~ True Make Believe



Computer Prediction

based on proven incomplete flawed science

that ignores preexisting knowledge that further debunk ~ their ~ true belief


Gavin will not Debate his Test Proven Religion

~ while ~

Real Science is Tested and Debated

~ not ~

Make Believe

and when you can not acknowledge test proven fact because of your true belief

that’s not science that’s religion

and when

four dozen NASA Scientist

along with over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 Scientist that you know of

disagree with your True Belief

that’s not a consensus that is a test proven lie

bought and paid for by MSNBC

who will only cover one side of the story

Their ~ Belief ~ Side


Proven Fraud continues to be committed in Climate Science

by many political organizations

who have publicly failed grade school Science

like the

Society of Environmental Journalists

who have a page on their web site instructing their true believers

on how to convince (brainwash) the non-believers to believe

while they can provide zero scientific reference


Humans cause Climate Warming


not one of them can explain the science


they are Journalist with zero background in science

dictating science from belief

proving they are frauds in science


their concept of the scientific method is

to block the e-mails of those who disagree with their true belief

as they refuse to look at the real science of the real scientific method

for the sake of their true belief in self-debunked computer prediction

based on

~ proven ~

flawed ~ incomplete ~ bogus ~ science



all test proven reality

and the

Daily Climate .org

publishing only opinion by those who have failed grade school science

but share the same belief with zero fact


350.org by Bill McKibben

who has publicly failed science on every level


there are far too many ~ Political Media ~ organizations to list

who continue to publicly fail grade school science

who has earned zero right to scientific opinion

who can provide nothing beyond political media hearsay words of true belief

to prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

who continues to preach and brainwash test proven climate fraud for profit

with brainwashing slogans like

“to much water is bad for you”

with all their proven fraud

Ignored by

Climate Religion

because climate religion has failed grade school science

and this is why they continue to refuse to debate the test proven facts

of the Scientific Method

because they have zero Comprehension of the facts

as they continue to ignore the majority of the Scientific Community


calling those who do not deny climate change deniers of climate change


they do not share their true belief

that only humans can cause all climate change


Climate Religion

~ still ~

can not prove with test proven fact

Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme Climate Change

by an Infinity of

progressive ~ un-predictable ~ un-measurable ~ Climate Variables

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

they can not debunk the proven knowledge

that further debunk their true self-debunked belief

~ while ~

I am not Paid to Believe in anything


~ * ~


January 12, 2016

My Response to the Presidents State of the Union Speech


Who is Brainwashing the President

~ as ~


by the

Infinity of Climate Variable

~ as ~


continues to be

Warmer and Brighter

with many cycles

~ causing ~

an infinity of

Un-Predictable ~ Un-Measurable

Progressive Solar Climate and Weather Variables

on this

Carbon based Earth

~ causing ~

20 Ice Ages

in the last 2 million years


Billions years of Ice Ages


4.6 Billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

with previous warming periods in-between the Ice Ages much warmer than today


the continuous 3 million mile variable distance

between the Sun and this Carbon based Earth

is a continuous infinity of climate and weather variable


the variable Ozone made from NOx caused by variable Lighting

and Fires and Combustion above 2500*

causing Nitrogen and Oxygen in the Air to bond together

then separated by direct Sun energy

making = O3 = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone


the variable size of the Ozone hole caused by variable solar activity

by changing the density of the atmosphere

causing expanding and contracting of the atmosphere

while the Ozone Hole controls much of the energy

interring and escaping the atmosphere

while continuing to be an on going infinity of Progressive

 un-predictable ~ un-measurable

climate and weather variable


the Variable Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Heating the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

continues to be an infinity of

un-predictable ~ un-measurable

climate and weather variable


ever changing volcanic activity above and below Sea level

with ever changing hot spots of the Earths Crust

caused from below the 25 mile thick outer crust of this Carbon based Earth


melting Ice from the bottom side during Ice Ages too

~ as ~

the Earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour at this time

with the earth rotating once every 24 hours

and at 4000 miles per hour 3.4 billion years ago

with this Carbon based Earth rotating once every 6 hours

when the Moon was 15 times closer than today

~ causing ~

many climate and weather variables over the last 4.6 billion years

as the speed the Earth is rotating at the equator continues to slow down

as the Moon that causes weather and progressive climate variable

is slowly moving further away from this carbon based earth

reducing gravity causing continued progressive climate change

as the Earths continuously progressively changing

Axis Cycle

continues to be a infinity of Climate variable

while this Carbon based Earth continues to have

Four Seasons 24/7

with winter here and summer over there at the very same time all of the time

while the Oceans are a continued variable for climate and weather

with increased variable Cloud Cover caused by increased evaporation of Ocean

caused by increased variable warming by the variable Sun

the Cloud Cover blocking the Suns energy

making the air cooler below the clouds

providing an infinity of climate and weather variable

as all the Gases are Heated by the variable Sun

and by the variable

Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

with all the Gases Expanding while Rising

with all the Gases Radiating Heat

as fast as they absorb the ~ preexisting ~ heat and energy


transferring the preexisting heat and energy

from the lower atmosphere to the upper atmosphere


very heavy dense cold -200* below zero air to come crashing to the north and south poles

with increased levels of frozen water vapor

and increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

caused by increased evaporation of Ocean

the Ocean containing many times the CO2 than the atmosphere

caused by

billions of years of on going volcanic activity below sea level

off-setting variable warming by the

Very Hot Churning Liquid Core

of this

Carbon based Earth

and the

Very Variable Star


~ SUN ~

that continues to be warmer and brighter

while direct Sun energy is melting and evaporating some of the Ice from the top side

during Ice ages too

while direct Sun energy is also separating some of the frozen water

with the dirty H2 = Hydrogen flowing into the ocean while the O = Oxygen evaporates

during Ice ages too and the warmer the air is

the more water is evaporated into the air reducing water flow into the ocean


more Rain and Snow everywhere

while making this Carbon based Earth Greener

from higher levels of water vapor in the air

because plants and trees absorb water vapor too not just CO2

making Deserts Green again like many times before in the last 600 million years

of continued progressive climate cycles causing the infinity of climate variable





was far more harsh than today

as General Washington crossed the Delaware River while surrounded by Ice

and this was considered normal weather then

while milder weather today is

called by

Climate Religion

very extreme and very severe

as we live in the mildest climate and weather variables of this

Carbon based Earths History

~ as ~

we are spoiled today with the modern luxury of energy they did not have in 1776

that today is helping the carbon life and energy cycle

while not hurting the causes of all life and energy

on this

Carbon based Earth


un-recorded Weather and Record Temperatures of the last 4.6 billion years

far exceed the 100 plus years of recorded weather and temperatures of today

~ * ~

~ CO2 ~

is the by-product of energy

and can not make or generate new energy


CO2 is a Heat and Energy Sponge

making the surrounding Gases cooler


~ CO2 ~

does not trap heat in the atmosphere


heat ~ still ~ rises

CO2 transfers more preexisting Energy and Heat upward

forcing more frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and frozen water vapor downward


Warming by the variable Sun

that continues to be warmer and brighter

and is

~ Science ~

Ignored by Climate Religion

along with

Climate History


Ice Core Samples

showing Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

along with

180 years

Test Proven Physics and Chemistry


60 years of Modern

Emission Control Science Physics and Chemistry

that is not taught in Collages and University’s

and is un-known science to most so called Climate Scientist

as Climate Science is a very new very un-tested science

while there is far more we do not know than we know

and this is why science is never settled in the scientific method

~ with ~

All the above Science Ignored by Climate Religion

while further debunking the self-debunked Computer Prediction

with self-debunked prediction being

the continued bases for belief for Climate Religion

All Proving

Carbon based Humans do not cause and can not cause all or any Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth

~ this ~

Carbon based Earth


the first atmosphere with

Water Vapor


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide


~ Nature ~


Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life and Energy

above and below Sea level

as the variable warming continues

by the

~ variable ~


causing increased levels of

Water Vapor and Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

to be evaporated into the Atmosphere from the Ocean

the CO2 from hundreds of active volcanoes

of thousands of volcanoes below Sea level over billions of years

~ causing ~

~ the rate of warming to slow down not speed up ~

debunking the Computer Prediction



~ ignored ~

preexisting test proven fact


~ Prediction~

based on incomplete science that ignores all test proven fact

is the bases for belief for Climate Religion

while in

Botany Science

Carbon based Plants and Trees

need four times the CO2 level in the air than today

for Plants and Trees to be at there best level Health

and the higher the level of CO2 in the Air

the Greener this Carbon based Earth will be

and the healthier carbon based food will be

while making more oxygen for us Carbon based Humans to Breathe

~ and ~

to keep up with the production of Nitrogen from decomposing soil

with Nitrogen starting out as little or nothing in the atmosphere

Nitrogen is now today 78.09% of the air

~ Nitrogen will one day be most all of the Atmosphere ~

and when the level of Carbon based Oxygen is only one half of today

knowing all the Oxygen in the Air we Breathe

and all the Carbon based food we Eat

is made from CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

by Plants and Trees breathing Carbon based Oxygen

~ the ~

Carbon Cycle

caused by CO2

~ causing ~


and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

will cease to exist


There is far to much Oil


far to deep in the Ground

to be caused by dead Dinosaurs

the Oil has always been there and is not Fossil Fuel

it is just Fuel = Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen and Carbon

~ there is no CO2 in the fuel we burn ~

the O2 = oxygen in CO2 comes from the air we breathe

when oxygen from the air we breathe is added to the hydrocarbon and ignited

the oxygen from the air allows the hydrogen to vaporize

causing the carbon part of the hydrocarbon to bond to the oxygen from the air


Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen


All Nature the Carbon Cycle

and when you give billion of dollars to large corporations to pump

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

into the ground

you are taking away air for plants and trees to breathe

that need more CO2 not less CO2 to breathe

while not allowing the O2 ~ oxygen part of CO2 to be recycled

back into the air where it came from

lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an Acid

doing only harm to the carbon cycle

the cause of all nature

and all carbon based life


~ * ~

Peer-reviewed ~ Prediction ~ is not Science


Preaching self-debunked prediction as scientific fact is Fraud



~ while ~

97 %

is a proven

Political Media Lie

and is only one of many

~ proven ~

Political Media Lies


John Kerry


the real number is

.3 %

so less than 1 % of Scientist ~ believe ~ and can not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

~ as ~

Political Media Agenda Dictates Science for Power and Profit


it is all about Control and Money and Zero Science


~ * ~


~ The President of the Republic of the United States of America ~

~ * ~


In a Democracy the Majority Rules

in a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority


~ Barack Hussein Obama ~


have publicly failed

Grade School Science

in Science of the Scientific Method


~ * ~

The President is not a Scientist

the President does not comprehend the Science

the President does not comprehend the Scientific Method

the President has not ~ earned ~ the right to Scientific Opinion


the President can not prove with fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon ~ based ~ Earth


Man Made

Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen

~ CO2 ~

Carbon Dioxide


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

is less than 10% of the CO2 going into the air


the other over 90% of the CO2 in the air is from volcanic activity below Sea level

on going for billions of years

causing the first atmosphere and all of nature the carbon cycle

while acidifying the Ocean


two oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ one carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen is ~ not ~ pollution on this Carbon based Earth


~ All ~

the plants and trees

and all the oxygen we breathe

and all the carbon based food we eat

above and below Sea level


hundreds of millions of years

of Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

~ * ~




for the

Scientific Proof

~ beyond ~


Pathological Belief


Pathological Belief


Test Proven Lies


Test Proven Frauds

~ * ~


Belief in test proven lies and test proven frauds in science

only prove

belief in lies and frauds

~ while ~

belief in self-debunked computer prediction of the future

does not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

~ as ~

Science ~ is ~ Tested and Debated


Political Media Climate Religion ~ refuses ~ to Debate the Test Proven Science

~ proving ~

Political Media

Climate ~ Religion


Climate Religion

is doing proven harm

to the Carbon Cycle


lowering O2 oxygen levels in the Air

while turning under ground water into an Acid


Hard Science of the last 180 years

Ignored by Climate Religion

continues to prove

Carbon based Oxygen


Cooling ~ not ~ Warming


Water Vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming while off-setting warming

while causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ while ~

no one has debunked these test proven facts of the scientific method

~ test proven facts ~

Ignored by Climate Religion

who will not debate the test proven facts


Environmental Extremest

Politicians and Journalist

with zero back ground in science

who have publicly failed on every level of science

continue to

~ dictate ~


based only on ~ belief ~ in self-debunked garbage science

that is causing intentional harm to this Carbon based Earth

the carbon cycle

~ wile ~

Settled Science does not exist in the Scientific Method


Climate Change is real for the past 4.6 billion years


science is tested and debated not believed

~ so ~

who is Brainwashing

the President

of the Republic

not the Democracy

~ of the now ~

Un ~ United States of America


the U.S. Senate is no longer owned and controlled by the State Governments

thanks to the Seventeenth Amendment


Wall Street and K Street Own and Control the Senate

and with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court

after a group of Rail Road Barons in 1850 Bribed everyone in Washington D.C.

Corporations and Special Interest Groups have more rights than Carbon based People

as We the People must now live with

~ the ~

Government of the Corporation by the Corporation for the Corporation


We ~ the ~ People

while State Governments no longer have any Say or any Power or any Authority

on the Federal level

State Governments no longer control the Federal Government by controlling the Senate

and now

the Federal Government Dictates to the State Governments

while it does matter to Corporate America if a Republican or Democrat wins the Election


Corporate America

gives equal amounts of money to both Parities

so ~ it ~ owns both Parties

~ while ~

the Sixteenth Amendment was not Legally Ratified

but the bought and paid for Supreme Court of Corporate America says it is


Wall Street is Rigged by Billionaires

who do not invest in stocks

they Manipulate the Stock Market with Supper Computers

with their profits coming out of the pockets and retirement accounts of the little people

with zero protections and zero regulations by the corporate owned government

and when Wall Street Crashes in their Financed Insured Intentional Frauds

by using and steeling the money of those who honestly invest

the little people


Wall Streets punishment for fraud is being bailed out by all the little people

as~more and more children go to sleep Hungry and Homeless in America

while knowing

the U.S. Government has borrowed and owes ~

over 40 Trillion dollars to Social Security

the only way the government can pay it back is take from us again

while the government wants to take more from Social Security

while reducing payments to the people who gave them the 40 trillion dollars

Social Security is not going broke

the Government is steeling our money

to pay for wars and bombs

~ the war machine ~

and to give to special interest groups

and to other country’s

that are hurting us not helping us




test proven knowledge Enforced by the EPA while Ignored by the EPA

~ who refuse to debate the test proven science

~ they do not comprehend ~

but still enforce since the 1970’s ~

that further debunk the self-debunked computer prediction


when science tells us we need more Ozone

the EPA continues to enforce their Regulation since 1970’s Reducing Ozone


the EPA or any Organization of any kind

has yet to prove with fact tested knowledge



~ incomplete ~

Science Papers


Self-debunked Computer Prediction

that ignore all known test proven fact

that is being used as proof

~ Proving Fraud ~

and does not

~ prove ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of the

Carbon Cycle

and all

Carbon based Life



~ Corporations make Billions of Dollars ~

pumping CO2 into the ground

Harming the Carbon Cycle

while lowering Oxygen levels in the Air

while turning under ground water into an Acid


~ CO2 ~

is the proven by-product of warming while off-setting warming

while causing this Carbon based Earth to be Green

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who refuse to look at or debate the proven science that ~ further debunk ~ their true belief

in self-debunked

~ Prediction ~

based only on belief with ~ ZERO ~ test proven fact

who believe there can only be ~ 1 ~ climate variable

You ~ and ~ Me


~ Belief ~

in self-debunked computer prediction based on flawed incomplete so called science

is caused by Political Media Brainwashing

not by

proven fact test knowledge of the scientific method


~ neither ~

Fact Tested Knowledge or Belief in self-debunked Prediction

can prove Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

with Man made Carbon based Oxygen

~ contributing ~

to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

while off-setting warming


Belief is: Religion

and Fraud by Political Media Climate Religion has been Proven

and Ignored

by Political Media Climate Religion

~ and when ~

I am proven wrong

I Learn from it and Grow Forward


~ science is: to know ~

and if you do not ~ know ~ the difference between good or bogus science

then you have earned zero right to scientific opinion


what I do know is

old preexisting knowledge

further debunk

brand new self-debunked make believe


~ belief ~



Computer Prediction

is not

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


In science you can not ignore knowledge for belief ~


words and prediction prove nothing in science

~ other wise ~

spending 20 trillion dollars over the next 20 years to deprive from

Carbon based Plants and Trees

~ Carbon based Oxygen ~

what we know Plants and Trees ~ need ~ more of to Breathe and be Healthier

to exist

while reducing oxygen levels in the air while turning underground water in to an acid


Test Proven ~  Insanity ~ not Science of the Scientific Method

so do not blame Man Kind for Climate Warming that began 14,000 years ago

or the fact the Ocean has risen 350 feet

~ so far this time in between Ice ages ~


not one

Carbon based Human on this carbon based Earth

can prove with science

Carbon based Humans are responsible for all or any Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth

with the cause of all

Carbon based Life ~ on this ~ Carbon based Earth

Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen

the cause of the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


~ while ~

the Belief is:

Climate Warming

will make this Carbon based Earth Browner

when in fact it will make this Carbon based Earth Greener


Humans causing Climate Warming

~ is fact proven ~


Hypothetical Conjecture

and when asked the question

~ not one ~

Journalist or Politician


Environmental Political Organization


Science Body

on this

Carbon based Earth

can answer the question or prove

? How ?


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

~ as ~

we must live with

Journalistic Environmental Paranoia


Political Environmental Schizophrenia

~ dictating ~



~ You have a Choice ~

you can continue to

~ believe ~

in proven Political Media Lies

by those who have failed grade school science

who continue to support the .3 % of the scientific community who can not prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

who refuse to debate the test proven scientific facts

who are Harming this Earth not Saving this Earth

~ or ~

you can

~ Investigate ~

the Scientific Truth

the test proven scientific reality

where we still have far more un-answered questions than test proven answers


ignoring test proven fact does not make it go away

and there can be no scientific consensus in self-debunked prediction

~ while ~

CO2 can not hurt Nature


CO2 is the cause Nature

and how would you like to have only 25% of the Air (oxygen) you need to breathe ?


From here to Now

at the

Bent Shoe ~ Astor Load

Scratchgravel Hills

Helena ~ Montana

where Hash Weather is not Front Page News

and does not close the Airport the Trains or Roads

its just another day of every day life


Big Sky Country


~ If ~

Montana has California Climate

for 200 years

~ again ~

just like 1000 years ago

that’s OK with me


~ there is reality beyond make believe ~

and that’s my 2 cents worth for free

or should I say

that’s my 2 cents worth at no charge

so it does not rhyme in this time

from here to now

~ peace ~

~ * ~


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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